{"archetype.advocate.title":"Advocate","archetype.agent.title":"Agent","archetype.ambassador.title":"Ambassador","archetype.architect.title":"Architect","archetype.builder.title":"Builder","archetype.catalyst.title":"Catalyst","archetype.champion.title":"Champion","archetype.connector.title":"Connector","archetype.cultivator.title":"Cultivator","archetype.detective.title":"Detective","archetype.disruptor.title":"Disruptor","archetype.driver.title":"Driver","archetype.empowerer.title":"Empowerer","archetype.enthusiast.title":"Enthusiast","archetype.equalizer.title":"Equalizer","archetype.expolrer.title":"Explorer","archetype.giver.title":"Giver","archetype.inquirer.title":"Inquirer","archetype.level.title":"Level","archetype.luminary.title":"Luminary","archetype.mobilizer.title":"Mobilizer","archetype.organizer.title":"Organizer","archetype.pillar.title":"Pillar","archetype.scout.title":"Scout","assessment.general.arrons.back":"Back","assessment.general.arrons.next":"Continue","assessment.general.arrons.tip1":"Now that you have answered a few questions, we recommend pausing for a moment to make sure you are answering these questions based on who you are at your core, not what you or anyone else thinks you should be.","assessment.general.arrons.tip2":"If you want to revise your first answers, please press BACK otherwise press NEXT.","assessment.general.button.next":"Next","assessment.general.button.previous":"Previous","assessment.general.error.missing_answer":"Please answer the question before continuing","assessment.general.error.something_wrong":"Something went wrong","assessment.general.exit.back":"Back","assessment.general.exit.button.title":"Exit","assessment.general.exit.exit":"Exit","assessment.general.exit.title":"Are you sure you want to exit?","assessment.general.progress.finish":"Finish","assessment.general.progress.start":"Start","assessment.general.slider1":"Strongly Disagree","assessment.general.slider2":"Moderately Disagree","assessment.general.slider3":"Slightly Disagree","assessment.general.slider4":"Neutral","assessment.general.slider5":"Slightly Agree","assessment.general.slider6":"Moderately Agree","assessment.general.slider7":"Strongly Agree","assessment.general.start.title":"Get Started!","assessment.page.1.description":"The next three questions create a baseline of your fulfillment level that we can use together to track your success over time.","assessment.page.1.description1":"Extensive research has identified that there are three drivers of fulfillment in our lives and work - our relationships, impact, and growth.","assessment.page.1.description2":"The next few questions will capture your baseline fulfillment level that you will track over time to own your success.","assessment.page.1.pcp.description":"The next three questions create a baseline of your sense of fulfillment at work. Through Imperative Peer Coaching, you'll learn how to make your work more meaningful to you personally.","assessment.page.1.title":"How fulfilled are you at work?","assessment.page.2.title":"How do you feel about your RELATIONSHIPS at work?","assessment.page.3.title":"How do you feel about the IMPACT you are making at work?","assessment.page.4.title":"How do you feel about your personal and professional GROWTH at work?","assessment.page.5.title1.happy":"It’s great to see that you’re fulfilled at work right now. You are clearly doing something right!","assessment.page.5.title1.meh":"Sounds like things could be going better for you at work. Let’s work together to turn that around.","assessment.page.5.title1.pcp.happy":"It’s great to see that you’re fulfilled at work right now. You are clearly doing something right!","assessment.page.5.title1.pcp.meh":"Sounds like things could be going better for you at work. Let’s work together to turn that around.","assessment.page.5.title1.pcp.pumped":"Excellent! You are deeply fulfilled at work right now. You’ve created significantly more meaning in your work than most people.","assessment.page.5.title1.pcp.unhappy":"Woof. Feeling unfulfilled at work is the pits -- but it’s possible to turn things around! And the great news is... you’re in the driver’s seat and heading the right direction.","assessment.page.5.title1.pumped":"Excellent! You are deeply fulfilled at work right now. You’ve created significantly more meaning in your work than most people.","assessment.page.5.title1.unhappy":"Woof. Feeling unfulfilled at work is the pits -- but it’s possible to turn things around! And the great news is... you’re in the driver’s seat of your fulfillment.","assessment.page.5.title2":"Next,","assessment.page.5.title2.pcp":"Next,","assessment.page.5.title3":"let's explore the specific areas that bring you fulfillment by uncovering your personal purpose. When we know our personal purpose, we can courageously navigate both our careers and day-to-day decisions with the support of our peers.","assessment.page.5.title3.happy":"let’s explore what drives your fulfillment so you can take your purpose to the next level.","assessment.page.5.title3.meh":"let’s uncover your purpose superpowers so you can start putting them to work!","assessment.page.5.title3.pcp.happy":"let’s explore what drives your fulfillment so you can take your purpose to the next level.","assessment.page.5.title3.pcp.meh":"let’s uncover your purpose superpowers so you can start putting them to work!","assessment.page.5.title3.pcp.pumped":"let’s explore the specific areas that bring you fulfillment so you can achieve mastery of your purpose!","assessment.page.5.title3.pcp.unhappy":"let’s uncover the areas where you find the most meaning so you can take your purpose into your own hands.","assessment.page.5.title3.pumped":"let’s explore the specific areas that bring you fulfillment so you can achieve mastery of your purpose!","assessment.page.5.title3.unhappy":"let’s uncover the areas where you find the most meaning so you can take your purpose into your own hands.","assessment.page.demographic.description":"People with trusted and diverse networks are more fulfilled and successful. \n\nNext, are a few final questions that will be used to build a diverse network of trusted peers on Imperative for you.","assessment.page.demographic.description1":"People with trusted and diverse networks are more fulfilled and successful.","assessment.page.demographic.description2":"Next,","assessment.page.demographic.description3":"are a few final questions that will be used to build a diverse network of trusted peers on Imperative for you.","assessment.page.demographic.pcp.description":"We just need to know a little bit about your work to help match you with the right peer coaches.","assessment.page.demographic.title":"You're almost done!","assessment.page.driver.img.community.alt":"Community","assessment.page.driver.img.community.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.harmony.alt":"Harmony","assessment.page.driver.img.harmony.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.human.alt":"Human","assessment.page.driver.img.human.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.individual.alt":"Individual","assessment.page.driver.img.individual.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.karma.alt":"Karma","assessment.page.driver.img.karma.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.konwledge.alt":"Knowledge","assessment.page.driver.img.konwledge.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.organization.alt":"Organization","assessment.page.driver.img.organization.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.society.alt":"Society","assessment.page.driver.img.society.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.img.structure.alt":"Structure","assessment.page.driver.img.structure.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.driver.result.community":"In a world where we are often divided, you bring people together and align their shared interests so they can move forward.","assessment.page.driver.result.harmony":"You believe we have a collective responsibility to look out for one another, and you genuinely care about the well-being of others. After all, no one is successful on their own!","assessment.page.driver.result.human":"You are able to design and deliver authentic solutions by taking a walk in other people's shoes and applying your natural intuition, empathy and perception.","assessment.page.driver.result.individual":"You are fulfilled when your work directly impacts individual people.","assessment.page.driver.result.karma":"You believe in personal responsibility, that you have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequences for our actions.","assessment.page.driver.result.knowledge":"Your curiosity is a compass that helps you uncover the critical information, solve problems, and explore exciting opportunities.","assessment.page.driver.result.organization":"Whether you are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, you always look to connect your impact to your team or organization.","assessment.page.driver.result.society":"You are fulfilled when your work addresses high-level issues and opportunities that affect the lives of many.","assessment.page.driver.result.structure":"Amid chaos and complexity, you see useful and actionable patterns that drive efficiency and innovation.","assessment.page.driver.title1":"Your first Purpose Driver defines where you should focus on making an IMPACT.","assessment.page.driver.title2":"Your second Purpose Driver defines how your VALUES shape your vision for a just and fair world.","assessment.page.driver.title3":"Your final Purpose Driver defines your CRAFT - your purpose superpower.","assessment.page.driver.title.community":"Community","assessment.page.driver.title.harmony":"Harmony","assessment.page.driver.title.human":"Human","assessment.page.driver.title.individual":"Individual","assessment.page.driver.title.karma":"Karma","assessment.page.driver.title.knowledge":"Knowledge","assessment.page.driver.title.organization":"Organization","assessment.page.driver.title.society":"Society","assessment.page.driver.title.structue":"Structure","assessment.page.driver.title.structure":"Structure","assessment.page.industry.placeholder":"Choose industry","assessment.page.industry.question":"Which of the following best describes your industry?","assessment.page.network.description":"On Imperative, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations as you build and strengthen relationships across {{member.organizationname}}. Meaningful conversations help us feel seen, pull up from the day-to-day and connect us to the greater whole. Together, we will break down silos, increase collaboration and help everyone reach their potential.","assessment.page.purpose.description":"Nice! But what exactly does it mean? Let's unpack the three Purpose Drivers that make you the","assessment.page.purpose.img.alt":"Your Purpose Type","assessment.page.purpose.img.src":"http://imperative.com/replace_that_link_with_proper_content","assessment.page.purpose_org.subtitle1":"First Match","assessment.page.purpose_org.subtitle2":"Schedule","assessment.page.purpose_org.subtitle3":"First Conversation","assessment.page.purpose_org.text1":"You will receive an email once we have paired you with your first conversation partner.","assessment.page.purpose_org.text2":"You will then be prompted to schedule your first conversation on Imperative.","assessment.page.purpose_org.text3":"In your first conversation, you will begin to explore your purpose and how to bring it to life in your everyday work.","assessment.page.purpose_org.title":"What's next?","assessment.page.purpose_org.trusting":"How can you build more trusting relationships with the people we serve?","assessment.page.purpose_org.your_impact1":"What small things can you do for","assessment.page.purpose_org.your_impact2":"colleague or customer to show you care?","assessment.page.purpose.title":"Your Purpose Type","assessment.page.reports.help":"That's great. We can help you AND your team increase their fulfillment and impact.","assessment.page.reports.how_many":"How many direct reports do you have?","assessment.page.reports.no":"No","assessment.page.reports.question":"Do you have any direct reports?","assessment.page.reports.yes":"Yes","assessment.page.role.placeholder":"Choose function","assessment.page.role.question":"Which of the following best describes your role?","assessment.page.role_stats.result.growth":"Accelerated Growth","assessment.page.role_stats.result.impact":"Greater Impact","assessment.page.role_stats.result.relationships":"Better Relationships","assessment.page.role_stats.title1":"Imperative's research has found that","assessment.page.role_stats.title2":"of people in","assessment.page.role_stats.title3":"embrace purpose and they see incredible results","assessment.page.statement.characteristic.start":"Your purpose is","assessment.page.statement.description":"Your three Purpose Drivers combine to form a draft of your purpose statement as the","assessment.page.statement.result":"This is you at your best and most fulfilled. On Imperative, your purpose will personalize your conversations and help you realize your potential.","assessment.page.statement.title":"Your Draft Purpose Statement","assessment.page.summary.info":"We’ll have your results in just a moment.","assessment.page.summary.title":"The anticipation!","assessment.page.video.description":"are you ready to make Purpose your Imperative?","assessment.page.video.pcp.description":"Are you ready to catalyze the next chapter of your career?","assessment.page.video.pcp.video":"342077600","assessment.page.video.ready":"I'm ready!","assessment.page.welcome.description":"We are looking forward to helping you uncover your purpose and embrace it in your job and career. It will take about 15 minutes to create your profile and discover what drives purpose for you.","assessment.page.welcome.description1":"At {{member.organizationname}}, we use Imperative to support each other to build meaningful relationships, maximize our impact, and grow together.","assessment.page.welcome.description2":"Imperative will match you with a partner at {{member.organizationname}} for a series of guided conversations that are scientifically designed to empower you to courageously navigate your career and build meaningful relationships across {{member.organizationname}}.","assessment.page.welcome.description3.bold":"Create your Imperative profile","assessment.page.welcome.description4":"Over the next 15 minutes, you will be asked a series of questions to customize your experience on Imperative.","assessment.page.welcome.pcp.description":"To get you started in your experience with Imperative Peer Coaching, you'll complete a Purpose Profile. It takes 10-15 minutes to answer the questions, and it will help Imperative match you with peers and personalize the peer coaching sessions.","assessment.page.welcome.title":"Welcome to Imperative","assessment.rig.answer1":"Frustrated","assessment.rig.answer2":"Unhappy","assessment.rig.answer3":"Okay","assessment.rig.answer4":"Happy","assessment.rig.answer5":"Thrilled","colleagues.cooperation.listening.craft.craft":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether <{0}>'s HOW driver is Structure, Knowledge, Human or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the what <{0}> is hoping to achieve and how they want to go about it.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that <{0}> says. Does this come from a difference in your HOW drivers or from something else?\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with <{0}>. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify <{0}>'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about what impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what <{0}> said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of impact and their HOW driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.craft.impact":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHO driver is Individual, Organization or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the impact {0} is hoping to make and on whom.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you need time to establish how to deliver quality while {0} sees the end justifying the means? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}, these are natural points if alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about the impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of impact and their WHO driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.craft.values":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHY driver is Karma or Harmony, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the values, commitments, and integrity {0} is striving for. \n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you need time to create quality while {0} is focused on what's \"right\" or existing commitments? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about the goals and objectives you're hoping we accomplish.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of their values and their WHY driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.impact.craft":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s HOW driver is Structure, Knowledge, Human or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the what {0} is hoping to achieve and how they want to go about it.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you feel impatient for things to happen quickly while {0} wants time for iteration and testing? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about what impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of craft and their HOW driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.impact.impact":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHO driver is Individual, Organization or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the impact {0} is hoping to make and on whom.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Does this come from the difference in your WHO drivers or from something else?\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this phrase: \"Tell me more about the impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of impact and their WHO driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.impact.values":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHY driver is Karma or Harmony, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the values, commitments and integrity {0} is striving for.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you feel impatient for things to happen quickly while {0} wants time to consider culture, strategy and integrity? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about the goals and outcomes you're hoping to accomplish.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms related to their values and WHY driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.values.craft":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s HOW driver is Structure, Knowledge, Human or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the what {0} is hoping to achieve and how they want to go about it.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you need time to consider culture, strategy and integrity while {0} is focused on deliverables and quality? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about what impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of craft and their HOW driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.values.impact":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHO driver is Individual, Organizaiton or Society, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the impact {0} is hoping to make and on whom.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Do you need time to establish culture, strategy and integrity while {0} wants to make an impact quickly? If so, this could be due to your difference in leadership styles!\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about the impact you're hoping we make.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of impact and their WHO driver.","colleagues.cooperation.listening.values.values":" See if you can deduce, from previous experience, whether {0}'s WHY driver is Karma or Harmony, and then check below. Going forward, listen closely for the values, commitments, and integrity {0} is striving for.\n Pay attention when you have a negative \"gut reaction\" to something that {0} says. Does this come from the difference in your WHY drivers or from something else?\n Notice when you find yourself nodding or agreeing with {0}. These are natural points of alignment and can be used to fall back on when working through issues.\n Are you able to identify {0}'s motivation? Ask questions! Seek clarification or more detail. Try this: \"Tell me more detail about the goals and objectives you're hoping we accomplish.\"\n Validate what {0} said by reflecting their ideas back to them in terms of their values and their WHY driver.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.craft.craft":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n You and {0} are both craft-driven leaders. Try to focus on any differences in your HOW drivers and try to summarize your understanding of their perspective. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in quality. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they feel the quality of work is in jepoardy. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about craft? Did they cause you to think critically about WHO and WHY? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.craft.impact":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for delivering real value to those you're serving. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in delivering high-quality solutions to those you serve. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that something is preventing e a swift resolution or response to those you're serving. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about craft? Did they cause you to think critically about WHO and WHY? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.craft.values":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for goals, commitment and value. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in delivering sustained value and the integrity that quality brings. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they feel existing values or commitments are being challenged. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about craft? Did they cause you to think critically about WHO and WHY? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.impact.craft":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for quality. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in making sustained impact. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication, or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they feel the quality of work is in jepoardy. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about impact? Did they cause you to stretch to think about WHY and HOW? Express gratitude specific to the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.impact.impact":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n You and {0} are both impact-driven leaders: try to focus on any differences in your WHO drivers and try to summarize your understanding of their perspective. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think will resonate with them and acknowledge your shared interest in impact. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication, or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that something is preventing a swift resolution or response to those you are serving. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about impact? Did they cause you to think critically about WHY and HOW? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.impact.values":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for goals, commitment and value. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think will resonate with them and acknowledge your shared interest in making the RIGHT impact. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they feel existing values or commitments are being challenged. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about impact? Did they cause you to stretch to think about WHY and HOW? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.values.craft":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for delivering real value to those you're serving. Ask if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in delivering sustained value. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they feel the quality of work is in jepoardy. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about values? Did they cause you to think critically about WHY and HOW? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.values.impact":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n Try to summarize your understanding of {0}'s perspective and desire for delivering real value to those you're serving. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in making an impact with integrity. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that something is preventing a swift resolution or response to those your serving. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about values? Did they cause you to think critically about WHO and HOW? Express gratitude specific to the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.cooperation.speaking.values.values":" When expressing yourself, own your bias towards impact and your WHO driver: \"Impacting the person/people we serve is important to be because...\"\n You and {0} are both values driven leaders. Try to focus on any differences in your WHY drivers and try to summarize your understanding of their perspective. Ask {0} if you got it right; if not, ask for help to see it their way and be patient. This may take a couple rounds!\n Speak in terms you think they will understand and acknowledge your shared interest in values. Establish this early to pave the way for smoother communication, or to get unstuck during conflict.\n Notice when {0} gets frustrated or impatient. It is likely a sign that they fee existing values or commitments are being challenged. If you can help {0} name it, you're both more likely to feel understood.\n Did {0} challenge your ideas about values? Did they cause you to think critically about WHO and HOW? Express gratitude for the diversity they brought to the conversation.","colleagues.guide.action":"Action","colleagues.guide.activate.how.action":"To continue preparing your career development plan, elaborate on the last question; what improvements could you make and what goals could you set? Write the details here and refer to them when you begin creating your career development plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.how.description":"42% of US employees report being their own greatest barrier to fulfillment (CECP, Imperative, PwC, 2018). Everyone deserves a fulfilling career, but most people don’t make plans to actually build one, and as French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once wrote, \"A goal without a plan is just a wish.” As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain the multi-layered perspective needed to create a detailed, intentional, and meaningful career plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.how.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.question1":"Which aspects of your Craft Driver do you feel are most recognized and appreciated in your work today?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.question2":"Which skills associated with your Craft Driver could you use in your work more often to increase your impact?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.question3":"Which Craft Driver do you relate to the least? If you were paired with someone who has that Driver, how could they help you improve the quality of your work?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.question4":"What skills do you want to develop to help you master your craft? Who might be able to mentor you? What are potential stretch projects you could take on?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner what they feel they are known for on their team. How does that connect to their Craft Driver?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.tip2":"Go to app.imperative.com/drivers-at-glance if your partner needs some inspiration.","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.tip3":"Help your partner explore biases or blind spots associated with their Craft Driver. How can they be improved?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.guide.questions.tip4":"Challenge your partner to commit to two specific steps they can take proactively to sharpen their skills.","colleagues.guide.activate.how.heading":"Activation Conversation 3 of 3","colleagues.guide.activate.how.quote.author":"Malcolm Gladwell","colleagues.guide.activate.how.quote.value":"Achievement is talent plus preparation.","colleagues.guide.activate.how.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.activate.how.title":"Series 2: Activate Purpose in Your Career","colleagues.guide.activate.who.action":"To start preparing your career development plan, elaborate on the last question; what improvements could you make and what goals could you set? Write the details here and refer to them when you begin creating your career development plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.description":"42% of US employees report being their own greatest barrier to fulfillment (CECP, Imperative, PwC, 2018). Everyone deserves a fulfilling career, but most people don’t make plans to actually build one, and as French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once wrote, \"A goal without a plan is just a wish.” As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain the multi-layered perspective needed to create a detailed, intentional, and meaningful career plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.question1":"In terms of your Impact Driver (i.e., the number of individuals, departments/teams/ goals, or movements/trends/communities), how far does the work you do reach?","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.question2":"How much do you feel your work benefits others according to your Impact Driver? What could you change to increase that benefit?","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.question3":"Would your impact continue without you if you changed roles? What could you do to increase your level of impact with the same level of energy/time investment?","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.question4":"Given your responses to the last three questions, which part(s) of your impact (reach, depth, or sustainability) do you want to focus on improving first?","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner if their impact is more broad or more targeted, and what the pros and cons of their answer are.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.tip2":"Have your partner explain the steps they need to take to deepen the level of their impact.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.tip3":"Encourage your partner to be honest about how much energy they spend on their work and how easy it would be to pass on to someone else.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.guide.questions.tip4":"Ask your partner why their choice would be most fulfilling or motivating to them.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.heading":"Activation Conversation 1 of 3","colleagues.guide.activate.who.quote.author":"Michelangelo","colleagues.guide.activate.who.quote.value":"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.","colleagues.guide.activate.who.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.activate.who.title":"Series 2: Activate Purpose in Your Career","colleagues.guide.activate.why.action":"To continue preparing your career development plan, elaborate on the last question; what improvements could you make and what goals could you set? Write the details here and refer to them when you begin creating your career development plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.description":"42% of US employees report being their own greatest barrier to fulfillment (CECP, Imperative, PwC, 2018). Everyone deserves a fulfilling career, but most people don’t make plans to actually build one, and as French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once wrote, \"A goal without a plan is just a wish.” As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain the multi-layered perspective needed to create a detailed, intentional, and meaningful career plan.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.question1":"When have ideals associated with your Values Driver helped you make important career decisions?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.question2":"When have you found your Values Driver tested? What were the circumstances?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.question3":"How do you know when you’re involved in something that doesn’t match up with your Values Driver? What do you think or feel when you observe something unfair?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.question4":"What do you want to change about the way you work and/or interact with people at work to better align with your Values Driver?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner for specific examples and how they knew what \"the right thing to do\" was.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.tip2":"Ask your partner what lesson they learned because of the ways they’ve been tested.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.tip3":"Explore your partners instincts: Do they have a physical response, a thought, or a feeling that lets them know something is wrong?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.guide.questions.tip4":"Help your partner be specific about changes they can make, and write them down before exchanging papers.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.heading":"Activation Conversation 2 of 3","colleagues.guide.activate.why.quote.author":"Malcolm X","colleagues.guide.activate.why.quote.value":"A man who stands for nothing will fall for everything.","colleagues.guide.activate.why.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.activate.why.title":"Series 2: Activate Purpose in Your Career","colleagues.guide.coachee":"Name of coachee","colleagues.guide.copyright":"© Copyright 2018 Imperative | For private use only. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, exhibition or commercial use or duplication of this copyrighted material or any part thereof, without prior licensing, is forbidden by Federal law and is strictly prohibited.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.action":"Elaborate on some of the details from the second and third questions. Translate those details into two actions you can take to bring more of your Craft Driver into the work you are doing today.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.description":"Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University said, \"Stories constitute the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.\" As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain deep, personal insights and discover what purpose means to you, and you’ll begin to form your Purpose Story. Knowing your Purpose Story will help you build a Purpose Mindset, work more authentically, value diversity, and collaborate more effectively.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.frame":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.how.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.question1":"Find your Craft Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.question2":"Describe one strong memory of your Craft Driver showing up in the way you solved a problem or interacted with others.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.question3":"In your current role, how do you use your Craft Driver to overcome challenges or obstacles?","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.question4":"What part of your job allows you to utilize your Craft Driver the most? How can you apply your Craft Driver in the same way to other areas of your job?","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.tip2":"Help your partner be specific about how that memory lines up with their Craft Driver.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.tip3":"Encourage your partner to own their strengths by providing specific examples.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.guide.questions.tip4":"Ask your partner what needs to happen before they can make those changes in their role.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.heading":"Discovery Conversation 3 of 3","colleagues.guide.discover.how.quote.author":"Lizzie Velásquez","colleagues.guide.discover.how.quote.value":"Everyone is a superhero! Everyone has a cape hanging in their closet just waiting for them to decide to put it on.","colleagues.guide.discover.how.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.discover.how.title":"Series 1: Discover Your Purpose Stories","colleagues.guide.discover.who.action":"Elaborate on some of the details from the second and third questions. Translate those details into two actions you can take to bring more of your Impact Driver into the work you are doing today.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.description":"Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University said, \"Stories constitute the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.\" As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain deep, personal insights and discover what purpose means to you, and you’ll begin to form your Purpose Story. Knowing your Purpose Story will help you build a Purpose Mindset, work more authentically, value diversity, and collaborate more effectively.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.frame":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.who.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.question1":"Find your Impact Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.question2":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with your Impact Driver?","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.question3":"How does your current role allow you to make a difference that matches your Impact Driver?","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.question4":"Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled by your work. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with your Impact Driver?","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.tip2":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.tip3":"Explore what makes your partner’s motivations and perspective valuable in their role.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.guide.questions.tip4":"Help your partner identify the ways they could be working differently to be more fulfilled at work.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.heading":"Discovery Conversation 1 of 3","colleagues.guide.discover.who.quote.author":"Mahatma Gandhi","colleagues.guide.discover.who.quote.value":"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.","colleagues.guide.discover.who.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.discover.who.title":"Series 1: Discover Your Purpose Stories","colleagues.guide.discover.why.action":"Elaborate on some of the details from the second and third questions. Translate those details into two actions you can take to bring more of your Values Driver into the work you are doing today.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.description":"Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University said, \"Stories constitute the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.\" As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain deep, personal insights and discover what purpose means to you, and you’ll begin to form your Purpose Story. Knowing your Purpose Story will help you build a Purpose Mindset, work more authentically, value diversity, and collaborate more effectively.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.frame":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.why.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.question1":"Find your Values Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.question2":"What’s your strongest memory of a situation that you felt wasn’t fair? Why does that memory specifically stand out to you? How is it connected to your Values Driver?","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.question3":"How does your sense of fairness and justice affect what you expect from coworkers? From your organization?","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.question4":"In your current role, how can you empower others by tapping into your Values Driver? What would be the most motivating way for someone to empower you?","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.tip2":"Ask for details and examples so that you can really connect to your partner’s story.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.tip3":"Explore how your partner’s sense of fairness affects their idea of success and failure at work.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.guide.questions.tip4":"Ask your partner what makes them feel confident in their ability to succeed in their role.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.heading":"Discovery Conversation 2 of 3","colleagues.guide.discover.why.quote.author":"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.quote.value":"The time is always right to do what is right.","colleagues.guide.discover.why.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.discover.why.title":"Series 1: Discover Your Purpose Stories","colleagues.guide.lead.how.action":"Write down the names of the people you thought of during this peer coaching conversation and the things that came to mind while you were thinking about them. Come up with a goal either to offer to teach them a skill or to recognize their work quality in a way that is meaningful to them.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.description":"It’s no mystery that employers are looking for soft skills in their leadership candidates. In 2018, PwC reported that 80% of employers think teamwork and collaboration will power work in the future, while 87% said they value and reward human skills. As you explore the intricacies of purpose through this peer coaching series, you’ll dive deep into these concepts and discover them in yourself. Your challenge will be to bring them to life in your career.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.question1":"How do you recognize the quality of other people's work?","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.question2":"What does excellence look like according to your Craft Driver? Which of your Craft Driver skills do you feel you have developed the most?","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.question3":"Who could you help in developing the skills you identified in the last question. How, specifically, could you help them?","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.question4":"How can you use your Craft Driver to come up with new and effective ways for your team to work?","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner to think of two or three people whose work deserves to be recognized.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.tip2":"Ask your partner for examples of when their Craft Driver helped them excel at something.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.tip3":"Challenge your partner to identify one or two people they could help and make plans to reach out.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.guide.questions.tip4":"Prompt your partner to answer this question by starting with \"I can leverage my ________ Driver by…\"","colleagues.guide.lead.how.heading":"Peer Coaching Guide 3 of 3","colleagues.guide.lead.how.quote.author":"Onyi Anyado","colleagues.guide.lead.how.quote.value":"Leadership is bringing people into new realms of excellence and challenging them to become distinguished in their chosen field.","colleagues.guide.lead.how.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.lead.how.title":"Series 3: Lead with Your Purpose","colleagues.guide.lead.who.action":"Think about your answers to the questions from this peer coaching conversation and the three things you noted in the last question. What can you do personally to drive or inspire your team to make those things happen? Come up with a goal to do at least one of those things within the next few weeks.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.description":"It’s no mystery that employers are looking for soft skills in their leadership candidates. In 2018, PwC reported that 80% of employers think teamwork and collaboration will power work in the future, while 87% said they value and reward human skills. As you explore the intricacies of purpose through this peer coaching series, you’ll dive deep into these concepts and discover them in yourself. Your challenge will be to bring them to life in your career.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.question1":"What do you see as the most important impact your team makes? What makes that impact so important?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.question2":"What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.question3":"Given your Impact Driver, what can you do to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.question4":"What are three specific things that would need to happen for your team to increase its impact? What can you do to make those happen?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner if the impact they’re describing connects to their Impact Driver. What are some specific examples?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.tip2":"Challenge your partner to come up with specific ways to track or measure the impact they’re describing.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.tip3":"Ask your partner how they will know they’ve been successful at either the Individual, Organizational, or Societal level.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.guide.questions.tip4":"Encourage your partner to pick one that could be accomplished in the short-term and to make plans to start working on it.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.heading":"Peer Coaching Guide 1 of 3","colleagues.guide.lead.who.quote.author":"Sheryl Sandberg","colleagues.guide.lead.who.quote.value":"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.","colleagues.guide.lead.who.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.lead.who.title":"Series 3: Lead with Your Purpose","colleagues.guide.lead.why.action":"The obstacles that prevent courageous leadership are fear and insecurity. What is it that you are afraid of or insecure about that holds you back from giving your full self to your work and your relationships? Write an answer here and come up with a goal that will help you replace those feelings with gratitude and empathy.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.description":"It’s no mystery that employers are looking for soft skills in their leadership candidates. In 2018, PwC reported that 80% of employers think teamwork and collaboration will power work in the future, while 87% said they value and reward human skills. As you explore the intricacies of purpose through this peer coaching series, you’ll dive deep into these concepts and discover them in yourself. Your challenge will be to bring them to life in your career.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.goals":"Take turns answering each question\nTake notes for your partner; return them when you’re done\nComplete the two prompts on the last page","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.description":"--","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.question1":"Given your Values Driver, what are three things that you won’t compromise on at work? Why are they so important to you?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.question2":"We all want approval and validation, and our fear of disappointing others can sometimes prevent us from acting courageously. How does this issue show up for you?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.question3":"What makes you feel defensive or argumentative? What assumptions do you make that trigger those feelings? What have you learned about your Values Driver that can help you challenge those assumptions?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.question4":"What is one value you want to represent in your organization? How can you model it and reinforce it?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.tip1":"Ask your partner who or what instilled the values related to their point of view. How could they pass it on to someone else?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.tip2":"Ask your partner whose approval means the most to them and why.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.tip3":"The Values Drivers are all about fairness and justice. Have your partner think about how their assumptions are unfair.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.guide.questions.tip4":"Ask your partner to describe specific situations and behaviors where they can really uphold their values.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.heading":"Peer Coaching Guide 2 of 3","colleagues.guide.lead.why.quote.author":"Brené Brown","colleagues.guide.lead.why.quote.value":"When we are willing to risk venturing into the wilderness, and even becoming our own wilderness, we feel the deepest connection to our true self and to what matters the most.","colleagues.guide.lead.why.takeway":"What did you learn during this peer coaching conversation that inspired you? What surprised you?","colleagues.guide.lead.why.title":"Series 3: Lead with Your Purpose","colleagues.guide.takeaway":"Takeway","colleagues.leadershipstyle.colleague.craft":" As a Craft-Driven leader, {0} is focused on creating with excellence. {0} is commited to producing value, quality and authenticity.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.colleague.impact":" As an Impact-Driven leader, {0} is focused on results and maximizing impact. {0} helps to drive things forward and is always stretching to make a difference to the people you serve.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.colleague.values":" As a Values-Driven leader, {0} is focused on doing the right thing. {0} is dedicated to establishing guiding principles and building trust in relationships and cultures.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.mine.craft":" As a Craft-Driven leader, you are focused on creating with excellence. You are commited to producing value, quality and authenticity.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.mine.impact":" As an Impact-Driven leader, you are focused on results and maximizing impact. You drive things forward and always stretch yourself to make a difference to the people they serve.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.mine.values":" As a Values-Driven leader, you are focused on doing the right thing. You are dedicated to helping people establish guiding principles and to building trust in your relationships and cultures.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.craft.craft":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to build a better future by helping people master their craft and create exceptional work.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.craft.impact":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to help people deliver high-quality solutions that make a difference to those you serve.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.craft.values":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to help people deliver high-quality solutions with integrity.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.impact.craft":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to help others deliver sustained impact by creating quality solutions for those you serve.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.impact.impact":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to create change by helping people envision what is possible.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.impact.values":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to help people deliver the right impact by aligning culture, strategy and the needs of those you're serving.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.values.craft":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to help people make the right decisions by aligning quality with strategy.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.values.impact":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to accelerate impact by aligning culture, strategy and the needs of those you're serving.","colleagues.leadershipstyle.together.values.values":" Together, you and {0} have the potential to bring out the best in people by challenging them to work with integrity and fairness, and co-creating a values-based culture.","competency.accolade_culture_comp1.description":"Accolade's Core Values resonate with me in a meaningful way. ","competency.accolade_culture_comp1.name":"Accolade's Core Values resonate with me in a meaningful way.","competency.accolade_culture_comp2.description":"I feel like I belong at Accolade.","competency.accolade_culture_comp2.name":"I feel like I belong at Accolade.","competency.accolade_culture_comp3.description":"I am applying our values into my work at Accolade.","competency.accolade_culture_comp3.name":"I am applying our values into my work at Accolade. ","competency.accolade_culture_comp4.description":"I see others embodying our Core Values.","competency.accolade_culture_comp4.name":"I see others embodying our Core Values.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp1.description":"I am better able to see my strengths and opportunities in the Leadership Commitments.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp1.name":"I am better able to see my strengths and opportunities in the Leadership Commitments.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp2.description":"I gained a better understanding of the Leadership Commitments through these conversations.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp2.name":"I gained a better understanding of the Leadership Commitments through these conversations.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp3.description":"I feel that I'm growing my skills around the Leadership Commitments.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp3.name":"I feel that I'm growing my skills around the Leadership Commitments.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp4.description":"I understand how to activate the Leadership Commitments for those I lead.","competency.accolade_leadership_comp4.name":"I understand how to activate the Leadership Commitments for those I lead.","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_1.description":"I understand what drives my sense of purpose at work. ","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_1.name":"I understand what drives my sense of purpose at work. ","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_2.description":"I regularly take positive incremental actions at work to activate my purpose.","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_2.name":"I regularly take positive incremental actions at work to activate my purpose.","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_3.description":"I've developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach. ","competency.activate_your_purpose_comp_3.name":"I've developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach. ","competency.adaptive_comp1.description":"I understand the value of reaching across teams.","competency.adaptive_comp1.name":"I understand the value of reaching across teams.","competency.adaptive_comp2.description":"I understand the value of relationships to unlock opportunities.","competency.adaptive_comp2.name":"I understand the value of relationships to unlock opportunities.","competency.adaptive_comp3.description":"I understand the importance of building trust to create benefits.","competency.adaptive_comp3.name":"I understand the importance of building trust to create benefits.","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp1.description":"I understand Adaptive Leadership and how to be an effective team member at Equitable. ","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp1.name":"I understand Adaptive Leadership and how to be an effective team member at Equitable. ","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp2.description":"I regularly incorporate Adaptive Leadership practices in my daily interactions.","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp2.name":"I regularly incorporate Adaptive Leadership practices in my daily interactions.","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp3.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_comp3.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp1.description":"I gained a deeper understanding of our organization at another site.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp1.name":"I gained a deeper understanding of our organization at another site.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp2.description":"I uncovered new opportunities for me to successfully lead my team.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp2.name":"I uncovered new opportunities for me to successfully lead my team.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp3.description":"I plan to collaborate and stay in touch with my peer connection.","competency.bsci_irpng_comp3.name":"I plan to collaborate and stay in touch with my peer connection.","competency.bsci_people_leader_comp1.description":"I identified actions that helped me demonstrate BSC Core Values and behaviors.","competency.bsci_people_leader_comp1.name":"I identified actions that helped me demonstrate BSC Core Values and behaviors.","competency.bsci_people_leader_comp2.description":"I would recommend peer conversations on Imperative to other leaders at Boston Scientific.","competency.bsci_people_leader_comp2.name":"I would recommend peer conversations on Imperative to other leaders at Boston Scientific.","competency.bsci_prog_ko_comp1.description":"I gained additional clarity/insight about my career aspirations.","competency.bsci_prog_ko_comp1.name":"I gained additional clarity/insight about my career aspirations.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_1.description":"I can describe how peer coaching can benefit me.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_1.name":"I can describe how peer coaching can benefit me.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_2.description":"I am excited to engage in peer coaching.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_2.name":"I am excited to engage in peer coaching.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_3.description":"I understand the fundamental skills of peer coaching.","competency.bs_intro_peer_coaching_comp_3.name":"I understand the fundamental skills of peer coaching.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_1.description":"I understand the role of Human Connection in our SLEEPS experience.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_1.name":"I understand the role of Human Connection in our SLEEPS experience.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_2.description":"I can see the direct link between creating more meaningful connections with guests and meeting our sales plan.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_2.name":"I can see the direct link between creating more meaningful connections with guests and meeting our sales plan.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_3.description":"I have experimented with the new “Stay in Touch” addition to our SLEEPS model in a guest interaction.","competency.casper_sleeps_comp_3.name":"I have experimented with the new “Stay in Touch” addition to our SLEEPS model in a guest interaction.","competency.collab_career_comp1.description":"I have deepened my relationship with my manager/direct report.","competency.collab_career_comp1.name":"I have deepened my relationship with my manager/direct report.","competency.comp_10.description":"I am aware of what causes me stress at work.","competency.comp_10.name":"I am aware of what causes me stress at work.","competency.comp_11.description":"I am responsible for managing my own stress.","competency.comp_11.name":"I am responsible for managing my own stress.","competency.comp_12.description":"I have the ability to manage my stress.","competency.comp_12.name":"I have the ability to manage my stress.","competency.comp_13.description":"I can communicate why I am passionate about our products and services.","competency.comp_13.name":"I can communicate why I am passionate about our products and services.","competency.comp_14.description":"I know how to use my talents to become a better seller.","competency.comp_14.name":"I know how to use my talents to become a better seller.","competency.comp_15.description":"I can identify KP's organizational mission.","competency.comp_15.name":"I can identify KP's organizational mission.","competency.comp_16.description":"I have started to connect my purpose to the KP mission.","competency.comp_16.name":"I have started to connect my purpose to the KP mission.","competency.comp_17.description":"I have developed a new connection in the KP organization.","competency.comp_17.name":"I have developed a new connection in the KP organization.","competency.comp_18.description":"Developing others and working with each person's goals and motivators.","competency.comp_18.name":"Individual: Developing others.","competency.comp_19.description":"Following through on personal commitments.","competency.comp_19.name":"Individual: Following through.","competency.comp_1.description":"I know what a fulfilling career looks like for me.","competency.comp_1.name":"Fulfilling Career","competency.comp_20.description":"Scaling impact to reach more people.","competency.comp_20.name":"Individual: Scaling impact.","competency.comp_21.description":"Understanding and perceiving power and influence.","competency.comp_21.name":"Organization: Understanding power and influence.","competency.comp_22.description":"Building strong contacts and networks within the organization.","competency.comp_22.name":"Organization: Building organizational networks.","competency.comp_23.description":"Setting targets and staging significant milestones to meet crucial organizational goals.","competency.comp_23.name":"Organization: Meeting organizational goals.","competency.comp_24.description":"Building knowledge of team design, culture, and activities.","competency.comp_24.name":"Organization: Building team knowledge.","competency.comp_25.description":"Promoting cross-departmental collaboration to nurture innovation.","competency.comp_25.name":"Organization: Nurturing innovation.","competency.comp_26.description":"Balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders.","competency.comp_26.name":"Society: Balancing stakeholders.","competency.comp_27.description":"Building strong contacts and networks outside of work and within professional networks.","competency.comp_27.name":"Society: Building professional networks.","competency.comp_28.description":"Managing large-scale crises and adversity by maintaining a positive and productive attitude.","competency.comp_28.name":"Society: Maintaining a positive attitude.","competency.comp_29.description":"Pulling together resources, from people to funding, to get things done on a societal level.","competency.comp_29.name":"Society: Resourcing on a societal level.","competency.comp_2.description":"I feel like someone at work cares about me.","competency.comp_2.name":"Someone Cares About Me","competency.comp_30.description":"Effectively communicating with a wide variety of people and with groups of all sizes.","competency.comp_30.name":"Society: Effectively communicating to groups.","competency.comp_31.description":"Working with people across the organization to accomplish shared goals.","competency.comp_31.name":"Harmony: Accomplishing shared goals.","competency.comp_32.description":"Creating a work climate where differences are valued and supported.","competency.comp_32.name":"Harmony: Valuing differences.","competency.comp_33.description":"Facilitating breakthrough agreements and settling disputes equitably.","competency.comp_33.name":"Harmony: Equitably settling disputes.","competency.comp_34.description":"Following through on commitments and holding others accountable to do the same.","competency.comp_34.name":"Harmony: Following through.","competency.comp_35.description":"Reflecting on initiatives and predicting their impact.","competency.comp_35.name":"Harmony: Reflecting on initiatives.","competency.comp_36.description":"Working with influencers and responding to market forces.","competency.comp_36.name":"Karma: Working with influencers.","competency.comp_37.description":"Tracking trends in the marketplace and modifying competitive actions.","competency.comp_37.name":"Karma: Tracking trends.","competency.comp_38.description":"Maintaining confidence under pressure and recovering quickly from setbacks.","competency.comp_38.name":"Karma: Maintaining confidence.","competency.comp_39.description":"Generating innovative or breakthrough ideas.","competency.comp_39.name":"Karma: Generating ideas.","competency.comp_3.description":"I am comfortable advocating for myself at work.","competency.comp_3.name":"Advocating For Myself","competency.comp_40.description":"Gaining insights from experience and quickly applying new learnings.","competency.comp_40.name":"Karma: Gaining insights.","competency.comp_4.description":"I can see myself succeeding and growing here.","competency.comp_4.name":"Success and Growth","competency.comp_5.description":"I know how to identify career opportunities that are motivating to me.","competency.comp_5.name":"Career Opportunities and Motivation","competency.comp_6.description":"There are people here who champion my growth and help advance in my career.","competency.comp_6.name":"Champions of Growth","competency.comp_7.description":"I understand and value the diversity of experience and perspectives of my colleagues.","competency.comp_7.name":"Understanding and Valuing Diversity","competency.comp_8.description":"I feel comfortable expressing my opinions in a respectful way, even when others disagree with me.","competency.comp_8.name":"Respectfully Expressing Opinions","competency.comp_9.description":"I know what excellence means to me and how to inspire it in others.","competency.comp_9.name":"Inspiring Excellence in Others","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_1.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner.","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_1.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner.","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_2.description":"I understand the value of peer coaching in helping employees own their fulfillment and productivity.","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_2.name":"I understand the value of peer coaching in helping employees own their fulfillment and productivity.","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_3.description":"I recommend Imperative's peer coaching platform. ","competency.discover_peer_coaching_p4_object_3.name":"I recommend Imperative's peer coaching platform. ","competency.disney_own_comp4.description":"I have gained clarity on my career aspirations.","competency.disney_own_comp4.name":"I have gained clarity on my career aspirations.","competency.disney_own_comp5.description":"I feel prepared to have conversations about my career with my leader and other trusted advisors.","competency.disney_own_comp5.name":"I feel prepared to have conversations about my career with my leader and other trusted advisors.","competency.diverse_pers_comp1.description":"I feel empowered to align my work with my purpose.","competency.diverse_pers_comp1.name":"I feel empowered to align my work with my purpose.","competency.diverse_pers_comp2.description":"I understand the value of a mentoring relationship in support of my success.","competency.diverse_pers_comp2.name":"I understand the value of a mentoring relationship in support of my success.","competency.diverse_pers_comp3.description":"I seek out and encourage the talents of others in my role. ","competency.diverse_pers_comp3.name":"I seek out and encourage the talents of others in my role. ","competency.eoy_convo_comp1.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer connection.","competency.eoy_convo_comp1.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer connection.","competency.eoy_convo_comp2.description":"I was able to celebrate my impact and recognize my growth from this year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp2.name":"I was able to celebrate my impact and recognize my growth from this year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp3.description":"I have a plan that feels personally meaningful to close out my year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp3.name":"I have a plan that feels personally meaningful to close out my year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp4.description":"I feel empowered to own my career going into the new year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp4.name":"I feel empowered to own my career going into the new year.","competency.eoy_convo_comp5.description":"I felt two conversations were just right with my partner.","competency.eoy_convo_comp5.name":"I felt two conversations were just right with my partner.","competency.eqh_comp_1.description":"I understand the importance of creating trusting partnerships with our clients.","competency.eqh_comp_1.name":"I understand the importance of creating trusting partnerships with our clients.","competency.eqh_comp_2.description":"I can provide a good example of how I have contributed to trusting partnerships with our clients.","competency.eqh_comp_2.name":"I can provide a good example of how I have contributed to trusting partnerships with our clients.","competency.eqh_comp_3.description":"I am able to challenge my co-workers to think critically about how they can be a trusted partner to our clients.","competency.eqh_comp_3.name":"I am able to challenge my co-workers to think critically about how they can be a trusted partner to our clients.","competency.free_trail_comp3.description":"I was able to identify a helpful action to bring into my work. ","competency.free_trail_comp3.name":"I was able to identify a helpful action to bring into my work. ","competency.free_trial_comp1.description":"My conversation felt energizing today. ","competency.free_trial_comp1.name":"My conversation felt energizing today. ","competency.free_trial_comp2.description":"I learned something new about my partner.","competency.free_trial_comp2.name":"I learned something new about my partner.","competency.free_trial_comp4.description":"I look forward to learning more about Imperative. ","competency.free_trial_comp4.name":"I look forward to learning more about Imperative. ","competency.goal_setting_comp1.description":"I understand the value of goal-setting.","competency.goal_setting_comp1.name":"I understand the value of goal-setting.","competency.goal_setting_comp2.description":"I gained clarity on how goal-setting supports my growth and success.","competency.goal_setting_comp2.name":"I gained clarity on how goal-setting supports my growth and success.","competency.goal_setting_comp3.description":"I feel better prepared to hold myself accountable to my goals.","competency.goal_setting_comp3.name":"I feel better prepared to hold myself accountable to my goals.","competency.goal_setting_comp4.description":"I have greater clarity on how my goals can deliver meaningful business results.","competency.goal_setting_comp4.name":"I have greater clarity on how my goals can deliver meaningful business results.","competency.icf_apply_belonging_comp1.description":"Peer coaching helped me activate the belonging pillar as a learning champion.","competency.icf_apply_belonging_comp1.name":"Peer coaching helped me activate the belonging pillar as a learning champion.","competency.icf_apply_voice_comp1.description":"Peer coaching helped me activate the voice pillar as a learning champion.","competency.icf_apply_voice_comp1.name":"Peer coaching helped me activate the voice pillar as a learning champion.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_comp1.description":"Peer coaching helped me activate the objectivity pillar as a learning champion","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_comp1.name":"Peer coaching helped me activate the objectivity pillar as a learning champion","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp1.description":"Peer coaching has helped me activate the objectivity pillar in my work.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp1.name":"Peer coaching has helped me activate the objectivity pillar in my work.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp2.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp2.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp3.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer coach.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp3.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer coach.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp4.description":"I would recommend peer coaching to my colleagues.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp4.name":"I would recommend peer coaching to my colleagues.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp5.description":"I look forward to starting my next peer coaching conversations.","competency.icf_inclusive_culture_comp5.name":"I look forward to starting my next peer coaching conversations.","competency.imp_adap_comp_1.description":"I am aware of what defines my personal comfort, stretch, and panic zones.","competency.imp_adap_comp_1.name":"I am aware of what defines my personal comfort, stretch, and panic zones.","competency.imp_adap_comp_2.description":"I understand the importance of being able to adapt to change.","competency.imp_adap_comp_2.name":"I understand the importance of being able to adapt to change.","competency.imp_adap_comp_3.description":"I will begin to make low-stakes changes regularly to learn and grow.","competency.imp_adap_comp_3.name":"I will begin to make low-stakes changes regularly to learn and grow.","competency.imp_auth_c1.description":"I understand the importance of authenticity as it relates to bringing my full self to work.","competency.imp_auth_c1.name":"I understand the importance of authenticity as it relates to bringing my full self to work.","competency.imp_auth_c2.description":"I am able to provide an example demonstrating how I brought my full self to work, aligning with my personal definition of authenticity.","competency.imp_auth_c2.name":"I am able to provide an example demonstrating how I brought my full self to work, aligning with my personal definition of authenticity.","competency.imp_auth_c3.description":"I am able to challenge my co-workers to think critically about how they can bring their authentic selves to work everyday.","competency.imp_auth_c3.name":"I am able to challenge my co-workers to think critically about how they can bring their authentic selves to work everyday.","competency.imp_bias_comp_1.description":"I understand the identity that most shapes my worldview and approach to work.","competency.imp_bias_comp_1.name":"I understand the identity that most shapes my worldview and approach to work.","competency.imp_bias_comp_2.description":"I am more aware of the biases I bring to work.","competency.imp_bias_comp_2.name":"I am more aware of the biases I bring to work.","competency.imp_bias_comp_3.description":"I name the benefits and challenges associated with my biases.","competency.imp_bias_comp_3.name":"I name the benefits and challenges associated with my biases.","competency.imp_bias_comp_4.description":"I have created strategies to manage your biases to enable you and those around you to thrive.","competency.imp_bias_comp_4.name":"I have created strategies to manage your biases to enable you and those around you to thrive.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_1.description":"I can articulate the top experiences that have contributed most to my growth and value in prior roles.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_1.name":"I can articulate the top experiences that have contributed most to my growth and value in prior roles.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_2.description":"I can list the skills where I excel and add the most impact.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_2.name":"I can list the skills where I excel and add the most impact.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_3.description":"I can name the things that bring me fulfillment at work.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_3.name":"I can name the things that bring me fulfillment at work.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_4.description":"I have identified opportunities (projects, experiences, etc.) that will bring me closer to my ideal career.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_4.name":"I have identified opportunities (projects, experiences, etc.) that will bring me closer to my ideal career.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_5.description":"I can name at least one person at work who can support me in my career growth.","competency.imp_career_dev_comp_5.name":"I can name at least one person at work who can support me in my career growth.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_1.description":"I believe that I can be innovative.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_1.name":"I believe that I can be innovative.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_2.description":"I understand the importance of taking risks.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_2.name":"I understand the importance of taking risks.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_3.description":"I regularly experiment with new and different ways to make an impact.","competency.imp_innovation_comp_3.name":"I regularly experiment with new and different ways to make an impact.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_1.description":"I understand what fulfills me at work.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_1.name":"I understand what fulfills me at work.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_2.description":"I am empowered to take incremental actions to make my work fulfilling.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_2.name":"I am empowered to take incremental actions to make my work fulfilling.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_3.description":"I regularly take incremental actions to make my work more fulfiling.","competency.imp_intro_to_pc_comp_3.name":"I regularly take incremental actions to make my work more fulfiling.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_1.description":"I understand my authentic leadership style. ","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_1.name":"I understand my authentic leadership style. ","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_2.description":"I have the knowledge and ability to lead through change.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_2.name":"I have the knowledge and ability to lead through change.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_3.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_3.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_4.description":"I have the skills and support to navigate what I don't know as a leader.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_4.name":"I have the skills and support to navigate what I don't know as a leader.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_5.description":"I have actionable ideas for how my leadership can benefit future projects.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_5.name":"I have actionable ideas for how my leadership can benefit future projects.","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_6.description":"I've developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach. ","competency.imp_mgr_dev_comp_6.name":"I've developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach. ","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_1.description":"I can identify a clear link between my individual purpose and my day-to-day work.","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_1.name":"I can identify a clear link between my individual purpose and my day-to-day work.","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_2.description":"I have developed a meaningful connection with my peer coaching partner.","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_2.name":"I have developed a meaningful connection with my peer coaching partner.","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_3.description":"I can name at least one area of personal and professional growth I would like to explore in my current role.","competency.imp_purpose_activation_comp_3.name":"I can name at least one area of personal and professional growth I would like to explore in my current role.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_1.description":"I can identify a clear link between my individual strengths and the contributions I make to my team.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_1.name":"I can identify a clear link between my individual strengths and the contributions I make to my team.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_2.description":"I have developed a meaningful connection with my peer coaching partner.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_2.name":"I have developed a meaningful connection with my peer coaching partner.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_3.description":"I can identify the qualities of an effective team.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_3.name":"I can identify the qualities of an effective team.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_4.description":"I can identify two new strategies to enhance my team’s effectiveness.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_4.name":"I can identify two new strategies to enhance my team’s effectiveness.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_5.description":"I have a heightened awareness of my challenge areas.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_5.name":"I have a heightened awareness of my challenge areas.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_6.description":"I am willing to ask my team for support.","competency.imp_teamwork_comp_6.name":"I am willing to ask my team for support.","competency.imp_uber_comp1.description":"Imperative conversations enable me to be more successful.","competency.imp_uber_comp1.name":"Imperative conversations enable me to be more successful.","competency.imp_uber_comp2.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my partner.","competency.imp_uber_comp2.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my partner.","competency.imp_uber_comp3.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my partner.","competency.imp_uber_comp3.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my partner.","competency.imp_uber_comp4.description":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers.","competency.imp_uber_comp4.name":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers.","competency.imp_uber_comp5.description":"I look forward to starting conversations with a new connection.","competency.imp_uber_comp5.name":"I look forward to starting conversations with a new connection.","competency.influence_comp1.description":"Peer coaching enables me to better connect with my co-workers.","competency.influence_comp1.name":"Peer coaching enables me to better connect with my co-workers.","competency.influence_comp2.description":"I understand my strengths and how they support belonging on my team.","competency.influence_comp2.name":"I understand my strengths and how they support belonging on my team.","competency.inspire_comp1.description":"I have the ability to innovate.","competency.inspire_comp1.name":"I have the ability to innovate.","competency.inspire_comp2.description":"I know how to evaluate appropriate risk-taking.","competency.inspire_comp2.name":"I know how to evaluate appropriate risk-taking.","competency.inspire_comp3.description":"Peer coaching helps me be more innovative.","competency.inspire_comp3.name":"Peer coaching helps me be more innovative.","competency.kp_comp_1.description":"I can tell friends and family what Our Shared Agenda is.","competency.kp_comp_1.name":"I can tell friends and family what Our Shared Agenda is.","competency.kp_comp_2.description":"I understand how I can contribute to Our Shared Agenda.","competency.kp_comp_2.name":"I understand how I can contribute to Our Shared Agenda.","competency.kp_comp_3.description":"I have identified one step I can take toward making that contribution in the first 90 days of my new role.\n","competency.kp_comp_3.name":"I have identified one step I can take toward making that contribution in the first 90 days of my new role.\n","competency.kp_comp_4.description":"I have developed a new connection in the KP organization.","competency.kp_comp_4.name":"I have developed a new connection in the KP organization.","competency.lead_empower_comp1.description":"I have a deeper understanding of my authentic leadership style.","competency.lead_empower_comp1.name":"I have a deeper understanding of my authentic leadership style.","competency.lead_empower_comp2.description":"I feel more confident to navigate what I don't know as a leader.","competency.lead_empower_comp2.name":"I feel more confident to navigate what I don't know as a leader.","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_1.description":"I am aware of the type of impact that is most meaningful to me.","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_1.name":"Self-Awareness","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_2.description":"I know how to use my strengths to increase my impact.","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_2.name":"Know-how","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_3.description":"I can inspire others to increase our shared impact.","competency.leadingpurpose_s1_comp_3.name":"Inspiration","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_1.description":"I am aware of my core values.","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_1.name":"Self-awareness","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_2.description":"I know how to align my work with my values.","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_2.name":"Alignment","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_3.description":"I can work with people with values that are different than my own.","competency.leadingvalues_s1_comp_3.name":"Unconscious Bias","competency.lets_break_silos_comp1.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my connection.","competency.lets_break_silos_comp1.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my connection.","competency.lets_break_silos_comp2.description":"I learned a new perspective that helped me be successful in my role. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp2.name":"I learned a new perspective that helped me be successful in my role. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp3.description":"I identified actions that positively impacted my work. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp3.name":"I identified actions that positively impacted my work. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp4.description":"I gained a deeper understanding of another area of the business. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp4.name":"I gained a deeper understanding of another area of the business. ","competency.lets_break_silos_comp5.description":"I feel more connected to the company at large.","competency.lets_break_silos_comp5.name":"I feel more connected to the company at large.","competency.mgr_cap_comp1.description":"I feel more capable of holding myself and my team members accountable.","competency.mgr_cap_comp1.name":"I feel more capable of holding myself and my team members accountable.","competency.mgr_cap_comp2.description":"I am more confident giving feedback.","competency.mgr_cap_comp2.name":"I am more confident giving feedback.","competency.mgr_cap_comp3.description":"I have increased confidence in my ability to make & own decisions.","competency.mgr_cap_comp3.name":"I have increased confidence in my ability to make & own decisions.","competency.mindset_comp_1.description":"I am responsible for my own mindset at work.","competency.mindset_comp_1.name":"Sense of Ownership","competency.mindset_comp_2.description":"I am aware of the role mindset plays in my success.","competency.mindset_comp_2.name":"Awareness","competency.mindset_comp_3.description":"I can identify ways to grow my relationships at work.","competency.mindset_comp_3.name":"Relationship Perspective","competency.msft_leader_comp1.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my new peer.","competency.msft_leader_comp1.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my new peer.","competency.msft_leader_comp2.description":"I understand what it is to bring a leadership mindset to my role. ","competency.msft_leader_comp2.name":"I understand what it is to bring a leadership mindset to my role. ","competency.msft_leader_comp3.description":"I apply strategic thinking to better align to the broader goals.","competency.msft_leader_comp3.name":"I apply strategic thinking to better align to the broader goals.","competency.msft_leader_comp4.description":"I regularly consider how to inspire and motivate team members.","competency.msft_leader_comp4.name":"I regularly consider how to inspire and motivate team members.","competency.msft_leader_comp5.description":"I feel more confident to navigate challenges and setbacks with an adaptive mindset.","competency.msft_leader_comp5.name":"I feel more confident to navigate challenges and setbacks with an adaptive mindset.","competency.msft_thrive_comp1.description":"I empower customers & Microsoft to achieve through co-innovation and co-engineering.","competency.msft_thrive_comp1.name":"I empower customers & Microsoft to achieve through co-innovation and co-engineering.","competency.msft_thrive_comp2.description":"I gained clarity on when my work and ISE’s feel personally meaningful to me.","competency.msft_thrive_comp2.name":"I gained clarity on when my work and ISE’s feel personally meaningful to me.","competency.msft_thrive_comp3.description":"My conversations helped me explore my connection to ISE and Microsoft.","competency.msft_thrive_comp3.name":"My conversations helped me explore my connection to ISE and Microsoft.","competency.mswd_lets_break_silos_comp1.description":"My Imperative conversations help me feel energized about my work.","competency.mswd_lets_break_silos_comp1.name":"My Imperative conversations help me feel energized about my work.","competency.mswd_lets_break_silos_comp2.description":"Conversations on Imperative empower me to do my best work.","competency.mswd_lets_break_silos_comp2.name":"Conversations on Imperative empower me to do my best work.","competency.nav_change_comp1.description":"I feel equipped to navigate my company's organizational changes.","competency.nav_change_comp1.name":"I feel equipped to navigate my company's organizational changes.","competency.nav_change_comp2.description":"I have developed a meaningful relationship with my peer connection.","competency.nav_change_comp2.name":"I have developed a meaningful relationship with my peer connection.","competency.nav_change_comp3.description":"I understand what is important for my own professional growth and fulfillment.","competency.nav_change_comp3.name":"I understand what is important for my own professional growth and fulfillment.","competency.nav_change_comp4.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer.","competency.nav_change_comp4.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer.","competency.nav_change_comp5.description":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers. ","competency.nav_change_comp5.name":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers. ","competency.navigate_comp1.description":"Peer conversations helped me positively navigate change. ","competency.navigate_comp1.name":"Peer conversations helped me positively navigate change. ","competency.navigate_comp2.description":"Peer conversations helped me accelerate an effective transition.","competency.navigate_comp2.name":"Peer conversations helped me accelerate an effective transition.","competency.nav_lead_comp1.description":"Imperative conversations enable me to be more successful.","competency.nav_lead_comp1.name":"Imperative conversations enable me to be more successful.","competency.nav_lead_comp2.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my partner.","competency.nav_lead_comp2.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my partner.","competency.nav_lead_comp3.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my partner.","competency.nav_lead_comp3.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my partner.","competency.nav_lead_comp4.description":"I look forward to starting conversations with a new connection.","competency.nav_lead_comp4.name":"I look forward to starting conversations with a new connection.","competency.one_on_one_comp1.description":"Our conversations helped me feel energized about what's possible for my career.","competency.one_on_one_comp1.name":"Our conversations helped me feel energized about what's possible for my career.","competency.one_on_one_comp2.description":"I have a better understanding of how to bring purpose into my career.","competency.one_on_one_comp2.name":"I have a better understanding of how to bring purpose into my career.","competency.one_on_one_comp3.description":"I have deepened my relationship with my Manager/Team Member.","competency.one_on_one_comp3.name":"I have deepened my relationship with my Manager/Team Member.I developed a meaningful relationship with my Manager/Team Member.","competency.one_on_one_comp4.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Manager/Team Member.","competency.one_on_one_comp4.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Manager/Team Member.","competency.one_on_one_comp5.description":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers. ","competency.one_on_one_comp5.name":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers. ","competency.p1_design_career_comp1.description":"I have developed a meaningful relationship with my Mentor/Mentee.","competency.p1_design_career_comp1.name":"I have developed a meaningful relationship with my Mentor/Mentee.","competency.p1_design_career_comp2.description":"I learned a new perspective that helped me be successful in my career.","competency.p1_design_career_comp2.name":"I learned a new perspective that helped me be successful in my career.","competency.p1_design_career_comp3.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Mentor/Mentee.","competency.p1_design_career_comp3.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Mentor/Mentee.","competency.p2_start_the_year_comp1.description":"These conversations helped me feel more connected to my organization.","competency.p2_start_the_year_comp1.name":"These conversations helped me feel more connected to my organization.","competency.p6_early_mentor_comp1.description":"I enjoyed the mentoring experience on Imperative.","competency.p6_early_mentor_comp1.name":"I enjoyed the mentoring experience on Imperative.","competency.paving_way_comp1.description":"Imperative conversations help me be more successful at work.","competency.paving_way_comp1.name":"Imperative conversations help me be more successful at work.","competency.paving_way_comp2.description":"These conversations helped me gain a new perspective.","competency.paving_way_comp2.name":"These conversations helped me gain a new perspective.","competency.people_leader_exp_comp1.description":"Peer conversations helped me gain new perspective about leading my team.","competency.people_leader_exp_comp1.name":"Peer conversations helped me gain new perspective about leading my team.","competency.people_leader_exp_comp2.description":"Sharing about leadership experiences with a peer has helped me grow as a people leader.","competency.people_leader_exp_comp2.name":"Sharing about leadership experiences with a peer has helped me grow as a people leader.","competency.pride_comp_1.description":"Imperative conversations enable me to better connect with my co-workers. ","competency.pride_comp_1.name":"Imperative conversations enable me to better connect with my co-workers. ","competency.prioritize_well-being_comp1.description":"Peer coaching helps me prioritize my wellness.","competency.prioritize_well-being_comp1.name":"Peer coaching helps me prioritize my wellness.","competency.pwc_mentoring_v2_comp1.description":"I feel more empowered to achieve my career goals at PwC.","competency.pwc_mentoring_v2_comp1.name":"I feel more empowered to achieve my career goals at PwC.","competency.pwc_mentor_v2_comp2.description":"Mentoring on Imperative was easy","competency.pwc_mentor_v2_comp2.name":"Mentoring on Imperative was easy","competency.pwc_mentor_v2_comp3.description":"I can more effectively advocate for my own, or my mentee's career at the firm.","competency.pwc_mentor_v2_comp3.name":"I can more effectively advocate for my own, or my mentee's career at the firm.","competency.pwc_nav_change_comp1.description":"I feel equipped to navigate changes at the firm.","competency.pwc_nav_change_comp1.name":"I feel equipped to navigate changes at the firm.","competency.pwc_uk_comp1.description":"I have gained industry insights through my Imperative conversations.","competency.pwc_uk_comp1.name":"I have gained industry insights through my Imperative conversations.","competency.pwc_uk_comp2.description":"I was able to introduce other LoS to my clients through my peer connection.","competency.pwc_uk_comp2.name":"I was able to introduce other LoS to my clients through my peer connection.","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_1.description":"I am aware of how I approach solving problems.","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_1.name":"Awareness","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_2.description":"I use and develop my core talents at work regularly.","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_2.name":"Talent Centricity","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_3.description":"I know how to inspire excellence on my team.","competency.realizingpotential_s1_comp_3.name":"Inspiration","competency.skilling_circles_comp1.description":"I understand the key challenges in leading AI engagements.","competency.skilling_circles_comp1.name":"I understand the key challenges in leading AI engagements.","competency.skilling_circles_comp2.description":"I gained new perspectives that will help me lead or contribute in AI engagements.","competency.skilling_circles_comp2.name":"I gained new perspectives that will help me lead or contribute in AI engagements.","competency.skilling_circles_comp3.description":"Peer conversations helped me identified actions that allow me to be more successful in my role.","competency.skilling_circles_comp3.name":"Peer conversations helped me identified actions that allow me to be more successful in my role.","competency.storytelling_comp_1.description":"I know the key elements of a good story.","competency.storytelling_comp_1.name":"Understanding","competency.storytelling_comp_2.description":"I can develop a story concept into an effective narrative.","competency.storytelling_comp_2.name":"Conceptual Development","competency.storytelling_comp_3.description":"I know how to give feedback on a story to make it stronger.","competency.storytelling_comp_3.name":"Giving Feedback","competency.success_wellbeing_comp1.description":"I identified ways to increase my sense of wellbeing at work.","competency.success_wellbeing_comp1.name":"I identified ways to increase my sense of wellbeing at work.","competency.target_wellness_comp1.description":"Peer coaching helps me prioritize my wellness.","competency.target_wellness_comp1.name":"Peer coaching helps me prioritize my wellness.","competency.test456.description":"blank on purpose","competency.test456.name":"blank on purpose2","competency.unlock_your_potential_6.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner. ","competency.unlock_your_potential_6.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp1.description":"I know what makes work meaningful for me.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp1.name":"I know what makes work meaningful for me.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp2.description":"I regularly make small changes to my job to make it more fulfilling.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp2.name":"I regularly make small changes to my job to make it more fulfilling.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp3.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp3.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coaching partner.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp4.description":"I recognize how my personal sense of fulfillment can be activated at work.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp4.name":"I recognize how my personal sense of fulfillment can be activated at work.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp5.description":"I know how to lean into my strengths and recognize when my biases show up.","competency.unlock_your_potential_comp5.name":"I know how to lean into my strengths and recognize when my biases show up.","competency.unlock_your_potential.description":"filler filler","competency.unlock_your_potential.name":"filler","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp1.description":"My conversations helped me identify areas of focus on my wellness journey.","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp1.name":"My conversations helped me identify areas of focus on my wellness journey.","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp2.description":"Conversations helped me identify new ways to manage and recharge my energy.","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp2.name":"Conversations helped me identify new ways to manage and recharge my energy.","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp3.description":"I plan to continue my Imperative experience to meet new connections.","competency.wellbeing_energy_comp3.name":"I plan to continue my Imperative experience to meet new connections.","competency.zillow_ces_comp1.description":"I feel like a more effective leader. ","competency.zillow_ces_comp1.name":"I feel like a more effective leader. ","competency.zillow_ces_comp2.description":"I have learned and implemented one new technique to better lead my team.","competency.zillow_ces_comp2.name":"I have learned and implemented one new technique to better lead my team.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp1.description":"I understand Crucial Conversations and how they lead to my success at Zillow.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp1.name":"I understand Crucial Conversations and how they lead to my success at Zillow.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp2.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp2.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp3.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp3.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp4.description":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp4.name":"I would recommend Imperative to my co-workers.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp5.description":"I look forward to starting my next peer coaching conversations.","competency.zillow_crucial_conversations_comp5.name":"I look forward to starting my next peer coaching conversations.","competency.zillow_intern_comp1.description":"Our conversations helped me feel energized about what's possible for my career.","competency.zillow_intern_comp1.name":"Our conversations helped me feel energized about what's possible for my career.","competency.zillow_intern_comp2.description":"I have a better understanding of how to bring purpose into my career","competency.zillow_intern_comp2.name":"I have a better understanding of how to bring purpose into my career","competency.zillow_intern_comp3.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my Mentor/Intern.","competency.zillow_intern_comp3.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my Mentor/Intern.","competency.zillow_intern_comp4.description":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Mentor/Intern.","competency.zillow_intern_comp4.name":"I intend to have an ongoing relationship with my Mentor/Intern.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp1.description":"I understand my leadership style and how to be an effective leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp1.name":"I understand my leadership style and how to be an effective leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp2.description":"I regularly take incremental action toward improving my skills as a leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp2.name":"I regularly take incremental action toward improving my skills as a leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp3.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp3.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp4.description":"I understand my leadership style and how to be an effective leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp4.name":"I understand my leadership style and how to be an effective leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp5.description":"I regularly take incremental action toward improving my skills as a leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp5.name":"I regularly take incremental action toward improving my skills as a leader at Zillow.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp6.description":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_leader_of_others_comp6.name":"I developed a meaningful relationship with my peer coach.","competency.zillow_retention_1.description":"I understand and have applied rapport behaviors to increase Partner retention.","competency.zillow_retention_1.name":"I understand and have applied rapport behaviors to increase Partner retention.","dictionaries.country.ad.name":"Andorra","dictionaries.country.ae.name":"United Arab Emirates","dictionaries.country.af.name":"Afghanistan","dictionaries.country.ag.name":"Antigua and Barbuda","dictionaries.country.ai.name":"Anguilla","dictionaries.country.al.name":"Albania","dictionaries.country.am.name":"Armenia","dictionaries.country.ao.name":"Angola","dictionaries.country.aq.name":"Antarctica","dictionaries.country.ar.name":"Argentina","dictionaries.country.as.name":"American Samoa","dictionaries.country.at.name":"Austria","dictionaries.country.au.name":"Australia","dictionaries.country.aw.name":"Aruba","dictionaries.country.ax.name":"Åland Islands","dictionaries.country.az.name":"Azerbaijan","dictionaries.country.ba.name":"Bosnia and 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Britain and Northern Ireland","dictionaries.country.gd.name":"Grenada","dictionaries.country.ge.name":"Georgia","dictionaries.country.gf.name":"French Guiana","dictionaries.country.gg.name":"Guernsey","dictionaries.country.gh.name":"Ghana","dictionaries.country.gi.name":"Gibraltar","dictionaries.country.gl.name":"Greenland","dictionaries.country.gm.name":"Gambia","dictionaries.country.gn.name":"Guinea","dictionaries.country.gp.name":"Guadeloupe","dictionaries.country.gq.name":"Equatorial Guinea","dictionaries.country.gr.name":"Greece","dictionaries.country.gs.name":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Island","dictionaries.country.gt.name":"Guatemala","dictionaries.country.gu.name":"Guam","dictionaries.country.gw.name":"Guinea-Bissau","dictionaries.country.gy.name":"Guyana","dictionaries.country.hk.name":"Hong Kong","dictionaries.country.hm.name":"Heard Island and McDonald 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Islands","dictionaries.country.mq.name":"Martinique","dictionaries.country.mr.name":"Mauritania","dictionaries.country.ms.name":"Montserrat","dictionaries.country.mt.name":"Malta","dictionaries.country.mu.name":"Mauritius","dictionaries.country.mv.name":"Maldives","dictionaries.country.mw.name":"Malawi","dictionaries.country.mx.name":"Mexico","dictionaries.country.my.name":"Malaysia","dictionaries.country.mz.name":"Mozambique","dictionaries.country.na.name":"Namibia","dictionaries.country.nc.name":"New Caledonia","dictionaries.country.ne.name":"Niger","dictionaries.country.nf.name":"Norfolk Island","dictionaries.country.ng.name":"Nigeria","dictionaries.country.ni.name":"Nicaragua","dictionaries.country.nl.name":"Netherlands","dictionaries.country.no.name":"Norway","dictionaries.country.np.name":"Nepal","dictionaries.country.nr.name":"Nauru","dictionaries.country.nu.name":"Niue","dictionaries.country.nz.name":"New Zealand","dictionaries.country.om.name":"Oman","dictionaries.country.pa.name":"Panama","dictionaries.country.pe.name":"Peru","dictionaries.country.pf.name":"French Polynesia","dictionaries.country.pg.name":"Papua New Guinea","dictionaries.country.ph.name":"Philippines","dictionaries.country.pk.name":"Pakistan","dictionaries.country.pl.name":"Poland","dictionaries.country.pm.name":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon","dictionaries.country.pn.name":"Pitcairn Islands","dictionaries.country.pr.name":"Puerto Rico","dictionaries.country.ps.name":"Palestine State","dictionaries.country.pt.name":"Portugal","dictionaries.country.pw.name":"Palau","dictionaries.country.py.name":"Paraguay","dictionaries.country.qa.name":"Qatar","dictionaries.country.re.name":"Réunion","dictionaries.country.ro.name":"Romania","dictionaries.country.rs.name":"Serbia","dictionaries.country.ru.name":"Russian Federation","dictionaries.country.rw.name":"Rwanda","dictionaries.country.sa.name":"Saudi Arabia","dictionaries.country.sb.name":"Solomon Islands","dictionaries.country.sc.name":"Seychelles","dictionaries.country.sd.name":"Sudan","dictionaries.country.se.name":"Sweden","dictionaries.country.sg.name":"Singapore","dictionaries.country.sh.name":"Saint Helena","dictionaries.country.si.name":"Slovenia","dictionaries.country.sj.name":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen Island","dictionaries.country.sk.name":"Slovakia","dictionaries.country.sl.name":"Sierra Leone","dictionaries.country.sm.name":"San Marino","dictionaries.country.sn.name":"Senegal","dictionaries.country.so.name":"Somalia","dictionaries.country.sr.name":"Suriname","dictionaries.country.ss.name":"South Sudan","dictionaries.country.st.name":"Sao Tome and Principe","dictionaries.country.sv.name":"El Salvador","dictionaries.country.sx.name":"Sint Maarten","dictionaries.country.sy.name":"Syrian Arab Republic","dictionaries.country.sz.name":"Swaziland","dictionaries.country.tc.name":"Turks and Caicos Islands","dictionaries.country.td.name":"Chad","dictionaries.country.tf.name":"French Southern Territories","dictionaries.country.tg.name":"Togo","dictionaries.country.th.name":"Thailand","dictionaries.country.tj.name":"Tajikistan","dictionaries.country.tk.name":"Tokelau","dictionaries.country.tl.name":"Timor-Leste","dictionaries.country.tm.name":"Turkmenistan","dictionaries.country.tn.name":"Tunisia","dictionaries.country.to.name":"Tonga","dictionaries.country.tr.name":"Turkey","dictionaries.country.tt.name":"Trinidad and Tobago","dictionaries.country.tv.name":"Tuvalu","dictionaries.country.tw.name":"Taiwan","dictionaries.country.tz.name":"Tanzania United Republic of","dictionaries.country.ua.name":"Ukraine","dictionaries.country.ug.name":"Uganda","dictionaries.country.um.name":"United States Minor Outlying Islands","dictionaries.country.us.name":"United States of America","dictionaries.country.uy.name":"Uruguay","dictionaries.country.uz.name":"Uzbekistan","dictionaries.country.va.name":"Holy See","dictionaries.country.vc.name":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","dictionaries.country.ve.name":"Venezuela","dictionaries.country.vg.name":"British Virgin Islands","dictionaries.country.vi.name":"United States Virgin Islands","dictionaries.country.vn.name":"Viet Nam","dictionaries.country.vu.name":"Vanuatu","dictionaries.country.wf.name":"Wallis and Futuna Islands","dictionaries.country.ws.name":"Samoa","dictionaries.country.ye.name":"Yemen","dictionaries.country.yt.name":"Mayotte","dictionaries.country.za.name":"South Africa","dictionaries.country.zm.name":"Zambia","dictionaries.country.zw.name":"Zimbabwe","dictionaries.industry.aero-auto-transport.name":"Aero/Auto/Transport","dictionaries.industry.architecture-and-engineering.name":"Architecture and Engineering","dictionaries.industry.financial-services-and-insurance.name":"Financial Services and Insurance","dictionaries.industry.government-education-non-profit.name":"Government/Education/Non-profit","dictionaries.industry.healthcare-and-pharmaceutical.name":"Healthcare and Pharmaceutical","dictionaries.industry.manufacturing-industrial.name":"Manufacturing/Industrial","dictionaries.industry.media-and-entertainment.name":"Media and Entertainment","dictionaries.industry.oil-and-energy.name":"Oil and Energy","dictionaries.industry.professional-services.name":"Professional Services","dictionaries.industry.retail-and-consumer-products.name":"Retail and Consumer Products","dictionaries.industry.staffing.name":"Staffing","dictionaries.industry.technology-hardware.name":"Technology - Hardware","dictionaries.industry.technology-software.name":"Technology - Software","dictionaries.industry.telecommunications.name":"Telecommunications","dictionaries.jobfunction.accounting.name":"Accounting","dictionaries.jobfunction.administrative.name":"Administrative","dictionaries.jobfunction.arts-and-design.name":"Arts and Design","dictionaries.jobfunction.business-development.name":"Business Development","dictionaries.jobfunction.community-and-social-services.name":"Community and Social Services","dictionaries.jobfunction.consulting.name":"Consulting","dictionaries.jobfunction.education.name":"Education","dictionaries.jobfunction.engineering.name":"Engineering","dictionaries.jobfunction.entrepreneurship.name":"Entrepreneurship","dictionaries.jobfunction.finance.name":"Finance","dictionaries.jobfunction.healthcare-services.name":"Healthcare Services","dictionaries.jobfunction.human-resources.name":"Human Resources","dictionaries.jobfunction.information-technology.name":"Information Technology","dictionaries.jobfunction.legal.name":"Legal","dictionaries.jobfunction.marketing.name":"Marketing","dictionaries.jobfunction.media-and-communication.name":"Media and Communication","dictionaries.jobfunction.military-and-protective-services.name":"Military and Protective Services","dictionaries.jobfunction.operations.name":"Operations","dictionaries.jobfunction.other.name":"Other","dictionaries.jobfunction.product-management.name":"Product Management","dictionaries.jobfunction.program-and-project-management.name":"Program and Project Management","dictionaries.jobfunction.purchasing.name":"Purchasing","dictionaries.jobfunction.quality-assurance.name":"Quality Assurance","dictionaries.jobfunction.real-estate.name":"Real Estate","dictionaries.jobfunction.research.name":"Research","dictionaries.jobfunction.sales.name":"Sales","dictionaries.jobfunction.support.name":"Support","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.growth.name":"Growth","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.growth.question":"What were your two biggest learnings [or] what was the biggest challenge you had to overcome and how did you do it?","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.impact.name":"Impact","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.impact.question":"On which team or individual do you feel you had the most impact during your certification period?","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.relationships.name":"Relationships","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.relationships.question":"Looking back on your certification activity, how have either the Individual Walk Throughs or Team Report activity improved your relationships with colleagues?","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.summary.name":"Summary","dictionaries.reflectionquestionname.summary.question":"What is the one thing your account manager can help you with most as you proceed to the next step in leading your organization's purpose movement?","driver.community.title":"Community","driver.craft.community.biases-only.markdown":"- You direct a large portion of your time toward influencing and creating a sense of ownership rather than toward creating structures.\n- You see everything as a community-building activity or as a chance to bring people together.\n- You innately understand the importance of shared vision, but not everyone needs to have the same vision of work process.\n- You feel frustrated if you don't have access to stakeholders or experts.\n- You find joy in bringing people together to explore a problem and to define solutions. You might assume that others do, too, and that they have the skills required to make this happen.\n- You crave feedback on how you are perceived, in hopes of improving your influencing ability, and you may be averse to hearing feedback on structure and clarity.","driver.craft.community.moments-only.markdown":"- Get a group of people to take ownership of a problem.\n- Gain insight into an issue through stakeholder input.\n- Come to a shared understanding within a group.\n- See the advancement of a community you've organized, or watch that community become self-sufficient.\n- Connect people with similar needs or those who can work together to solve a common problem.","driver.craft.community.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Partnering with others, building rapport, gaining trust, and creating shared ownership.\n- To articulate the vision in an engaging way, communicating effectively in a variety of groups and settings.\n- Accepting and delegating responsibility.\n- Fostering open dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.\n- Facilitating discussions around problem definition.","driver.craft.human.biases-only.markdown":"- You prefer to explore context and ask good questions rather than to make assumptions or generalize.\n- You are curious about others and expect that others are curious about you and about people in general.\n- You innately communicate through stories, while others may prefer to see data or to hear about the background process.\n- You have deep empathy, and you may believe that those who have a more structured or absolute worldview don't value people.\n- You crave feedback on your ability to ask good questions and to create relevant solutions, but you might be blind to feedback on your ability to work in more nebulous contexts.\n- You find joy in exploring real, human needs and in creating environments that cater to those needs. You might assume that others do too, and that they possess the skills required to make this happen.\n- You feel frustrated when you are unable to get in touch with the real needs of people.","driver.craft.human.moments-only.markdown":"- Uncover a new insight about a behavior.\n- See an environment transformed.\n- Create an innovative solution.\n- Understand how to solve something that annoys a colleague.\n- Explore options.\n- See someone use what you've designed.\n- Ask questions that uncover a hidden need.\n- Hear that your solution is intuitive.","driver.craft.human.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Actively listening to truly understand what people care about and what their needs are.\n- Asking questions/interviewing in a way that draws out needs or root causes.\n- Working with stakeholders' requirements and expectations.\n- Planning an approach based on organizational politics.\n- Building knowledge about different approaches and skillful adaptations.\n- In order to learn and grow, reflecting on activities and the impact that they have on others.","driver.craft.knowledge.biases-only.markdown":"- You may initially view information (such as media, reports, or other data that you don't have a hand in crafting) as biased.\n- You innately have a black-and-white/right-or-wrong mindset, as opposed to one that encompasses shades of gray.\n- You emphasize truth over opinions.\n- You assume people will learn the most when information or insight is shared with them, while others might gain more from personal stories, exploring process, or understanding context.\n- You enjoy researching root causes and sharing insights, and you might assume that others do too, and that they possess these skills.\n- You crave input and debate, but you may disregard feedback on how you relate or come across.","driver.craft.knowledge.moments-only.markdown":"- Uncover new insights.\n- Bust a myth.\n- Engage in deeper conversation with lots of sharing.\n- See that others understand your ideas.\n- Publish your concepts or conclusions.\n- Ask questions that prompt critical thinking.\n- Find a root cause.\n- Challenge data.","driver.craft.knowledge.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Researching root cause.\n- Making a case using data to obtain the right resources.\n- Knowing the power and influence held within the organization and how to manage and navigate it.\n- Encouraging knowledge through conversation and supporting critical thinking through thoughtful questions.\n- Communicating data through stories and visualized impact.","driver.craft.structure.biases-only.markdown":"- You prefer clear roles, responsibilities, and processes over open or flexible job descriptions.\n- You become frustrated when projects go off-plan or when a plan is not followed.\n- You may innately communicate about process, while others might be more concerned with achievement goals.\n- You might find yourself thinking that your solutions would be perfect if the people trying to use them don't mess them up.\n- You enjoy developing processes and structures. You might assume that others do, too, and that they possess these skills.\n- You crave input on your structures and processes, and you want feedback on solutions, but you may not be comfortable receiving feedback on influencing, negotiation, or providing context for decisions.","driver.craft.structure.moments-only.markdown":"- Create processes that improve quality, speed, or consistency.\n- See that your work provided a \"right place, right time” solution.\n- Observe people adhering to policies you created.\n- Successfully predict an outcome.\n- Improve existing policies or frameworks.\n- Organize a complex problem or project.","driver.craft.structure.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Creating clear responsibilities and processes for monitoring and measuring results.\n- Staying current with policies and practices.\n- Structuring efficient workflow and breaking down objectives into appropriate actions and initiatives.\n- Recognizing patterns and trends.\n- Anticipating future implications and outcomes.","driver.harmony.title":"Harmony","driver.human.title":"Human","driver.impact.individual.biases-only.markdown":"- You innately visualize the people who are impacted by your work.\n- You tend to prioritize individual needs and performance over the needs and performance of teams, organizations, or society, and you expect others to do the same.\n- Vision statements or strategic business planning might seem abstract until you visualize the impact on people.\n- You tend to focus on individual performance, while others may focus on team or organization performance or on societal impact.\n- You may prefer to work directly with people impacted by your work, so you can see that impact.\n- If you are in a work culture that values organizational or societal impact, you may become disengaged.","driver.impact.individual.moments-only.markdown":"- See an individual have a breakthrough.\n- Establish a connection with someone.\n- Watch someone successfully use what you've built.\n- Teach someone something new in a training or as a mentor to new staff.\n- See someone's eyes light up as a result of your work.\n- Create clear and understandable communications.\n- Impact a greater number of individuals.\n- Make a deeper impact on individuals.","driver.impact.individual.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Providing relevant leadership to people based on their individual capabilities.\n- Relating, listening, and communicating in a way that reaches each person.\n- Developing others and working with each person's goals and motivators.\n- Following through on personal commitments.\n- Scaling impact to reach more people.","driver.impact.organization.biases-only.markdown":"- You innately visualize the teams or organizations impacted by your work.\n- You tend to prioritize the needs and performance of teams and organizations over the needs and performance of individuals or society at large, and you expect others to do the same.\n- To you, strategic business planning and team goal setting is more interesting than creating vision statements or developing individual work plans.\n- When something goes wrong, you worry about the impact on a team or organization.\n- If you are in a work culture that values individual or societal impact, you may become disengaged.","driver.impact.organization.moments-only.markdown":"- Help the organization solve outstanding challenges or develop new products and services.\n- Inspire a team's \"aha\" moment.\n- Establish clear governance and team accountability.\n- Get recognized by your peers for your impact on the organization.\n- Help colleagues create clear, quantifiable goals that are connected to those of the organization.\n- Support teams so they can develop and become high performing.\n- See your work directly impact organizational goals.","driver.impact.organization.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Understanding and perceiving power and influence.\n- Building strong contacts and networks within the organization.\n- Setting targets and staging significant milestones to meet crucial organizational goals.\n- Building knowledge of team design, culture, and activities.\n- Promoting cross-departmental collaboration to nurture innovation.","driver.impact.society.biases-only.markdown":"- You innately visualize how your work will impact society at large, which may be in the form of a ripple effect.\n- You yearn for big-picture context to help you connect the dots, and you tend to communicate that way.\n- You tend to prioritize the needs of customers or those outside the organization (such as vendors or suppliers) over the needs and performance of individuals, teams, and the organization, and you expect others to do the same.\n- To you, vision statements are more interesting than strategic business planning, team goal setting, or forecasting.\n- When something goes wrong, you worry about the impact outside the organization.\n- Other people's ambitions are often too limited to individual, team, or organizational impact. You like scale!","driver.impact.society.moments-only.markdown":"- See others promote your ideas.\n- Facilitate the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public.\n- See a community benefit from your work.\n- Discover the ripple effect that your work has beyond your organization.\n- Develop best practices that you can share with professional networks beyond your organization.\n- Help your organization stay relevant to society by keeping up-to-date on best practices in your field.\n- Be involved in something that makes your community and the world a better place.\n- Create assignments related to scaling impact.","driver.impact.society.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders.\n- Building strong contacts and networks outside of work and within professional networks.\n- Managing large-scale crises and adversity by maintaining a positive and productive attitude.\n- Pulling together resources, from people to funding, to get things done on a societal level.\n- Effectively communicating with a wide variety of people and with groups of all sizes.","driver.individual.title":"Individual","driver.karma.title":"Karma","driver.knowledge.title":"Knowledge","driver.organization.title":"Organization","driver.society.title":"Society","driver.structure.title":"Structure","driver.values.harmony.biases-only.markdown":"- You feel put on this earth to level the playing field, and you can't understand why some people are so pushy or self-centered.\n- You believe that creating equal access is necessary to development, whereas others may feel that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secret to development.\n- You believe that differences are equally important and should be represented, whereas others see their differences as an advantage that should be celebrated.\n- You believe that every voice counts, whereas others feel that it's unnecessary to get everyone's input.\n- You may feel frustrated if you are unable to change a situation that seems unfair. ","driver.values.harmony.moments-only.markdown":"- Create equal access to benefits, development opportunities, or underserved groups.\n- Reduce unearned or unfair advantages by leveling the playing field.\n- Facilitate changes for the common good.\n- Ensure that each team member feels empowered and important.\n- Create policies that stomp out favoritism or bullying.\n- Find opportunities to create a good working environment for all.\n- Support or promote fairness.\n- Identify the needs of those who are underserved.","driver.values.harmony.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Working with people across the organization to accomplish shared goals.\n- Creating a work climate where differences are valued and supported.\n- Facilitating breakthrough agreements and settling disputes equitably.\n- Following through on commitments and holding others accountable to do the same.\n- Reflecting on initiatives and predicting their impact.","driver.values.karma.biases-only.markdown":"- You aim to be the best and get the best, and you don't feel satisfied unless you are convinced that what you have is top quality. How could others settle for less?.\n- You are motivated to perform by the idea of being first to market, while others may be more motivated by the idea that it will positively impact an underserved group.\n- You believe that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secrets to development, while others may view these as risky because they might steamroll people.\n- You have a higher sense of urgency, whereas some prioritize \"doing the right thing” over speed.\n- You believe that what makes you different is what gives you your advantage, whereas others view differences as equally important.\n- You may feel frustrated if you are unable to see speedy progress. Break through by tapping into your WHO and HOW drivers.","driver.values.karma.moments-only.markdown":"- Solve a problem quickly and efficiently.\n- See that your work is best in class or first to market.\n- Create opportunities to break the status quo and create a new standard.\n- Advance faster than your competitors.\n- Push people out of their comfort zone to help them see what they are capable of achieving.\n- Achieve something that others said wasn't possible.","driver.values.karma.power-ups-only.markdown":"- Working with influencers and responding to market forces.\n- Tracking trends in the marketplace and modifying competitive actions.\n- Maintaining confidence under pressure and recovering quickly from setbacks.\n- Generating innovative or breakthrough ideas.\n- Gaining insights from experience and quickly applying new learnings.","jobhack.article-0.content":"archived","jobhack.article-0.content.markdown":"archived","jobhack.article-0.title":"archived","jobhack.article-1.content":"Read “The Power of Peer Learning”.\nLearn why successful and fulfilled people use peer coaching to accelerate their growth and build lifelong relationships.\nLearn why successful and fulfilled people use peer coaching to accelerate their growth and build lifelong relationships.","jobhack.article-1.content.markdown":"Peer coaching is the fastest and easiest way to harness your purpose drivers to accelerate your career growth and realize your potential as a purpose-driven leader. \n\n**People who engage in peer coaching are 31% more likely to report personal and professional growth.** \n\nPeer coaching is a process through which two colleagues work together to build and refine skills, reflect on their experiences and aspirations, solve workplace problems, uncover new insights about themselves and their work, and teach one another based on their respective experiences. \n\n**Four Core Benefits**\n\n1. Self-Awareness & Advocacy\n\nYour coaching conversations will help you understand what truly makes you unique - the source of your inner power and strength. And, by talking to a colleague about your purpose drivers, you will develop the language to advocate for yourself so you can own your career.\n\n2. Career Network\n\nAs your colleague gets to truly know you, they can become a champion for you. They will know when to send opportunities your way and help others to see your potential. \n\n3. Connection\n\nYou can’t be fulfilled or successful at work without relationships. Peer coaching will give you an excuse to carve out a little time to truly get to know someone else.\n\n4. Coaching Skills\n\nCoaching is one of the most valued skills of manager and leaders. Through peer coaching you will begin to develop these skills that you can then apply to other relationships in your career. ","jobhack.article-1.title":"The Power of Peer Learning","jobhack.article-1.video":"Article 1 Video","jobhack.article-2.content":"Read “Tips for a Great Conversation”\nBefore you start your first coaching conversation, learn the simple tricks to make the conversation effective.","jobhack.article-2.content.markdown":"Imperative is designed to make it easy to be a great learning partner. In addition to the tips and conversation prompts embedded in the system, we wanted to share some foundational advice on how to really show up for your conversation.\n\n# General Tips\n* Remove distractions (e.g. phone alerts) so you can be present.\n* Have both partners fully answer and explore each prompt before going on to the next one.\n* Treat the Purpose Profile information as a starting place for your conversations but don’t feel you have to agree with everything in it. \n\n# Coaching Tips\n* Seek to understand, not to judge.\n* Show you are listening and summarizing what you hear. \n* Be curious and ask follow up questions. Why? What is an example?\n* Get comfortable with silence. Give your partner time to think.\n* Make time at the end of the conversation to capture takeaways and actions.\n\n# Coachee Tips\n* Make an honest effort to be thoughtful and real with your answers, even if it takes time to fully communicate. \n* Stick to facts and feelings without judging if they are right or wrong.\n* If you are struggling with a topic, ask for help. \n* If you have information you don’t want your partner to repeat, tell them.\n* Make time at the end of the conversation to capture takeaways and actions.","jobhack.article-2.title":"Tips For a Great Conversation","jobhack.article-2.video":"Article 2 Video","jobhack.article-3.content":"Download your Purpose Profile to uncover insights about how you can maximize your impact and success.","jobhack.article-3.content.markdown":"Download your Purpose Profile to uncover insights about how you can maximize your impact and success.","jobhack.article-3.title":"Review My Purpose Profile","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.19.content":"Learn about the Community Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.19.content.markdown":"About the Community Purpose Driver:\nIn a world where we are often divided despite shared interests, you bring people together so they can move forward. You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership. You know how and when to connect two people who would get along. You empower groups to solve their own problems through cooperation. By fostering communities, you give them the support to face even the most pressing challenges.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Get a group of people to take ownership of a problem.\n- Gain insight into an issue through stakeholder input.\n- Come to a shared understanding within a group.\n- See the advancement of a community you've organized, or watch that community become self-sufficient.\n- Connect people with similar needs or those who can work together to solve a common problem.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.19.title":"Discover Community Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.20.content":"Learn about the Community Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.20.content.markdown":"About the Community Purpose Driver:\nIn a world where we are often divided despite shared interests, you bring people together so they can move forward. You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership. You know how and when to connect two people who would get along. You empower groups to solve their own problems through cooperation. By fostering communities, you give them the support to face even the most pressing challenges.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Partnering with others, building rapport, gaining trust, and creating shared ownership.\n- To articulate the vision in an engaging way, communicating effectively in a variety of groups and settings.\n- Accepting and delegating responsibility.\n- Fostering open dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.\n- Facilitating discussions around problem definition.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.20.title":"Uncover Community Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.21.content":"Learn about the Community Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.21.content.markdown":"About the Community Purpose Driver:\nIn a world where we are often divided despite shared interests, you bring people together so they can move forward. You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership. You know how and when to connect two people who would get along. You empower groups to solve their own problems through cooperation. By fostering communities, you give them the support to face even the most pressing challenges.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You direct a large portion of your time toward influencing and creating a sense of ownership rather than toward creating structures.\n- You see everything as a community-building activity or as a chance to bring people together.\n- You innately understand the importance of shared vision, but not everyone needs to have the same vision of work process.\n- You feel frustrated if you don't have access to stakeholders or experts.\n- You find joy in bringing people together to explore a problem and to define solutions. You might assume that others do, too, and that they have the skills required to make this happen.\n- You crave feedback on how you are perceived, in hopes of improving your influencing ability, and you may be averse to hearing feedback on structure and clarity.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.community.21.title":"Explore Community Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.16.content":"Discover Human Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.16.content.markdown":"Learn about the Human Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.\n\nAbout the Human Purpose Driver:\nYou believe that addressing the needs of real people is at the heart of productive, successful work. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when these needs are not only considered but also prioritized. You can walk in other people's shoes and bring the intuition, empathy, and perception necessary to design and deliver authentic solutions. You see the real-world context that is critical to understanding any challenge or opportunity.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Uncover a new insight about a behavior.\n- See an environment transformed.\n- Create an innovative solution.\n- Understand how to solve something that annoys a colleague.\n- Explore options.\n- See someone use what you've designed.\n- Ask questions that uncover a hidden need.\n- Hear that your solution is intuitive.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.16.title":"Discover Human Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.17.content":"Learn about the Human Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.17.content.markdown":"About the Human Purpose Driver:\nYou believe that addressing the needs of real people is at the heart of productive, successful work. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when these needs are not only considered but also prioritized. You can walk in other people's shoes and bring the intuition, empathy, and perception necessary to design and deliver authentic solutions. You see the real-world context that is critical to understanding any challenge or opportunity.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Actively listening to truly understand what people care about and what their needs are.\n- Asking questions/interviewing in a way that draws out needs or root causes.\n- Working with stakeholders' requirements and expectations.\n- Planning an approach based on organizational politics.\n- Building knowledge about different approaches and skillful adaptations.\n- In order to learn and grow, reflecting on activities and the impact that they have on others.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.17.title":"Uncover Human Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.18.content":"Learn about the Human Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.18.content.markdown":"About the Human Purpose Driver:\nYou believe that addressing the needs of real people is at the heart of productive, successful work. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when these needs are not only considered but also prioritized. You can walk in other people's shoes and bring the intuition, empathy, and perception necessary to design and deliver authentic solutions. You see the real-world context that is critical to understanding any challenge or opportunity.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You prefer to explore context and ask good questions rather than to make assumptions or generalize.\n- You are curious about others and expect that others are curious about you and about people in general.\n- You innately communicate through stories, while others may prefer to see data or to hear about the background process.\n- You have deep empathy, and you may believe that those who have a more structured or absolute worldview don't value people.\n- You crave feedback on your ability to ask good questions and to create relevant solutions, but you might be blind to feedback on your ability to work in more nebulous contexts.\n- You find joy in exploring real, human needs and in creating environments that cater to those needs. You might assume that others do, too, and that they possess the skills required to make this happen.\n- You feel frustrated when you are unable to get in touch with the real needs of people.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.human.18.title":"Explore Human Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.22.content":"Learn about the Knowledge Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.22.content.markdown":"About the Knowledge Purpose Driver:\nYour curiosity is a tool for uncovering the answers needed to solve the greatest challenges and to realize the most exciting opportunities. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when working to unearth new insights and information through in-depth exploration of problems, rigorous research, and analysis. You help everyone ask and answer the right questions.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Uncover new insights.\n- Bust a myth.\n- Engage in deeper conversation with lots of sharing.\n- See that others understand your ideas.\n- Publish your concepts or conclusions.\n- Ask questions that prompt critical thinking.\n- Find a root cause.\n- Challenge data.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.22.title":"Discover Knowledge Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.23.content":"Learn about the Knowledge Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.23.content.markdown":"About the Knowledge Purpose Driver:\nYour curiosity is a tool for uncovering the answers needed to solve the greatest challenges and to realize the most exciting opportunities. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when working to unearth new insights and information through in-depth exploration of problems, rigorous research, and analysis. You help everyone ask and answer the right questions.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Researching root cause.\n- Making a case using data to obtain the right resources.\n- Knowing the power and influence held within the organization and how to manage and navigate it.\n- Encouraging knowledge thorough conversation and supporting critical thinking through thoughtful questions.\n- Communicating data through stories and visualized impact.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.23.title":"Uncover Knowledge Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.24.content":"Learn about the Knowledge Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.24.content.markdown":"About the Knowledge Purpose Driver:\nYour curiosity is a tool for uncovering the answers needed to solve the greatest challenges and to realize the most exciting opportunities. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when working to unearth new insights and information through in-depth exploration of problems, rigorous research, and analysis. You help everyone ask and answer the right questions.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You may initially view information (such as media, reports, or other data that you don't have a hand in crafting) as biased.\n- You innately have a black-and-white/right-or-wrong mindset, as opposed to one that encompasses shades of gray.\n- You emphasize truth over opinions.\n- You assume people will learn the most when information or insight is shared with them, while others might gain more from personal stories, exploring process, or understanding context.\n- You enjoy researching root causes and sharing insights, and you might assume that others do, too, and that they possess these skills.\n- You crave input and debate, but you may disregard feedback on how you relate or come across.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.knowledge.24.title":"Explore Knowledge Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.25.content":"Learn about the Structure Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.25.content.markdown":"About the Structure Purpose Driver:\nYou develop and manage systems and processes to scale high-quality impact. Standard procedures, leadership practices, policies, and approaches must be designed so that everyone is set up for success. In complexity, you see actionable patterns that drive innovation. This consistency allows for systems and tools to be scaled for greater impact.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Create processes that improve quality, speed, or consistency.\n- See that your work provided a \"right place, right time” solution.\n- Observe people adhering to policies you created.\n- Successfully predict an outcome.\n- Improve existing policies or frameworks.\n- Organize a complex problem or project.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.25.title":"Discover Structure Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.26.content":"Learn about the Structure Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.26.content.markdown":"About the Structure Purpose Driver:\nYou develop and manage systems and processes to scale high-quality impact. Standard procedures, leadership practices, policies, and approaches must be designed so that everyone is set up for success. In complexity, you see actionable patterns that drive innovation. This consistency allows for systems and tools to be scaled for greater impact.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Creating clear responsibilities and processes for monitoring and measuring results.\n- Staying current with policies and practices.\n- Structuring efficient workflow and breaking down objectives into appropriate actions and initiatives.\n- Recognizing patterns and trends.\n- Anticipating future implications and outcomes.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.26.title":"Uncover Structure Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.27.content":"Learn about the Structure Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.27.content.markdown":"About the Structure Purpose Driver:\nYou develop and manage systems and processes to scale high-quality impact. Standard procedures, leadership practices, policies, and approaches must be designed so that everyone is set up for success. In complexity, you see actionable patterns that drive innovation. This consistency allows for systems and tools to be scaled for greater impact.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You prefer clear roles, responsibilities, and processes over open or flexible job descriptions.\n- You become frustrated when projects go off-plan or when a plan is not followed.\n- You may innately communicate about process, while others might be more concerned with achievement goals.\n- You might find yourself thinking that your solutions would be perfect if the people trying to use them don't mess them up.\n- You enjoy developing processes and structures. You might assume that others do, too, and that they possess these skills.\n- You crave input on your structures and processes, and you want feedback on solutions, but you may not be comfortable receiving feedback on influencing, negotiation, or providing context for decisions.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.craft.structure.27.title":"Explore Structure Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.1.content":"Learn about the Individual Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.1.content.markdown":"About the Individual Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you see your work directly impact individuals. In a world where people are increasingly treated as numbers, you help them be seen and valued. You see great potential in the people you serve and will go the extra mile to help them thrive. You are highly motivated by personal connection and by seeing your efforts come to immediate fruition. Not everyone looks out for the needs of individuals, but you are their advocate.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- See an individual have a breakthrough.\n- Establish a connection with someone.\n- Watch someone successfully use what you've built.\n- Teach someone something new in a training or as a mentor to new staff.\n- See someone's eyes light up as a result of your work.\n- Create clear and understandable communications.\n- Impact a greater number of individuals.\n- Make a deeper impact on individuals.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.1.title":"Discover Individual Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.2.content":"Learn about the Individual Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.2.content.markdown":"About the Individual Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you see your work directly impact individuals. In a world where people are increasingly treated as numbers, you help them be seen and valued. You see great potential in the people you serve and will go the extra mile to help them thrive. You are highly motivated by personal connection and by seeing your efforts come to immediate fruition. Not everyone looks out for the needs of individuals, but you are their advocate.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Providing relevant leadership to people based on their individual capabilities.\n- Relating, listening, and communicating in a way that reaches each person.\n- Developing others and working with each person's goals and motivators.\n- Following through on personal commitments.\n- Scaling impact to reach more people.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.2.title":"Uncover Individual Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.3.content":"Learn about the Individual Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.3.content.markdown":"About the Individual Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you see your work directly impact individuals. In a world where people are increasingly treated as numbers, you help them be seen and valued. You see great potential in the people you serve and will go the extra mile to help them thrive. You are highly motivated by personal connection and by seeing your efforts come to immediate fruition. Not everyone looks out for the needs of individuals, but you are their advocate.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You innately visualize the people who are impacted by your work.\n- You tend to prioritize individual needs and performance over the needs and performance of teams, organizations, or society, and you expect others to do the same.\n- Vision statements or strategic business planning might seem abstract until you visualize the impact on people.\n- You tend to focus on individual performance, while others may focus on team or organization performance or on societal impact.\n- You may prefer to work directly with people impacted by your work, so you can see that impact. Consider leaning on your HOW driver to reach more individuals and to scale your impact.\n- If you are in a work culture that values organizational or societal impact, you may become disengaged.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.individual.3.title":"Explore Individual Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.4.content":"Learn about the Organization Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.4.content.markdown":"About the Individual Organization Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when your work is impacting organizations. Working at that level enables a scale of change that adds tangible value to the lives of many. Whether you are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, you always look to connect your impact to your team or organization. Not everyone can leverage this focus to orchestrate better ways to create, build, and run remarkable organizations, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to do just that.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Help the organization solve outstanding challenges or develop new products and services.\n- Inspire a team's \"aha\" moment.\n- Establish clear governance and team accountability.\n- Get recognized by your peers for your impact on the organization.\n- Help colleagues create clear, quantifiable goals that are connected to those of the organization.\n- Support teams so they can develop and become high performing.\n- See your work directly impact organizational goals.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.4.title":"Discover Organization Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.5.content":"Learn about the Organization Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.5.content.markdown":"About the Organization Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when your work is impacting organizations. Working at that level enables a scale of change that adds tangible value to the lives of many. Whether you are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, you always look to connect your impact to your team or organization. Not everyone can leverage this focus to orchestrate better ways to create, build, and run remarkable organizations, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to do just that.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Understanding and perceiving power and influence.\n- Building strong contacts and networks within the organization.\n- Setting targets and staging significant milestones to meet crucial organizational goals.\n- Building knowledge of team design, culture, and activities.\n- Promoting cross-departmental collaboration to nurture innovation.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.5.title":"Uncover Organization Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.6.content":"Learn about the Organization Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.6.content.markdown":"About the Organization Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when your work is impacting organizations. Working at that level enables a scale of change that adds tangible value to the lives of many. Whether you are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, you always look to connect your impact to your team or organization. Not everyone can leverage this focus to orchestrate better ways to create, build, and run remarkable organizations, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to do just that.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You innately visualize the teams or organizations impacted by your work.\n- You tend to prioritize the needs and performance of teams and organizations over the needs and performance of individuals or society at large, and you expect others to do the same.\n- To you, strategic business planning and team goal setting is more interesting than creating vision statements or developing individual work plans.\n- When something goes wrong, you worry about the impact on a team or organization.\n- If you are in a work culture that values individual or societal impact, you may become disengaged.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.organization.6.title":"Explore Organization Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.7.content":"Learn about the Society Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.7.content.markdown":"About the Society Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you work to address high-level issues that affect the lives of many. You create and amplify trends that propel society toward a better tomorrow. You thrive when working toward solutions that have the potential to make wide-ranging impacts. Not everyone has the vision and inspiration to fully understand the forces that drive broader change, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to inspire people to move forward.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- See others promote your ideas.\n- Facilitate the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public.\n- See a community benefit from your work.\n- Discover the ripple effect that your work has beyond your organization.\n- Develop best practices that you can share with professional networks beyond your organization.\n- Help your organization stay relevant to society by keeping up-to-date on best practices in your field.\n- Be involved in something that makes your community and the world a better place.\n- Create assignments related to scaling impact.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.7.title":"Discover Society Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.8.content":"Learn about the Society Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.8.content.markdown":"About the Society Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you work to address high-level issues that affect the lives of many. You create and amplify trends that propel society toward a better tomorrow. You thrive when working toward solutions that have the potential to make wide-ranging impacts. Not everyone has the vision and inspiration to fully understand the forces that drive broader change, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to inspire people to move forward.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders.\n- Building strong contacts and networks outside of work and within professional networks.\n- Managing large-scale crises and adversity by maintaining a positive and productive attitude.\n- Pulling together resources, from people to funding, to get things done on a societal level.\n- Effectively communicating with a wide variety of people and with groups of all sizes.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.8.title":"Uncover Society Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.9.content":"Learn about the Society Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.9.content.markdown":"About the Society Purpose Driver:\nYou are fulfilled when you work to address high-level issues that affect the lives of many. You create and amplify trends that propel society toward a better tomorrow. You thrive when working toward solutions that have the potential to make wide-ranging impacts. Not everyone has the vision and inspiration to fully understand the forces that drive broader change, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to inspire people to move forward.\n\nPotential Biases:\n\n- You innately visualize how your work will impact society at large, which may be in the form of a ripple effect.\n- You yearn for big-picture context to help you connect the dots, and you tend to communicate that way.\n- You tend to prioritize the needs of customers or those outside the organization (such as vendors or suppliers) over the needs and performance of individuals, teams, and the organization, and you expect others to do the same.\n- To you, vision statements are more interesting than strategic business planning, team goal setting, or forecasting.\n- When something goes wrong, you worry about the impact outside the organization.\n- Other people's ambitions are often too limited to individual, team, or organizational impact. You like scale!\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.impact.society.9.title":"Explore Society Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.13.content":"Learn about the Harmony Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.13.content.markdown":"About the Harmony Purpose Driver:\nYou challenge everyone to create an equitable world in which all people can work together to realize any opportunity or to overcome any challenge. You believe in humanity's collective responsibility to care for each other and that no one is successful on their own. You see that there isn't a level playing field for everyone, but you work tirelessly to give everyone a voice and equal access. It is unfair to leave people behind or to allow the majority to exert its will on everyone else. By tapping everyone's perspective and creativity, you drive true sustained innovation and you inspire people.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Create equal access to benefits, development opportunities, or underserved groups.\n- Reduce unearned or unfair advantages by leveling the playing field.\n- Facilitate changes for the common good.\n- Ensure that each team member feels empowered and important.\n- Create policies that stomp out favoritism or bullying.\n- Find opportunities to create a good working environment for all.\n- Support or promote fairness.\n- Identify the needs of those who are underserved.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.13.title":"Discover Harmony Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.14.content":"Learn about the Harmony Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.14.content.markdown":"About the Harmony Purpose Driver:\nYou challenge everyone to create an equitable world in which all people can work together to realize any opportunity or to overcome any challenge. You believe in humanity's collective responsibility to care for each other and that no one is successful on their own. You see that there isn't a level playing field for everyone, but you work tirelessly to give everyone a voice and equal access. It is unfair to leave people behind or to allow the majority to exert its will on everyone else. By tapping everyone's perspective and creativity, you drive true sustained innovation and you inspire people.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Working with people across the organization to accomplish shared goals.\n- Creating a work climate where differences are valued and supported.\n- Facilitating breakthrough agreements and settling disputes equitably.\n- Following through on commitments and holding others accountable to do the same.\n- Reflecting on initiatives and predicting their impact.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.14.title":"Uncover Harmony Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.15.content":"Learn about the Harmony Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.15.content.markdown":"About the Harmony Purpose Driver:\nYou challenge everyone to create an equitable world in which all people can work together to realize any opportunity or to overcome any challenge. You believe in humanity's collective responsibility to care for each other and that no one is successful on their own. You see that there isn't a level playing field for everyone, but you work tirelessly to give everyone a voice and equal access. It is unfair to leave people behind or to allow the majority to exert its will on everyone else. By tapping everyone's perspective and creativity, you drive true sustained innovation and you inspire people.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You feel put on this earth to level the playing field, and you can't understand why some people are so pushy or self-centered.\n- You believe that creating equal access is necessary to development, whereas others may feel that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secret to development.\n- You believe that differences are equally important and should be represented, whereas others see their differences as an advantage that should be celebrated.\n- You believe that every voice counts, whereas others feel that it's unnecessary to get everyone's input.\n- You may feel frustrated if you are unable to change a situation that seems unfair. Break through by tapping into your WHO and HOW drivers.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.harmony.15.title":"Explore Harmony Driver Biases","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.10.content":"Learn about the Karma Purpose Driver and how it often shows up in the daily work of people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.10.content.markdown":"About the Karma Purpose Driver:\nYou push everyone to realize their potential. You believe in personal responsibility, that you have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequence for actions. You know that greatness is a product of hard work, motivation, and vision for what is possible. You work to unleash ingenuity, challenge people to set ambitious goals, and reward bold action. You expect people to own their mistakes and to learn from them. It is unfair to have different standards for different people, systems that don't reward hard work and good decisions, or a requirement to lower standards for excellence. These injustices prevent the natural force of karma and create mediocrity in society.\n\nPurpose Moments:\n- Solve a problem quickly and efficiently.\n- See that your work is best in class or first to market.\n- Create opportunities to break the status quo and create a new standard.\n- Advance faster than your competitors.\n- Push people out of their comfort zone to help them see what they are capable of achieving.\n- Achieve something that others said wasn't possible.\n\nHow many of these purpose moments have you experienced in the last week?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.10.title":"Discover Karma Driver Moments","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.11.content":"Learn about the Karma Purpose Driver and the typical skills people who share it develop to realize their potential.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.11.content.markdown":"About the Karma Purpose Driver:\nYou push everyone to realize their potential. You believe in personal responsibility, that you have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequence for actions. You know that greatness is a product of hard work, motivation, and vision for what is possible. You work to unleash ingenuity, challenge people to set ambitious goals, and reward bold action. You expect people to own their mistakes and to learn from them. It is unfair to have different standards for different people, systems that don't reward hard work and good decisions, or a requirement to lower standards for excellence. These injustices prevent the natural force of karma and create mediocrity in society.\n\nPurpose Power-Ups\n- Working with influencers and responding to market forces.\n- Tracking trends in the marketplace and modifying competitive actions.\n- Maintaining confidence under pressure and recovering quickly from setbacks.\n- Generating innovative or breakthrough ideas.\n- Gaining insights from experience and quickly applying new learnings.\n\nWhat is one ability you want to further develop this year?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.11.title":"Uncover Karma Driver Power-Ups","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.12.content":"Learn about the Karma Purpose Driver and the common unconscious biases of the people who share it.","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.12.content.markdown":"About the Karma Purpose Driver:\nYou push everyone to realize their potential. You believe in personal responsibility, that you have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequence for actions. You know that greatness is a product of hard work, motivation, and vision for what is possible. You work to unleash ingenuity, challenge people to set ambitious goals, and reward bold action. You expect people to own their mistakes and to learn from them. It is unfair to have different standards for different people, systems that don't reward hard work and good decisions, or a requirement to lower standards for excellence. These injustices prevent the natural force of karma and create mediocrity in society.\n\nPotential Biases:\n- You aim to be the best and get the best, and you don't feel satisfied unless you are convinced that what you have is top quality. How could others settle for less?.\n- You are motivated to perform by the idea of being first to market, while others may be more motivated by the idea that it will positively impact an underserved group.\n- You believe that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secrets to development, while others may view these as risky because they might steamroll people.\n- You have a higher sense of urgency, whereas some prioritize \"doing the right thing” over speed.\n- You believe that what makes you different is what gives you your advantage, whereas others view differences as equally important.\n- You may feel frustrated if you are unable to see speedy progress. Break through by tapping into your WHO and HOW drivers.\n\nWhich of these biases have you experienced in your work?","jobhack.driver.learn.values.karma.12.title":"Explore Karma Driver Biases","jobhack.driver-video-1.content":"Learn about the Individual Purpose Driver and how it defines the impact that will be most fulfilling for you.","jobhack.driver-video-1.title":"Watch \"Individual\"","jobhack.driver-video-1.video":"257547893","jobhack.driver-video-2.content":"Learn about the Organization Purpose Driver and how it defines the impact that will be most fulfilling for you.","jobhack.driver-video-2.title":"Watch \"Organization\"","jobhack.driver-video-2.video":"257548003","jobhack.driver-video-3.content":"Learn about the Society Purpose Driver and how it defines the impact that will be most fulfilling for you.","jobhack.driver-video-3.title":"Watch \"Society\"","jobhack.driver-video-3.video":"257548081","jobhack.driver-video-4.content":"Learn about the Karma Purpose Driver and how it defines your values and worldview.","jobhack.driver-video-4.title":"Watch \"Karma\"","jobhack.driver-video-4.video":"257547935","jobhack.driver-video-5.content":"Learn about the Harmony Purpose Driver and how it defines your values and worldview.","jobhack.driver-video-5.title":"Watch \"Harmony\"","jobhack.driver-video-5.video":"257547742","jobhack.driver-video-6.content":"Learn about the Human Purpose Driver and how it reveals your superpowers.","jobhack.driver-video-6.title":"Watch \"Human\"","jobhack.driver-video-6.video":"257547860","jobhack.driver-video-7.content":"Learn about the Community Purpose Driver and how it reveals your superpowers.","jobhack.driver-video-7.title":"Watch \"Community\"","jobhack.driver-video-7.video":"257547727","jobhack.driver-video-8.content":"Learn about the Structure Purpose Driver and how it reveals your superpowers.","jobhack.driver-video-8.title":"Watch \"Structure\"","jobhack.driver-video-8.video":"257548126","jobhack.driver-video-9.content":"Learn about the Knowledge Purpose Driver and how it reveals your superpowers.","jobhack.driver-video-9.title":"Watch \"Knowledge\"","jobhack.driver-video-9.video":"257547962","jobhack.onboarding-video-1.content":"Watch this video to learn why successful and fulfilled people use peer coaching to accelerate their growth and build lifelong relationships.","jobhack.onboarding-video-1.title":"The Power of Peer Learning","jobhack.onboarding-video-1.video":"440413918","jobhack.onboarding-video-2.content":"Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about peer coaching on the Imperative platform in 90 seconds!","jobhack.onboarding-video-2.title":"The Peer Coaching Tutorial","jobhack.onboarding-video-2.video":"369870546","jobhack.todd-xlsx-100.content":"At the start of your next project, set aside enough time to really understand the systems needed to feel set up for success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-100.title":"Understand Success of a Project","jobhack.todd-xlsx-101.content":"Set up a time to talk to someone directly impacted by the work of your organization.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-101.title":"Connect with Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-102.content":"Define excellence as a team. What is your shared definition?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-102.title":"Define Team Excellence","jobhack.todd-xlsx-103.content":"Discuss the biases associated with your team's purpose drivers and brainstorm strategies to best manage them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-103.title":"Uncover Team Biases","jobhack.todd-xlsx-104.content":"Do a responsibility swapmeet as a team. Have each member share which responsibilities they like least in their job and see if someone else would want to swap it with something they don't like.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-104.title":"Reevaluate Responsibilities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-105.content":"Engage in volunteering or pro bono work to gain a better understanding of what impact you need to make to feel fulfilled.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-105.title":"Experiment with Volunteering","jobhack.todd-xlsx-106.content":"Find out what events and networking groups exist in the organization and join one.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-106.title":"Get Connected at Work","jobhack.todd-xlsx-107.content":"In every meeting you attend this week, challenge the group to verbalize their action items and follow-ups at the end of the meeting. This will improve clarity and increase the likelihood of things getting done.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-107.title":"Improve Actionability of Meetings","jobhack.todd-xlsx-108.content":"Make the time to connect directly with the people who are positively impacted by your work, whether it is a client, a co-worker, or someone else. Ask them if and how their needs are being met.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-108.title":"Connect with Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-109.content":"Maximize your impact on your next project by using your strengths in {{ArchetypeName}}.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-109.title":"Maximize Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-10.content":"Ask a former manager what you might be doing to make your relationship with your new manager harder.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-10.title":"Get Insight on Your Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-110.content":"Mentor a new employee to help them see the impact of their job.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-110.title":"Mentor a New Employee","jobhack.todd-xlsx-111.content":"Own your purpose by putting it in your own words with Imperative's [[title=statement builder, link=purpose-profile/statement-builder]]. Leverage this statement as an intro for two meetings durning the week and see what conversations surface as a result.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-111.title":"Write/Use a Purpose Statement","jobhack.todd-xlsx-112.content":"Reflect as a team on what you accomplished in the last month that demonstrates your team purpose drivers.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-112.title":"Think about Team Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-113.content":"Rewrite your LinkedIn profile to reflect your purpose drivers in the description of the employers, role and accomplishments.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-113.title":"Improve Your Online Presence","jobhack.todd-xlsx-114.content":"This week, approach every interaction with the intention of learning something new about the other person. Ask \"why\" questions to dig deeper into their responses and learn even more about their motivations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-114.title":"Focus on Learning about Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-115.content":"What if there was a way to showcase the collective wisdom and experience within your organization? Form a planning committee to put on monthly TEDx-style talks where experts at your organization can share what they know.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-115.title":"Showcase Collective Knowledge","jobhack.todd-xlsx-116.content":"Make a conscious effort to use positive words when thinking about your tasks and challenges at work. Doing so increases motivation and confidence. For example: problems and difficulties become challenges and opportunities.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-116.title":"Experiment with Positive Language","jobhack.todd-xlsx-117.content":"The impact game is a marathon, not a sprint. Identify the number one top risk factor you face for \"burnout.\" Commit to three things you need to do to create some balance in your work.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-117.title":"Mitigate Burnout","jobhack.todd-xlsx-118.content":"Identify three things you've already done that had an impact on your organization or community. What next steps do you need to take to take that impact to the next level? Make a list and carry it out!","jobhack.todd-xlsx-118.title":"Level Up Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-119.content":"Identify three things the team is doing that aren't aligned with its purpose and find a way to shed them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-119.title":"Realign Team with Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-11.content":"Ask five friends or family members to share with you who you are when you are at your best.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-11.title":"Get Insight on Your Best Self","jobhack.todd-xlsx-120.content":"Use your team purpose profile to develop a team purpose statement and decide how you can use it in your planning and celebrations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-120.title":"Use a Team Purpose Statement","jobhack.todd-xlsx-121.content":"Start a book club at work. Each month, take turns choosing the book and ask each person to commit to bringing 5 topics or questions to discuss when you meet.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-121.title":"Start a Book Club","jobhack.todd-xlsx-122.content":"Identify someone outside of your organization that you'd like to recruit. Schedule time with them and tell them why you think they could have a powerful impact on your organization -- and what's in it for them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-122.title":"Reach Out and Recruit","jobhack.todd-xlsx-123.content":"Think of two colleagues that have different purpose drivers. How would you change a conversation about goals or responsibilities based on their drivers. Try it out and write down how the experiment went.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-123.title":"Adapt Your Conversations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-124.content":"Are you a giver or a taker? Identify one person whom you give too much to and set some boundaries. Then identify one person you really need something from and ask for it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-124.title":"Reevaluate Your Needs","jobhack.todd-xlsx-125.content":"Check out the book \"The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage\" by Roger L. Martin for a framework on how to think about human-centered design.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-125.title":"Read about Human-centered Design","jobhack.todd-xlsx-126.content":"Fathom's President Tara Russell is human-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2gKz4oA\"]] about her and reflect on how she has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-126.title":"Read about Human Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-127.content":"Check out the book \"Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation\" by Tim Brown for case studies on how the best designs come out of careful observations and empathy.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-127.title":"Read about Excellent Design","jobhack.todd-xlsx-128.content":"Check out the book \"The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America's Leading Design Firm\" by Tom Kelley to find out the role collaboration has in building truly innovative products and services.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-128.title":"Read about Collaboration","jobhack.todd-xlsx-129.content":"Check out the book \"Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike\" by Phil Knight for a great example of how struggle helped the man behind the sports giant become successful.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-129.title":"Read about Overcoming Obstacles","jobhack.todd-xlsx-12.content":"Ask someone to observe you in a part of your job and provide you with feedback.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-12.title":"Ask for Feedback","jobhack.todd-xlsx-130.content":"Splunk's CEO Doug Merritt is karma-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2qLlvua\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-130.title":"Read about Karma Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-131.content":"Steelcase's CEO Jim Keane is karma-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2gpgbWZ\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-131.title":"Read about Karma Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-132.content":"Check out the book \"Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business\" by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia for some strong case studies about how purpose can co-exist with successful business and capitalism.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-132.title":"Read about Purpose and Success","jobhack.todd-xlsx-133.content":"Check out the book \"Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less\" by Greg McKeown to learn the value in prioritizing and focusing by enforcing higher selection criteria when making choices.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-133.title":"Read about Prioritizing and Focusing","jobhack.todd-xlsx-134.content":"Check out the book \"The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness\" by Todd Rose to examine how sometimes arbitrary metrics define the way we think about ourselves.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-134.title":"Read about Prioritizing and Focusing","jobhack.todd-xlsx-135.content":"Ben & Jerry's CEO Jostein Solheim is society-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2qS79HE\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-135.title":"Read about Society Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-136.content":"Newman's Own CEO Bob Forrester is society-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2qlyNga\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-136.title":"Read about Society Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-137.content":"The late San Francisco Mayer Ed Lee was harmony-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2qL7VqJ\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-137.title":"Read about Harmony Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-138.content":"YWCA's CEO Dara Richardson-Heron is society-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2if6tFq\"]] about her and reflect on how she has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-138.title":"Read about Society Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-139.content":"Check out the book \"Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers\" by Geoffrey A. Moore to understand how to make pioneering products and services accessible to the masses.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-139.title":"Read about Scaling to Populations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-13.content":"Ask someone you trust in the organization for coaching on how to give your manager direct feedback.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-13.title":"Ask for Coaching on Feedback","jobhack.todd-xlsx-140.content":"Check out the book \"David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants\" by Malcom Gladwell for a study on what it means to face setbacks and obstacles and how they can shape outcomes.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-140.title":"Read about Overcoming Obstacles","jobhack.todd-xlsx-141.content":"Check out the book \"Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow\" by Yuval Noah Harari to explore questions around what challenges and opportunities we may face in the future.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-141.title":"Read about Our Future","jobhack.todd-xlsx-142.content":"Check out the book \"The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference\" by Malcom Gladwell to explore the catalysts that cause changes to be widespread.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-142.title":"Read about Widespread Change","jobhack.todd-xlsx-143.content":"Check out the book \"Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family\" by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia to explore how fundamentally thinking about employees differently can radically change business outcomes.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-143.title":"Read about Employer Mindset","jobhack.todd-xlsx-144.content":"Check out the book \"Individualism Old and New\" by John Dewey to explore the idea of how we still place emphasis on people as technology and innovation continue to rise.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-144.title":"Read about Individual Value","jobhack.todd-xlsx-145.content":"Campbell Soup's CEO Denise Morrison is knowledge-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2rjK51N\"]] about her and reflect on how she has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-145.title":"Read about Knowledge Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-146.content":"Check out the book \"Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking\" by Malcom Gladwell to examine the way that snap judgements play into our decision-making process.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-146.title":"Read about Informing Decisions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-147.content":"Check out the book \"Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful Leadership\" by John C. Maxwell to study how the quest for understanding creates great leaders.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-147.title":"Read about Knowledge Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-148.content":"Check out the book \"The Fifth Dicipline: The Art and Practice of the Leraning Organization\" by Peter M. Senge to learn about how to create organizations that systematize learning as a core value.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-148.title":"Read about Systematizing Learning","jobhack.todd-xlsx-149.content":"Check out the book \"Thinking in Systems: A Primer\" by Donella H. Meadows to understand how to create solutions that address the breadth of problem with respect to what created it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-149.title":"Read about Addressing Problems","jobhack.todd-xlsx-14.content":"Ask your friends and family for extra support as you ramp up in the new job.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-14.title":"Ask for Extra Support","jobhack.todd-xlsx-150.content":"Check out the book \"Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us\" by Seth Godin to learn about the importance of leadership in creating community.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-150.title":"Read about Leading Communities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-151.content":"Degreed's CEO David Blake is structure-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2qlBldG\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-151.title":"Read about Structure Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-152.content":"Heineken Mexico's CEO Dolf Van Den Brink is community-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2kCShWX\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-152.title":"Read about Community Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-153.content":"Room To Read's CEO Erin Ganju is community-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2jnE5BL\"]] about her and reflect on how she has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-153.title":"Read about Community Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-154.content":"Check out the book \"Business Process Management\" by John Jeston to learn more about blending several processes and methodologies together.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-154.title":"Read about Blending Processes","jobhack.todd-xlsx-155.content":"Check out the book \"Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society\" by John W. Gardner to see how building communities that do great things can start with you.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-155.title":"Read about Building Community","jobhack.todd-xlsx-156.content":"Check out the book \"Systems Thinking For Social Change: A Practical Guide to Solving Complex Problems, Avoiding Unintended Consequences and Achieving Lasting Results\" by Daved Peter Stroh to learn about using systems thinking to your advantage in order to achieve long-term success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-156.title":"Read about Systems-thinking","jobhack.todd-xlsx-157.content":"Check out the book \"The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Us Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses\" by Eric Ries to learn more about structures and systems that help startups be successful.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-157.title":"Read about Systems-thinking","jobhack.todd-xlsx-158.content":"Check out the book \"The Six Sigma Way: How to Maximize the Impact of Your Change and Improvement Efforts\" by Peter S Pande, Robert P. Neuman and Roland R. Cavanaugh to learn more about the process that has changed several major corporations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-158.title":"Read about Process Improvement","jobhack.todd-xlsx-159.content":"Check out the book \"Community: The Structure of Belonging\" by Peter Block to learn about different ways to create a community from a group of people who are searching for belonging.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-159.title":"Read about Creating Community","jobhack.todd-xlsx-15.content":"Ask your manager to help you find a leader with the same dominant driver and leadership style as you to act as a mentor.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-15.title":"Get Help Finding a Mentor","jobhack.todd-xlsx-160.content":"Check out the book \"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion\" by Robert B. Cialdini to learn more about how to build stakeholders by getting people to say yes.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-160.title":"Read about Developing Stakeholders","jobhack.todd-xlsx-161.content":"Check out the book \"Outliers\" by Malcom Gladwell to take a unique look at some surprising logical patterns that help unlock potential and success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-161.title":"Read about Unlocking Potential","jobhack.todd-xlsx-162.content":"Check out the book \"Wired to Grow: Harness the Power of Brain Science to Master Any Skill\" by Britt Andreatta to understand more about the neuroscience around learning and how it is key to unlocking fulfillment and pathways for relationships.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-162.title":"Read about Neuroscience in Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-163.content":"SAP's CEO Bill McDermott is organization-driven like you. Read this [[title=\"profile\",link=\"http://bit.ly/2gNu2rV\"]] about him and reflect on how he has used this driver to thrive and if you could replicate that success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-163.title":"Read about Org-driven Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-164.content":"Check out the book \"Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness\" by Frederic Laloux to learn more about creating more soulful and purposeful organizations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-164.title":"Read about Purposeful Organizations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-165.content":"Check out the comic book \"Delivering Happiness\" by Tony Hsieh to find out how the Zappos CEO built several purposeful organizations througout his career.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-165.title":"Read about Purposeful Organizations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-166.content":"Check out the book \"Discover Your True North\" by Bill George to find out more about leading with values.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-166.title":"Read about Values Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-167.content":"Check out the book \"Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness\" by Robert K. Greenleaf to find out more about leading with values.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-167.title":"Read about Values Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-168.content":"Check out the book \"How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything\" by Dov Seidman to explore the notion that how we do something is the key to meaning and fulfillment.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-168.title":"Read about Craft-driven Fulfillment","jobhack.todd-xlsx-169.content":"Check out the book \"Thinking, Fast and Slow\" by Daniel Kahneman for a study on different neural mechanisms which dictate how we think about things.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-169.title":"Read about Improving your Thinking","jobhack.todd-xlsx-16.content":"Ask your manager what they find most draining at work and try to help them address it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-16.title":"Help Your Manager Destress","jobhack.todd-xlsx-170.content":"Check out the book \"The Art of Work\" by Jeff Goins to learn about how passion and purpose can help you find your life's work.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-170.title":"Read about Finding Your Life's Work","jobhack.todd-xlsx-171.content":"Build awareness of your biases by reading the book Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error, by Kathryn Shulz.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-171.title":"Read about Your Biases","jobhack.todd-xlsx-172.content":"Check out the book \"Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead\" by Bren√© Brown to learn about the power of vulnerability and how it can help you on your purpose journey.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-172.title":"Read about Vulnerability","jobhack.todd-xlsx-173.content":"Check out the book \"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us\" by Daniel H. Pink to find out about the best ways to tap into your intrinsic motivation.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-173.title":"Read about Intrinsic Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-174.content":"Check out the book \"Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience\" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to learn about channeling creativity to build a more meaningful and fulfilling life.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-174.title":"Read about Channeling Creativity","jobhack.todd-xlsx-175.content":"Check out the book \"Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives our Success\" by Adam M. Grant to find out how supporting others will lead to greater fulfillment and meaning.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-175.title":"Read about Supporting Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-176.content":"Check out the book \"Man's Search for Meaning\" by Viktor Frankl to learn about finding purpose in the most grueling of human conditions.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-176.title":"Read about Finding Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-177.content":"Check out the book \"Man's Search for Meaning\" by Viktor Frankl to learn about finding purpose in the most grueling of human conditions.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-177.title":"Read about Finding Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-178.content":"Check out the book \"Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action\" by Simon Sinek to read insightful case studies on attriubutes that many successful leaders have in common.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-178.title":"Read about Successful Leadership","jobhack.todd-xlsx-179.content":"Check out the book \"The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom\" by Jonathan Haidt to learn how old idioms are connected to scientifically proven psychology.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-179.title":"Read about Finding Happiness","jobhack.todd-xlsx-17.content":"Ask your manager who the best manager they have ever had and about what made them so great.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-17.title":"Get Management Insight","jobhack.todd-xlsx-180.content":"Read [[title=\"this article\",link=\"https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140512173355-201849-beyond-true-north-rethinking-learn-earn-return?articleId=8728398158875070181\"]] about how to integrate learning, earning and returning into your career.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-180.title":"Read about Working with Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-181.content":"Confront the hard things about being a leader by reading Ben Horowitz's best-seller, The Hard Thing About Hard Things.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-181.title":"Read about Leadership Difficulties","jobhack.todd-xlsx-182.content":"Read [[title=\"this article\",link=\"https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-first-90-days-why-you-should-have-30-coffee-meetings-aaron-hurst\"]] by Aaron Hurst on how to begin a new job with purpose.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-182.title":"Read about Starting a New Job","jobhack.todd-xlsx-183.content":"Read [[title=\"this article\",link=\"https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-your-manager-get-you-aaron-hurst\"]] about why most people feel their manager doesn't understand them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-183.title":"Read about Managerial Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-184.content":"Check out the classic *Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance\" by Robert M. Pirsig for some fiction that is focused on purpose.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-184.title":"Read Some Purposeful Fiction","jobhack.todd-xlsx-185.content":"Check out section four of \"The Purpose Economy\" by Aaron Hurst to find out more about seeing a change in markets towards purpose.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-185.title":"Read about Purposeful Markets","jobhack.todd-xlsx-186.content":"Check out section two of \"The Purpose Economy\" by Aaron Hurst to find out more about owning your own personal purpose.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-186.title":"Read about Owning Your Purpose","jobhack.todd-xlsx-187.content":"Check out section three of \"The Purpose Economy\" by Aaron Hurst to find out more about creating a purpose shift in your organization.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-187.title":"Read about Purposeful Organizations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-188.content":"Today, think about the role you would have played in a small town 200 years ago that would have been fulfilling.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-188.title":"Explore Your Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-189.content":"Today, think about a group of colleagues or customers you would like to see have a greater voice. How can you help?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-189.title":"Explore Empowering Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-18.content":"Ask your manager who you should meet in the organization to really understand the organization's history and culture.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-18.title":"Connect for Better Cultural Understanding","jobhack.todd-xlsx-190.content":"Today, think about the last time you helped someone have their voice heard. How did it make you feel?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-190.title":"Explore Your Emotional Reactions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-191.content":"Today, think about the role you would have played in a small town 200 years ago that would have been fulfilling.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-191.title":"Explore Your Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-192.content":"Today, think about the role you would have played in a small town 200 years ago that would have been fulfilling.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-192.title":"Explore Your Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-193.content":"Today, think about the role you would have played in a small town 200 years ago that would have been fulfilling.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-193.title":"Explore Your Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-194.content":"Today, think about the hardest goal you have ever achieved. How did it made you feel after?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-194.title":"Reflect on a Major Achievement","jobhack.todd-xlsx-195.content":"Today, think of all the broader changes you are advancing as part of your job. You are likely working to advance at least three broader changes in your field right now. What are they?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-195.title":"Identify Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-196.content":"What comes to mind when you think of the phrase \"let your light shine\" at work? What unique qualities, attitudes, or skills do you bring to the table? How can you show more of those aspects throughout the week?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-196.title":"Practice Authenticity","jobhack.todd-xlsx-197.content":"Have each team member identify one rule or norm you have as a team that they don't think makes sense and see if you can eliminate it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-197.title":"Reevaluate Your Team Norms","jobhack.todd-xlsx-198.content":"Today, imagine yourself on this date 12 months from now in the same job. You have designed your job to maximize your impact on people you care about. What changes did you make?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-198.title":"Envision Yourself in One Year","jobhack.todd-xlsx-199.content":"Today, imagine yourself on this date 12 months from now in the same job. You have designed your job to maximize your impact on people you care about. What changes did you make?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-199.title":"Envision Yourself in One Year","jobhack.todd-xlsx-19.content":"Ask your new manager to share their purpose drivers with you and examples of how they impact their approach to work.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-19.title":"Learn about Your Manager","jobhack.todd-xlsx-1.content":"Today, thank someone for something they do that makes you look forward to coming to work.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-1.title":"Express Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-200.content":"Today, imagine yourself on this date 12 months from now in your current job. You have crafted your job to maximize the impact on your team and the organization. What changes did you make?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-200.title":"Envision Yourself in One Year","jobhack.todd-xlsx-201.content":"Today, think about how your organization is impacting the standards in your field. In what ways are you helping to define excellence?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-201.title":"Review Your Org's Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-202.content":"Today, think back to your earliest memory of getting behind a change you wanted made in the community or more broadly. What was it and how did it make you feel?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-202.title":"Remember Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-203.content":"Today, think back to your earliest memory of helping a team or organization. Do you remember how it made you feel?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-203.title":"Remember Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-204.content":"Today, think of all the major trends and social changes your organization plays a role in. Take 5 minutes and brainstorm as many as you can.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-204.title":"Identify Collective Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-205.content":"Today, think about the people you admire the most in your organization and why they inspire you?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-205.title":"Think about Inspiring People","jobhack.todd-xlsx-206.content":"Today, think back to your earliest memory of helping someone. Do you remember how it felt?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-206.title":"Think about How Helping Feels","jobhack.todd-xlsx-207.content":"Today, think of someone you admire and what you have in common.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-207.title":"Reflect on Your Attributes","jobhack.todd-xlsx-208.content":"Today, identify two things that drain your energy and two things that give you energy.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-208.title":"Explore Your Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-209.content":"Today, identify your earliest memory of observing a culture or interaction and thinking about how to redesign it. What did it feel like to realize you had this passion and gift - even if undeveloped?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-209.title":"Reflect on Your Past","jobhack.todd-xlsx-20.content":"Block off one full hour this week to help someone on your team with a project or task they're struggling with. Be clear that you only have an hour, but give them your full attention during the scheduled time.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-20.title":"Lend a Hand","jobhack.todd-xlsx-210.content":"Today, identify three talents you have that make you great at creating incredible experiences for people.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-210.title":"Identify Your Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-211.content":"Today, identify three talents you have that make you great at asking and answering questions.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-211.title":"Explore Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-212.content":"Today, identify two things that drain your energy and two things that give you energy.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-212.title":"Explore Your Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-213.content":"Today, identify two things that drain your energy and two things that give you energy.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-213.title":"Explore Your Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-214.content":"Today, identify two things that drain your energy and two things that give you energy.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-214.title":"Explore Your Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-215.content":"Today, identify your earliest memory of deeply researching something that interested you. What did it feel like to realize you had this passion and gift - even if undeveloped?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-215.title":"Reflect on Your Past","jobhack.todd-xlsx-216.content":"Today, identify one simple way you could help make your colleagues be more efficient and spend more time on their favorite part of their jobs.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-216.title":"Identify Craft Opportunities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-217.content":"Today, identify one simple way you could help more people in your organization collaborate.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-217.title":"Identify Craft Opportunities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-218.content":"Today, identify three talents you have that make you great at building and using systems.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-218.title":"Explore Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-219.content":"Today, identify your earliest memory of designing or appreciating the design of a system. What did it feel like to realize you had this passion and gift - even if undeveloped?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-219.title":"Reflect on Your Past","jobhack.todd-xlsx-21.content":"Break down silos this week by organizing a group lunch with people from different teams or departments. Spend time getting to know what they're working on and what their needs are.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-21.title":"Spend Time with Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-220.content":"Today, identify three talents you have that make you great at connecting people.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-220.title":"Explore Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-221.content":"Remember that the only person you can truly control is YOU! Identify one person whose behaviors you can \"let go\" of and one aspect of yourself that you need to master.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-221.title":"Improve Your Relationship Mindset","jobhack.todd-xlsx-222.content":"Take a look at your calendar and task list. Identify the top three things you need to spend more time on, and three less valuable things you can delegate, postpone, or cancel altogether.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-222.title":"Prioritize Your To-Do's","jobhack.todd-xlsx-223.content":"Today, identify three trends in your field that excite you.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-223.title":"Identify What Excites You","jobhack.todd-xlsx-224.content":"Think of one way you showed up as an {{ArchetypeName}}, your combination of who, why, and how drivers, each day for the next week.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-224.title":"Reflect on How You Show Up","jobhack.todd-xlsx-225.content":"Think about an accomplishment that two different colleagues achieved. Write down how their purpose and talents helped them be successful. How were their successes similar? How were they different?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-225.title":"Reflect on Someone Else's Work","jobhack.todd-xlsx-226.content":"Today, pay attention to when you are playing the role of a community organizer. How does it challenge you?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-226.title":"Pay Attention to Your Actions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-227.content":"Today, pay attention to when you are playing the role of a researcher - trying to really understand something.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-227.title":"Pay Attention to Your Actions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-228.content":"Today, recall when you first played the role of a connector in your life. What did it feel like to realize you had this passion and gift - even if undeveloped?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-228.title":"Reflect on Your Past","jobhack.todd-xlsx-229.content":"Design your ideal job at your organization. What would you do and why should the organization support you in playing that role?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-229.title":"Design Your Ideal Job","jobhack.todd-xlsx-22.content":"Change the setting for where you meet with your manager this week. Walk? Coffee?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-22.title":"Change Up Your Meetings","jobhack.todd-xlsx-230.content":"Make a list of the attributes of the people you want to work with everyday.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-230.title":"Reflect on Ideal Coworkers","jobhack.todd-xlsx-231.content":"Make a list of the top three highest growth periods in your career. What do they have in common.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-231.title":"Reflect on Your High Moments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-232.content":"Make a list of three conversations you've been avoiding at work. Spend some time reflecting on why you're avoiding them, and then write down the most important thing you want to convey in each conversation.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-232.title":"Stop Avoiding Conversations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-233.content":"Make a list of your expectations of your manager. Where they are falling short, consider if there are other ways to get those needs met.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-233.title":"Reflect on Expectations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-234.content":"Observe how your biases from your purpose report are emerging early in your role and try to be conscious of them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-234.title":"Nip Biases in the Bud","jobhack.todd-xlsx-235.content":"Reflect on the last day that you felt you really grew at work. What happened that day?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-235.title":"Reflect on Growth Moments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-236.content":"Reflect on which goals you have in your career that are based on the expectations of others and not on what really matters to you.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-236.title":"Reevaluate Your Goals","jobhack.todd-xlsx-237.content":"Take inventory of the skills you currently have but aren't using. Make a list of three ways you can leverage them, even if it's outside your current role. Can you volunteer? Practice at home? Offer to help a friend?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-237.title":"Utilize Your Skills","jobhack.todd-xlsx-238.content":"The first step to growth is vulnerability. What \"armor\" are you wearing to protect yourself? Make a list of 3 things you can do to be more authentic with your colleagues about the areas in which you'd like to grow.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-238.title":"Practice Authenticity","jobhack.todd-xlsx-239.content":"Today, make a list of three fears you have about the next phase of your career. Spend time reflecting on what's causing those fears and write down three things you can do to build your confidence to overcome them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-239.title":"Identify Fears about Your Career","jobhack.todd-xlsx-23.content":"Create a [[title=\"career advisory board\",link=\"https://hbr.org/tip/2017/02/build-your-own-personal-board-of-directors\"]] and invite the first three members to join.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-23.title":"Create a Career Advisory Board","jobhack.todd-xlsx-240.content":"What's holding you back? Spend some time reflecting on the roadblocks, obstacles, or habits that are keeping you from being your most impactful self. What potent steps can you take to get out of their grips?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-240.title":"Explore Your Obstacles","jobhack.todd-xlsx-241.content":"You can't make an impact if you aren't taking care of yourself. Take a moment to make a list of the things you need for better self care. More sleep? Healthy snacks at your desk? Designated time for exercise or meditation?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-241.title":"Take Care of Yourself","jobhack.todd-xlsx-242.content":"Define three ways your team could set a new bar for excellence within the broader organization by leading by example.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-242.title":"Improve Your Team's Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-243.content":"Define three ways your team could level the playing field within the broader organization by leading by example.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-243.title":"Improve Your Team's Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-244.content":"Own your goals by writing down how each connects to making an impact on society.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-244.title":"Connect Your Goals and Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-245.content":"Make a list of the informal networks you observe in the organization and who leads them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-245.title":"Reflect on Internal Communities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-246.content":"Today, pay attention to when you are playing the role of a systems designer - seeing opportunities for process improvements.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-246.title":"Pay Attention to Your Actions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-247.content":"Own your goals by writing down how each connects to making an impact on individuals.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-247.title":"Connect Your Goals and Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-248.content":"Own your goals by writing down how each connects to making an impact on organizations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-248.title":"Connect Your Goals and Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-249.content":"Consider how you might commute to work differently to reduce your carbon footprint.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-249.title":"Adjust Your Commute","jobhack.todd-xlsx-24.content":"Don't lose touch with your friends from your last job(s). Send each of them a note and find a time to meet to catch up.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-24.title":"Connect with Previous Coworkers","jobhack.todd-xlsx-250.content":"Consider what your last organization did well that you could bring to your new team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-250.title":"Bring Something With You","jobhack.todd-xlsx-251.content":"Identify one area where you have expertise that you could pass on to your manager.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-251.title":"Leverage Your Strengths","jobhack.todd-xlsx-252.content":"Identify which purpose drivers would be ideal in your next hire to increase diversity or drive alignment.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-252.title":"Plan the Next Hire","jobhack.todd-xlsx-253.content":"Make a list of where you can be flexible and what is non-negotiable for you in your relationship with your manager.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-253.title":"Define Your Role/Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-254.content":"Today, select the one team you have worked on that you found the most effective. Why was it so strong?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-254.title":"Remember Your Best Team","jobhack.todd-xlsx-255.content":"Today, spend 5 minutes to brainstorm a list of the organizations your organization impacts directly or indirectly. See how many you can name.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-255.title":"Identify Collective Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-256.content":"Today, pay attention to when you are playing the role of an anthropologist - observing the culture and behaviors of those around you.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-256.title":"Pay Attention to Your Actions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-257.content":"Begin with the end in mind. Write down the bullets you would want to add to your LinkedIn profile after a few years in the new job.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-257.title":"Envision Your Future","jobhack.todd-xlsx-258.content":"List five ways you can increase your impact and grow that don't require permission from your manager.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-258.title":"Brainstorm Growth Activities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-259.content":"Reflect on your own sense of psychological safety as a manager. What fears are getting in your way?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-259.title":"Evaluate Your Fears","jobhack.todd-xlsx-25.content":"Everyday this week note something your manager did that you appreciated.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-25.title":"Practice Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-260.content":"Reflect on the parts of your Values-Driver description that resonate with you. Think about the point in your career when those parts resonated the most. What was different then? What was the same?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-260.title":"Reflect on Values in Your Career","jobhack.todd-xlsx-261.content":"Reflect on the parts of your Impact-Driver description that resonate with you. Think about the point in your career when those parts resonated the most. What was different then? What was the same?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-261.title":"Reflect on Impact in Your Career","jobhack.todd-xlsx-262.content":"Reflect on the parts of your Craft-Driver description that resonate with you. Think about the point in your career when those parts resonated the most. What was different then? What was the same?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-262.title":"Reflect on Craft in Your Career","jobhack.todd-xlsx-263.content":"Your worldview is typically first revealed early in life when we first start to see that the world isn't fair. Reflect on any early memories you have of your values and worldview emerging. Why were those moments so important to you then, and what can you learn about yourself now?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-263.title":"Think about Values Moments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-264.content":"Reflect on the times in your life (inside and outside of work), when have you made an impact that really inspired you. Why was is so inspiring?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-264.title":"Think about Impact Moments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-265.content":"Reflect on your past opportunities that have really helped you develop your craft? What would an opportunity like that look like today?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-265.title":"Think about Craft Moments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-266.content":"Today, reflect on how your worldview has impacted what you expect of other people and your organization.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-266.title":"Reflect on Your Expectations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-267.content":"Today, reflect on the impact you are making in your work that is both meaningful to you and in alignment with your Impact-Driver.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-267.title":"Explore Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-268.content":"Today, reflect on how you put your Craft-Driver to use in your current role?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-268.title":"Explore Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-269.content":"Talk with a colleague about their Values Driver. Discuss how can you better understand each other's motivations and collaborate without judgement?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-269.title":"Discuss Values-driven Collaboration","jobhack.todd-xlsx-26.content":"Find a volunteering opportunity and enlist some of your co-workers to join you. Creating a shared experience will help you see them in a whole new light.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-26.title":"Create a Shared Experience","jobhack.todd-xlsx-270.content":"Talk with a colleague about your Impact Drivers. What opportunities do your Impact-Drivers present for you to collaborate to make a greater impact together?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-270.title":"Discuss Impact-driven Collaboration","jobhack.todd-xlsx-271.content":"Talk with a colleague about your Craft Driver. How can you help each other stretch to accelerate your growth and improve the quality of your work?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-271.title":"Discuss Craft-driven Collaboration","jobhack.todd-xlsx-272.content":"Today, think about when your values have helped you make critical career decisions?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-272.title":"Think about Values in Your Career","jobhack.todd-xlsx-273.content":"Think about your level of impact. What is the breadth of the impact you are making today in alignment with your Impact Driver?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-273.title":"Think about Your Breadth of Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-274.content":"Today, think about the parts of your craft-driver that you feel are most recognized and appreciated in your work today.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-274.title":"Explore Excellence","jobhack.todd-xlsx-275.content":"Reflect on your Values Driver today. What are signals you have noticed you feel when you might be out of alignment with your values?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-275.title":"Explore Your Values Boundaries","jobhack.todd-xlsx-276.content":"Think about your level of impact today. What is the depth of the impact you are making in alignment with your Impact Driver?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-276.title":"Think about Your Depth of Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-277.content":"Reflect on the skills associated with your craft-driver that you could be using more to increase your impact.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-277.title":"Explore Craft Development","jobhack.todd-xlsx-278.content":"Today, think about how you communicate your worldview to other people? How would they know what matters to you?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-278.title":"Reflect on Communicating Values","jobhack.todd-xlsx-279.content":"Think about your level of impact. How sustainable is the impact you are making in alignment with your Impact Driver?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-279.title":"Explore Your Impact Sustainability","jobhack.todd-xlsx-27.content":"Focus on being an active listener this week. Let the other person completely finish speaking before taking your turn.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-27.title":"Practice Active Listening","jobhack.todd-xlsx-280.content":"This week, think about what one or two skills you want to develop to increase the mastery of your craft. Who might be able to mentor you? What are potential stretch projects you could take on?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-280.title":"Develop Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-281.content":"This week, think about when you have found your values tested. What were the circumstances?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-281.title":"Reflect on What Matters to You","jobhack.todd-xlsx-282.content":"This week, dive deep into understanding your impact. How can you increase the scale, depth, and/or sustainability of your impact?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-282.title":"Expand Your Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-283.content":"Think of one person you could potentially mentor given where you have developed your craft?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-283.title":"Explore Craft Mentorship","jobhack.todd-xlsx-284.content":"Think about your Values Driver today. What are three things that are non-neogtiables for you at work?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-284.title":"Think about What's Most Important","jobhack.todd-xlsx-285.content":"Think about your Impact Driver today. What do you see as the most important impact your team makes? Why?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-285.title":"Reflect on Team Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-286.content":"Think about what excellence means to you. How would you describe excellence in your craft?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-286.title":"Define Excellence in Your Craft","jobhack.todd-xlsx-287.content":"This week, dive deep into your Values Driver. When does your need to be liked and the fear of disappointing people prevent you from acting courageously?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-287.title":"Reflect on Your Fears","jobhack.todd-xlsx-288.content":"Think about your team and what it contributes. What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-288.title":"Identify Team Impact Opportunities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-289.content":"Today, think about how you are mentoring others to help them develop their craft?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-289.title":"Reflect on Your Mentoring","jobhack.todd-xlsx-28.content":"Give someone constructive feedback prefaced by this phrase: \"I'm giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-28.title":"Give Great Feedback","jobhack.todd-xlsx-290.content":"Explore what your values mean to you. How does your own insecurity get in the way of really seeing and listening to others and setting aside judgement?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-290.title":"Reflect on Your Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-291.content":"Explore your teams impact today. What are three things that would need to happen to increase the team's impact?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-291.title":"Identify Team Impact Steps","jobhack.todd-xlsx-292.content":"Today, think about how you celebrate the quality of other people's work, not just the impact?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-292.title":"Reflect on Celebrating Quality","jobhack.todd-xlsx-293.content":"Identify one value you can be a champion for in the organization. How can you model it and celebrate it?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-293.title":"Identify a Value to Champion","jobhack.todd-xlsx-294.content":"Think about how your potential to affect others today. Given your purpose and the the purpose of your teammates, what role can you play to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-294.title":"Inspire Greater Impact","jobhack.todd-xlsx-295.content":"Take your Craft Driver to the next level. How can you use your craft to drive innovation on your team?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-295.title":"Drive Innovation","jobhack.todd-xlsx-297.content":"Learn how our relationship with work has evolved over time and why purpose and fulfillment now define and predict success in careers. (3:36)","jobhack.todd-xlsx-297.title":"Watch \"A Brief History of Work\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-297.video":"279557887","jobhack.todd-xlsx-298.content":"We now understand the neuroscience and psychology behind purpose and fulfillment in our lives and work. (4:00)","jobhack.todd-xlsx-298.title":"Watch \"The Science of Purpose\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-298.video":"279557990","jobhack.todd-xlsx-299.content":"Much of what we thought we knew about purpose is not only wrong but prevents us from actually being fulfilled and successful. (2:39)","jobhack.todd-xlsx-299.title":"Watch \"The Myths of Purpose\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-299.video":"279558101","jobhack.todd-xlsx-29.content":"Go to an unlikely source for help with a problem you're trying to solve. Tell them you want to see the problem from another perspective because your current angle isn't working. You never know -- they might surprise you!","jobhack.todd-xlsx-29.title":"Get Help from Someone Else","jobhack.todd-xlsx-2.content":"Today, thank someone for something they do that makes you look forward to coming to work.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-2.title":"Express Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-300.content":"Why purpose? Imperative's CEO, Aaron Hurst, share the case for purpose for individuals and organizations. (1:45)","jobhack.todd-xlsx-300.title":"Watch \"The Case for Purpose\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-300.video":"279558167","jobhack.todd-xlsx-30.content":"Have each member of the team pick a hero poster on the Imperative platform and post it in their work space.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-30.title":"Have Fun with Hero Posters","jobhack.todd-xlsx-31.content":"Identify one of your biases from your Purpose Profile that might be impacting your relationship with your manager. Make an adjustment for a week and notice if there's an impact.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-31.title":"Adjust Your Biases","jobhack.todd-xlsx-32.content":"Identify one person in your organization whom you see as an effective leader. Send them an email and tell them about a specific incident that earned your admiration or respect.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-32.title":"Communicate Your Appreciation","jobhack.todd-xlsx-33.content":"In what area would you like to be held accountable? Ask someone you can rely on to hold you accountable in that area, and offer your support to them as well.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-33.title":"Increase Accountability","jobhack.todd-xlsx-34.content":"Invite your manager to have a discussion on both your purpose drivers and their's and how to best support each other.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-34.title":"Discuss Drivers with Manager","jobhack.todd-xlsx-35.content":"Kindness goes a long way. Today, look for opportunities to show kindness to your co-workers. Keep track of how many smiles you cause.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-35.title":"Show Kindness","jobhack.todd-xlsx-36.content":"List three things your manager could teach you and pick one to ask them to work with you on.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-36.title":"Brainstorm Learning Opportunities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-37.content":"Make a list of everyone who helped you find and land your new job. Send them all thank you notes.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-37.title":"Practice Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-38.content":"Make a list of the 5 people in your career you loved working with the most.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-38.title":"Reflect on Previous Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-39.content":"Make an effort to catch up with someone or a group of people you work with on a weekly basis outside of the office.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-39.title":"Catch Up With a Coworker","jobhack.todd-xlsx-3.content":"Today, thank someone for something they do to help reinforce the systems you use.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-3.title":"Express Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-40.content":"Mentor a new employee and help them make connections within the team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-40.title":"Mentor a New Employee","jobhack.todd-xlsx-41.content":"Next time you chat with your boss, ask them to tell you about the proudest moment of their career thus far, as well as their biggest defeat. Ask them what they learned from both experiences.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-41.title":"Hear a Purpose Story","jobhack.todd-xlsx-42.content":"Reach out to someone who has positively impacted your professional life and send them an email or card to express your gratitude.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-42.title":"Send a Note","jobhack.todd-xlsx-43.content":"Reconnect with three people from previous jobs and ask them for advice about your career.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-43.title":"Improve Your Networking","jobhack.todd-xlsx-44.content":"Select your [[title=\"hero poster\",link=\"https://app.imperative.com/todo\"]] and print it to display in your workspace to inspire you and be a conversation starter with colleagues.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-44.title":"Print Your Hero Poster","jobhack.todd-xlsx-45.content":"Set a time and schedule for a reoccurring get together with the team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-45.title":"Plan for Team Time","jobhack.todd-xlsx-46.content":"Share your team purpose report with your manager and ask for their coaching on how to best support the team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-46.title":"Support Your Team","jobhack.todd-xlsx-47.content":"Smile when talking to people on the phone this week - studies show that they can tell and it strengthens your connection.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-47.title":"Experiment with Body Language","jobhack.todd-xlsx-48.content":"Start or end a meeting with sharing a piece of gratitude about each member of the team that is related to their dominant purpose driver.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-48.title":"Recognize Team Members","jobhack.todd-xlsx-49.content":"Take ownership. What role might you be playing in creating challenges in your relationship with your manager?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-49.title":"Own Your Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-4.content":"Today, thank someone for something they do to honor the importance of the questions you ask.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-4.title":"Express Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-50.content":"Take something off someone else's plate","jobhack.todd-xlsx-50.title":"Alleviate a Burden","jobhack.todd-xlsx-51.content":"Talk to one of your manager's peers to gain insights into the pressures and demands on the job. Does this exercise help you empathize with your manager?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-51.title":"Build Empathy","jobhack.todd-xlsx-52.content":"The next time you notice someone reacting negatively to something you say or do, ask them what they're feeling rather than trying to debate the merits of your actions. People often find it difficult to talk about emotions in the workplace, so make sure to tell them you genuinely care -- and mean it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-52.title":"Redirect Negative Reactions","jobhack.todd-xlsx-53.content":"This week, approach every interaction with the intention of learning something new about the other person. Ask \"why\" questions to dig deeper into their responses and learn even more about their motivations.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-53.title":"Focus on Learning about Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-54.content":"This week, pay attention to the individuals who get talked over, talked down to, or ignored altogether. Whether you agree with their perspective or not, advocate for their right to be heard.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-54.title":"Advocate for the Under-heard","jobhack.todd-xlsx-55.content":"This week, track how many people you contact (in person, phone or online). Consider one small thing you could do to strengthen each relationship.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-55.title":"Strengthen Relationships","jobhack.todd-xlsx-56.content":"Today, ask someone what really motivates them to go the extra mile.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-56.title":"Learn Someone's Motivations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-57.content":"Today, challenge someone you respect to look at something from a different perspective.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-57.title":"Challenge Someone You Respect","jobhack.todd-xlsx-58.content":"Today, challenge someone you respect to take their game to the next level. How do they respond?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-58.title":"Challenge Someone to Improve","jobhack.todd-xlsx-59.content":"Today, write a recommendation for a colleague you admire on LinkedIn. It's guaranteed to make their day.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-59.title":"Write a Recommendation","jobhack.todd-xlsx-5.content":"Ask three people at work what their hidden talent is or what is a talent they used in previous jobs that people in your organization don't know about. How is this connected with their drivers?","jobhack.todd-xlsx-5.title":"Talk about Hidden Talents","jobhack.todd-xlsx-60.content":"Who has done something to help you in the last 30 days at work? Tell them how much you appreciate it and notice what the gratitude does for your relationship.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-60.title":"Experiment with Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-61.content":"Who on the team works well with your manager? Ask them for coaching.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-61.title":"Learn about Your Manager","jobhack.todd-xlsx-62.content":"This week, let go of the idea of how people \"should\" be. Instead celebrate what they already are. Take action by leaving three brief notes for people acknowledging the effort they're making,","jobhack.todd-xlsx-62.title":"Acknowledge Others","jobhack.todd-xlsx-63.content":"When someone says or does something that you don't like, wait 3 days before you address it. If, after 72 hours, you still feel the need to address it, you'll be more calm and measured in your approach.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-63.title":"Practice Relationship Skills","jobhack.todd-xlsx-64.content":"At the start of your next project, set aside enough time to really understand the data and insights needed to feel set up for success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-64.title":"Understand Success of a Project","jobhack.todd-xlsx-65.content":"Set up an alert for news about your organization and the field. [[title=\"Alerts\",link=\"https://www.google.com/alerts\"]]","jobhack.todd-xlsx-65.title":"Learn about Your Field","jobhack.todd-xlsx-66.content":"Attend or watch a professional talk from a leader in a field that you're interested in. Share any related insights from the talk with your team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-66.title":"Attend a Talk","jobhack.todd-xlsx-67.content":"Carve out time to really understand what competitors are offering in the marketplace. Share your research with your team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-67.title":"Research Your Competitors","jobhack.todd-xlsx-68.content":"Reach out and set up an informational meeting with someone in your field who is outside your organization. See how much you can learn from them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-68.title":"Set up an Informational Meeting","jobhack.todd-xlsx-69.content":"Be mindful this week not to compare yourself to others. When you catch yourself doing it, take a moment to ask yourself what your personal best looks like and focus only on that metric.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-69.title":"Stop Comparing Yourself","jobhack.todd-xlsx-6.content":"Find a colleague who's starting a new project and help them create a strategy based on their dominant driver.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-6.title":"Help Someone Strategize","jobhack.todd-xlsx-70.content":"Challenge yourself to set a \"stretch goal\" for the week. Use a post-it to write down 2 ways you will personally benefit from the completion of this goal, and two ways your organization will benefit. Put the post-it somewhere visible.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-70.title":"Create Stretch Goals","jobhack.todd-xlsx-71.content":"Create a personal definition for success. Use [[title=\"this article\",link=\"https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-successful-depends-how-answer-questions-aaron-hurst\"]] to challenge your assumptions.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-71.title":"Define Personal Success ","jobhack.todd-xlsx-72.content":"Design your workspace to have visual reminders to invest in relationships, impact, and growth.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-72.title":"Redesign Your Workspace","jobhack.todd-xlsx-73.content":"Get unstuck. Adam Grant suggests you carve our 15 minutes a day this week to just write about whatever is on your mind - free flow.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-73.title":"Get Unstuck","jobhack.todd-xlsx-74.content":"Identify one area of knowledge you need to grow in this quarter, and decide on two specific steps you can take to attain it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-74.title":"Prioritize Your Learning","jobhack.todd-xlsx-75.content":"Identify one skill you need to develop this quarter, and decide on two specific steps you can take to acquire it.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-75.title":"Plan Skills Development","jobhack.todd-xlsx-76.content":"Identify three aspects of your job that you are \"phoning in.\" What would it look like if you gave it 100%? Commit to raising the bar on one of these areas for the next three weeks and see what kind of an impact it has.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-76.title":"Improve One Weak Task","jobhack.todd-xlsx-77.content":"Look for someone within your organization you view as a leader and partner with them to create or accomplish something.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-77.title":"Partner with a Leader","jobhack.todd-xlsx-78.content":"Make a list of things that you wish you had done when you started your last job. Do them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-78.title":"Improve Your Early Experience","jobhack.todd-xlsx-79.content":"Mantras aren't just for monks and yoga instructors. Pick an inspiring or motivational phrase for the week, write it on a post-it and put it somewhere visible. Make this a weekly habit.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-79.title":"Practice Self-motivation","jobhack.todd-xlsx-7.content":"Meet with someone who's been at your organization for a long time and ask them what top three things have changed over time. Reflect on what insights this brings to your role and relationships.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-7.title":"Talk with a Seasoned Colleague","jobhack.todd-xlsx-80.content":"Meet with someone on your team to offer feedback to help them grow. Ask the individual if the feedback was useful. Use this information to improve how you give feedback then next time.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-80.title":"Offer Feedback for Growth","jobhack.todd-xlsx-81.content":"Own your purpose by putting it in your own words with Imperative's [[title=statement builder, link=purpose-profile/statement-builder]]. Leverage this statement as an intro for two meetings during the week and see what conversations surface as a result.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-81.title":"Write/Use a Purpose Statement","jobhack.todd-xlsx-82.content":"Reach out to someone in your HR department and schedule time to talk about your career aspirations. Ask them if there are any opportunities that align with your vision. If there aren't any current openings, ask them to keep you in mind when something opens up.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-82.title":"Discuss Career Aspirations","jobhack.todd-xlsx-83.content":"Share your approach to a problem and then find out how your colleague approaches the same problem.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-83.title":"Discuss Problem Solving Approaches","jobhack.todd-xlsx-84.content":"Spend some time this week researching conferences, trainings, or other external learning opportunities you can take advantage of this year. Once you've found the right opportunity, make concrete plans to attend.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-84.title":"Explore Learning Opportunities","jobhack.todd-xlsx-85.content":"Systemize a task that is executed frequently by your role to better learn why each step is taken and explore if there is a better way. Share your success or what you learned with your immediate team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-85.title":"Dive into the Details of a Task","jobhack.todd-xlsx-86.content":"Take a chance on someone‚ give them a stretch project and mentor them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-86.title":"Help Someone Stretch","jobhack.todd-xlsx-87.content":"This week, evaluate the routines and habits you have at work. Compile all of them into a list and highlight the ones that are productive. Draw a line through the ones that are unproductive. Make a plan to eliminate the unproductive ones from your day-to-day.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-87.title":"Evaluate Your Routines","jobhack.todd-xlsx-88.content":"Update your LinkedIn profile to include your new role and describe the position using your purpose drivers.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-88.title":"Update Your LinkedIn Profile","jobhack.todd-xlsx-89.content":"Write down one person, one task, and one habit that need your attention this week. Block off time in your calendar for each.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-89.title":"Focus Your Attention","jobhack.todd-xlsx-8.content":"Tell each person on your team what you appreciate most about them. See if you can tailor the compliment to their purpose drivers and personality.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-8.title":"Express Purposeful Gratitude","jobhack.todd-xlsx-90.content":"Think about the most recent miscommunication you had with someone. Ask them for feedback on how you could have been more clear and assure them you'll make an effort to improve your communication next time.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-90.title":"Get Feedback on Miscommunications","jobhack.todd-xlsx-91.content":"Carve out some quiet time this weekend to plan your work week. Identify the three most valuable things you can do to make an impact and block off time on your calendar to execute on them.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-91.title":"Prioritize Your Schedule","jobhack.todd-xlsx-92.content":"Have your team adopt a nonprofit to provide regular consulting and volunteer hours. Use your team report to identify what kind of nonprofit and service is the best fit for your team.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-92.title":"Adopt a Nonprofit","jobhack.todd-xlsx-93.content":"This week, identify three helpful things you can do that fall outside the scope of your official job description. What tasks or responsibilities is everyone avoiding? Step up to the plate and knock three of them out.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-93.title":"Take One for the Team","jobhack.todd-xlsx-94.content":"This week, keep track of how much time you spend on each task. Use the data at the end of the week to identify where you're investing too much of your time, and where you really need to focus.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-94.title":"Inventory Your Time Use","jobhack.todd-xlsx-95.content":"Update your resume and LinkedIn profile. No, seriously. Doing this as an exercise will help you identify what you've accomplished since the last time you refreshed, and what skills and competencies you need to develop as you work toward your \"dream job.\"","jobhack.todd-xlsx-95.title":"Identify Your Accomplishments","jobhack.todd-xlsx-96.content":"At the start of your next project, set aside enough time to really understand the context needed to feel set up for success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-96.title":"Understand Success of a Project","jobhack.todd-xlsx-97.content":"When someone says or does something that you don't like, wait 3 days before you address it. If, after 72 hours, you still feel the need to address it, you'll be more calm and measured in your approach.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-97.title":"Practice Relationship Skills","jobhack.todd-xlsx-98.content":"At the start of your next project, set aside enough time to really understand the data and insights needed to feel set up for success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-98.title":"Understand Success of a Project","jobhack.todd-xlsx-99.content":"At the start of your next project, set aside enough time to really understand the stakeholders needed to feel set up for success.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-99.title":"Understand Success of a Project","jobhack.todd-xlsx-9.content":"Ask a former manager for coaching on how to improve your relationship with your current manager.","jobhack.todd-xlsx-9.title":"Get Insight on Your Manager","member.profile.driver.community.description":"In a world where we are often divided, they bring people together and align their shared interests so they can move forward.","member.profile.driver.harmony.description":"They believe we have a collective responsibility to look out for one another, and they genuinely care about the well-being of others. After all, no one is successful on their own!","member.profile.driver.human.description":"They are able to design and deliver authentic solutions by taking a walk in other people's shoes and applying their natural intuition, empathy and perception.","member.profile.driver.individual.description":"They are fulfilled when their work directly impacts individual people.","member.profile.driver.karma.description":"They believe in personal responsibility, that they have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequences for our actions.","member.profile.driver.knowledge.description":"Their curiosity is a compass that helps they uncover the critical information, solve problems, and explore exciting opportunities.","member.profile.driver.organization.description":"Whether they are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, they always look to connect their impact to their team or organization.","member.profile.driver.society.description":"They are fulfilled when their work addresses high-level issues and opportunities that affect the lives of many.","member.profile.driver.structure.description":"Amid chaos and complexity, they see useful and actionable patterns that drive efficiency and innovation.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.description.first":"I change lives by bringing people together to work in concert with one another. I leverage my thoughtful attention to people's needs and strong interpersonal relationships to empower individual contributors to unleash their full potential. I take ownership of issues that face teams and groups, and facilitate meaningful connections that ultimately benefit each individual as well as the community as a whole. Those I work with appreciate my personal manner and ability to drive collaborative change that results in shared benefit. My efforts feel immensely rewarding when I observe strengthened bonds across the community and a shared sense of belonging, connection, and commitment.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.description.second":"You change lives by bringing people together to work in concert with one another. You leverage your thoughtful attention to people's needs and strong interpersonal relationships to empower individual contributors to unleash their full potential. You take ownership of issues that face teams and groups, and facilitate meaningful connections that ultimately benefit each individual as well as the community as a whole. Those you work with appreciate your personal manner and ability to drive collaborative change that results in shared benefit. Your efforts feel immensely rewarding when you observe the strengthened bonds across the community and a shared sense of belonging, connection, and commitment.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Connector.png","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.imperative.how":"by developing meaningful connections","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.imperative.who":"to enable people","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.imperative.why":"to overcome societal barriers","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals overcome unjust barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual given equal opportunity.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution by everyone involved.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.quote.author":"Daniel H. Pink","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.quote.value":"Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.statement.first":"I change lives by bringing people together to work in concert with one another. I leverage my thoughtful attention to people's needs and strong interpersonal relationships to empower individual contributors to unleash their full potential. I take ownership of issues that face teams and groups, and I facilitate meaningful connections that ultimately benefit each individual and the community as a whole. Those I work with appreciate my personal manner and my ability to drive collaborative change that results in shared benefit. My efforts feel immensely rewarding when I observe strengthened bonds across the community and I see a shared sense of belonging, connection, and commitment.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.statement.second":"You change lives by bringing people together to work in concert with one another. You leverage your thoughtful attention to people's needs and strong interpersonal relationships to empower individual contributors to unleash their full potential. You take ownership of issues that face teams and groups, and you facilitate meaningful connections that ultimately benefit each individual and the community as a whole. Those you work with appreciate your personal manner and your ability to drive collaborative change that results in shared benefit. Your efforts feel immensely rewarding when you observe the strengthened bonds across the community and you see a shared sense of belonging, connection, and commitment.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.statement.third":"builds networks that empower people to overcome barriers.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.title":"Connector","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can connect and empower people to level the playing field for others.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonycommunity.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.description.first":"I change lives by addressing human needs, desires and capabilities. I work to design the optimal conditions needed to improve individual lives. I enjoy uncovering the authentic needs and behaviors of my target audience and conceptualizing exciting new ways to create meaningful experiences for each individual. Driven by the desire to level the playing field and create a more just society, I feel especially fulfilled when my contributions are open and accessible to everyone, yet serve individual needs. My most meaningful moments occur when individuals share their personal stories about how my work contributed to their life in a positive way.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.description.second":"You change lives by addressing human needs, desires and capabilities. You work to design the optimal conditions needed to improve individual lives. You enjoy uncovering the authentic needs and behaviors of your target audience and conceptualizing exciting new ways to create meaningful experiences for each individual. Driven by the desire to level the playing field and create a more just society, you feel especially fulfilled when your contributions are open and accessible to everyone, yet serve individual needs. Your most meaningful moments occur when individuals share their personal stories about how your work contributed to their life in a positive way.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Giver.png","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.imperative.who":"to help people","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.imperative.why":"overcome societal barriers","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals overcome unjust barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual given equal opportunity.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.quote.author":"Daniel H. Pink","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.quote.value":"Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.statement.first":"I change lives by addressing human needs, desires, and capabilities. I work to design the optimal conditions needed to improve individual lives. I enjoy uncovering the authentic needs and behaviors of my target audience and conceptualizing exciting new ways to create meaningful experiences for each individual. Driven by the desire to level the playing field and create a more just society, I feel especially fulfilled when my contributions are open and accessible to everyone yet still serve individual needs. My most meaningful moments occur when individuals share their personal stories about how my work contributes to their lives in positive ways.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.statement.second":"You change lives by addressing human needs, desires, and capabilities. You work to design the optimal conditions needed to improve individual lives. You enjoy uncovering the authentic needs and behaviors of your target audience and conceptualizing exciting new ways to create meaningful experiences for each individual. Driven by the desire to level the playing field and create a more just society, you feel especially fulfilled when your contributions are open and accessible to everyone yet still serve individual needs. Your most meaningful moments occur when individuals share their personal stories about how your work contributes to their lives in positive ways.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.statement.third":"uses their understanding of human needs to find authentic solutions for individuals.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.title":"Giver","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that level the playing field for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyhuman.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.description.first":"I change lives through the insights and information that I uncover. My underlying motivation is to help advance knowledge and understanding aimed at creating a more humane, just and inclusive society. Through disciplined work, I make sense of the complex issues that touch individual lives and find viable solutions that enrich them. My most meaningful moments take place when my in-depth expertise or latest discovery has a direct impact on an individual's life.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.description.second":"You change lives through the insights and information that you uncover. Your underlying motivation is to help advance knowledge and understanding aimed at creating a more humane, just and inclusive society. Through disciplined work, you make sense of the complex issues that touch individual lives and find viable solutions that enrich them. Your most meaningful moments take place when your in-depth expertise or latest discovery has direct impact on an individual's life.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Luminary.png","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable people","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.imperative.why":"to overcome societal barriers","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals overcome unjust barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual given equal opportunity.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.quote.author":"Henry Ford","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.quote.value":"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.statement.first":"I change lives through the insights and information that I uncover. My underlying motivation is to help advance knowledge and understanding aimed at creating a more humane, just, and inclusive society. Through disciplined work, I make sense of the complex issues that touch individual lives and I find viable solutions that enrich those lives. My most meaningful moments are when my in-depth expertise or latest discovery directly impacts an individual's life.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.statement.second":"You change lives through the insights and information that you uncover. Your underlying motivation is to help advance knowledge and understanding aimed at creating a more humane, just, and inclusive society. Through disciplined work, you make sense of the complex issues that touch individual lives and you find viable solutions that enrich those lives. Your most meaningful moments are when your in-depth expertise or latest discovery directly impacts an individual's life.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.statement.third":"finds the tools and information that help people thrive.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.title":"Luminary","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can unlock new insights that level the playing field for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonyknowledge.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.description.first":"I change lives by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Driven by the desire to promote fairness and equality - I work to design support mechanisms that create efficiencies and drive continuous improvements for those I serve. My practical, hands-on approach allows me to create the infrastructure and tools that break down barriers to opportunity and create a more level playing field for all. I feel most rewarded by my work when I am able to see the tools and systems I build directly improving someone's life and well-being.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.description.second":"You change lives by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Driven by the desire to promote fairness and equality, you work to design support mechanisms that create efficiencies and drive continuous improvements for those you serve. Your practical, hands-on approach allows you to create the infrastructure and tools that break down barriers to opportunity and create a more level playing field for all. You feel most rewarded by your work when you are able to see the tools and systems you built directly improving someone's life and well-being.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Level.png","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.imperative.who":"to help people","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.imperative.why":"overcome societal barriers","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals overcome unjust barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual given equal opportunity.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.quote.author":"Albert Einstein","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.quote.value":"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.statement.first":"I change lives by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Driven by the desire to promote fairness and equality, I work to design support mechanisms that create efficiencies and drive continuous improvements for those I serve. My practical, hands-on approach allows me to create the infrastructure and tools that break down barriers to opportunity and that create a more level playing field for all. I feel most rewarded by my work when I am able to see the tools and systems I build directly improving someone's life and well-being.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.statement.second":"You change lives by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Driven by the desire to promote fairness and equality, you work to design support mechanisms that create efficiencies and drive continuous improvements for those you serve. Your practical, hands-on approach allows you to create the infrastructure and tools that break down barriers to opportunity and that create a more level playing field for all. You feel most rewarded by your work when you are able to see the tools and systems you build directly improving someone's life and well-being.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.statement.third":"leverages tools and systems to break the barriers that people face.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.title":"Level","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can scale solutions that level the playing field for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualharmonystructure.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.description.first":"I change lives by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to empower people to maximize their opportunities and success - I create meaningful connection, ignite communal engagement and drive collaboration in an effort to improve the well-being of those I serve. Compassionate and strategic, I work to create the bridges needed within teams and groups to generate opportunities for individuals to prosper and grow. My work feels immensely rewarding when I observe the impact that a strong community has on individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.description.second":"You change lives by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to empower people to maximize their opportunities and success, you create meaningful connections, ignite communal engagement and drive collaboration in an effort to improve the wellbeing of those you serve. Compassionate and strategic, you work to create the bridges needed within teams and groups to generate opportunities for individuals to prosper and grow. Your work feels immensely rewarding when you observe the impact that a strong community has on individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Mobilizer.png","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.imperative.how":"by developing meaningful connections","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.imperative.who":"to enable people","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.quote.author":"Albert Einstein","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.quote.value":"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.statement.first":"I change lives by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to empower people to maximize their opportunities and success, I create meaningful connection, ignite communal engagement, and drive collaboration to improve the well-being of those I serve. Compassionate and strategic, I work to create the bridges needed within teams and groups to generate opportunities for individuals to prosper and grow. My work feels immensely rewarding when I observe the impact that a strong community has on individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.statement.second":"You change lives by connecting people and bringing them together. Driven to empower people to maximize their opportunities and success, you create meaningful connections, ignite communal engagement, and drive collaboration to improve the well-being of those you serve. Compassionate and strategic, you work to create the bridges needed within teams and groups to generate opportunities for individuals to prosper and grow. Your work feels immensely rewarding when you observe the impact that a strong community has on individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.statement.third":"empowers people to reach their potential by building strong communities.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.title":"Mobilizer","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can connect and empower others to advance progress for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmacommunity.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.description.first":"I change lives through the meaningful experiences I create. Driven by a desire to help people maximize opportunity and realize their full potential - I work to uncover latent human needs and integrate them in ways that bring meaning and inspiration to the individuals I serve. Intuitive, empathetic and nurturing, I bring out the best in others and create an environment that allows those I work with to prosper. I feel especially enthralled when I am able to inspire each person I interact with and visibly enhance their well-being and overall success.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.description.second":"You change lives through the meaningful experiences you create. Driven by a desire to help people maximize opportunity and realize their full potential, you work to uncover latent human needs and integrate them in ways that bring meaning and inspiration to the individuals you serve. Intuitive, empathetic and nurturing, you bring out the best in others and create an environment that allows those you work with to prosper. You feel especially enthralled when you are able to inspire each person you interact with and visibily enhance their well-being and overall success.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Champion.png","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.imperative.who":"to help people","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.quote.author":"Albert Einstein","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.quote.value":"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.statement.first":"I change lives through the meaningful experiences I create. Driven by a desire to help people maximize opportunity and realize their full potential, I work to uncover latent human needs and to integrate them in ways that bring meaning and inspiration to the individuals I serve. Intuitive, empathetic, and nurturing, I bring out the best in others and create an environment that allows those I work with to prosper. I feel especially gratified when I am able to inspire each person I interact with and to visibly enhance their well-being and overall success.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.statement.second":"You change lives through the meaningful experiences you create. Driven by a desire to help people maximize opportunity and realize their full potential, you work to uncover latent human needs and to integrate them in ways that bring meaning and inspiration to the individuals you serve. Intuitive, empathetic, and nurturing, you bring out the best in others and create an environment that allows those you work with to prosper. You feel especially gratified when you are able to inspire each person you interact with and to visibly enhance their well-being and overall success.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.statement.third":"helps people be at their best through authentic human interaction.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.title":"Champion","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that advance progress for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmahuman.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.description.first":"I change lives through the insights and information that I uncover. Driven by the desire to help others realize their full potential and succeed - I work to advance my understanding and expertise in areas that relate to those I serve. My insatiable curiosity and insight allow me to uncover pertinent information and devise viable solutions that pave the way for people to prosper. My work feels especially rewarding when I am able to directly help someone maximize opportunities and succeed through the clarity and direction I have provided.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.description.second":"You change lives through the insights and information that you uncover. Driven by the desire to help others realize their full potential and succeed, you work to advance your understanding and expertise in areas that relate to those you serve. Your insatiable curiosity and insight allow you to uncover pertinent information and devise viable solutions that pave the way for people to prosper. Your work feels especially rewarding when you are able to directly help someone maximize opportunities and succeed through the clarity and direction you have provided.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Detective.png","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable people","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.quote.author":"Henry Ford","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.quote.value":"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.statement.first":"I change lives through the insights and information that I uncover. Driven by the desire to help others realize their full potential and to succeed, I work to advance my understanding and expertise in areas that relate to those I serve. My insatiable curiosity and insight allow me to uncover pertinent information and to devise viable solutions that pave the way for people to prosper. My work feels especially rewarding when I am able to directly help someone maximize their opportunities and succeed through the clarity and direction I have provided.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.statement.second":"You change lives through the insights and information that you uncover. Driven by the desire to help others realize their full potential and to succeed, you work to advance your understanding and expertise in areas that relate to those you serve. Your insatiable curiosity and insight allow you to uncover pertinent information and to devise viable solutions that pave the way for people to prosper. Your work feels especially rewarding when you are able to directly help someone maximize their opportunities and succeed through the clarity and direction you have provided.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.statement.third":"shares knowledge to help individuals realize their potential.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.title":"Detective","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can unlock new insights that advance progress for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmaknowledge.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.description.first":"I change lives through the systems, structures and processes I build. Driven to help people realize their full potential and prosper - I work to streamline processes and develop efficient support mechanisms that create continuous improvements for those I serve. Pragmatic, observant and methodical, I shine when I am able to create solid structures that deliver consistent results. I feel most rewarded by my work when I am able to see how my contributions have helped others succeed.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.description.second":"You change lives through the systems, structures and processes you build. Driven to help people realize their full potential and prosper, you work to streamline processes and develop efficient support mechanisms that create continuous improvements for those you serve. Pragmatic, observant and methodical, you shine when you are able to create solid structures that deliver consistent results. You feel most rewarded by your work when you are able to see how your contributions have helped others succeed.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Explorer.png","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.imperative.who":"to help people","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help individuals achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an individual realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.quote.author":"Albert Einstein","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.quote.value":"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.statement.first":"I change lives through the systems, structures, and processes I build. Driven to help people to realize their full potential and to prosper, I work to streamline processes and to develop efficient support mechanisms that create continuous improvements for those I serve. Pragmatic, observant, and methodical, I shine when I am able to create solid structures that deliver consistent results. I feel most rewarded by my work when I am able to see how my contributions help others succeed.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.statement.second":"You change lives through the systems, structures, and processes you build. Driven to help people to realize their full potential and to prosper, you work to streamline processes and to develop efficient support mechanisms that create continuous improvements for those you serve. Pragmatic, observant, and methodical, you shine when you are able to create solid structures that deliver consistent results. You feel most rewarded by your work when you are able to see how your contributions help others succeed.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.statement.third":"helps people be great by mapping the path for their success.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.title":"Explorer","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in direct service opportunities where you can scale solutions that advance progress for people.","pattern.archetypes.individualkarmastructure.whatsnext":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.description.first":"I help organizations thrive by bringing people together and fostering connection. Driven to create a more equal and just society, I see community as the ideal mechanism for strengthening the impact of organizations. Connecting and collaborating with team members makes me feel exceptionally empowered - especially when I can leverage community generated resources and support for the organizations and groups of interest. In my view, community is essential for creating significant, scalable impact; as well as for building mutually supportive, meaningful relationships.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.description.second":"You help organizations thrive by bringing people together and fostering connection. Driven to create a more equal and just society, you see community as the ideal mechanism for strengthening the impact of organizations. Connecting and collaborating with team members makes you feel exceptionally empowered, especially when you can leverage community generated resources and support for the organizations and groups of interest. In your view, community is essential for creating significant, scalable impact, as well as for building mutually supportive, meaningful relationships.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Equalizer.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.imperative.how":"by coming together","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.imperative.who":"to enable groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.imperative.why":"to overcome social barriers","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams level the playing field.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team recognized for their true contribution and value.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution by everyone involved.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.quote.author":"Margaret Mead","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.quote.value":"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.statement.first":"I help organizations thrive by bringing people together and fostering connection. Driven to create a more equal and just society, I see community as the ideal mechanism for strengthening the impact of organizations. I feel exceptionally empowered when connecting and collaborating with team members, especially when I can leverage community-generated resources and support for the organizations and groups of interest. In my view, community is essential for creating significant, scalable impact, as well as for building mutually supportive, meaningful relationships.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.statement.second":"You help organizations thrive by bringing people together and fostering connection. Driven to create a more equal and just society, you see community as the ideal mechanism for strengthening the impact of organizations. You feel exceptionally empowered when connecting and collaborating with team members, especially when you can leverage community-generated resources and support for the organizations and groups of interest. In your view, community is essential for creating significant, scalable impact, as well as for building mutually supportive, meaningful relationships.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.statement.third":"brings people together and empowers them to overcome shared barriers.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.title":"Equalizer","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can connect and empower people to level the playing field for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonycommunity.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.description.first":"I help organizations thrive by designing environments that ignite creativity and self-expression, and enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Motivated by the desire to promote greater fairness and equality in society, I look to organizations and teams to deliver solutions that break down barriers to equal access and opportunities. I work to understand the human and environmental context of those I serve, uncovering new insights that affect widespread change. My most meaningful moments occur when I see my work contribute to an organizational change that benefits individuals.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.description.second":"You help organizations thrive by designing environments that ignite creativity and self-expression, and enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Motivated by the desire to promote greater fairness and equality in society, you look to organizations and teams to deliver solutions that break down barriers to equal access and opportunities. You work to understand the human and environmental context of those you serve, uncovering new insights that affect widespread change. Your most meaningful moments occur when you see your work contribute to an organizational change that benefits individuals.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Scout.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.imperative.who":"to help groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.imperative.why":"overcome social barriers","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams level the playing field.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team recognized for their true contribution and value.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.quote.author":"Margaret Mead","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.quote.value":"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.statement.first":"I help organizations thrive by designing environments that ignite creativity and self-expression and that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Motivated by the desire to promote greater fairness and equality in society, I look to organizations and teams to deliver solutions that break down barriers to equal access and opportunities. I work to understand the human and environmental context of those I serve, uncovering new insights that effect widespread change. My most meaningful moments occur when I see my work contribute to an organizational change that benefits individuals.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.statement.second":"You help organizations thrive by designing environments that ignite creativity and self-expression and that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Motivated by the desire to promote greater fairness and equality in society, you look to organizations and teams to deliver solutions that break down barriers to equal access and opportunities. You work to understand the human and environmental context of those you serve, uncovering new insights that effect widespread change. Your most meaningful moments occur when you see your work contribute to an organizational change that benefits individuals.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.statement.third":"makes organizations remarkable by unleashing the full talent and passion of individuals.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.title":"Scout","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that level the playing field for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyhuman.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.description.first":"I help organizations thrive by unearthing valuable insights and knowledge. Driven to increase fairness and equality - I uncover fresh information to enlighten and improve team effectiveness. Inquisitive, insightful and conceptual, I shine when I am able to guide teams to solve complex problems. I feel especially invigorated by my work when I see that the clarity and direction I bring to organizations have leveled the playing field and expanded equal access to opportunity.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.description.second":"You help organizations thrive by unearthing valuable insights and knowledge. Driven to increase fairness and equality, you uncover fresh information to enlighten and improve team effectiveness. Inquisitive, insightful and conceptual, you shine when you are able to guide teams to solve complex problems. You feel especially invigorated by your work when you see that the clarity and direction you bring to organizations have leveled the playing field and expanded equal access to opportunity.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Organizer.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.imperative.why":"to overcome social barriers","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams level the playing field.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team recognized for their true contribution and value.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.quote.author":"Vince Lombardi","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.quote.value":"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.statement.first":"I help organizations thrive by unearthing valuable insights and knowledge. Driven to increase fairness and equality, I uncover fresh information to enlighten and improve team effectiveness. Inquisitive, insightful, and conceptual, I shine when I am able to guide teams to solve complex problems. I feel especially invigorated by my work when I see that the clarity and direction I bring to organizations level the playing field and expand equal access to opportunity.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.statement.second":"You help organizations thrive by unearthing valuable insights and knowledge. Driven to increase fairness and equality, you uncover fresh information to enlighten and improve team effectiveness. Inquisitive, insightful, and conceptual, you shine when you are able to guide teams to solve complex problems. You feel especially invigorated by your work when you see that the clarity and direction you bring to organizations level the playing field and expand equal access to opportunity.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.statement.third":"uncovers the knowledge that organizations need to overcome barriers.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.title":"Organizer","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can unlock new insights that level the playing field for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonyknowledge.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.description.first":"I help organizations thrive by designing systems, structures, and processes that drive efficiency and cohesiveness. Driven by a desire to create a more just and equal society, I most often work behind the scenes to ensure organizations have internal structures that keep things running smoothly and teams continuously improving. Observant, organized, and balanced by nature, I shine when teams are able to maximize their individual and collective impact due to my efforts. My work feels most meaningful when I help organizations maximize their abilities and in doing so level the playing field for everyone.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.description.second":"You help organizations thrive by designing systems, structures, and processes that drive efficiency and cohesiveness. Driven by a desire to create a more just and equal society, you most often work behind the scenes to ensure organizations have internal structures that keep things running smoothly and allow teams to continuously improve. Observant, organized, and balanced by nature, you shine when teams are able to maximize their individual and collective impact due to your efforts. Your work feels most meaningful when you help organizations maximize their abilities and in doing so level the playing field for everyone.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Builder.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.imperative.who":"to help groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.imperative.why":"overcome social barriers","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams level the playing field.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team recognized for their true contribution and value.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.quote.author":"Vince Lombardi","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.quote.value":"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.statement.first":"I help organizations thrive by designing systems, structures, and processes that drive efficiency and cohesiveness. Driven by a desire to create a more just and equal society, I most often work behind the scenes to ensure that organizations have internal structures that keep things running smoothly and that allow teams to continuously improve. Observant, organized, and balanced by nature, I shine when teams are able to maximize their individual and collective impact as a result of my efforts. My work feels most meaningful when I help organizations maximize their abilities and, in doing so, level the playing field for everyone.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.statement.second":"You help organizations thrive by designing systems, structures, and processes that drive efficiency and cohesiveness. Driven by a desire to create a more just and equal society, you most often work behind the scenes to ensure that organizations have internal structures that keep things running smoothly and that allow teams to continuously improve. Observant, organized, and balanced by nature, you shine when teams are able to maximize their individual and collective impact as a result of your efforts. Your work feels most meaningful when you help organizations to maximize their abilities and, in doing so, level the playing field for everyone.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.statement.third":"equips organizations with the tools and systems that enable them to overcome barriers.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.title":"Builder","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can scale solutions that level the playing field for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationharmonystructure.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.description.first":"I take organizations to the next level by bringing people together. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential - I work to propel teams and organizations forward by fostering collaboration and empathy. By connecting people and increasing collective engagement and ownership, I help organizations and groups to prosper and deliver extraordinary results. I bring clarity and direction to the groups and organizations I serve. I feel most invigorated when my contributions pave the way for an organization's success, especially when that effort results in a strong and engaged community.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.description.second":"You take organizations to the next level by bringing people together. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential, you work to propel teams and organizations forward by fostering collaboration and empathy. By connecting people and increasing collective engagement and ownership, you help organizations and groups prosper and deliver extraordinary results. You bring clarity and direction to the groups and organizations you serve. You feel most invigorated when your contributions have paved the way for an organization’s success, especially when that effort results in a strong and engaged community.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Empowerer.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.imperative.how":"by coming together","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.imperative.who":"to enable groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.quote.author":"Bill Gates","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.quote.value":"I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.statement.first":"I take organizations to the next level by bringing people together. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential, I work to propel teams and organizations forward by fostering collaboration and empathy. By connecting people and increasing collective engagement and ownership, I help organizations and groups to prosper and deliver extraordinary results. I bring clarity and direction to the groups and organizations I serve. I feel most invigorated when my contributions pave the way for an organization's success, especially when that effort results in a strong and engaged community.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.statement.second":"You take organizations to the next level by bringing people together. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential, you work to propel teams and organizations forward by fostering collaboration and empathy. By connecting people and increasing collective engagement and ownership, you help organizations and groups to prosper and deliver extraordinary results. You bring clarity and direction to the groups and organizations you serve. You feel most invigorated when your contributions pave the way for an organization's success, especially when that effort results in a strong and engaged community.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.statement.third":"empowers communities to realize their potential.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.title":"Empowerer","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can connect and empower people to advance progress for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmacommunity.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.description.first":"I take organizations to the next level by designing experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential and maximize opportunities - I work to propel teams and organizations forward by leveraging the strengths of each individual. I aspire to create a space where anything is possible and teams work cohesively together to generate valuable insights and viable solutions to pesky challenges. I feel most invigorated when my team or organization facilitates a change that betters individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.description.second":"You take organizations to the next level by designing experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential and maximize opportunities, you work to propel teams and organizations forward by leveraging the strengths of each individual. You aspire to create a space where anything is possible and teams work cohesively together to generate valuable insights and viable solutions to pesky challenges. You feel most invigorated when your team or organization facilitates a change that betters individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Cultivator.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.imperative.who":"to help groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.quote.author":"Margaret Mead","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.quote.value":"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.statement.first":"I take organizations to the next level by designing experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential and to maximize their opportunities, I work to propel teams and organizations forward by leveraging each individual's strengths. I aspire to create a space where anything is possible and where teams work cohesively together to generate valuable insights and viable solutions to pesky challenges. I feel most invigorated when my team or organization facilitates a change that betters individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.statement.second":"You take organizations to the next level by designing experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to realize their greatest potential and to maximize their opportunities, you work to propel teams and organizations forward by leveraging each individual's strengths. You aspire to create a space where anything is possible and where teams work cohesively together to generate valuable insights and viable solutions to pesky challenges. You feel most invigorated when your team or organization facilitates a change that betters individual lives.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.statement.third":"helps develop thriving organizations that are authentic reflections of their people.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.title":"Cultivator","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that advance progress for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmahuman.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.description.first":"I take organizations to the next level by uncovering new insights and knowledge. Driven to help people maximize opportunities to realize their full potential - I work to deliver breakthrough information that enables organizations to thrive and deliver real impact. My investigative approach, vast base of knowledge and creative problem-solving abilities allow me to contribute to meaningful team-based and organizational solutions that drive engagement and produce extraordinary results. I feel especially fulfilled when I see that my contributions have brought clarity and direction to the teams and organizations I serve.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.description.second":"You take organizations to the next level by uncovering new insights and knowledge. Driven to help people maximize opportunities to realize their full potential, you work to deliver breakthrough information that enables organizations to thrive and deliver real impact. Your investigative approach, vast base of knowledge, and creative problem-solving abilities allow you to contribute to meaningful team-based and organizational solutions that drive engagement and produce extraordinary results. You feel especially fulfilled when you see that your contributions have brought clarity and direction to the teams and organizations you serve.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Disruptor.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.quote.author":"Bill Gates","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.quote.value":"I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.statement.first":"I take organizations to the next level by uncovering new insights and knowledge. Driven to help people maximize opportunities to realize their full potential, I work to deliver breakthrough information that enables organizations to thrive and deliver real impact. My investigative approach, vast base of knowledge, and creative problem-solving abilities allow me to contribute to meaningful team-based and organizational solutions that drive engagement and produce extraordinary results. I feel especially fulfilled when I see that my contributions bring clarity and direction to the teams and organizations I serve.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.statement.second":"You take organizations to the next level by uncovering new insights and knowledge. Driven to help people maximize opportunities to realize their full potential, you work to deliver breakthrough information that enables organizations to thrive and deliver real impact. Your investigative approach, vast base of knowledge, and creative problem-solving abilities allow you to contribute to meaningful team-based and organizational solutions that drive engagement and produce extraordinary results. You feel especially fulfilled when you see that your contributions bring clarity and direction to the teams and organizations you serve.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.statement.third":"uncovers the knowledge that organizations need to thrive.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.title":"Disruptor","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can unlock new insights that advance progress for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmaknowledge.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins with your team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.description.first":"I take organizations to the next level by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Optimizing the support mechanisms of my organization is what I strive toward. In doing so, I ensure internal systems are not only running smoothly, but continuously evolving with the aim of maximizing organizational and team capabilities. Without me, a myriad of challenges could emerge, stalling key organizational activities and derailing efforts and engagement. I feel especially fulfilled when teams recognize my contributions and speak to the opportunities and benefits I provide in setting them up for success.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.description.second":"You take organizations to the next level by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. Optimizing the support mechanisms of your organization is what you strive toward. In doing so, you ensure internal systems are not only running smoothly, but continuously evolving with the aim of maximizing organizational and team capabilities. Without you, a myriad of challenges could emerge, stalling key organizational activities and derailing efforts and engagement. You feel especially fulfilled when teams recognize your contributions and speak to the opportunities and benefits you provide in setting them up for success.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Architect.png","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.imperative.who":"to help groups","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help organizations and teams achieve their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when I see an organization or team realize an opportunity.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.quote.author":"Bill Gates","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.quote.value":"I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.statement.first":"I take organizations to the next level by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. I strive to optimize the support mechanisms of my organization. In doing so, I ensure that internal systems are not only running smoothly but also continuously evolving to maximize organizational and team capabilities. Without me, a myriad of challenges could emerge, stalling key organizational activities and derailing efforts and engagement. I feel especially fulfilled when teams recognize my contributions and speak to the opportunities and benefits I provide in setting them up for success.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.statement.second":"You take organizations to the next level by creating systems, structures, and processes that have a lasting impact. You strive to optimize the support mechanisms of your organization. In doing so, you ensure that internal systems are not only running smoothly but also continuously evolving to maximize organizational and team capabilities. Without you, a myriad of challenges could emerge, stalling key organizational activities and derailing efforts and engagement. You feel especially fulfilled when teams recognize your contributions and speak to the opportunities and benefits you provide in setting them up for success.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.statement.third":"equips organizations with the tools and systems that enable them to thrive.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.title":"Architect","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in pro bono consulting and board opportunities where you can scale solutions that advance progress for critical organizations.","pattern.archetypes.organizationkarmastructure.whatsnext":"Celebrate small wins as a team.\nAcross the organization, take time to learn people's names and personal stories.\nTo get a full picture of your organization, schedule informational interviews with people outside of your team.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their work.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.description.first":"I change the world by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to promote fairness and equality to ensure equal access to opportunities - I work to empower communities and enable them to tackle significant challenges that bring about large-scale change. By connecting people through a shared vision and fostering commitment and ownership, I ignite the collective energy and drive needed to move towards concrete societal progress. My work feels especially worthwhile when I see my contributions leading to widespread changes that expand opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.description.second":"You change the world by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to promote fairness and equality to ensure equal access to opportunities, you work to empower communities and enable them to tackle significant challenges that bring about large-scale change. By connecting people through a shared vision and fostering commitment and ownership, you ignite the collective energy and drive needed to move towards concrete societal progress. Your work feels especially worthwhile when you see your contributions leading to widespread changes that expand opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Ambassador.png","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.imperative.how":"by coming together","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.imperative.who":"to enable everyone","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.imperative.why":"to overcome barriers","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society overcome barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when inequality is overcome.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution by everyone involved.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.quote.author":"Joss Whedon","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.quote.value":"Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.statement.first":"I change the world by connecting and bringing people together. Driven to promote fairness and equality to ensure equal access to opportunities, I work to empower communities and to enable them to tackle significant challenges that bring about large-scale change. By connecting people through a shared vision and by fostering commitment and ownership, I ignite the collective energy and drive needed to move toward concrete societal progress. My work feels especially worthwhile when I see my contributions leading to widespread changes that expand opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.statement.second":"You change the world by connecting people and bringing them together. Driven to promote fairness and equality to ensure equal access to opportunities, you work to empower communities and to enable them to tackle significant challenges that bring about large-scale change. By connecting people through a shared vision and by fostering commitment and ownership, you ignite the collective energy and drive needed to move toward concrete societal progress. Your work feels especially worthwhile when you see your contributions leading to widespread changes that expand opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.statement.third":"makes a mark on society by facilitating authentic human connection.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.title":"Ambassador","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can connect and empower people to level the playing field for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonycommunity.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.description.first":"I change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to promote fairness and equality - I work to create a humanistic environment that will lead to big picture changes in society. Compassionate, visionary, and nurturing, I am able to bring out the best in others through the meaningful experiences I create. My ability to integrate the needs and desires of others allows I to design solutions that have a significant, wide-ranging impact on society. I feel most invigorated by my work when I see that my contributions have brought inspiration and meaning to those who need it most.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.description.second":"You change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to promote fairness and equality, you work to create a humanistic environment that will lead to big picture changes in society. Compassionate, visionary, and nurturing, you are able to bring out the best in others through the meaningful experiences you create. Your ability to integrate the needs and desires of others allows you to design solutions that have a significant, wide-ranging impact on society. You feel most invigorated by your work when you see that your contributions have brought inspiration and meaning to those who need it most.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Advocate.png","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.imperative.who":"to help everyone","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.imperative.why":"to overcome barriers","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society overcome barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when inequality is overcome.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.quote.author":"Joss Whedon","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.quote.value":"Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.statement.first":"I change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to promote fairness and equality, I work to create a humanistic environment that will lead to big-picture changes in society. Compassionate, visionary, and nurturing, I am able to bring out the best in others through the meaningful experiences I create. My ability to integrate the needs and desires of others allows me to design solutions that have a significant, wide-ranging impact on society. I feel most invigorated by my work when I see that my contributions bring inspiration and meaning to those who most need them.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.statement.second":"You change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to promote fairness and equality, you work to create a humanistic environment that will lead to big-picture changes in society. Compassionate, visionary, and nurturing, you are able to bring out the best in others through the meaningful experiences you create. Your ability to integrate the needs and desires of others allows you to design solutions that have a significant, wide-ranging impact on society. You feel most invigorated by your work when you see that your contributions bring inspiration and meaning to those who most need them.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.statement.third":"impacts society by creating authentic human experiences.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.title":"Advocate","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that level the playing field for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyhuman.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.description.first":"I change the world through the insights and knowledge I uncover. Driven to promote fairness and equality - I work to build a greater understanding of complex issues that results in solutions that have significant, long-lasting impact. My vast base of knowledge, inquisitive approach and big-picture focus allow me to develop invaluable insights--bringing about changes that affect society as a whole. My work feels especially worthwhile when my contributions succeed in leveling the playing field and expanding opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.description.second":"You change the world through the insights and knowledge you uncover. Driven to promote fairness and equality - you work to build a greater understanding of complex issues that results in solutions that have significant, long-lasting impact. Your vast base of knowledge, inquisitive approach and big-picture focus allow you to develop invaluable insights--bringing about changes that affect society as a whole. Your work feels especially worthwhile when your contributions succeed in leveling the playing field and expanding opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Inquirer.png","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable everyone","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.imperative.why":"to overcome barriers","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society overcome barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when inequality is overcome.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.quote.author":"Ralph Marston","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.quote.value":"Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.statement.first":"I change the world through the insights and knowledge that I uncover. Driven to promote fairness and equality, I work to build a greater understanding of complex issues, resulting in solutions that have a significant, long-lasting impact. My vast base of knowledge, inquisitive approach, and big-picture focus allow me to develop invaluable insights, bringing about changes that affect society as a whole. My work feels especially worthwhile when my contributions succeed in leveling the playing field and expanding opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.statement.second":"You change the world through the insights and knowledge that you uncover. Driven to promote fairness and equality, you work to build a greater understanding of complex issues, resulting in solutions that have a significant, long-lasting impact. Your vast base of knowledge, inquisitive approach, and big-picture focus allow you to develop invaluable insights, bringing about changes that affect society as a whole. Your work feels especially worthwhile when your contributions succeed in leveling the playing field and expanding opportunities for all.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.statement.third":"unearths the knowledge needed to drive society's progress.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.title":"Inquirer","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can unlock new insights that level the playing field for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonyknowledge.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.description.first":"I change the world through the tools and solutions I design and develop. Driven to promote equality - I work to create a foundation on which significant, long-lasting changes can take place. I am a pragmatic, result-driven, big picture thinker who endeavors to create structural support systems that drive continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. I feel my contributions have been worthwhile when they have expanded opportunities for those who need it most.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.description.second":"You change the world through the tools and solutions you design and develop. Driven to promote equality, you work to create a foundation on which significant, long-lasting changes can take place. You are a pragmatic, results-driven, big picture thinker who endeavors to create structural support systems that drive continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. You feel your contributions have been worthwhile when they have expanded opportunities for those who need it most.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Pillar.png","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.imperative.who":"to help everyone","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.imperative.why":"overcome barriers","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society overcome barriers.\nI feel a sense of completion when inequality is overcome.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure you don't inhibit progress by over emphasizing fairness. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.quote.author":"Ralph Marston","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.quote.value":"Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.statement.first":"I change the world through the tools and solutions I design and develop. Driven to promote equality, I work to create a foundation on which significant, long-lasting changes can take place. I am a pragmatic, results-driven, big-picture thinker who endeavors to create structural support systems that drive continual improvements with a wide-ranging impact. I feel my contributions are worthwhile when they expand opportunities for those who most need them.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.statement.second":"You change the world through the tools and solutions that you design and develop. Driven to promote equality, you work to create a foundation on which significant, long-lasting changes can take place. You are a pragmatic, results-driven, big-picture thinker who endeavors to create structural support systems that drive continual improvements with a wide-ranging impact. You feel your contributions are worthwhile when they expand opportunities for those who most need them.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.statement.third":"develops concrete, structural solutions that drive change in society.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.title":"Pillar","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can scale solutions that level the playing field for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societyharmonystructure.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.description.first":"I change the world by bringing people together and leveraging the strength of communities. Driven by a desire to empower people to realize their greatest potential - I work to build connection, collaboration, and ownership within teams and groups that ultimately leads to large-scale societal progress. I shine when I am able to maximize community efforts that result in solutions that have a wide-ranging, positive impact on society. My work feels especially meaningful when I see that my community involvement has brought about tangible, long-lasting impact that helps others capitalize on opportunities and succeed.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.description.second":"You change the world by bringing people together and leveraging the strength of communities. Driven by a desire to empower people to realize their greatest potential, you work to build connection, collaboration, and ownership within teams and groups that ultimately leads to large-scale societal progress. You shine when you are able to maximize community efforts that result in solutions that have a wide-ranging, positive impact on society. Your work feels especially meaningful when you see that your community involvement has brought about tangible, long-lasting impact that helps others capitalize on opportunities and succeed.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Enthusiast.png","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.imperative.how":"by coming together","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.imperative.who":"to enable society","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society realize their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when my work helps redefines excellence for the field.\nI would love to help you empower people to take ownership and collaborate.\nI am energized when you connect me to influential people.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the group dynamics.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.problems":"Your preference towards collective problem solving may cause you to stall progress and productivity in order to establish full ownership of the solution.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for individual people, outside of groups.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.quote.author":"Henry Ford","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.quote.value":"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.statement.first":"I change the world by bringing people together and leveraging the strength of communities. Driven by a desire to empower people to realize their greatest potential, I work to build connection, collaboration, and ownership within teams and groups, ultimately leading to large-scale societal progress. I shine when I am able to maximize community efforts that result in solutions with a wide-ranging, positive impact on society. My work feels especially meaningful when I see that my community involvement brings about tangible, long-lasting impact that helps others to capitalize on their opportunities and to succeed.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.statement.second":"You change the world by bringing people together and leveraging the strength of communities. Driven by a desire to empower people to realize their greatest potential, you work to build connection, collaboration, and ownership within teams and groups, ultimately leading to large-scale societal progress. You shine when you are able to maximize community efforts that result in solutions with a wide-ranging, positive impact on society. Your work feels especially meaningful when you see that your community involvement brings about tangible, long-lasting impact that helps others to capitalize on their opportunities and to succeed.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.statement.third":"empowers communities to drive the progress of society at large.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.title":"Enthusiast","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can connect and empower people to advance progress for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmacommunity.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nThink of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other, and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.description.first":"I change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to make the most of opportunities - I work to understand the human and environmental context of those I serve, and uncover new insights that affect widespread change. Compassionate, visionary, and big-picture focused, I shine when I am able to deliver significant societal impact by tailoring environments to those involved. I feel most invigorated by my work when I see my contributions pave the way for large-scale advances that help people realize their greatest potential.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.description.second":"You change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to make the most of opportunities, you work to understand the human and environmental context of those you serve, uncovering new insights that affect widespread change. Compassionate, visionary, and big-picture focused, you shine when you are able to deliver significant societal impact by tailoring environments to those involved. You feel most invigorated by your work when you see your contributions pave the way for large-scale advances that help people realize their greatest potential.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Agent.png","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.imperative.how":"by creating remarkable environments and experiences","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.imperative.who":"to help society","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society realize their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when my work helps redefines excellence for the field.\nI would love to help you understand the real needs of people.\nI am energized when you help me find new experiences that help me grow.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to walk in the shoes of others.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.problems":"Your intuitive sense of empathy for people and designing an ideal solution may cause you to stall progress and productivity in favor of perfection.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.quote.author":"Henry Ford","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.quote.value":"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.statement.first":"I change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to make the most of their opportunities, I work to understand the human and environmental context of those I serve, uncovering new insights that effect widespread change. Compassionate, visionary, and big-picture focused, I shine when I am able to deliver significant societal impact by tailoring environments to those involved. I feel most invigorated by my work when I see my contributions pave the way for large-scale advances that help people realize their greatest potential.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.statement.second":"You change the world by creating experiences that enable meaningful human connection and collaboration. Driven to empower people to make the most of their opportunities, you work to understand the human and environmental context of those you serve, uncovering new insights that effect widespread change. Compassionate, visionary, and big-picture focused, you shine when you can deliver significant societal impact by tailoring environments to those involved. You feel most invigorated by your work when you see your contributions pave the way for large-scale advances that help people realize their greatest potential.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.statement.third":"creates change by advancing individual interests in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.title":"Agent","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can authentically solve challenges that advance progress for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmahuman.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nTake a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else become more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.description.first":"I change the world through the insights and knowledge I uncover. Driven to empower people to realize their full potential and succeed - I work to uncover valuable insights that expand our understanding of the complex big picture issues that affect society. My knowledge and investigative approach allow me to dig deep to create concrete solutions that have a wide-ranging impact. I shine when I am able to yield information that results in tangible advancements in society. My work feels especially worthwhile when I see my contributions lead to solutions that maximize opportunity and impact the greater good.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.description.second":"You change the world through the insights and knowledge you uncover. Driven to empower people to realize their full potential and succeed, you work to uncover valuable insights that expand our understanding of the complex big picture issues that affect society. Your vast base of knowledge and investigative approach allow you to dig deep to create concrete solutions that have a wide-ranging impact. You shine when you are able to yield information that results in tangible advancements in society. Your work feels especially worthwhile when you see your contributions lead to solutions that maximize opportunity and impact the greater good.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Catalyst.png","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.imperative.how":"by finding answers and increasing their knowledge","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.imperative.who":"to enable society","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.imperative.why":"to elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society realize their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when my work helps redefines excellence for the field.\nI would love to help you uncover new insights.\nI am energized when you expose me to new sources of information.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to conduct the necessary research.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.problems":"Be careful that your intellectual approach doesn't come across as indifferent, or intimidating.\nMake sure your curiosity and eagerness to untangle complexities doesn't lead to a case of \"analysis paralysis\".\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nYou might need help structuring your work, remember to plan ahead weekly.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.quote.author":"Ralph Marston","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.quote.value":"Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.statement.first":"I change the world through the insights and knowledge I uncover. Driven to empower people to realize their full potential and to succeed, I work to uncover valuable insights that expand our understanding of the complex, big-picture issues that affect society. My vast base of knowledge and my investigative approach allow me to dig deep to create concrete solutions that have a wide-ranging impact. I shine when I am able to yield information that results in tangible advancements in society. My work feels especially worthwhile when I see my contributions lead to solutions that maximize opportunity and impact the greater good.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.statement.second":"You change the world through the insights and knowledge you uncover. Driven to empower people to realize their full potential and to succeed, you work to uncover valuable insights that expand our understanding of the complex, big-picture issues that affect society. Your vast base of knowledge and your investigative approach allow you to dig deep to create concrete solutions that have a wide-ranging impact. You shine when you are able to yield information that results in tangible advancements in society. Your work feels especially worthwhile when you see your contributions lead to solutions that maximize opportunity and impact the greater good.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.statement.third":"uncovers the knowledge that impacts how society moves forward.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.title":"Catalyst","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can unlock new insights that advance progress for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmaknowledge.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nFind and research one new fact about your current project.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.\n","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.description.first":"I change the world through the tools and solutions I design and develop. Driven by a desire to maximize opportunities that ultimately lead to success - I work behind the scenes architecting concrete, systematic solutions that drive society forward. Results-driven and pragmatic, I endeavor to build the conditions for which bigger picture changes can take place. The structural support I create drives efficiencies and continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. I feel especially invigorated when I see that my contributions have brought success to others and led to tangible advancements in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.description.second":"You change the world through the tools and solutions you design and develop. Driven by a desire to maximize opportunities that ultimately lead to success - you work behind the scenes architecting concrete, systematic solutions that drive society forward. Results-driven and pragmatic, you endeavor to build the conditions for which bigger picture changes can take place. The structural support you create drives efficiencies and continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. You feel especially invigorated when you see that your contributions have brought success to others and led to tangible advancements in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.img":"https://cdn.imperative.com/images/archetype-titles/Driver.png","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.imperative.how":"by providing tools and support","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.imperative.who":"to help society","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.imperative.why":"elevate their game","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.moments":"I am motivated when I see how my work can help communities and society realize their potential.\nI feel a sense of completion when my work helps redefines excellence for the field.\nI would love to help you find ways to increase efficiency and reliability.\nI am energized when you share best practices with me.\nI have more ownership of my work when I have time to understand the systems underlying a project.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.problems":"Be careful that your reliance on systems and tools to solve problems doesn't cause you to ignore the people and groups your solution is helping in the first place.\nMake sure you don't get caught up in processes and focus on results.\nBe sure to leverage existing research when solving a tough challenge. Take time to do your homework.\nTake time to develop empathy for those you serve and work with.\nAlways look for connections you can make between colleagues and friends.\nBe sure to give everyone an opportunity to contribute and voice their opinions.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.quote.author":"A. P. J. Abdul Kalam","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.quote.value":"Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.statement.first":"I change the world through the tools and solutions I design and develop. Driven by a desire to maximize opportunities that ultimately lead to success, I work behind the scenes architecting concrete, systematic solutions that drive society forward. Results-driven and pragmatic, I endeavor to build the conditions in which bigger picture changes can take place. The structural support I create drives efficiencies and continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. I feel especially invigorated when I see that my contributions bring success to others and lead to tangible advancements in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.statement.second":"You change the world through the tools and solutions you design and develop. Driven by a desire to maximize opportunities that ultimately lead to success, you work behind the scenes architecting concrete, systematic solutions that drive society forward. Results-driven and pragmatic, you endeavor to build the conditions in which bigger picture changes can take place. The structural support you create drives efficiencies and continual improvements that have a wide-ranging impact. You feel especially invigorated when you see your contributions bring success to others and lead to tangible advancements in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.statement.third":"develops concrete solutions that accelerate society's progress.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.title":"Driver","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.volunteerbottomline":"Invest in opportunities where you can scale solutions that advance progress for key issues in society.","pattern.archetypes.societykarmastructure.whatsnext":"Connect mundane tasks to their big-picture roles.\nTake time to hear others' theories of change, and listen to their future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long-term side project with big potential payoff.\nMake a list of processes you can improve in your work, and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.actions":"Think of two people you know who'd enjoy meeting each other and make the connection.\nPlan an event or start a Meetup group related to your interests.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.","pattern.drivers.how.community.corebeliefs":"The challenges and opportunities will change over time, but if we build strong communities, they will rise to the occasion every time.","pattern.drivers.how.community.description.community":"I bring groups together to build engagement and ownership.","pattern.drivers.how.community.description.you":"You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership.","pattern.drivers.how.community.explication":"In a world where we are often divided despite shared interests, you bring people together so they can move forward. You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership. You know how and when to connect two people who would get along. You empower groups to solve their own problems through cooperation. By fostering communities, you give them the support to face even the most pressing challenges.","pattern.drivers.how.community.gain":"empowering communities","pattern.drivers.how.community.hiring-coach.hints":"Express an appreciation for colleagues who great at connecting people and building shared ownership.\nExplain how the job will push them and challenge them to empower others and build community.\nAsk questions about how they empowered people and built communities in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.how.community.moments":"Get a group of people to take ownership of a problem.\nGain insight into an issue through stakeholder input.\nCome to a shared understanding within a group.\nSee the advancement of a community you've organized, or watch that community become self-sufficient.\nConnect people with similar needs or those who can work together to solve a common problem.\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.potentialbiases":"You direct a large portion of your time toward influencing and creating a sense of ownership rather than toward creating structures.\nYou see everything as a community-building activity or as a chance to bring people together.\nYou innately understand the importance of shared vision, but not everyone needs to have the same vision of work process.\nYou feel frustrated if you don't have access to stakeholders or experts.\nYou find joy in bringing people together to explore a problem and to define solutions. You might assume that others do, too, and that they have the skills required to make this happen.\nYou crave feedback on how you are perceived, in hopes of improving your influencing ability, and you may be averse to hearing feedback on structure and clarity.\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.powerupbullets":"Partnering with others, building rapport, gaining trust, and creating shared ownership.\nTo articulate the vision in an engaging way, communicating effectively in a variety of groups and settings.\nAccepting and delegating responsibility.\nFostering open dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.\nFacilitating discussions around problem definition.\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you solve problems through creation of stakeholder ownership in communities:","pattern.drivers.how.community.questions":"When was the last time you brought people together and successfully accomplished something as a team?\nWhat is your go to strategy for empowering others?\nWhen has your work made a positive impact on others?","pattern.drivers.how.community.quote.author":"Margaret Mead","pattern.drivers.how.community.quote.value":"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.","pattern.drivers.how.community.statement-exercise.question":"In your past and present work, how have you used collaboration to solve problems?","pattern.drivers.how.community.title":"Community","pattern.drivers.how.community.volunteerparagraph":"You will gain the most meaning from your volunteer efforts when you can help build communities and empower people to take ownership. This isn't something you can do overnight, but by investing in leadership and communities when you volunteer, you make an impact that is lasting and rare.\nNonprofits in every field are focused on fostering shared ownership and building sustainable communities to advance change. These are great places for you to invest your resources and time.\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.words":"organize\ncreate ownership\ninfluence\nfacilitate\nstakeholders\nteam\nevangelize\ncollective\nempower\ndelegate\nshared goals\ncollective impact\nsynergy\nadvocate\nrally\n","pattern.drivers.how.community.words.markdown":"- organize\n- create ownership\n- influence\n- facilitate\n- stakeholders\n- team\n- evangelize\n- collective\n- empower\n- delegate\n- shared goals\n- collective impact\n- synergy\n- advocate\n- rally","pattern.drivers.how.community.you":"You bring groups together to build engagement and ownership.","pattern.drivers.how.human.actions":"Take a moment to make adjustments to your physical workspace.\nOffer to help someone else be more balanced and productive with their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.","pattern.drivers.how.human.corebeliefs":"If we start with empathy and with an understanding of the human and environmental context, we can create breakthrough solutions to any challenge or opportunity.","pattern.drivers.how.human.description.community":"I deliver authentic solutions based on needs of real people.","pattern.drivers.how.human.description.you":"You deliver authentic solutions based on needs of real people.","pattern.drivers.how.human.explication":"You believe that addressing the needs of real people is at the heart of productive, successful work. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when these needs are not only considered but also prioritized. You can walk in other people's shoes and bring the intuition, empathy, and perception necessary to design and deliver authentic solutions. You see the real-world context that is critical to understanding any challenge or opportunity.","pattern.drivers.how.human.gain":"understanding the human context","pattern.drivers.how.human.hiring-coach.hints":"Express an appreciation for colleagues who are highly empathetic and human-centered in how they solve problems.\nExplain how the job will push them and challenge them to really understand the human and environmental context to be successful.\nAsk questions about how they leveraged empathy and human insights in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.how.human.moments":"Uncover a new insight about a behavior.\nSee an environment transformed.\nCreate an innovative solution.\nUnderstand how to solve something that annoys a colleague.\nExplore options.\nSee someone use what you've designed.\nAsk questions that uncover a hidden need.\nHear that your solution is intuitive.\n","pattern.drivers.how.human.potentialbiases":"You prefer to explore context and ask good questions rather than to make assumptions or generalize.\nYou are curious about others and expect that others are curious about you and about people in general.\nYou innately communicate through stories, while others may prefer to see data or to hear about the background process.\nYou have deep empathy, and you may believe that those who have a more structured or absolute worldview don't value people.\nYou crave feedback on your ability to ask good questions and to create relevant solutions, but you might be blind to feedback on your ability to work in more nebulous contexts.\nYou find joy in exploring real, human needs and in creating environments that cater to those needs. You might assume that others do, too, and that they possess the skills required to make this happen.\nYou feel frustrated when you are unable to get in touch with the real needs of people.\n","pattern.drivers.how.human.powerupbullets":"Actively listening to truly understand what people care about and what their needs are.\nAsking questions/interviewing in a way that draws out needs or root causes.\nWorking with stakeholders' requirements and expectations.\nPlanning an approach based on organizational politics.\nBuilding knowledge about different approaches and skillful adaptations.\nIn order to learn and grow, reflecting on activities and the impact that they have on others.\n","pattern.drivers.how.human.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you solve problems through human-centered design:","pattern.drivers.how.human.questions":"When was the last time you created an authentic experience on a project?\nWhat is your go to strategy for using empathy to connect with people? Dialogue? Email? Snapchat?\nWhen has your work made a positive impact on others?","pattern.drivers.how.human.quote.author":"Daniel H. Pink","pattern.drivers.how.human.quote.value":"Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.","pattern.drivers.how.human.statement-exercise.question":"In your past and present work, how have you addressed human needs?","pattern.drivers.how.human.title":"Human","pattern.drivers.how.human.volunteerparagraph":"You will gain the most meaning from your volunteer efforts when you can understand the context and the individuals involved in the program. You can bring new insights and provide a critical level of empathy. These skills are vital in every social change field and are especially critical in organizations where relationships are highly valued.\nNonprofits in every field are focused on providing solutions built on understanding the unique localized needs of their beneficiaries rather than on offering cookie-cutter responses. These are great places for you to invest your resources and time.\n","pattern.drivers.how.human.words":"design\nenvironment\ncontext\nindividual\nempathy\nnatural\npsychological\norganic\nreal\ncustomized\npersonal\nsituational\nunique\nmap\nstory\nbiological\nphysical\naesthetic\nhealth\nauthentic\ninvent\nchallenge convention\ndynamic\n","pattern.drivers.how.human.words.markdown":"- design\n- environment\n- context\n- individual\n- empathy\n- natural\n- psychological\n- organic\n- real\n- customized\n- personal\n- situational\n- unique\n- map\n- story\n- biological\n- physical\n- aesthetic\n- health\n- authentic\n- invent\n- challenge convention\n- dynamic","pattern.drivers.how.human.you":"You create authentic solutions based on needs of real people.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.actions":"Take a moment to research and find one new fact about the project you're working on.\nOffer to help someone else compile research for their work.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your core work.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.corebeliefs":"Knowledge is the key to unlocking change. Curiosity will uncover the answers we need to solve our greatest challenges and to realize our most exciting opportunities.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.description.community":"I uncover new information and develop insights.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.description.you":"You uncover new information and develop insights.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.explication":"Your curiosity is a tool for uncovering the answers needed to solve the greatest challenges and to realize the most exciting opportunities. You feel the greatest sense of purpose when working to unearth new insights and information through in-depth exploration of problems, rigorous research, and analysis. You help everyone ask and answer the right questions.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.gain":"uncovering insights","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.hiring-coach.hints":"Express an appreciation for colleagues who ask the right questions and get the right information before acting.\nExplain how the job will push them and challenge them to become exceptional at uncovering critical insights and leveraging them to influence decisions.\nAsk questions about how they leveraged their talents for gaining knowledge that was vital to the success of teams they were on in the past.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.moments":"Uncover new insights.\nBust a myth.\nEngage in deeper conversation with lots of sharing.\nSee that others understand your ideas.\nPublish your concepts or conclusions.\nAsk questions that prompt critical thinking.\nFind a root cause.\nChallenge data.\n","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.potentialbiases":"You may initially view information (such as media, reports, or other data that you don't have a hand in crafting) as biased.\nYou innately have a black-and-white/right-or-wrong mindset, as opposed to one that encompasses shades of gray.\nYou emphasize truth over opinions.\nYou assume people will learn the most when information or insight is shared with them, while others might gain more from personal stories, exploring process, or understanding context.\nYou enjoy researching root causes and sharing insights, and you might assume that others do, too, and that they possess these skills.\nYou crave input and debate, but you may disregard feedback on how you relate or come across.\n","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.powerupbullets":"Researching root cause.\nMaking a case using data to obtain the right resources.\nKnowing the power and influence held within the organization and how to manage and navigate it.\nEncouraging knowledge thorough conversation and supporting critical thinking through thoughtful questions.\nCommunicating data through stories and visualized impact.\n","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you solve problems through research and insight:","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.questions":"What tasks allow me to feel like I'm increasing knowledge and understanding?\nWhat parts of my work allow me to uncover new insights?\nWhen do I get a chance to communicate my ideas to others?\nHow am I able to explore and analyze a problem in-depth in my work?","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.quote.author":"Bill Gates","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.quote.value":"I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.statement-exercise.question":"In your past and current work, how have you used a knowledge-based approach?","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.title":"Knowledge","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.volunteerparagraph":"You will gain the most meaning from your volunteer efforts when you can bring insights and understanding to an issue or can help frame the right questions for others to answer. These talents are crucial in every field and organization. Your outside perspective can be very valuable, as long as you are helping to create new knowledge that is actionable—not just interesting.\nNonprofits in every field focus on research and on understanding the dynamics of the various issues and opportunities. These are great places for you to invest your resources and time.\n","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.words":"wisdom\nknowledge\ntruth\ninsights\nsolutions\nanswers\nreality\nanalysis\nexploration\ninquiry\ninvestigation\nexperimentation\naccuracy\ncertainty\nlegitimacy\nprinciples\n","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.words.markdown":"- wisdom\n- knowledge\n- truth\n- insights\n- solutions\n- answers\n- reality\n- analysis\n- exploration\n- inquiry\n- investigation\n- experimentation\n- accuracy\n- certainty\n- legitimacy\n- principles","pattern.drivers.how.knowledge.you":"You uncover new information and develop insights.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.actions":"Make a list of processes you can improve in your work and commit to tackling one per week.\nHelp a friend or colleague adopt a new system.\nCommit to learning a new skill unrelated to your work.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.corebeliefs":"When we have the right structures in place to support us—from goals to roles to training—we can achieve unimaginable things.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.description.community":"I leverage systems, tools and structures to scale impact.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.description.you":"You leverage systems, tools and structures to scale impact.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.explication":"You develop and manage systems and processes to scale high-quality impact. Standard procedures, leadership practices, policies, and approaches must be designed so that everyone is set up for success. In complexity, you see actionable patterns that drive innovation. This consistency allows for systems and tools to be scaled for greater impact.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.gain":"using systems","pattern.drivers.how.structure.hiring-coach.hints":"Express an appreciation for colleagues who great at seeing patterns and building systems that produce incredible results with scale.\nExplain how the job will push them and challenge them to build systems to enable success.\nAsk questions about how they built process, systems and tools in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.moments":"Create processes that improve quality, speed, or consistency.\nSee that your work provided a \"right place, right time” solution.\nObserve people adhering to policies you created.\nSuccessfully predict an outcome.\nImprove existing policies or frameworks.\nOrganize a complex problem or project.\n","pattern.drivers.how.structure.potentialbiases":"You prefer clear roles, responsibilities, and processes over open or flexible job descriptions.\nYou become frustrated when projects go off-plan or when a plan is not followed.\nYou may innately communicate about process, while others might be more concerned with achievement goals.\nYou might find yourself thinking that your solutions would be perfect if the people trying to use them don't mess them up.\nYou enjoy developing processes and structures. You might assume that others do, too, and that they possess these skills.\nYou crave input on your structures and processes, and you want feedback on solutions, but you may not be comfortable receiving feedback on influencing, negotiation, or providing context for decisions.\n","pattern.drivers.how.structure.powerupbullets":"Creating clear responsibilities and processes for monitoring and measuring results.\nStaying current with policies and practices.\nStructuring efficient workflow and breaking down objectives into appropriate actions and initiatives.\nRecognizing patterns and trends.\nAnticipating future implications and outcomes.\n","pattern.drivers.how.structure.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you solve problems through structure and process:","pattern.drivers.how.structure.questions":"When was the last time you designed a process leveraged by a whole team?\nWhat is your go to strategy for designing a system?\nWhen has your work made a positive impact on others?","pattern.drivers.how.structure.quote.author":"A. P. J. Abdul Kalam","pattern.drivers.how.structure.quote.value":"Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.","pattern.drivers.how.structure.statement-exercise.question":"In your past and present work, how have you used a process-based approach?","pattern.drivers.how.structure.title":"Structure","pattern.drivers.how.structure.volunteerparagraph":"You will gain the most meaning from your volunteer efforts when you improve or design processes. You excel at building best practices that result in consistent and high-quality outcomes. There is a tremendous need for these skills in the community, and you should be sure to use them in your volunteer work.\nNonprofits in every field study best practices and help to implement them. These are great places for you to invest your resources and time.\n","pattern.drivers.how.structure.words":"architect\narrange\nmanagement\nlead\ncomplexity\nconstruction\nincentives\nsupport\ntrain\ndesign\nchallenge\npotential\ngoals\nset up for success\nprocess\nbest practices\nperformance\n","pattern.drivers.how.structure.words.markdown":"- architect\n- arrange\n- management\n- lead\n- complexity\n- construction\n- incentives\n- support\n- train\n- design\n- challenge\n- potential\n- goals\n- set up for success\n- process\n- best practices\n- performance","pattern.drivers.how.structure.you":"You leverage systems, tools and structures to scale impact.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.actions":"Praise a colleague for something they've accomplished.\nTake time to learn someone's personal story.\nFind a mentor and meet with them monthly.\nTake time once a day to send a colleague an encouraging message.\nAsk your manager or someone on your team for direct feedback on your work.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.blindspots":"You may miss opportunities to scale, preferring to work directly with individuals so you can see the impact of your work.\nYou may perceive each person as needing to be fully capable in all areas, rather than seeing the potential for teams and organizations to help each person do their best work.\nYou may see vision statements or business planning as a practice in rhetoric.\nYou may find it challenging to prioritize your work based on impact.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.corebeliefs":"Change begins with the individual. I can improve people's lives by meeting their needs and finding solutions that overcome their challenges. I like to see a person's eyes light up.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.description.community":"I seek to impact individuals or groups of individuals.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.description.you":"You seek to impact individuals or groups of individuals.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.driveramplifiers":"Explore how your work connects and contributes to the organization's vision and business plan. Describe how you would see that impact on individuals.\nTo keep your batteries charged, seek regular feedback from the people who benefit from your work.\nFind other Individual-oriented people within your team to share job hacks.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.explication":"You are fulfilled when you see your work directly impact individuals. In a world where people are increasingly treated as numbers, you help them be seen and valued. You see great potential in the people you serve and will go the extra mile to help them thrive. You are highly motivated by personal connection and by seeing your efforts come to immediate fruition. Not everyone looks out for the needs of individuals, but you are their advocate.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.gain":"individuals","pattern.drivers.who.individual.hiring-coach.hints":"Encourage them to share why it is so important for them to impact individuals and their aspirations for having a greater impact on them.\nProvide concrete examples of how they will impact the lives of individual people in the job as well as how the company as a whole serves people (colleagues, customers, etc).\nAsk questions about their impact on individuals in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.moments":"See an individual have a breakthrough.\nEstablish a connection with someone.\nWatch someone successfully use what you've built.\nTeach someone something new in a training or as a mentor to new staff.\nSee someone's eyes light up as a result of your work.\nCreate clear and understandable communications.\nImpact a greater number of individuals.\nMake a deeper impact on individuals.\n","pattern.drivers.who.individual.potentialbiases":"You innately visualize the people who are impacted by your work.\nYou tend to prioritize individual needs and performance over the needs and performance of teams, organizations, or society, and you expect others to do the same.\nVision statements or strategic business planning might seem abstract until you visualize the impact on people.\nYou tend to focus on individual performance, while others may focus on team or organization performance or on societal impact.\nYou may prefer to work directly with people impacted by your work, so you can see that impact. Consider leaning on your HOW driver to reach more individuals and to scale your impact.\nIf you are in a work culture that values organizational or societal impact, you may become disengaged.\n","pattern.drivers.who.individual.powerupbullets":"Providing relevant leadership to people based on their individual capabilities.\nRelating, listening, and communicating in a way that reaches each person.\nDeveloping others and working with each person's goals and motivators.\nFollowing through on personal commitments.\nScaling impact to reach more people.\n","pattern.drivers.who.individual.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you make a bigger impact on individuals:","pattern.drivers.who.individual.questions":"What was one instance when your efforts helped an individual overcome an obstacle?\nThink of your ideal work day. What impact on individuals would you ideally see your work achieving?\nIn which parts of your work have you consistently received positive feedback on from individual people you are impacting?","pattern.drivers.who.individual.quote.author":"Albert Einstein","pattern.drivers.who.individual.quote.value":"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.","pattern.drivers.who.individual.statement-exercise.question":"In the last 3 months, what are moments when you've made meaningful impact on individuals?","pattern.drivers.who.individual.title":"Individual","pattern.drivers.who.individual.volunteerparagraph":"Hands-on and skilled volunteering will be the most meaningful for you. These opportunities will enable you to see your direct impact on those being served. Look for opportunities like tutoring students, cleaning a park, or caring for animals in a local sanctuary.\nWhen you are donating money, consider organizations that do direct service. Many of them let you know how many people could potentially be served as a result of your donation. They may even share information about individuals that were helped, so you can really connect with the impact of your philanthropy.\n","pattern.drivers.who.individual.words":"personal\none-on-one\ncustomer\nclient\ninternal customer\npatient\ncommunity member\ncitizen\nquality of life\nhuman dignity\nindividualized\nrelationship\nconnection\n","pattern.drivers.who.individual.words.markdown":"- personal\n- one-on-one\n- customer\n- client\n- internal customer\n- patient\n- community member\n- citizen\n- quality of life\n- human dignity\n- individualized\n- relationship\n- connection","pattern.drivers.who.individual.you":"You seek to impact individuals or groups of individuals.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.actions":"Celebrate small wins as a team.\nTake time to learn people's names and personal stories across the organization.\nSchedule informational interviews with people outside your team to get a full picture of your organization.\nMentor a new employee to help them see the potential impact of their job.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.blindspots":"You prefer to see parts of a whole rather than individual units.\nYou visualize scaled impact within the confines of the organization or a team.\nYou may see your organization as unique, and as a consequence, not seek or implement best practices from professional networks.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.corebeliefs":"By enabling an organization or team to succeed, I am able to touch the lives of many. I like to see goals and metrics that show the impact at the team or organizational level.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.description.community":"I seek to impact teams and organizations.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.description.you":"You seek to impact teams and organizations.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.driveramplifiers":"Gain inspiration from other industries and fields for how you can have an impact on your organization or team.\nMake sure your goals describe the impact on the organization or teams.\nTo keep your batteries charged, regularly check in to how your work is impacting team and organizational performance.\nFind other Organization-oriented people within your team to share job hacks.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.explication":"You are fulfilled when your work is impacting organizations. Working at that level enables a scale of change that adds tangible value to the lives of many. Whether you are working to advance a business, government, nonprofit, or startup, you always look to connect your impact to your team or organization. Not everyone can leverage this focus to orchestrate better ways to create, build, and run remarkable organizations, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to do just that.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.gain":"organizations","pattern.drivers.who.organization.hiring-coach.hints":"Encourage them to share why it is so important for them to impact teams and organizations as well as their aspirations for having a greater impact on them.\nProvide concrete examples of how they will impact the success of teams and organizations (including your team and organization) as well as how your organization impacts other organizations.\nAsk questions about their impact on teams and organizations in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.moments":"Help the organization solve outstanding challenges or develop new products and services.\nInspire a team's \"aha\" moment.\nEstablish clear governance and team accountability.\nGet recognized by your peers for your impact on the organization.\nHelp colleagues create clear, quantifiable goals that are connected to those of the organization.\nSupport teams so they can develop and become high performing.\nSee your work directly impact organizational goals.\n","pattern.drivers.who.organization.potentialbiases":"You innately visualize the teams or organizations impacted by your work.\nYou tend to prioritize the needs and performance of teams and organizations over the needs and performance of individuals or society at large, and you expect others to do the same.\nTo you, strategic business planning and team goal setting is more interesting than creating vision statements or developing individual work plans.\nWhen something goes wrong, you worry about the impact on a team or organization.\nIf you are in a work culture that values individual or societal impact, you may become disengaged.\n","pattern.drivers.who.organization.powerupbullets":"Understanding and perceiving power and influence.\nBuilding strong contacts and networks within the organization.\nSetting targets and staging significant milestones to meet crucial organizational goals.\nBuilding knowledge of team design, culture, and activities.\nPromoting cross-departmental collaboration to nurture innovation.\n","pattern.drivers.who.organization.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you make a bigger impact on organizations and teams:","pattern.drivers.who.organization.questions":"When was the last time your efforts helped your team or organization overcome an obstacle?\nThink of your ideal work day. What impact on your organization would you see your work achieving?\nWhat part of your work have you consistently received positive feedback on from your managers and team?","pattern.drivers.who.organization.quote.author":"Vince Lombardi","pattern.drivers.who.organization.quote.value":"Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.","pattern.drivers.who.organization.statement-exercise.question":"In the last 3 months, when have you made a meaningful impact on your organization's success?","pattern.drivers.who.organization.title":"Organization","pattern.drivers.who.organization.volunteerparagraph":"Seek pro bono consulting and board opportunities. These activities will enable you to help organizations that are working toward social change to become more effective and sustainable. You can help a board ensure that an organization is set up for success. Or you can do pro bono consulting in your area of expertise to provide services that the organization needs but can't afford.\nWhen you are donating money, consider providing funds for nonprofits to help them to build their infrastructure, sustainability, and future plans. That usually means giving to general operating funds. Although there may be exceptions to this guideline, we recommend allowing the individual organization to decide how best to allocate its dollars.\n","pattern.drivers.who.organization.words":"team performance\ninstitution\norganization\norganizational performance\nmanagement\npolitics\ngovernance\nmission\norganizational development\n","pattern.drivers.who.organization.words.markdown":"- team performance\n- institution\n- organization\n- organizational performance\n- management\n- politics\n- governance\n- mission\n- organizational development","pattern.drivers.who.organization.you":"You seek to impact teams and organizations.","pattern.drivers.who.society.actions":"Connect mundane tasks to their role in the big picture.\nTake time to hear other's theories of change and future plans.\nFind mentors whose work has had global impact.\nTake on a long term side project with big potential payoff.","pattern.drivers.who.society.blindspots":"You might struggle to focus on what is in front of you, or on your organization's goals.\nYour ideas can be grand, but sometimes remain abstract.\nEnsure your goals are measurable and that you are able to visualize it!\nYou may come across as abstract or unfocused when speaking with people who orient towards impacting Individuals or Organizations.","pattern.drivers.who.society.corebeliefs":"A healthy society will result in healthy individuals and healthy organizations. Therefore, my focus is on how work can impact Society at large. Even small changes, when clever, can have massive impact.","pattern.drivers.who.society.description.community":"I seek to impact communities and society.","pattern.drivers.who.society.description.you":"You seek to impact communities and society.","pattern.drivers.who.society.driveramplifiers":"Visualize how your work could impact Society and integrate those success factors into goals and milestones.\nTo keep your batteries charged, take time to see the impact of your work on society beyond the walls of your organization.\nFind other Society-oriented people within your team to share job hacks.","pattern.drivers.who.society.explication":"You are fulfilled when you work to address high-level issues that affect the lives of many. You create and amplify trends that propel society toward a better tomorrow. You thrive when working toward solutions that have the potential to make wide-ranging impacts. Not everyone has the vision and inspiration to fully understand the forces that drive broader change, but you have the direction, clarity, and potential to inspire people to move forward.","pattern.drivers.who.society.gain":"society","pattern.drivers.who.society.hiring-coach.hints":"Encourage them to share why it is so important for them to impact the field and society as well as their aspirations for having a greater impact on them.\nProvide concrete examples of how they will be able to work to bring new trends to the organization or set trends in society based on their work as well as the organization's broader impact on your field and society.\nAsk questions about their work on broader trends in their field in previous jobs.","pattern.drivers.who.society.moments":"See others promote your ideas.\nFacilitate the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public.\nSee a community benefit from your work.\nDiscover the ripple effect that your work has beyond your organization.\nDevelop best practices that you can share with professional networks beyond your organization.\nHelp your organization stay relevant to society by keeping up-to-date on best practices in your field.\nBe involved in something that makes your community and the world a better place.\nCreate assignments related to scaling impact.\n","pattern.drivers.who.society.potentialbiases":"You innately visualize how your work will impact society at large, which may be in the form of a ripple effect.\nYou yearn for big-picture context to help you connect the dots, and you tend to communicate that way.\nYou tend to prioritize the needs of customers or those outside the organization (such as vendors or suppliers) over the needs and performance of individuals, teams, and the organization, and you expect others to do the same.\nTo you, vision statements are more interesting than strategic business planning, team goal setting, or forecasting.\nWhen something goes wrong, you worry about the impact outside the organization.\nOther people's ambitions are often too limited to individual, team, or organizational impact. You like scale!.\n","pattern.drivers.who.society.powerupbullets":"Balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders.\nBuilding strong contacts and networks outside of work and within professional networks.\nManaging large-scale crises and adversity by maintaining a positive and productive attitude.\nPulling together resources, from people to funding, to get things done on a societal level.\nEffectively communicating with a wide variety of people and with groups of all sizes.\n","pattern.drivers.who.society.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you make a bigger impact on society:","pattern.drivers.who.society.questions":"What was one time when your efforts, however small, helped to ignite discussion and collaboration across whole sectors, communities, or countries?\nThink of your ideal work day. What impact on the world would you see your work having?\nWhat part of your work have you consistently receive positive feedback on from your team?","pattern.drivers.who.society.quote.author":"Ralph Marston","pattern.drivers.who.society.quote.value":"Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.","pattern.drivers.who.society.statement-exercise.question":"In the last 3 months, when have your efforts (however small) help to contribute to wider-ranging societal impact?","pattern.drivers.who.society.title":"Society","pattern.drivers.who.society.volunteerparagraph":"What matters most to you is to make an impact on a broader issue area. Identify service opportunities that will enable you to advance important social change across the community. Examples of service types include fundraising races that drive awareness, volunteering for a political campaign, mentoring individuals who are directly connected to the issue, or serving on the board of a nonprofit that is working on societal change.\nWhen you are donating money, consider how your money will help drive and build momentum at the issue level. Look for opportunities where you can extend the reach of a social change effort and have a multiplier effect. Always look for maximum leverage in your charitable investments.\n","pattern.drivers.who.society.words":"systemic impact\nscaled solutions\nsocietal movement\npublic\nculture\nworld\nnation\ncivilization\nripple effect\nconnected\n","pattern.drivers.who.society.words.markdown":"- systemic impact\n- scaled solutions\n- societal movement\n- public\n- culture\n- world\n- nation\n- civilization\n- ripple effect\n- connected","pattern.drivers.who.society.you":"You seek to impact communities and society.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.corebeliefs":"When we are a society of equals we will be truly a great society.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.description.community":"I am driven to ensure everyone has access to opportunity.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.description.you":"You are driven to ensure everyone has access to opportunity.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.explication":"You challenge everyone to create an equitable world in which all people can work together to realize any opportunity or to overcome any challenge. You believe in humanity's collective responsibility to care for each other and that no one is successful on their own. You see that there isn't a level playing field for everyone, but you work tirelessly to give everyone a voice and equal access. It is unfair to leave people behind or to allow the majority to exert its will on everyone else. By tapping everyone's perspective and creativity, you drive true sustained innovation and you inspire people.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.gain":"ensuring fairness","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.hiring-coach.hints":"Make it clear that the team has a culture that is inclusive and accessible for all members. Provide examples to make it real.\nAsk questions about how they have helped increase inclusivity and accessibility in previous jobs.\nProvide examples of how the organizations is leveling the playing field (employees, clients, etc.).","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.moments":"Create equal access to benefits, development opportunities, or underserved groups.\nReduce unearned or unfair advantages by leveling the playing field.\nFacilitate changes for the common good.\nEnsure that each team member feels empowered and important.\nCreate policies that stomp out favoritism or bullying.\nFind opportunities to create a good working environment for all.\nSupport or promote fairness.\nIdentify the needs of those who are underserved.\n","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.potentialbiases":"You feel put on this earth to level the playing field, and you can't understand why some people are so pushy or self-centered.\nYou believe that creating equal access is necessary to development, whereas others may feel that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secret to development.\nYou believe that differences are equally important and should be represented, whereas others see their differences as an advantage that should be celebrated.\nYou believe that every voice counts, whereas others feel that it's unnecessary to get everyone's input.\nYou may feel frustrated if you are unable to change a situation that seems unfair. Break through by tapping into your WHO and HOW drivers.\n","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.powerupbullets":"Working with people across the organization to accomplish shared goals.\nCreating a work climate where differences are valued and supported.\nFacilitating breakthrough agreements and settling disputes equitably.\nFollowing through on commitments and holding others accountable to do the same.\nReflecting on initiatives and predicting their impact.\n","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you to create equal access and to level the playing field:","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.questions":"What is your vision for a more fair world?\nWhat steps can you take towards this ideal?\nHow do you encourage compassion and inclusion in your work?","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.quote.author":"Joss Whedon","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.quote.value":"Equality is not a concept. It is not something we should be striving for. It is a necessity. Equality is like gravity.","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.statement-exercise.question":"In 10 years, how would you like your work to have contributed to your vision for a more fair and just world?","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.title":"Harmony","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.volunteerparagraph":"Look for volunteer and giving opportunities with organizations that are focused on leveling the playing field, providing access to services for those who can't afford them, and giving voice to the underrepresented in the community.\n","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.words":"equal access\nequal opportunity\nempower\novercome\nprivilege\ncollective good\nsocial justice\nunderdog\nlevel playing field\nhumanity\ncivil rights\nnatural rights\nfairness\ntolerance\ninterdependence\ncollectivism\n","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.words.markdown":"- equal access\n- equal opportunity\n- empower\n- overcome\n- privilege\n- collective good\n- social justice\n- underdog\n- level playing field\n- humanity\n- civil rights\n- natural rights\n- fairness\n- tolerance\n- interdependence\n- collectivism","pattern.drivers.why.harmony.you":"You are driven to ensure everyone has access to opportunity.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.blindspots":"You may stall in forward progress stuck in the search for the best solution.\nYou may go out with products or services before they are ready, in order to be first.\nYou may become disengaged, bored, or anxious if you do not see visible progress.\nCompeting with your team rather than collaborating.\nYou may miss hidden opportunities, in the rush to deliver.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.corebeliefs":"When allowed to realize their potential, people can move mountains.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.description.community":"I am driven to create opportunities for success.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.description.you":"You are driven to create opportunities for success.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.driveramplifiers":"Surround yourself with people who challenge you, to help you feel secure in the rigor or your ideas.\nSeek a mentor who helps you understand the value of equal access, and to help you develop skills in communicating to those who are driven by aspects of Harmony.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.explication":"You push everyone to realize their potential. You believe in personal responsibility, that you have to earn something to value it, and that there must be consequence for actions. You know that greatness is a product of hard work, motivation, and vision for what is possible. You work to unleash ingenuity, challenge people to set ambitious goals, and reward bold action. You expect people to own their mistakes and to learn from them. It is unfair to have different standards for different people or systems that don't reward hard work and good decisions. Lowering the bar ultimately leads to mediocrity and the fall of people, organizations, and society.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.gain":"creating opportunities for success","pattern.drivers.why.karma.hiring-coach.hints":"Make it clear that the team has a culture of excellence and everyone is held to a high bar. Provide examples to make it real.\nAsk questions about how they have challenged themselves in others to bring out their best in past jobs.\nProvide examples of how the organizations is raising the bar in your field.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.moments":"Solve a problem quickly and efficiently.\nSee that your work is best in class or first to market.\nCreate opportunities to break the status quo and create a new standard.\nAdvance faster than your competitors.\nPush people out of their comfort zone to help them see what they are capable of achieving.\nAchieve something that others said wasn't possible.\n","pattern.drivers.why.karma.potentialbiases":"You aim to be the best and get the best, and you don't feel satisfied unless you are convinced that what you have is top quality. How could others settle for less?.\nYou are motivated to perform by the idea of being first to market, while others may be more motivated by the idea that it will positively impact an underserved group.\nYou believe that pressure and pushing through challenges are the secrets to development, while others may view these as risky because they might steamroll people.\nYou have a higher sense of urgency, whereas some prioritize \"doing the right thing” over speed.\nYou believe that what makes you different is what gives you your advantage, whereas others view differences as equally important.\nYou may feel frustrated if you are unable to see speedy progress. Break through by tapping into your WHO and HOW drivers.\n","pattern.drivers.why.karma.powerupbullets":"Working with influencers and responding to market forces.\nTracking trends in the marketplace and modifying competitive actions.\nMaintaining confidence under pressure and recovering quickly from setbacks.\nGenerating innovative or breakthrough ideas.\nGaining insights from experience and quickly applying new learnings.\n","pattern.drivers.why.karma.powerupparagraph":"Building strength in these competencies will help you be first to market:","pattern.drivers.why.karma.questions":"What is your vision for a more prosperous world?\nWhat steps can you personally take towards this ideal?\nWhat is the key differentiator between you and your peers?","pattern.drivers.why.karma.quote.author":"Walt Disney","pattern.drivers.why.karma.quote.value":"I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it.","pattern.drivers.why.karma.statement-exercise.question":"In 10 years, how would you like your work to have contributed to your vision for more progress and advancement in the world?","pattern.drivers.why.karma.title":"Karma","pattern.drivers.why.karma.volunteerparagraph":"Look for volunteer and giving opportunities with organizations that are focused on disrupting their fields, raising the bar for excellence, developing non-philanthropic revenue, and showing high accountability.\n","pattern.drivers.why.karma.words":"market-driven\nfreedom\nremove barriers\npotential\ncompetitive\nchoice\nconsequences\nentrepreneurial\nrewards\nfirst\nbest\nmerit\nindividualism\nfairness\n","pattern.drivers.why.karma.words.markdown":"- market-driven\n- freedom\n- remove barriers\n- potential\n- competitive\n- choice\n- consequences\n- entrepreneurial\n- rewards\n- first\n- best\n- merit\n- individualism\n- fairness","pattern.drivers.why.karma.you":"You are driven to create opportunities for success.","pattern.imperative-cta":"What's your Imperative?","pattern.imperative-prefix.my":"My purpose is","pattern.imperative-prefix.your":"Your purpose is","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.how.challenges":"To achieve a goal and still see it as a success, sometimes you have to compromise.\nYou are remarkable at what you do, but be sure to make room for other approaches to achieving a goal.\nTo avoid losing sight of the organization's needs, always connect everything back to the \"Why” of the project.\nAvoid being seen as a purist who can't operate in the realities of the organization and market.\n","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.how.description":"As a Craft-Driven leader, you are focused on creating with excellence. You are commited to helping people produce with value, quality and authenticity.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.how.name":"Craft","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.how.paragraph":"You may already recognize how frequently you focus on the awesome capabilities within your chosen profession. In your work, you strive for mastery of your craft. This is how the best craft-driven leaders show up at work. You bring this gift to everybody you work with on projects, in strategy sessions, and in meetings. It's where you feel in the flow, what gives you your edge, and what helps you create breakthrough solutions.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.how.strengths":"You are respected for your technical talent.\nYou celebrate the quality of work done by teams and others.\nYou are sought out as an expert.\nYou hire talented people who are exceptional at their craft.\nYou help people constantly learn and improve their quality of work.\n","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.challenges":"Set inspiring goals for yourself based on your WHO driver, but make sure to avoid magical thinking.\nEnsure that your vision for potential impact aligns with the organization's strategy.\nTo avoid a single-minded approach, set milestones that encourage you to check your assumptions about impact along the way.\nGet in touch with your impact-driven leadership, when collaborating and contributing, but be aware that others are values-driven or craft-driven.\nBe careful not to become so customer-centric that you change direction based on individual customer input.\n","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.individual.strengths":"You are bottom-line oriented towards making an impact on individuals.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.name":"Impact","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.organization.strengths":"You are bottom-line oriented towards making an impact on organizations.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.paragraph":"You may already recognize how frequently you visualize the outcomes that work has on real people. You look beyond the \"how” and focus on \"what we are trying to achieve” for a certain target group. This is how the best impact-driven leaders show up at work. You bring this gift to everybody that you work with on projects, in strategy sessions, and in meetings. It's where you feel in the flow, what gives you your edge, and what helps you to create breakthrough solutions.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.society.strengths":"You are bottom-line oriented towards making an impact on society.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.who.strengths":"You build customer-focused teams.\nWhen there are tough decisions to make, you prioritize impact.\nYou are quick to recognize and celebrate the impact work.\nPeople count on you to be optimistic and to see potential.\nYou engage values-driven and craft-driven colleagues as brainstorm partners for tasks involving innovation or growth goals.\n","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.why.challenges":"Strive to be open-minded, and avoid a dogmatic approach.\nTo keep you honest, it is important to make space for people who see the world differently than you do.\nBe clear on where you can compromise and where you need to draw the line.\nTake the time up front to build trust.\nCreate stories to help illustrate your values.\nTo help you build empathy, find mentors who don't share your WHY driver.\n","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.why.name":"Values","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.why.paragraph":"You may already recognize how frequently you advocate for what's right, making sure that both the way you work and the work you do uphold high standards of integrity. This is how the best values-driven leaders show up at work. You bring this gift to everybody you work with on projects, in strategy sessions, and in meetings. It's where you feel in the flow, what gives you your edge, and what helps you create breakthrough solutions.","pattern.leadershipstyle.dominantdriver.why.strengths":"You have clear principles that guide decisions.\nYou are known for your integrity.\nYou are trusted by others, inside and outside the organization.\nYou develop clear strategies to ensure that teams are aligned.\nYou expect a lot from yourself and others.\n","pcptour.btn.next":"Next.","pcptour.btn.prev":"Back","pcptour.page.0.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","pcptour.page.0.markdown":"Peer coaching is a research-backed way to make your work more meaningful to you – and to make a bigger impact (at work and in life).\n\n\n\nThink of it as guided reflection. You and your *partner* will help each other uncover new insights about your experiences and aspirations at work – and how you can apply those insights to create a more fulfilling career.","pcptour.page.0.title":"What’s Peer Coaching?","pcptour.page.10.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_11.jpg","pcptour.page.10.markdown":"We’ve designed the process so that anyone can sit down with anyone else and come out with meaningful insights about bringing more purpose into their work.\n\n\nWith deep-diving questions and helpful coaching tips already included in each session, all you have to do is make the time.","pcptour.page.10.title":"You’re going to do GREAT, {{member.firstName}}!","pcptour.page.1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","pcptour.page.1.markdown":"We’ll give you everything you need to make peer coaching fun and full of insights you can apply right away.","pcptour.page.1.title":"Anyone Can Be a Peer Coach","pcptour.page.2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","pcptour.page.2.markdown":"- Understand and apply your purpose drivers to feel more fulfilled (yay!)\n- Ask for what you need to grow a career you love (look out world)\n- Build a network of colleagues who understand and support you (why go it alone?)","pcptour.page.2.title":"Peer Coaching Conversations Help You...","pcptour.page.3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_4.jpg","pcptour.page.3.markdown":"Here’s How Peer Coaching Works – Step By Step","pcptour.page.3.title":"","pcptour.page.4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/1_tut_START.png","pcptour.page.4.markdown":"Go to the Peer Coaching page and click “Start” on your first assigned conversation. You’ve already been matched with a conversation partner.","pcptour.page.4.title":"Step One: Start","pcptour.page.5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/2_tut_SCHEDULE.png","pcptour.page.5.markdown":"If the conversation has already been scheduled, add the session to your regular work calendar (you’ll see the date and time on the screen). If not, use one of the scheduling options and choose a date and time (or a few that work).\n\n\nEach conversation will take about 45 minutes.","pcptour.page.5.title":"Step Two: Schedule","pcptour.page.6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/3_tut_PREWORK.png","pcptour.page.6.markdown":"Look out for pre-work. If it’s not required (or you’d like to skip it), go to “Start Conversation” and choose to do your session with either video or no video.","pcptour.page.6.title":"Step Three: Pre-Work","pcptour.page.7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/4_tut_ASK_LISTEN.png","pcptour.page.7.markdown":"Follow the prompts. You’ll take turns asking each other questions. Type your partner's responses in the dialogue box when it’s their turn to answer.","pcptour.page.7.title":"Step Four: Ask & Listen","pcptour.page.8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/5_tut_FINISH_REFLECT.png","pcptour.page.8.markdown":"When you’re done, click “Finish” and record your insights and any actions you’re planning to take based on your conversation.\n\n\nTake a second to rate the conversation and leave any feedback.","pcptour.page.8.title":"Step Five: Finish & Reflect","pcptour.page.9.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/7_tut_EXPLORE.png","pcptour.page.9.markdown":"You can see the answers to the questions and your summary any time by clicking on the Explore tab and finding the conversation.","pcptour.page.9.title":"If you want to review your answers again later…","pcptour.title":"Peer Coaching","peerconversation.action.pledged.partner":"{{member.firstName}}'s Pledged Action from","peerconversation.action.pledged.your":"Your Pledged Action from","peerconversation.action.previous.description":"The action from previous conversation was:","peerconversation.action.previous.title":"Action Impact from previous conversation","peerconversation.action.question":"Were you able to achieve your action from the last conversation?","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c1.description":"This conversation begins the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship and reflecting on what culture means to you at Accolade.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c2.description":"This conversation will focus on two of our Core Values: Member Obsessed & Be Fearless. You will reflect together on these values and commit to an action that helps you further embrace them. ","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c2.goals":"Action on Member Obsessed and Be Fearless.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c2.title":"Member Obsessed & Be Fearless","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will focus on highlighting two of our Core Values: Stronger Together & Genuine Care. You will reflect together on these values and each commit to an action aligned with them. ","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c3.goals":"Find new ways to embody the values of Stronger Together and Genuine Care.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c3.title":"Stronger Together & Genuine Care","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c4.description":"This conversation will focus on highlighting the final two Core Values: Embrace Reality & Relentless Execution. You will reflect on these values together and each commit to an action that helps you embody them.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c4.goals":"Identify ways to Embrace Reality and exhibit Relentless Execution.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c4.title":"Embrace Reality & Relentless Execution","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c5.description":"This conversation will help you reflect on key takeaways from your conversations as a whole and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on what you've learned and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_culture_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1.description":"This conversation begins the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship while reflecting on your leadership style. ","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves. ","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20c.description":"This conversation will help you reflect on key takeaways from your conversations as a whole and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on key learnings and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring together what drives each of your sense of purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of purpose at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the type of impact you like to make and consider ways you can maximize your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2.goals":"Engage your unique strengths to expand the level of impact you have at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will connect to the unique values that motivate you and strengthen your relationships. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3.goals":"Identify the internal values that drive your sense of purpose in your work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between purpose and your approach to work, so that you can continue to leverage your strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4.goals":"Explore how your unique approach to problem solving and creativity drives your sense of purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of growth that help drive your sense of purpose. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring together what drives each of your sense of purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of purpose at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the type of impact that makes you feel purposeful and consider ways you can maximize your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2.goals":"Engage your unique strengths to expand the level of impact you have at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will connect to the unique values that motivate you and strengthen your relationships. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3.goals":"Identify the internal values that drive your sense of purpose in your work. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between purpose and your approach to work, so that you can continue to leverage your strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4.goals":"Explore how your unique approach to problem solving and creativity drives your sense of purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of growth that help drive your sense of purpose. ","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your development as an Equitable team member.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore how this relationship can help you maximize your growth.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your role in ensuring psychological safety within the team you work with.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2.goals":"Identify actions you can take to build psychological safety.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2.title":"Make it Safe","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your role in tuning control, based on clarity and competence (The Three C's).","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3.goals":"Engage with the concepts of control, clarity, and competence to improve decision making. ","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3.title":"The Three C's","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will develop strategies to consistently grow and improve your skills as an Equitable team member. (Have a copy of the Leadership Ladder available for reference) ","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4.goals":"Develop strategies to move up the Ladder of Leadership toward intended action.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4.title":"Set Intentions","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of your growth with Adaptive Leadership.","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1.description":"This conversation will support us in developing a new, meaningful peer relationship between locations.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1.goals":"Begin conversations and learn about each other's roles at Boston Scientific. ","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2.description":"This conversation will focus on helping each person explore their approach to leadership, reflect on current challenges they are navigating, and support each other to take action before their next conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on current leadership priorities and consider ways to best lead. ","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2.title":"Leading Through Change","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will help you uncover ways to create a path forward for your teams - considering goals, strategic planning, and decisions ahead.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3.goals":"Uncover decisions and motivators for your team to make the impact you desire.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3.title":"Managing a Path Forward","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4.description":"This conversation will help each manager consider ways they can support team members through mentorship and/or coaching-styled leadership.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4.goals":"Consider how to best support your team as a leader through times of change.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4.title":"Your Role as a Mentor & Coach ","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5.description":"This conversation will help you reflect on key takeaways from your conversations together, while making a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5.goals":"Share key takeaways and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1.description":"Build trust with another peer by sharing your career journey and how you hope to grow as part of this program.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1.goals":"Share career paths and hopes for program.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2.description":"This discussion will help you reflect on what helps you feel fulfilled at work. Then you'll explore your personal strengths and skill development goals for the upcoming year.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2.goals":"Explore what matters to you at work and what skills you plan to develop.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2.title":"Impact & Growth","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3.description":"Consider what leadership qualities your admire, how you've addressed a challenge in the past, and potential opportunities to show up as a leader in your work.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on opportunities for leadership in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3.title":"Opportunities to Lead","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will define your best self through the experience of peer coaching and recognize the personal benefits peer coaching can create for you.","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1.goals":"Learn something new about yourself.\nIncrease excitement to engage in peer coaching.","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1.title":"Introduction to Peer Coaching","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your previous conversation as you begin to apply foundational coaching skills that will assist you and your partner in creating a trusting and supportive connection.","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2.goals":"Practice skills that will prepare you for future peer coaching conversations.","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2.title":"Skills of Peer Coaching","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore new ways for you to create meaningful connections with your guests throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c1.goals":"Explore your unique strengths that help you create success with guests.\nUnderstand what meaningful connection looks like at each step of the SLEEPS process.\nDetermine areas of growth for you to focus on in future guest interactions.","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c1.title":"Human Connection throughout SLEEPS","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the actionable steps you took and further fine tune the ways you increase connection with your guests throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on how you've practiced creating more meaningful connections in the SLEEPS process.\nIdentify continued and or new areas for growth within the SLEEPS process.\nBuild a meaningful connection with your peer coaching partner that extends beyond this set of conversations.","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.casper_sleeps_s1_c2.title":"Impacts of SLEEPS Process","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1.description":"Excellence is one of our core values. We believe that doing outstanding work is critical to our success and culture. In this conversation, explore what excellence means to you and develop a story about how embracing it has enabled you to succeed.","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1.goals":"Explore what excellence means to you\nDiscover how excellence has shown up in your work so far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your work with excellence","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1.title":"Discover What Excellence Means to You","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2.description":"Diversity is one of our core values. We believe that understanding every individual’s unique identity, values, characteristics, and contributions is critical to our success and culture. In this conversation, explore what diversity means to you and develop a story about how embracing it has enabled you to succeed.","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2.goals":"Explore what diversity means to you\nDiscover how diversity has shown up in your work so far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your work with diversity","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2.title":"Discover What Diversity Means to You","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3.description":"Innovation is one of our core values. We believe that identifying and implementing creative and imaginative solutions to problems is critical to our success and culture. In this conversation, explore what innovation means to you and develop a story about how embracing it has enabled you to succeed.","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3.goals":"Explore what innovation means to you\nDiscover how innovation has shown up in your work so far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your work with innovation","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_4.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3.title":"Discover What Innovation Means to You","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4.description":"Accountability is one of our core values. We believe that owning our actions is critical to our success and culture. In this conversation, explore what accountability means to you and develop a story about how embracing it has enabled you to succeed.","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4.goals":"Explore what accountability means to you\nDiscover how accountability has shown up in your work so far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your work with accountability","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_connect_4.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4.title":"Discover What Accountability Means to You","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new peer coach and work together to define what collaboration means, and what it looks like in action. ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1.goals":"Explore what collaboration means to you and establish a new coaching connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1.title":"Define Your Point of View","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will focus on the importance of collaboration and how you/your team can benefit from it.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2.goals":"Understand how your work life can improve with the right collaboration partners.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2.title":"Find Your \"Why\"","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will explore what qualities make someone an effective collaboration partner, including what you look for and what you bring to the table.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3.goals":"Be able to clearly state what skills, knowledge, interests, and traits make an ideal partner for collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3.title":"Reinforce Collaborative Behaviors","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will discuss any specific circumstances or behaviors that interfere with your ability to collaborate effectively.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4.goals":"Commit to specific actions you can take to positively promote change in this area.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4.title":"Identify Roadblocks","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will discuss your typical work and meeting space -- whether physical or virtual -- and what you can do to optimize it for collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5.goals":"Identify systems, tools, apps, or physical spaces that increase your ability to collaborate.","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5.title":"Explore Your Environment","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_casper.description":"At Casper, we aspire to be the most human company in the category. Harnessing joy to turn yawns into smiles helps us do that, and we need everyone’s help! During this conversation, you’ll explore what “being human” means to you and how your Purpose Drivers help you lead the way to a world full of smiles.","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_casper.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_casper.title":"Turn Yawns Into Smiles","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_kp.description":"At KP, our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. In fact, through our Shared Agenda, we have a bold ambition to transform the health of our nation and to create more healthy years for millions of Americans. In order to lead the transformation of health and healthcare in America, we strive to reimagine what’s possible. During this conversation, you will explore what our mission means to you and how your unique perspective will help us achieve it.","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_kp.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_do_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.custom_demo_s1_kp.title":"Challenge Possible at Kaiser Permanente","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on how you put company's interest first, make data-driven decisions, and continually learn.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10.goals":"Strengthen your business owner acumen within the organization.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10.title":"Be a Business Owner","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will identify opportunities and actions that help to develop the people you lead. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on how you develop people in your leadership approach.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2.title":"Develop People","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will deepen the emotional intelligence that you bring to your role as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Embody emotional intelligence in your leadership approach.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3.title":"Exhibit Emotional Intelligence","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will share experiences and strategies that help build effective teams.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Reflect on the effectiveness of your team and consider ways to sustain and build engagement. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4.title":"Build Effective Teams","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will gauge your ability to trust your team's competence, connect your work to Accolade's mission, and cultivate a culture of gratitude on your teams.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Embody a leadership style where team members feel inspired and engaged in their work.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5.title":"Engage and Inspire","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you'll explore approaches to driving and managing performance, with a focus on setting clear expectations, giving feedback, and dealing with inconsistent performance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Evaluate and enhance your performance management skills.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6.title":"Drive and Manage Performance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7.description":"In this conversation, you will explore strategies for leading change including clarifying expectations and overcoming resistance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7.goals":"Reflect and strengthen how you lead through change. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7.title":"Lead Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you instill trust and uncover opportunities to continue strengthening trust within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8.goals":"Explore actions that build trust within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8.title":"Instill Trust","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9.description":"In this conversation, you will consider how you champion inclusion and uncover opportunities for you to take action.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9.goals":"Embody leading a culture of equity, respect, and belonging. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9.title":"Champion Inclusion","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"You'll follow the guided prompts of the selected conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will practice a mindset that ensures the work being done is effective, impactful, and aligned with the overall goals of the organization.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2.goals":"Focus on the impact and results of actions rather than just the quantity or volume of work produced.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2.title":"Outcome Over Output Mindset","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation you will explore the importance of making informed choices and decisions using data.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3.goals":"Recognize the importance of using data to guide decision-making.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3.title":"Data-Driven Decision Making","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to build emotional intelligence and become more resilient in the face of challenges. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4.goals":"Develop emotional intelligence and resilience. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4.title":"Emotional Intelligence and Resilience","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your presence at work and enhance the confidence you bring when under pressure. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5.goals":"Remain confident under pressure.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5.title":"Executive Presence","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2.description":"Connect your departmental goals to the organization as a whole and explore potential areas of collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Explore potential areas for collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2.title":"Enhance Collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer connection will focus on recent experiences that have given you a sense of belonging on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Connect feelings of belonging to how you feel appreciated and productive at work.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3.title":"Foster Belonging","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer connection will build awareness of personal biases to enable stronger relationships and success.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Build awareness of biases and identify ways to prioritize connection with others.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4.title":"Understand Biases","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you can prioritize wellbeing while also growing in ways that are meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Define what is meaningful growth to you while maintaining your wellbeing.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6.description":"Discuss a current change taking place at work and how you can use your strengths for a positive outcome.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Identify a current challenge and how your personal strengths can play a role.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6.title":"Navigate Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7.description":"In this conversation, you and your partner will reflect on your early career inspiration and identify an opportunity to connect it to your current work. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7.goals":"Connect your career inspirations to your current role.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7.title":"Highlight Your Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8.description":"Peers will choose a shared discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your leadership style. Embracing your personal style gives you the ability to inspire, build trust and lead authentically.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on your leadership style and recognize your ability to lead.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2.title":"Lead Authentically","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the impact you want to have with your team and how to stay motivated through challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Identify how to stay motivated to overcome current leadership challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3.title":"Motivated to Lead","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will talk through a current uncertainty you are experiencing at work and brainstorm strategies as leaders.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Identify strategies to overcome biases and ambiguity while leading.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4.title":"Leading in Uncertainty","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will explore what enables of a culture of openness and how to drive these aspects within your team. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Enable openness and increased trust within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5.title":"Build Trust With Your Team","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you'll explore approaches to managing performance, with a focus on setting clear expectations, giving feedback, and dealing with inconsistent performance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Evaluate and enhance your performance management skills.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6.title":"Drive and Manage Performance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how to champion inclusion and uncover opportunities for you to take action.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7.goals":"Discuss how to create a culture of equity, respect, and belonging. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7.title":"Champion Inclusion","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8.description":"Partners will choose a shared discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on their career to date, discuss what opportunities may be next and hear from their mentor's experience.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Explore career goals and aspirations. Leave with a defined next step. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.title":"Take Stock of Career ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will explore wellbeing and balance. The mentee will reflect on and consider a holistic approach to their work/life experience. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Identify actions that enhance work/life balance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.title":"Assess Work/Life Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will share a change they are experiencing and reflect on their approach as well as potential outcomes.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Explore a recent change at work and potential approaches.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.title":"Navigate Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.description":"The mentee will choose a discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6.description":"Discuss how to evaluate and prioritize feedback. The mentee will also consider strategies for self-reflection.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Consider the various ways we receive feedback in our work and how to incorporate self-reflection.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6.title":"Feedback and Self-Reflection ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.description":"This conversation will encourage the mentee to imagine their ideal role and the potential impact they can make in their career. The Mentor will support them through further clarification and action steps. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Clarify career aspirations and identify a plan for action.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.title":"Explore Goals and Aspirations ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we'll explore the topic of work/life balance. The mentee will be able to reflect, hear a different perspective and gain clarity on their wellbeing needs. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on your work/life balance and define your wellbeing needs.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.title":"Prioritize Wellbeing & Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we'll explore the skill of resilience and staying flexible through a changing environment.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Discuss how to be flexible and adapt when experiencing change.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.title":"Adapt with Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.description":"Feedback is an important aspect of career growth. The mentee will explore how they approach receiving and reflecting on feedback at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the value of feedback and how it can support professional growth.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.title":"Navigate Feedback ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will share examples of their personal strengths and discuss opportunities to grow them in a career.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Recognize and define the mentee's key personal strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6.title":"Recognize Your Strengths","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on their career to date, explore current aspirations and dream without limits for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect and spotlight mentee's career to discuss future aspirations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2.title":"Reflect & Spotlight Career","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will discuss work/life balance, how it gets prioritized and the likely impact it has on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect and share about work/life balance, its significance, and ways to prioritize it.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3.title":"Prioritizing Wellbeing & Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on a significant change at work and make a plan for next steps. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4.goals":"Reflect on a past or current change event. Leave with support and clear next steps. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4.title":"Navigate a Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on how to incorporate feedback and manage expectations to support your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5.goals":"Discuss how to evaluate personal expectations and incorporate feedback as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5.title":"Manage Feedback & Expectations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6.description":"The mentee will choose a discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will realign with a sense of purpose in all that you do and make a plan to craft your work experience to ensure you are fulfilled and successful. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on your purpose and strengthen your relationships, impact and/or growth. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2.title":"Find Purpose in What You Do","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will discover the traits of a good mentor and identify others who are a good fit to serve as your mentor. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Explore the benefits of mentoring and identify an opportunity for mentorship.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3.title":"The Power of Mentorship","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to leverage the talents of others around you in ways that are mutually beneficial. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Build on team success by identifying how to leverage others' talents. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4.title":"Leverage Others' Talents","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will broaden your perspective to discover new ways to navigate a real challenge from your work. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Discover new solutions to a current challenge in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5.title":"Navigate a Challenge","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6.description":"Peers will choose a shared discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover the natural strengths you possess that will enhance your success in your current role and throughout your career.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2.goals":"Understand what you naturally bring to your role.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2.title":"What You Bring to Your Role","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of defining goals and aspirations you have for your career.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3.goals":"Define career goals and aspirations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3.title":"Own Your Goals and Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ideal work/life balance that works for you. Your mentor will help you match that balance to your career.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4.goals":"Define your ideal work/life balance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4.title":"Find Your Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will identify important skills you want to develop in support of your career as a whole.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5.goals":"Identify continued learning opportunities to grow your skills.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5.title":"Grow Your Skills","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the culture and norms of your current team and find ways to strengthen your relationships with coworkers. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6.goals":"Understand your team and build strong relationships.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on ways to remain flexible and get the most out of the steep learning curve that is normal early in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7.goals":"Identify ways to remain flexible and maximize learning in your new field.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7.title":"Stay Flexible","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8.description":"In this conversation, you will explore, along with your mentor, the ethics that are important to consider in your current field.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8.goals":"Identify important ethical considerations for your field.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8.title":"The Ethics of Our Field","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9.description":"In this conversation, you will identify ways that feedback can support your growth in this early phase of your career. Don't forget that your mentor can help you practice receiving feedback.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9.goals":"Understand the benefits of seeking out and receiving feedback.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9.title":"How to Receive Feedback","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static.description":"When you're ready to begin this conversation, you'll have an opportunity to select a topic that's most relevant to you.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static.goals":"Time to explore the topic you selected.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2.description":"Connect your departmental goals to the organization as a whole, and explore potential areas of collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Develop a shared understanding of the work of each other's departments in relation to the organization.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2.title":"Enable Collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3.description":"Explore your sense of connection to your organization and discuss how it influences your role in a meaningful way.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on how connectivity within an organization impacts our roles.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3.title":"Enhance Connection at Work","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4.description":"Discuss your day-to-day priorities and how to stay focused on goals that matter most to you.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Identify your personal priorities and how you can maintain focus.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4.title":"Prioritize What Matters","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5.description":"Share your perspective on leadership and explore how you can influence others based on your innate strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Explore your ability to influence and impact others.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5.title":"Influence & Impact","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6.description":"Share about past experiences in managing decisions, and consider how to more confidently handle decisions in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Reflect on how to feel confident in your decision making.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6.title":"Make Confident Decisions","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7.description":"In this conversation, we will discuss how to build genuine professional relationships and what would make networking valuable for each of us.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7.goals":"Identify your networking goals and opportunities to expand your connections.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7.title":"Build Your Network","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8.description":"In this conversation, you will discuss how you feel supported and recognized at work, as well as which areas you would like to advocate for yourself.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8.goals":"Reflect on your contributions and sense of support at work.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8.title":"Advocate for Your Needs","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9.description":"Peers will choose a shared discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static.description":"When you're ready to begin this conversation, you'll have an opportunity to select a topic that's most relevant to you and your partner.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Time to explore the topic you selected.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.description":"This conversation will encourage the mentee to imagine their ideal role and the potential impact they can make in their career. The Mentor will support them through further clarification and action steps.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Clarify career aspirations and identify a plan for action.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2.title":"Explore Goals and Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we'll explore the topic of work/life balance. The mentee will be able to reflect, hear a different perspective and gain clarity on their wellbeing needs.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on your work/life balance and define your wellbeing needs.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3.title":"Prioritize Wellbeing & Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we'll explore the skill of resilience and staying flexible through a changing environment.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Discuss how to be flexible and adapt when experiencing change.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4.title":"Adapt with Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.description":"Feedback is an important aspect of career growth. The mentee will explore how they approach receiving and reflecting on feedback at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the value of feedback and how it can support professional growth.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5.title":"Navigate Feedback","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on their career to date, discuss what opportunities may be next and hear from their mentor's experience.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Explore career goals and aspirations. Leave with a defined next step.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2.title":"Take Stock of Career","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will explore wellbeing and balance. The mentee will reflect on and consider a holistic approach to their work/life experience.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Identify actions that enhance work/life balance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3.title":"Assess Work/Life Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will share a change they are experiencing and reflect on their approach as well as potential outcomes.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Explore a recent change at work and potential approaches.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4.title":"Navigate Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.description":"Discuss how to evaluate and prioritize feedback. The mentee will also consider strategies for self-reflection.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Consider the various ways we receive feedback in our work and how to incorporate self-reflection.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5.title":"Feedback and Self-Reflection","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on their career to date, explore current aspirations and dream without limits for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect and spotlight mentee's career to discuss future aspirations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2.title":"Reflect & Spotlight Career","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will discuss work/life balance, how it gets prioritized and the likely impact it has on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect and share about work/life balance, its significance, and ways to prioritize it.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3.title":"Prioritizing Wellbeing & Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, the mentee will reflect on a significant change at work and make a plan for next steps. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Reflect on a past or current change event. Leave with support and clear next steps. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4.title":"Navigate a Change","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on how to incorporate feedback and manage expectations to support your team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Discuss how to evaluate personal expectations and incorporate feedback as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5.title":"Manage Feedback & Expectations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the mentoring topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2.description":"We will reflect on our unique strengths at work and discuss opportunities for the direct report to continue growing their strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2.goals":"Explore the direct report's areas of strength at work.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2.title":"Explore Strengths","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will explore the direct report's career goals and explore related professional development opportunities.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3.goals":"Consider how to align skill-building with the direct report's career aspirations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3.title":"Align Professional Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4.description":"Discuss what leadership means to you and how the direct report demonstrates leadership in their role and on a team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4.goals":"Identify how the direct report shows up as a leader and takes initiative at work.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4.title":"Leadership & Initiative","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, we'll talk about how we strive for work-life balance and how to further promote well-being on our team.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5.goals":"Discuss how we experience stress and identify practices that support healthy work-life balance.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5.title":"Strive for Balance","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation you will reflect on your team dynamic and how to support open communication and collaboration in a current challenge.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6.goals":"Identify ways to strengthen communication and teamwork.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6.title":"Team Collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7.description":"This conversation will facilitate reflection on the motivations and values that guide the direct report's career path.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7.goals":"Reflect on challenges, values and motivators to guide a career discussion.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7.title":"Aspirational Career Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8.description":"This conversation will focus on how we respond to and grow from work changes.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8.goals":"Consider resilience and strengths during times of change.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8.title":"Embrace Change & Adaptability","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9.description":"The manager and direct report will choose a shared discussion topic to achieve more clarity and support on a work goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9.goals":"Gain clarity and support to move forward on a goal.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9.title":"Open Topic - You Choose!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static.description":"When you're ready to begin this conversation, you'll have an opportunity to select a topic that's most relevant to you.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static.goals":"Time to explore the topic you selected!","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore opportunities to work collaboratively, across functions, on projects that interest you. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2.goals":"Identify cross functional opportunities that interest you.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2.title":"Curiosity Across Functions","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will dream up new approaches to the way you work and solve problems for our customers. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3.goals":"Identify opportunities for innovation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3.title":"Unlocking Possibilities ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore role of trust building across teams, functions, and organizations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4.goals":"Take actions that build trust.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4.title":"Building Bridges of Trust","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the basics of goal-setting including how to ensure you'll be successful. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2.goals":"Outline your approach to setting goals.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2.title":"The Art of Goal-Setting","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will break down your goals to ensure they are effective and lead to success. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3.goals":"Design goals that maximize your effectiveness and success. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3.title":"Craft Effective Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize two types of goals, performance and developmental, and learn to create balance between them. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4.goals":"Assess your performance and development through goals. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4.title":"Types of Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will develop a process for understanding and successfully meeting the expectations of your role.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5.goals":"Clarify what's expected of you and plan for success.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5.title":"Meet Expectations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you will identify sources of support that will help you successfully achieve your goals. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6.goals":"Identify key resources and support. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6.title":"Recognize Support Needs","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will break down your goals to ensure they are effective and lead to success.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2.goals":"Design goals that maximize your effectiveness and success. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2.title":"Craft Effective Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize two types of goals, performance and developmental, and learn to create balance between them.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3.goals":"Assess your performance and development through goals.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3.title":"Types of Goals","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will identify sources of support that will help you successfully achieve your goals.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4.goals":"Identify key resources and support.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4.title":"Recognize Support Needs","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will explore beyond your own goal-setting and strengthen the role you play in managing team goals and expectations.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5.goals":"Set expectations and create a process for reviewing goals.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5.title":"Managing Team Goals and Expectations","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, we will focus on strategies to ensure our teams' goals are aligned with the goals of the broader business.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6.goals":"Ensure alignment between team goals and the business. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6.title":"Align Team Goals to the Business","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static.description":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static.goals":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice.","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on the meaningful daily moments that define your relationships, impact, and growth.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and define your coaching goals together.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will define what it means to be thrilled with your growth at work and understand what will help you feel that way consistently.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c2.goals":"Define what it means to be happy or thrilled with your growth at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c2.title":"Own your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will focus on defining what it means to be happy or thrilled with your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c3.goals":"Define what it means to be happy or thrilled with your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c3.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will define what contributes towards you feeling happy or thrilled about the relationships you need at work to feel fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c4.goals":"Define what it means to be happy or thrilled with your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c4.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect and align on what feels imperative for you moving forward to feel successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your personal expectations for success and feeling fulfilled at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_a3_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on the meaningful daily moments that define your relationships, impact, and growth.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and define your coaching goals together.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will define what it means to be thrilled with your growth at work and identify a way to prioritize continuous learning.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c2.goals":"Define what it means to be happy (or even thrilled!) with your growth at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c2.title":"Own your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will focus on defining what it means to be happy or thrilled with your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c3.goals":"Define what it means to be happy or thrilled with your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c3.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will define what contributes towards you feeling happy or thrilled about the relationships you need at work to feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c4.goals":"Define what it means to be happy or thrilled with your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c4.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect and align on what feels imperative for you moving forward to feel successful and fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your personal expectations for success and feeling fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.defining_success_c8_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you'll connect with your peer and explore maximizing your impact at work. When we make an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of impact at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Quality relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1.title":"Connect As Peers","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2.title":"Career Exploration","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3.title":"Career Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the skills you already have, along with the skills you will need to develop in order to reach your career aspirations. ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4.goals":"Identify and plan for skill and experience gaps to enhance your career growth.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect on and align with what feels imperative for your career moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your personal needs to maintain as sense of well-being at work.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore the impact you want to gain from peer coaching.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on what drives your sense of fulfillment and plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin your peer coaching experience with your new peer coach.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c1.goals":"Explore your personal goals for peer coaching.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will each give yourself permission to explore career possibilities through the lens of your purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c2.goals":"Reconnect with early memories of meaningful work and connections to purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c2.title":"Career Exploration","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will consider how you've gathered inspiration for what's possible for your career. What career aspirations do you have for yourself?","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on what has inspired you and what's possible for your career.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c3.title":"Career Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will consider how you define career growth and the ways you feel inspired to expand your comfort zone.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c4.goals":"Define career growth for yourself and explore the opportunities ahead.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c4.title":"Career Growth","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on what you have learned so that you can drive your career forward in alignment with your purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c5.goals":"Consider how you want to drive your career and advocate for yourself.","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.drive_your_career_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new peer coach and explore the roles you play as culture leaders at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer through your unique styles.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways you can as a leader help your team be more engaged.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2.goals":"Enhance your role as a culture leader.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2.title":"Engaging Leadership","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore what enables of a culture of openness and how to drive these within your team. ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3.goals":"Enable openness within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3.title":"Enablers of Openness","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the barriers to a culture of openness and explore strategies to overcome those barriers. ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4.goals":"Explore actions to overcome barriers to openness. ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4.title":"Barriers to Openness","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation, you will reflect on your roles as a culture leader.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness.","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1.description":"Purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. Say hello to your peer connection and reflect on the year's purpose moments.","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1.goals":"Identify a purpose moment and reflect on how you want to close out this year.","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2.description":"We feel fulfilled and successful when we have meaningful relationships, make an impact that matters and grow personally and professionally. Reflect on the year, celebrate your wins and learn from where you were stretched outside your comfort zone.","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2.goals":"Celebrate your year and make a plan to own your career in the new year.","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2.title":"Celebrate Your Year","peerconversation.conversation.eqh_s1_c1.description":"At EQH, every employee is a trusted partner to our thousands of clients. This conversation will help you connect with this business principle and bring it to life. For example - What is something you've done to make a difference in your local community? How do you earn a client's trust?","peerconversation.conversation.eqh_s1_c1.goals":"Articulate the importance of being a trusted partner to our clients\nConnect your day-to-day work to EQH’s collective efforts to create partnerships built on trust with our clients","peerconversation.conversation.eqh_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.eqh_s1_c1.title":"We are a Trusted Partner to Our Clients","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship while identifying what wellbeing means to you.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other by sharing what's important to you.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will help each other reflect on and notice when you feel at your best. From there, you'll commit to actions that help you be your best.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2.goals":"Uncover themes, patterns, and actions that help you be your best.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2.title":"You at Your Best","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you'll have the opportunity to reflect on your wellbeing during times of stress and consider ways you take care of yourself in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3.goals":"Understand how stress impacts you and create a path toward wellbeing.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3.title":"Navigating Stress","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the role resilience plays in your ability to take care of your wellbeing.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4.goals":"Build your resilience for future times of stress.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4.title":"The Role of Resilience","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your key learnings about wellbeing and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5.goals":"Identify key takeaways about your wellbeing.","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new peer coach and work together to define what belonging means to each of you.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c1.goals":"Explore what belonging means to you and establish a new coaching connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c1.title":"Define Your Perspective","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will focus on recent experiences that have given you a sense of belonging on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c2.goals":"Identify experiences to recognize, reinforce, and express gratitude for.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c2.title":"Highlight Your Purpose Moments","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will continue to explore what each of you needs to feel a sense of belonging at work -- this time with a focus on what may be lacking.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c3.goals":"Identify ways to advocate for your sense of belonging.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c3.title":"Make the Ask","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will discuss solutions for increasing your sense of belonging at work.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c4.goals":"Commit to specific actions that promote belonging and inclusion on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c4.title":"Check Your Biases","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will empower each other to take clear action that promotes belonging.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c5.goals":"Identify three ways you can empower yourself and your peer coach to own your sense of belonging.","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.foster_belonging_s1_c5.title":"Own Your Experience","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you and your partner will reflect on your early career inspiration and identify an opportunity to connect to it in your current work. ","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1.goals":"Strengthen relationship with your partner and explore your career inspirations","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1.title":"Your Free Trial Conversation","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1.title":"Your Free Trial Conversation","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will get to know your new peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your continued growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and reflect on your role as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will focus on applying the belonging pillar to make an impact as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to incorporate belonging to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you can broaden your relationships at work to increase a sense of belonging at ICF.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3.goals":"Identify ways to broaden and strengthen relationships as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore opportunities for personal growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4.goals":"Own your growth in a way that promotes belonging.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on key elements of your continued growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpgfiller","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will get to know your new peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your continued growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and reflect on your role as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will focus on applying the Voice Pillar to make an impact as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to incorporate the Voice Pillar to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how the Voice Pillar can help broaden your relationships at work at ICF.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3.goals":"Identify ways to broaden and strengthen relationships as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore opportunities for personal growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4.goals":"Own your growth in a way that encourages all team members to have a voice.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the value of the Voice Pillar as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will get to know your peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and reflect on your role as a Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will focus on objectivity and being a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to incorporate objectivity to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3.goals":"Identify a relationship that can help your role as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore opportunities for personal growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4.goals":"Own your growth in a way that promotes objectivity.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on key elements of your growth as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your development as an ICF team member.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and reflect on the practices of objectivity.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how practices of objectivity, a pillar of an inclusive culture, can help you maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to incorporate objectivity to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how the practices of objectivity can help you strengthen your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3.goals":"Identify a practice of objectivity to strengthen a relationship at work.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore opportunities for personal growth within the practice of objectivity.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4.goals":"Own your growth in a way that promotes objectivity.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on key elements of your growth as an ICF team member.","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.imp_act_your_purpose_s1_c1.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imp_act_your_purpose_s1_c1.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imp_act_your_purpose_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_act_your_purpose_s1_c1.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will examine how you prefer to approach risk taking and the benefits taking smart risks has on your personal and professional development.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c1.goals":"Understand the importance of taking risks.\nDetermine and define any barriers to taking risks that you need to remove.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c1.title":"Embracing Risk","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your comfort, stretch, and panic zones and the benefits of knowing the difference between each in relationship to your ability to learn.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c2.goals":"Understand what it means to be in your comfort zone and the potential risks associated with remaining in a state of comfort.\nDefine what \"panic zone\" means for you and how it can inhibit your ability to learn and grow.\nExplore your personal stretch zone and more clearly understand how this state of risk-taking can enable you to thrive.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c2.title":"The Stretch Zone","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will develop strategies to increase alignment with your Stretch Zone. This will offer you support to take low-stakes risks everyday making you more open to embracing change.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c3.goals":"Identify specific examples of low-stakes risks you can take everyday supporting the growth of your stretch zone.\nIdentify situations where you can be a resource for your colleagues and teammates, supporting them stepping into their stretch zone.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_adap_c3.title":"Building Your Adaptability Muscle","peerconversation.conversation.imp_auth_c1.description":"Authenticity is one of our core values. We believe that being genuine is critical to our success and culture. In this conversation, you will explore what working in alignment with your authentic self looks like and what being authentic means to you. You will develop a personal story about how embracing authenticity has enabled you to succeed.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_auth_c1.goals":"Articulate the importance of working in alignment with your authentic self.\nAlign your day-to-day work with your personal definition of authenticity.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_auth_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_auth_c1.title":"Authenticity","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how your identity shapes the ways you show up at work so that you can embrace your unique talents.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c1.goals":"Explore the primary ways you define yourselves at work. \nIdentify ways to use your identity positively. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c1.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c1.title":"Exploring Your Identity","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways your identity shapes the way you work and the positive and negative biases that can impact you and your colleagues.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c2.goals":"Understand the shared origin of your biases and strengths. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c2.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_2.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c2.title":"Uncovering Biases","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will begin to develop strategies to be more aware of your biases, so that you can build stronger relationships, make more rational decisions, and see new opportunities more clearly.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c3.goals":"Understand how your biases impact your actions.\nCreate strategies to proactively manage your biases.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c3.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_3.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c3.title":"Managing Your Biases","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will bring together all you’ve learned regarding the strengths within your identity and analyze the future benefits of uncovering the associated biases within your worldview.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c4.goals":"Analyze the knowledge you’ve gained regarding unconscious bias.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c4.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_bias_c4.title":"Future Benefits","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the top experiences from prior roles that have added to your skill set and led to the most growth in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c1.goals":"Identify skills you already have that have led to your current success.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c1.title":"The Past Informs the Present","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover opportunities for growth in your current role to maximize the impact you make within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c2.goals":"Connect your unique values to the way you make an impact.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c2.title":"Growth in your Current Role","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will identify the skills you would like to learn and the experiences you would like to have in support of your career development.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c3.goals":"Identify skills and experiences you’ll need to advance in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_career_dev_c3.title":"Future Growth","peerconversation.conversation.imp_corp_values_s1_c1.description":"Excellence longer description","peerconversation.conversation.imp_corp_values_s1_c1.image":"https://bogus.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_corp_values_s1_c1.title":"Excellence Conversation","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you and your partner will reflect on your early career inspiration and identify an opportunity to connect to it in your current work. ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c1.goals":"Strengthen relationship with your partner and explore your career inspirations","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c1.title":"Your Free Trial Conversation","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c2.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c3.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c3.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c3.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c4.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c4.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c4.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.imperative_introduction_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover how you naturally innovate and the value it creates for you and your team(s).","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c1.goals":"Identify how you are naturally innovative.\nUncover barriers to seeing yourself as an innovator.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c1.title":"Embrace Your Inner Innovator","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover the importance of risk-taking in innovation. You will also explore what you personally need to feel safe enough to take those risks.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c2.goals":"Understand the importance of taking risks.\nDefine any barriers to taking risks that you need to remove.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c2.title":"Little Bets - Taking Risks","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover your natural talents that impact how you innovate as well as when partnering benefits innovation.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c3.goals":"Begin defining your approach to innovation.\nUnderstand the role of collaboration in innovation.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_innovation_c3.title":"Your Innovation Superpowers","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on bright spots in your relationships, impact, and growth at work so that you can appreciate what really matters to you at work today.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1.goals":"Identify how relationships, making an impact, and growing have made your work meaningful over the last two weeks.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1.title":"Week One: Discovery","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will consider your current level of fulfillment so that you can identify what is working and where you want to focus on making changes.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on my current level of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2.title":"Week Two: Take Stock","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how to ensure you have meaningful relationships at work so you can thrive.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3.goals":"Understand how you build successful relationships.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3.title":"Week Three: Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on how to ensure you are making an impact that is personally meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_4.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4.title":"Week Four: Impact","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on how you challenge yourself to grow and continuously learn at work.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5.goals":"Take ownership of your own growth.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_5.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5.title":"Week Five: Growth","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your work together and your plans going forward to ensure you can craft your work to be personally fulfilling.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6.goals":"Create a plan to stay fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_6.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6.title":"Week Six: Intention","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your leadership style. Embracing your personal style gives you the ability to inspire, build trust and lead authentically.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c1.goals":"Reflect on your leadership style and recognize your ability to lead.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c1.title":"Lead Authentically ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the impact you want to have with your team and how to stay motivated through challenges to be successful. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c2.goals":"Identify how to stay motivated to overcome current leadership challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c2.title":"Motivated to Lead","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will apply your unique leadership style to strengthen your team and reach your goals. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c3.goals":"Apply your leadership style to build a stronger, more unified team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_c3.title":"Building Strong Teams","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how you inspire and influence while you lead.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1.goals":"Reflect and strengthen your leadership style. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1.title":"Own your Leadership Style","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize what feels ambiguous as a leader and brainstorm strategies to overcome the unknown. ","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2.goals":"Identify strategies to overcome biases and ambiguity while leading.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2.title":"Leading in Uncertainty","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will intentionally apply what you've learned about your leadership style to upcoming projects to increase the success of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3.goals":"Apply your leadership style intentionally to upcoming projects.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3.title":"Lead with a Plan","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between purpose and the concept of impact. So that, you can deepen your relationship to what drives you, with the support of your partner.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1.goals":"Identify and explore the level of impact that best fits you.\nShare with your partner past experiences where you felt you were making a difference.\nConnect your level of impact to your current day-to-day work. \nUnderstand why purpose is connected to this level of impact for you.\nDevelop strategies for how you would like to make a difference in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1.title":"Making a Difference at Work","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between purpose and your unique approach to your work. So that you can better understand your worldview and how it enables you to overcome obstacles.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2.goals":"Identify and explore the approach to solving problems and engagement in the creative process that fits you most. \nShare with your partner a past experience where your approach allowed you to overcome an obstacle. \nExplore the relationship between your unique worldview and your current role.\nUnderstand why your approach to solving problems is important to your sense of purpose in the workplace. \nDevelop strategies to own your unique approach to add greater value to your team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2.title":"Overcoming Obstacles","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation you will explore the relationship between purpose and the concept of impact, so that you can harness the power of your own level of impact.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1.goals":"Identify and explore the level of impact that best fits you.\nExplore examples from your life and how they demonstrate this level of impact.\nUnderstand why purpose is connected to this level of impact for you.\nEngage your unique strengths to harness the power of your level of impact.\nIdentify and create strategies to navigate potential biases within your worldview.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1.title":"How you Make a Difference","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation you will link your unique worldview to the work you do, so that you can connect the level of impact that most resonates with your current role.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2.goals":"Explore the link between your current role and your preferred level of impact.\nFind what drives you in your current role.\nDiscover potential biases that could diminish your fulfillment.\nEngage your strengths on a greater level to increase your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_2.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2.title":"How You Add Value","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will look ahead to see how you can increase the impact you make in your role and with your team, so that you can make the biggest impact possible in your current role.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3.goals":"Explore ways to intentionally engage your strengths and increase your impact in your role.\nStrengthen the connection between your unique values and how you make a difference in your role.\nChoose one area of personal or professional growth that will greater align your current role with the level of impact that fits you best.\nAsk for and receive support from your peer coaching partner","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_3.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3.title":"Increase Your Future Impact","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between purpose and your approach to work, so that you can see how you and your partner’s unique approaches are complementary and add value to your teams.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4.goals":"Identify and explore your unique approach to problem solving and creativity.\nShare with your partner an example from your life that exemplifies this approach.\nUnderstand why this approach increases your sense of purpose.\nIdentify your unique strengths within your approach.\nIdentify potential biases within your approach.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_4.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4.title":"Overcoming Obstacles","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will link your approach to the creative process and problem-solving to the work you do, so that you can connect how you best overcome obstacles in your current role.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5.goals":"Explore the link between your current role and your approach to the creative process and problem-solving.\nFind what drives your approach to your current role.\nDiscover work-arounds for any potential biases to your approach.\nEngage your strengths on a greater level to increase your ability to overcome obstacles in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_5.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5.title":"Solving Real World Problems","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6.description":"In this conversation, you will look ahead to see how you can greater engage your unique approach to the creative process, so that you can better understand how you best solve problems and add value to your team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6.goals":"Explore ways to intentionally engage your strengths to help your team more successfully overcome obstacles.\nStrengthen the connection between your unique values and your approach to your role.\nChoose one area of personal or professional growth that will greater align the way you approach your role to your day-to-day work.\nAsk for and receive support from your peer coaching partner.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_6.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6.title":"Navigating Future Challenges","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the qualities of effective versus ineffective teams that you have experienced in the past.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c1.goals":"Recognize effective and ineffective qualities of your previous work teams.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c1.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c1.title":"Reflect on Teamwork","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the types of impact you personally want to make in your career and how to use this knowledge to maximize your team’s impact.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c2.goals":"Identify the impact you want to make in your career.\nExplore the ways you can make the most impact in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c2.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_2.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c2.title":"Maximizing Your Teams’ Impact","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore which parts of work are most meaningful to you. Developing relationships, having a sense of security, or achieving results are all examples of how we find meaning in our work.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c3.goals":"Identify the ways you feel most fulfilled by the work you do.\nIdentify opportunities to build meaning in your work and on a team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c3.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_3.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c3.title":"Making a Meaningful Contribution","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how clear roles (job expectations), plans (processes for fulfilling expectations), and goals can increase your team’s effectiveness. You will also explore your unique preferences and strengths that contribute to structure and clarity on a team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c4.goals":"Identify your personal strengths that can help your team build structure and clarity.\nRecognize personal values and preferences that positively impact the structure and clarity on a team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c4.title":"Clarity & Structure","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c5.description":"Another element of an effective team is shared dependability. In this conversation, you’ll explore what enables you to be dependable, what you expect of others, and how to help your team deliver high-quality work on schedule.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c5.goals":"Define your most dependable qualities, and what needs to be in place for you to be dependable.\nIdentify how to use your talents to help teammates deliver high-quality work on time.\n","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c5.title":"Dependability","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c6.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover what you need to feel safe enough to take risks and how to help create a safe environment for your teammates.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c6.goals":"Build awareness of how you feel most comfortable taking risks on a team.\nDetermine how to use your strengths to develop trusting working relationships across your team.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c6.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c6.title":"Taking Risks","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c7.description":"In this conversation, you will highlight your biggest takeaways from your learning about the five traits of effective teams: Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c7.goals":"Analyze the knowledge you’ve gained regarding effective teamwork.","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c7.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.imp_teamwork_c7.title":"Teamwork Review","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you'll connect with your peer coach and begin reflecting on the ways you feel most inspired in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1.goals":"Reflect on the ways you feel most inspired in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your current relationships at work and how they influence, encourage, or discourage opportunities for innovation.","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2.goals":"Understand how innovation and passion shows up through your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will recall what initially inspired you about your career path and the impact you wanted to make. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3.goals":"Tap into what inspires you so that you can identify an opportunity to innovate. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer will consider potential biases that can hold you back from feeling inspired and innovative. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4.goals":"Identify an opportunity for personal growth that leads you to feel more inspired and innovative. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you and your peer coach will reflect on what you have both learned about your inner innovator and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5.goals":"Identify how you have grown and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_c1.description":"At KP, our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. In fact, through our Shared Agenda, we have a bold ambition to transform the health of our nation and to create more healthy years for millions of Americans.\n\nIn order to lead the transformation of health and healthcare in America, we strive to reimagine what’s possible. During this conversation, you will explore what our mission means to you and how your unique perspective will help us achieve it.","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_c1.goals":"Identify what impact you want to make in your work.\nConnect your desired impact to KP's mission.","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_c1.title":"Your Purpose at Kaiser Permanente","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore what the KP mission means to you and how your unique perspective will help us achieve it. To prepare, be sure to watch the Shared Agenda Desired Destination video (1:56). You may also wish to review Shared Agenda website because it will come up in your upcoming conversations with your partner!","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1.goals":"Learn what our mission is at KP.\nIdentify potential connections between your purpose drivers and KP’s mission.\nReflect on one meaningful action you can take in your new role to promote our mission at KP.","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1.title":"Discover your Purpose at KP","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will increase your awareness of the commitment KP has made to transforming health and health care. You will also explore how your values align with the four beliefs that guide our actions as we fulfill this commitment. ","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2.goals":"Deepen your understanding of our commitment.\nFind your personal connection our shared beliefs.","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2.title":"Connect with your Purpose at KP","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3.description":"Kaiser Permanente knows the success of Our Shared Agenda relies on each member finding meaningful ways to contribute. In this conversation, you will explore ways to contribute that are aligned uniquely with you as well as the actions you can take as you begin your new role. ","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3.goals":"Further develop your contribution to Our Shared Agenda.\nAlign your contribution with what drives your sense of purpose.\nChoose an actionable step you can take in the first 60 days of your new role.","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3.title":"How you Contribute","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the type of impact that is most meaningful to you in your work so you can begin to build your job and career around it.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c1.goals":"Identify the impact that is most meaningful to you.\nConnect your preferred impact to your past experiences at work.\nDevelop a vision for how you could increase your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c1.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c1.title":"Discovering My Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore how you can begin to craft your job in a way that increases your ability to make an impact that is personally meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c2.goals":"Define what it looks like to be working in alignment with your purpose.\nExplore how you make an impact at work today.\nIdentify opportunities to increase your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c2.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c2.title":"Activating My Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you inspire others based on the impact you want to make in the world.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c3.goals":"Identify specific ways your team can increase their impact.\nExplore how you can use what inspires you to inspire your teammates.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c3.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingpurpose_s1_c3.title":"Leading with Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how your sense of what is just and fair emerges in your work and gives you strength.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c1.goals":"Explore your definition of what is just and fair.\nConnect your values to key decisions in your career.\nIdentify how your worldview can help guide your work.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c1.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c1.title":"Defining My Worldview","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore how you can begin to craft your job to be in greater alignment with your personal values.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c2.goals":"Define what it looks like to be working in alignment with your personal values.\nExplore how you use your core values in your work today.\nIdentify opportunities to harness your values to be more effective in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c2.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c2.title":"Aligning with My Values","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how to develop the courage to stand up for what you believe while at the same time creating space for a diversity of values and perspectives.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c3.goals":"Explore the importance of your values as a leader.\nUnderstand the biases your values create.\nDefine how you want to lead with your values.","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c3.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.leadingvalues_s1_c3.title":"Leading with Values","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you and your connection will have the opportunity to say hello and begin learning about each other's role inside your organization. ","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your partner and understand each other's perspective.","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the similarities and differences in each other's perspectives and how you can help each have a greater impact at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways this relationship adds to your effectiveness.","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to collaborate across the organization toward shared goals, even if conflict arises. ","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c3.goals":"Create more effective collaboration skills","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c3.title":"Collaborate Across the Organization","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will continue to refine the ways you relate to and collaborate with others across the organization. ","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c4.goals":"Refine the ways you work with others.","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c4.title":"Refine the Process","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the learning you've had throughout his peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c5.goals":"Identify key pieces of learning that support your work.","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.lets_break_silos_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1.description":"How do you feel most energized in your workday? Let's explore what gives you energy, what drains it, and how you can move forward to feel your best at work.","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1.goals":"Understand what helps each person feel energized and supported at work.","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1.title":"Explore Motivation","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on experiences of personal and professional growth in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2.goals":"Identify aspects of personal or professional growth that can enhance your sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2.title":"Explore Growth","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the type of impact that is most meaningful to you in your work, supporting you in building your job and career in the most fulfilling way.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c1.goals":"Identify the impact that is most meaningful to you.\nConnect your preferred impact to your past experiences at work.\nDevelop a vision for how you could increase your impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c1.image":"http://filler.x/png","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c1.title":"Discovering My Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your core strengths and how to use them to realize your potential.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c2.goals":"Describe your core approach to realizing your individual potential.\nConnect your strengths to key accomplishments in your career.\nIdentify ways your strengths help you succeed today.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c2.image":"http://filler.x/png","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c2.title":"Uncovering Your Potential","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will examine how you build relationships and how to expand and deepen your network.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c3.goals":"Understand the importance of relationships at work.\nUncover how you prefer to build strong relationships.\nDevelop a plan for how to deepen your network.","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c3.image":"http://filler.x/png","peerconversation.conversation.mindset_c3.title":"Building Your Network","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship at Microsoft.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other through sharing what's important to you.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore, understand, and take actions that energize you within your role.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2.goals":"Explore actions that energize you.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2.title":"Feel Energized","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to align your contributions to what feels personally meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3.goals":"Work in ways that are meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3.title":"Make it Meaningful","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how your intrinsic strengths can empower both you and the customers you support (directly and indirectly).","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4.goals":"Empower your actions to create empowered customers.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4.title":"Empower Customers","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key takeaways from your conversations and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5.goals":"Identify key pieces of learning about thriving.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will focus on getting to know your new peer and design a relationship that helps you both grow. ","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1.goals":"Build a new peer connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key takeaways from your conversations and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on key learnings and plan for staying connected.","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you and your connection will have the opportunity to say hello and begin learning about each other's role inside your organization. ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your partner and understand each other's perspective.","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the similarities and differences in each other's perspectives and how you can help each have a greater impact at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways this relationship adds to your effectiveness.","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to collaborate across the organization toward shared goals, even if conflict arises. ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3.goals":"Create more effective collaboration skills","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3.title":"Collaborate Across the Organization","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will continue to refine the ways you relate to and collaborate with others across the organization. ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4.goals":"Refine the ways you work with others.","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4.title":"Refine the Process","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the learning you've had throughout his peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5.goals":"Identify key pieces of learning that support your work.","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c1.description":"Today we'll talk about what drew us to our current roles and how our experience here has influenced our career path.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c1.goals":"Build a foundation of shared knowledge about your career path.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c2.description":"How are you experiencing the company's transformation? Let's explore how a change in perspective can help you through future challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c2.goals":"Identify a new way to approach future challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c2.title":"New Perspectives","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c3.description":"Let's explore how your team is being affected by larger organizational changes and how you can play a part in a positive outcome.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c3.goals":"Identify one way to use your strengths for a positive outcome.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c3.title":"Leaning on our Strengths","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c4.description":"Let's discuss how you can continue growing and feeling connected at our organization.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c4.goals":"Identify key parts of your fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c4.title":"Growth at Work","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c5.description":"Discuss how to feel supported and equipped to move forward professionally.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c5.goals":"Identify how to support each other moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigate_change_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c1.description":"Discuss purpose, wellbeing, and personal impacts of the organizational changes. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know your peer coach and reflect on recent organizational changes. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your transition practices and consider an opportunity to build a new connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on recent changes and identify an opportunity for connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c2.title":"Identify Opportunity","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c3.description":"Reflect on your progress by checking in on your actions and supporting accountability. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c3.goals":"Check in on your progress and identify the current priority for your transition","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c3.title":"Reflect on Progress","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c4.description":"Reflect on how you've been positively navigating change and supporting one another. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c4.goals":"Plan for ongoing success and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c4.title":"Make a Plan","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_change_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your leadership style. Choosing to \"own\" your unique leadership style gives you the ability to inspire, build trust and lead authentically.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c1.goals":"Reflect on your leadership style and connect with your peer.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c1.title":"Lead Authentically ","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the impact you want to have with your team and how to stay motivated through challenges to be successful.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to stay motivated to overcome current leadership challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c2.title":"Motivated to Lead","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will apply your unique leadership style to strengthen your team and reach your goals.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c3.goals":"Apply your leadership style to build a stronger, more unified team.","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c3.title":"Building Strong Teams","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c4.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c4.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c4.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.navigating_leadership_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring together what drives each of your sense of purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c1.goals":"Explore what drives your sense of purpose. ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your strengths and current beliefs about your career.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c2.goals":"Understand your strengths and how they apply to your career.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c2.title":"Explore Your Career","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the future of your career by understanding your aspirations. ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c3.goals":"Define your career aspirations for the future. ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c3.title":"Career Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to build on your strengths and move toward your career aspirations. ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c4.goals":"Identify areas of growth to enhance your success.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c4.title":"Career Growth","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on what you have learned so that you can drive your career forward in alignment with your purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c5.goals":"Consider how you want to drive your career and advocate for yourself.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_career_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin to own your personal well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer through deeper exploration of your wellness.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways that a culture of well-being allows you to make a meaningful impact.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2.goals":"Define what care looks like to you and explore how it helps maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2.title":"Maximizing Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how caring relationships at work support your well-being and the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3.goals":"Explore ways to amplify care within your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you can prioritize well-being while also growing in ways that are meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4.goals":"Define what is meaningful growth to you while maintaining your well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect on and align with what feels imperative for your well-being moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the ways your well-being is tied to the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your partner and explore your current sense of wellbeing and success.","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer through deeper exploration of your wellness and success.","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1.title":"Explore Wellbeing & Success","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation you'll reflect on what success and wellbeing means to you and make plans to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on your personal definition of success and wellbeing. Make plans to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new partner and explore the roles you play as leaders at your organization.","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your peer and share what gives you purpose at work.","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1.title":"Lead with Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation you will reflect on your growth as a leader, share key learnings and make plans to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on how to continue growing as a leader and make plans to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, reflect on the impact of your conversations together and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship. ","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring ","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the impact of your conversations together, personal takeaways, and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring ","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, reflect on the impact of your conversations together and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.description":"Establish a connection with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific. Build trust by sharing your career journey and aspirations for your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other and share aspirations for your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how your behaviors inspire and influence your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on and strengthen your leadership style. 'Learn and coach' each other.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.title":"Own Your Leadership Style","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize what feels ambiguous as a leader and brainstorm strategies to overcome the unknown.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.goals":"Identify strategies to 'listen with empathy' and 'do the right things'.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.title":"Leading in Uncertainty","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will intentionally apply what you've learned about your leadership style to upcoming projects to increase the success of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.goals":"Apply your leadership style to upcoming work.","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.title":"Lean Into Change","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.description":"Establish a connection with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific. Build trust by sharing your career journey and aspirations for your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other and share aspirations for your team. ","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how your behaviors inspire and influence your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.goals":"Reflect on and strengthen your leadership style. 'Learn and coach' each other.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2.title":"Own Your Leadership Style","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize what feels ambiguous as a leader and brainstorm strategies to overcome the unknown.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.goals":"Identify strategies to 'listen with empathy' and 'do the right things'.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3.title":"Leading in Uncertainty","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will intentionally apply what you've learned about your leadership style to upcoming projects to increase the success of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.goals":"Apply your leadership style to upcoming work.","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4.title":"Lean Into Change","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will share about your role and department, as well as what you're focused on in the upcoming months. ","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1.goals":"Promote peer connection and conversation about upcoming work priorities.","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2.description":"Connect your departmental goals to the organization and explore potential areas of collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2.goals":"Develop a shared understanding of the work of each other's departments in relation to the organization.","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2.title":"Enabling Collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3.description":"Explore your sense of connection to your organization and discuss how it influences your role in a meaningful way.","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on how connectivity within an organization impacts our roles.","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3.title":"Enhancing Connection at Work","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of building a new, trusted peer connection through mutual sharing with each other. ","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a new peer connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key learnings from your conversations and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c1.description":"When you're ready to begin this conversation, you'll have an opportunity to select a topic that's most relevant to you and your partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with Mentor/Mentee.","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c1.title":"Build a Foundation","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c20c.description":"filler pumpkin pie filler","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c20c.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p1_design_career_s1_c20c.title":"Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will share about your role and department, as well as your motivations for the upcoming year.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c1.goals":"Promote peer connection and conversation about the start of the year and work priorities.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c1.title":"Start the Year - Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c2.description":"Connect your departmental goals to the organization as a whole, and explore potential areas of collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c2.goals":"Develop a shared understanding of the work of each other's departments in relation to the organization.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c2.title":"Enabling Collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c3.description":"Explore your sense of connection to your organization and discuss how it influences your role in a meaningful way.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on how connectivity within an organization impacts our roles.","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p2_start_year_s1_c3.title":"Enhancing Connection at Work","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c1.description":"Discuss your day-to-day priorities and how to stay focused on goals that matter most to you.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c1.goals":"Identify your personal priorities and how you can maintain focus.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c1.title":"Prioritizing What Matters","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c2.description":"Share your perspective on leadership and explore how you can influence others based on your innate strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c2.goals":"Explore your ability to influence and impact others.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c2.title":"Influence & Impact","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c3.description":"Share about past experiences in managing decisions, and consider how to more confidently handle decisions in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on how to feel confident in your decision making.","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p3_paving_way_s1_c3.title":"Making Confident Decisions","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how you inspire and influence your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1.goals":"Reflect on and strengthen your leadership style.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1.title":"Own Your Leadership Style","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will recognize what feels ambiguous as a leader and brainstorm strategies to overcome the unknown.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2.goals":"Identify strategies to overcome biases and ambiguity while leading.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2.title":"Leading in Uncertainty","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will intentionally apply what you've learned about your leadership style to upcoming projects to increase the success of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3.goals":"Apply your leadership style to upcoming projects.","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3.title":"Lead with a Plan","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will share about more about your role and department, as well as your motivations for the upcoming year.","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Promote peer connection and conversation about work priorities.","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20c.description":"Share about how you can continue to successfully \"pave the way\" in your own career growth and development.","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key takeaways from your conversations together and make plans to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring ","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the impact of your conversations together, personal takeaways, and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, reflect on the impact of your conversations together and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin building the foundation of a helpful and supportive mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Build a connection with your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1.title":"Kick Off Mentoring ","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, reflect on the impact of your conversations together and discuss plans to stay connected in the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Identify key learnings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Reflect on Key Takeaways","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation we will connect about what matters to us at work and in an organization. The direct report will explore their unique purpose motivators and how to integrate them at work.","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1.goals":"Share career paths and reflect on how purpose shows up in your work.","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1.title":"Career & Purpose","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the key takeaways from your conversations and discuss how to move forward. ","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on areas of growth and identify ways to move forward in your working relationship.","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20c.title":"Wrap Up: Next Steps","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will have an abbreviated coaching experience to understand the power of peer coaching on Imperative. ","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1.goals":"Experience peer coaching on Imperative so that you can understand the potential for peer coaching to transform your organization.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1.title":"First Demo Conversation","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Quality relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2.goals":"Understand the importance of building strong relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2.title":"Demo Conversation Two","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3.description":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3.goals":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3.title":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4.description":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4.goals":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4.title":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5.description":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5.goals":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5.title":"Left blank on purpose","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_1.description":"The last series helped you understand how it feels to be working in alignment with your Impact Driver. Now use that insight to steer your career development toward greater and more fulfilling impact.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_1.goals":"Reflect on the reach, depth, and sustainability of your current impact\nIdentify which dimension of impact you'd most like to improve\nSet goals that support better alignment between your work and your Impact Driver","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_1.head":"In the last series, you identified patterns in your most formative and inspiring career moments. Now it's time to take your new knowledge and do something with it! In this conversation, you will use that insight to create the foundation for a purpose aligned career plan.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_4.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_1.title":"Expand Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_2.description":"Use what you learned about your Values Driver and how it shows up for you to inform the next steps you take in your career.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_2.goals":"Reflect on the professional situations that have tested your values\nIdentify what you want to change about the way you work and/or interact with people at work\nSet goals that support better alignment between your work and your Values Driver","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_2.head":"Knowing what you stand for informs key decisions you make as a leader, including decisions about your career growth. You previously explored your ideas of fairness and your expectations for others. In this conversation, you will recall situations in which your beliefs were tested so that you can guide your development in alignment with your Values Driver.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_5.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_2.title":"Align With Your Values","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_3.description":"You’ve identified your superpower and how it enables you to make a unique impact in your work. Now focus on understanding where you can use it to have greater impact.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_3.goals":"Reflect on the skills you want to develop to help you master your craft\nIdentify the people and resources that can support your development\nConsider the Craft Driver you least relate to and where that opens the door for effective collaboration","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_3.head":"There are two ways to leverage your Craft Driver in service of increased impact: Identify and cultivate your own superpower and seek to understand the diverse superpowers of those around you. In this conversation, you will explore ways to further develop your own Craft Driver, while also focusing on collaborating with those with different Purpose Drivers.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_6.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_activate_3.title":"Master your Craft","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_1.description":"Discover how your Impact Driver has been the common thread in the experiences that have resulted in your greatest career growth.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_1.goals":"Reflect on your Impact Driver\nDiscover how that driver has shown up in your career thus far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your current work with your Impact Driver","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_1.head":"There is a pattern behind the experiences in your career that have resulted in the greatest growth and inspiration. Your Impact Driver, which reflects your preference for the level of impact you care about most, is at the heart of that pattern. In this conversation, you will develop an understanding of your Impact driver so that you can intentionally put it at the center of your work.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_1.title":"Develop Your Impact Narrative","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_2.description":"You’ve developed awareness about the impact you seek to make in the world. Now focus on why by discovering the origins of your Values Driver and how it guides you as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_2.goals":"Reflect on your Values Driver\nDiscover how that driver has shown up in your career thus far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your current work with your Values Driver","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_2.head":"Effective leaders can clearly articulate what they stand for. Your Values Driver reflects your view of fairness and shapes your approach to empowering people and organizations to reach their full potential. In this conversation, you will explore the origins of your values and how they have shown up in your work so that they can guide your future actions and decisions as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_2.title":"Define Your Worldview","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_3.description":"You now have a greater understanding of your desired impact and the why behind it. Build on that awareness by identifying and owning your superpower – the unique differentiator you bring to everything you do.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_3.goals":"Reflect on your Craft Driver\nDiscover how that driver has shown up in your career thus far\nIdentify actions you can take to better align your current work with your Craft Driver","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_3.head":"Advocating for your career growth requires an awareness of what makes you exceptional at work. Your Craft Driver represents your preference for how to solve problems and add value. It is your superpower and is based on how you believe change happens. In this conversation, you will explore the power of your Craft Driver and how you can leverage it to accelerate your growth and impact.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_discover_3.title":"Own Your Superpower","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_1.description":"Don't stop at improving your own impact. Identify ways that you can use your Purpose to lead others to greater impact as well.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_1.goals":"Reflect on what's most important for you\nIdentify circumstances that require courage\nDecide what your moral legacy will be","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_1.head":"In this conversation, you will identify your team's core impact and your role in inspiring and empowering improvement. Your Impact Driver reflects your preference for the level of impact you most care about. When you focus on elevating and motivating others, your capacity to build effective teams and to manage a team's vision drastically increases.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_7.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_1.title":"Inspire Greater Impact","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_2.description":"Dive deep into what you stand for and how you get in your own way. You'll unlock a level of courageous leadership that few achieve.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_2.goals":"Identify your team's impact\nDevelop a vision for increased impact\nEstablish how you'll inspire greater impact","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_2.head":"In this conversation, you will uncover the obstacles that prevent you from acting courageously and enable others to do the same. Our values help us define what is right, even in the most challenging situations. When you increase your awareness of what drives your values, you are better able to champion what is right and fair with courage and compassion.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_8.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_2.title":"Lead With Courage","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_3.description":"Determine how you can inspire quality and excellence and how you can extend your Craft to others.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_3.goals":"Connect your Craft Driver to your definition of excellence\nIdentify how you can celebrate quality\nDetermine how you will spark excellence","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_3.head":"In this conversation, you will examine the meaning of excellence and your role in inspiring exceptional work. Your Craft Driver represents the way you approach problems and projects with meaning and authenticity. By approaching problems and projects with the lens of natural skill and fulfillment, you can delegate responsibility more effectively and manage innovation with greater agility.","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_9.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.peer_coaching_guide_lead_3.title":"Champion Excellence","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on your personal well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and begin exploring what wellness means to you.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways that prioritizing well-being can help you make a sustained and meaningful impact.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2.goals":"Define what diminishes your well-being and explore ways you are motivated to care for yourself.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2.title":"Maximizing Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how your relationships support your well-being and how you support the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3.goals":"Explore ways you are motivated to care for your team and can be supported in your well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3.title":"Strengthening Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between your well-being and your sustained growth in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4.goals":"Reflect on how wellness focused actions support your sustained growth at work.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect on and align with what feels imperative for your well-being moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your personal needs to maintain as sense of well-being at work.","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new peer coach and explore the topic of belonging at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer by sharing your existing strengths. ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the role recognition and appreciation play in fostering a sense of belonging on your team. ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to recognize and appreciate others.","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2.title":"Appreciate Others","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring how to unlock your potential at work.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on what drives your sense of fulfillment and plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1.description":"Today we'll talk about what drew us to our current roles and how our experience here has influenced our career path.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1.goals":"Build a foundation of shared knowledge about your career path.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2.description":"How are you experiencing the company's transformation? Let's explore how a change in perspective can help you through future challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2.goals":"Identify a new way to approach future challenges.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2.title":"New Perspectives","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3.description":"Let's explore how your team is being affected by larger organizational changes and how you can play a part in a positive outcome.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3.goals":"Identify one way to use your strengths for a positive outcome.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3.title":"Leaning on our Strengths","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4.description":"Let's discuss how you can continue growing and feeling connected at our organization.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4.goals":"Identify key parts of your fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4.title":"Growth at Work","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5.description":"Discuss how to feel supported and equipped to move forward professionally.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5.goals":"Identify how to support each other moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you and your connection will have the opportunity to say hello and begin learning about each other's role inside your organisation.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your partner and understand each other's perspective.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the similarities and differences in each other's perspectives and how you can help each have a greater impact at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways this relationship adds to your effectiveness.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to collaborate across the organisation toward shared goals, even if conflict arises. ","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3.goals":"Create more effective collaboration skills.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3.title":"Collaborate Across the Organisation","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will continue to refine the ways you relate to and collaborate with others across the organisation. ","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4.goals":"Refine the ways you work with others.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4.title":"Refine the Process","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the learning you've had throughout his peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5.goals":"Identify key pieces of learning that support your work.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you'll connect with your peer and explore what kind of impact energizes you at work. When we make an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of impact at work.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on what drives your sense of growth and plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4.description":"filler filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore the opportunity you have to develop your relationships, impact, and growth.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and define your coaching goals together.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the opportunity to increase your impact on your team's success and as a result, your own fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2.goals":"Identify an opportunity to maximize the team and your impact at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on opportunities to build stronger relationships that make you and your team more successful. ","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3.goals":"Identify and commit to opportunities to strengthen your relationships.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will explore opportunities for personal growth in our work that feel fulfilling and lead to personal success.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4.goals":"Uncover a current opportunity at work for personal growth. ","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect back on your conversations and actions as you set your intention going forward.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the opportunities you realized and a path forward.","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you solve problems and add value at work.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c1.goals":"Describe your core approach to realizing potential.\nConnect your strengths to key accomplishments in your career.\nIdentify ways your strengths help you succeed today.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c1.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c1.title":"Uncovering my Superpowers","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore your core strengths and how to develop them to become more effective and fulfilled.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c2.goals":"Uncover the skills associated with my problem-solving style.\nDetermine which skills you want to lead with and which you want to grow.\nIdentify opportunities to use your skills more effectively.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c2.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c2.title":"Mastering My Craft","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how to harness your talents to inspire excellence in your work and your team’s.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c3.goals":"Uncover the source of excellence in your work.\nUnderstand the biases in your approach to solving problems that hold you back.\nExplore how to collaborate with others to improve all of your work.","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c3.image":"https://ipsum.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.realizingpotential_s1_c3.title":"Inspiring Excellence","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of building a new, trusted peer connection that will help you be more adaptive and innovative at work.","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1.goals":"Build a new peer connection. ","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key takeaways from your conversations and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on key learnings and plan for staying connected.","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will start to uncover your purpose story and how it connects to the products and services you are selling.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1.goals":"Identify what impact you want to make in your work.\nConnect your desired impact to what you are selling.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1.title":"Your Purpose Story","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore how your talents can guide your approach to sales to be more successful.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2.goals":"Uncover your approach to solving problems and add value.\nDevelop strategies to use your natural talents to be a better seller.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2.title":"My Selling Purpose Powers","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will discover how to build connections with people of similar and different styles and motivations.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3.goals":"Identify underlying blind spots in your relationships with colleagues and clients.\nDevelop listening skills that help you find connection and appreciate differences.","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3.title":" Building Purposeful Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will share about your current role and explore how you approach and navigate AI Engagements currently.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other and identify key learnings about AI Engagements.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the role you play in successfully navigating AI engagements.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c2.goals":"Identify practices and strategies that help you navigate AI engagements.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c2.title":"Play Your Part","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will identify strategies to navigate the inevitable roadblocks that show up in any AI engagement.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c3.goals":"Identify ways to navigate roadblocks.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c3.title":"Navigate Roadblocks","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will develop a plan for how you assess your efforts toward a more impactful approach to AI engagements.","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c4.goals":"Embrace an agile approach and assess your efforts. ","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c4.title":"Assess Your Efforts","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c5.description":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c5.goals":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.skilling_circles_s1_c5.title":"filler","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will share a story that is meaningful to you and develop the necessary key elements to make it even more compelling.","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c1.goals":"Feel a sense of vulnerability by sharing a story that is meaningful to you.\nDefine the key elements of the story (motivation, action, and impact).","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c1.image":"https://filler/x.png","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c1.title":"First Draft","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will practice the story you shared previously with your partner, providing feedback to each other making your stories even stronger.","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c2.goals":"Refine your story to make it even more compelling.\nLearn how to give feedback on a story.\nGain confidence in telling your story.","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c2.image":"https://filler/x.png","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c2.title":"Refining Your Story","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c3.description":"To be deleted","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c3.goals":"To be deleted","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c3.image":"https://filler/x.png","peerconversation.conversation.storytelling_s1_c3.title":"To be deleted","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will explore specific examples in your work where stress emerges and how it impacts you differently.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c1.goals":"Identify specific situations where stress shows up in your work.\nDefine characteristics of good vs bad stress.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c1.title":"Uncover the Role of Stress in Your Life","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore what the impact of stress is on how you feel, think, and interact with other people.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c2.goals":"Able to recognize early signs of when you are stressed.\nUnderstand the impact of stress on your body, thinking, and relationships.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c2.title":"Linking Mind and Body in Stress","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you’ll explore how to bring your best self forward to proactively manage your stress.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c3.goals":"Identify the top source of stress in your work.\nUnderstand the power you already have to manage your stress.\nDefine how you are going to manage your stress going forward.","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/job-hacks/job_hack_think_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.stress_mgmt_s1_c3.title":"Designing Stress Management Strategies","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on your personal well-being as a Target team member.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer through deeper exploration of your wellness.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways that a culture of care enhances well-being and allows you to make a meaningful impact.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c2.goals":"Define what care looks like to you and explore how it helps maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c2.title":"Maximizing Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how caring relationships at work support your well-being and the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c3.goals":"Explore ways to amplify care within your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how you can prioritize well-being while also growing in ways that are meaningful to you.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c4.goals":"Define what is meaningful growth to you while maintaining your well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect on and align with what feels imperative for your well-being moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the ways your well-being is tied to the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.target_well-being_2_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on your personal well-being as a Target team member.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and begin exploring what wellness means to you.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways that prioritizing well-being can help you make a sustained and meaningful impact.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2.goals":"Define what diminishes your well-being and explore ways you are motivated to care for yourself.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2.title":"Maximizing Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how your relationships support your well-being and how you support the well-being of others.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3.goals":"Explore ways you are motivated to care for your team and can be supported in your well-being.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3.title":"Strengthening Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the relationship between your well-being and your sustained growth in your role.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4.goals":"Reflect on how wellness focused actions support your sustained growth at work.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5.description":"In your final conversation together, you will reflect on and align with what feels imperative for your well-being moving forward.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your personal needs to maintain as sense of well-being at work.","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.test_convo_1_s1_c1.description":"This is the description for test convo 1 convo 1","peerconversation.conversation.test_convo_1_s1_c1.goals":"Test Goal 1","peerconversation.conversation.test_convo_1_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg\n","peerconversation.conversation.test_convo_1_s1_c1.title":"Test Convo 1 Convo 1","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on what is important to you as a member of the {{member.organizationname}} team.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer through each of your strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the how the element of trust can enhance the efforts of you and your team.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c2.goals":"Define trust and its role in your team's success.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c2.title":"Maximize your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how trust can be rebuilt, when necessary, to strengthen the relationships within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c3.goals":"Engage strategies that repair trust and encourage openness on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to lean into your own growth and support the growth of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c4.goals":"Define personal and team growth goals and the paths to get there.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c5.description":"In our final conversation together, you will reflect on what feels imperative to you in creating a culture of openness.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness.","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.trust_and_listening_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new partner and explore the topic of belonging at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer by sharing your existing strengths. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover ways to expand your sphere of influence through collaboration. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2.goals":"Invite others in to make a positive impact on your work.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2.title":"Increase Your Reach","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will openly discuss and find ways to navigate a key obstacle to the sense of belonging on any team - conflict.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3.goals":"Identify strategies for navigating conflict that encourage resolution. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3.title":"Navigating Conflict","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the role recognition and appreciation play in fostering a sense of belonging on your team. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4.goals":"Identify ways to recognize and appreciate others.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4.title":"Appreciate Others","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your what you've learned about your influence on belonging in your team and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5.goals":"Double down on your efforts to drive belonging on your team.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer connection and begin exploring how to unlock your potential at work.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer and explore what drives your sense of fulfillment at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on what drives your sense of fulfillment and plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring how to unlock your potential at work.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of fulfillment at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg \n","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg \n","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg \n","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg \n","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on what drives your sense of fulfillment and plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg \n","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and begin exploring how to unlock your potential at work.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore what drives your sense of fulfillment at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Quality relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of growth that help drive your sense of fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5.image":"https://imperative.s3.amazonaws.com/images/peer-conversations/people_conversation_1.jpeg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on our impact at work. When we are making an impact that matters to us, we are more successful and fulfilled. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.goals":"Identify how to maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1.title":"Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Quality relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.goals":"Identify relationships that play a critical role in your fulfillment.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_2.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2.title":"Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on how you are growing at work. When we grow in alignment with what drives us, we feel more fulfilled and successful.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.goals":"Take ownership of your growth in a way that matters to you.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_3.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3.title":"Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will build on what you've learned about fulfillment and explore how you can make meaningful changes at work to be successful.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1.goals":"Choose one area of fulfillment to reflect on and strengthen this week.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1.title":"Own Your Fulfillment","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will uncover your ability to navigate challenges successfully at work by identifying potential biases. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2.goals":"Explore how you can effectively respond to challenges by using your strengths.","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2.title":"Navigate Challenges","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on what you've learned about unlocking your potential at work so you can continue owning your fulfillment and success. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3.goals":"Pinpoint the themes in your work experiences that help you feel energized and positive at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3.title":"Connect the Dots","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and reflect on your professional identity and the perspective you bring to work every day.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1.goals":"You will begin to explore how biases affect relationships, impact, and growth.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on opportunities to build stronger relationships with people who have different perspectives at work.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2.goals":"Commit to strengthening a relationship with a differing perspective.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will explore how your values impact your perspective and personal growth at work.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3.goals":"Explore the relationship between your core values and your openness to change.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will explore how your strengths can also be the areas where you have biases, which can prevent effective collaboration.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4.goals":"Identify one area where your biases may be limiting your success.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how to harness your values and strengths to continue learning from and appreciating differing perspectives.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5.goals":"Identify how you will continue to work on embracing different perspectives.","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on your leadership style. Owning this style gives you the ability to inspire, build trust and lead authentically.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1.goals":"Reflect on your leadership style and recognize what you uniquely bring to your role.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore your role in ensuring psychological safety within your team.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2.goals":"Identify actions you can take to build psychological safety.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2.title":"Make it Safe","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways you and your direct reports remain accountable.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3.goals":"Identify accountability strategies to meet the current work environment. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3.title":"Stay Accountable","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore ways to adapt your leadership to meet the current moment of work at Zillow. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4.goals":"Identify strategies to adapt your style to meet the current needs of your direct reports. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4.title":"Managing through Change","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of your growth as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship and explore ZG Manager Capabilities together. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1.goals":"Begin conversations and learn about each other's roles at ZG.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we'll reflect on the capability of making and owning decisions as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2.goals":"Identify strengths and opportunities to improve your decision-making.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2.title":"Making & Owning Decisions","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3.description":"This conversation will help you reflect on your approach to inspecting the day-to-day, such as checking in on progress, setting expectations, and empowering your team.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on how you and your team integrate accountability and inspect the day-to-day. Commit to your next steps before leaving the conversation.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3.title":"Leading with Accountability","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4.description":"Let's consider ways you can support team members by giving and receiving ongoing, consistent and clear feedback.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4.goals":"Gain confidence in giving and receiving feedback.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4.title":"Giving & Receiving Feedback","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5.description":"This conversation will help you reflect on key takeaways from your conversations and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5.goals":"Share key takeaways and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore how this relationship can support you with engaging in Crucial Conversations.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and consider your growth goals at Zillow.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways Crucial Conversations can help you maximize the impact you have in your work. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways to maximize your impact through Crucial Conversations.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2.title":"Maximize Your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will identify the Crucial Conversations that will help you strengthen your relationships at work. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3.goals":"Identify opportunities to strengthen your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how Crucial Conversations can support your ability to achieve your growth goals. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4.goals":"Own your career growth through Crucial Conversations.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on key elements of your growth as a Zillow team member.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship while reflecting on the topic of goal-setting.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key takeaways from our conversations and make a plan to stay connected. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on key learnings and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will begin the process of developing a new, meaningful peer relationship while reflecting on the topic of goal-setting.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20c.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on key takeaways from our conversations and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20c.goals":"Reflect on key learnings and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20c.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20c.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will be introduced and begin your conversation experience with your new Zillow Mentor/Intern.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1.goals":"Get to know each other and understand your goals for the program. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1.title":"ZG Connect","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, we will explore your purpose and consider ways to align it to your career. It's a starting point, we won't worry about having it all figured out today. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2.goals":"Explore your purpose insights and consider possible ways to align it to your career.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2.title":"Career Exploration","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, we will consider what inspires you and how it relates to what's possible for your career.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3.goals":"Reflect on what inspires you and define what's possible for your career.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3.title":"Career Aspirations","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, we will consider how you define career growth and the ways you feel inspired to expand your comfort zone.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4.goals":"Define career growth for yourself and explore the opportunities ahead.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on what we have learned so that you can drive your career forward in alignment with your purpose.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5.goals":"Consider how to maximize your remaining internship experience and drive your career forward.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore the ways this relationship can support your development as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore how this relationship can help you maximize your growth as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the connection between your authentic leadership style and the Leader of Others leadership behaviors.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2.goals":"Engage your authentic leadership style to enhance your development as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2.title":"Lead Authentically","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will develop strategies to effectively support your team members in setting and prioritizing meaningful objectives.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3.goals":"Improve your team's ability to set and prioritize meaningful objectives.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3.title":"Set Meaningful Objectives","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on new strategies for delegating responsibilities and following up with your direct reports.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4.goals":"Increase your effectiveness around delegating responsibilities and following up with your direct reports.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4.title":"Delegate and Follow Up","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of your growth so far as a leader. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your new peer coach and further utilize this relationship to support your development as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and explore how this relationship can help you maximize your growth as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect and further incorporate the leadership behavior of coaching and developing your direct reports. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2.goals":"Incorporate a coaching mindset into the way you lead your team.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2.title":"Coach and Develop Direct Reports","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will develop clear strategies to assess the performance of and provide feedback to your direct reports.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3.goals":"Increase your assessment and feedback skills to enhance the performance of your team.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3.title":"Assess and Improve Performance","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will refine your approach to building your team with qualified team members and creating a positive team environment.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4.goals":"Improve your approach to building your team as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4.title":"Build Your Team","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5.goals":"Reflect on the key elements of your growth as a leader.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1.description":"In this conversation, you will connect with your peer coach and explore how this relationship can help you build rapport and retain Partners.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1.goals":"Connect with your peer coach and consider your growth goals at Zillow.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1.title":"Connect with Peer","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2.description":"In this conversation, you will explore the ways rapport building maximizes the impact of your work. ","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2.goals":"Identify ways that rapport building can help maximize your impact.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2.title":"Maximize your Impact","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3.description":"In this conversation, you will identify ways the behaviors of rapport can strengthen your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3.goals":"Identify opportunities to strengthen your relationships at work.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3.title":"Strengthen Your Relationships","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4.description":"In this conversation, you will explore how rapport building can support your ability to achieve your growth goals.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4.goals":"Own your career growth through rapport building.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4.title":"Own Your Growth","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5.description":"In this conversation, you will reflect on the growth you've had through this peer coaching relationship and make a plan to stay connected.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5.goals":"Reflect on key elements of your growth as a Zillow team member.","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5.image":"https://s3.amazonaws.com/imperative/images/peer-conversations/conversation_1.jpg","peerconversation.conversation.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5.title":"Stay Connected","peerconversation.notes.edit.button":"Edit notes","peerconversation.program.accolade_culture.description":"Accolade's company culture helps us move forward, navigate change, and take care of each other along the way. In this conversation set, you will explore the 6 Core Values (Member Obsessed, Be Fearless, Stronger Together, Genuine Care, Embrace Reality and Relentless Execution) that represent who Accolade is today and who we aspire to be. As you explore with a partner, you will also build a new meaningful peer relationship. ","peerconversation.program.accolade_culture.title":"Accolade's Core Values ","peerconversation.program.accolade_leadership_ss.description":"Our Leadership Commitments define what great leadership looks like at Accolade. When we have great people leaders, we help build careers and a culture that everyone loves. With each conversation you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on a leadership commitment. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.accolade_leadership_ss.title":"Accolade Leadership Commitments - Self Select","peerconversation.program.activate_your_purpose_comp.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best.","peerconversation.program.activate_your_purpose_comp.title":"Activate Your Purpose P3","peerconversation.program.activate_your_purpose_p1.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. More deeply understanding our unique attributes allows each of us to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best.","peerconversation.program.activate_your_purpose_p1.title":"Activate Your Purpose P1","peerconversation.program.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable.description":"\"How can we ensure the people closest to the work have the authority to make decisions?\" The answer: Adaptive Leadership. The following conversations will help you further adopt elements of Adaptive Leadership. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders. ","peerconversation.program.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable.title":"Adaptive Leadership at Equitable","peerconversation.program.bsci_ir_png_managers.description":"Your conversations together will support building a trusted relationship with a colleague from another site. You will be invited to share about your role and your work experience at Boston Scientific. Through the sharing of experiences, the goal is to support ongoing collaboration and inclusive leadership between sites.","peerconversation.program.bsci_ir_png_managers.title":"Boston Scientific Manager to Manager","peerconversation.program.bsci_prog_ko.description":"These conversations will enable you to form a strong first connection with another program participant. You will have opportunities to share about your career path, explore your personal strengths, and discuss in depth how you hope to grow professionally from this experience.","peerconversation.program.bsci_prog_ko.title":"BSC Program Kick Off & Intro","peerconversation.program.bs_intro_peer_coaching.description":" ","peerconversation.program.bs_intro_peer_coaching.title":"Introduction to Peer Coaching","peerconversation.program.casper_sleeps.description":"In 2020, Casper is evolving every store interaction from a mattress sale to an authentic experience rooted in human connection. Whether you are a Sleep Specialist or a Store Manager, this conversation set is designed to help you understand your role in creating connection moments throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.program.casper_sleeps.title":"Casper SLEEPS","peerconversation.program.corp_values_demo.description":"ACME Corporation's values are the foundation of our culture – and your work helps us bring them to life! As you complete this series of coaching conversations, you will gain personal insights about how our values have showed up in your own work and life, and how your work here contributes to our success as a team.","peerconversation.program.corp_values_demo.title":"Corporate Values, Reimagined","peerconversation.program.cultivate_collaboration.description":"The most purpose-driven people seek out collaboration, and they make others feel valued for their abilities. This peer coaching conversation set will help you uncover when you feel a greater sense of collaboration and begin to identify ways you can cultivate collaboration on your team.","peerconversation.program.cultivate_collaboration.title":"Cultivate Collaboration","peerconversation.program.custom_demo.description":"Custom Conversation Demo (longer description)","peerconversation.program.custom_demo.title":"Custom Conversation Demo","peerconversation.program.defining_success_a3.description":"In these conversations, you will explore your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will define what personal success is for you, while you develop a meaningful peer relationship. ","peerconversation.program.defining_success_a3.title":"Defining Success A3","peerconversation.program.defining_success_c8.description":"In these conversations, you will explore your personal expectations for your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will define what personal success is for you, while you develop a trusted peer relationship at Target.","peerconversation.program.defining_success_c8.title":"Target Defining Success C8","peerconversation.program.discover_peer_coaching_p4.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. Experience how peer coaching conversations on Imperative foster trusted connections with our peers while empowering us to own our fulfillment and productivity. ","peerconversation.program.discover_peer_coaching_p4.title":"Discover Peer Coaching P4","peerconversation.program.disney_purposeful_career.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to provide a safe environment for you to explore and plan for your career aspirations with the support of a peer at The Walt Disney Company.","peerconversation.program.disney_purposeful_career.title":"Disney Purposeful Career","peerconversation.program.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to give you time to reflect, prioritize your fulfillment and build a meaningful relationship with another member of the Black Talent Network at Disney.","peerconversation.program.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12.title":"Disney Unlock Your Potential C12","peerconversation.program.drive_your_career.description":"Your career aspirations and how meaningful work is defined begins with you. Taking the time to reflect on your values and the legacy you want to leave can help you uncover the skills, experiences and aspirations that align with your purpose.","peerconversation.program.drive_your_career.title":"Lead with Purpose","peerconversation.program.effective_leadership_engagement.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness. Together, you will continue to integrate the key elements of trust and listening into your daily leadership, while also developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.program.effective_leadership_engagement.title":"BSci Effective Leadership Engagement","peerconversation.program.eoy_2_convo.description":"It's nearing the end of the calendar year and you've been working hard to make a difference for you, your team and your organization. In two conversations you will give the year a much-deserved reflection: celebrate your purpose moments, recognize your growth, share your wins and support a peer as they do the same. After all, the new year is just around the corner, and we want you to feel ready to take it on.","peerconversation.program.eoy_2_convo.title":"EOY Career Conversation","peerconversation.program.eqh_program.description":" ","peerconversation.program.eqh_program.title":"EQH Business Principles","peerconversation.program.equitable_wellbeing.description":"These conversations together will help you apply resilience and energy management techniques to your personal and professional life, while you build a meaningful relationship with a peer.","peerconversation.program.equitable_wellbeing.title":"Equitable Wellbeing","peerconversation.program.foster_belonging.description":"The most purpose-driven people seek out a sense of belonging, and they make others feel valued and included. This peer coaching conversation set will help you uncover when you feel a greater sense of belonging and begin to identify ways you can foster a sense of belonging on your team.","peerconversation.program.foster_belonging.title":"Foster Belonging","peerconversation.program.free_trial_experience_a_career.description":"In this conversation, you and your partner will reflect on your early career inspiration and identify an opportunity to connect to it in your current work. ","peerconversation.program.free_trial_experience_a_career.title":"Free Trial Experience A: Career","peerconversation.program.free_trial_experience_b_relationships.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.program.free_trial_experience_b_relationships.title":"Free Trial Experience B: Relationships","peerconversation.program.icf_apply_belonging.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the belonging pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.icf_apply_belonging.title":"ICF Apply Belonging","peerconversation.program.icf_apply_voice_c10.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the voice pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.icf_apply_voice_c10.title":"ICF Apply Voice C10","peerconversation.program.icf_inclusive_culture_c5.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the objectivity pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.icf_inclusive_culture_c5.title":"Inclusive Culture C5","peerconversation.program.icf_inclusive_culture.description":"In the following conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect on and apply the objectivity pillar of inclusive cultures. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other throughout your learning journey.","peerconversation.program.icf_inclusive_culture.title":"Inclusive Culture","peerconversation.program.imp_act_your_purpose.description":"filler","peerconversation.program.imp_act_your_purpose.title":"filler","peerconversation.program.imp_adap.description":"Adaptability Program","peerconversation.program.imp_adap.title":"Adaptability Program","peerconversation.program.imp_auth.description":"Authenticity Program","peerconversation.program.imp_auth.title":"Authenticity Program","peerconversation.program.imp_bias.description":"In the following conversations, you will learn to embrace the strengths within your identity and worldview. You will also recognize and learn to manage associated biases that may get in the way of building relationships, making rational decisions, and seeing opportunities.","peerconversation.program.imp_bias.title":"Unconscious Bias","peerconversation.program.imp_career_dev.description":"Wouldn't it be awesome if you could create a dream career path that wasn't defined for you by the next predictable promotion? This conversation set is designed to help you with exactly that! Together with your peer coach, you will identify the skills, experiences, and drivers of fulfillment that make you a unique contributor. Knowing the sources of your uniqueness is critical to designing a career pathway that will maximize your gifts and make you happy all at the same time.","peerconversation.program.imp_career_dev.title":"Owning Your Career","peerconversation.program.imperative_corporate_values.description":"Corp Values longer description.","peerconversation.program.imperative_corporate_values.title":"Corporate Values","peerconversation.program.imperative_introduction.description":"Welcome to Imperative. You are going to have the opportunity to experience conversations on Imperative. ","peerconversation.program.imperative_introduction.title":"Free Trial Experience C: Career & Relationships v2","peerconversation.program.imp_innovation.description":"Innovation Program","peerconversation.program.imp_innovation.title":"Innovation Program","peerconversation.program.imp_intro_to_pc.description":"Over the course of six conversations you will understand what brings meaning to your work and how to maximize it. After each conversation you will chose incremental actions to bring more meaning to your work so that by the end of these conversations you will begin to optimize your work to thrive. ","peerconversation.program.imp_intro_to_pc.title":"Finding Your Fulfillment","peerconversation.program.imp_mgr_dev.description":"Your leadership is making a difference. Within these first three conversations, you will discover how the strengths you already have can be used to lead your team through change. Each conversation will ask you to reflect, share and choose a relevant action, while you simultaneously build a meaningful connection with a peer.","peerconversation.program.imp_mgr_dev.title":"Leading Through Change M1","peerconversation.program.imp_org_purpose_activation.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best. \n\nLearning Objectives:\n●\tReflect on moments where purpose has been present in your life. \n●\tExplore who you impact, how you make an impact, and why you have an impact which all drive your unique sense of purpose.\n●\tConnect your individual sense of purpose to your day-to-day work.\n●\tExpand your sense of purpose through active engagement of what drives you.\n●\tGive and receive support from a fellow member of your team.","peerconversation.program.imp_org_purpose_activation.title":"Organization Purpose Activation","peerconversation.program.imp_purpose_activation.description":"What is purpose? According to Aaron Hurst (CEO and founder of Imperative), purpose is “the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists.” (The Purpose Economy, 2016). In that definition, it becomes clear that purpose is not only what you do, but who you impact, how you make an impact, and why you have an impact. The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best. In the following conversations, you will explore how purpose has shown up in your life, how it shows up in your current career, and expand that sense of purpose as you look to the future. \n\nLearning Objectives:\n●\tReflect on moments where purpose has been present in your life. \n●\tExplore who you impact, how you make an impact, and why you have an impact which all drive your unique sense of purpose.\n●\tConnect your individual sense of purpose to your day-to-day work.\n●\tExpand your sense of purpose through active engagement of what drives you.\n●\tGive and receive support from a fellow member of your team. \n","peerconversation.program.imp_purpose_activation.title":"Individual Purpose Activation","peerconversation.program.imp_teamwork.description":"This module’s conversations originate from Google’s “Project Aristotle” (2014) which focused on “What makes an effective team?” In the following conversations, you will recognize the 5 traits of effective teams: Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact as they relate to your experiences of working on teams. You will also apply the knowledge you gain to improve your team’s effectiveness.","peerconversation.program.imp_teamwork.title":"Teamwork","peerconversation.program.inspire_innovation_a5.description":"Innovation enables you to adapt, stay creative and continuously add value to your team. In these conversations, you and your peer coach will explore how being curious and driven to make an impact can bring out the innovator in all of us.","peerconversation.program.inspire_innovation_a5.title":"Inspire Innovation A5","peerconversation.program.kp_activating_purpose_v2.description":"At KP, our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. In fact, through our Shared Agenda, we have a bold ambition to transform the health of our nation and to create more healthy years for millions of Americans. In order to lead the transformation of health and healthcare in America, we strive to reimagine what’s possible. That’s where you come in!\n\nLearning Objectives:\n- I can identify KPs organizational mission.\n- I have started to connect my purpose to the KP mission.\n- I have developed a new connection in the KP organization.","peerconversation.program.kp_activating_purpose_v2.title":"Activating My Purpose at KP","peerconversation.program.kp peer coaching.description":"filler","peerconversation.program.kp peer coaching.title":"filler","peerconversation.program.kp_peer_poaching.description":"Through Imperative's Peer Coaching program, each of us will be able to connect our individual purpose more closely with KP's mission, create more fulfilling work for ourselves, and make KP an even better place to work.","peerconversation.program.kp_peer_poaching.title":"Peer Conversations","peerconversation.program.leadingpurpose.description":" ","peerconversation.program.leadingpurpose.title":"Leading with Purpose Program","peerconversation.program.leadingvalues.description":" ","peerconversation.program.leadingvalues.title":"Leading with Values Program","peerconversation.program.lets_break_silos.description":"Working with others on a team or within a department can lead to great success toward any goal. That success is only made greater when we introduce diverse perspectives and make time to cross-collaborate. This conversation set will help you better understand other parts of the business as well as build relationships across the organizations.","peerconversation.program.lets_break_silos.title":"Let's Break Silos","peerconversation.program.manager_one_on_one.description":"This is the Program for the Activate your Fulfilling Career Conversation","peerconversation.program.manager_one_on_one.title":"Manager One on One Conversation","peerconversation.program.mindset.description":" ","peerconversation.program.mindset.title":"Purpose Mindset","peerconversation.program.msft_ise_3c_thriving.description":"To thrive is to be energized and empowered to do meaningful work. The Thriving measure averages three items—Empowerment, Energy, Meaning. You will be guided through a series of conversations that will help you reflect, share and apply aspects of thriving into your ISE role, as you build a trusted relationship with a peer. ","peerconversation.program.msft_ise_3c_thriving.title":"Microsoft ISE 3C's and Thriving","peerconversation.program.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt.description":"We believe effective technical leaders ensure their teams contribute directly to organizational success by fostering collaboration, innovation, and delivering high-quality solutions. The following conversations will help meet these goals and help you step further into a leadership approach that matches your own unique style. You will do this while building a new, trusted peer relationship that will help you be successful. ","peerconversation.program.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt.title":"Microsoft: Leadership Behaviors","peerconversation.program.mswd_lets_break_silos.description":"Working with others on a team or within a department can lead to great success toward any goal. That success is only made greater when we introduce diverse perspectives and make time to cross-collaborate. This conversation set will help you better understand other parts of the business as well as build relationships across the organizations.","peerconversation.program.mswd_lets_break_silos.title":"Microsoft WD Silo Busting","peerconversation.program.navigate_change.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to successfully navigate the changes you are experiencing at work - organizationally and personally. Let's talk about the challenges, how to support each other, and what we need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.program.navigate_change.title":"Navigating Change","peerconversation.program.navigating_change.description":"Disney Navigating Change Conversation Description","peerconversation.program.navigating_change.title":"Disney Navigating Change","peerconversation.program.navigating_leadership.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to lead yourself and your team through changes you are experiencing at work. You'll talk about the challenges, your leadership style, and what you need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.program.navigating_leadership.title":"Navigating Leadership - People Managers","peerconversation.program.own_your_career.description":"In this conversation set, you will help each other reflect on your career experiences and aspirations. You'll explore your personal sense of purpose and uncover ways to take action to own your career, all while developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.program.own_your_career.title":"Disney Own Your Career","peerconversation.program.own_your_well-being_a7.description":"In this conversation set, you will continue to reflect and learn about what you need to prioritize your well-being so that you can own it. When we prioritize our own well-being first, we are helping to create a culture of well-being on our teams. You'll develop a new trusted peer relationship and walk away with more clarity on your own well-being.","peerconversation.program.own_your_well-being_a7.title":"Own your Well-Being A7","peerconversation.program.p10_wellbeing_success_ss.description":"This set of conversations will provide thoughtful reflections and awareness building that enables your success. You will discuss how to enhance your impact, successfully navigate work challenges and take ownership of your wellbeing.","peerconversation.program.p10_wellbeing_success_ss.title":"Wellbeing & Success","peerconversation.program.p11_lead_empower_others_ss.description":"This series of conversations will support you as a manager to lead more confidently and authentically, heighten your awareness of team dynamics, and reflect on your role as a culture carrier. ","peerconversation.program.p11_lead_empower_others_ss.title":"Lead & Empower Others - Manager to Manager","peerconversation.program.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.program.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss.title":"Career Mentoring for General (Mid Career) Self Select","peerconversation.program.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative. ","peerconversation.program.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss.title":"Career Mentoring for General (Early Career) Self Select","peerconversation.program.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative. ","peerconversation.program.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt.title":"Career Mentoring for General (Mgr/Leader) Self Select","peerconversation.program.p15_bsci_ppl_leader.description":"In these conversations you will work with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific to set a foundation for leading your new team. You'll explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead, navigate times of uncertainty and demonstrate BSC values and behaviors.","peerconversation.program.p15_bsci_ppl_leader.title":"Do Not Use - Boston Scientific - People Leader Experience","peerconversation.program.p16_bsci_ppl_leader.description":"In these conversations you will work with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific to set a foundation for leading your new team. You'll explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead, navigate times of uncertainty and demonstrate BSC values and behaviors.","peerconversation.program.p16_bsci_ppl_leader.title":"Final - Boston Scientific - People Leader Experience","peerconversation.program.p17_year_round_connection.description":"These conversations will be an opportunity to reflect on our roles and upcoming goals, as well as how we can build a more connected and collaborative workplace.","peerconversation.program.p17_year_round_connection.title":"Year Round for Connection","peerconversation.program.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss.description":"Our best work is done when we meld our own perspectives with the diverse viewpoints and experiences of others. This not only supports our own growth, but helps us create new solutions, and meet the goals of our broader organization. In this conversation set, we will explore opportunities to broaden your perspective in ways that support your success, strengthen your relationships, and help you solve problems. You will do this all while building a new, trusted peer connection.","peerconversation.program.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss.title":"Diverse Perspectives","peerconversation.program.p1_design_career.description":"filler","peerconversation.program.p1_design_career.title":"Design Your Career - Mentoring (Early Career)","peerconversation.program.p2_start_year.description":"These conversations will be an opportunity to reflect on our roles and upcoming goals for the year, as well as how we can build a more connected and collaborative workplace.","peerconversation.program.p2_start_year.title":"Start the Year with Connection","peerconversation.program.p3_paving_way.description":"In these conversations we will pave the way forward in our professional growth. We'll discuss how we stay in alignment with our priorities, positively influence our workplaces, and make decisions confidently.","peerconversation.program.p3_paving_way.title":"Paving the Way - Career Development","peerconversation.program.p4_navigating_lead.description":"In these conversations you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead and navigate times of uncertainty.","peerconversation.program.p4_navigating_lead.title":"Navigating Leadership - Part II (Mgr to Mgr)","peerconversation.program.p5_paving_way_ss.description":"This set of conversations will enable participants to take their engagement to the next level. A range of discussion topics encourage participants to focus on choosing priorities with purpose, explore collaboration efforts, and move forward in their roles with confidence.","peerconversation.program.p5_paving_way_ss.title":"Paving the Way (for Career Growth) - Self Select","peerconversation.program.p6_early_mentor_ss.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.program.p6_early_mentor_ss.title":"PwC Career Mentoring (Early Career) -Self Select","peerconversation.program.p7_mid_mentor_ss.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.program.p7_mid_mentor_ss.title":"PwC Career Mentoring (Mid Career) - Self Select","peerconversation.program.p8_leader_mentor_ss.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.program.p8_leader_mentor_ss.title":"PwC Career Mentoring (Mgr/Leader) - Self Select","peerconversation.program.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss.description":"These conversations aim to create an open and supportive dialogue between a manager and direct report, focusing on the direct report's professional development, impact, and sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.program.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss.title":"Collaborative Career Growth - Mgr/DR Early Career","peerconversation.program.peer_coaching_demo_a1.description":"Welcome to peer coaching on Imperative. In this demo conversation you are going to have the opportunity to have a real coaching conversation with a peer and see how the Imperative platform enables every employee to serve as a coach.","peerconversation.program.peer_coaching_demo_a1.title":"Peer Coaching Demo A1","peerconversation.program.peer_coaching_guide.description":"Unlock insights about your potential and what may be holding you back by reflecting on your purpose drivers with a peer. [Why Peer Coaching?](/grow/purpose-academy?microlesson=article-1)[Tips for Coaching.](/grow/purpose-academy?microlesson=article-2)","peerconversation.program.peer_coaching_guide.title":"Discover Your Purpose & Own Your Career","peerconversation.program.prioritize_well-being_a6.description":"In this conversation set, you will explore personal well-being as it relates to your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will explore the ways in which you care for yourself and others, while developing a new trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.prioritize_well-being_a6.title":"Prioritize Well-being A6","peerconversation.program.purposeful_and_proud.description":"Purposeful & Proud Description","peerconversation.program.purposeful_and_proud.title":"Purposeful & Proud","peerconversation.program.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential.description":"Work feels fulfilling when we are able to build trusted relationships, make an impact and grow personally. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work at PwC- unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.program.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential.title":"PwC AWM Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.program.pwc_navigating_change.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to successfully navigate the changes you are experiencing at work - both at the firm and personally. Let's talk about the challenges, how to support each other, and what we need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.program.pwc_navigating_change.title":"PWC Navigating Change","peerconversation.program.pwc_uk_silo_busting.description":"PwC UK Silo Busting Convo Description","peerconversation.program.pwc_uk_silo_busting.title":"PwC UK Silo Busting","peerconversation.program.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot.description":"Welcome to your peer coaching experience. In this abbreviated 3 conversation pilot experience, you and your partner will reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work- unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.program.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot.title":"PWC Unlock Your Potential Pilot","peerconversation.program.realizing_opportunity_a2.description":"In these conversations, you will identify what you need to be your best self in your current role. Together- you will hold each other accountable to take action and realize the opportunity to maximize your fulfillment and success.","peerconversation.program.realizing_opportunity_a2.title":"Realizing Opportunity A2","peerconversation.program.realizingpotential.description":" ","peerconversation.program.realizingpotential.title":"Realizing Your Potential Program","peerconversation.program.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt.description":"How we work has changed greatly over the last few years, and it's crucial that we continue adapting, innovating, and seeking more fulfillment in our work. In the following conversations, you will explore the role you play in supporting your team's ability to adapt and innovate. You will do this all while building a new, trusted peer connection that will help you be successful. ","peerconversation.program.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt.title":"Adaptive Teams","peerconversation.program.selling_withpurpose.description":"Selling with Purpose","peerconversation.program.selling_withpurpose.title":"Selling with Purpose","peerconversation.program.skilling_circles.description":"We each work in a dynamic and fast-paced business and technology landscape that requires the ability to tackle intricate challenges with flexibility and agility. Whether you're leading a team, managing projects, doing engineering or working collaboratively, honing your agility skills can make all the difference.","peerconversation.program.skilling_circles.title":"Microsoft Upskilling Conversation","peerconversation.program.storytelling.description":" ","peerconversation.program.storytelling.title":"Storytelling","peerconversation.program.stress_mgmt.description":"Stress Management","peerconversation.program.stress_mgmt.title":"Stress Management","peerconversation.program.target_well-being_2.description":"In this conversation set, you will continue to reflect and learn about what you need to prioritize your well-being so that you can own it. When we prioritize our own well-being first, we are helping to create a culture of care on our teams. You'll develop a new trusted peer relationship at Target and walk away with more clarity on your own well-being.","peerconversation.program.target_well-being_2.title":"Target Well-Being 2","peerconversation.program.target_well_being_c11.description":"In this conversation set, you will explore personal well-being as it relates to your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will explore the ways in which you care for yourself and others, while developing a new trusted peer relationship at Target.","peerconversation.program.target_well_being_c11.title":"Target Well-Being C11 ","peerconversation.program.test_convo_1.description":"This is a test conversation for testing new dynamic content, etc. updating to open new version","peerconversation.program.test_convo_1.title":"Test Convo 1","peerconversation.program.trust_and_listening.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness. Together you will explore the ways in which you can contribute to openness through the elements of trust and listening, while also developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.program.trust_and_listening.title":"Trust and Listening","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_influence.description":"This conversation set will help you identify, embrace, and prepare for your own greatest opportunities to help foster and promote a culture of belonging. Get ready to leverage your influence!","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_influence.title":"Culture of Belonging\n","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_a1.description":"Work feels fulfilling when we are able to build trusted relationships, make an impact and grow personally. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work - unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_a1.title":"Unlock Your Potential A1","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_c9.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to give you time to reflect, prioritize your fulfillment and build a meaningful relationship with another peer at i4cp.","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_c9.title":"i4cp Unlock Your Potential C9","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. We are navigating an unprecedented time in our society. Now more than ever, we need connection with our peers. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how to activate them in your work. ","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_g4.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. We are navigating an unprecedented time in our society. Now more than ever, we need connection with our peers. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how to activate them in your work. ","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential_g4.title":"Unlock Your Potential G4","peerconversation.program.unlock_your_potential.title":"Unlock Your Potential G3","peerconversation.program.valuing_perspectives_a4.description":"In these conversations, you will explore how your perspective shapes how you solve problems, build relationships, and develop your skills. Together - you will also deepen your appreciation for different perspectives while building a new trusted peer relationship. ","peerconversation.program.valuing_perspectives_a4.title":"Valuing Perspectives A4","peerconversation.program.zillow_ces_managers.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on the actions you can take to maximize the effectiveness of your leadership. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders.","peerconversation.program.zillow_ces_managers.title":"Manager Effectiveness","peerconversation.program.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs.description":"Your conversations together will help you build a trusted peer relationship with another ZG leader through storytelling and reflection. You will also be able to discuss and apply specific Manager Capabilities to enhance your confidence and efficacy as a manager.","peerconversation.program.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs.title":"Zillow CloudHQ People Managers","peerconversation.program.zillow_crucial_conversations.description":"Getting results often requires direct, honest and at times, difficult conversation. In these conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect and apply what you've learned from the Crucial Conversations workshop. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other's growth. ","peerconversation.program.zillow_crucial_conversations.title":"Crucial Conversations","peerconversation.program.zillow_goal_setting_all.description":"Goals are more than just benchmarks to reach. They help us focus our shared work and are important opportunities for growth at all levels - individual, team, and organization. Based on the conversations you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on key elements of goal-setting that help you be more successful in your role. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.zillow_goal_setting_all.title":"Goal-Setting at Zillow (All)","peerconversation.program.zillow_goal_setting_pm.description":"Goals are more than just benchmarks to reach. They help us focus our shared work and are important opportunities for growth at all levels - individual, team, and organization. Based on the conversations you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on key elements of goal-setting that help you be more successful in your role. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.program.zillow_goal_setting_pm.title":"Goal-Setting at Zillow (PM)","peerconversation.program.zillow_intern_program.description":"Zillow Intern Program description","peerconversation.program.zillow_intern_program.title":"Zillow Intern Program","peerconversation.program.zillow_leader_of_others.description":"Your leadership is making a difference. Within these conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect and apply each of the leadership behaviors you explored in the Leader of Others program. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders. ","peerconversation.program.zillow_leader_of_others.title":"Leader of Others","peerconversation.program.zillow_retention_pilot.description":"Building strong relationships with our Partners is important to Zillow success. You will have the opportunity to practice and apply best practices with one of your ZG peers. These peer coaching conversations will help you to create a stronger muscle around building rapport behaviors, that increase Partner retention.","peerconversation.program.zillow_retention_pilot.title":"Retention Pilot: Building Rapport","peerconversation.qualityrate.button":"Finish","peerconversation.qualityrate.error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later.","peerconversation.qualityrate.options.option1":"Not Helpful","peerconversation.qualityrate.options.option2":"Somewhat Helpful","peerconversation.qualityrate.options.option3":"Helpful","peerconversation.qualityrate.options.option4":"Very Helpful","peerconversation.qualityrate.options.option5":"Breakthrough","peerconversation.qualityrate.subtitle":"Select answer","peerconversation.qualityrate.title":"How helpful was your conversation today with {{member.firstName}}?","peerconversation.qualityrate.warning":"Please indicate how helpful your conversation was today before you move on.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What drew you to your role?\" and \"What would your team members highlight as your strengths?\"\n\nTip: This is your opportunity to learn more about your peer. Ask follow-up questions. ","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now let's hear from you. What should I know about you personally and professionally? Tell me about yourself and your role.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have an exciting opportunity to connect with someone new at Accolade and reflect on our culture and values together. Let's start by sharing about ourselves. \n\nTell me a little bit about yourself and your role. What feels important for me to know about you personally and professionally?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What does this tell you about how you contribute to Accolade's culture?\"\n\nTip: Show up with curiosity so your peer knows you are interested in what they are sharing.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon for insights into your purpose style. \n\nWhat resonates? Why? When do you feel at your best at work?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's now learn more about each other and when we are at our best.\n\nClick the profile icon for a description of your purpose style. \nWhat resonates with you? When do you feel at your best at work?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Which of the Core Values are easy for you to embrace? And which values need more of your attention?\"\n\nTip: There are no right/wrong answers here. Focus on active listening even if their perspective is different from yours.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Reflect on the Core Values - Member Obsessed, Be Fearless, Stronger Together, Genuine Care, Embrace Reality and Relentless Execution.\n\nWhich are we already doing well? Which values can we embrace more fully? Why?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations focused on embracing our company values at Accolade: Member Obsessed, Be Fearless, Stronger Together, Genuine Care, Embrace Reality and Relentless Execution.\n\nFrom your perspective, which of these Core Values do we at Accolade already do well? Which still feel aspirational? Why?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What is your personal why behind your work? Share an example story.\"\n\nTip: Encourage storytelling from your peer.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat does \"We are Member Obsessed. Members are our why.\" mean to you personally? What inspires you about our members and our mission?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Let's start today by connecting to the \"why\" of our work. Reflect on the phrase, \"We are Member Obsessed. Members are our why.\"\n\nWhat does this mean to you? What inspires you about our members and our mission?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"From your perspective, what is your biggest opportunity to better the lives of our members through your role?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer connect the work they do to the experience of our members.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How does your work impact our members? How do you see your work benefiting them?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q2.title":"Even if you don't interact with members directly in your role, you still have an opportunity to make our members' lives better. A key question we can ask ourselves is, \"Is this going to make our member's lives measurably better?\" during our day-to-day tasks.\n\nIn what way(s) does your work impact our members? Share the story of how your work gets to our members.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Where might you have an opportunity to Be Fearless within your work?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to brainstorm ideas outside of their comfort zone.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"“We think differently. We do what’s never been done. We are reinventing healthcare every step of the way.”\n\nWhat does \"\"Be Fearless\"\" mean to you? Why is it so important for our members and customers?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c2_q3.title":"While our members are our \"why\", our approach must Be Fearless. Consider the quote, “We think differently. We do what’s never been done. We are reinventing healthcare every step of the way.” \n\nWhat comes to mind for you when you hear \"Be Fearless\"? Why is being fearless so important for our members and customers?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"How often do you bring this to your role? Share an example\" and \"What would your closest team members add?\"\n\nTip: Sometimes it's difficult to own our strengths. Encourage your peer to know their value.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Click the profile to help you brainstorm.\n\nHow do you uniquely add to our culture? What sets you apart?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q1.title":"I'm excited to be back with you as we continue reflecting on Accolade's Core Values. To start us off today, let's consider how Accolade teams are built: “We seek to hire people who align with our values AND will add to our culture in a meaningful way.”\n\nHow do you see yourself adding to our culture? Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What's an opportunity you see for Accolade to do better at this? Where do we start?\"\n\nTip: Encourage a growth mindset.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How do you see it? “We honor the differences among one another and know that our unique perspectives drive us forward.”\n\nHow do we already honor the value of being Stronger Together? What's a specific example from your work?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q2.title":"Our differences and unique perspectives are what make us successful as an organization. Reflect on the following: “We honor the differences among one another and know that our unique perspectives drive us forward.”\n\nFrom your perspective, how is this already true at Accolade? What is a specific example that comes to mind?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"In what new ways might you show Genuine Care for others on your team? And, how can you show more care for yourself?\"\n\nTip: Encourage them to brainstorm ideas for caring both for themselves and others.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm excited to hear your example!\n\nWhen have you felt genuinely cared for at Accolade? Who was involved and what did they do?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c3_q3.title":"\"We care deeply about the human beings we work with and serve. We have each others backs.” We value relationships that go beyond a transaction and are infused with care. \n\nShare an experience where you felt genuinely cared for at Accolade. Who was involved and what actions did they take?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Where might there be an opportunity to leverage data and Embrace Reality more fully? Be specific.\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to explore the benefits of trusting the data.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about your team?\n\nHow well does your team Embrace Reality? When has data informed your decision-making, and what were the results?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q1.title":"Let's start today by understanding how we best Embrace Reality in our work. Consider the following: “We bring the data, tell the truth and trust each other.”\n\nHow well does your team Embrace Reality? When have you or your team leaned into data for insights, and what were the results?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did you feel during that experience?\" and \"How did that experience impact the way you Embrace Reality today?\"\n\nTip: Remain curious to help them explore the learning from their challenge.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now hear your experience. Click the profile icon for potential biases in your worldview.\n\nWhat is an example of a time where it was challenging for you to Embrace Reality? What made it difficult?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q2.title":"\"To Embrace Reality, we need to understand reality- the good, the bad, the ugly.” \n\nShare an example of a time where it was challenging for you to Embrace Reality. Why might that have been the case? Click the profile icon for potential biases in your worldview.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How do our members and customers benefit from this value?\" and \"Why is it important for everyone to practice Relentless Execution?\"\n\nTip: Explore actions your peer can take to practice this value.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat is your comfort level embodying Relentless Execution in your work? Why? How are you at taking initiative, moving fast, and having fun?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's end today by exploring the final Core Value Relentless Execution: “We operate with a bias for action. Take initiative, move fast and have fun.”\n\nHow comfortable are you with embodying Relentless Execution in your work? Why? How often do you take initiative, move fast, and have fun?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you and your perspectives changed since we started our conversations?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back any growth you've noticed in your peer.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat have you learned about Accolade's culture? What shifts have you noticed in our culture across your team and/or the organization?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent time together embracing and taking action toward our Core Values at Accolade. Reflect on what stands out from our conversations.\n\nWhen you think about Accolade's culture now, what have you learned? Where are you noticing positive momentum within our culture (whether across your team and/or the organization)?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"Now that our conversations are complete, how will you remember to continue practicing the values that feel less comfortable?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer plan for the future.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's hear from you.\n\nWhich values are you most comfortable to you? Which ones are you still stretching into? Why?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q2.title":"We've discussed 6 Core Values that are central to who we are and who we aspire to be as a company: Member Obsessed, Be Fearless, Stronger Together, Genuine Care, Embrace Reality and Relentless Execution.\n\nWhich values do you feel most connected to? Which ones do you need more time to get to know and understand? Why?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"What specific actions do you take to embody Accolade's culture?\"\n\nTip: Thank your peer for playing their role in this type of culture.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What have you learned about yourself through these values? How do you see yourself contributing to a culture we can all take immense pride in?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q3.title":"Accolade's culture is something we each must take responsibility for and action toward regardless of our role.\n\nWhat have you learned about yourself through reflecting on the Core Values of our culture? How do you see yourself contributing to a culture we can all take immense pride in?","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.accolade_culture_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What drew you to your role?\" and \"What do you enjoy most about your work?\"\n\nTip: Get to know more about each other by asking follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now you have a chance to share. \n\nWhat, personally and professionally, feels important to share? How long have you been a people-leader, and what's the make up of your team?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have the opportunity to support each other as we help build a culture that everyone is proud of at {{member.organizationname}}. Let's start by getting to know each other.\n\nWhat is most important for me to know about you personally and professionally? How long have you been a people-leader, and how many people do you lead?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How else would you describe your leadership style?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back anything unique you've learned about your partner's reflection.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a description of what likely drives you at work. \n\nHow do you see yourself showing up like this in your role?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"Before we start to activate Accolade's Leadership Commitments, let's learn more about each other's unique purpose at work. Click the profile icon for a description of what likely drives you at work. \n\nWhat resonates with you? How do you see it showing up in your role today?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why do these commitments feel important to you as a leader?\"\n\nTip: There are no right/wrong answers here. Focus on learning what is important to your partner.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Reflect on these commitments: Develop People, Exhibit Emotional Intelligence, Build Effective Teams, Engage & Inspire, Drive & Manage Performance, Lead Change, Instill Trust, Champion Inclusion, and Be a Business Owner. \n\nWhich do you feel are your strengths? Which are areas you'd like to focus on for growth?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have future conversation that help us connect with Accolade's 9 Leadership Commitments: Develop People, Exhibit Emotional Intelligence, Build Effective Teams, Engage & Inspire, Drive & Manage Performance, Lead Change, Instill Trust, Champion Inclusion, and Be a Business Owner. \n\nWhich commitments already feel like a strength of yours? Which are areas for growth?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Question: \"How has your growth impacted your team? What successes have they had?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate the successes created by your partner's efforts.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a reminder of your leadership style.\n\nHow have you grown, and what successes can you acknowledge?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation for now, so let's reflect on our time together and what we've learned. \n\nHow have you grown as a leader? What successes have you had? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your leadership style.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Questions: \"Why is that important?\" and \"How will that benefit you and your team?\"\n\nTip: Commit together to an ongoing growth mindset.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"Reflect on the commitments: Develop People, Exhibit Emotional Intelligence, Build Effective Teams, Engage & Inspire, Drive & Manage Performance, Lead Change, Instill Trust, Champion Inclusion, and Be a Business Owner. \n\nWhich commitment(s) are your focus over the next 6 months? What actions will you take to improve your leadership in this area?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"These commitments are ongoing practices for Accolade Leaders. Take a moment to reflect on all of the commitments: Develop People, Exhibit Emotional Intelligence, Build Effective Teams, Engage & Inspire, Drive & Manage Performance, Lead Change, Instill Trust, Champion Inclusion, and Be a Business Owner. \n\nOver the next 6 months, which commitment(s) still needs your attention? What actions will you take to improve your leadership on this commitment?","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. slack, email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"This is our last Imperative conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner if their impact is more broad or more targeted, and what the pros and cons of their answer are.","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q1.short_title":"How far does the work you do reach? Answer in terms of your Impact Driver (Individual = individuals, Organization = teams, goals, departments, etc., Society = communities, movements, trends, etc.).","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q1.title":"How far does the work you do reach? Answer in terms of your Impact Driver (Individual = individuals; Organization = teams, goals, departments, etc.; Society = communities, movements, trends, etc.).","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q2.description":"Have your partner explain the steps they need to take to deepen the level of their impact.","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q2.short_title":"How much do you feel your work benefits others according to your Impact Driver?\nWhat could you change to increase the depth of your impact on others?","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q2.title":"How much do you feel your work benefits others according to your Impact Driver?\nWhat could you change to increase the depth of your impact on others?","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to be honest about how much energy they spend on their work and how easy it would be to pass on to someone else.","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q3.short_title":"Would your impact continue (or be sustainable) without you if you changed roles?\nWhat could you do to increase your impact with the same investment of energy and time?","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q3.title":"Would your impact continue (or be sustainable) without you if you changed roles?\nWhat could you do to increase your impact with the same investment of energy and time?","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner why their choice would be most fulfilling or motivating to them.","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q4.short_title":"Given your responses to the last three questions, which part(s) of your impact—reach (question 1), depth (question 2), or sustainability (question 3)—do you want to focus on improving first?","peerconversation.question.activate_c1_q4.title":"Given your responses to the last three questions, which part(s) of your impact—reach (question 1), depth (question 2), or sustainability (question 3)—do you want to focus on improving first?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner for specific examples and how they knew what \"the right thing to do\" was.","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q1.short_title":"When have ideals associated with your Values Driver helped you make important career decisions?\nClick the profile icon to see a list of ideals associated with your Values Driver:\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.words]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q1.title":"When have ideals associated with your Values Driver helped you make important career decisions?\nClick the profile icon to see a list of ideals associated with your Values Driver:\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.words]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q2.description":"Ask your partner what lesson they learned because of the ways they’ve been tested.","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q2.short_title":"When have you found your Values Driver tested? What were the circumstances?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q2.title":"When have you found your Values Driver tested? What were the circumstances?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q3.description":"Explore your partners instincts: Do they have a physical response, a thought, or a feeling that lets them know something is wrong?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q3.short_title":"How do you know when you’re involved in something that doesn’t match up with your Values Driver?\nWhat do you think or feel when you observe something unfair?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q3.title":"How do you know when you’re involved in something that doesn’t match up with your Values Driver?\nWhat do you think or feel when you observe something unfair?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q4.description":"Help your partner be specific about changes they can make, and write them down before exchanging papers.","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q4.short_title":"What do you want to change about the way you work and/or interact with people at work to better align with your Values Driver?","peerconversation.question.activate_c2_q4.title":"What do you want to change about the way you work and/or interact with people at work to better align with your Values Driver?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner what they feel they are known for on their team.\nHow does that connect to their Craft Driver?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q1.short_title":"Which aspects of your Craft Driver do you feel are most recognized and appreciated in your work today?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q1.title":"Which aspects of your Craft Driver do you feel are most recognized and appreciated in your work today?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner how they feel when they use some of the skills associated with their Craft Driver.\nWhich ones make them feel most energized or motivated?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q2.short_title":"Which skills associated with your Craft Driver could you use in your work more often to increase your impact?\nClick the profile icon to see some skills associated with your Craft Driver.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q2.title":"Which skills associated with your Craft Driver could you use in your work more often to increase your impact?\nClick the profile icon to see some skills associated with your Craft Driver.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q3.description":"Help your partner be specific about how they learned and refined their talents.\nHow could they apply the same process to learn new skills?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q3.short_title":"Consider your answers to the first question.\nHow did you develop and refine those talents?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q3.title":"Consider your answers to the first question.\nHow did you develop and refine those talents?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q4.description":"Challenge your partner to commit to two specific steps they can take proactively to sharpen their skills and learn new ones.","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q4.short_title":"What skills do you want to develop to help you master your craft?\nWho might be able to mentor you? What are potential stretch projects you could take on?","peerconversation.question.activate_c3_q4.title":"What skills do you want to develop to help you master your craft?\nWho might be able to mentor you? What are potential stretch projects you could take on?","peerconversation.question.activate_prework.description":"Activate Pre-work","peerconversation.question.activate_prework.prework":"prework","peerconversation.question.activate_prework.short_title":"Activate Pre-work","peerconversation.question.activate_prework.title":"Activate Pre-work","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How does feeling energized help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Through our conversations, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nRecall a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q1.title":"Through our conversations, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nRecall a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?” Coaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why?\nShare an example of when you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q2.title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why?\nShare an example of when you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q3.description":"Share back, \"It sounds like you would...\" and then \"Did I hear that correctly?\"\nCoaching Tip: Sharing themes you heard from your peer's response can help clarify their thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"We'll continue discussing how to activate our purpose over our next four conversations together. Imagine it's our last conversation (about two months from now). What is one way you hope to strengthen your purpose at work?\nHow would you know? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q3.title":"We'll continue discussing how to activate our purpose over our next four conversations together. Imagine it's our last conversation (about two months from now). What is one way you hope to strengthen your purpose at work?\nHow would you know? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to hear how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c1_q4.title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: “What else resonates?”, and \"Is there anything that doesn't resonate?\"\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-ups to help your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"We are all driven to make an impact that matters to us. Understanding the type of impact you'd most like to make is key to activating your purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to see a description of the level of impact that likely motivates you. Which part(s) resonate most? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q1.title":"We are all driven to make an impact that matters to us. Understanding the type of impact you'd most like to make is key to activating your purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to see a description of the level of impact that likely motivates you. Which part(s) resonate most? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"When have you felt energized about the work you were doing?\" and then, \"How does your example(s) connect with the level of impact that motivates you?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to be specific with their examples.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"To make this more real, let's explore how this level of impact has shown up recently in your work.\nShare with me 1-2 examples in the last 6 months where you demonstrated this level of impact in your work. Describe the situations.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q2.title":"To make this more real, let's explore how this level of impact has shown up recently in your work.\nShare with me 1-2 examples in the last 6 months where you demonstrated this level of impact in your work. Describe the situations.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question:\"Why does this feel important to get done?\" and then, \"Are there any potential roadblocks in the way?\"\nCoaching Tip: Give them time to think and encourage them to choose a goal that feels most important.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Now let's look for opportunities where you can expand your impact. First- let's think about your current work priorities. What feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-4 weeks?\nDescribe the work priority and why it's at the top of the list. Who will benefit from this being successful?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q3.title":"Now let's look for opportunities where you can expand your impact. First- let's think about your current work priorities. What feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-4 weeks?\nDescribe the work priority and why it's at the top of the list. Who will benefit from this being successful?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q4.description":"Question: \"What responsibilities within this work priority make you feel energized? Why or why not?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them visualize a way to feel more energized by the impact they are making.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Understanding the level of impact that feels most motivating to you can help you maximize the impact of your work.\nClick the profile icon to explore possible ways you feel a greater sense of impact. What is one way you can maximize your sense of impact on the work priority you just shared? How would you know you made that level of impact?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c2_q4.title":"Understanding the level of impact that feels most motivating to you can help you maximize the impact of your work.\nClick the profile icon to explore possible ways you feel a greater sense of impact. What is one way you can maximize your sense of impact on the work priority you just shared? How would you know you made that level of impact?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"When you feel your team is aligned with these values, how does it positively affect your motivation at work?\"\nCoaching Tip: Values can be a deeply personal concept. Help your peer organize their thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"You have experimented with ways to expand your impact. Let's now explore the values that drive you and motivate your sense of purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to read insights from your purpose profile. What resonates? Why does this feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q1.title":"You have experimented with ways to expand your impact. Let's now explore the values that drive you and motivate your sense of purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to read insights from your purpose profile. What resonates? Why does this feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"It sounds like..... \" and then, \"When you lean into your values, how does it benefit the team?\"\nCoaching Tip: Be an active listener and share back the themes you hear with your peer.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your sense of fairness and \"doing the right thing\" are a key strength of yours. In fact, leaning into our values helps build and strengthen our relationships at work. How have you seen your values in action at work?\nShare an example. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q2.title":"Your sense of fairness and \"doing the right thing\" are a key strength of yours. In fact, leaning into our values helps build and strengthen our relationships at work. How have you seen your values in action at work?\nShare an example. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Why does this feel like a top priority?\" and then, \"What impact would your values have on the outcome of the priority?\"\nCoaching Tip: Your peer may need some time to reflect.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's identify an opportunity to be more intentional about our values. In the next 2 weeks, what feels most important to get done at work?\nWhere is there an opportunity within this priority to lean into your values? Click the profile icon below for potential ideas. \n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's identify an opportunity to be more intentional about our values. In the next 2 weeks, what feels most important to get done at work?\nWhere is there an opportunity within this priority to lean into your values? Click the profile icon below for potential ideas. \n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q4.description":"Question: \"If this person wasn't here, what would be missing for you at work?\" and then, \"What is one way you can strengthen this relationship?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to elaborate about what they value about their mentioned relationship.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"Our values are foundational to building meaningful and trusted relationships. Think about one of your positive work relationships.\nDescribe why the relationship is positive. Why do you value this relationship?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c3_q4.title":"Our values are foundational to building meaningful and trusted relationships. Think about one of your positive work relationships.\nDescribe why the relationship is positive. Why do you value this relationship?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: “What else resonates?”, “Why does that resonate?”, and \"Is there anything that doesn't resonate?\"\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-ups to help your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Making an impact and working in alignment with our values are two ways we've been activating our purpose. Today- we are going to further activate our purpose through the lens of HOW we each approach our work.\nClick the profile icon to read insights about HOW you approach problem solving and use your strengths. What resonates? Why is this an energizing way to work for you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q1.title":"Making an impact and working in alignment with our values are two ways we've been activating our purpose. Today- we are going to further activate our purpose through the lens of HOW we each approach our work.\nClick the profile icon to read insights about HOW you approach problem solving and use your strengths. What resonates? Why is this an energizing way to work for you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What do you feel your team most appreciates about how you work?\" and then, \"Why do you enjoy those parts of your work?\"\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate the value they add and help them further reflect.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Utilizing your strengths to add value to your team is a great way to feel purposeful in your role. What parts of your current role do you enjoy the most?\nWhen do you feel you are adding the most value? Click the profile icon to see a list of likely ways you add value.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q2.title":"Utilizing your strengths to add value to your team is a great way to feel purposeful in your role. What parts of your current role do you enjoy the most?\nWhen do you feel you are adding the most value? Click the profile icon to see a list of likely ways you add value.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What did you do well in that situation?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to name the strengths they demonstrated to overcome the obstacle.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's now reflect on a time you've been successful overcoming a challenge. Share with me a recent problem or challenge you had to navigate in your role.\nDescribe the situation and how you overcame it. What role did you specifically play?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's now reflect on a time you've been successful overcoming a challenge. Share with me a recent problem or challenge you had to navigate in your role.\nDescribe the situation and how you overcame it. What role did you specifically play?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q4.description":"Question: \"Which item from the list is an area for growth? And, how would your team benefit from it?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to pick a strength they don't always lean into.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"Let's now look ahead and apply your strengths to upcoming work in the next 2-4 weeks. Share what feels most important to get done at work. Why is it important for this to be successful?\nHow can you lean into your strengths? Click the profile icon below for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c4_q4.title":"Let's now look ahead and apply your strengths to upcoming work in the next 2-4 weeks. Share what feels most important to get done at work. Why is it important for this to be successful?\nHow can you lean into your strengths? Click the profile icon below for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q1.description":"Coaching Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of purpose.\nQuestion: \"How do you see yourself showing up that way in your role?\" or \"How has your sense of purpose changed since our first conversation?\"","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of purpose. Click on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of purpose.\nReflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of purpose. Click on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of purpose.\nReflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q2.description":"Coaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts. \nQuestion: \"How did it feel to prioritize your purpose in that example?\"","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, the values that guide your work, and the strengths you use to add value to your team.\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply your purpose helped you activate it in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, the values that guide your work, and the strengths you use to add value to your team.\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply your purpose helped you activate it in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q3.description":"Coaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications of purpose being present and also absent. \nQuestion: \"How would you feel if you felt unaligned to your sense of purpose a year from today?\"","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"We've been activating purpose by regularly applying it to our current work. Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make your purpose a priority? \nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q3.title":"We've been activating purpose by regularly applying it to our current work. Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make your purpose a priority? \nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q4.description":"Coaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together. \nFor Example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" If you both choose to stay connected, consider a time and date that works for both of you to check-in on your progress. (The two of you can design what that looks like and when).","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How does feeling energized help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nRecall a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q1.title":"Through our conversations, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nRecall a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?”\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How do you derive a sense of purpose?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why? Share an example of when you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q2.title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why?\nShare an example of when you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q3.description":"Share back, \"It sounds like you would...\" and then \"Did I hear that correctly?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Sharing themes you heard from your peer's response can help clarify their thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"In what way do you hope to strengthen your purpose at work? How would you know?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q3.title":"We'll continue discussing how to activate our purpose over our next four conversations together.\nWhat is one way you hope to strengthen your purpose at work? How would you know? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to hear how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What have you appreciated about this peer coaching process so far? \nWhat about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c1_q4.title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: “Recall a time at work where this was true for you.\" and then, \"Why did it feel energizing?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-ups to help your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What type of impact would you like to make? \nClick the profile icon for insights. Which part(s) resonate most? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q1.title":"We are all driven to make an impact that matters to us. Understanding the type of impact you'd most like to make is key to activating your purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to see a description of the level of impact that likely motivates you. Which part(s) resonate most? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"Why does this feel important to get done?\" and then, \"Are there any potential roadblocks in the way?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give them time to think and encourage them to choose a goal that feels most important.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let's switch over and look at your work priorities. \nWhat feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-4 weeks? Tell me about it and why it feels important. Who will benefit from this being successful?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now let's look for opportunities where you can expand your impact. First- let's think about your current work priorities.\nWhat feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-4 weeks? Describe the work priority and why it's at the top of the list. Who will benefit from this being successful?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What responsibilities within this work priority make you feel energized? Why or why not?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them visualize a way to feel more energized by the impact they are making.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nIn what way would you like to have a greater impact on your work priority? How will you measure success? Click the profile icon to explore possible suggestions.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q3.title":"Understanding the level of impact that feels most motivating to you can help you maximize the impact of your work. Click the profile icon to explore possible ways you feel a greater sense of impact.\nWhat is one way you can maximize your sense of impact on the work priority you just shared? How would you know you made that level of impact?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q4.description":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c2_q4.title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"When you feel your team is aligned with these values, how does it positively affect your motivation at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Values can be a deeply personal concept. Help your peer organize their thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Let's explore the values that drive your sense of purpose.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why does this feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]} ","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q1.title":"You have experimented with ways to expand your impact. Let's now explore the values that drive you and motivate your sense of purpose.\nClick the profile icon below to read insights from your purpose profile. What resonates? Why does this feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]} ","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"It sounds like..... \" and then, \"When you lean into your values, how does it benefit the team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Be an active listener and share back the themes you hear with your peer.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How do you see your values showing up at work? Share an example. \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q2.title":"Your sense of fairness and \"doing the right thing\" are a key strength of yours. In fact, leaning into our values helps build and strengthen our relationships at work.\nHow have you seen your values in action at work? Share an example. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Why does this feel like a top priority?\" and then, \"Is there a relationship at work that can be strengthened from this example?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Your peer may need some time to reflect.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere do you see an opportunity to lean into your values in a current (next 2 weeks) work priority? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's identify an opportunity to be more intentional about our values. In the next 2 weeks, what feels most important to get done at work?\nWhere is there an opportunity within this priority to lean into your values? Click the profile icon below for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q4.description":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c3_q4.title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: “What else resonates?”, “Why does that resonate?”, and \"Is there anything that doesn't resonate?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-ups to help your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"I'm curious to know how you approach problem solving and use your strengths.\nClick the profile icon to read insights. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q1.title":"Making an impact and working in alignment with our values are two ways we've been activating our purpose. Today- we are activating our purpose through the lens of HOW you approach problem solving and use your strengths.\nClick the profile icon to read insights from your profile. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What do you feel your team most appreciates about how you work?\" and then, \"Why do you enjoy those parts of your work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate the value they add and help them further reflect.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat parts of your current role do you enjoy most? When do you feel you are adding the most value? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q2.title":"Utilizing your strengths to add value to your team is a great way to feel purposeful in your role.\nWhat parts of your current role do you enjoy the most? When do you feel you are adding the most value? Click the profile icon to see a list of likely ways you add value.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Where is there an opportunity for growth?\" and then, \"how would your team benefit from it?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to pick a strength they don't always lean into.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What feels important to get done in the next 2-4 weeks in your work? Why? Which of your strengths can help you be successful?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's now look ahead and apply your strengths to upcoming work in the next 2-4 weeks.\nShare what feels most important to get done at work. Why is it important for this to be successful? How can you lean into your strengths? Click the profile icon below for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q4.description":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c4_q4.title":"blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you see yourself showing up that way in your role? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of purpose.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of purpose.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of purpose. Click on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of purpose.\nReflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to prioritize your purpose in that example?\" and, \"Why is purpose meaningful for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat has this time to reflect and apply your purpose helped you activate in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, the values that guide your work, and the strengths you use to add value to your team.\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply your purpose helped you activate it in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you feel if you felt unaligned to your sense of purpose a year from today?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications of purpose being present and also absent.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at a year from now for you.\nHow have you continued to make your purpose a priority? What will you gain by continuing to make this a priority?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q3.title":"We've been activating purpose by regularly applying it to our current work. Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make your purpose a priority?\nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.activate_your_purpose_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q1.description":"Follow-Up Questions: \"What else did you learn?\" or \"Why was that especially meaningful to you?\"\nTip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our commitment to developing new Adaptive Leadership practices.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the trainings we've had on Adaptive Leadership. Why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our commitment to developing new Adaptive Leadership practices.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the trainings we've had on Adaptive Leadership. Why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q2.description":"Help your partner reflect on their style in action. \nFor example: \"How has this shown up for you at work? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's also find out more about what makes you unique as a valuable member of Equitable.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights into your unique style. Which part(s) resonate? Why? Which, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's also find out more about what makes you unique as a valuable member of Equitable.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights into your unique style. Which part(s) resonate? Why? Which, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to elaborate on what successful adoption of Adaptive Leadership looks like to them. \nFor example, \"What positive impacts would come from practicing Adaptive Leadership (e.g. language, safe questions, etc.)?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore Adaptive Leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose something to focus on within Adaptive Leadership as an opportunity for growth. Why?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore Adaptive Leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose something to focus on within Adaptive Leadership as an opportunity for growth. Why?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q4.description":"This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.\nFor example, \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q1.description":"Remain curious and encourage storytelling. Ask your partner to \"tell me more about...\" until you have a good sense of their example.","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"One important component of Adaptive Leadership is psychological safety (i.e. feel comfortable offering ideas and solutions).\nShare with me an example of a time you felt comfortable sharing ideas and contributing authentically while working on a team. What helped you feel that way?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q1.title":"One important component of Adaptive Leadership is psychological safety (i.e. feel comfortable offering ideas and solutions).\nShare with me an example of a time you felt comfortable sharing ideas and contributing authentically while working on a team. What helped you feel that way?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q2.description":"Values can be a deeply personal concept. Help them organize their thinking. \nFor example, \"How do your values support psychological safety? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Psychological safety is really about how we treat and relate to one another. Let's explore the role your unique values play in your relationships.\nClick the profile icon below for insights into your values. What resonates? Why does that feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q2.title":"Psychological safety is really about how we treat and relate to one another. Let's explore the role your unique values play in your relationships.\nClick the profile icon below for insights into your values. What resonates? Why does that feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions. \nFor example: \"How have your colleagues responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now explore the role you play in creating psychological safety on teams you work with. What actions have you taken to build psychological safety?\nHow are you communicating differently with your fellow team members?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's now explore the role you play in creating psychological safety on teams you work with. What actions have you taken to build psychological safety?\nHow are you communicating differently with your fellow team members?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to choose a strength they don't always lean into.\nFor example: \"Which item from the list is an area for growth? How would the team benefit?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Utilizing your strengths is a great way to support the psychological safety. Which of your strengths could you lean into to build this area on the team?\nWhat would that look like in action? Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c2_q4.title":"Utilizing your strengths is a great way to support the psychological safety. Which of your strengths could you lean into to build this area on the team?\nWhat would that look like in action? Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q1.description":"Focus on active listening and consider follow-up questions to help your partner think. \nFor example: \"How much control do you have?\" and \"How would your work benefit from more control?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"The goal at Equitable is to ensure that those closest to the work have the authority to make decisions (control).\nAt what level do you see most of the decision-making happening? Who has control? Share an example story.","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q1.title":"The goal at Equitable is to ensure that those closest to the work have the authority to make decisions (control).\nAt what level do you see most of the decision-making happening? Who has control? Share an example story.","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q2.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions like, \"What role do you play in creating clarity and competence?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Pushing control to those closest to the work requires that clarity (the why and what of our work) and competency (the how of our work) exist on the team.\nOn a scale of 1-10, how well is the team doing at tuning control to competence and clarity? What’s working? What's not?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q2.title":"Pushing control to those closest to the work requires that clarity (the why and what of our work) and competency (the how of our work) exist on the team.\nOn a scale of 1-10, how well is the team doing at tuning control to competence and clarity? What’s working? What's not?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q3.description":"Encourage them to explore the link between their strengths and The Three C's.\nFor example: \"How can your strengths support the control, clarity, and competence of work on the team? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's now explore how your unique strengths might support the team's balance of the Three C's. Which of your strengths could help ensure that decision-making on the team is being made by those closest to the work?\nClick the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's now explore how your unique strengths might support the team's balance of the Three C's. Which of your strengths could help ensure that decision-making on the team is being made by those closest to the work?\nClick the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their strengths.\nFor example: \"What would your strengths look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"An important part of embracing Adaptive Leadership is experimenting with new language and practices.\nWhat new practices could you experiment with that will maximize your impact on the control, clarity, and competence of work within the team?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c3_q4.title":"An important part of embracing Adaptive Leadership is experimenting with new language and practices.\nWhat new practices could you experiment with that will maximize your impact on the control, clarity, and competence of work within the team?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q1.description":"Your partner may need time to reflect. Then, encourage storytelling.\nFor example: \"Share with me an example story that comes to mind.\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"An important tool of Adaptive Leadership is the Ladder of Leadership. Let's now explore at what level of the ladder you and your team spend the most time.\nAt what level on the Ladder do you spend most of the time with your manager? How about other team members?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q1.title":"An important tool of Adaptive Leadership is the Ladder of Leadership. Let's now explore at what level of the ladder you and your team spend the most time.\nAt what level on the Ladder do you spend most of the time with your manager? How about other team members?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress.\nFor example: \"How do you feel when you express 'I intend...' statements?\" and \"What gets in the way of you being at that level of the ladder?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"We learned that the \"sweet spot\" on the Ladder (Level 5) is when our communications are focused on intended action. How often are you expressing \"I intend to...\" to your manager?\nHow are you communicating differently about your intended actions?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q2.title":"We learned that the \"sweet spot\" on the Ladder (Level 5) is when our communications are focused on intended action. How often are you expressing \"I intend to...\" to your manager?\nHow are you communicating differently about your intended actions?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to come up with new strategies they haven't already tried.\nFor example: \"What else could you try?\" or \"What have you seen others try?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"It's important to consistently take action to improve our skills. What new strategies could you experiment with to continue moving up the Ladder toward \"I Intend\"?\nWhat do you need for you to be successful with this?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q3.title":"It's important to consistently take action to improve our skills. What new strategies could you experiment with to continue moving up the Ladder toward \"I Intend\"?\nWhat do you need for you to be successful with this?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to choose a strength they don't always lean into. \nFor example: \"Which item from the list is an area for growth? How would that benefit you and the team?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"You're most likely to be successful at this when you align your actions with your unique strengths. How could you lean into your strengths further to help you move up the Ladder?\nClick the profile icon for strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c4_q4.title":"You're most likely to be successful at this when you align your actions with your unique strengths. How could you lean into your strengths further to help you move up the Ladder?\nClick the profile icon for strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions.\nFor example: \"How do you see yourself showing up this way?\" and \"How have you grown since our first conversation?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of Adaptive Leadership. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Equitable.\nShare with me in your own words what your style is all about. What new awarenesses do you have about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of Adaptive Leadership. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Equitable.\nShare with me in your own words what your style is all about. What new awarenesses do you have about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q2.description":"Celebrate any growth your partner can name. Connect them to their feelings.\nFor example: \"That is great that you noticed... How does it feel to own this growth?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored the core components of Adaptive Leadership. How has work improved since focusing on Adaptive Leadership?\nWhat growth have you noticed within yourself?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the core components of Adaptive Leadership. How has work improved since focusing on Adaptive Leadership?\nWhat growth have you noticed within yourself?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q3.description":"Give them time to think. Then, help them connect their new intentions to their unique style. \nFor example: \"What link do you see between your new intentions and your unique style (from Question 1)?\"","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's take one last opportunity to set an intention for your continued growth with Adaptive Leadership. What new intentions do you have for yourself as you continue to incorporate Adaptive Leadership into your work?\nWhat else can you experiment with?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's take one last opportunity to set an intention for your continued growth with Adaptive Leadership. What new intentions do you have for yourself as you continue to incorporate Adaptive Leadership into your work?\nWhat else can you experiment with?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. \nFor example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" Consider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What change(s) are you currently navigating in your role?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn. \nShare your role and how long you have worked at Boston Scientific. What do you enjoy most about your current role? What do you enjoy most about your current team?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q1.title":"Our conversations together on Imperative will help us get to know each other, our roles, and more about each other's site. \nShare your role and how long you have worked at Boston Scientific. What do you enjoy most about your current role? What do you enjoy most about your current team?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you see this profile description applying to your personal/professional growth over the next 3-6 months?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's talk about what motivates you. \nClick on the profile icon. Tell me how this description relates to you as a person and as a professional. \n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will have the opportunity to read insights from our purpose profile. Let's dive in and learn more about what motivates us and drives our fulfillment at work. \nClick on the profile icon. How does this description relate to you as a person, and as a professional?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"Where do you feel energized to share and contribute on behalf of your site?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn. We will have the opportunity to learn about each other's sites, how we are navigating current changes, and share our management styles (to name a few). \nWhat would make our time worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have four more conversations together on Imperative - giving us the opportunity to learn about each other's sites, how we are navigating current changes, and share our management styles (to name a few). \nWhat would be most helpful to you during our time together?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"What do you notice about your behavior during times of challenge for you or your team? Do you notice your behavior stays consistent or changes? Share an example.\" ","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn. What are some of your leadership strengths and which of them have you used recently? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we will reflect on our leadership styles.\nTell me about some of your leadership strengths. Which of these have you noticed using lately? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What, if any, additional support could benefit you at this time? What, if anything, is going well?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What is a complex challenge at work you are currently navigating?\nWhat are the challenges and what is blocking your progress?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's talk about a complex challenge at work you are currently navigating. \nTell me about the situation. What are the challenges you are facing? What is blocking your progress?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What themes in your leadership are you noticing from our conversation today? How might biases be showing up in your current leadership priorities?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you? How would you like to become more adept at managing complex challenges? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's reflect on potential biases we may carry as leaders when dealing with challenges. \nWhat is an area you'd like to improve on when managing complex challenges? Click the profile icon to see examples of how your strengths may sometimes limit your perspective.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: “Based on what you just shared, what decisions can you make now to set your team up for success?” and \"What problem-solving skills/tools would help your team?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about the strengths of your team members. \nHow do their strengths align with the work that needs to get done? How might you further leverage their strengths to achieve your team's goals?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q1.title":"Tell me about the strengths of your team members. \nHow do their strengths align with the work that needs to get done? How might you further leverage their strengths to achieve your team's goals?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What were the challenges that got in the way?\" and \"What would you do again in the future to keep your team motivated?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Describe a recent goal you achieved with your team that you feel proud of. \nWhat helped make it successful, and how did the team stay motivated?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q2.title":"Tell me about a recent goal you achieved with your team that you feel proud of. \nWhat helped make it successful? How did the team stay motivated?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"Now that you've described these goals, how likely is it that you will succeed?\" and \"What, if anything, needs to change to set you up for success?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Let's think about your team's current goals. \nWhat do you need to achieve in the next 3-6 months? How do you know they are the right goals?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's take time to reflect on your team's current goals. \nWhat do you need to achieve in the next 3-6 months? How do you know you have the right goals in front of you?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"Ideally, how would you want your team to describe what it's like to work with you?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"So far, you've rated your Relationships {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}.\nNote that your ratings can only be seen by you.\nHow would you describe your relationship(s) with your team members? Are your relationships currently reflecting how you prefer to manage (or not)? How so?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q1.title":"Over the course of our conversations, you've rated your Relationships: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}.\nNote that your ratings can only be seen by you.\nHow would you describe your relationship(s) with your team member(s)? Are your relationships currently reflecting how you prefer to manage (or not)? How so?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What does being a coach and/or mentor mean to you? Where might there be an opportunity for you to better coach and/or mentor?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a recent or current time you’ve had to manage team conflict and/or team challenges as a manager. \nReflecting back, where was there an opportunity to show up as a supportive mentor/coach in your role? Share with me any effective tools you lean on in these scenarios.","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q2.title":"Recall a recent or current time you’ve had to manage conflict and/or team challenges as a manager. \nReflecting back, where was there an opportunity to show up as a supportive mentor/coach in your role? What have you found to be effective in these scenarios as a manager?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: “How might you activate the team to support each other and hold each other accountable in the coming months?”","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Tell me about the work culture and relationships among your team. How do you see your team motivating, inspiring and supporting each other (or not)?\nWhat actions have you taken to support a healthy team dynamic through this time of change, as a leader? What additional ideas do you have? (Click on the profile icon for inspiration.)\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c4_q3.title":"Consider the work culture and relationships among your team. How do you see your team motivating, inspiring and supporting each other (or not)?\nAs a leader, what actions have you taken to support a healthy team dynamic? What additional ideas do you have? (Click on the profile icon for inspiration.)\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"What will help you feel motivated and resilient as a leader?\" and \"How has talking with a peer helped?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What stands out as new learnings for you from our conversations? What feels important to remember?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q1.title":"Our conversations together have enabled us to share and understand how we, as leaders, move our teams forward. \nAs you reflect on each of our conversations, what stands out as new learnings for you? What feels important to remember?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"Now let's consider, what types of information or support will your team members need?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What else do you want to know? \nAs a leader, what information, support, or expertise do you need next?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q2.title":"As we wrap up, let's reflect on what else you want to know about another site location, each other's roles or our management experience. \n\nAs a leader, what information, support, or expertise do you need next?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else would support a meaningful cross-site collaboration?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat other new and/or remaining areas do our sites have the opportunity to collaborate?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q3.title":"Our conversations together were meant to open up opportunities for communication and collaboration between our teams. \n\nThat said, what are new and/or remaining areas in which our sites have the opportunity to collaborate?","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q4.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\" ","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you moving forward? \n(Ideas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People)","peerconversation.question.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1_c5_q4.title":"We've spent time together building our peer relationship in support of cross-site collaboration. How can I support you moving forward? \n(Ideas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People)","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What is one aspect of your role you really enjoy?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Share your career path leading up to this point. What inspired you to work at Boston Scientific?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q1.title":"These conversations are a way to help us feel connected and inspired as we begin this program. First, let's learn more about each other and our career paths that led us here.\n\nTell me about your professional journey up to this point and how it led you to your current role. What initially inspired you to pursue a career at Boston Scientific?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How have you been able to share or integrate these personal interests in your career, if at all?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you? What brings you joy and inspiration outside of work?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's share more about ourselves in terms of our passions beyond work. What are some personal interests and hobbies that you enjoy? ","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How do you hope the program will complement your work or career?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What are you feeling most energized by as we start the program? What are you most looking forward to gaining?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c1_q3.title":"As we start this program, which aspects are you feeling particularly energized about? What are you most looking forward to gaining as part of this program?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Which aspects of your description do you want to integrate as you grow professionally?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's hear your perspective. Read your profile insight (from your Imperative profile) about what brings you fulfillment in a career. Which aspects relate to your career path so far? What are a few ways you find a sense of fulfillment in your current role? \n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q1.title":"In our last conversation, we touched on our professional journeys and how we landed in our current roles. Today we'll dig deeper into how we each see ourselves growing professionally.\n\nFirst, let's start by reading your purpose insight (from your Imperative profile) about what matters to you in a career. What about this description highlights how your career path has been shaped so far? Additionally, what about this profile insight relates to your current role?\n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"How did you grow these strengths or skills over time?\" and \"What did you learn from this experience about yourself as a leader or professional?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let's hear your story. Tell me about a project or accomplishment in your career that made an impact. \n\nWhat about it made you feel proud, and what strengths or skills did you demonstrate? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q2.title":"Take a moment to consider a specific project or accomplishment in your career that you are particularly proud of. Tell me about it and its impact.\n\nWhat were a few of your personal strengths or skills that showed up in this example? (Click on the profile icon for ideas.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"How will you know you achieved this?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you? What skillsets or competencies are you hoping to develop?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c2_q3.title":"When you consider the year ahead, what specific skills or competencies come to mind that you would like to focus on developing or improving? Why?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What do you hope others remember about you as a leader/colleague?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Let's hear about a person who left a lasting impact on you or your team. Share some examples of their leadership qualities and what you most admire about them.","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q1.title":"This program is meant to empower and support employee growth at Boston Scientific. \n\nWe've all encountered people in life who've left a lasting impact on us. Consider a leader from your past or present who left a positive impact on you or your team. What impact did they make, and what do you admire most about them?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you see this example relating to your overall career goals or aspirations (or not)?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What about you? When was a time you had to overcome a challenge in your career? Share the situation and describe the part you played in shaping the result.\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q2.title":"Reflecting on your career, consider a time when you faced a significant challenge you had to overcome. What was the circumstance, and what role did you play in influencing the outcome?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"How could this program and our network of colleagues support you?\" or \"Based on what you shared, what types of skills or support would be most beneficial for you?\"","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. What challenges are you motivated to solve in your workplace? What, if anything, holds you back?","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q3.title":"What types of challenges at work would you like to influence? What, if anything, has held you back from stepping up as a leader at work? ","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.bsci_prog_ko_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation together for now. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q1.description":"Remain curious to find out more. Examples: “What else resonates?” and “Why does that resonate?”.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a description of you at your best, which part(s) resonate the most?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*\n","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q1.title":"Click the profile icon for a description of you at your best, which part(s) resonate the most?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*\n","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q2.description":"Remain curious about what they share. Example: “Tell me more about…”. Thank them for sharing.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Share with me an example, personally or professionally, of when you showed up as your best self?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q2.title":"Share with me an example, personally or professionally, of when you showed up as your best self?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q3.description":"Also ask, “Why does that feel exciting to share?” Celebrate what your partner has learned.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What is something, personally or professionally, you are learning about your best self that you would be excited to share with someone who is meeting you for the first time?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q3.title":"What is something, personally or professionally, you are learning about your best self that you would be excited to share with someone who is meeting you for the first time?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q4.description":"Follow-ups: “How will you remember that for our next conversation?” and “How can I help you remember?”","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What will you take away from our first peer coaching conversation?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c1_q4.title":"What will you take away from our first peer coaching conversation?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q1.description":"Stay active while listening (i.e. head nodding, staying focused). Then, reflect back what you heard. Capture notes for them in their own words.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Share with me what it was like to have our first peer coaching conversation. Did you complete the commitment you made? Why/Why not?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q1.title":"Share with me what it was like to have our first peer coaching conversation. Did you complete the commitment you made? Why/Why not?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q2.description":"Notice more information comes out of open-ended questions- ones that require elaboration beyond yes/no answers. Examples: “How...?”, “What...”, “When...”, Why?”, “Who…?”.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"From our first conversation, which role did you prefer, asking the questions or being asked the questions? Why?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q2.title":"From our first conversation, which role did you prefer, asking the questions or being asked the questions? Why?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q3.description":"Celebration and encouragement are key in peer coaching. Thank your partner for sharing and celebrate their new awareness (i.e. “Great! I’m really glad that helped you!”).","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From our conversations so far, what is something that helped you better understand yourself?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q3.title":"From our conversations so far, what is something that helped you better understand yourself?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q4.description":"Accountability and a continued connection beyond this conversation are critical to the peer coaching relationship. Decide on a timeline that works for both of you to check-in on your partner.","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Is there any way that I can help you feel better prepared for future peer coaching conversations?","peerconversation.question.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1_c2_q4.title":"Is there any way that I can help you feel better prepared for future peer coaching conversations?","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q1.description":"Focus on actively listening as your partner shares. Celebrate your partner’s success. Example: “It sounds like you really showed up for that guest. You did an excellent job!”","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me a memory from a guest interaction where you successfully created a human connection and met the needs of your guest(s).","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q1.title":"Share with me a memory from a guest interaction where you successfully created a human connection and met the needs of your guest(s).","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q2.description":"Encourage your partner to pick as many of the SLEEPS steps that apply. Further encourage them to share how their unique strengths supported the connection with their guest and the subsequent sale.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From the memory you shared, in which step(s) of the SLEEPS process did you most successfully create a human connection? How?\nClick the profile icon to see some strengths you likely already possess that support your success.\n\nDynamic Content: Purpose Type Summary","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q2.title":"From the memory you shared, in which step(s) of the SLEEPS process did you most successfully create a human connection? How?\nClick the profile icon to see some strengths you likely already possess that support your success.\n\nDynamic Content: Purpose Type Summary","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q3.description":"Normalize that we all have areas for growth and avoid judgment. Once they identify their areas of growth, consider follow-up questions like, “How could you have done that differently?” and/or “How would that have benefited you and your guest?”","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"From the memory you shared, which step(s) in the SLEEPS process could you focus on more to increase the connection between you and your guest.\nClick the profile icon to see some potential blind spots to be aware of that exist within your worldview.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q3.title":"From the memory you shared, which step(s) in the SLEEPS process could you focus on more to increase the connection between you and your guest.\nClick the profile icon to see some potential blind spots to be aware of that exist within your worldview.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to be specific and identify actionable ways for them to create more connection with their guests.\nConsider the follow-up question: “How would that impact your sales plan?”","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Thinking about future guest interactions, pick one step within the SLEEPS process in which you will practice creating more human connection and share with me your ideas for how you might do that.\nClick the profile icon to see some ways to engage your unique strengths to support this process.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c1_q4.title":"Thinking about future guest interactions, pick one step within the SLEEPS process in which you will practice creating more human connection and share with me your ideas for how you might do that.\nClick the profile icon to see some ways to engage your unique strengths to support this process.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q1.description":"Actively listen as your partner shares. Consider follow-up questions like, “What went well?” and/or “What challenges arose?”. \nThank your partner for sharing.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Looking back at our first conversation, share with me a guest interaction where you put more focus on building a meaningful connection throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q1.title":"Looking back at our first conversation, share with me a guest interaction where you put more focus on building a meaningful connection throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q2.description":"Listen for positive emotions connected to their experimentation. Consider follow-up questions that begin with “Why”.\nExample: “Why did you feel that way?” Also look for similarities between the values that drive them and their positive emotions.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How did it feel to engage with your guests in this new way and how did it impact the end result of this interaction?\nLet’s also look at values that likely drive the way you work. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q2.title":"How did it feel to engage with your guests in this new way and how did it impact the end result of this interaction?\nLet’s also look at values that likely drive the way you work. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to identify new, actionable strategies that drive human connection with their guests. Use the content provided to help them brainstorm. \nExample: “What new strategies could you try to expand the connection and meet your sales plans?”","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What continued and/or new actions can you take to further create meaningful connections with future guests throughout the SLEEPS process?\nLet’s also look at ways you can likely increase you and your team’s impact. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q3.title":"What continued and/or new actions can you take to further create meaningful connections with future guests throughout the SLEEPS process?\nLet’s also look at ways you can likely increase you and your team’s impact. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q4.description":"Accountability and a continued connection beyond this conversation are critical to the peer coaching relationship.\nDecide on a timeline that works for both of you to check-in on your partner’s progress.","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"How can I support you in successfully creating increased connection moments with your guests and meet your sales plan?","peerconversation.question.casper_sleeps_s1_c2_q4.title":"How can I support you in successfully creating increased connection moments with your guests and meet your sales plan?","peerconversation.question.common_q_value_of_conv.action":"Based on our conversation, what is one thing you want to commit to doing in the next week?","peerconversation.question.common_q_value_of_conv.description":"Be sure to consider an action that is both achievable, and personally meaningful to you.","peerconversation.question.common_q_value_of_conv.short_title":"The goal(s) for this conversation were:","peerconversation.question.common_q_value_of_conv.title":"The goal(s) for this conversation were:","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how \"excellence\" showed up for them earlier in their career or life.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q1.short_title":"What does \"excellence\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q1.title":"What does \"excellence\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q2.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did your action feel like 'doing the right thing?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. In your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"excellence\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. In your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"excellence\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q3.description":"Help your partner explore how others might have approached the same situation differently.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about your work style. In your example of working in alignment with \"excellence,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q3.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about your work style. In your example of working in alignment with \"excellence,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did you know that your work mattered?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q4.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. In your example of working in alignment with \"excellence,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c1_q4.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. In your example of working in alignment with \"excellence,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how \"diversity\" showed up for them earlier in their career or life.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q1.short_title":"What does \"diversity\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q1.title":"What does \"diversity\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q2.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did your action feel like 'doing the right thing?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. In your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"diversity\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q2.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. In your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"diversity\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q3.description":"Help your partner explore how others might have approached the same situation differently.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q3.short_title":"In your example of working in alignment with \"diversity,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q3.title":"In your example of working in alignment with \"diversity,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did you know that your work mattered?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q4.short_title":"Read the following statement about your preferred level of impact. In your example of working in alignment with \"diversity,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c2_q4.title":"Read the following statement about your preferred level of impact. In your example of working in alignment with \"diversity,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how \"innovation\" showed up for them earlier in their career or life.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q1.short_title":"What does \"innovation\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q1.title":"What does \"innovation\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did your action feel like 'doing the right thing?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q2.short_title":"Read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n\nIn your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"innovation\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q2.title":"Read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n\nIn your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"innovation\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q3.description":"Help your partner explore how others might have approached the same situation differently.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q3.short_title":"Read the following statement about how you might overcome obstacles or solve problems. In your example of working in alignment with \"innovation,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q3.title":"Read the following statement about how you might overcome obstacles or solve problems. In your example of working in alignment with \"innovation,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q4.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did you know that your work mattered?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q4.short_title":"Read the following statement about the level of impact you prefer. In your example of working in alignment with \"innovation,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c3_q4.title":"Read the following statement about the level of impact you prefer. In your example of working in alignment with \"innovation,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how \"accountability\" showed up for them earlier in their career or life.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q1.short_title":"What does \"accountability\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q1.title":"What does \"accountability\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated it in your work?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q2.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did your action feel like 'doing the right thing?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q2.short_title":"Read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n\nIn your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"accountability\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q2.title":"Read the following statement from your profile about your sense of fairness. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n\nIn your example from the first question – of working in alignment with \"accountability\" – how did your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q3.description":"Help your partner explore how others might have approached the same situation differently.","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q3.short_title":"Read the following statement about the way you typically prefer to solve problems or overcome obstacles. In your example of working in alignment with \"accountability,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q3.title":"Read the following statement about the way you typically prefer to solve problems or overcome obstacles. In your example of working in alignment with \"accountability,\" how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might given how you solve problems and create value?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q4.description":"Ask your partner: 'How did you know that your work mattered?'","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q4.short_title":"Read the following statement about the level of impact you typically prefer. In your example of working in alignment with \"accountability,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.corp_values_demo_excellence_c4_q4.title":"Read the following statement about the level of impact you typically prefer. In your example of working in alignment with \"accountability,\" what was the impact you wanted to make and who did you seek to benefit from it?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What unique talents or skills do you most enjoy contributing to your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to own their already existing strengths.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon for insights into what drives you.\nDescribe your role. In what ways do you see yourself already showing up like this? Click the profile icon for insights about what drives you.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get to know each other by sharing what primarily drives each of our sense of purpose in our work at {{member.organizationname}}. \nDescribe your role. In what ways do you see yourself already showing up like this? Click the profile icon for insights about what drives you.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What makes a successful collaboration?\" and \"What, in your opinion, is the opposite of collaboration?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to think meaningfully about their answer.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat do you think of when you hear the word \"collaboration\"? What does it mean to you?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will work to define what \"collaboration\" means to each of us.\nLet's begin with the word itself. What comes to mind when you hear the word \"collaboration\"? How would you define it?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"How did that experience shape, positively or negatively, the way you view collaboration now?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner explore the ways their early experiences impact their current views.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat is your earliest memory of working collaboratively with others? What was involved? How did it go?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q3.title":"We each have likely worked collaboratively with others at some point, whether that's in family, school, work, or somewhere else.\nShare an early memory of working with others (i.e school, family, sports, other)? What was involved? How did it go?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"How would you like to feel by the end of this conversation?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Make a note of your partner's response and check in with them at the end of this conversation.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Prior to our conversation. you stated you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}.\nTell me why you're feeling this way. What primarily contributes to this feeling? Why?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q1.title":"Before we talk more about collaboration. I'm curious to know more about how you are doing today. Prior to our conversation, you stated you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}.\nTell me more about why you feel that way. What are the major factors at play? Why?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did other's support your success?\" and \"What strengths from others did you need to navigate that situation?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to demonstrate curiosity to your peer coach.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhen have you had to work together with others to solve a complex challenge? What was the outcome?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q2.title":"In our conversation today, we will focus on specific behaviors that foster collaboration.\nLet's begin by recalling a recent example at work when you had a complex challenge to solve and needed multiple perspectives to solve it. What was the outcome?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"How is the quality of your relationships impacting your collaborations? How is that affecting your overall performance at work? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach do their best thinking by asking follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about you? Your relationships ratings so far are {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (note: rating is only visible to you)\nHow is the quality of your relationships impacting your ability to collaborate? How is that affecting your overall performance at work?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c2_q3.title":"Our ability to collaborate and the quality of our relationships at work are directly tied. You've rated your relationships at work over the last few weeks as: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (note: rating is only visible to you)\nHow is the quality of your relationships impacting your collaborations? How is that affecting your overall performance at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What qualities do you look for in a collaboration partner?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to be specific about things like skill set, expertise, and communication style.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Who do you get excited to share your wildest ideas and biggest challenges with at work?\nWhat qualities do they exemplify that makes you feel open to share?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q1.title":"Who on your team do you see as someone you can openly share your wildest ideas and biggest challenges with? \nWhat qualities do they exemplify that makes you feel open to share?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"In areas where you feel the team is less aligned, what do you feel would help your team get on the same page?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to identify ways they can personally help to create a stronger sense of alignment.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Now let's talk about your team's goals.\nWhich goal do you feel most of your team is aligned on and why?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q2.title":"Sharing a common goal is helpful when collaborating with others.\nWhich of your team's goals do you feel everyone is most aligned on and why?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Who on your team or elsewhere can help you develop those skills?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to identify collaborators that can help them grow.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into growth areas for you.\nWhich competencies do you most want to grow into this quarter? How would that make you a better collaborator?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c3_q3.title":"There are always opportunities for us to continue growing our own skills as effective collaborators. Click the profile icon for insights into likely growth areas for you.\nWhich competencies listed do you most want to grow into this quarter? How would that make you a better collaborator?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Given your current impact score, how motivated do you feel to personally drive collaboration on your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to identify at least one positive step.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you? You recently rated your impact {{conversation.current.rig.impact}} (note: this rating is only visible to you).\nWhat aspect of your current workflow could benefit from collaboration with other members of your team? Where could you use some help?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q1.title":"One way to make a bigger impact is to identify opportunities for improvement and propose solutions. You recently rated your impact {{conversation.current.rig.impact}} (note: this rating is only visible to you).\nWhat is one aspect of your current workflow that could benefit from increased collaboration? Where could you use some help?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"Would your team members know this about you?\" and \"Why would it be helpful for them to know?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Share back the theme you heard them say.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat, if anything, can get in the way of you collaborating more often with your team? Click the profile icon for potential biases.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q2.title":"We sometimes have reasons that diminish our motivation to collaborate. \nWhat, if anything, can get in the way of you collaborating more often with your team? Click the profile icon for potential biases.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"If there is a problem you feel you can help solve, how will you express your interest in collaborating?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your partner to be specific about the words they will use.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Now let's hear your thoughts. \nWhat are 2-3 things you can do to ensure the right perspectives are considered the next time a complex challenge or problem arises at work?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c4_q3.title":"Planning for future challenges can help us know better how to overcome the challenge.\nNext time a complex challenge or problem arises at work, what are 2-3 things you can do to ensure the right perspectives are represented to help solve the problem?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"Describe your current work environment (office or remote)?\" and \"What pros/cons exist for your current situation?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It may help to give a rating on a 1-5 scale. Help your partner explore what's working and what's not.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you? \nTo what extent do you feel your current work environment is conducive to the kind of impact you hope to have at work? Click the profile icon for insights into your ideal impact.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q1.title":"The work environment plays a big role in how successfully we collaborate with others. \nTo what extent do you feel your current work environment is conducive to the kind of impact you hope to achieve? Why? Click the profile icon for insights into your ideal impact.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"What can you do to lobby for the type of change you envision?\"\n\nTip: If your partner feels they can't make the change themselves, ask them to identify a change leader they can influence or support.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nIf you could change one thing to make your current work environment more conducive to collaboration, what would it be? What needs to happen for that change to be made?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q2.title":"If you could change one thing about your current work environment to make it more conducive to collaboration, what would it be? What needs to happen for that change to be made?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"Where are you currently energized to collaborate at work (whether now or the near future)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Challenge your partner to identify a specific opportunity.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's hear your perspective now. \nWhat have you learned about collaborating at work? Has your definition of \"collaboration\" changed or been reinforced? How so?","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q3.title":"After our five conversations, what have you learned about your experience of collaborating at work? Has your definition of \"collaboration\" changed since our first conversation or has it been reinforced? Explain your answer.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.cultivate_collaboration_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_casper_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how \"being human\" showed up for them earlier in their career or life.","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_casper_q1.short_title":"What does “being human” mean to you? Describe times in your work and life when you demonstrated “being human.”","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_casper_q1.title":"What does “being human” mean to you? Describe times in your work and life when you demonstrated “being human.”","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_kp_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_kp_q1.short_title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.custom_demo_s1_kp_q1.title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q1.description":"Questions: \"How did you decide what to do?\" and \"What was the outcome?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up questions to learn more about their experience.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q1.short_title":"Your turn to share.\n\nWhen have you prioritized the company's interest above yours and/or your team's interests?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q1.title":"Our conversation today will focus on the leadership commitment: Be a Business Owner. Part of being a business owner at Accolade includes putting the company's interest above our own or our team's interests.\n\nWhen have you felt yours or your team's interests were in conflict with the interests of the organization? How did you prioritize the company's interest?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you seek out data when you are unclear about a decision?\"\n\nTip: Learn about each other's part of the business and how data informs their decisions.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q2.short_title":"How about you? \n\nWhat data do you most utilize to help you make decisions? How, then, do you align your decisions with the company's strategy and objectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q2.title":"Data-driven decision making is incredibly valuable. \n\nWhat type of data do you find most helpful in your decision-making? How do you also align your decisions with the company's strategy and objectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q3.description":"Question: \"How do you ensure your team's impact aligns to the broader company objectives?\"\n\nTip: Encourage each other to think bigger than just your teams.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q3.short_title":"I'd like to learn from your process as well.\n\nHow do you stay current on the broader company strategy and objectives? How do you realign your team if the company's strategy changes?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c10_q3.title":"Being a business owner also requires us to stay informed about current company strategy and objectives.\n\nHow do you stay up-to-date on the broader company strategy and objectives? What is your process for re-aligning team goals if/when the strategy changes?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: How do/can you integrate that experience into how you lead?\n\nTip: Encourage storytelling to show the power of this commitment.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhen did you feel supported, recognized, and/or coached by a leader in a way that helped you grow? What did they do and what impact did it have?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we will focus on leadership commitment: Develop People. Let's begin by reflecting on our own career experience. \n\nShare an example of a leader who supported, recognized, and/or coached you to help you grow. What actions did they take and what impact did that have on you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: 'Which lessons or skills did the team member learn from this experience?'\n\nTip: Explore the benefits of empowering others to find solutions.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Reflect on a time when you encouraged a team member to find their own solutions.\n\nWhat was the outcome? How were the objectives of your team served by doing so?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"An important aspect of this commitment is empowering others to develop their own solutions rather than giving them answers. Reflect on a time when you've been able to successfully do this.\n\nWhat was the outcome? How did this approach serve the overall objectives of your team?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Which of your strengths can help you develop people?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer see how their strengths can support the growth of others.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Reflect on your team. Where can you better recognize the talent of individual team members? How can you help develop that talent and help those members move toward their goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's finish today by embracing our role in developing the people we lead. Reflect on the members of your team. \n\nWhere are the opportunities to further recognize talent? How can you develop that talent and help those team members move toward their goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"Why is emotional intelligence important in leadership?\" and \"What is the impact of a lack of emotional intelligence?\"\n\nTip: Use each other's perspectives to build a great understanding of this commitment.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat does emotional intelligence mean to you? What qualities does an emotionally intelligent leader have?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Welcome back! Our focus today will be on the leadership commitment: Exhibit Emotional Intelligence. Let's start by understanding what that is.\n\nWhat does emotional intelligence mean to you? How does a leader show emotional intelligence?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What specific strengths did you demonstrate during that time?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate your partner's leadership strengths!","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon for insights about you at your best.\n\nWhen have you exhibited emotional intelligence at work? Tell me about a specific situation. \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Now that we have a shared understanding of this commitment, let's reflect on times in our leadership where we exhibited emotional intelligence. Click the profile icon for insights about you at your best.\n\nWhat is an example of a situation where you exhibited emotional intelligence at work? Share in detail the event and the outcome. \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How do you ensure your team is at a place where others can show up authentically and feel seen for who they are?\"\n\nTip: Normalize with each other that everyone has areas for growth.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about for you?\n\nWhat are your areas for growth regarding emotional intelligence skills (e.g. transparent & authentic, self-aware, admits mistakes, cultivates psychological safety, and offers support & guidance)? How can you practice this?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Examining areas for growth is essential for our development as leaders. \n\nWhen you consider your emotional intelligence skills (e.g. transparent & authentic, self-aware, admits mistakes, cultivates psychological safety, and offers support & guidance) where do you see beneficial opportunities for you to grow? How can you practice this?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"How does employee engagement factor into your team's effectiveness?\" and \"What is your current approach to building an effective and engaged team?\"\n\nTip: Reflect on what you can learn from someone else's approach.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"I'm curious how you see this as well.\n\nWhat makes an effective team? How would you rate (1-5) the effectiveness of your current team? Consider recent engagement survey results.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today, we're focusing on the leadership commitment: Build Effective Teams. What traits make up an effective team? \n\nOn a scale of 1-5 (5 being very effective), how effective is your current team? Consider recent engagement survey results.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"What obstacles do you run into, and how do you get around them?\"\n\nTip: Be an effective team right now by brainstorming solutions together.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you? Click the profile icon to understand what's important to you.\n\nHow do you instill a positive and enjoyable culture on your team? How do you encourage fun and belonging at work?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"Effective teams often have a positive and enjoyable culture. Click the profile icon to understand what's important to you.\n\nShare some ways in which you've been able to instill this in your teams? How do you promote fun and belonging at work?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How did your team respond?\" and \"What did you learn from that experience?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner find the learning even in a loss.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's hear your story.\n\nWhat's a situation where you encouraged risk-taking? What happened, and how did you share any losses?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Highly effective teams have psychological safety which is a shared belief that it is okay to take risks, to express ideas and concerns, to speak up with questions, and to admit mistakes — all without fear of negative consequence.\n\nWhen have you encouraged risk-taking on your team? What was the result, and how did you share any losses experienced?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What, if anything, makes it challenging to trust members of your team?\" and \"What's needed in those moments?\"\n\nTip: Brainstorm together what helps you be trusting leaders.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's hear from you.\n\nWhat actions do you take to communicate your trust in your team's competence? What impact does this trust have on your team?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"For this conversation, our focus is on the leadership commitment: Engage and Inspire.\n\nAs a leader, how do you convey trust in your team's competence to do their jobs? How have you seen this trust positively influence their performance?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What impact did you have as a leader?\" and \"How did you feel as a result?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect to their own feelings as they inspire others.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for ways you likely inspire others. \n\nWhen have you intentionally focused on inspiring your team? How did our mission fit into that situation?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Creating energy, excitement and linking it back to our mission is critical to this leadership commitment. Click the profile icon for ways you likely inspire others.\n\nWhen have you managed to inspire your team? How did you use our mission to help build the energy?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"Why is this type of culture important to you?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for their efforts to engage and inspire.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's hear about your efforts.\n\nWhat is a situation where you celebrated the success of a team member? How did you do it, and what impact did that have?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Acknowledging efforts with gratitude and recognition is essential. \n\nWalk me through a situation where you celebrated a team member’s success. What were your actions, and what was the impact?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Questions: \"How do you communicate these expectations and outcomes?\"\n\nTip: Try to identify the strategies used to set clear expectations.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nWhat clear expectations have you set with your team? What measurable outcomes are tied to them?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Today's focus will be on the leadership commitment: Drive and Manage Performance. \n\nReflect on your current practices for driving and managing the performance of those you lead. What are examples of clear expectations you've set with your team? What measurable outcomes go along with these expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Question: \"Why did you approach it in that way?\" and \"What other approaches might be available?\"\n\nTip: Learn from each other's approach and brainstorm new ideas.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat's your approach to feedback? Tell me about a recent experience and the outcome.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Giving meaningful feedback that is timely and direct is an important performance management skill. And, while it can feel difficult or uncomfortable to deliver at times, most employees actually want feedback that helps them improve. \n\nHow do you approach giving feedback? Share a specific situation and the outcome.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Questions: \"How do you know when to admit things aren't working, and what do you do in that situation?\"\n\nTip: If your partner wants help ideating, share any reflections you have from listening.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"What do you do in these circumstances? What have you learned from a team member's performance not improving?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"At times, despite our best coaching efforts, performance might not improve. \n\nWhat do you do when a team member's performance doesn't improve? What lessons do you learn from those experiences?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q1.description":"Questions: \"When, if ever, have you had to be a positive change agent but didn't agree with the change being made?\"\n\nTip: Change isn't always easy, so focus on empathizing with your partner's experience.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"Let's hear about your relationship to change. \n\nHow do you react to change? Share a recent example from work and how you navigated it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q1.title":"Today, we will focus on the leadership commitment: Lead Change. Change is an inevitable aspect of work and is imperative to our success. Our leadership during times of change directly impacts how well our teams adapt.\n\nHow would you describe your relationship to change? Share a recent change you've experienced at work and how you navigated it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q2.description":"Questions: \"What strategies have been ineffective?\" and \"What gets in the way of success?\"\n\nTip: Listen for new strategies you might adapt into your own leadership practices.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"How do you go about sharing the \"why\", and what other strategies have you found effective when leading change? Consider some of your likely strengths by clicking the profile icon.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q2.title":"Our job as leaders is to share the \"why\" behind the change, clarify expectations, and ensure our team has the knowledge and resources for success. \n\nHow do you go about sharing the \"why\", and what other strategies have you found effective when leading change? Consider some of your likely strengths by clicking the profile icon. \n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q3.description":"Questions: \"What support do you need as a leader when managing resistance?\"\n\nTip: Explore what your partner might need in order to positively and enthusiastically lead change.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"How do you manage resistance to change within your team? How do you reconnect to the \"why\"?\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c7_q3.title":"Change is imperative to our success, but resistance may emerge. \n\nAs a leader, how have you managed resistance to change within your team? How do you reconnect others to the \"why\" behind the change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q1.description":"Question: \"What is a sign that trust has eroded on your team, and how do you handle that?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back anything you've learned from your partner's actions.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nHow do you know if trust exists between you and your employees? How do you instill trust with those you lead?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q1.title":"Today's conversation focus is on the leadership commitment: Instill Trust. Trust is something that is built overtime through our actions. \n\nConsider the role trust plays on the team you lead. What are some of the key indicators that there is trust between you and your employees? What actions do you take to instill trust?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q2.description":"Questions: \"What would have happened to the culture of trust on your team if you took a different action?\"\n\nTip: Avoid assessing right/wrong for your partner. Remain curious about how they assess their situation.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"Share your experience of doing the \"right thing\". What did you do, and why was it difficult? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q2.title":"When building and instilling trust, we strive to do the \"right thing\". Reflect on a time where you did the \"right thing\" even when difficult. \n\nShare with me the incident. What was the \"right thing\", and what made it difficult? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q3.description":"Questions: \"What else could you try\" and \"How would you know your efforts were successful?\"\n\nTip: Brainstorm as many new actions to try as possible.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"Let's explore some new actions for you.\n\nWhere is it likely for trust to breakdown on your team? What steps could you take to shift that and actually build trust?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c8_q3.title":"Let's end today by brainstorming new actions we can take to instill trust on our teams.\n\nWhat is a common breakdown in trust that occurs on your team? What practical steps could you take to deepen the trust in those moments?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you do if you notice inequity or lack of respect?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner own their role as an inclusive leader.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q1.short_title":"Think about your team.\n\nHow do you ensure equity and respect on your team? What is your style? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q1.title":"Our conversation today will focus on the leadership commitment: Champion Inclusion. Leaders commit to ensuring all team members are treated equitably and with respect. \n\nThink about your team. How do these values play out in your leadership style? How do you action on these values?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q2.description":"Question: \"How did this instance make you feel as a leader?\" and \"What feedback did you get?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate your partner's efforts to see differences as strengths.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q2.short_title":"What's an example from your team? How did you celebrate and benefit from their diverse perspectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q2.title":"The goal of a leader is to acknowledge and celebrate differences as strengths. \n\nTell me about a time when you celebrated and benefitted from your team's diverse perspectives? How did you/the team benefit?","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q3.description":"Question: \"How can you address this bias, and how might doing so elevate your team's performance?\"\n\nTip: Normalize that we all have biases and thank your partner for sharing.","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your potential biases. \n\nWhat shows up most in your work? What is the impact?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c9_q3.title":"One of the more challenging aspects of leadership is to recognize your own biases and how they affect your decision-making. Click the profile icon for insights into your potential biases.\n\nWhich of these have you noticed showing up in your work? What is the impact of this bias?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_accolade_leadership_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.description":"Explore this further by asking, \"What were the outcomes you focused on?\" and \"Where were their opportunities to focus more on the outcome than the tasks you were completing?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you? \n\nShare a project from your work and how you determined it was successful.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.title":"Two ways that we can evaluate the quality of our work are outcome (results) and output (quantity). Consider the differences between the two. \n\nHow do you measure success in your work? Share an example of how you determined one of your projects was successful.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask follow-up questions to help you better understand their point of view. Ask, \"In your experience, what’s more important: delivering on time or ensuring the end result meets or exceeds expectations? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Where are you focused on the value you're delivering? What could cause you to focus on tasks instead?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now that we see the effects of each mindset, let’s explore how they show up in our current work. \n\nWhere in your work are you focused on the value you're delivering? Where is it easier to focus on the tasks you're completing?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.description":"Identify opportunities for growth by asking, \"Which strengths are you underutilizing?\" and \"What would it look like to lean more into those?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's explore your strengths.\n\nHow does your style help you focus on what matters most? What strengths of yours help you do so? Click the profile icon to help you identify strengths.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.title":"As we explored in our first conversation, we each have a unique style that we bring to our work. Those unique styles come with strengths that can help us stay focused on outcomes.\n\nIn what ways does your style help you focus on what matters most? Which of your strengths are most helpful? Click the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.description":"Get curious to better understand the challenge. Ask, \"What makes this situation complex?\" and \"What else do you need to consider?\"\n\nTip: Focus on understanding the challenge rather than problem-solving for now.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nTell me about a challenge you currently face at work? What decisions need to be made?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.title":"It isn't always easy to come to clear decisions when navigating the complex challenges of our work. Let’s start by understanding an actual challenge you are navigating. \n\nWhat is a challenge you currently face in your role? What decisions need to be made?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.description":"Help them identify where to look for this information. Ask, \"What possible resources of information will you use to gather the most important information?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How does your challenge relate to your current role/engagement? Where can a data driven decision help ensure your action is aligned with your goals or EAG/ISD goal?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.title":"Part of what makes decision making challenging at times is the varied goals/objectives our customers/org have. \n\nHow does the challenge you identified relate to your current role/engagement? Where do you think a data driven decision can ensure action that is aligned with your engagement goals or even EAG/ISD goals?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.description":"Apply the data they've collected to their decision-making. Ask \"What does the data tell you is the right decision?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Tell me about your decision(s).\n\nWhat are your options? What other data do you need to gather to make a sound decision?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's end today by coming back to a critical decision(s) you must make in this situation. \n\nWhat options could you choose from? What other data would be help you make a sound decision?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.description":"Dig deeper by asking for an example. Ask them to \"Describe a situation where you had to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges. How did you handle it, and what was the outcome?\"\n\nTip: Pay attention to their definition and example, even if they are different from yours.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What do you think?\n\nHow would you define emotional intelligence? What does resilience look like at work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.title":"Let's start today by exploring the importance of building emotional intelligence and resilience at work. \n\nFrom your perspective, what does emotional intelligence look like in the work setting? What about resilience?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.description":"Follow-up questions might help you learn even more. Try, \"What do you admire about this person?\" or \"In what ways do you wish you were more like them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Who around you demonstrates high emotional intelligence and resilience? What make you see them this way?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.title":"As we continue to build on these internal skills, it can often be helpful to look to those who already have a strong grasp of them. \n\nWho do you know that demonstrates high emotional intelligence and resilience? How do they demonstrate this?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.description":"Explore resources/support that are available. \"What could help you bounce back from challenges?\" and \"What support do you need to better understand and manage your emotions?\"\n\nTip: Feel free to express that it's normal to have challenges at work, and that they aren't reflections of their ability or skill.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about the challenges you navigate.\n\nWhat challenges most effect you? How do you maintain motivation and focus in this situations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's finish today by turning toward ourselves. Consider opportunities to build your emotional intelligence and resilience. \n\nWhat challenges at work do you find most effect you? How do you maintain motivation and focus when dealing with long-term challenges or uncertainty?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.description":"Identify how they would like to show up by asking, \"How would you like your presence to be described by others? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow would you describe your presence at work and why? What impact does this have on your relationships?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.title":"The way we carry ourselves, our presence, plays a big role in how others feel while working with us.\n\nHow would you describe your presence at work (confident, shy, exuberant, etc.) and why? How does this impact your working relationships?","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.description":"Identify role models of a confident presence. Ask, \"Who do you know that navigates these well?\" and \"How do they show up under pressure?\" ","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How confident are you under pressure, pushback, and/or conflict? Where does your confidence wane? Share examples. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.title":"In our roles, we each likely navigate high-pressure situations, pushback on decisions, and/or conflict. And how we show up in those has a big impact on the results.\n\nHow confident are you when navigating pressure, pushback, and/or conflict? Where is it challenging to be confident? Share examples from your work.","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.description":"Help them come up several options by asking, \"What else could you try?\" and \"What actions from your purpose profile could be helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Consider future high-pressure situations or conflicts in your work.\n\nWhat could you try in those situations that would help you feel more confident? Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's finish today by brainstorming ways to build confidence and strengthen our presence at work. Consider future high-pressure situations or conflicts.\n\nIn the future, how might you show up differently in those situations? What could help you feel more confident? Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm. \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Are there any potential challenges that your department might face in reaching its goals? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"And in your case, in what ways do you think your department's targets align with the overall goals of {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we will develop a shared understanding of how each other's departments contribute to the overall goals of {{member.organizationname}} and how we can enhance collaboration on our teams.\n\nLet's connect to the broader purpose of {{member.organizationname}}. How do you think your department's goals align with our organization's overall objectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What opportunities for collaboration between our teams/departments might there be?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about your perspective? What is an example of a silo or gap you've noticed in your role, department or in the organization overall? How would you approach improving this?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's consider current silos and gaps in our organization that could benefit from collaboration.\n\nWhere have you noticed a gap or lack of knowledge/communication transfer at {{member.organizationname}} so far? (This could be related to your work, department or even organization-wide.) What are your thoughts on what is needed to make this better?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"How could enhancing collaborative efforts on your team impact your own productivity and success at work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Consider your role and projects. How could increased collaboration support your work? How could you be proactive about fostering collaboration in your work?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's talk about how you or your team could benefit from increased collaboration. Tell me about a project or opportunity in your work that has potential. What steps could you take and what role could you play to help it happen?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"Why does that memory stick out to you?\" and \"What does that memory tell you about what you need for belonging?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nTell me about a time when you felt a genuine sense of belonging or inclusion. Be specific. What happened? Who's involved?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"In our conversation today, we will focus on specific behaviors that foster a sense of belonging on a team. As beings that live and work in connection with others, belonging is a basic human need.\n\nWhen have you felt a genuine sense of belonging or inclusion? Be specific. What was happening? Who was involved?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What makes that experience meaningful for you?\" and \"How did it impact the way you feel about work?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner identify specific actions that lead to a sense of belonging.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\n \nWhen have you recently felt recognized, included, or appreciated by another person or group of people? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Recall a recent example at work when you felt recognized, included, or appreciated by another person or group of people. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"How do you foster a sense of belonging on your team currently? What additional ideas do you have?\"\n\nTip: Observe your partner's facial expressions and body language as they speak with you. Share what you notice.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about for you? \n\nBased on your example, how do you think your performance improves from a greater sense of belonging? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Based on the example you shared, how do you think your performance improves when you feel a greater sense of belonging? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"Which of your biases do you often recognize about yourself during the course of a workday? What is one you'd like to be more aware of?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner feel psychologically safe by staying curious without judgment of their biases.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon for insights into possible biases you might have.\n\nWhat resonates most with you? What examples come to mind?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be sharing about how our own biases can show up in our work. We all have moments when our strengths can create bias or limit our perspective. \n\nClick the profile icon for possible biases based on your purpose profile. What resonates with you? Share an example.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"How could having a stronger awareness of your biases impact your success and/or wellbeing at work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on new actions you can take.\n\nBased on the bias(es) you acknowledged, what new actions would help you understand the viewpoints of others? How would that resolve conflict or disagreements? \n\n(You can reference your biases in the profile icon if needed.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"When our biases are present at work, we may have a harder time understanding the perspectives of our colleagues, which can lead to conflict and frustration.\n\nBased on the bias(es) you previously shared, what new actions could you take to understand the viewpoints of others? How would that help resolve conflict or disagreements?\n\n(You can reference your biases in the profile icon if needed.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What needs to change for you to stay connected to your work AND your relationships?\" and \"Why is this important to you?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat moments are more challenging for you to prioritize the quality of your connections with other team members? What gets in the way? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Maintaining quality relationships is core to our wellbeing and fulfillment. However, during times of stress we can easily get overly focused on the tasks of our work -- often to the detriment of our connections with others.\n\nFor you, in which moments is it challenging to focus on your connection to others on your team? What gets in the way? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"Tell me about a time when you felt motivated to grow at work.\" and \"What specifically made you feel motivated?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's hear from you. See below to reflect on how you felt about your growth coming into this conversation. \n\n\n{{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (Note this is only visible to you)\n\n\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing how to take ownership of your professional growth. See below to see how you rated your growth prior to this conversation.\n\n{{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (Note this is only visible to you)\n\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does stretching yourself typically impact your wellbeing?\" and \"What would you need to 'stretch' in a way that's healthy for you?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer explore the relationship between growth and wellbeing.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhere is there an opportunity to stretch yourself in the next few months? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Growth often involves stretching outside of our comfort zones.\n\nIn the next few months, where is there an opportunity to stretch yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Who or what comes to mind as your most important resources?\" and \"How can you make sure they know about your growth goal?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow up questions that help define the support they might need.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nHow can others support your next phase of growth? What, specifically, would help you be successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"It's important to lean on our support networks during times of growth. \n\nHow can others support you as you expand your skills? What, specifically, would help you move outside of your comfort zone? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Tip: Try to summarize what they shared.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about the positive parts you enjoy about your work. Also, what is a challenge you face? \n\nHow do the insights on the profile icon relate to your examples?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"In our discussion today we'll be sharing about how we experience and thrive through changes at work. \n\nFirst, share with me about your current experience at work. What have been a few positive aspects you've experienced while at {{member.organizationname}}? Also, what has been one challenging aspect?\n\nCheck out the profile icon. How do these insights relate to what you've shared about how work can feel positive or challenging at times?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"From what you shared, which aspects do you have the ability to influence, and which aspects are out of your hands?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"What is one significant way your team or department is being affected? \n\nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Tell me about one significant way your team or department is being affected by our current organizational changes (new processes, hiring, morale, etc.). \n\nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"What would help you feel confident enough to take action?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"Let's go back to the example you shared. Imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \n\nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? \n\n(Check out the profile icon about how you use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"Based on the example you just shared, let's imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \n\nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? (Check out the profile icon for ideas on how you often use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q1.description":"Ask: \"How has that stayed the same or changed for you over time?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn.\n\nRecall your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path. Share what is was and describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q1.title":"Take a moment to think back. What is your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path? Describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q2.description":"Ask: \"What has surprised you about where you are today? What has felt expected?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Since the memory you shared, what makes you feel proud of where you are today career-wise? \n\nHow does your profile insight relate (or not) to how you've pursued your career?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q2.title":"Knowing that you've grown since that earliest memory, what makes you proud of where you are today in your career?\n\nNow read your profile insight. How does this description relate to what you feel proud of?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q3.description":"Question: \"What does your response tell you about work lately?\" and, \"Where are there additional opportunities to integrate the strengths in your profile insight?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"Consider your current role. Where have you noticed yourself feeling inspired or purposeful this year? Share a recent example of feeling this way.\n\nCheck out your profile insight for additional ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c7_q3.title":"Now let's consider your current role. \n\nWhere have you noticed yourself feeling inspired or purposeful this year? Recall a specific example of a time you felt that way recently.\n\nView your profile insight for additional ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q1.description":"Ask: \"What outcome do you hope to reach by the end of our conversation today?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"What's top of mind for you? Why does this feel important to talk through today?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction. As peers, we can offer each other additional ideas and perspectives. \n\nWhat feels most relevant for you to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q2.description":"Tip: Share anything that stands out to you from what your partner shared.\n\nAsk: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me the facts about the situation you shared. Additionally, what is a realistic outcome to aim for?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q2.title":"Now that we've established our discussion topics, let's spend a few minutes talking them through. Let's start with you.\n\nConsider the topic you shared earlier about what was top of mind for you. What about this situation/example do you already know is true? What feels achievable?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else do you need to reach the outcome you hope for?\" and \"Describe the next steps you'd like to take, if any.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"What has been beneficial to you in discussing your topic today? What questions or uncertainties still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c8_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How often are you able to integrate these aspects of your style in your current role? Which aspects are not as frequent?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What about for you? How would you describe your leadership style? What do others appreciate about your style?\n\nNow read your profile insight. Which parts resonate with you?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"When we are connected to what drives us as leaders, we feel motivated and at our best. Let's start by sharing more about how we each lead. Tell me in your own words how you'd describe your leadership style. What do others tend to appreciate about you as a leader?\n\nNow, click the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style. What connections do you see to what you described?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What energized you? How did it feel to lead in this example?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you were able to lead with your authentic leadership strengths. What was the situation and how did your unique style help others and/or the outcome?\n\nClick on the profile icon for examples if needed.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's recall a recent time that your leadership style was in action. Share with me a memory, personal or professional, of when you were able to use your personal strengths when leading others. \n\nDescribe the situation. How did your leadership help others and/or the outcome? Click on the profile icon to reference examples if necessary.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What, if anything, holds you back from sharing your authentic style as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Consider an opportunity at work where you can lean into your leadership strengths and qualities. What impact might this have on your team?\n\n(View your profile insight for ideas.)\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's think about what's happening at work currently. Where is there an opportunity to lead more authentically? \n\nIn other words, how can your unique leadership style make a difference for your team right now? (Refer to your profile insight if needed.)\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What specific leadership traits did they demonstrate in this example?\" and \"Do you recognize any of those traits in your leadership style?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about a leader who helped your team overcome a challenge. How did they inspire you to stay motivated and what specific actions do you recall?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing how to stay motivated to lead, especially when encountering challenges.\n\nTo get us started, think of a past leader you've had who helped your team overcome a challenge. What role did this leader play and how did they inspire the team to stay motivated? Share any specific actions they took.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Tip: Try not to problem solve. Focus on listening and understanding.\n\nAsk: \"Have you accomplished something like this before?\" and \"What challenges do you foresee getting in the way of making this impact?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's hear your ideas. Tell me about a challenge your team is dealing with.\n\nNow imagine it's three months from today. What steps did you take to help the team overcome this challenge or stay motivated? What are your measures of success?\n\n(Click on the profile icon for ideas of how you make the most impact.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's now consider the type of impact you want to make as a leader. First, tell me about a challenge your team is dealing with. \n\nNow, imagine it's three months from today. How did you show up as a leader to work through this challenge? How will you know you were successful?\n\n(Click on the profile icon for ideas of how you make the most impact.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"How can you lean on this person for support?\" and \"How will you ask them for support?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Who is someone that helps you stay motivated at work and why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Relationships are a key way we stay motivated to lead—especially when things feel challenging. \n\nWho is someone that comes to mind that helps you stay motivated at work? How does that person help you stay motivated?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Tip: Demonstrate empathy for what they are going through.\n\nAsk: \"Have you experienced something like this before?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a leadership situation you are currently navigating that feels uncertain. What are the specific challenges you face, and where is there missing information?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be brainstorming ways to lead during times of uncertainty.\n\nLet's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge where you feel you are navigating uncertainty. Share with me the details of the challenge you are facing. What parts feel uncertain or are lacking information?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Celebrate their awareness of their biases. Ex: \"I am impressed that you notice where ____ is blocking you from____.\"\n\nAsk: \"What are your ideas on how to notice when your biases are coming up in situations like this?\" or \"What else might be blocking you in this situation?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. Click the profile icon and share with me which biases may be impacting your ability to navigate the challenge you were discussing. Why? \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Click the profile icon to review insights from your purpose profile. Which biases, if any, may be blocking you from knowing how to navigate this situation? \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What additional strategies come to mind for how you can seek support when times feel uncertain?\"\n\nTip: Brainstorm ideas together if it helps your peer.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Who in your network or team would be a helpful resource to you when figuring out new solutions and approaches? Who might offer a different perspective?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions to every situation alone. \n\nWho can help you brainstorm new approaches during times when you feel uncertain? Who in your peer network or on your team has different strengths than you do?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"Where do you notice your efforts having a positive effect?\" and \"What can you learn from that to apply to other situations?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How do you ensure levels of trust within your team? How are you personally focused on making sure your team trusts you/each other?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"As culture leaders, we play a significant role in ensuring that opportunities to build and maintain trust exist within our teams.\n\nHow do you ensure there is trust within your team? In what ways are you personally focused on making sure your team trusts you/each other?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you already apply these strengths?\" and \"Where could you more consistently apply these strengths?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to take personal accountability as a culture leader.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's look at your strengths.\n\nWhat strengths do you possess that most enable trust and openness within your team? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"The quality of your relationships at work are key to a culture of openness and trust.\n\nWhich of your strengths most enable you to create a trusting team where all voices are heard and valued? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Based on what we've discussed today, what are additional ways to ensure your team is a place where others can foster trust and openness?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you? \n\nHow do you gather feedback from your team? What important feedback have you received? How did you respond?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"We must check-in with those we lead to help us assess how things are going. \n\nHow do you gather feedback from your team to ensure all voices are heard? Share an example of important feedback you've received and how you responded.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you approach performance management within your team?\" or \"How do you measure success?\"\n\nTip: This is a chance to share different approaches.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nTell me about your team. What does high performance look like for your team?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Let's start today by reflecting on our current practices for managing the performance of our teams.\n\nDescribe your team. What does high performance look like for your team?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"Why do you choose to approach it in that way?\" and \"What other approaches might be available?\"\n\nTip: Learn from each other's approach and brainstorm new ideas.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat's your approach to feedback? Tell me about a recent experience and the outcome.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Giving meaningful feedback that is timely and direct is an important leadership skill. And, while it can feel difficult or uncomfortable to deliver at times, most employees actually want feedback that helps them improve. \n\nHow do you approach giving feedback? Share a specific situation and the outcome.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"What implications have you experienced when performance isn't managed well in the past?\" and \"How do you continue to encourage and empower your team?\"\n\nTip: If you partner wants help with ideas, share any reflections you have from listening. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"When you've given your best efforts and performance is not improving, what is your approach? What lessons have you learned about dealing with this?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"At times, despite our best coaching efforts, performance might not improve. \n\nWhat do you do when a team or member's performance is struggling? What lessons have you learned from those experiences?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q1.description":"Ask: \"What do you do if you notice inequity or lack of respect?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner own their role as an inclusive leader.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"Think about your team.\n\nHow do you ensure equity and respect on your team? What is your style for leading and for holding others to this expectation?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q1.title":"As leaders, we need to ensure our team members are treated equitably and with respect. Consider your team.\n\nWhat do the words \"equity\" and \"respect\" mean to you, and how do they play out in your team? How do you role model the values of equity and respect?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q2.description":"Ask: \"How did this instance make you feel as a leader?\" and \"What feedback did you get?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate your partner's efforts to see differences as strengths.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"What's an example from your team? How did you celebrate and benefit from their diverse perspectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q2.title":"One goal as a leader is to acknowledge and celebrate differences as strengths. \n\nTell me about a time when you celebrated and benefited from your team's diverse perspectives. How did you/the team benefit?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q3.description":"Ask: \"How can you address the bias(es) you shared, and how might doing so elevate your team's performance?\"\n\nTip: Normalize that we all have biases and thank your partner for sharing.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"What types of biases show up most in your work? What is the impact?\n\nClick the profile icon for insights into your potential biases. \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c7_q3.title":"One of the more challenging aspects of leadership is to recognize your own biases and how they affect your decision-making. \n\nWhat types of biases have you noticed showing up in your work? What impact does this have?\n\nClick the profile icon for insights into your potential biases.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q1.description":"Ask: \"What outcome do you hope to reach by the end of our conversation today?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"What's top of mind for you? Why does this feel important to talk through today?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction. As peers, we can offer each other additional ideas and perspectives.\n\nIn this first question we'll each figure out the topic we'd like to discuss. (Recommendation: 5 minutes each) \n\nWhat feels most relevant for you to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q2.description":"Choose from these questions based on your conversation:\n\n- What is most important for you to focus on?\n- Where do you have an opportunity to influence? \n- Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, what lessons can you apply?\n- What feels most challenging/energizing?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"Now it's your turn. Let's spend 5-10 minutes getting into your topic and discussing.\n\nWhat feels most helpful to discuss about your topic?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q2.title":"Now that we've established our discussion topics, let's talk them through. This is your time, and we can spend 5-10 minutes discussing your topic in this section. \n\nConsider the topic you shared earlier about what was top of mind for you. What about this topic would be most helpful to discuss?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else do you need to reach the outcome you hope for?\" and \"Describe the next steps you'd like to take, if any.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"What has been beneficial to you in discussing your topic today? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c8_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"Imperative will provide guided prompts on the topic of choice. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"You will be able to select the topic from a list of options at the time of your conversation. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"Topic of Choice","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Meaningful relationships, making an impact that matters and growing professionally are all drivers of fulfillment at work. Which of these show up in the example you just shared?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'd like to learn more about your career journey. \n\nWhat is an accomplishment you are most proud of, and why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today's topic is \"Take Stock of Your Career.\" It will be a chance to reflect on your career and envision your future. \n\n\nLet's first reflect on your career to date. Share one of your proudest work accomplishments. Why does this specific accomplishment stand out to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What else is coming to mind for you as you reflect?\"\n\nTip: Career goals and aspirations look different for everyone. The importance of career goals and aspirations often ebb and flow at different times in our careers.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How do you check in with your own career goals? How have you navigated your career goals as they evolve?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"What do you currently feel driven to accomplish or experience in your career (short or long term)? What or whom do you want to positively impact throughout your career?\n\nClick the profile icon for inspiration from your purpose profile.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else?\" and \"Why?\"\n\nTip: This is a good time in the conversation to explore which organization resources may be relevant given what has been discussed thus far.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From your perspective, are there any other actions I should take? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's begin activating insights from this conversation. Based on what you shared today, what's one step you need to take before our next conversation?\n\nWhat do you need in order to achieve what you described? Consider people in your network and/or resources that may be helpful during this time.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"How easy is it for you (currently) to maintain the work/life balance you prefer? Has that changed over time?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"It's helpful for me to hear other aspects of work/life balance I may not have considered yet. What are your key indicators of feeling balanced?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"We often hear about the importance of work/life balance, but what that actually means can vary from person to person. Let's reflect on what it means to you. \n\nWhat are your key indicators that your work and life are in good balance? How balanced are you feeling currently?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"When have you experienced the benefits of a team or team member prioritizing wellbeing? What impact did it have on relationships and performance?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What have you noticed about your wellbeing and performance when your priorities aren't balanced? Recall an experience you've had in your career. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"More than just getting through the responsibilities of your work and life, work/life balance is truly about a sense of wellbeing. \n\nTell me about a time when your work/life balance was off. How was your wellbeing affected during that time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What adjustments do you think will have the biggest impact?\"\n\nTip: Explore new strategies that create greater alignment.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What stands out to you about my reflection on work/life balance? What, if any, suggestions might you offer? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Often times, we may be able to identify our priorities for balance but have a difficult time making choices to change our behavior. \n\nOn a scale of 1-10, how balanced are you feeling these days? What choices would help you maintain or increase your sense of balance?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What personal strengths do you tend to lean into when experiencing change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How have you experienced something similar in your career? What kinds of changes are you experiencing in your role these days?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing to how we approach and navigate changes at work.\n\nWhat drove your decision to choose today's topic? Share with me the specifics about the change you are experiencing in your role and/or across your team. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What feels important to prioritize?\"\n\nTip: Take time to unpack the priority.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What themes are you drawing from my reflection so far? What follow-up questions or suggestions do you have for me?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"Experiencing change can drive energy AND create obstacles.\n\nWith the change you shared, are there opportunities that have potential to create positive energy or momentum in your role? \n\nAlso, what feels challenging or draining about seeing this change through?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What does your team experience when working with you through change? At which points do they experience your best?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What have you learned about navigating change in your career? How have you stayed the same or changed your approach over time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Most often, how do you approach change? Are you someone who leans in quickly, or resists initially? \n\nNow, share how you aspire to show up in navigating the change we've been talking about. Be specific.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Tip: The goal of this question is to align on a topic that feels relevant for the mentee to discuss today.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What else would you add based on what I just shared?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction.\n\nWhat feels relevant to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"As my mentor, what else would you add? Also, what support or resources would you recommend?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Now that we've established your discussion topic, we can talk it through. Let's dedicate the next 5-10 minutes to this portion. \n\n-What about this topic would be most helpful to discuss? \n-What about this topic do you already know is true (What are the facts)?\n-What is the desired outcome?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Was this a helpful process for you? Why or why not?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Before we wrap up and set an action at the end of our discussion, what else do we need to touch on or clarify?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"Which source(s) of feedback tend to stretch you out of your comfort zone? What makes those sources more challenging?\"\n\nTip: It's common to feel uncomfortable at times about feedback. Sharing and naming that discomfort is a helpful way to overcome it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. What source(s) of feedback have you found most helpful over your career so far? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Today's topic is about feedback and self-reflection. Feedback in our careers can come from many sources including co-workers, supervisors, data, and even our own self-reflection.\n\nWhat source(s) of feedback have you found most helpful over your career so far? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do remain open to the feedback you receive from your team or otherwise? Which types of feedback keep you motivated?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"It might help me to hear someone else's process. \n\nHow do you prioritize gathering feedback in your work? And, what are some of your bias areas you continue to sharpen?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Let's consider a current project you are working on. Describe your role and the goal of the project. How do you decide what feedback is most relevant? \n\nView the profile icon for ways that may limit your perspective. What additional types of feedback would enhance your approach? \n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"How do you reflect on your own work to ensure its quality? Are these practice(s) still working for you? Why or why not?\"\n\nTip: Encourage the practice of self-reflecting.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"What do you notice when you and/or coworkers proactively prioritize feedback? How have you seen self-reflection positively impact performance and relationships at work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"While you might rely on external forms of feedback early in your career, it's important over time to develop a process of self-reflection.\n\nWhat are some reflections you have today about your performance and/or working style? Where are you meeting, exceeding or falling short of your own expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How often do you think about career goals or aspirations? What role have they played in your career so far?\"\n\nTip: It's ok to not have all the answers yet. This conversation can help unlock insights.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What key moment(s) in your career helped you clarify your career goals or aspirations? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"In our first conversation, we began exploring career goals and aspirations. We will have an opportunity to expand on that conversation today.\n\nTake a moment to imagine your ideal job, without fear or boundaries. What's coming to mind? Share as many details as possible including specific workstyles, responsibilities, challenges, or opportunities that come along with your ideal role.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"Where do you see opportunity to take action?\"\n\nTip: Based on where the conversation is going, feel free to add in your own follow up question.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Based on what I shared, how might you see my purpose valued at {{member.organizationname}} and/or on my team? \n\nWho should I connect with or what experiences would you encourage me to explore to help define or clarify career aspirations?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's revisit your Purpose Profile for inspiration. \n\nClick on the profile icon for likely ways you find purpose and meaning at work. How do these insights relate to or differentiate from the career ambitions you shared earlier? \n\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What (if any) barriers have you experienced as you've navigated your career path thus far? How have you overcome them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"I'd appreciate hearing your path to understanding your career goals and aspirations. \n\nWhat strategies have you used to become clear on your career goals/aspirations? How have they changed as you've gained experience?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"What have you learned or reconfirmed today about your goals and aspirations for your career? \n\nHow can I, as your mentor, best support you in further defining and/or achieving your career aspirations and goals?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you recognize when you are feeling balanced or imbalanced?\"\n\nTip: It's helpful to hear both of your perspectives. You will find similarities and differences.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you? What does \"work/life balance\" mean to you? \n\nHow has your definition changed or evolved over time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today's topic is about your wellbeing. This is an important topic to continually revisit throughout your career.\n\nWhat does \"work/life balance\" mean to you? What comes to mind as important elements for you to consider?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Describe the energy you get from prioritizing what matters to you.\"\n\nTip: As a reminder, we all have different priorities. This is an opportunity to bring them to the forefront.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How have you maintained priorities outside of work? How has this helped you be successful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Clear identification of what is important to you outside of work is a critical step to create work/life balance. Take a moment to consider your priorities. \n\nWhat is important to you outside of work? When you prioritize those things, what does it look and feel like for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: Recap the key takeaway you heard and ask, \"What else comes to mind?\"\n\nTip: Get curious about how you each restore work/life balance.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What is your best piece of advice for when I notice I am out of balance? What helps you get back on track?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's consider how you are doing today. \n\nOn a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about your wellbeing right now? In the next 3 months, do you want it to stay the same or change in some way?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you typically approach change? Share an example.\"\n\nTip: Humans are wired for storytelling. It helps to hear an example.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How did you, if at all, experience a similar type of change early in your career? What attributes and/or skills have you seen in others that help them navigate the ambiguity that comes with change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today's topic is about adapting with change at work.\n\nWhat drove your decision to choose today's topic? Share a change you are experiencing in your specific role and/or across your team.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you know when you're feeling resistant or hesitant?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What theme(s) do you hear from what I've shared so far? \n\nWhat suggestions might you have for ways I can stay open and flexible when experiencing a change? (Refer to my profile insights for additional ideas.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's important to practice the skill of flexibility as new processes and strategies arise.\n\nWhat strategies do you use to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges? In what areas, if any, might you be resistant or hesitant to try a new approach? \nClick the profile icon to help you identify possible areas of resistance.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What do you notice about yourself when you are energized for change? Drained by change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"I'd love to hear about a time when change provided you with an opportunity to grow. What did you learn from that experience? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Change can also provide opportunity. Considering the change you described earlier, what opportunities might there be to help you grow or gain new experiences? How could the next few weeks or months work FOR you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"Beyond the workplace, who else is a good resource for providing you with feedback?\" and \"How does receiving feedback from them feel similar and/or different?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you? \n\nI'm curious how you have navigated feedback conversations in your career. How often do you seek out feedback?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's start today by understanding your relationship to an important aspect of career development - receiving feedback. \n\nWhat thoughts or feelings arise for you when you imagine receiving feedback from your peers or manager?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"It's equally helpful to validate strengths. What is a piece of positive feedback you've received that influenced your career?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"It's helpful to hear how others have grown from feedback. \n\nCan you share with me a time when you received constructive feedback? How did it make a positive impact on your growth?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's reflect on the value of feedback. \n\nConsider a time when you received constructive feedback that helped you grow. How did the feedback help you see or learn something new?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Share an example that comes to mind.\"\n\nTip: Recognize the courage it takes to be open and honest about navigating feedback.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What suggestions do you have for me based on what I shared? \n\nAlso, how have you prioritized and evolved your growth mindset over your career?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Finally, let's explore the growth mindset you have today and aspire to have for your career. \n\nGiven our discussion so far, how would you describe your mindset towards growth today (i.e. receiving feedback, hearing different points of view)? What, if anything, feels like an opportunity to strengthen your growth mindset?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"What are your ideas on how to build more awareness of one's personal strengths?\" or \"Would you say these are natural strengths or something that you had to learn?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"How have you discovered what your personal strengths are over time? What has helped clue you in?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Welcome back! Our conversation today will be about understanding the strengths you naturally bring to your work. \n\nTake me back to when you first started in your current role. From your perspective, which of your personal strengths made this role a good fit for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"How might growing this strength(s) open up more career possibilities?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, what additional strengths came up in the story I just shared? \n\n(We can refer to the profile icon for additional ideas.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Talking about our personal strengths out loud to someone else takes practice. Let's try it out now.\n\nTell me about a project you are working on that highlights a strength you have and/or something you are passionate about. How have others benefitted from you sharing your gifts at work?\n\n(Click the profile icon for additional insights about your strengths.)\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"What did you learn from that experience?\" and \"What are you taking away from our discussion today that you'd like to apply at work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"It's also important to recognize when we could benefit from other people's strengths at work. \n\nShare a challenge you've faced in your career when you had to lean on a colleague with different strengths than you. What was the situation and how did your strengths compliment each other?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"We can often see our strengths shine when dealing with challenges. Reflect on a time, personally or professionally, when you had to overcome a challenge.\n\nTell me the situation and how you resolved the issue. Which of your strengths shined through in this example? What do you feel most proud of?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Tell me about a key moment in your career that made you proud.\"\n\nTip: As humans, we are wired for stories. Sharing a specific story is a great way to reflect and learn.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How would you answer these questions about your career path? \n\nWhat is still the same and/or different about your aspirations since you began your career?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today's conversation topic is called \"Reflect & Spotlight Career.\" We will use the time to reflect on your current fulfillment and explore what you want for the future. \n\nLet's begin by reflecting on your career to date. What would your younger self appreciate about where you are today? What might your younger self be surprised by?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you've shared, what actions might you take to make improvements on either your relationships, impact, or growth?\"\n\nTip: Share specific examples and/or pull from relevant experiences, as applicable.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What themes are you noticing from my response? Is there anything you'd add for me to consider and reflect on? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.title":"We know that meaningful relationships, making an impact that matters, and growing professionally are key drivers of a fulfilling and successful career. \n\nTake a moment to reflect. How active are these drivers of fulfillment for you today? When you consider your current environment and career goals, what comes to mind?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What are you recognizing about yourself when asked to dream? For example, do you notice it feeling easy or challenging?\"\n\nTip: It's encouraging to dream when you do it together. More often than not, we limit ourselves by only thinking within boundaries.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you? \n\nHave you allowed yourself to dream without fear or boundaries? How have you navigated limiting beliefs?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.title":"Now that we've considered actions that would impact the present, let's take a moment to dream big together about the future. \n\nWithout fear or boundaries, what comes to mind when you think about what's next for your career? What, if anything, feels just outside your comfort zone when you consider what's possible?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"Can you share any specific practices or strategies that help you maintain this balance?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nReflecting on your career to date, what does \"\"work/life balance\"\" mean to you? What are your most important factors to prioritizing your wellbeing and sense of balance?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today's topic is about work/life balance. Let's first anchor to what it means for you. \n\nWhat does \"work/life balance\" mean to you personally? Considering various stages of your career, what have you learned are the most important factors that positively impact your sense of wellbeing?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you ever witnessed leaders neglecting their own wellbeing? How did you observe it impact their teams?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What strategies or actions have you found effective for helping your team prioritize their wellbeing? When done well, describe the impact you've experienced (i.e. increased resilience, performance, culture).","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.title":"As a leader, why is it important to communicate your views about wellbeing and work/life balance to your team? \n\nShare how you've contributed to creating a supportive environment for your team. Where might there be an opportunity to strengthen support?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What common barriers could hinder achieving work/life balance and how might you address them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you? \n\nWhat's your approach to prioritizing your future self? What suggestions, if any, would you have for me?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's be proactive about your future sense of balance.\n\nHow would you describe what's ahead for you at work and personally in the coming weeks and months? What needs to be true for you and your team to thrive?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What makes a change feel energizing versus draining?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Where have you experienced significant change over the last few years? \n\nFrom your perspective, what are the qualities that teams and leaders need to navigate change successfully?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we will focus on an inevitable aspect of work - change. \n\nOver the last year, what significant changes have you had to navigate at work? Describe your role navigating the change(s).","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Spend some time here to reflect and further explore the change. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What stands out from what I'm sharing so far? Is there additional context that would be helpful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.title":"As these conversations are YOUR time, what would feel most helpful? Would you rather unpack a change you've experienced previously or discuss a current change you are navigating? \n\nOnce you choose, tell me more about it and why it's significant for you.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"Do the next few months feel draining or energizing for you?\" and \"How do you evaluate needs during times of change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Given what I've just described, what would you add to my description of success? What additional techniques or mindsets would you suggest I keep in mind heading into the next 6 months?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.title":"From here, let's move to discussing how best to navigate what's ahead. \n\nImagine it is 6 months from now and you are describing how you successfully navigated this time at work. What does that look like for you and your team? What skills or attributes enabled successful navigation of the change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"On scale of 1-10, how regularly do you invite feedback about yourself as a leader? How do you solicit it? Are you getting the clarity you need on how effective you are as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What is one of the most important pieces of feedback you've received in your career? How has it helped you grow and support the growth of your teams?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q1.title":"In this conversation, we'll be discussing the role of both internal and external sources of feedback about your leadership effectiveness.\n\nI'm curious to hear more about what prompted you to choose this topic today. How does feedback (both giving and receiving) play out on your team currently? What's a recent example?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"Please share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"I'm curious to hear how my response resonates with you. \n\nHow do you check in with the expectations you have for yourself? And, how do you manage the expectations others have of you as a leader?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q2.title":"As we invite in feedback from our teams, we also need to be clear about our own expectations for ourselves. \n\nWhat expectations do you have for yourself within your career? What expectations do you feel others have of you at work? \n\nHow well aligned are these expectations? Tell me why/why not.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Where might additional feedback be helpful (team member, manager, friend)? What role does self-reflection play in your current listening and feedback systems?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What do you believe is the role of a leader in managing feedback among a team or the organization? \n\nWhat advice might you give me based on what I've shared?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c5_q3.title":"Based on the expectations we discussed, what feedback (constructive and positive) would you give yourself today? What areas, if any, would you change or adapt, and why? \n\nView the profile icon to see a few ways your strengths could support you in making changes.\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q1.description":"Tip: The goal of this question is to align on a topic that feels relevant for the mentee to discuss today.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"What else would you add based on what I just shared?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction.\n\nWhat feels relevant to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"As my mentor, what else would you add? Also, what support or resources would you recommend?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q2.title":"Now that we've established your discussion topic, we can talk it through. Let's dedicate the next 5-10 minutes to this portion. \n\n- What about this topic would be most helpful to discuss? \n- What about this topic do you already know is true (What are the facts)?\n- What is the desired outcome?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"Was this a helpful process for you? Why or why not?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"Before we wrap up and set an action at the end of our discussion, what else do we need to touch on or clarify?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c6_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Help them further evaluate this by asking, \"In which area do you feel the strongest?\" and \"What's getting in the way in the other areas?\"\n\nTip: Focus on understanding their current feelings and avoid problem-solving for now.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'd like to hear how you're doing?\n\nHow do you feel about your relationships, impact, and growth at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Today, we will focus on reconnecting with what makes us feel purposeful in our work. We'll start with 3 key areas that help define our sense of purpose: our relationships, our impact, and our growth.\n\nHow are you doing in your relationships? In the impact you're having? In your growth?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask follow up questions to better understand their sense of purpose. Try, \"What resonated most from what you read?\" and \"How do you feel now at work compared to the example you shared? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhen was a time you felt very fulfilled by your work? What made you feel that way? Click the profile icon for insights into your sense of purpose.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now that we have a baseline on some specifics that define your sense or purpose, let's zoom out and get a broader view.\n\nWhat does it look like when you feel fulfilled by your work? Tell me about a specific time when you felt this. Click the profile icon for insights into when you feel most purposeful. \n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help them explore other perspectives. Try, \"What is something new you could try?\"\n\nTip: If you have one, try sharing your perspective on this. This may help them broaden their perspective.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Where are you most energized: relationships, impact or growth? What changes could be made to strengthen your connection to work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's finish today by brainstorming ways to feel even more connected to our sense of purpose. \n\nWhere are you most energized to focus: relationships, impact, or growth? What could you add/subtract/modify in that area to bring a stronger connection with your work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Dig deeper into how they see mentorship by asking, \"How do you know if a mentor is a good fit for you?\" and \"What qualities would make a mentor not a good fit for you?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Let's hear about one of your mentors. \n\nWhat qualities of a previous, current, or ideal mentor do you most appreciate? How do they help you be successful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"An effective way to add other viewpoints into the way you work is through mentorship. Reflect on those you've considered a mentor. And, if you've never had a mentor, imagine the qualities of an ideal mentor. \n\nTell me about someone who has mentored you, whether formally or informally. What made them effective as a mentor?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Help them explore the benefits of mentorship. Ask, \"Share an example.\" and \"If it's one year from today, how would your future self benefit from a mentor in that way?\"\n\nTip: Stay in the role of trusted peer by helping explore the benefits. You aren't expected to become their mentor.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What about in your work?\n\nHow might you benefit most from a mentor? e.g. thinking partner, advocate, strengthen your sense of belonging, career inspiration, help with solving a challenge, etc.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's now look for specific areas of your work where mentorship could come in handy. \n\nIn what way(s), could a mentor help you most? e.g. thinking partner, advocate, strengthen your sense of belonging, career inspiration, help with solving a challenge, etc.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Follow up questions can help them evaluate potential mentors. Try, \"Why do you think they would be a good fit for you?\" and \"Who else, if anyone, have you yet to consider?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Who from your network seems like a good fit as a mentor? How do they match the qualities of a good mentor and your current needs?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Bringing it all together, let's finish by identifying and evaluating opportunities for mentorship. \n\nWho from your network comes to mind as someone who could serve as a mentor? How do they align with the qualities of a good mentor and your current needs?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Find out more by asking, \"How did you know to ask for help from that person?\" and \"What strengths did they bring to the table?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's hear your example.\n\nWhen have you asked for help? What help did you receive and what were the results?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Only so much can be accomplished when working alone on any project. Our success can grow exponentially when we leverage the strengths of others in our professional network.\n\nTell me about a time when you asked for help from someone in your network? How were they helpful, and what were the results?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Further connect the other's perspective to their success by asking, \"How did their perspective make you and/or the team more successful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Back to your example.\n\nWhat new insights did you gain from adding their perspective? What could you have missed without it?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"Not only do others bring their talents, but they also bring fresh perspective and insights.\n\nIn the example you shared, what was something new you became aware of by adding their perspective? What might have been missed without it?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Brainstorm ways around these barriers. Ask, \"How could you lower or even remove that barrier?\" and \"If you are successful, how do you imagine others will feel when they get to use their talents to help you?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What tends to get in the way for you leveraging other team members' talents? Share an example. \n\ne.g. rushed for time, worried about asking for help, not knowing what talents other's possess, etc. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Occasionally, there are barriers that get in the way of us leveraging the talents of others.\n\nWhat tends to get in the way for you leveraging other team members' talents? Share an example with me.\ne.g. feeling rushed for time, struggle asking for help, not understanding the team's talents, etc. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Get curious about what they have already tried. Ask, \"What have you already tried in efforts to solve the challenge?\" and \"What's helpful and unhelpful in this situation?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your challenge.\n\nWhat result are you hoping to create, and why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"It's completely normal for challenges to arise at work; they are a natural part of the growth and problem-solving process. Reflect on a real challenge you are navigating at work. \n\nTell me about the challenge. What result are you hoping to create, and why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Help connect this to their challenge. Ask, \"How are these strengths being used/not used in the challenge you previously mentioned?\" and \"What else might you need to consider in this situation?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How do you typically go about solving a problem? Which strengths help you navigate challenges? Click the profile icon for insights into the way you solve problems. \n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's now consider the way you typically solve a problem. \n\nWhat are your go-to strategies for problem-solving? Which of your strengths do you lean into? Click the profile icon for insights about the way you solve problems.\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Explore the benefits of new perspectives by asking, \"How can you use that new perspective to navigate your challenge?\" and \"What new solutions might this unlock?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at your challenge in a new way.\n\nWhat does your challenge look like to others (mentor, coworker, customer, etc.)? What's different from their perspective?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"In any challenge we've yet to solve, it's often helpful to consider how someone else views this challenge. \n\nHow might someone else (mentor, coworker, customer, etc.) see your current challenge? What does it look like from another perspective?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"What outcome do you hope to reach by the end of our conversation today?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"What's top of mind for you? Why does this feel important to talk through today?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction. As peers, we can offer each other additional ideas and perspectives. \n\nWhat feels most relevant for you to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Tip: Share anything that stands out to you from what your partner shared.\n\nAsk: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me the facts about the situation you shared. Additionally, what is a realistic outcome to aim for?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Now that we've established our discussion topics, let's spend a few minutes talking them through. Let's start with you.\n\nConsider the topic you shared earlier about what was top of mind for you. What about this situation/example do you already know is true? What feels achievable?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else do you need to reach the outcome you hope for?\" and \"What other perspective(s) may be helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"What has been beneficial to you in discussing your topic today? What questions or uncertainties still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Our focus today will be on understanding the strengths you naturally bring to your role. Let's start by exploring why you are here.\n\nWhat initially attracted you to your current role and this field, and what aspects of it are you most passionate about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c2_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c6_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c7_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c8_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c9_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p1_design_career_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Are there any potential challenges that your department might face in reaching its goals? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"And in your case, in what ways do you think your department's targets align with the overall goals of the organization?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we will aim to develop a shared understanding of how each other's departments contribute to the organization.\n\nLet's connect to the broader purpose of {{member.organizationname}}. How do you think your department's goals align with our organization's overall objectives?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does this example affect our shared objectives here at our organization? What do you think is needed?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about your perspective? What is an example of a silo or gap you've noticed in your role, department or in the organization overall?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"A potential benefit to these conversations is building awareness of silos and gaps in our organization. \n\nWhere have you noticed a gap or lack of knowledge/communication transfer at {{member.organizationname}} so far? (This could be related to your work, department or even organization-wide.)","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's one action we could take to foster more collaboration between our teams?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From your perspective, where do our departments intersect, and how could collaboration benefit us?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Finally, thinking about the future, where might our departments cross paths? Where could we benefit from increased collaboration, if at all?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"To drill down, what is important to you about feeling connected, or fostering connection, in a workplace?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time you felt connected to a workplace or organization. How did that feeling of connection influence your work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll dig into what feeling connected to an organization means for each of us, then talk about how we each can make an impact.\n\nTell me about a time you felt connected to an organization in a way that was meaningful to you. How did a strong sense of connection affect how you did your job?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Additionally, how do you go about building connection in your personal community?\"\n\nTip: Share what themes you notice.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. How do you contribute to a team or organization's sense of collaboration and connection? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"What role do you often play when it comes to fostering collaboration and connection?\n\nCheck out the profile icon for examples of how you tend to make the most impact. \n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"From what you shared, what's possible?\" and \"What kind of impact could this enhanced connectedness have on the organization?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Take a moment to imagine what a more connected and collaborative workplace looks like from your perspective. What ideas come to mind for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's let ourselves imagine: What would a more connected work environment look and feel like for you and your team? Take a moment to consider, and then share with me what you picture.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What types of distractions keep you from reaching your day-to-day goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn to share. \n\nIn a typical day, what do you tend to prioritize, and why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about how we prioritize what matters to us in our work and life.\n\nLet's get started. Consider a typical day for you. Talk me through how you determine what needs to be a priority for you during your day. How do you decide what is most important?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you just shared, what is one way you could explore this further?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Now I'd like to hear your perspective. \n\nRead the profile insight about how you feel most motivated. What about this description highlights what longer term goals are important to you?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"Now let's consider how you place a focus on longer term goals. Read the profile insight about what brings you the most motivation.\n\nWhat stands out to you in this description that you would like to prioritize at work (or in your personal life) over the long-term?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What has potential to get in the way of this priority?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Consider three months from now. What specifically would you like to have accomplished? What about it is meaningful to you?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Now let's imagine it's three months from now. What would you like to have achieved professionally and/or personally based on what we've discussed so far? \n\nBe specific and share why it's important to you. (Feel free to revisit your profile insight for inspiration.)\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"What traits did that person have that you would want to emulate?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"I would like to hear about a person who made an impact in your life or work. How did they make an impact and/or influence others? What were their strengths?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Today we'll be sharing about our unique abilities to influence our colleagues and work environments. Whether you consider yourself a leader or not, you have the ability to make a significant impact.\n\nWe've all encountered people in life who've left a lasting impact on us. Can you share about a person from your past or present who has left an impact on you? Tell me about the impact they made. What do you admire about them?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"What do you think others appreciated about your leadership in that example?\" and \"What was hard about it?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Same question for you. Share a recent example of when you found yourself leading others. What actions did you take to show leadership or influence the outcome?\n\nRead your profile insight and share which strengths relate to your example.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Please share about a recent time when you've had to take the lead, either in a work setting or in your personal life. Tell me about the situation and what actions you took.\n\nWhat, if any, leadership strengths relate to your story in the profile icon?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"What typically holds you back from stepping up as a leader? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about a current situation at work where you could contribute or influence it positively. How could you make an impact? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Consider a current challenge or situation at work where additional leadership or direction is needed. What kind of influence would you like to have in this example? And, how could you lean in?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"What was done well in this situation, and what would you recommend for improvement?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Reflecting on your own experiences, please share a time when you felt highly confident in a decision you made. Tell me how you approached it - what information or buy-in did you need? What helped you feel confident to make the decision?\n\nCheck your profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing what helps us feel more confident when making decisions.\n\nLet's start by gaining more awareness about how we each make decisions. Think of an example when you felt very confident making a decision for a project or a group. In this instance, what factors did you consider when making the decision? What made you feel most confident about your decision?\n\nCheck your profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"It can be difficult hearing and integrating feedback. What have you found is helpful to you in these instances?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"Your turn. What types of decisions do you have to make at work? And, how do you invite or consider constructive feedback?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Making decisions often involves taking responsibility for the outcome, whether it's positive or negative. Let's talk about how we handle those situations.\n\nWhat decisions are you responsible for in your work currently? What types of constructive feedback do you have to consider?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"What could boost that number by one notch?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your confidence in decision-making within your position? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"If you were to rate your confidence in making decisions in your current role on a scale of 1 to 5, what number would you choose? \n\nTell me more about why you chose that number.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q1.description":"Ask: \"From your perspective, what are some ways to foster genuine connections when networking?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"What about you? Tell me about a professional connection who influenced your career path. What was meaningful to you about those interactions?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about how to build our professional connections in ways that are meaningful to each of us. \n\nTell me about a connection that has had a significant impact on your career. What made it meaningful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q2.description":"Ask: \"Now let's consider what YOU offer to your network. What experience or skills do you have that might benefit others?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"And for you - how would proactively networking benefit you in your career path at this time? What specifically would you hope to gain?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q2.title":"By networking with other professionals, we can gain knowledge, exchange industry information, and ask for advice. \n\nIn what ways would you benefit from connecting with other professionals at this point in your career? What would you hope to gain?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q3.description":"Ask: \"Share some ideas of potential connections you'd like to establish or strengthen. How might you get started in connecting with them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"Your turn. What is one personal challenge you face when growing your professional connections? \n\nLet's brainstorm ideas of how to overcome this challenge. Check the profile icon to see strengths that can support you.\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c7_q3.title":"The idea of \"networking\"bcan often be intimidating for some. For you personally, what is one challenge or barrier when thinking about expanding your professional network?\n\nOnce you share, let's brainstorm ideas of how you could address this. (Check out your profile insight for more ideas too.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q1.description":"Dig deeper by asking: \"How did feeling supported impact your work in positive ways?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"Now, it's your turn. Think back to when you've had a supportive supervisor or team. What specifically made you feel supported?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q1.title":"Welcome back! Our conversation today will dig into how we can advocate for ourselves at work.\n\nRecall a time when you had a supportive supervisor or team. Tell me about them. What specifically made you feel supported?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you shared, what would be one thing you would change about your role to better utilize your strengths or skills?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"Now let's hear from you. On a scale of 1 through 5, how well do you feel your skills and experience are utilized within your team? Tell me why you chose that number.\n\nWhich of your strengths in the profile icon relate to your answer?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q2.title":"Now let's focus on how you feel you're able to contribute at work. \n\nOn a scale of 1 through 5, how well do you feel your skills and experience are utliized within your team? Share with me an example of why you chose that number.\n\nWhich of your strengths in the profile icon relate to your answer?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q3.description":"Ask: \"Who comes to mind that would be helpful to have these discussions with?\" and/or \"What is one way you can advocate for yourself at work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your view too. What types of feedback and recognition would be beneficial for your professional growth?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c8_q3.title":"In order to advocate for ourselves, we also can practice being open to opportunities for our own learning and growth. \n\nTo continue growing professionally at {{member.organizationname}} what types of feedback (positive and constructive) would be beneficial to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q1.description":"Ask: \"What outcome do you hope to reach by the end of our conversation today?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q1.short_title":"What's top of mind for you? Why does this feel important to talk through today?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction. As peers, we can offer each other additional ideas and perspectives. \n\nWhat feels most relevant for you to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q2.description":"Tip: Share anything that stands out to you from what your partner shared.\n\nAsk: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me the facts about the situation you shared. Additionally, what is a realistic outcome to aim for?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q2.title":"Now that we've established our discussion topics, let's spend a few minutes talking them through. Let's start with you.\n\nConsider the topic you shared earlier about what was top of mind for you. What about this situation/example do you already know is true? What feels achievable?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q3.description":"Ask: \"What else do you need to reach the outcome you hope for?\" and \"Describe the next steps you'd like to take, if any.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q3.short_title":"What has been beneficial to you in discussing your topic today? What questions or uncertainties still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c9_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How often do you think about career goals or aspirations? What role have they played in your career so far?\"\n\nTip: It's ok to not have all the answers yet. This conversation can help unlock insights.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What key moment(s) in your career helped you clarify your career goals or aspirations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"In our first conversation, we began exploring career goals and aspirations. We will have an opportunity to expand on that conversation today.\n\nTake a moment to imagine your ideal job, without fear or boundaries. What's coming to mind? Share as many details as possible including specific work styles, responsibilities, challenges, or opportunities that come along with your ideal role.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"Where do you see opportunity to take action?\"\n\nTip: Based on where the conversation is going, feel free to add in your own follow up question.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Based on what I shared, how might you see my purpose valued at {{member.organizationname}} and/or on my team? \n\nWho should I connect with or what experiences would you encourage me to explore at the firm to help define or clarify career aspirations?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's revisit your Purpose Profile for inspiration. \n\nClick on the profile icon for likely ways you find purpose and meaning at work. How do these insights relate to or differentiate from the career ambitions you shared earlier?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What (if any) barriers have you experienced as you've navigated your career path thus far? How have you overcome them?\"\n\nTip: See what you can learn from someone else's career path.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"I'd appreciate hearing your path to understanding your career goals and aspirations. \n\nWhat strategies have you used to become clear on your career goals/aspirations? How have they changed as you've gained experience?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"What have you learned or reconfirmed today about your goals and aspirations for your career? \n\nHow can I, as your mentor, best support you in further defining and/or achieving your career aspirations and goals?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you recognize when you are feeling balanced or imbalanced?\"\n\nTip: It's helpful to hear both of your perspectives. You will find similarities and differences.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you? What does \"work/life balance\" mean to you? \n\nHow has your definition changed or evolved over time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today's topic is about your wellbeing. This is an important topic to continually revisit throughout your career.\n\nWhat does \"work/life balance\" mean to you? What comes to mind as important elements for you to consider?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Describe the energy you get from prioritizing what matters to you.\"\n\nTip: As a reminder, we all have different priorities. This is an opportunity to bring them to the forefront.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How have you maintained priorities outside of work? How has this helped you be successful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"Clear identification of what is important to you outside of work is a critical step to create work/life balance. Take a moment to consider your priorities. \n\nWhat is important to you outside of work? When you prioritize those things, what does it look and feel like for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: Recap the key takeaway you heard and ask, \"What else comes to mind?\"\n\nTip: Get curious about how you each restore work/life balance.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What is your best piece of advice for when I notice I am out of balance? What helps you get back on track?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's consider how you are doing today. \n\nOn a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about your wellbeing? In the next 3 months, do you want it to stay the same or change in some way?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"Provide an example or two.\"\n\nTip: Humans are wired for storytelling. It helps to hear an example.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How did you, if at all, experience a similar type of change early in your career? What attributes and/or skills have you seen in others that help them navigate the ambiguity that comes with change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today's topic is about adapting with change at work.\n\nWhat drove your decision to choose today's topic? Share a change you are experiencing in your specific role and/or across your team.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What else comes to mind? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What theme(s) do you hear from what I've shared so far? \n\nWhat suggestions might you have for ways I can stay open and flexible when experiencing a change? (Refer to my profile insights for additional ideas.)\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's important to practice the skill of flexibility as new processes and strategies arise.\n\nWhat strategies do you use to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges? In what areas, if any, might you be resistant or hesitant to try a new approach? \nClick the profile icon to help you identify possible areas of resistance.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What do you notice about yourself when you are energized for change? Drained by change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"I'd love to hear about a time when change provided you with an opportunity to grow. What did you learn from that experience?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Change can also provide opportunity. Considering the change you described earlier, what opportunities might there be to help you grow or gain new experiences? How could the next few weeks or months work FOR you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"Beyond the workplace, who else is a good resource for providing you with feedback?\" and \"How does receiving feedback from them feel similar and/or different?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you? \n\nI'm curious how you have navigated feedback conversations in your career. How often do you seek out feedback?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's start today by understanding your relationship to an important aspect of career development - receiving feedback. \n\nWhat thoughts or feelings arise for you when you imagine receiving feedback from your peers or manager?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"It's equally helpful to validate strengths. What is a piece of positive feedback you've received that influenced your career?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"It's helpful to hear how others have grown from feedback. \n\nCan you share with me a time when you received constructive feedback? How did it make a positive impact on your growth?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's reflect on the value of feedback. \n\nConsider a time when you received constructive feedback that helped you grow. How did the feedback help you see or learn something new?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Share an example that comes to mind.\"\n\nTip: Recognize the courage it takes to be open and honest about navigating feedback.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What suggestions do you have for me based on what I shared? \n\nAlso, how have you prioritized and evolved your growth mindset over your career?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Finally, let's explore the growth mindset you have today and aspire to have for your career. \n\nGiven our discussion so far, how would you describe your mindset towards growth today (i.e. receiving feedback, hearing different points of view)? What, if anything, feels like an opportunity to strengthen your growth mindset?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Meaningful relationships, making an impact that matters and growing professionally are all drivers of fulfillment at work. Which of these show up in the example you just shared?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'd love to learn more about your career journey. \n\nWhat is an accomplishment you are most proud of, and why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today's topic is \"Take Stock of Your Career.\" It will be a chance to reflect on your career and envision your future. \n\n\nLet's first reflect on your career to date. Share one of your proudest work accomplishments. Why does this specific accomplishment stand out to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What else is coming to mind for you as you reflect?\"\n\nTip: Career goals and aspirations look different for everyone. The importance of career goals and aspirations often ebb and flow at different times in our careers.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How do you check in with your own career goals? How have you navigated your career goals as they evolve?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"What do you currently feel driven to accomplish or experience in your career (short or long term)? What or whom do you want to positively impact throughout your career?\n\nClick the profile icon for inspiration from your purpose profile.\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Tip: This is a good time in the conversation to explore which PwC resources may be relevant given what has been discussed thus far. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From your perspective, are there any other actions I should take? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's begin activating insights from this conversation. Based on what you shared today, what's one step you need to take before our next conversation?\n\nWhat do you need in order to achieve what you described? Consider people in your network and/or resources that may be helpful during this time.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"How easy is it for you (currently) to maintain the work/life balance you prefer? Has that changed over time?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"It's helpful for me to hear other aspects of work/life balance I may not have considered yet. What are your key indicators of feeling balanced?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"We often hear about the importance of work/life balance, but what that actually means can vary from person to person. Let's reflect on what it means to you. \n\nWhat are your key indicators that your work and life are in good balance? How balanced are you feeling currently?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"When have you experienced the benefits of a team or team member prioritizing wellbeing? What impact did it have on relationships and performance?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What have you noticed about your wellbeing and performance when your priorities aren't balanced? Recall an experience you've had in your career.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"More than just getting through the responsibilities of your work and life, work/life balance is truly about a sense of wellbeing. \n\nTell me about a time when your work/life balance was off. How was your wellbeing affected during that time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What adjustments do you think will have the biggest impact?\"\n\nTip: Explore new strategies that create greater alignment.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What stands out to you about my reflection on work/life balance? What, if any, suggestions might you offer? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Often times, we may be able to identify our priorities for balance but have a difficult time making choices to change our behavior. \n\nOn a scale of 1-10, how balanced are you feeling these days? What choices would help you maintain or increase your sense of balance?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What personal strengths do you tend to lean into when experiencing change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How have you experienced something similar in your career? What kinds of changes are you experiencing in your role these days?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing to how we approach and navigate changes at work.\n\nWhat drove your decision to choose today's topic? Share with me the specifics about the change you are experiencing in your role and/or across your team. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What feels important to prioritize?\"\n\nTip: Take time to unpack the priority.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What themes are you drawing from my reflection so far? What follow-up questions or suggestions do you have for me?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"Experiencing change can drive energy AND create obstacles.\n\nWith the change you shared, are there opportunities that have potential to create positive energy or momentum in your role? \n\nAlso, what feels challenging or draining about seeing this change through?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What does your team experience when working with you through change? At which points do they experience your best?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What have you learned about navigating change in your career? How have you stayed the same or changed your approach over time?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Most often, how do you approach change? Are you someone who leans in quickly, or resists initially? \n\nNow, share how you aspire to show up in navigating the change we've been talking about. Be specific.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"Which source(s) of feedback tend to stretch you out of your comfort zone? What makes those sources more challenging?\"\n\nTip: It's common to feel uncomfortable at times about feedback. Sharing and naming that discomfort is a helpful way to overcome it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"From what I shared, are there additional sources of feedback that I am missing? Which types have you found most helpful over your career?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Today's topic is about feedback and self-reflection. Feedback in our careers can come from many sources including co-workers, supervisors, data, and even our own self-reflection.\n\nWhat source(s) of feedback have you found most helpful over your career so far? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do remain open to the feedback you receive from your team or otherwise? Which types of feedback keep you motivated?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"It might help me to hear someone else's process. \n\nHow do you prioritize gathering feedback in your work? And, what are some of your bias areas you continue to sharpen?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's consider a current project you are working on. Describe your role and the goal of the project. How do you decide what feedback is most relevant? \n\nView the profile icon for ways that may limit your perspective. What additional types of feedback would enhance your approach?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"How do you reflect on your own work to ensure its quality? Are these practice(s) still working for you? Why or why not?\"\n\nTip: Encourage the practice of self-reflecting.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What do you notice when you and/or coworkers proactively prioritize feedback? How have you seen self-reflection positively impact performance and relationships at work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"While you might rely on external forms of feedback early in your career, it's important over time to develop a process of self-reflection.\n\nWhat are some reflections you have today about your performance and/or working style? Where are you meeting, exceeding or falling short of your own expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Tell me about a key moment in your career that made you proud.\"\n\nTip: As humans, we are wired for stories. Sharing a specific story is a great way to reflect and learn.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How would you answer these questions about your career path? \n\nWhat is still the same and/or different about your aspirations since you began your career?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today's conversation topic is called \"Reflect & Spotlight Career.\" We will use the time to reflect on your current professional fulfillment and explore what you envision for the future. \n\nLet's begin by reflecting on your career to date. What would your younger self appreciate about where you are today? What might surprise your younger self?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you've shared, what actions might you take to make improvements on either your relationships, impact, or growth?\"\n\nTip: Share specific examples and/or pull from relevant experiences, as applicable.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What themes are you noticing from my response? Is there anything you'd add for me to consider and reflect on?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"Three key elements of a fulfilling career are: meaningful relationships, making an impact that matters, and growing professionally. \n\nTake a moment to reflect. How active are these drivers of fulfillment for you today? When you consider your current environment and career goals, what comes to mind?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What are you recognizing about yourself when asked to dream? For example, do you notice it feeling easy or challenging?\"\n\nTip: It's encouraging to dream when you do it together. More often than not, we limit ourselves by only thinking within boundaries.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you? \n\nHave you allowed yourself to dream without fear or boundaries? How have you navigated limiting beliefs?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"Now that we've considered actions that would impact the present, let's take a moment to dream big together about the future. \n\nWithout fear or boundaries, what comes to mind when you think about what's next for your career? What, if anything, feels just outside your comfort zone when you consider what's possible?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"Can you share any specific practices or strategies that help you maintain this balance?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nReflecting on your career to date, what does \"\"work/life balance\"\" mean to you? What are your most important factors to prioritizing your wellbeing and sense of balance?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today's topic is about work/life balance. Let's first anchor to what it means for you. \n\nWhat does \"work/life balance\" mean to you personally? Considering various stages of your career, what have you learned are the most important factors that positively impact your sense of wellbeing?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you ever witnessed leaders neglecting their own wellbeing? How did you observe it impact their teams?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What strategies or actions have you found effective for helping your team prioritize their wellbeing? When done well, describe the impact you've experienced (i.e. increased resilience, performance, culture).","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"As a leader, why is it important to communicate your views about wellbeing and work/life balance to your team? \n\nShare how you've contributed to creating a supportive environment for your team. Where might there be an opportunity to strengthen support?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What common barriers could hinder achieving work/life balance and how might you address them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you? \n\nWhat's your approach to prioritizing your future self? What suggestions, if any, would you have for me?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's be proactive about your future sense of balance.\n\nHow would you describe what's ahead for you at work and personally in the coming weeks and months? What needs to be true for you and your team to thrive?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What makes a change feel energizing versus draining?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Where have you experienced significant change over the last few years? \n\nFrom your perspective, what are the qualities that teams and leaders need to navigate change successfully?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we will focus on an inevitable aspect of work - change. \n\nOver the last year, what significant changes have you had to navigate at work? Describe your role navigating the change(s).","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Spend some time here to reflect and further explore the change. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What stands out from what I'm sharing so far? Is there additional context that would be helpful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"As these conversations are YOUR time, what would feel most helpful? Would you rather unpack a change you've experienced previously or discuss a current change you are navigating? \n\nOnce you choose, tell me more about it and why it's significant for you.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"Do the next few months feel draining or energizing for you?\" and \"How do you evaluate needs during times of change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Given what I've just described, what would you add to my description of success? What additional techniques or mindsets would you suggest I keep in mind heading into the next 6 months?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"From here, let's move to discussing how best to navigate what's ahead. \n\nImagine it is 6 months from now and you are describing how you successfully navigated this time at work. What does that look like for you and your team? What skills or attributes enabled successful navigation of the change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"On scale of 1-10, how regularly do you invite feedback about yourself as a leader? How do you solicit it? Are you getting the clarity you need on how effective you are as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What is one of the most important pieces of feedback you've received in your career? How has it helped you grow and support the growth of your teams?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"In this conversation, we'll be discussing the role of both internal and external sources of feedback about your leadership effectiveness.\n\nI'm curious to hear more about what prompted you to choose this topic today. How does feedback (both giving and receiving) play out on your team currently? What's a recent example?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"Please share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"I'm curious to hear how my response resonates with you. \n\nHow do you check in with the expectations you have for yourself? And, how do you manage the expectations others have of you as a leader?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"As we invite in feedback from our teams, we also need to be clear about our own expectations for ourselves. \n\nWhat expectations do you have for yourself within your career? What expectations do you feel others have of you at work? \n\nHow well aligned are these expectations? Tell me why/why not.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Where might additional feedback be helpful (team member, manager, friend)? What role does self-reflection play in your current listening and feedback systems?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What do you believe is the role of a leader in managing feedback among a team or the firm? \n\nWhat advice might you give me based on what I've shared?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Based on the expectations we discussed, what feedback (constructive and positive) would you give yourself today? What areas, if any, would you change or adapt, and why? \n\nView the profile icon to see a few ways your strengths could support you in making changes.\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you get to integrate these strengths into your job currently?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"It's your turn. Tell me about two strengths or characteristics co-workers often appreciate about you.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about our personal strengths. Let's not be bashful here - it's important to remind ourselves of how we share our best gifts with others. \n\nWhat are two strengths or characteristics co-workers tend to appreciate about you? ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What practices have you found helpful to build your awareness of, or navigate this?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What is a shadow side of one of your strengths? How do you see it happening (or not) in your current work?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q2.title":"For every strength we have, there is often a 'shadow side' of that same strength - a personal challenge we can be aware of. \n\nWhat is one shadow side of a strength you shared? Tell me how this may (or may not) show up in your current role.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"In your opinion, what has potential to get in the way of using this strength?\" or \"What additional opportunities are there to grow that strength?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your thoughts. What is a strength of mine that could benefit our team/projects right now? What are some ways I could continue to grow or use this strength in my role?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c2_q3.title":"If you were to focus on enhancing a particular strength during your time at our organization, which strength would you choose? Which area of your work would growing this strength support?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"In terms of career development, how have you gone about expanding your skills or experiences in the past?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What stands out to you about what I shared? What ideas or questions come up?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about your professional ambitions and identify possible opportunities to support them.\n\nWhat are a few of your career aspirations over the next 1-3 years? Refer to the profile description for ideas on what might be most fulfilling for you.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"From your perspective, what is a new skill or area of growth that could support these aspirations?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What are your ideas on how we could better align my current responsibilities with some of my career aspirations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q2.title":"What else would you share about your career aspirations that hasn't come up yet? \n\nIn what ways does your current role contribute to or support these aspirations? And, what's missing?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What people in your network come to mind as resources for learning more?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Are there particular organizational resources that you've found helpful, or ones you'd recommend for my skill development?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c3_q3.title":"Professional development could involve a range of options: attending training programs, workshops, or engaging in special projects. \n\nWhat professional development opportunities would be most interesting to you? Feel free to be specific.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What does leadership mean to you?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Reflecting on my time at this organization so far, what are 1-2 areas where you noticed me taking initiative or stepping in as a leader?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about how you show up as a leader at work.\n\nLet's take a moment first to appreciate and recognize your efforts. Tell me about an area or task where you feel at your best and shine as a leader.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What are some examples of day-to-day behaviors you think leaders should model consistently?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how would I continue growing my leadership qualities at {{member.organizationname}}? What do you recommend I keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q2.title":"No matter our title, there are opportunities for each of us to show up consistently as a leader in big and small ways.\n\nHow do your coworkers rely on you as a leader already? Let's take a moment now to each share a few examples of which day-to-day behaviors you model consistently at work.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you just shared, what resources or support would be beneficial?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"In your opinion, what indicators suggest that someone is ready to take a next step in their job or career? What additional leadership opportunities exist in our industry?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c4_q3.title":"Given what we've discussed so far, what opportunities are there for you to step forward and take initiative, or continue to demonstrate leadership? Which options are most interesting to you right now?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"How do you know when your workload is unmanageable?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time in your early career when you were doing your best to manage a workload. What did you learn then that you practice now?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q1.title":"Today we'll be diving into how each of us deal with stress and how we can foster a stronger sense of well-being at work.\n\nLet's talk about your current workload. On a scale of 1 through 5, how manageable is your workload? \n\nWhat's one thing you love about your current projects and one that's challenging?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q2.description":"Tip: Offer understanding and empathy. \n\nAsk: \"Share with me - what are the tell-tale signs you are stressed?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"In times of high stress, it's helpful to know how to support each other. \n\nWhat is the best way to let you know I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q2.title":"Stress is a part of any job. Could you share a (current or recent) situation at work where you felt stressed? What strategies help you to manage it?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"Based on what you shared, what are a few ways you/we can enhance a sense of wellness on our team?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Our levels of stress and/or wellness can inevitably affect those around us.\n\nOn a scale of 1 through 5, how well do you think our team is managing work-life balance? Why?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's discuss the adjustments or support you might need from me to ensure a healthy work-life balance. \n\nFirst of all, what have you found helps you deal with stress at work? How can I, in my role as your manager, support you better?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q1.description":"Ask: \"What do you wish we did more of?\" and \"What is a characteristic or quality you bring to our team dynamic?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"It would be great to get your perspective too. \n\nWhat do you appreciate about our team dynamics? What about our team helps energize you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q1.title":"Today we'll be discussing team collaboration and dynamics.\n\nFirst, let's take some time to reflect on our team - the ways we support each other, collaborate, and move projects forward. What do you appreciate about our team dynamics? Which aspects of our team dynamic give you energy?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on your example, what lessons could we take forward for our team?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"Can you share a time when open and honest communication made a positive difference in your team's performance? What do you think specifically supports team productivity?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q2.title":"Reflect on a time when open and honest communication had a positive impact on you or your team. What happened and how did it benefit your team?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q3.description":"Ask: \"From what you shared, what are 1-2 ideas you have for improving collaboration across the team?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"What are a few strategies that you'd recommend to improve this situation? How could you support me or the team in navigating this challenge?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c6_q3.title":"Where are you currently experiencing a challenge in our team dynamics (such as collaborating, finding support, or effective communication)?\n\nNow, let's read your profile insight. How might any of these examples help you navigate the challenge you shared?\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q1.description":"Ask: \"Additionally, it's important to note what brings you joy and fulfillment in your personal life. What are a few examples for you?\" and \"What connections do you see to your career, if at all?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q1.short_title":"What is a personal motivator that has been threaded throughout your career path so far? \n\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q1.title":"In this conversation we'll be reflecting on what is most motivating and fulfilling to you in your career. Let's dive in.\n\nTake a moment to consider the personal and/or professional aspirations that led you to this job. What do you recall? \n\nWhat does the profile description further reveal about what's important for you as you shape your path?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q2.description":"Ask: \"From your perspective, where is there an opportunity to learn and grow professionally from a challenge in our work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q2.short_title":"What types of support can I seek during times like this? How can I let you know if I'm experiencing a similar challenge?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q2.title":"The obstacles we encounter in our work can often help us re-evaluate - and then redirect our career.\n\nDescribe a challenge or misalignment you faced in the past that helped steer your career path. Looking back, what did you learn or gain from that experience?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q3.description":"Ask: \"We've discussed personal motivators and values - what ideas do you have of how to incorporate more of this at work or in a career?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q3.short_title":"What do you notice from working with me about what I value at work? What examples come to mind?\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c7_q3.title":"On the profile icon you'll see examples of how your personal values inspire you at work. \n\nHow do these examples relate (or not) to your career aspirations? \n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q1.description":"Ask: \"Looking back, in what ways were you resilient?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q1.short_title":"From your own experiences, can you share about a significant change you've had in your career or life and how it influenced you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q1.title":"For this conversation, we'll be discussing how we adapt during times of change. \n\nCan you share about an experience of a significant change in your career or life? How did it influence your career path?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q2.description":"Ask: \"Which aspects of work changes would you feel most resistant to or drained by?\" ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q2.short_title":"What kinds of changes do you foresee happening in our team or company in the future? And, how do you see them as potential growth opportunities for someone in my position?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q2.title":"Experiencing significant change at work can show up in a range of ways: feelings of uncertainty, renewed energy, heightened or lessened commitment to our work, etc.\n\nWhat is your typical reaction to change? What are the aspects about our workplace that would support or energize you when going through a change?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q3.description":"Ask: \"Additionally, what strategies or types of support would work best for our team during times of change?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q3.short_title":"What ideas or advice do you have about how I can be most effective in navigating change?\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c8_q3.title":"Based on your reflections so far, what can you do to best prepare or support yourself to effectively navigate change? Share any examples that come to mind. Use the profile insights for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q1.description":"Ask: \"Of the possible topics, what seems most timely/relevant to focus on today?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q1.short_title":"Now, let's set the intention for our conversation today. What else would you add based on what I just shared?\n\nBefore we press the \"Next\" button and move to the next question, let's take a few minutes minutes to decide on our topic. ","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q1.title":"For this conversation, we have the ability to guide its direction. In this first question we'll figure out the topic we'd like to discuss during our time today. \n\nWhat feels relevant to talk about today? Why does this feel timely to talk about?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you dealt with something similar to this before? If so, how did you handle it then?\"\n\nTip: Use this time to fully discuss and understand the topic. The next question will ask us to think about next steps.","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q2.short_title":"As my manager, what stands out to you about what I've shared? What advice or resources would you recommend?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q2.title":"Let's dedicate the next 10-20 minutes to discuss the topic together. We can choose a few of the suggested questions to get us started. \n\n- What about this topic would be most helpful to discuss? \n- What is the result or outcome you hoping to create? \n- What is the crux of the issue? \n- What are some of the options you've considered? \n- How can I be most helpful?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q3.description":"Ask: \"What was most beneficial for you in this conversation?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q3.short_title":"Before we wrap up and set an action at the end of our discussion, what are your main take-a-ways? Any next steps you'd suggest?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c9_q3.title":"What new insights or clarity have you gained from talking this through? What questions still remain for you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.description":"Dig deeper by asking, \"What interested you about that project?\" or \"What did you gain from the experience?\"\n\nTip: Listen for what made that experience worthwhile for your peer.","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhen have you worked across functions? What \"GIGs\", \"Work-Packages\" were more memorable to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Today, we will focus on elements of work that both interest us and are outside of our traditional work functions.\n\nTell me about a time when you worked across functions on a project? If you've participated, what \"GIGs\", \"Work-Packages\" were most memorable to you?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.description":"Help them evaluate their efforts. Ask, \"In the end, how did you feel about your work and growth in that experience?\" and \"Which learnings and practices have you incorporated in your other collaborative work?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"I'm curious to hear more about your experience. \n\nWhat challenges have you faced while working across functions? How did you navigate them?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q2.title":"Working across functions is complex and naturally requires learning as you go. \n\nLooking back at previous experiences, what challenges came up while working across functions? How did you navigate them?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask follow-up questions like, \"Which of your strengths are you energized to use more?\" and \"Who or what might benefit from that strength?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer feel proud of their strengths and ability to make a difference.","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Where might you be interested in working across functions? Where could your strengths make a difference? Click the profile icon to explore skills you may want to lean into.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's end today by exploring new opportunities to work across functions. \n\nWhat other aspects of work at {{member.organizationname}} are you curious about? Which topics and outcomes could benefit from your strengths? Click the profile icon to explore strengths you may want to lean into. \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.description":"Explore their role in innovation. Ask, \"What new idea(s) have you helped bring to life?\" and \"How have you worked across functions to materialize this idea?\"\n\nTip: Stay open to any differences in how you each see this, and learn from each other's definition.","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow do you define innovation? What example(s) of innovation come to mind and why was it important?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today, we will focus on finding opportunities for innovation in our own work and the organizational work at {{member.organizationname}}. Let's start by defining what innovation is and why it's important.\n\nWhat does innovation mean to you? What is an example you've seen at work and why was it important?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.description":"Dig deeper by asking, \"What kind of relationships are most beneficial when bringing new ideas to life?\" and \"How do you leverage relationships to support your own success?\" ","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow has teamwork helped bring a new idea to life in your experience? What role did relationships, both inside and outside the team, play in the success?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q2.title":"One of the most important factors that drives success of any innovation is the team of people who help materialize the idea. Think about moments where you helped bring a new idea to life. \n\nTell me about the teamwork involved in that innovation. How did relationships, both inside and outside the team, help create success?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer do their best thinking by asking, \"What do you need to develop in order to be successful?\" and \"What support do you need?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Consider cross-functional opportunities that interest you.\n\nWhat relationships would you need to build in order to learn more about that space? How could you begin developing them? Click the profile icon for insights into the impact that may drive your interest in those opportunities. \n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c3_q3.title":"Collaboration across teams is an important element of our success at {{member.organizationname}}. Consider cross-functional opportunities you intend to explore.\n\nWhich new relationships could help you learn more about that space? Which steps could you take to develop those relationships? Click the profile icon for insights into the impact that may drive your interest in those opportunities. \n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.description":"Explore the role of the trust extending beyond the team: \"How did trust with other teams, organizations, departments, etc. play a role?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about in your experiences?\n\nWhat role did trust play? What made you know that you trusted each other?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q1.title":"Trust is the center point of any effective collaboration. Reflect on the best collaboration you've had in a project, work-package or GIGs where you contributed significantly.\n\nWhat role did trust play between team members? How did you know that there was trust between you and others?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.description":"Explore other aspects of trust. Ask, \"What actions create less trust? Why?\" and \"How can trust be rebuilt if an issue arises?\"\n\nTip: It's ok to look at both sides of trust. This will help your peer be a better trust builder in the future.","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How do you build trust with others? How can colleagues best earn your trust?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q2.title":"Research shows that the most beneficial trust to adaptive teams is dependability-trust. And, that trust is built through our actions. \n\nHow do you usually build trust with others? What actions from a colleague help you to develop trust in them?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.description":"Help them think into the future as well. Ask, \"What's important in this to keep in mind for new relationships?\" and/or \"How could this help you establish trust upfront in future working relationships?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Consider your relationships.\n\nWhich ones may benefit from creating more trust? How might you approach that?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's finish today by applying our undertanding of trust building to our actual relationships.\n\nWhich of your current relationships could the trust be improved or strengthened? How would you go about doing so?","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q1.description":"It's ok if you feel differently from each other. Explore their experience by encouraging storytelling. \"What situation(s) led you to feel that way?\" ","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow do you feel about goal-setting? What makes it effective and/or not effective?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Let's start today by getting a baseline for how we each feel about goal-setting.\n\nHow do you feel about goal-setting? When have you seen goal-setting be effective, and/or not effective?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q2.description":"Dig deeper into their process by asking, \"What usually drives your goals? Share an example of an internal and/or external motivator.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"It's helpful for me to hear someone else's process. \n\nShare with me one of your current goals. How/Why did you set that goal? Click the profile icon to help explore your \"why\".\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q2.title":"It's possible that we have different approaches to goal-setting, so let's learn how we each go about it.\n\nWhat is a current goal you are working toward, and how/why did you create that goal? If you want help understanding your \"why\", click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help your peer explore new actions to try by asking, \"What could you try in the future to remove any obstacles you experience?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What have you found that helps you achieve your goals? What gets in the way of success? Share examples.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c2_q3.title":"Once a goal is set, our attention must turn toward how we achieve that goal. Reflect on what helps you achieve goals.\n\nWhat have you found that helps you achieve your goals? What might get in the way of your success? Share examples.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q1.description":"Help each other uncover what needs better definition by asking, \"What areas, if any, need more definition, and how could you get there?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Consider how well-defined a specific goal is that you're working toward. \n\nWhat is a specific goal you have recently defined? Describe how you will know you achieved it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's start our discussion of effective goal-setting by exploring how well-defined each of our goals are - think about the what, how and when of the goal.\n\nHow well-defined are your current goals? Choose a specific goal you're working toward. Describe how you will know you achieved it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q2.description":"Consider also how to measure your goals as they relate to other levels of the business. For example, \"How is your goal relevant to your team's and/or Zillow's goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's go back to the goal you shared. How do you measure progress on that goal? What does success look like?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q2.title":"Another element that is important to consider when setting a goal is how will it be measured.\n\nIn relation to the goal you just shared, how do you measure progress toward that goal? How do you know you are headed in the right direction?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q3.description":"Explore further by asking, \"What might get in the way of aligning your goals with those you work closely with and how can you overcome them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you? Where does it make sense for you and your team members to align goals? \n\nHow might you leverage your strengths to support aligning goals? Click on the profile icon for strength insights.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c3_q3.title":"Because we each work on teams, there are likely opportunities to help align our goals. Where does it make sense for you and your team members to align goals? \n\nHow might you leverage your strengths to support aligning goals? For more on your strengths, click on the profile icon. \n\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q1.description":"Check-in with how they feel about their performance goals by asking, \"How confident do you feel about achieving those? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's explore your performance goals- the ones aligned to your function and/or team objectives.\n\nWhat are your current work priorities? How do you know those are priorities, and who has a say?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q1.title":"There are two types of goals we will focus on today, performance (aligned to function and team objectives) and development (aligned to your role expectations). Let's start by exploring our performance goals. \n\nWhat are the current priorities of your work? How did you decide on those priorities, and who else has a say?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q2.description":"Explore the role feedback plays by asking, \"What feedback have you received in these development areas?\" and \"How do you incorporate feedback into your goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"I'm also interested in your development goals- ones that align with your development areas in core values and new capabilities. \n\nIn what ways do you want to develop to be successful? Share your current goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's focus now on development goals - ones that align with your development areas in core values and new capabilities. \n\nIn what ways do you want to develop to be successful? Share your current goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q3.description":"Go one step further by explore how they can help others be successful. Try asking, \"Whether a coworker or someone you lead, how can you help others identify and achieve both performance and development goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How do you see the relationship between your performance and development goals? How do you ensure they are both a priority?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c4_q3.title":"Now that we've identified two different types of goals, let's close today by exploring the relationship between them. \n\nHow do you see your performance goals supporting your development goals, or vice versa? How do you ensure you put effort toward both?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q1.description":"Help them brainstorm solutions if things feel unclear. Try asking, \"What can you do if you're unclear about what's expected?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you? Who helps you clearly understand what's expected of you? How do you ensure you're up-to-date on desired outcomes?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q1.title":"An important element within goal-setting is clearly understanding the expectations that come with any goal.\n\nWho helps you clearly understand what is expected from you in your role? How do you stay up-to-date on desired outcomes?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q2.description":"Consider asking, \"Where do you lean on your direct manager for support? Who else may be able to support your goal-setting?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Reflect on your team. \n\nHow do you ensure that your efforts contribute to the desired outcomes of the team? How do you know if/when you need to adjust your efforts to changing expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q2.title":"Once you are clear on what's expected of you, the next level to consider is team expectations. \n\nHow do you ensure that your efforts contribute to the desired outcomes of the team? How do you know if/when you need to adjust your efforts to changing expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q3.description":"Explore further by encouraging storytelling. For example, \"Tell me about a time where you received a critical piece of feedback that helped you better meet expectations.\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How do you go about seeking feedback? How do you find out if you've met expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's finish today by discussing what happens after you complete work toward a goal. \n\nOnce you've completed work on a goal, how do you seek feedback regarding your efforts? How do you know if you've met expectations?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q1.description":"There is no need to problem solve this challenge. Focus on understanding their experience and don't be afraid to ask clarifying questions.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Your turn to reflect on a challenging goal. Share your experience with me by telling me about the goal. Why was it challenging? Click the profile icon for insights into why it might have been challenging.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q1.title":"Moments of challenge are a normal part of continued growth and evolution of our work. Reflect on a time when you were challenged by a goal. \n\nTell me about the experience. What was the goal, and how did it challenge you? To help explore why it was challenging, click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q2.description":"Explore how this lesson helps them be a team player. Try asking, \"How did this experience influence how you help others navigate challenging or changing goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"I'm curious what you learned from your experience. What/who helped you navigate your challenge? And what lesson did you learn that you can apply to your current goal-setting?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q2.title":"It's useful to review past experiences because they help us identify resources and support we can call on in future challenges. \n\nLooking back, what/who helped you navigate that challenging goal? How can you bring what you learned from that experience to your current goal-setting?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q3.description":"Help each other brainstorm resources by sharing anything you are aware of. For example, \"Something I have found useful is...\" or \"I have found reaching out to [insert name] to be helpful!\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"Think about your current resources and support. Who and where do you get support when things are challenging now? What/who else can you consider as a resource?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c6_q3.title":"Let's come back to the present and explore your current resources and support.\n\nWho/Where do you go to for support when goals feel challenging now? What other resources might you consider?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q1.description":"Help each other uncover what needs better definition by asking, \"What areas, if any, need more definition, and how could you get there?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Consider how well-defined a specific goal is that you're working toward. \n\nWhat is a specific goal you have recently defined? Describe how you will know you achieved it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's start our discussion of effective goal-setting by exploring how well-defined each of our goals are - think about the what, how and when of the goal.\n\nHow well-defined are your current goals? Choose a specific goal you're working toward. Describe how you will know you achieved it.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q2.description":"Consider also how to measure your goals as they relate to other levels of the business. For example, \"How is your goal relevant to your team's and/or Zillow's goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let's go back to the goal you shared. How do you measure progress on that goal? What does success look like?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q2.title":"Another element that is important to consider when setting a goal is how will it be measured.\n\nIn relation to the goal you just shared, how do you measure progress toward that goal? How do you know you are headed in the right direction?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q3.description":"Explore further by asking, \"What might get in the way of aligning your goals with those you work closely with and how can you overcome them?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about you? Where does it make sense for you and your team members to align goals? \n\nHow might you leverage your strengths to support aligning goals? Click on the profile icon for strength insights.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c2_q3.title":"Because we each work on teams, there are likely opportunities to help align our goals. Where does it make sense for you and your team members to align goals? \n\nHow might you leverage your strengths to support aligning goals? For more on your strengths, click on the profile icon.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q1.description":"Check-in with how they feel about their performance goals by asking, \"How confident do you feel about achieving those? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Let's explore your performance goals - the ones aligned to your function and/or team objectives.\n\nWhat are your current work priorities? How do you know those are priorities, and who has a say?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q1.title":"There are two types of goals we will focus on today, performance (aligned to function and team objectives) and development (aligned to your role expectations). Let's start by exploring our performance goals. \n\nWhat are the current priorities of your work? How did you decide on those priorities, and who else has a say?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q2.description":"Explore the role feedback plays by asking, \"What feedback have you received in these development areas?\" and \"How do you incorporate feedback into your goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"I'm also interested in your development goals - ones that align with your development areas in core values and new capabilities. \n\nIn what ways do you want to develop to be successful? Share your current goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's focus now on development goals - ones that align with your development areas in core values and new capabilities. \n\nIn what ways do you want to develop to be successful? Share your current goals.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q3.description":"Go one step further by explore how they can help others be successful. Try asking, \"Whether a coworker or someone you lead, how can you help others identify and achieve both performance and development goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How do you see the relationship between your performance and development goals? How do you ensure they are both a priority?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c3_q3.title":"Now that we've identified two different types of goals, let's close today by exploring the relationship between them. \n\nHow do you see your performance goals supporting your development goals, or vice versa? How do you ensure you put effort toward both?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q1.description":"There is no need to problem solve this challenge. Focus on understanding their experience and don't be afraid to ask clarifying questions.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Your turn to reflect on a challenging goal. Share your experience with me by telling me about the goal. Why was it challenging? Click the profile icon for insights into why it might have been challenging.\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q1.title":"Moments of challenge are a normal part of continued growth and evolution of our work. Reflect on a time when you were challenged by a goal. \n\nTell me about the experience. What was the goal, and how did it challenge you? To help explore why it was challenging, click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q2.description":"Explore how this lesson helps them be a team player. Try asking, \"How did this experience influence how you help others navigate challenging or changing goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"I'm curious what you learned from your experience. What/who helped you navigate your challenge? And what lesson did you learn that you can apply to your current goal-setting?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's useful to review past experiences because they help us identify resources and support we can call on in future challenges. \n\nLooking back, what/who helped you navigate that challenging goal? How can you bring what you learned from that experience to your current goal-setting?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q3.description":"Help each other brainstorm resources by sharing anything you are aware of. For example, \"Something I have found useful is...\" or \"I have found reaching out to [insert name] to be helpful!\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Think about your current resources and support. Who and where do you get support when things are challenging now? What/who else can you consider as a resource?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's come back to the present and explore your current resources and support.\n\nWho/Where do you go to for support when goals feel challenging now? What other resources might you consider?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q1.description":"Help them explore the process at both the individual and team levels. Try asking, \"How do you ensure individual member's goals and expectations align with your team’s goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's talk about these on your team. \n\nHow do you set expectations (daily actions, attitudes and practices) with each of your team members? How do you manage team goals (the direction and target of their work)?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q1.title":"As managers, we have an additional layer to consider around goal-setting - managing the goals and expectations of our teams.\n\nHow do you set expectations (daily actions, attitudes and practices) with each of your team members? How do you manage team goals (the direction and target of their work)?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q2.description":"Explore how they communicate when things change by asking, \"How did you communicate with your team about necessary adjustments?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"When have you recognized your team's goals did not align with another team's? How did you handle it and what helped your teams realign?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q2.title":"It's important that our team goals stay aligned and relevant to the goals of other teams in the business. \n\nTell me about a time when you became aware that your team's goals were misaligned with another team's goals. What happened and what strategies helped you realign?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q3.description":"Dig deeper by exploring ways to motivate when things change. Try asking, \"How do you motivate when adjustments need to be made in expectations or goals?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Tell me about your strategies. \n\nWhat strategies do you use to support and motivate your team around specific goals? How do you recognize progress toward those goals? Click the profile icon for insights into strengths you likely have in this area. \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c5_q3.title":"A crucial role we play as managers is to support and motivate our team. \n\nWhat strategies do you use to support and motivate your team around specific goals? How do you recognize progress toward those goals? Click the profile icon for insights into strengths you likely have in this area. \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q1.description":"Explore what happens if there is misalignment by asking, \"What are potential implications of team goals that are not tied to the business goals?\" or \"Where may it be possible to have stand-a-lone goals for your team?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Consider your team's goals. \n\nWhat goals are you and your team focused on currently? How do you ensure their efforts are meaningful to the broader goals at Zillow?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q1.title":"Let's start today by exploring the relationship between team goals and the broader business objectives.\n\nWhat goals are you and your team focused on currently? How do you ensure their efforts are meaningful to the broader goals at Zillow?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q2.description":"Help your partner assess their communication efforts. Try asking, \"What strategies have worked with your team, and which ones have not?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"Let's talk about your team now. How do you connect your members to the why? How do point out the connection between their goals and the broader business?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q2.title":"An effective strategy for increasing success is to ensure your team understands why they are focused on certain goals. \n\nHow do you connect your team to the why behind their goals? How do you also communicate about why those goals are important to the broader business?","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q3.description":"Help them apply their learning to the future by asking, \"How would you handle that type of change in the future?” and \"What, if anything, would you do differently?\"","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"When has a change in priorities impacted your team’s goals? Share the experience and how you handled the change.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c6_q3.title":"It's important to be aware that business goals can and will change, requiring our teams to modify their efforts. \n\nWhen has a change in priorities impacted your team’s goals? Share the experience and how you handled the change.","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.cyo_zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c_static_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this day feel more energizing than other work days?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them notice the detail that contributed to a great day at work.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. It would be great to learn about your {{member.jobfunction}} role.\nRecall an energizing day at work recently. Describe the situation. Why did it feel energizing for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we get to know each other, it would be great to learn about your {{member.jobfunction}} role.\nRecall an energizing day at work recently. Describe the situation. Why did it feel energizing for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What role do meaningful relationships, making an impact, and personal growth play in creating a great day for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach anchor their examples to a given day at work.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you? Let's explore what motivates you each day.\nClick the profile icon and share what feels true to you. What resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q2.title":"In a given day, we are each motivated by different experiences. Let's explore what motivates you each day. \nClick the profile icon and share what feels true to you. What resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What do you expect from your relationships, impact, and growth at work? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Share back what you heard.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn. You rated these: relationships: {{conversation.current.rig.relationships}}, impact: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}}, and growth: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}} (note these are only visible to you)\nTell me why you chose these ratings? What would you need to be happy or thrilled about your relationships, impact, and/or growth at work?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q3.title":"Before we started this conversation, we were prompted with a quick check in about our relationships, impact, and growth. You rated these: relationships: {{conversation.current.rig.relationships}}, impact: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}}, and growth: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}} (note these are only visible to you)\nTell me why you chose these ratings. What would it require for YOU to be happy or thrilled about your relationships, impact, and growth at work?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"As we commit to an imperative at the end of each conversation, how can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Create clear expectations about accountability up front.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching? \nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be peer coaches for each other. \nWhat do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching? What has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you feel is or isn't contributing to your current sense of growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach further reflect on their feelings of personal/professional growth.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's look at your growth. You rated this: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}} (note these are only visible to you)\nWhat thoughts and feelings emerged for you when initially reflecting? As you think about your ideal personal/professional growth, what comes up for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q1.title":"Before our conversation, you were prompted to check in about your current growth at work. You rated this: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}} (note these are only visible to you)\nWhat thoughts and feelings emerged for you when initially reflecting? As you think about your ideal personal/professional growth, what comes up for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"Based on your example, what about the situation helped you feel positive? What type of support did you have?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach uncover what drives their personal sense of growth.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Reflect on when you've previously felt positive about your personal or professional growth. Describe the situation and how you were feeling.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's take a moment to reflect on what's worked for you in the past.\nTell me about a time when you've previously felt positive about your personal or professional growth. Describe the situation and how you were feeling.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Based on what you shared, how do you want to regularly evaluate your growth for yourself?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them get specific.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you? \nIn what ways are your personal and professional growth within your realm of control? What are tangible ways you can choose to continue growing in your work? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c2_q3.title":"In what ways are your personal and professional growth within your realm of control? What are tangible ways you can choose to continue growing in your work?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"As you consider the months ahead, do you have a desire to maintain your sense of impact, decrease it or increase it? Share why.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach further reflect on their feelings of personal impact.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Here is how you've rated your impact since we began our conversations: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (note this is only visible to you)\nHow do you feel about the current impact you are making at {{member.organizationname}}? Why?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q1.title":"Making an impact that matters to you is a key component of feeling fulfilled at work. Here is how you've rated your impact since we began our conversations: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (note this is only visible to you)\nHow do you feel about your current impact at {{member.organizationname}}? Why?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What does your answer tell you about your personal expectations? What does \"thrilled\" mean to you personally?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them further reflect on possible reasons for feeling thrilled.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Share a time you have previously felt happy or thrilled about your impact at work. \nWhat about that experience meets your personal expectation of feeling happy or thrilled? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q2.title":"Share a time you have previously felt happy or thrilled about your impact at work. \nWhat about that experience meets your personal expectation of feeling happy or thrilled? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What would it take to feel thrilled about your impact over the next 3 months?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them get specific.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"It's your turn. \nWhat, if anything, keeps you from being thrilled about your impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c3_q3.title":"We evaluate our impact based on our personal expectations. In most cases, we never name those expectations.\nWhat, if anything, keeps you from being thrilled about your impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you define a meaningful relationship at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to reflect on their response.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's now turn to you. \nHow do you feel about your current relationships at work? How well do they support you feeling motivated and successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q1.title":"So far we've explored together what makes us feel great when considering our own growth and impact at work. Today we'll focus on relationships. Meaningful relationships are proven to be a key driver of our fulfillment at work.\nHow well do your current relationships support you in feeling motivated and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"When you think about what it feels like to be happy or thrilled with your relationships at work, what comes to mind for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them explore their different expectations.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Here is how you rated your relationships prior to this conversation: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (note these are only visible to you)\nWhat makes you feel this way? What makes the difference between feeling okay and happy about your relationships? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q2.title":"Evaluating the strength of our relationships is often based on our personal expectations. Here is how you rated your relationships prior to this conversation: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (note these are only visible to you).\nWhat makes you feel this way? What makes the difference between feeling okay and happy about your relationships? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"How can you do more of what energizes you in a given week?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach get specific.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about for you?\nWhat matters to you? What types of interactions energize you versus drain your energy (e.g. individuals or groups)? Click the profile icon for more on your style.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c4_q3.title":"You can begin to strengthen your relationships at work by understanding what matters to you. For instance, valuing relationships with individuals versus groups.\nWhat types of interactions energize you versus drain your energy? Click the profile icon for more on your style.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"Where do you still want to gain greater clarity on success for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Take the pressure off- this is a journey.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What are you learning/better understanding about your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our last conversation, for now, let's reflect on the last few months together and how we can support each other going forward. \nWhat are you learning/better understanding about your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"When someone asks you how your day was, how can these new insights help you answer authentically?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Apply the learning outside of peer coaching.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What have you discovered or learned about when you feel \"thrilled\" about your relationships, impact or growth?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored what it means for each of us to be thrilled about our relationships, impact, and growth at work.\nWhat have you discovered or learned about your definition of \"thrilled\"?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to reflect and answer out loud?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer practice considering their expectations of success.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How do you currently feel about your relationships at work? (i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled) \nWhat about your impact? Your growth? Why?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's practice evaluating the sense of success you feel at work right now. How are you currently feeling about your relationships at work? (i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled)\nWhat about your impact? Your growth?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.defining_success_a3_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this day feel more energizing than other workdays?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them notice the detail that contributed to a great day at work.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. It would be great to learn about your role at Target.\nRecall a time you had an energizing day at work recently. Describe the situation. Why did it feel energizing for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we begin peer coaching, it would be great to learn about your role at Target.\nRecall a time you had an energizing day at work recently. Describe the situation. Why did it feel energizing for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"Where have you felt aligned between our culture and the things that motivate you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach consider how they relate and/or uniquely contribute to Target's culture.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you? Let's explore what motivates you in a given day. \nClick the profile icon and share what feels true to you. What resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q2.title":"In a given day, we are each motivated by different experiences. Let's explore what often energizes you each day. \nClick the profile icon and share what feels true to you. What resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Where do your expectations for yourself come from? Has this always been true for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them explore this further by sharing back what you heard.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about yourself? \nHow do you know when you are happy or thrilled about your relationships, impact, and growth at work?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q3.title":"Before we started this conversation, we were prompted with a brief check-in about our relationships, impact, and growth.\nHow do you know when you are happy (or even thrilled!) about your relationships, impact, and growth at work?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"As we commit to an imperative at the end of each conversation, how can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Create clear expectations about accountability up front.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be peer coaches for each other.\nWhat do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching? What has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you feel is driving your current sense of growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach further reflect on their feelings of personal/professional growth.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat thoughts and feelings emerged for you when prompted to check in about your growth today?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q1.title":"Before our conversation, you were prompted to check in about your current growth at work. \nWhen you reflected on your growth, what thoughts and feelings emerged for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"Based on your example, what does it look and feel like to be happy (or even thrilled!) with your growth at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach uncover what drives their growth.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Reflect on when you've previously felt \"on track\" and positive about your growth at work.\nDescribe the situation and how you were feeling.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q2.title":"We evaluate our growth based on personal expectations. In most cases, we never name those expectations; and therefore, feel uncertain about if we are on track.\nReflect on when you've previously felt \"on track\" and positive about your growth at work. Describe the situation and how you were feeling.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Where might you value and encourage progress over perfection in your growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them get specific about their personal drive.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nGoing forward, how do you want to regularly evaluate your growth for yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c2_q3.title":"Going forward, how do you want to regularly evaluate your growth for yourself?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you feel is driving your current sense of impact? How so?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach further reflect on their feelings of personal impact.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you? \nHow do you feel about the current impact you are making at work? \n(i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled)","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q1.title":"Making an impact that matters to you is a key component of feeling fulfilled at work. Let's first reflect on your current impact. \nHow do you feel about the current impact you are making at work? \n(i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled)","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What does your answer tell you about your personal expectations? What does 'thrilled' mean to you personally?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them further reflect on possible reasons for feeling thrilled.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Share a time you have previously felt happy or thrilled about your impact at work.\nWhat about that experience meets your personal expectation of feeling happy or thrilled? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q2.title":"Share a time you have previously felt happy or thrilled about your impact at work.\nWhat about that experience meets your personal expectation of feeling happy or thrilled? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How does this contribute to/fuel our values of inclusivity, connection and drive?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach further reflect on their feelings of personal impact and how it aligns to our values at Target.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"It's your turn.\nWhat, if anything, keeps you from being thrilled about your impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c3_q3.title":"We evaluate our impact based on our personal expectations. In most cases, we never name those expectations.\nWhat, if anything, keeps you from being thrilled about your impact? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Do you feel you currently have the relationships you need to feel supported? Why or why not?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to reflect on their response.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's now turn to you.\nWhen have you felt supported by a team member at Target? Describe the relationship and the situation.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q1.title":"This conversation will be focused on relationships at work. Meaningful relationships, and how we care for each other at Target, are proven to be key drivers of our fulfillment.\nWhen have you felt supported by a team member at Target? Describe the relationship and the situation.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"Where can you deepen your existing relationships to help you feel more motivated and successful?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help them consider the value of connection and inclusivity.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"When you think about the difference between feeling okay and happy about your relationships, what comes to mind for you?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q2.title":"We evaluate the strength of our relationships based on our personal expectations, and these expectations can be different for everyone.\nWhat is the difference between feeling okay and happy about your relationships at Target? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Where would you be energized to build a new relationship at Target? What new perspectives could be helpful to you and your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach get specific.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about for you?\nDescribe one or two trusted relationships you have currently at work. How did it grow from a new connection to a trusted and meaningful relationship?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c4_q3.title":"You can begin to strengthen your relationships at work by understanding what matters to you.\nDescribe one or two trusted relationships you have currently at work. How did it grow from a new connection to a trusted and meaningful relationship?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"Where do you still want to gain greater clarity on success for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Take the pressure off- this is a journey.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What are you learning/better understanding about your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our final conversation, let's reflect on the last few months together and how we can support each other going forward.\nWhat are you learning/better understanding about your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: When someone asks you how your day was, how can these new insights help you answer authentically?\n\nWhat benefits come from answering authentically?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What have you discovered or learned about when you feel \"thrilled\" about your relationships, impact, or growth?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored what it means for each of us to be thrilled about our relationships, impact, and growth at work.\nWhat have you discovered or learned about your definition of \"thrilled\"?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"Where have you made progress in one or more of these areas?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer practice considering their expectations of success.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How do you currently feel about your relationships at work? (i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled)\nWhat about your impact? Your growth?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's practice answering authentically.\nHow do you currently feel about your relationships at work? (i.e. Frustrated, Unhappy, Okay, Happy or Thrilled)\nWhat about your impact? Your growth?","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities to practice progress over perfection, Be a curious listener; Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.defining_success_c8_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Impact Driver.\nWhich parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q1.title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Impact Driver.\nWhich parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q2.short_title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference.\nDid it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q2.title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference.\nDid it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q3.description":"Explore what makes your partner’s motivations and perspective valuable in their role.","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q3.short_title":"How does your current role allow you to make a difference that matches your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q3.title":"How does your current role allow you to make a difference that matches your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q4.description":"Help your partner identify the ways they could be working differently to be more fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q4.short_title":"Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled by your work.\nWhat parts of your job can you adapt to better align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c1_q4.title":"Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled by your work.\nWhat parts of your job can you adapt to better align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Values Driver.\nWhich parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q1.title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Values Driver.\nWhich parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q2.description":"Ask for details and examples so that you can really connect to your partner’s story.","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q2.short_title":"What’s your strongest memory of a situation that you felt wasn’t fair?\nWhy does that memory specifically stand out to you? How is it connected to your Values Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q2.title":"What’s your strongest memory of a situation that you felt wasn’t fair?\nWhy does that memory specifically stand out to you? How is it connected to your Values Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q3.description":"Explore how your partner’s sense of fairness affects their idea of success and failure at work.","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q3.short_title":"How does your sense of fairness and justice affect what you expect from coworkers? From your organization?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q3.title":"How does your sense of fairness and justice affect what you expect from coworkers? From your organization?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner what makes them feel confident in their ability to succeed in their role.","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q4.short_title":"In your current role, how can you empower others by tapping into your Values Driver? What would be the most motivating way for someone to empower you?","peerconversation.question.discover_c2_q4.title":"In your current role, how can you empower others by tapping into your Values Driver? What would be the most motivating way for someone to empower you?","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Craft Driver. Which parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q1.title":"Click the profile icon and read the description of your Craft Driver. Which parts are most meaningful to you?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q2.description":"Help your partner be specific about how that memory lines up with their Craft Driver.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q2.short_title":"Describe one strong memory of your Craft Driver showing up in the way you solved a problem or interacted with others.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q2.title":"Describe one strong memory of your Craft Driver showing up in the way you solved a problem or interacted with others.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to own their strengths by providing specific examples.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q3.short_title":"In your current role, how do you use your Craft Driver to overcome challenges or obstacles?","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q3.title":"In your current role, how do you use your Craft Driver to overcome challenges or obstacles?","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q4.description":"Ask your partner what needs to happen before they can make those changes in their role.","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q4.short_title":"What part of your job allows you to use your Craft Driver the most? How can you apply your Craft Driver in the same way to other areas of your job?","peerconversation.question.discover_c3_q4.title":"What part of your job allows you to use your Craft Driver the most? How can you apply your Craft Driver in the same way to other areas of your job?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you about the example you shared? How did you feel making that impact?\"\nTip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Let's explore the impact that matters to you.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Let's explore the impact that matters to you.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How does your sense of impact affect your fulfillment and productivity at work?\"\nTip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work. To what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work. To what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: “It sounds like you could increase your impact by...\" and then, \"How would you know you achieved it?\"\nTip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months?\nClick on the profile icon to read some options. Reflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q3.title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months?\nClick on the profile icon to read some options. Reflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\nTip: This is a chance to listen to how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. What have you appreciated about this process so far?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. What have you appreciated about this process so far?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q1.description":"Help your peer be specific. \nFor example, \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful for you?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful for you?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage self-reflection.\nFor example, \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help your peer uncover what they need from their work relationships. \nFor example, \"When you have felt the most supported at work, what types of relationship(s) were present?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q4.description":"Help your peer be specific about why.\nFor example, \"How will you know if you were successful?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c2_q4.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to experience that growth. \nFor example, \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention. \nFor example, \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nWhat opportunities are there to stretch yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas based on your strengths.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nWhat opportunities are there to stretch yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas based on your strengths.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer identify the first step. \nFor example, \"What is one way you can start working on it in the next week? What impact would this growth have on your fulfillment and productivity in 3 months?\"","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"View the profile icon to read about some potential areas of growth for you based on your strengths.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q3.title":"View the profile icon to read about some potential areas of growth for you based on your strengths.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. \nFor example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" \nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.discover_prework.description":"Discovery Pre-work","peerconversation.question.discover_prework.prework":"Discovery Pre-work","peerconversation.question.discover_prework.short_title":"Discovery Pre-work","peerconversation.question.discover_prework.title":"Discovery Pre-work","peerconversation.question.discover_q1_b.description":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.discover_q1_b.short_title":"Find your Impact Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.discover_q1_b.title":"Find your Impact Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.discover_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the \"why\" behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.discover_q1.short_title":"Find your Impact Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.discover_q1.title":"Find your Impact Driver at the end of this document and read the description paragraph (under the quote). Which parts are most meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.discover_q2.description":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","peerconversation.question.discover_q2.short_title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_q2.title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_q3.description":"Explore what makes your partner’s motivations and perspective valuable in their role.","peerconversation.question.discover_q3.short_title":"How does your current role allow you to make a difference that matches your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_q3.title":"How does your current role allow you to make a difference that matches your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_q4.description":"Help your partner identify the ways they could be working differently to be more fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.question.discover_q4.short_title":"Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled by your work. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.discover_q4.title":"Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled by your work. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with your Impact Driver?","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c2_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"How far in the future is that role for you?\" and \"How would you feel about your career in that role?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Connect your peer to their \"why\"","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nDescribe your dream role within The Walt Disney Company. What makes it ideal for you? Why?","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q1.title":"Career aspirations are welcomed and encouraged for team members at The Walt Disney Company. Take a moment to imagine yourself in a role that feels ideal to you.\nDescribe your dream role, even if it doesn't exist yet, within The Walt Disney Company. What draws you to that role? Why?","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How might you develop those skill or experience gaps?\" and \"Why is it important to develop these?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach brainstorm ways to develop their skillset further.","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on your strengths and opportunities for growth.\nWhich of your strengths will help you be successful in your ideal role? What skill and/or experience gaps would feel energizing to develop? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q2.title":"Understanding your strengths, as well as opportunities for growth, can help you take ownership of your growth.\nWhat strengths of yours lend well to your ideal role? What skill and/or experience would be energizing to develop towards your goal? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What is important to share with others regarding your growth?\" and \"In what way(s) can your current leader support you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to ask for help.","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Who around you has strengths that could help you be successful? What could you learn from them?","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c4_q3.title":"Connecting with and learning from others is a powerful way to fill in skill and/or experience gaps. Reflect on the strengths of those with whom you work most frequently.\nWho has strengths that could help you be successful? What could you learn from some mentorship?","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way in your role? Share a recent example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nLet's reflect on where we started our exploration of building our careers.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Disney. Share with me in your own words what this means to you. What new awareness have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of building our careers.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Disney. Share with me in your own words what this means to you. What new awareness have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q2.title":"filller","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_purposeful_career_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Why is building a trusted network of peers valuable to you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nTell me about yourself. Where did your connection to The Walt Disney Company begin? What about the opportunity working at The Walt Disney Company energizes you?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we begin peer coaching with each other, let's explore our shared experience within The Walt Disney Company . \n Where did your connection to The Walt Disney Company begin? Tell me a bit about yourself and what brings you here today.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?”\n \nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what likely drives you at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our 5 conversations together, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nClick the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q3.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Is there one that feels particularly important to you? Share an example. \nIngredients of fulfillment: meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q3.title":"Building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nWhat would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Is there one that feels particularly important to you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Create clear expectations about accountability up front.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be peer coaches for each other. \nHow can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you in the example you shared? How did it feel to make that impact?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What type of impact is meaningful for you?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"Who would benefit the most if you made this impact? How would you know if it were successful?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize their impact.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat goal feels most valuable to you in the next 2-3 months? Why does it feel important? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q2.title":"Reflect on what feels most valuable to get done at work in the next 2-3 months. Describe the goal and the impact of the work.\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas. Why does this goal feel important to you?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Do you feel you have what you need to be successful?\" and then, \"What is one possible solution to overcoming the challenge?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Inspire them to act.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now plan for success for your goal.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? What possible challenges could arise? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's plan for success and anticipate challenges in accomplishing the goal you just shared.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? Where could there be possible challenges along the way? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you?\" and then, \"Why does meaningful mean to you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work.\nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your fulfillment at work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Where is there an opportunity to strengthen a relationship at work?\" and \"Why would this feel valuable?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about why.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious to know about your relationships at work.\nDo you feel you have the relationships you need to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c3_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained.\nDo you feel you have the relationships you need at work to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this challenge feel personally meaningful?\" and \"What do you most appreciate about how you grew from this experience?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to experience that growth.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career? How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career. How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What energizes you when you use this strength? Why?\" and then, \"Do you currently feel you lean into this strength at work?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now explore your problem solving approach.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's reflect on your approach to problem-solving at work.\nClick the profile icon for likely strengths. What resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Do you feel energized to grow in this way? Why?\" If not, \"How would you feel energized to grow in the next 3 months?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify an opportunity for growth.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you? \nWhere might you have an opportunity to stretch yourself over the next 3 months? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c4_q3.title":"Imagine it's 3 months from today, where did you have an opportunity to stretch yourself at work?\nClick on the profile icon for possible ideas. What felt outside your comfort zone? How did you grow in a personally meaningful way?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What did you learn about what you need to be fulfilled at work? Why is it important?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of fulfillment.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential at Disney. \nClick on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment. Reflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to prioritize building a peer connection through the Black Talent Network? What are the benefits of building a peer network?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, strengthen your relationships, and own your growth. \nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you feel if you felt unfulfilled a year from now? What are possible implications?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at a year from now for you.\nHow have you continued to make your fulfillment a priority? What is gained by continuing to make this a priority?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. \nHow have you continued to make fulfillment a priority? \nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Connect to Great People, Share a Resource","peerconversation.question.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of the Black Talent Network?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Connect to Great People, Share a Resource","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"When did you first realize you were interested in this type of work? How has it evolved over time?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Be curious about understanding \"the why\" behind their career.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat's your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? Describe a current project you are working towards right now.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's begin peer coaching by getting to know each other more.\nWhat's your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? Describe a current project you are working towards right now.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How does your current role help you feel purposeful at work? Where would you want to feel a stronger connection to your purpose?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Allow space for your peer coach to reflect. It may take a moment to respond.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \nWhen do you feel fulfilled at work? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q2.title":"Our conversations together will be helping us further explore our purpose at work so we can continue to align it to our experience at {{member.organizationname}}. \nWhen do you feel fulfilled at work? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Why do you want a fulfilling career? When do you remember first feeling that way?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Verbalizing the \"why\" is a key step in unlocking their aspirations.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about yourself? Taking the time to reflect on your values and the legacy you want to leave can help you uncover the skills, experiences, and aspirations that align with your purpose. \nWhat are you hoping to gain from our conversations together?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q3.title":"Your career aspirations and how meaningful work is defined begins with you. Taking the time to reflect on your values and the legacy you want to leave can help you uncover the skills, experiences, and aspirations that align with your purpose.\nWhat are you hoping to gain from our conversations together?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"How has this memory evolved or stayed with you over your career?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Your peer coach will likely draw connections to varying stages of life which is great.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhen did you first realize work can be meaningful (beyond just a paycheck)?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q1.title":"This conversation will help us explore what we want out of our careers. Let's first begin by recalling our early relationship to work - before {{member.organizationname}}.\nWhen did you first realize work can be meaningful (beyond just a paycheck)?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What are you learning about yourself? What feels reinforcing of areas you've known about yourself?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Allow your peer coach to be specific about various work experiences (or even school projects/activities).","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How has your purpose showed up throughout your work experiences to date? Click the profile icon for ideas and be specific.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q2.title":"It is likely that your purpose has connected your career experiences. Let's explore. \nHow has your purpose showed up throughout your work experiences to date? Click the profile icon for ideas and be specific.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"How do you feel \"dreaming without boundaries\"? What are you noticing about yourself while answering this question?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Allow your peer coach to consider their full potential and reflect on whether they have limiting beliefs for themselves.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Give yourself permission to dream without boundaries. \nWhat would it look like for your career to feel fully aligned with your purpose? Describe a specific project you visualize yourself working on.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c2_q3.title":"For this question, let's give ourselves permission to dream without boundaries. \nWhat would it look like for your career to feel fully aligned with your purpose? Describe a specific project you visualize yourself working on.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe your first career aspiration. Why did it feel energizing for you?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to reflect. It may take a moment to recall.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn. \nWhat does it mean for you to have a \"career aspiration\"? How often is this something you think about for yourself?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q1.title":"We will be creating space for us to consider our career aspirations today. \nWhat does it mean for you to have a \"career aspiration\"? How often is this something you think about for yourself?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What about your example still feels inspiring for you? What parts have evolved over time?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: This question is a way to recall the early ideas they had about the possibilities for their career.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Who inspires you (mentor, peer, leader, family member, friend etc.)? What attributes do you admire about them? (what they do, how they show-up, how they lead etc.)","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q2.title":"Our aspirations are often created through the various ways we feel inspired. \nWho inspires you (mentor, peer, leader, family member, friend etc.)? What attributes do you admire about them? (what they do, how they show-up, how they lead etc.)","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What would be one way to feel more inspired about the possibility of the career ahead of you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Your peer coach may be reflecting and sharing their career aspirations for the first time. Encourage them to be brave.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What are you learning about yourself professionally and/or personally after reflecting on someone who inspires you? How might it connect to your current career aspirations?\n Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c3_q3.title":"What are you learning about yourself professionally and/or personally after reflecting on someone who inspires you? How might it connect to your current career aspirations?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"What was so valuable about that growth for you? Did you see it as a growth opportunity when it was happening?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Allow your peer coach to consider when they valued it as growth for themselves.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What does \"career growth\" mean to you? When was the last time you felt excited or proud about your growth?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q1.title":"Career growth is often about expanding our comfort zone. It can be expanded by many things, including knowledge, skills, experiences or even growing confidence.\nWhat does \"career growth\" mean to you? When was the last time you felt excited or proud of your growth?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What are the potential risks for the work? Where does it feel manageable?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to be specific.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Now, let's consider your current priorities at work. \nWhat feels most important for you/your team to accomplish in the next 3-6 months? (Consider your projects/bodies of work. Describe the specific goal and the impact it will have when complete.)","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q2.title":"Now, let's consider your current priorities at work.\nWhat feels most important for you/your team to accomplish in the next 3-6 months? (Consider your projects/bodies of work. Describe the specific goal and the impact it will have when complete.)","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Who have you shared your growth aspirations with? Who else might you need to bring along? What support might you need from them?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ensure your peer coach is able to reflect and add a few skills that make them proud.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Where might you have opportunities to grow through your work/the work of the team over the next several months? How might you leverage new or existing skills, strengths and passions?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c4_q3.title":"Where might you have opportunities to grow through your work/the work of the team over the next several months? How might you leverage new or existing skills, strengths and passions?\n Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"Why does this feel imperative?\" and \"Has this always felt important for you?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Help your peer coach connect to their \"why\".","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What have you learned about yourself and what you want from your career? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q1.title":"Over the course of our conversations, we have been able to explore our career through the lens of our purpose. \nWhat have you learned about yourself and what you want from your career? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"Why is it helpful to know when you aren't feeling aligned with your purpose?\" and \"What do you now know you need from your career?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: You are helping your peer coach feel in the driver's seat of their career.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"When do you notice you aren't working aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q2.title":"Working in alignment with your purpose is critical to feeling fulfilled by your career. It's also important to notice the times it feels unaligned. \nWhen do you notice you aren't working aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"Who else would benefit from hearing this from you?\" and \"Why is it important for your support system to know?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: how does that feel to advocate for yourself and share your strengths?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Let's practice driving your career forward. \nWhat are your current career aspirations? Why does it feel important for you? What skills/strengths are you using when you are at your best?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's practice driving your career forward. \nWhat are your current career aspirations? Why does it feel important for you? What skills/strengths are you using when you are at your best?","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.drive_your_career_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n Ideas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"How would you describe your relationship with those you supervise? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Practice active listening skills by reflecting back what you learned about their style.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat do you enjoy about being a leader at {{member.organizationname}}? Describe your style to me.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are going to begin by exploring our roles as culture leaders at {{member.organizationname}}. Let's start by getting to know each other's style.\nWhat do you enjoy about being a leader at {{member.organizationname}}? How would you describe your leadership style?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"Share a time when you've received feedback from your team. When has it reinforced your leadership style? What opportunities have been shared for growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to consider their response.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhen do you feel most purposeful at work? Share examples of the following showing up in your leadership style? Click the profile icon for insights into your purpose.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q2.title":"A key element to our success as leaders is leading with purpose.\nWhen do you feel most purposeful at work? Which of the following already exist in your leadership style? Give examples. Click the profile icon for insights into your sense of purpose.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"Share a time when you've received feedback from your team (directly or through a recent engagement survey). When has it reinforced your leadership? What opportunities have been shared for growth?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you hear is important to your peer coach.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What are you hoping to gain from our conversations together? Where do you want to grow within your leadership practice?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q3.title":"In this conversation set, we will continue reflecting on our roles in creating a culture of openness and practice integrating the key elements of trust and listening into our daily leadership. \nWhat are you hoping to gain from our conversations together? Where do you want to grow within your leadership practice?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"Which area(s) (relationships, impact, or growth) need your attention? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow-up questions help your peer coach do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Prior to our conversation, we each rated our relationships, our impact, and our growth. (Each of you will only see your own ratings)\nrelationships: {{conversation.current.rig.relationships}}\nimpact: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}}\ngrowth: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}}\nShare with me what led to your ratings. What's going well? What feels challenging at work?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q1.title":"Prior to our conversation, we each rated our relationships, our impact, and our growth. (Each of you will only see your own ratings)\nrelationships: {{conversation.current.rig.relationships}}\nimpact: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}}\ngrowth: {{conversation.current.rig.growth}}\nShare with me what led to your ratings. What's going well? What feels challenging at work?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How are you listening more to your team as a result?\" and \"How are you more focused on building trust?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Empathize, rather than problem solve, with the challenges your peer coach experiences.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat elements of your team's work feels most different from a couple years ago? How have those changes impacted you? Your direct reports?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q2.title":"The last few years have been marked by significant change, impacting all aspects of our work. \nWhat elements of your team's work feels most different from a couple years ago? How have those changes impacted you? Your direct reports?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What helps you be a more engaging leader?\" and \"How could you bring more of that to your work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect their strengths to their leadership.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\nHow would you rate, on a scale from 1-10, your engagement as a leader? Why? Which of your strengths could enhance your leadership here?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c2_q3.title":"Listening and Trust, anchored to your unique strengths, are critical skills of an effective and engaging leader. \nOn a scale from 1-10 (10 being the most effective), how would you rate your engagement as a leader? Why? Which of your strengths could enhance your leadership here? Click the profile icon ideas about your strengths.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"Where do you notice your efforts having a positive effect?\" and \"What can you learn from that to apply to other situations?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer acknowledge their efforts and think beyond their current approach.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How do you ensure levels of trust within your team? How are you personally focused on making sure your team trusts you/each other?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q1.title":"As culture leaders, we play a significant role in ensuring that trust and listening exist within our teams.\nHow do you ensure there is trust within your team? In what ways are you personally focused on making sure your team trusts you/each other?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you apply these strengths?\" and \"Where could you more consistently apply these strengths?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to take personal accountability as a culture leader.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's look at your strengths.\nWhat strengths do you possess that most enable trust and listening within your team? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q2.title":"The quality of your relationships at work are key to a culture of openness.\nWhich of your strengths most enable you to create a trusting team where all voices are heard and valued? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"Based on recent engagement survey results, what change(s) would you make? What role do you play?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm actions based on feedback.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What about you? \nHow do you gather feedback from your team? What important feedback have you received? How did you respond?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c3_q3.title":"We must check-in with those we lead to help us assess how things are going. \nHow do you gather feedback from your team to ensure all voices are heard? Share an example of important feedback you've received and how you responded.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"Why is that the most significant obstacle?\" and \"What would you need to solve this challenge?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Empathize with your peer as they share their biggest obstacle.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about your team?\nWhat is the biggest obstacle within your team to a culture of openness? At what level (environmental, situational, knowledge gaps) does this exist?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q1.title":"Barriers to trust and listening can exist at multiple levels: environmental, situational, or due to personal knowledge gaps. \nWhat do you see as your biggest obstacle to creating a culture of openness on your team? At what level does this obstacle exist?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"What is a recent example of this showing up?\" and \"What new perspectives could be useful?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back key points from what you hear.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into potential biases in your style.\nWhat resonates? Why? How might your approach be diminishing your efforts?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q2.title":"Building awareness of where our style has unintentional consequences can make us more effective culture leaders. Click the profile icon for insights into potential biases in your style.\nWhat resonates? Why? How might your current approach be diminishing your efforts to create a culture of openness?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What would success look like to you?\" and \"Who could help you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to reflect on their answer.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nHow can you adapt your leadership to better meet the challenges faced by your team? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c4_q3.title":"We previously discussed the important of agile leadership to meet the current demands and stress associated with our work. \nHow can you be more agile as a leader to overcome the obstacles your team faces? What needs to adapt? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What is your key takeaway from our conversations?\" and \"How can you apply that to work within your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach connect their own experience to work on their team.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat has most helped you feel seen and heard? What, if anything, diminished you feeling seen and heard?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q1.title":"Together, we have been practicing skills like trust and listening that foster a sense of openness. Reflect on our time together.\nWhat has helped you feel seen and heard throughout this process? What, if anything, got in the way of you feeling seen and heard?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"How have your efforts impacted your team?\" and \"What recent feedback have you received from your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Click to profile icon for insights into your sense of purpose.\nWhich of your strengths has helped maximize your efforts as a culture leader? How have you needed to adapt your leadership?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q2.title":"In our previous conversations, we connected our own sense of purpose to our role as culture leader.\nWhich of your strengths has been most beneficial to your efforts as a leader? How have you adapted your leadership to be more effective? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"What do you need in order to be successful? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach plan for the future.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Imagine the next 6 months of work on your team.\nWhat barriers to trust and listening do you still need to address? How will continue to make your role as a culture leader a priority.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine the next 6 months.\nWhat barriers to trust and listening still exist that need your attention? How will ensure that you keep prioritizing your role as a culture leader?","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.effective_leadership_engagement_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"How are you currently feeling as we approach the end of a year?\" and \"How might this help you wrap up the year in a way that's meaningful for you?\"\n\nTip: Be curious and supportive. You are each taking an opportunity to prioritize your fulfillment.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nShare a bit about yourself, your role at {{member.organizationname}} and why you were energized to end the year by participating in these conversations together?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi There! We will be guided across two conversations to reflect on our year: celebrate our purpose moments, recognize our growth and share our wins.\nLet's begin by saying hello. Share a bit about yourself, your role at {{member.organizationname}} and why you were energized to sign up for these conversations.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How were you able to impact the situation or example you shared?\" and \"Do any other experiences stand out for you from the year?\"\n\nTip: Help celebrate with your peer.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's find your purpose moment.\nClick the profile icon. Whether it was overcoming a challenge and/or accomplishing a goal, describe a time you felt proud and energized this year.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q2.title":"Purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best. When we feel aligned with our purpose, we feel fulfilled and successful at work. Your year was likely filled with a handful of purpose moments. Let's track at least one down.\nClick the profile icon. Whether it was overcoming a challenge and/or accomplishing a goal, describe a time you felt proud and energized this year.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What makes you proud about how you navigated the year?\" and \"Where do you feel you were able grow and expand?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to reflect. It may take a moment to answer. ","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about you. \nWhat were you hoping to be true for you this year? Where did the year surprise you?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q3.title":"Think back to the beginning of this calendar year. \nWhat were you hoping to be true for you this year? Where did the year surprise you?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask: \"If you had more time and support, would your answer be the same?\" and \"What support might you enlist to help you?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back what you heard. It can help your peer hear their own thinking.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Describe how you ideally want to feel going into the new calendar year. What might keep you from feeling that way?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c1_q4.title":"Our next conversation will give each of us the opportunity to reflect, organize our thinking and make a plan to close out the year in a meaningful way.\nDescribe how you ideally want to feel going into the new calendar year. What might keep you from feeling that way?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"What does this tell you about the relationships you need to feel supported?\" and \"Have you had the opportunity to appreciate this person directly?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work, who comes to mind from this year? Why does this relationship(s) stand out for you?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q1.title":"We feel fulfilled and successful when we build meaningful relationships, make an impact that matters and grow personally and professionally. Let's reflect on the year by highlighting each one today. We will start with relationships. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work, who comes to mind from this year? Why does this relationship(s) stand out for you?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does this align or not align with how you expected to grow this year?\" and \"What are you learning about what you currently need from the \"growth\" bucket?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to widen their view of growth. It can mean a new skill, navigating a new change, taking on the unexpected or practicing self-care. The examples are endless.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Where did you feel stretched outside your comfort zone this year? Describe the experience and how it felt to navigate.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's talk about growth. The way we grow looks different for everyone. Whether it's personal and/or professional growth, what matters is that it feels meaningful for you. \nWhere did you feel stretched outside your comfort zone this year? Describe the experience and how it felt to navigate. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What strengths did you rely on to achieve these outcomes?\" and \"Who else might want to know this about your year?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to be specific about what made them personally proud.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Consider how you've made an impact that was personally meaningful. Click the profile icon for ideas. \nWhen did you feel energized about your impact this year? Be specific.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q3.title":"When we feel we are making an impact that matters, we feel fulfilled and successful. \nConsider how you've made an impact that was personally meaningful. Click the profile icon for ideas. When did you feel energized about your impact this year?\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q4.description":"Ask: \"What might you need to prioritize to set up the new year?\"\n\nTip: Make a plan to stay connected. Thank your partner for the time together.","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Where have you noticed yourself feeling curious or inspired recently? What does your response tell you about how you want to start the new year?","peerconversation.question.eoy_2_convo_s1_c2_q4.title":"As we wrap our conversations together, let's envision how we can start the near year energized and with a plan.\nWhere have you noticed yourself feeling curious or inspired recently? What does your response tell you about how you want to start the new year?","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to be specific. Encourage your partner to add details. Ask, \"When was the first time…\"","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Why do you think creating trusting partnerships with clients is critical to the success of EQH? What are some examples of how you have demonstrated this business principle in your work? Which example stands out the most to you?","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q1.title":"Why do you think creating trusting partnerships with clients is critical to the success of EQH? What are some examples of how you have demonstrated this business principle in your work? Which example stands out the most to you?","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"Why did you feel like this was the right thing to do?\"","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about fairness and justice. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how does your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about fairness and justice. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how does your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How might others have approached the same situation differently?\"","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about how you’re likely to solve problems and add value. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q3.title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about how you’re likely to solve problems and add value. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask: \"How did you know your work made a difference?\"","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, what was the impact you wanted to have and who did you hope would benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.eqh_s1_c1_q4.title":"Click the profile icon and read the following statement from your Purpose Profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, what was the impact you wanted to have and who did you hope would benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"What feels important for me to know about you outside of work?\" and \"What are some positives happening in your life?\"\n\nTip: Asking follow up questions shows you want to know more about your peer.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn to share.\nTell me about what led you to your current role. What originally drew you to {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Our conversations together on Imperative will help us support each other in managing and recharging our energy at work. Let's first start by getting to know each other more.\nTell me about what led you to your current role. What originally drew you to {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"Which parts, if any, don't feel like you? Why?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back what you've learned about your peer's style.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your purpose at work.\nWhat resonates from your description? Why? How does that show up in your work?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q2.title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Let's take a moment to share what drives your sense of purpose at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? How do you see those showing up in your work? Share examples.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why is it important to you?\" and \"How would you describe your ideal state of wellbeing?\"\n\nTip: Notice any differences in your definitions without anything being right or wrong. ","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat does \"wellbeing\" mean to you? How would you describe it?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have four more conversations focused on our wellbeing. Let's reflect on what it means to each of us. \nWhat does the term \"wellbeing\" mean to you personally? How would you describe it in your own words?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"What type of work were you doing, solo or collaborative?\" and \"What type of impact did you have?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up question to understand many factors of what helps them be their best.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat's a time you felt highly motivated and energized at work? What were you doing? What factors contributed?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! We previously clarified what wellbeing means to each of us, let's build on that by exploring when we feel at our best.\nTell me about a time when you felt highly motivated and energized at work. What were you doing, and what factors contributed to that feeling?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"What strategies or activities help you recharge and regain your sense of wellbeing? What does rest look like for you?\"\n\nTip: Be sure to give your peer a moment to reflect.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhen do you feel particularly unmotivated or depleted at work? Why is that?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q2.title":"Understanding the factors that drain our energy is also important to supporting our wellbeing.\nWhat recurring patterns or responsibilities in your job do you find particularly draining or unfulfilling? Why do you think that is?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"How will you manage your energy to help you stay at your best?\" and \"How will you recharge your energy as you go?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer make a plan for managing and recharging their energy.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Think about the next 3-6 months in your life and work. \nWhat time and energy will likely be required from you? What challenges or roadblocks might occur that could impact your energy? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's use what we've shared to make a plan for the future. Think about your life and work in your role over the next 3-6 months. \nWhat can you anticipate about the time and energy required to be successful in that timeframe? What potential challenges or roadblocks might show up and impact your energy? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"How did you react to the stress?\" and \"What coping mechanisms or strategies did you naturally turn to and how effective were they?\"\n\nTip: Focus on empathizing with your peer rather than offering advice.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Think of a highly stressful challenge you have experienced recently in your career. What about the experience made it feel more stressful than other situations?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q1.title":"Our conversation today will be focused on navigating stress in ways that support our overall wellbeing. Think of a highly stressful challenge you have experienced recently in your career. \nTell me about the experience. What about the experience made it feel more stressful than other situations?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How comfortable do you usually feel when seeking support or assistance?\" and \"What practices might help you recharge outside of work?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer brainstorm by sharing any practices that you have found helpful. ","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nFrom your example, what new activities or practices could you have tried to lower the stress? What would have increased your available energy and helped you be more successful? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's now look beyond managing a stressful situation and explore new ways to manage our energy while it's happening. \nIn the example you previously shared, what new and specific activities or practices could you have tried to lower the stress? What would have increased your available energy and helped you be successful? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How will you know that you are managing your energy well?\" and \"What impact could that have on yourself, your team and/or your relationships outside of work?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow up questions to gather as much information about this new version of self.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn to paint a picture for me. Imagine yourself in the future effectively managing your energy in a time of stress.\nWhat does this version of you look like? How would you show up similarly and/or differently?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c3_q3.title":"It can be helpful to imagine ourselves in the future where we effectively manage our energy in times of stress.\nWhat does that version of you look like? How would you show up similarly and/or differently? Paint a picture for me.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"What's an example of when you've demonstrated resilience at work? What were the circumstances and how did you handle it?\"\n\nTip: It's okay if your definitions are different. Seek to understand their ideas and point of view.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\"Resilience isn't code for 'mind over matter' or grinding through hard times – it means being intentional about recovery and investing in what brings us joy.\" - Sarah Vita of Equitable\nHow do you define resilience in your work life? What does it mean to you?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we will focus on the concept of resilience.\n\"Resilience isn't code for 'mind over matter' or grinding through hard times – it means being intentional about recovery and investing in what brings us joy.\" - Sarah Vita, Head of Training, Recruiting and Holistic Life Planning for Equitable Advisors\nHow do you personally define resilience in the context of your work life? What does it mean to you?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"In what areas of your work could you use more resilience?\" and \"How might you hold yourself accountable to recognize when you need to rest and recharge?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to think as these can feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat do you notice about yourself when you are experiencing change? When do you usually recognize when you need to rest and recharge (early or when you are near burnout)?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q2.title":"Part of resilience is being able to adapt to change and to evolving circumstances. It starts with being able to recognize it well before burnout. \nWhat do you notice about yourself when you are experiencing change? When do you usually recognize when you need to rest and recharge (early or when you are near burnout)?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"Who can help you stay accountable to and remind you of the importance of these?\" and \"How will this affect the way you feel at work?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your partner to make a plan that enables them to be successful.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How often do you focus on recovery and what brings you joy? Share a few examples of things that bring you joy.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c4_q3.title":"Resilience isn't about muscling through times of stress. It's really about finding times to recover and investing in things that bring you joy. \nHow often are you currently focused on recovery and things that bring you joy? Share a few examples of things that bring you joy.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being a high level of wellbeing), how would you rate your current wellbeing? Why?\"\n\nTip: Thank your peer for sharing their learning. ","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat have you learned about your wellbeing at work? What have you maintained or changed to support your wellbeing?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q1.title":"Together, we have explored our wellbeing practices at work - who we are at our best, navigating stress, and developing resilience.\nWhat have you learned about yourself in regard to your wellbeing at work? What have you continued and/or changed that has supported your wellbeing?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"How well are you managing your energy these days?\" and \"How well are you recharging your energy?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer evaluate how they are managing their energy now.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights.\nWhich parts of the description most energize you and help you feel motivated by your work? How can you bring more of that into your current role?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q2.title":"Our wellbeing at work is tied to how motivated and energized we are by our work. Let's reflect back on what uniquely drives each of us. Click the profile icon for insights. From the description, what most adds to your energy and motivation at work? How can you incorporate more of this into your current role?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How are you going to ensure this as a priority going forward?\" and \"What other wellness offers might you benefit from that are available to you through Equitable?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer plan for their future wellbeing.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhich areas (energy management, stress, or resilience (recovery and joy) still need your attention? Why?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q3.title":"Wellbeing is something that requires intentionality and maintenance overtime. Let's explore what still needs our attention to maximize our wellbeing.\nWhich of the following still needs some of your attention to increase your wellbeing at work: energy management, navigating stress, and/or resilience (recovery and joy)? Why does that area(s) still need to be prioritized?","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.equitable_wellbeing_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you see these qualities showing up in your current role?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious by asking follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's now look at your sense of purpose and fulfillment. Click the profile icon for insights.\nWhat resonates for you? Why? What, if any, doesn't resonate?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get to know each other by sharing what helps us each feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in our work. Click the profile icon for insights from your profile.\nWhat resonates with you? Why? Which parts, if any, don't resonate?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What, in your opinion, is the opposite of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to think meaningfully about their answer.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat do you think of when you hear the word \"belonging\"? What does it mean to you?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will work to define what \"belonging\" means to each of us. \nLet's begin with the word itself. What comes to mind when you hear the word \"belonging\"? How would you define it? ","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why does that memory stick out to you?\" and \"What does that memory tell you about what you need for belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach understand belonging through their own story.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nTell me about a time when you felt a genuine sense of belonging or inclusion. Be specific. What happened? Who's involved?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q3.title":"As beings that live and work in connection with others, belonging is a basic human need.\nWhen have you felt a genuine sense of belonging or inclusion? Be specific. What was happening? Who was involved?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"How would you like to feel by the end of this conversation?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Give your partner time to reflect.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you? You mentioned you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}.\nTell me more about that. What contributes to you feeling that way?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q1.title":"As we continue our exploration of belonging, let's get a baseline for how we're feeling currently. Prior to our conversation you stated that you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}.\nTell me more about why you feel this way. What factors are at play?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What makes that experience meaningful for you? and \"How did it impact the way you feel about work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner identify specific actions that lead to a sense of belonging.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhen have you recently felt recognized, included, or appreciated by another person or group of people? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q2.title":"In our conversation today, we will focus on specific behaviors that foster a sense of belonging on a team.\nLet's begin by recalling a recent example at work when you felt recognized, included, or appreciated by another person or group of people. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"How do you feel mentally and physically when you experience a sense of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Observe your partner's facial expressions and body language as they speak with you. Share what you notice.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about for you? \nBased on your example, how do you think your performance improves from a greater sense of belonging? Why?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c2_q3.title":"How we feel while working within a team often impacts how we show up at work.\nBased on the example you shared, how do you think your performance improves when you feel a greater sense of belonging? Why?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"How did that experience impact your sense of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Empathize with your partner's experience by acknowledging what they share.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"I'm curious about your experience.\nWhat's an example at work of when you felt under-appreciated or like your voice wasn't heard? Who was involved? How did you feel?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q1.title":"We've each likely experienced a moment(s) when we felt like our efforts were under-appreciated or our strengths weren't leveraged because our voice wasn't heard. Recall a time when either of these was true for you.\nShare the experience. What happened? Who was involved? How did you feel?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What helps you feel comfortable talking openly with someone about your experience at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to be specific about things like setting, timing, and communication style.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about for you?\nWho on your team can you confide in if you're feeling unrecognized or under-appreciated at work? What makes you feel like you can go to them?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q2.title":"One way to increase our sense of belonging is to seek out allies or support from others when we feel undervalued or under-appreciated.\nWho on your team do you see as someone you can confide in when your work is not being recognized or appreciated? What gives you the impression that you can go to them?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How would it feel to ask for that?\"\" and \"How will that add to your sense of belonging at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach connect their feelings and actions.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat is one thing you can ask from others on your team that will help you feel more comfortable taking risks and/or letting your guard down? Click the profile icon for suggestions.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c3_q3.title":"Expanding the psychological safety we feel to others on our team can help us cultivate a sense of belonging and inclusion. \nWhat is one thing you can ask others to do to help you feel more comfortable taking risks and letting your guard down? Click the profile icon for suggestions.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"How easy or difficult is it for you to recognize your own biases? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner feel psychologically safe by staying curious without judgment of their biases.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon for insights into possible biases you might have.\nWhat resonates most with you? What examples come to mind?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q1.title":"We all have moments when our strengths create biases. Click the profile icon for possible biases based on your purpose profile. \nWhat resonates with you? Share an example.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What else could you try?\" and \"How does resolving conflict impact your sense of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner brainstorm new actions.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on new actions you can take.\nBased on the bias(es) you acknowledged, what new actions would help you understand the viewpoints of others? How would that resolve conflict or disagreements?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q2.title":"Conflict or disagreements can easily show up when our biases are present at work. \nBased on the bias(es) you previously shared, what new actions could you take to understand the viewpoints of others? How would that help resolve conflict or disagreements?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What needs to change for you to stay connected to your work AND your relationships?\" and \"How can you overcome those challenges?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach do their best thinking by offering ideas you might have.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat moments are more challenging for you to prioritize the quality of your connections with other team members? What gets in the way? Why?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c4_q3.title":"We can all get overly focused on the tasks of our work and productivity, especially in times of stress, at the detriment to our connections with others.\nFor you, in what moments is it challenging to focus on your connection to others on your team? What gets in the way? Why?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What new actions have you taken to prioritize a sense of belonging at work?\" and \"What's worked?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate with your peer coach any new awareness and positive shifts they have made.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon for insights into your sense of purpose.\nWhat have you learned about yourself that has helped create greater sense of belonging?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time connecting what drives our sense of purpose to cultivating a sense of belonging at work. Click the profile icon to review your sense of purpose.\nWhat have you learned about yourself, strengths and/or biases, that has helped you create a greater sense of belonging?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"How has that change impacted your sense of belonging at work?\" and \"What, if anything, still needs to change?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner evaluate their progress.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about you? Let's look at how you've rated your relationships at work over time: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (only you can see these ratings).\nWhat has changed since we began? What created that change?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q2.title":"Because the quality of your relationships can help us understand our sense of belonging, let's look at how you've rated your relationships at work over time: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (only you can see these ratings).\nHow has the quality of your relationships changed since we began? Why do you think is?","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What role do you play in cultivating a sense of belonging on your team?\" and \"How do you contribute?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to see how they can help to create belonging for others.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's hear how your definition has changed.\nHow do you see belonging now? Has your definition changed/modified/solidified from our time together? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q3.title":"Spending focused time on the element of belonging, it is likely that our definitions of the word will change.\nHow has your definition of belonging changed/modified/solidified as a result of our time together? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together. ","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.foster_belonging_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q1.description":"Tip: Give your partner time to respond. Remain curious by asking a follow up question: \"How has that stayed the same or changed for you over time?\"","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn.\n\nTake a moment to think back... What is your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path? Describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q1.title":"HI! Let's get started. We will both rotate asking and answering the question prompts. You'll answer first. \n\nTake a moment to think back.. What is your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path? Describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What has surprised you about where you are today? What has felt expected?\"","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \n\nKnowing that you've grown since that earliest memory, what makes you proud of where you are today in your career?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's reflect on where you are today in your career. \n\nKnowing that you've grown since that earliest memory, what makes you proud of where you are today in your career?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What does your response tell you about work lately?\" and, \"Where, if at all, has work felt draining for you?\"","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Consider your current role. Where have you noticed yourself feeling inspired this year? \n\nRecall a specific example of a time you felt inspired recently.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now let's consider your current role. \n\nWhere have you noticed yourself feeling inspired this year? Recall a specific example of a time you felt inspired recently.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"How would you know you were successful?\" and \"What, if anything, might get in the way?\"","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1_c1_q4.title":"An Imperative conversation always provides an opportunity for both of us to reflect, apply and then take action on what we've shared. \n\nBased on your reflection today, what feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q1.description":"Inquire: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \n\nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your daily work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your daily work? \n\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? How might you do that?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm new ways of nurturing relationships.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your relationships at work.\n\nOn a scale of 1-5, how well do your relationships support your fulfillment and success? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \n\nOn a scale of 1-5, how well do your relationships support your feelings of fulfillment and success? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"How would you know you were successful?\" and \"What, if anything, might get in the way?\"","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1_c1_q4.title":"An Imperative conversation always provides an opportunity for both of us to reflect, apply and then take action on what we've shared. \n\nBased on your reflection today, what feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Share something you are personally proud of since committing to taking steps toward a more inclusive culture. How did that feel for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate milestones along the way.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How has dedicating time for peer coaching helped you as a D&I Learning Champion? What benefits have you noticed?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's get to know each other by first acknowledging our efforts toward creating an Inclusive Culture at ICF. \nHow has dedicating time for peer coaching helped you as a D&I Learning Champion? What benefits have you noticed?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"Why does this currently feel important to you?” and “How have you seen this show up?” \n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what helps you feel fulfilled. \nWhat new awareness(es) do you have about what fulfills you at work? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q2.title":"Feeling fulfilled in your work is important to creating an Inclusive Culture. As new peer coaching partners, let's share what uniquely drives our sense of purpose at work.\nWhat new awareness(es) do you have about what fulfills you at work? Click the profile icon for insights from your profile.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"How did that impact the way you felt about your work? How did it impact your sense of belonging within the team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you? \nShare an example of when you've felt a strong sense of team. What about this team made it such a positive experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q3.title":"Along with being members of the broader ICF team, we each belong to more focused teams where much of the day-to-day work is completed.\nShare an example of when you've felt a strong sense of team. What about this team made it such a positive experience for you?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"I'm curious to know what have you've appreciated about this process so far? What about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c1_q4.title":"Our peer coaching relationship is still new and developing. Let's take a moment in our first conversation to reflect on the process. \nWhat have you appreciated about this so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What success have you had from applying this learning? How did it feel?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to share an example story. Then, ask how it felt to be intentional about their impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What have you learned about the meaningful impact you'd like to make?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate now? Why? Share an example.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q1.title":"With a previous peer coach, we each explored the impact we'd truly like to make in our work.\nShare what you've learned about the impact you'd like to make. Click the profile icon for insights into what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. What parts resonate now? Why? Share an example.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"Why is belonging within your team important to you? How do you know if there is a strong sense of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Provide space for your peer coach to reflect. ","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do you foster feelings of belonging within your team? How do those efforts help you make a meaningful impact? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's now apply your impact to your efforts as a D&I Learning Champion.\nHow do you foster a sense of belonging within your team? How do those efforts support your success at making a meaningful impact? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What should you stop, start or continue doing to be successful?\" and \"What are one or two ways you can incorporate belonging into the impact you make?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to respond.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at your impact goals.\nWhere do you see continued opportunities to increase your impact? Share an example. Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c2_q3.title":"Your efforts to create a sense of belonging not only matter to others, but they also can help you maximize your impact at ICF. \nWhere do you see continued opportunities to increase your impact? Share an example. Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What is one way your team tries to create and promote a sense of belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on their most frequent work relationships.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe your current team (the people that you collaborate most with each week). How do these existing relationships and frequent interactions impact your sense of belonging at work? ","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q1.title":"The quality of your relationships at work greatly affects your ability to create an Inclusive Culture. \nDescribe your current team (the people that you collaborate most with each week). How do these existing relationships and frequent interactions impact your sense of belonging at work?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"How do your values guide your efforts as a D&I Learning Champion?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back the themes you hear with your peer.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What values are important to your sense of belonging? Click the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q2.title":"Shared values, and respect when differing values exist, help each of us feel that we belong within our teams.\nWhat values are important to your sense of belonging on your team? Click the profile icon for possible values. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How might being intentional about broadening your network at ICF promote belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to reflect on belonging.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's now consider how you can broaden your network beyond your team.\nWhat other team and/or individual might benefit from building or strengthening a relationship with you? How might you benefit from this relationship?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's consider how you can broaden your network beyond your team relationships to foster a greater sense of belonging. \nWhat other team and/or individual might benefit from building or strengthening a relationship with you? How might you benefit from this relationship?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"What's an inclusive effort that you are proud of? How might you know if it's been effective for promoting belonging?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to celebrate what is already going well.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhich are you already implementing (representation, vocal support for inclusion efforts, supporting new team members, and team events)? Share examples of your efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q1.title":"Representation, vocal support for inclusion efforts, supporting new team members, and team events are all important elements of belonging within your team. \nWhich of these are you already implementing? Share examples of your efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How can you also foster a sense of belonging as you grow in this area? How can it strengthen your role as a D&I Learning Champion?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to identify a specific opportunity for growth.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Where would you like to grow and/or learn? Why?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q2.title":"Identifying opportunities for growth, where we step out of our comfort zone, allows us to increase our inclusivity efforts.\nWhere are you most energized to grow and/or learn? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What impact would this growth have towards your goal as a D&I Learning Champion?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to explore the link between their strengths and their efforts as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's look at what success in 3 months looks like for you.\nHow will you know you have successfully grown? What strengths are you engaging? Click the profile icon for possible strengths.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c4_q3.title":"Imagine it is 3 months from now.\nHow will you know that you've successfully grown in the area you previously identified? What strengths are you engaging to support that success? Click the profile icon for strengths you likely possess.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way as a D&I Learning Champion? Share a recent example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique. \nWhat new insights have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started - your personal purpose.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you noticed a more inclusive culture through your efforts? Share one way you are proud of your dedication to an inclusive culture.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about for you?\nHow did it feel to focus on belonging? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q2.title":"We explored the role belonging plays in our ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow.\n How did it feel to be more intentional around belonging? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one way you can ensure your role as a D&I Learning Champion stays a priority?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner be specific when sharing their thoughts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at a year from today on your team.\nHow have you continued to incorporate belonging into your role as a D&I Learning Champion? How has the culture of your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. \nIn what way(s) have you continued to incorporate belonging into your role as a D&I Learning Champion? How has the culture of your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. For example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\"\n\nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"I'd really like to know what you have appreciated about this process. How has this experience helped you continue to prioritize your role as a D&I Learning Champion?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_belonging_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together, for now. \nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations? How has this experience helped you continue to prioritize your role as a D&I Learning Champion?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How has dedicating time for peer coaching helped you as a D&I Learning Champion? Share a specific example.\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate milestones along the way.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What has kept you committed to your role as a D&I learning champion? Why does it continue to feel personally important to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's get to know each other by first acknowledging our efforts toward creating an Inclusive Culture at ICF. \nWhat has kept you committed to your role as a D&I learning champion? Why does it continue to feel personally important to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: “How have these strengths shown up recently? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat does your purpose profile tell you about your authentic voice? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q2.title":"Our conversations together will be focused on how we can apply the Voice Pillar. An inclusive culture is one where each person can uniquely bring their authentic voice to work. \nWhat does your purpose profile tell you about your authentic voice? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What made it feel safe to share your idea(s)? What, if anything, made it feel risky to share?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Give your peer coach time and space to think.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nShare an example of a time when you offered a differing perspective that helped someone else, or your team, overcome a challenge. Describe the impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q3.title":"Because we all have differing strengths, there are significant benefits to hearing the ideas of all members of a team. \nShare an example of a time when you offered a differing perspective that helped someone else, or your team, overcome a challenge. Describe the impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"I'm curious to know what you've appreciated about this process so far. What about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c1_q4.title":"Let's take a moment in our first conversation to reflect on the peer coaching process so far. \nWhat have you appreciated about this so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you feel is driving the impact you are having at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their feelings and acknowledge their successes.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nOn a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about the impact you are making in your role as a D&I Learning Champion? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q1.title":"This conversation will be focused on leveraging the Voice Pillar to help us maximize our impact at work. Let's first consider how you are feeling about your impact.\nOn a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about the impact you are making in your role as a D&I Learning Champion? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you feel reflecting on that?\" and \"What, if anything, gets in the way from you using your voice?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to consider an opportunity that needs their voice.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Now it's your turn.\nWhere is there an opportunity for you to be heard or share an idea in your role to maximize your impact? Share an example. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now, let's consider how and when our voice plays a role in influencing our sense of impact.\nWhere is there an opportunity for you to be heard or share an idea in your role to maximize your impact? Share an example. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Where is there an opportunity to encourage more voices among the team as a D&I Learning Champion?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Help your partner consider a specific example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"When do you feel most comfortable sharing your authentic voice at work?\nDoes it change depending on whether it is a new idea, diverse perspective and/or a personal need? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c2_q3.title":"When do you feel most comfortable sharing your authentic voice at work? \nDoes it change depending on whether it is a new idea, diverse perspective and/or a personal need? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you think team members would describe your communication style?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach pause and reflect.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nShare an example of when you've had to communicate a new idea or plan to your team. How would you describe your communication style?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q1.title":"Ensuring clear lines of communication are present in everything we do is important to creating safety and inclusivity on our teams.\nShare an example of when you've had to communicate a new idea or plan to your team. How would you describe your communication style?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did it feel to receive that support?\" and \"How often are you open to receiving support from teammates?\"\n \n Coaching Tip: Remaining curious can help your partner feel seen and heard.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at an obstacle from your work.\nShare a time when a teammate offered a helpful idea/solution that helped you overcome an obstacle. How did that relationship support your success? Why was their approach helpful?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q2.title":"A benefit to working on a team is we are surrounded by others who can offer new ideas when we run into obstacles.\nShare a time when you ran into an obstacle at work, and a teammate offered a helpful idea/solution. How did that relationship support your success? Why was that person's approach helpful?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How can you help ensure all voices are heard?\" and \"How can your D&I Learning Champion role support those moments?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your partner explore the connection between an inclusive culture and moments of disagreement.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Where do you see diverse perspectives showing up on your team? Are there any opportunities to seek a new perspective? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c3_q3.title":"As we've seen, our success is often supported by our teams. But we don't always see eye-to-eye. \nWhere do you see diverse perspectives showing up on your team? Are there any opportunities to seek a new perspective? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"What does this example tell you about what you need to feel comfortable sharing your voice?\"\n\n Coaching Tip: Help your peer explore what helps them feel seen and heard.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Consider the people and teams you work with often.\nWhere do you feel comfortable actively participating? What, if anything, gets in the way of you sharing your perspective(s)? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q1.title":"How we engage with our fellow team members and our shared work greatly impacts the inclusivity of our teams. Consider the people and teams you work with often.\nWhere do you feel comfortable actively participating? What, if anything, gets in the way of you sharing your perspective(s)? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How is your approach similar or different than others on your team? How does that benefit the team as a whole?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help your peer evaluate their team and their own approach to inclusivity.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Where do you most often contribute towards creating a safe space for everyone's voice? Share an example. Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q2.title":"Appreciating the value you add, as well as the contributions of others on our teams, helps to create an atmosphere where everyone's perspectives are valued.\nWhere do you most often contribute towards creating a safe space for everyone's voice? Share an example. Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why haven't you shared this yet?\" and \"Who do you think would benefit from hearing your perspective?\" \n \n Coaching Tip: Help your peer practice voicing a perspective for the first time.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's now hear one of your ideas. Choose a challenge that you haven't yet voiced to your team. \nWhat idea or solution do you have for your team's challenge? Share details of the challenge and potential solution.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c4_q3.title":"In continuing to explore how our teams function, think of a challenge your team or broader organization is facing in the next three months.\nWhat idea or solution do you have for this challenge? Choose something that you haven't yet voiced to your team. Share details of the challenge and a potential solution.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way as a D&I Learning Champion? Share a recent example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their strengths to their work.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's now look at your strengths.\nClick the profile icon to review your strengths as a team member at ICF. What new insights have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started - your individual strengths. \nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you a strong team member for ICF. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you noticed a more inclusive culture through your efforts? Share one way you are proud of your dedication to an inclusive culture.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about for you?\nHow did it feel to focus on the Voice Pillar? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q2.title":"We explored the role voice plays in our ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow. \nHow did it feel to be more intentional around the Voice Pillar? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one way you can ensure your role as a D&I Learning Champion stays a priority?\" \n \nCoaching Tip: Help your partner be specific when sharing their thoughts.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at a year from today on your team.\nHow have you continued to incorporate voice into your role as a D&I Learning Champion? How has the culture of your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. \n In what way(s) have you continued to incorporate voice into your role as a D&I Learning Champion? How has the culture of your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What felt energizing about joining the organization? Was it the potential for relationships, impact and/or growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"We both have the shared experience of working at ICF. Let's explore what brought us here and to our current roles.\nWhat attracted you to ICF and your current role? Why did you believe it was a good fit?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q1.title":"We both have the shared experience of working at ICF. Let's explore what brought us here and to our current roles.\nWhat attracted you to ICF and your current role? Why did you believe it was a good fit?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: “What else resonates? Share an example.” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?”\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Let's share what uniquely drives our sense of purpose at work.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights on what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q2.title":"We all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. Let's share what uniquely drives our sense of purpose at work.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights on what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Share a key takeaway from the inclusive culture program. What did you learn?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Provide time and space for your peer to reflect.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Now let's take a moment to celebrate our commitment to an inclusive culture at ICF.\nWhy is it personally meaningful for you to be part of creating an inclusive culture? What does being a D&I Learning Champion mean to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now let's take a moment to celebrate our commitment to an inclusive culture at ICF.\nWhy is it personally meaningful for you to be part of creating an inclusive culture? What does being a D&I Learning Champion mean to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Peer coaching is a new learning experience for us. Let's take a moment in our first conversation to reflect on the process.\nWhat have you appreciated about this so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c1_q4.title":"Peer coaching is a new learning experience for us. Let's take a moment in our first conversation to reflect on the process.\nWhat have you appreciated about this so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you about this experience? How did it feel?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to share an example story. Then, ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What benefits do you see from incorporating elements of objectivity into your work? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to visualize the potential impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Next- let's apply what drives our sense of impact towards our role as a D&I Learning Champion.\nWhere do you see an opportunity to make an impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q2.title":"Next- let's apply what drives our sense of impact towards our role as a D&I Learning Champion.\nWhere do you see an opportunity to make an impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What should you stop, start or continue doing to be successful?\" and \"How can you remind yourself and others of the importance of objectivity?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to respond.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now consider ways you can reinforce the objectivity pillar to create inclusivity in your work.\nHow can practices of objectivity help you make a positive impact in the short-term?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's now consider ways you can reinforce the objectivity pillar to create inclusivity in your work.\nHow can practices of objectivity help you make a positive impact in the short-term?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c2_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on how they value relationships at work.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work.\nShare an example of a positive relationship you have at work. Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you and why.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work.\nShare an example of a positive relationship you have at work. Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you and why.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What role do you see your values playing in building positive, meaningful relationships at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back the themes you hear with your peer.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's understand how your unique values influence your relationships.\nClick the profile icon for insights into your likely values. What resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's understand how your unique values influence your relationships.\nClick the profile icon for insights into your likely values. What resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Do any additional relationships come to mind?\" and \"Are there any connections to what you've learned about objectivity?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to be specific.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What relationship(s) will help you succeed in your role as a D&I Learning Champion?\nDescribe how this relationship could help you towards your goal(s) as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q3.title":"What relationship(s) will help you succeed in your role as a D&I Learning Champion?\nDescribe how this relationship could help you towards your goal(s) as a D&I Learning Champion.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c3_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"How did you grow from this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate this growth opportunity.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"As we continue to uncover ways to promote inclusion in the workplace, we are also uncovering ways we can personally grow.\nReflect on a time you felt proud about overcoming a challenge in your career. Describe the challenge and how you overcame it.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q1.title":"As we continue to uncover ways to promote inclusion in the workplace, we are also uncovering ways we can personally grow.\nReflect on a time you felt proud about overcoming a challenge in your career. Describe the challenge and how you overcame it.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"Is there an opportunity to apply a practice of objectivity? If so, in what way?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to identify an opportunity to grow.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"There are always ways to grow when building inclusive cultures.\nWhere is there an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and/or stretch yourself? Click on the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q2.title":"There are always ways to grow when building inclusive cultures.\nWhere is there an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and/or stretch yourself? Click on the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"How can this strength help you?\" and then, \"What benefit would this bring to your work if successful?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to lean on their strengths.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"A clear path toward your goal is an important element of your success.\nHow can you leverage one of your strengths to help you get started? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q3.title":"A clear path toward your goal is an important element of your success.\nHow can you leverage one of your strengths to help you get started? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c4_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way as a D&I Learning Champion? Share a recent example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started - your personal purpose.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started - your personal purpose.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you noticed a more inclusive culture through your efforts?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"We explored the role objectivity plays in our ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow.\nHow did it feel to be more intentional around objectivity? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q2.title":"We explored the role objectivity plays in our ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow.\nHow did it feel to be more intentional around objectivity? What have you learned?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one way you can ensure your role as a D&I Learning Champion stays a priority?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner be specific when sharing their thoughts.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today.\nHow has your role as a D&I Learning Champion helped improve the culture of your team? How is objectivity a part of your day-to-day work? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today.\nHow has your role as a D&I Learning Champion helped improve the culture of your team? How is objectivity a part of your day-to-day work? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. For example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\"\n\nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together, for now.\nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together, for now.\nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What else did you learn?\" and \"Why was that especially meaningful to you?\"\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our commitment to an inclusive culture at ICF.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the inclusive culture training and the practices of objectivity. Why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our commitment to an inclusive culture at ICF.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the inclusive culture training and the practices of objectivity. Why is it important to you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How has this shown up for you at work? Share an example.\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner further reflect by encouraging a specific example.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Inclusive cultures invite everyone to be their authentic selves. Let's explore what uniquely drives you at work.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights about what drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate? Why? Which, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q2.title":"Inclusive cultures invite everyone to be their authentic selves. Let's explore what uniquely drives you at work.\nClick on the profile icon below for insights about what drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate? Why? Which, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What positive impacts would come from incorporating elements of objectivity (e.g. clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions)?\"","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore how the practice of objectivity can benefit our work. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose something to focus on within objectivity as an opportunity for growth. Why?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore how the practice of objectivity can benefit our work. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose something to focus on within objectivity as an opportunity for growth. Why?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. What have you appreciated about this process so far?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. What have you appreciated about this process so far?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you about this experience? How did it feel?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to share an example story. Then, ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's start by reflecting on what type of impact drives you at work. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's start by reflecting on what type of impact drives you at work. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"How will you know it was successful? Who would benefit from this impact?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to identify what feels most valuable to get done.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Reflect on what feels important to get done at work. What does success look like for you in the next 2 weeks?\nClick the profile icon for possible opportunities to make an impact.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q2.title":"Reflect on what feels important to get done at work. What does success look like for you in the next 2 weeks?\nClick the profile icon for possible opportunities to make an impact.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What changes would need to be made for you to be successful?\" and \"How can you remind yourself of the importance of objectivity?\"\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious and ask follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now consider ways you can apply practices of objectivity to your desired impact. How can objectivity help you succeed in the next 2 weeks?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's now consider ways you can apply practices of objectivity to your desired impact. How can objectivity help you succeed in the next 2 weeks?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c2_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Thank you for sharing. Why are meaningful relationships important to you at work?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on how they value relationships at work.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. Share an example of a positive relationship you have at work.\nDescribe a time this relationship really mattered to you. What about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. Share an example of a positive relationship you have at work.\nDescribe a time this relationship really mattered to you. What about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"It sounds like..... \" and then, \"When you lean into your values, how do your relationships improve?\"\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back the themes you hear with your peer.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's dive deeper by better understanding how your unique values influence your relationships. Click the profile icon for insights into your likely values.\nWhat resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's dive deeper by better understanding how your unique values influence your relationships. Click the profile icon for insights into your likely values.\nWhat resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you both benefit from focusing on this relationship at work?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to identify a specific opportunity and reflect on the benefits.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Describe a current opportunity to build or strengthen a relationship at work. How can a practice of objectivity support you? Why?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q3.title":"Describe a current opportunity to build or strengthen a relationship at work. How can a practice of objectivity support you? Why?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c3_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"How did you grow from this experience? What do you know now that you didn't know before this experience?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate this growth opportunity.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"As we continue to uncover ways to promote objectivity in the workplace, we are also uncovering ways we can personally grow. Reflect on a time you felt proud about overcoming a challenge in your career.\nDescribe the challenge and how you overcame it. Why is it a source of pride for you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q1.title":"As we continue to uncover ways to promote objectivity in the workplace, we are also uncovering ways we can personally grow. Reflect on a time you felt proud about overcoming a challenge in your career.\nDescribe the challenge and how you overcame it. Why is it a source of pride for you?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What part feels challenging? Why?\" and \"Which part feels comfortable? Why?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to choose an opportunity to grow.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Within objectivity, where is there an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and/or stretch yourself?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q2.title":"Within objectivity, where is there an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and/or stretch yourself?\nExamples of objectivity practices: clear and transparent people processes, specific feedback, and written reasons for important decisions.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"How can this strength help you?\" and then, \"What benefit would this bring to your work if successful?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to lean on their strengths.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"A clear path toward your goal is an important element of your success. How can you leverage one of your strengths to help you get started?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q3.title":"A clear path toward your goal is an important element of your success. How can you leverage one of your strengths to help you get started?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c4_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way in your role? Share a recent example.\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of how you best show up as an ICF team member. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you a unique team member.\nShare with me in your own words what this means to you. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of how you best show up as an ICF team member. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you a unique team member.\nShare with me in your own words what this means to you. What new insight have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to be more intentional around objectivity? What have you learned?\"\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored the role objectivity plays in your ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow.\nHow have you personally seen the benefits of objectivity show up in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the role objectivity plays in your ability to make an impact, strengthen your relationships, and grow.\nHow have you personally seen the benefits of objectivity show up in your work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"In what ways does your team feel more inclusive a year from today?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner be specific when visualizing future success.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. How has objectivity improved the culture of your team? How is objectivity a part of your day-to-day work?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. How has objectivity improved the culture of your team? How is objectivity a part of your day-to-day work?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. For example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\"\nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.icf_inclusive_culture_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q1.description":"Celebrate your partner’s courage by telling them why you appreciate what they did.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q1.short_title":"When was the last time you took a small risk at work by doing something you didn’t know would be successful?\nHow did it feel? Why did you feel safe taking the risk?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q1.title":"When was the last time you took a small risk at work by doing something you didn’t know would be successful?\nHow did it feel? Why did you feel safe taking the risk?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q2.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific as possible. Don’t judge; Focus on the importance of learning from failures.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q2.short_title":"When was the last time you took a risk at work and it failed? What were the consequences?\nWhat did you learn? How did that inform your future work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q2.title":"When was the last time you took a risk at work and it failed? What were the consequences?\nWhat did you learn? How did that inform your future work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q3.description":"Ask for examples. Ask: \"When have you done that?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q3.short_title":"What makes it worth taking a risk at work? When is it not only appropriate but the right thing to do?\nWhen do you need permission versus when it is something you can just do?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q3.title":"What makes it worth taking a risk at work? When is it not only appropriate but the right thing to do?\nWhen do you need permission versus when it is something you can just do?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner to explain why risk is so important to becoming more adaptable.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q4.short_title":"How can you learn more from the risks you take (both when they succeed and when they fail)?\nHow can you share that learning with your colleagues?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q4.title":"How can you learn more from the risks you take (both when they succeed and when they fail)?\nHow can you share that learning with your colleagues?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner to share a recent example. Ask your partner to be as specific as possible.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q1.short_title":"Which aspect of your current role is easiest for you? Where in your current work is there very little risk of failure? Click the profile icon for some examples of moments at work that might come more easily to you.\nWhich of these areas makes you feel the most comfortable?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q1.title":"Which aspect of your current role is easiest for you? Where in your current work is there very little risk of failure? Click the profile icon for some examples of moments at work that might come more easily to you.\nWhich of these areas makes you feel the most comfortable?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What is an example of a time when staying in your comfort zone had negative consequences on you or your team?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q2.short_title":"Your comfort zone is defined as a place where you feel safe or at ease. When it comes to your work, what potential risks are associated with you remaining in a state of consistent comfort? How can remaining in a constant state of comfort potentially hurt your career and/or your team? Click the profile icon to see some potential risks to consider.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q2.title":"Your comfort zone is defined as a place where you feel safe or at ease. When it comes to your work, what potential risks are associated with you remaining in a state of consistent comfort? How can remaining in a constant state of comfort potentially hurt your career and/or your team? Click the profile icon to see some potential risks to consider.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What do you think prevents you from learning and growing when you’re in your panic zone? What does your body do when you panic zone is triggered?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q3.short_title":"Now, on the other end of the spectrum, your panic zone is a space when you may freeze or be too afraid to act. When do you feel you are most in a panic zone at work? When is your fight or flight reflex triggered? When was the last time you recall being defensive or trying to avoid a situation at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q3.title":"Now, on the other end of the spectrum, your panic zone is a space when you may freeze or be too afraid to act. When do you feel you are most in a panic zone at work? When is your fight or flight reflex triggered? When was the last time you recall being defensive or trying to avoid a situation at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific and detailed as possible. Ask: \"What did you learn while in this stretch zone?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q4.short_title":"Your stretch zone is the sweet spot between your comfort and panic zones, it both pushes you to take a risk without pushing so far where you can’t take any action. This is the zone where you are learning and growing. This is also known as your Adaptability Zone. Take a moment to reflect: when was the last time you remember being in a stretch zone, pushing you to expand your comfort zone?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q4.title":"Your stretch zone is the sweet spot between your comfort and panic zones; it both pushes you to take a risk without pushing so far where you can’t take any action. This is the zone where you are learning and growing. This is also known as your Adaptability Zone. Take a moment to reflect: when was the last time you remember being in a stretch zone, pushing you to expand your comfort zone?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c2_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q1.description":"Explore ways to have more relationships, better communication, and greater collaboration with colleagues. Ask: \"Share with me an example of a relationship at work that you would miss if it was not there anymore.\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q1.short_title":"What are two small changes you can make in your current relationships at work to help make them be more effective and fulfilling? What barriers do you personally create to having more positive relationships at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q1.title":"What are two small changes you can make in your current relationships at work to help make them be more effective and fulfilling? What barriers do you personally create to having more positive relationships at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q2.description":"Share a story of a time when someone helped improve your day at work.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q2.short_title":"What are two small ways you can help a teammate explore their stretch zone? How can you support them in making their work more motivating? What are two ways you can support them in making their work easier, more rewarding, or just make them smile more often?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q2.title":"What are two small ways you can help a teammate explore their stretch zone? How can you support them in making their work more motivating? What are two ways you can support them in making their work easier, more rewarding, or just make them smile more often?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q3.description":"Drill down. Ask: \"What are two ways you can you start investing in your growth in a way that feels safe?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q3.short_title":"Think about your current role and team, what are two small ways you can challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone to support your professional growth? What are some small risks you can take to strengthen your skills or learn something new? Based on your purpose profile, click the profile icon and see some skills you might want to further develop.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q3.title":"Think about your current role and team, what are two small ways you can challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone to support your professional growth? What are some small risks you can take to strengthen your skills or learn something new? Based on your purpose profile, click the profile icon and see some skills you might want to further develop.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q4.description":"Help your partner talk through the potential risks and come up with a plan to manage each one to ensure they don’t enter their panic zone.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q4.short_title":"What is one change your team is currently in the process of making? How can you take this opportunity to practice being in your stretch zone?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q4.title":"What is one change your team is currently in the process of making? How can you take this opportunity to practice being in your stretch zone?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_adap_c3_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to be specific. Encourage your partner to add details to their example. Consider asking, \"when was the first time...\" and explore how authenticity showed up earlier in their career and lives.","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q1.short_title":"What does \"authenticity\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated working with authenticity in your work (past or present)?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q1.title":"What does \"authenticity\" mean to you? What are examples of how you have demonstrated working with authenticity in your work (past or present)?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"Why did you feel like this was the right thing to do?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about fairness and justice. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how does your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act with authenticity?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about fairness and justice. In the example you shared with your partner in question #1, how does your sense of what is fair and just help explain your motivation to act with authenticity?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q3.description":"Ask: How might others have approached the same situation differently?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about how you’re likely to solve problems and add value. From the example you shared in question #1 related to working with authenticity, how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q3.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about how you’re likely to solve problems and add value. From the example you shared in question #1 related to working with authenticity, how did you approach the challenge or opportunity differently than others might have, given how you solve problems and create value?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q4.description":"Ask: How did you know your work made a difference?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q4.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. From the example you shared in question #1 related to working with authenticity, what was the impact you wanted to have and who did you hope would benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q4.title":"Click the profile icon and read the statement from your Purpose Profile about the level of impact you prefer to have. From the example you shared in question #1 related to working with authenticity, what was the impact you wanted to have and who did you hope would benefit from it?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_auth_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q1.description":"Encourage them to pick the most important one. Express appreciation for what they share. i.e. “It is great that you connect your identity to ___.”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q1.short_title":"Which of the following has the greatest impact on your identity and how you define yourself in the world? Profession, schooling, religion/spirituality, race, gender, employer, parental status, sexual orientation, nationality, political beliefs, ethnicity, or something else.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q1.title":"Which of the following has the greatest impact on your identity and how you define yourself in the world? Profession, schooling, religion/spirituality, race, gender, employer, parental status, sexual orientation, nationality, political beliefs, ethnicity, or something else.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q2.description":"Defining self is deeply personal. Focus on active listening. Ask them to share more details about their first memory. “Tell me more about…”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q2.short_title":"Why is what you shared in the last question so important to your identity? Share with me your first memory of connecting it to your identity.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q2.title":"Why is what you shared in the last question so important to your identity? Share with me your first memory of connecting it to your identity.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q3.description":"Try not to problem solve any challenges they share. Try to relate. Have you had a similar experience?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q3.short_title":"How does this aspect of your identity impact your relationships and how you show up at work? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q3.title":"How does this aspect of your identity impact your relationships and how you show up at work? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q4.description":"Celebrate any ways they add value. From what they’ve shared so far, do you see any ways their identity could benefit their work?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q4.short_title":"How do you see your identity that we have discussed adding value in your role and to your team? To help you brainstorm, Click the profile icon and review the ways that you likely add value.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q4.title":"How do you see your identity that we have discussed adding value in your role and to your team? To help you brainstorm, Click the profile icon and review the ways that you likely add value.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner for examples of when they have had success using these talents.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q1.short_title":"What are your strengths at work? To spark your thinking, click the profile icon and review some areas where you are likely to excel.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q1.title":"What are your strengths at work? To spark your thinking, click the profile icon and review some areas where you are likely to excel.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q2.description":"Don’t judge your partner. Normalize that we all have biases. Ask for examples of the bias(es) showing up for them.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the list of biases, which of them resonate as biases you have today or have had in the past?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q2.title":"Click the profile icon and read the list of biases, which of them resonate as biases you have today or have had in the past?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q3.description":"Give your partner time to think and connect the dots. If they have any trouble, ask for a specific example of when they have helped create success at work.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q3.short_title":"How has the bias(es) you identified supported your strengths and allowed you to succeed at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q3.title":"How has the bias(es) you identified supported your strengths and allowed you to succeed at work?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q4.description":"Ask for a specific example. Encourage them to explore the impact of their biases on others. Express gratitude for taking a critical look at their biases.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q4.short_title":"Remembering that biases can hinder relationship building, rational decision-making, and/or ability to see opportunities, what is one way a bias has held you and/or your team back from success?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q4.title":"Remembering that biases can hinder relationship building, rational decision-making, and/or ability to see opportunities, what is one way a bias has held you and/or your team back from success?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c2_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q1.description":"Remain curious about their definition. If they struggle with the word “fair”, try “how do you define what is just?”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q1.short_title":"How do you define what is fair? To help you answer this, let’s revisit your worldview that we explored in a previous conversation. Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q1.title":"How do you define what is fair? To help you answer this, let’s revisit your worldview that we explored in a previous conversation. Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*\n","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q2.description":"Be sure to not judge your partner. Thank them for challenging themselves to explore this.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q2.short_title":"How do your biases lead you to think and act in ways that are in contrast to your definition of what is fair? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q2.title":"How do your biases lead you to think and act in ways that are in contrast to your definition of what is fair? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q3.description":"Challenge them to think of recent examples. Use each of the follow-up questions to draw out more details.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q3.short_title":"What are a few situations where these biases show up for you at work? What is the environment? Who is involved? What are you doing?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q3.title":"What are a few situations where these biases show up for you at work? What is the environment? Who is involved? What are you doing?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q4.description":"Consider follow ups: “What benefits would come from you doing these things?”, “What obstacles might get in the way?” and “Who can help you?”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q4.short_title":"What are three ways you can be proactive and minimize the impact of your biases going forward? Click the profile icon to see some suggestions to get you started. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q4.title":"What are three ways you can be proactive and minimize the impact of your biases going forward? Click the profile icon to see some suggestions to get you started. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c3_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q1.description":"Encourage them to share as many new awarenesses as possible. i.e. “What else?” ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q1.short_title":"Based on our previous conversations, what new awareness(es) do you have regarding how your identity impacts the way you show up at work? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q1.title":"Based on our previous conversations, what new awareness(es) do you have regarding how your identity impacts the way you show up at work? ","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q2.description":"Encourage them to share an example story. Consider asking, “How can you benefit from that example?”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q2.short_title":"Over the past few weeks, what have you learned from your, successful or unsuccessful, attempts to minimize the impact of your bias(es)?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q2.title":"Over the past few weeks, what have you learned from your, successful or unsuccessful, attempts to minimize the impact of your bias(es)?","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q3.description":"Encourage them to share. “Tell me more…”. Consider asking, “Which area(s) has room for improvement?”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q3.short_title":"What changes have you noticed at work as a result of your attempts to manage your bias(es)? Focus on following areas: Relationships, rational decision making, and ability to see new opportunities.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q3.title":"What changes have you noticed at work as a result of your attempts to manage your bias(es)? Focus on following areas: Relationships, rational decision making, and ability to see new opportunities.","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q4.description":"Celebrate their efforts and encourage them to take one more step. i.e. “You’ve done great so far! What is one more step you can take?”","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q4.short_title":"What is one more, actionable step you can take to minimize the impact of your biases in the future? Click the profile icon for a reminder of potential biases that could exist in your worldview.\n \n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_bias_c4_q4.title":"What is one more, actionable step you can take to minimize the impact of your biases in the future? Click the profile icon for a reminder of potential biases that could exist in your worldview.\n \n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to share a memory of successful growth. Remain curious. i.e. Tell me more about…","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me a memory from a past role where you successfully added to your skill set and leveled-up in your career.","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q1.title":"Share with me a memory from a past role where you successfully added to your skill set and leveled-up in your career.","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q2.description":"Celebrate any strengths your partner shares. Ask, “What else?” Also, offer any other strengths that you noticed. ","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q2.short_title":"From the memory you shared, what strengths did you already have that helped you level-up? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths that are unique to you to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q2.title":"From the memory you shared, what strengths did you already have that helped you level-up? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths that are unique to you to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q3.description":"Their growth journey is unique to them. Focus on celebrating any growth shared. i.e. “It is great that you learned ___.”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q3.short_title":"What skills did you initially lack but learned from the experience you shared? Click the profile icon for some ways to build on the skills that are unique to you. Don’t, however, feel limited by these options.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q3.title":"What skills did you initially lack but learned from the experience you shared? Click the profile icon for some ways to build on the skills that are unique to you. Don’t, however, feel limited by these options.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q4.description":"If they have any trouble, try rephrasing. i.e. “How do you apply the strengths you gained to your current role?”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q4.short_title":"How do you utilize the learning and growth you previously shared in your current role?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c1_q4.title":"How do you utilize the learning and growth you previously shared in your current role?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q1.description":"Encourage them to share more. i.e. “What other strengths can you think of?” Celebrate all strengths shared.","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q1.short_title":"In your view, what strengths/skills do you bring to your current role that add the most impact to your team’s success? Click the profile icon for the list.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q1.title":"In your view, what strengths/skills do you bring to your current role that add the most impact to your team’s success? Click the profile icon for the list.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q2.description":"Encourage them to use words beyond “good” or “fine”. Ask them to explore the link between their strengths and their values.","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q2.short_title":"How do you feel when adding to your team’s impact with the strengths and skills you previously shared? Values are an important part of this, so let’s also look at values that are unique to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q2.title":"How do you feel when adding to your team’s impact with the strengths and skills you previously shared? Values are an important part of this, so let’s also look at values that are unique to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q3.description":"Normalize that we all have blind-spots. i.e. “We all have challenges to overcome and awareness of them helps us grow.”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q3.short_title":"What obstacles, internally and externally, exist in your current role that diminish your ability to make an impact? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q3.title":"What obstacles, internally and externally, exist in your current role that diminish your ability to make an impact? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to creatively brainstorm as many options as possible. i.e. “How else could you do that?”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q4.short_title":"What are some ways you can practice getting around the obstacles/blind-spots you previously shared with me? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for some ways to use strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c2_q4.title":"What are some ways you can practice getting around the obstacles/blind-spots you previously shared with me? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for some ways to use strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q1.description":"Focus on active listening. Consider asking, “What skills do you need to develop to reach those goals?”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q1.short_title":"Let’s do a little dreaming about the future, where would you ideally like to be in your career in 5 years? 10 years? To help you think, click the profile icon for a summary of when you likely feel most fulfilled.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q1.title":"Let’s do a little dreaming about the future, where would you ideally like to be in your career in 5 years? 10 years? To help you think, click the profile icon for a summary of when you likely feel most fulfilled.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q2.description":"If they have any trouble, ask, “What projects or trainings are coming up that would stretch your skills?”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q2.short_title":"What experiences could you seek out in your current role to better align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q2.title":"What experiences could you seek out in your current role to better align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q3.description":"Help them brainstorm people who already possess these skills. Normalize the need for help. i.e. “We all need help sometimes.”","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q3.short_title":"Who can you ask to support you and help you gain the skills and experiences you need to align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q3.title":"Who can you ask to support you and help you gain the skills and experiences you need to align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q4.description":"A continued connection beyond this conversation is critical to the peer coaching relationship. Decide on a timeline to check-in on your partner’s progress.","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you as you develop skills that will allow you to grow into and align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_career_dev_c3_q4.title":"How can I support you as you develop skills that will allow you to grow into and align with your ideal career?","peerconversation.question.imp_corp_values_s1_c1_q1.description":"Be sure to get your partner to go deep.","peerconversation.question.imp_corp_values_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you were excellent.","peerconversation.question.imp_corp_values_s1_c1_q1.title":"Tell me about a time when you were excellent.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q1.description":"Tip: Give your partner time to respond. Remain curious by asking a follow up question: \"How has that stayed the same or changed for you over time?\"","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn.\nTake a moment to think back... What is your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path? Describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q1.title":"HI! Let's get started. We will both rotate asking and answering the question prompts. You'll answer first. \n[Ask Partner] Take a moment to think back... What is your earliest memory of feeling inspired by a career path? Describe why it felt inspiring to you at the time.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What has surprised you about where you are today? What has felt expected?\"","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \nKnowing that you've grown since that earliest memory, what makes you proud of where you are today in your career?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's reflect on where you are today in your career. \nKnowing that you've grown since that earliest memory, what makes you proud of where you are today in your career?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What does your response tell you about work lately?\" and, \"Where, if at all, has work felt draining for you?\"","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Consider your current role. \nWhere have you noticed yourself feeling inspired this year? Recall a specific example of a time you felt inspired recently.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now let's consider your current role. \nWhere have you noticed yourself feeling inspired this year? Recall a specific example of a time you felt inspired recently.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q4.title.description":"Question: \"How would you know you were successful?\" and \"What, if anything, might get in the way?\"","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q4.title.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c1_q4.title.title":"An Imperative conversation always provides an opportunity for both of us to reflect, apply and then take action on what we've shared. \nBased on your reflection today, what feels imperative to prioritize for yourself in the next two weeks? What outcome would you be seeking for yourself?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q1.description":"Inquire: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your daily work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your daily work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? How might you do that?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm new ways of nurturing relationships.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your relationships at work.\nOn a scale of 1-5, how well do your current relationships support your fulfillment and success? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c2_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \nOn a scale of 1-5, how well do your current relationships support your feelings of fulfillment and success? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific as possible. Reflect back what you hear them share.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q1.short_title":"What is the impact you want to make at work? What drives you? Click the profile icon for a summary of what may bring you a greater feeling of purpose at work. What resonates the most with you in this paragraph? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q1.title":"What is the impact you want to make at work? What drives you? Click the profile icon for a summary of what may bring you a greater feeling of purpose at work. What resonates the most with you in this paragraph? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q2.description":"Dig for details. Ask: \"Tell me more...\"","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q2.short_title":"What is an example, even a small one, of when you brought extra creativity and motivation to a project? What made you care more about this project than others? How did you work differently than in other situations?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q2.title":"What is an example, even a small one, of when you brought extra creativity and motivation to a project? What made you care more about this project than others? How did you work differently than in other situations?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q3.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific as possible. Before moving on, make sure you have a clear understanding of why they believe their actions were \"innovative.\"","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q3.short_title":"Why might someone describe your actions in the example you gave in question #2 as \"innovative\"?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q3.title":"Why might someone describe your actions in the example you gave in question #2 as \"innovative\"?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q4.description":"Tell them what inspires you about what they are saying.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q4.short_title":"What is one area in your current role where you could benefit from being more innovative? What is a problem or opportunity that you would like to address?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q4.title":"What is one area in your current role where you could benefit from being more innovative? What is a problem or opportunity that you would like to address?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q1.description":"Celebrate their courage by telling them why you admire what they did.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q1.short_title":"When was the last time you took a small risk at work by doing something you didn’t know would be successful? How did it feel? Why did you feel safe taking the risk?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q1.title":"When was the last time you took a small risk at work by doing something you didn’t know would be successful? How did it feel? Why did you feel safe taking the risk?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q2.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific as possible. Don’t judge; Focus on the importance of learning from failures.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q2.short_title":"When was the last time you took a risk at work and it failed? What were the consequences? What did you learn? How did that inform your future work?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q2.title":"When was the last time you took a risk at work and it failed? What were the consequences? What did you learn? How did that inform your future work?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q3.description":"Ask for examples. Ask: \"When have you done that?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q3.short_title":"What makes taking a risk at work worth it? When is it not only appropriate, but the right thing to do? When do you need permission versus when is it something you can just do?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q3.title":"What makes taking a risk at work worth it? When is it not only appropriate, but the right thing to do? When do you need permission versus when is it something you can just do?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q4.description":"Ask them to explain why risk is so important to innovation.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q4.short_title":"How can you learn more from the risks you take (both when they succeed and when they fail)? How can you share that learning with your colleagues?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q4.title":"How can you learn more from the risks you take (both when they succeed and when they fail)? How can you share that learning with your colleagues?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c2_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner for an example for each area that resonates.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely approach innovation in your work. Which aspects resonate the most with you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q1.title":"Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely approach innovation in your work. Which aspects resonate the most with you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner to be specific. Challenge them to think of talents beyond the ones that are listed.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q2.short_title":"What are three specific talents you have that enable you to innovate? Click the profile icon for some possible talents you may have based on your Purpose Profile:\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q2.title":"What are three specific talents you have that enable you to innovate? Click the profile icon for some possible talents you may have based on your Purpose Profile:\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q3.description":"Give them time to think. Ask them to be as specific as possible. Don’t rush your partner through their answer.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q3.short_title":"At times, our strengths prevent us from seeing other approaches and being innovative. Click the profile icon for some ways you may get stuck. When have you been stuck in the past? How could you partner with others to get unstuck and see things differently? Who do you talk to when you are stuck?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q3.title":"At times, our strengths prevent us from seeing other approaches and being innovative. Click the profile icon for some ways you may get stuck. When have you been stuck in the past? How could you partner with others to get unstuck and see things differently? Who do you talk to when you are stuck?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q4.description":"Ask them to describe what it would look like if they stopped being innovative.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q4.short_title":"How do you expect trying more innovative approaches will impact your success this year? What are the consequences of not being innovative?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q4.title":"How do you expect trying more innovative approaches will impact your success this year? What are the consequences of not being innovative?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_innovation_c3_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q1.description":"Was there a specific project or time that was energizing?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Over the last two weeks, what has been a source of energy for you at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q1.title":"Over the last two weeks, what has been a source of energy for you at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q2.description":"What role did this person play in the situation? Why was it valuable for you?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Share a time in the last two weeks you've been grateful for one of your work RELATIONSHIPS. Click the profile icon and review the list.\nWhich, if any, of the points, speak to why that was valuable in that moment?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q2.title":"Share a time in the last two weeks you've been grateful for one of your work RELATIONSHIPS. Click the profile icon and review the list.\nWhich, if any, of the points, speak to why that was valuable in that moment?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q3.description":"Why did it matter to you personally?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Describe a time over the last two weeks where you made an IMPACT that was meaningful to you. Click the profile icon.\nUse these examples from your profile to trigger memories.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q3.title":"Describe a time over the last two weeks where you made an IMPACT that was meaningful to you. Click the profile icon.\nUse these examples from your profile to trigger memories.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q4.description":"How has this conversation increased your awareness about what brings meaning to your work?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read examples of your possible areas of GROWTH. Reflecting on the last two weeks, describe a specific time you felt personally or professionally stretched.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c1_q4.title":"Click the profile icon and read examples of your possible areas of GROWTH. Reflecting on the last two weeks, describe a specific time you felt personally or professionally stretched.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q1.description":"How did you do on the goal you set for last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What was the highlight of your last week at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q1.title":"What was the highlight of your last week at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q2.description":"How would you rate the quality of your relationships on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How strong are your relationships at work? Do you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q2.title":"How strong are your relationships at work? Do you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q3.description":"On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), how satisfied are you with your level of impact at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"To what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q3.title":"To what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q4.description":"On a scale of 1 (low) - 5 (high), to what extent are you stretching yourself at work right now?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"In what ways have you grown at work recently? Are you stretching yourself enough?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c2_q4.title":"In what ways have you grown at work recently? Are you stretching yourself enough?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q1.description":"What do you need from a relationship for it to be meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"When you think of meaningful relationships at work, who comes to mind? Why are these relationships meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q1.title":"When you think of meaningful relationships at work, who comes to mind? Why are these relationships meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q2.description":"What types of relationships energize you vs drain you?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Why do you need meaningful relationships at work to be fulfilled? What happens when you don't have them?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q2.title":"Why do you need meaningful relationships at work to be fulfilled? What happens when you don't have them?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q3.description":"What have you done to invest in these relationships?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Who are the most important people in your job right now? What makes each of them important?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q3.title":"Who are the most important people in your job right now? What makes each of them important?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q4.description":"How will you know if you were successful?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c3_q4.title":"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q1.description":"Have you followed through on the goal you set last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How did you work on improving your relationships at work over the last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q1.title":"How did you work on improving your relationships at work over the last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q2.description":"Can you share a specific example?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Shifting from relationships to impact, when have you felt you were making a really meaningful impact in your career?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q2.title":"Shifting from relationships to impact, when have you felt you were making a really meaningful impact in your career?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q3.description":"What have you done in the last week to make an impact?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"You just shared impact highlights from your career. How do you feel you make an impact on a more regular basis?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q3.title":"You just shared impact highlights from your career. How do you feel you make an impact on a more regular basis?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q4.description":"What parts of the paragraph from your Purpose Profile inspire you?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"Reflecting on your current role, what would it look like if you were making a greater impact? How can your purpose guide you? Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*\n","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c4_q4.title":"Reflecting on your current role, what would it look like if you were making a greater impact? How can your purpose guide you? Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*\n","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q1.description":"Did you follow through on the goal you set last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"How did you work to increase your impact last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q1.title":"How did you work to increase your impact last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q2.description":"Why was this meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Describe a time you were energized by how you were growing personally and professional at work. ","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q2.title":"Describe a time you were energized by how you were growing personally and professional at work. ","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q3.description":"How will you know in three months if you've grown that way?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What is one way that you would like to be challenged and grow in the next three months? Click the profile icon for a few ideas from your Purpose Profile.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q3.title":"What is one way that you would like to be challenged and grow in the next three months? Click the profile icon for a few ideas from your Purpose Profile.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q4.description":"Can you provide a specific example?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"What accountability may be needed for you to stay on track with your growth goal?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c5_q4.title":"What accountability may be needed for you to stay on track with your growth goal?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q1.description":"What does it feel like when you are challenged and growing?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Did you make any progress on your growth goal from last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q1.title":"Did you make any progress on your growth goal from last week?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q2.description":"Why was that valuable?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"Reflecting on our time coaching each other, share what has felt meaningful to you. ","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q2.title":"Reflecting on our time coaching each other, share what has felt meaningful to you. ","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q3.description":"How will you know if you were successful?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"What do you need to do going forward to own your fulfillment at work? How can you align your work more with your purpose? Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q3.title":"What do you need to do going forward to own your fulfillment at work? How can you align your work more with your purpose? Click the profile icon and review.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q4.description":"What are specific things I could do to help you?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q4.short_title":"How would you like to stay connected and supporting each other going forward?","peerconversation.question.imp_intro_to_pc_s1_c6_q4.title":"How would you like to stay connected and supporting each other going forward?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q1.description":"Thank them for sharing. Consider asking, “Are there any parts that do not resonate with you? Why?”","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q1.short_title":"When we are connected to what drives us as leaders, we feel motivated and at our best. Click the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style.\nWhat parts resonate? Why does it feel important to you?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q1.title":"When we are connected to what drives us as leaders, we feel motivated and at our best. Click the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style.\nWhat parts resonate? Why does it feel important to you?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q2.description":"Ask how it felt to lead in the moment they shared. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel to lead?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's recall a time that your leadership style was in action. Share with me a memory, personal or professional, of when you needed to lead others. Describe the situation. \nHow did your leadership help? Click on the profile icon to reference your leadership style description if necessary.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q2.title":"Let's recall a time that your leadership style was in action. Share with me a memory, personal or professional, of when you needed to lead others. Describe the situation. \nHow did your leadership help? Click on the profile icon to reference your leadership style description if necessary.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q3.description":"Ask them to elaborate, \"Tell me more about their leadership style.\"\nThen ask, \"Do you recognize any of those traits in your leadership style?\"\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q3.short_title":"Let's recall a past leader you've had for inspiration. Think back to a leader you've had who helped your team overcome a challenge. What role did this leader play?\nHow did they inspire the team to stay motivated? What actions did they take?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q3.title":"Let's recall a past leader you've had for inspiration. Think back to a leader you've had who helped your team overcome a challenge. What role did this leader play?\nHow did they inspire the team to stay motivated? What actions did they take?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q4.description":"Avoid problem solving. Focus on helping them connect their strengths to the opportunity. \"Which of your leadership strengths could improve that situation?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q4.short_title":"Let's think about what's happening at work currently. Where is there an opportunity to lead? How can your unique leadership style make a difference for your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c1_q4.title":"Let's think about what's happening at work currently. Where is there an opportunity to lead? How can your unique leadership style make a difference for your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to make that impact. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's start by talking about the type of impact you want to make as a leader.\nClick the profile icon to read and reflect on the insight from your purpose profile. What resonates? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q1.title":"Let's start by talking about the type of impact you want to make as a leader.\nClick the profile icon to read and reflect on the insight from your purpose profile. What resonates? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q2.description":"Try not to problem solve. Focus on listening and understanding, \"How would reaching that success feel?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q2.short_title":"Now—imagine it's three months from today. What impact do you want to have with your team? Why? How will you know you were successful?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q2.title":"Now—imagine it's three months from today. What impact do you want to have with your team? Why? How will you know you were successful?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q3.description":"Go deeper by asking, \"What impact could this have on your desired outcome?\" and \"How does this challenge make you feel?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q3.short_title":"We all experience times of personal challenge as leaders. It's how we continue to grow. Let's stay proactive and consider what may be ahead.\nWhat is one challenge you foresee getting in the way of making the impact you just discussed? Click on the profile icon for a few examples of possible challenges.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q3.title":"We all experience times of personal challenge as leaders. It's how we continue to grow. Let's stay proactive and consider what may be ahead.\nWhat is one challenge you foresee getting in the way of making the impact you just discussed? Click on the profile icon for a few examples of possible challenges.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q4.description":"Go deeper by asking, \"How does that person help you stay motivated?\" and \"How will you ask them for support?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q4.short_title":"Relationships are a key way we stay motivated to lead—especially when things feel challenging. Who is someone that comes to mind that helps you stay motivated at work?\nHow can you lean on this person for support? ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c2_q4.title":"Relationships are a key way we stay motivated to lead—especially when things feel challenging. Who is someone that comes to mind that helps you stay motivated at work?\nHow can you lean on this person for support? ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q1.description":"Encourage them to be specific. \"On a scale of 1 (Divided) to 5 (United), how united is your team currently? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q1.short_title":"Collaboration is a key ingredient for effective teams. As a leader, it is important to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration between team members.\nWhat adjectives would you use to describe your team right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q1.title":"Collaboration is a key ingredient for effective teams. As a leader, it is important to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration between team members.\nWhat adjectives would you use to describe your team right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q2.description":"Get to the core of it. Ask, \"How would it be different if your team was at their best? What could you achieve then?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q2.short_title":"Describe what success looks like for your team in the next 3 months. If your team members aren't at their best, what impact will that have on your ability to achieve the success you described?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q2.title":"Describe what success looks like for your team in the next 3 months. If your team members aren't at their best, what impact will that have on your ability to achieve the success you described?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q3.description":"Help them consider next steps.\nAsk, \"Which of these feel most realistic or motivating?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q3.short_title":"As a leader, you play a key role in inspiring the team to work at their best. How can the strengths of your leadership style influence the strength of your team?\nTo help you brainstorm, click the profile icon to read a list of strengths that you likely possess.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q3.title":"As a leader, you play a key role in inspiring the team to work at their best. How can the strengths of your leadership style influence the strength of your team?\nTo help you brainstorm, click the profile icon to read a list of strengths that you likely possess.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q4.description":"Thank them for sharing. Ask, \"What felt most valuable to you about having these conversations?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What is one thing you are taking from our conversation that will help you lead authentically and build a strong team?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_c3_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What is one thing you are taking from our conversation that will help you lead authentically and build a strong team?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q1.description":"Help your partner further reflect on their leadership style. \nFor example, \"Do you always remember this being important to you? Where do you feel this comes from for you?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q1.short_title":"Each of us has our own unique style of leading. It influences how we show up and navigate our work. Click the profile icon for insights into how you may lead based on your profile. What resonates?\nShare an example of a time you successfully led yourself and/or others through a challenge at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q1.title":"Each of us has our own unique style of leading. It influences how we show up and navigate our work. Click the profile icon for insights into how you may lead based on your profile. What resonates?\nShare an example of a time you successfully led yourself and/or others through a challenge at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q2.description":"Encourage them to be specific about the situation at work.\nFor example, \"What role did you specifically play in this example? What impact did your leadership have on the outcome of the situation?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q2.short_title":"Embracing your leadership style helps you show up authentically and be successful at work. Click the profile icon to read about potential strengths of your leadership style. Do these resonate?\nDescribe a time you remember using one of your leadership strengths successfully to solve a challenge at work.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q2.title":"Embracing your leadership style helps you show up authentically and be successful at work. Click the profile icon to read about potential strengths of your leadership style. Do these resonate?\nDescribe a time you remember using one of your leadership strengths successfully to solve a challenge at work.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q3.description":"Ask them to elaborate, \"How would you know if this project was successful?\"\nThen ask, \"Do you have an opportunity to influence the outcomes of this goal? How so?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q3.short_title":"Let's think about your upcoming work priorities. Within the next two weeks, what feels most important to get done at work?\nDescribe the potential impact of this goal for you and your team. Why is it important?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q3.title":"Let's think about your upcoming work priorities. Within the next two weeks, what feels most important to get done at work?\nDescribe the potential impact of this goal for you and your team. Why is it important?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q4.description":"Ask how it would feel leveraging their leadership style in the example they shared. \nFor example, \"How would applying your leadership style in that way energize you at work? How would it make you feel?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q4.short_title":"Now- let's apply your leadership style to the work priorities we just discussed. How can you use the strengths of your leadership style to support this upcoming goal at work?\nHow would your leadership style benefit the potential outcome of the project? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n {[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c1_q4.title":"Now- let's apply your leadership style to the work priorities we just discussed. How can you use the strengths of your leadership style to support this upcoming goal at work?\nHow would your leadership style benefit the potential outcome of the project? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n {[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q1.description":"Ask them to \"tell me more..\" until you feel you understand the challenge. Avoid problem solving. \n","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge where you feel you are navigating uncertainty. Share with me the details of the challenge you are facing.\nWhat parts feel uncertain or lacking information?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q1.title":"Let's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge where you feel you are navigating uncertainty. Share with me the details of the challenge you are facing.\nWhat parts feel uncertain or lacking information?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q2.description":"Try not to problem solve. Celebrate their awareness of their biases. Example: \"I am impressed that you notice where ____ is blocking you from____.\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q2.short_title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Click the profile icon to review insights from your purpose profile.\nWhich biases, if any, may be blocking you from knowing how to navigate this situation?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q2.title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Click the profile icon to review insights from your purpose profile.\nWhich biases, if any, may be blocking you from knowing how to navigate this situation?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q3.description":"Encourage them to see asking for help as a positive. Example: \"We all need help sometimes.\" and \"Ultimately, you will still decide, they can just help you brainstorm new perspectives.\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q3.short_title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions to every situation alone. Who can help you brainstorm new approaches to this situation?\nWho in your peer network or on your team has different strengths than you do?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q3.title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions to every situation alone. Who can help you brainstorm new approaches to this situation?\nWho in your peer network or on your team has different strengths than you do?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q4.description":"This is a tough question. Give them time to think. Help them brainstorm by asking them to share as many ideas as they can come up with.","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q4.short_title":"Now let's imagine we are 3 months into the future. How would the situation/team dynamic resolve in a way that is ideal for you?\nWhat steps would you need to take? What would you need to communicate? ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c2_q4.title":"Now let's imagine we are 3 months into the future. How would the situation/team dynamic resolve in a way that is ideal for you?\nWhat steps would you need to take? What would you need to communicate? ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q1.description":"Encourage them to pick a specific project that has some challenge to it. Example: \"Which of your upcoming projects feels most complicated?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q1.short_title":"As a leader, you can increase the success of your team by thinking ahead and intentionally applying your leadership to future projects.\nTake a moment to think of and then share with me the details of an upcoming project that could use your leadership. ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q1.title":"As a leader, you can increase the success of your team by thinking ahead and intentionally applying your leadership to future projects.\nTake a moment to think of and then share with me the details of an upcoming project that could use your leadership. ","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q2.description":"Help them brainstorm. Ask them for more examples. Example: \"What other unknowns can you think of?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q2.short_title":"On that same project, what unknowns exist that you could begin exploring prior to your team taking action?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q2.title":"On that same project, what unknowns exist that you could begin exploring prior to your team taking action?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q3.description":"Try not to problem solve. Help them link ideas. Example: \"What connections can you see about your leadership style and what needs to be accomplished in your upcoming project?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon to review the insight from your purpose profile.\nWhich items do you believe could help you overcome the unknowns you previously shared with me and increase your teams success? Why?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q3.title":"Click the profile icon to review the insight from your purpose profile.\nWhich items do you believe could help you overcome the unknowns you previously shared with me and increase your teams success? Why?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q4.description":"Thank them for sharing and ask, \"What is one thing you will bring forward to your next set of conversations?\"","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What was most valuable to you about having these conversations?\nWhat have you learned about yourself and how you effectively lead through change?","peerconversation.question.imp_mgr_dev_s2_c3_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What was most valuable to you about having these conversations?\nWhat have you learned about yourself and how you effectively lead through change?","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to pick a specific memory, the more specific the better. With your partner, look for connections between their preferred level of impact and the memory shared.\nPositively acknowledge the impact your partner had in the example shared.","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me a memory of something you’ve done where you felt you made a real difference either at work or in your personal life.\nTo deepen your exploration, let’s look at the level of impact that fits you most. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.title":"Share with me a memory of something you’ve done where you felt you made a real difference either at work or in your personal life.\nTo deepen your exploration, let’s look at the level of impact that fits you most. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.description":"If your partner has trouble coming up with an example, remind them that the level of impact can be measured in many ways (quality, depth, sustainability, etc.)- all being important. It can also help to ask for details about their current role and listen for places you think they make an impact.","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"In what ways do you feel you make a difference in your current role?\nClick the profile icon for a few statements that can help in brainstorming. \n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.title":"In what ways do you feel you make a difference in your current role?\nClick the profile icon for a few statements that can help in brainstorming. \n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.description":"Values can be a deeply personal concept. Focus on actively listening to your partner as they share and celebrating any connections they find between their values and their current role.","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Why do you enjoy being impactful in the ways you previously shared in your current role?\nAn important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that point to why that level of impact fits you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.title":"Why do you enjoy being impactful in the ways you previously shared in your current role?\nAn important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that point to why that level of impact fits you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.description":"If your partner comes up with something not on their profile, celebrate them for making this personal to them.\nConsider a follow-up question like, “How would that greater alignment positively impact you and members of your team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared with me so far, how can you greater align your current role with the level of impact that matches you best?\nTo start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared with me so far, how can you greater align your current role with the level of impact that matches you best?\nTo start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to pick a specific memory rather than keeping it general. With your partner look for similarities between the story they shared and the preferred approach used in the example.\nCelebrate your partner’s approach to overcoming the obstacle they shared.","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Share with me a past experience from your personal or professional life where you were able to overcome an obstacle that initially seemed overwhelming.\nIn addition, let’s look at the unique approach and worldview that likely fits you best. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.title":"Share with me a past experience from your personal or professional life where you were able to overcome an obstacle that initially seemed overwhelming.\nIn addition, let’s look at the unique approach and worldview that likely fits you best. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage your partner to own the value they add to their team. Their value can manifest as problem solving for their team or in creating something new for the people they serve.\nAs they share, listen for and point out any places where you feel they add value. ","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"In what ways do you believe your approach to solving problems adds value to your team in your current role? Click the profile icon for a few statements that can help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.title":"In what ways do you believe your approach to solving problems adds value to your team in your current role? Click the profile icon for a few statements that can help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.description":"Values and internal beliefs systems can be deeply personal. Focus on active listening, remain open to diverse beliefs, and celebrate any connections your partner makes between their values and their approach to work. ","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What internal beliefs about the world guide and motivate your approach to the work you do? This can seem like a lofty concept to explore, so let’s first look at some potential values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.title":"What internal beliefs about the world guide and motivate your approach to the work you do? This can seem like a lofty concept to explore, so let’s first look at some potential values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.description":"Celebrate any commitment your partner makes to amplify their approach. Consider follow up questions like, “How will that commitment positively impact you and your team?“ “Do you need any support that would allow you to be successful in this commitment?”","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Taking into account everything you have shared with me so far, what can you commit to that would both strengthen your unique approach and amplify the value you add to your team? To start, click the profile icon for some approach-amplifying suggestions that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.title":"Taking into account everything you have shared with me so far, what can you commit to that would both strengthen your unique approach and amplify the value you add to your team? To start, click the profile icon for some approach-amplifying suggestions that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to pick a specific memory. Look for connections between their preferred level of impact and the memory shared. Be sure to positively acknowledge the impact your partner had in the example they shared.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me a memory of something you’ve done where you felt you made a real difference either at work or in your personal life. To deepen your exploration, let’s look at the level of impact that fits you most. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q1.title":"Share with me a memory of something you’ve done where you felt you made a real difference either at work or in your personal life. To deepen your exploration, let’s look at the level of impact that fits you most. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}\n","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.description":"Values can be a deeply personal concept. Focus on actively listening to your partner as they share and celebrate any connections they find between their values and their current role. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From the memory you shared, what did it feel like to have that type of impact? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q2.title":"From the memory you shared, what did it feel like to have that type of impact? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to come up with and own additional strengths beyond the list provided. If they have any trouble, see if you notice any strengths from their example and point them out. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What strengths did you exhibit that allowed you to feel you made a difference? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths that may resonate with you based on your preferred level of impact. Do any of them fit into the example you shared?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q3.title":"What strengths did you exhibit that allowed you to feel you made a difference? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths that may resonate with you based on your preferred level of impact. Do any of them fit into the example you shared?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.description":"Remind your partner that we all have biases and encourage them to increase their awareness of theirs. If they have any trouble, kindly offer an approach that you see.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Looking back on your memory, what other ways could you have approached this situation that would have increased the impact you made? To help you explore other approaches, click the profile icon for some potential biases that may have shown up within your unique perspective.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c1_q4.title":"Looking back on your memory, what other ways could you have approached this situation that would have increased the impact you made? To help you explore other approaches, click the profile icon for some potential biases that may have shown up within your unique perspective.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.description":"If your partner has trouble coming up with an example, remind them that the level of impact can be measured in many ways (quality, depth, sustainability, etc.)- all being important. It can also help to ask for details about their current role and listen for places you think they make an impact.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"In what ways do you feel you make a difference in your current role? Click the profile icon for a few statements that can help in brainstorming. \n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.words]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q1.title":"In what ways do you feel you make a difference in your current role? Click the profile icon for a few statements that can help in brainstorming. \n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.words]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.description":"Values can be a deeply personal concept. Focus on actively listening as they share and celebrate any connections they find between their values and their current role. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Why do you enjoy being impactful in the ways you previously shared? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that point to why that level of impact fits you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q2.title":"Why do you enjoy being impactful in the ways you previously shared? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that point to why that level of impact fits you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.description":"Remind your partner that we all have biases and there is no judgment. Once identified, consider a follow up question like, “How could you do that differently in the future?”","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What challenges do you run into that diminish your ability to make a difference in your current role? Let’s see if any of these “blind spots” are playing a role? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q3.title":"What challenges do you run into that diminish your ability to make a difference in your current role? Let’s see if any of these “blind spots” are playing a role? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to point out the ones they already do well. Then, ask if there are any not listed that they can think of. Celebrate any ways they benefit their team. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"What strengths do you bring to your current role and how do they benefit your team? To start, click the profile icon for some potential strengths you likely bring to your work.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c2_q4.title":"What strengths do you bring to your current role and how do they benefit your team? To start, click the profile icon for some potential strengths you likely bring to your work.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q1.description":"Celebrate any strengths they are able to own. Encourage your partner to pick a specific strength they can more intentionally engage in their role. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Considering your strengths, how could you build on them to increase the impact you make in your role? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q1.title":"Considering your strengths, how could you build on them to increase the impact you make in your role? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask if any of the statements provided stick out or if your partner has something else come to mind. Once they share, ask them to come up with a way to remember the importance of this value for future projects.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"In what ways do your unique beliefs and values about the world enhance your ability to make a difference in your role? To consider, click the profile icon for some potential values statements that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q2.title":"In what ways do your unique beliefs and values about the world enhance your ability to make a difference in your role? To consider, click the profile icon for some potential values statements that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q3.description":"If your partner comes up with something not on this list, celebrate them for making this personal to them. Consider a follow-up question like, “How would that greater alignment positively impact you and members of your team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared with me so far, how can you greater align your current role with the level of impact that matches you best? To start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q3.title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared with me so far, how can you greater align your current role with the level of impact that matches you best? To start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q4.description":"Accountability and a continued connection beyond this conversation are critical to the peer coaching relationship. Decide on a timeline that works for both of you to check-in on your partner’s progress.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"Is there any way that I can support you in successfully achieving greater alignment to your role?","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c3_q4.title":"Is there any way that I can support you in successfully achieving greater alignment to your role?","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to pick a specific memory rather than keeping it general. Look for similarities between the story they shared and the approach that best fits them. Celebrate your partner’s ability to overcome that obstacle.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Share with me a past experience from your personal or professional life where you were able to overcome an obstacle that initially seemed overwhelming. In addition, let’s look at the unique approach and worldview that likely fits you best. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q1.title":"Share with me a past experience from your personal or professional life where you were able to overcome an obstacle that initially seemed overwhelming. In addition, let’s look at the unique approach and worldview that likely fits you best. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q2.description":"Values and internal beliefs systems can be deeply personal. Focus on active listening, remain open to diverse beliefs, and celebrate any connections your partner makes between their values and their approach.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"From the memory you shared, what internal beliefs helped you engage in the creative process and overcome the obstacle? An important piece of this is your set of individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q2.title":"From the memory you shared, what internal beliefs helped you engage in the creative process and overcome the obstacle? An important piece of this is your set of individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely resonate with you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to come up with and own additional strengths beyond the list provided. If they have any trouble, see if you notice any strengths from their example and point them out. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What strengths did you exhibit that helped you overcome the obstacle? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths within your unique approach. Do any of them fit?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q3.title":"What strengths did you exhibit that helped you overcome the obstacle? Click the profile icon for some potential strengths within your unique approach. Do any of them fit?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q4.description":"Remind your partner that we all have biases and encourage them to increase their awareness of theirs. Consider a follow up question like, “Who or what helped you learn that important piece?” ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"Looking back on your memory, what was something you didn’t know, and likely learned, that helped you overcome the obstacle? None of us can know everything. So, let’s look at some potential biases within your unique approach. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c4_q4.title":"Looking back on your memory, what was something you didn’t know, and likely learned, that helped you overcome the obstacle? None of us can know everything. So, let’s look at some potential biases within your unique approach. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q1.description":"If your partner begins to point out what they don’t enjoy, gently redirect them back to the positive. With them, look for connections between the options provided and the parts they enjoy. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What parts of your current role do you enjoy the most? Consider these options to see if any of them line up with your current role. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.words]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q1.title":"What parts of your current role do you enjoy the most? Consider these options to see if any of them line up with your current role. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.words]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q2.description":"Values can be a deeply personal concept. Focus on actively listening as they share, and celebrate any connections they find between their values and their current role. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Why do you enjoy the parts of your current role you previously shared? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely guide your approach. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q2.title":"Why do you enjoy the parts of your current role you previously shared? An important piece of this is your individual values, so let’s look at some of the values that likely guide your approach. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q3.description":"Remind your partner that we all have biases and there is no judgment. Once identified, consider a follow up question like, “How could knowing this about yourself help you improve your approach?”","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What parts of your current role do you find least satisfying or challenge you the most? Let’s see if any of these “blind spots” are playing a role? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q3.title":"What parts of your current role do you find least satisfying or challenge you the most? Let’s see if any of these “blind spots” are playing a role? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to point out the ones they already do well. Then ask, “How does intentionally engaging those strengths benefits you and your team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"What strengths do you bring to your current role and how do they benefit your team? To start, click the profile icon for some potential strengths you likely bring to your work.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c5_q4.title":"What strengths do you bring to your current role and how do they benefit your team? To start, click the profile icon for some potential strengths you likely bring to your work.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q1.description":"Encourage your partner to pick a specific strength they can more intentionally engage in their role and ask how that could benefit their team. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q1.short_title":"Considering your strengths, how can you build on them to help your team better overcome obstacles in the future? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q1.title":"Considering your strengths, how can you build on them to help your team better overcome obstacles in the future? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q2.description":"Ask if any of the statements provided stick out or if your partner has something else come to mind. Once they’ve shared, ask them to come up with a way to remember the importance of this value as they approach their role in the future.","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q2.short_title":"What is one way that you can remember the importance of connecting your unique values to your approach and to your role? As a reminder, click the profile icon for some potential values statements that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q2.title":"What is one way that you can remember the importance of connecting your unique values to your approach and to your role? As a reminder, click the profile icon for some potential values statements that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q3.description":"If your partner comes up with something not on this list, celebrate them for making this personal to them. Consider a follow-up question like, “How would that greater alignment positively impact you and members of your team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q3.short_title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared, what is one area you can focus on that would greater align your unique approach to your current role? To start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q3.title":"Taking into account everything you’ve shared, what is one area you can focus on that would greater align your unique approach to your current role? To start, let’s look at some suggestions that likely apply to you. Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q4.description":"Accountability and a continued connection beyond this conversation are critical to the peer coaching relationship. Decide on a timeline that works for both of you to check-in on your partner’s progress. ","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q4.short_title":"Is there any way that I can support you in this area of personal or professional growth?","peerconversation.question.imp_purpose_activation_s1_c6_q4.title":"Is there any way that I can support you in this area of personal or professional growth?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q1.description":"Help them come up with multiple reasons. “What else made it so positive?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q1.short_title":"Think back to teams you’ve been a part of, personally or professionally, and tell me about one that sticks out as the most effective.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q1.title":"Think back to teams you’ve been a part of, personally or professionally, and tell me about one that sticks out as the most effective.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q2.description":"Help them come up with multiple reasons. “Why else was this team less positive?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a team you’ve been a part of, personally or professionally, that sticks out as less effective. Feel free to leave out identifying information and focus on the qualities of the team.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q2.title":"Tell me about a team you’ve been a part of, personally or professionally, that sticks out as less effective. Feel free to leave out identifying information and focus on the qualities of the team.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q3.description":"Share how you can relate to what they share. “I’ve also felt similarly…”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q3.short_title":"How did you feel as a member of each of those teams? What differences do you notice?\nClick the profile icon for a summary of values that likely drive you, see if any apply.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q3.title":"How did you feel as a member of each of those teams? What differences do you notice?\nClick the profile icon for a summary of values that likely drive you, see if any apply.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q4.description":"Allow space for them to think and share. Then ask, “Why?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q4.short_title":"Based on our conversation so far, what is something about teamwork that you’d like to learn more about? ","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q4.title":"Based on our conversation so far, what is something about teamwork that you’d like to learn more about? ","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q1.description":"Consider follow-up: “Are there any parts of the summary that don’t resonate with you? Why?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q1.short_title":"If you felt like you were making a real difference in your current role, who and/or what would benefit from your work?\nTo start your brainstorming, click the profile icon for a summary of the type of impact you likely want to make.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q1.title":"If you felt like you were making a real difference in your current role, who and/or what would benefit from your work?\nTo start your brainstorming, click the profile icon for a summary of the type of impact you likely want to make.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q2.description":"Encourage them to use words beyond “good” or “fine”. i.e. “How else could you describe the feeling?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q2.short_title":"When do you feel you are making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?\nHow do those moments make you feel?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q2.title":"When do you feel you are making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?\nHow do those moments make you feel?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q3.description":"Make sure to take notes for future reference. Ask, “Can you think of any beyond the list provided?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q3.short_title":"Thinking to the future, what are ways you can expand your meaningful impact at work? On an upcoming team project?\nTo help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for some areas where you likely excel in making an impact.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q3.title":"Thinking to the future, what are ways you can expand your meaningful impact at work? On an upcoming team project?\nTo help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for some areas where you likely excel in making an impact.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q4.description":"Once they share, dive deeper. i.e. “What obstacles might come up?”, “What do you need in order to be successful?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q4.short_title":"Take a moment to imagine how your organization would be positively different if you pursued having this type of impact on your team each day.\nWhat would motivate you to pursue this? Who will you rely on for support?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q4.title":"Take a moment to imagine how your organization would be positively different if you pursued having this type of impact on your team each day.\nWhat would motivate you to pursue this? Who will you rely on for support?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c2_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q1.description":"As meaning is very personal, focus on active listening. Then ask, “How does/could this show up at work?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q1.short_title":"When you think of something that has a lot of meaning to you, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q1.title":"When you think of something that has a lot of meaning to you, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Why?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q2.description":"Celebrate the ways your partner adds value. Consider sharing how you could benefit their strengths.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q2.short_title":"When in your current role do you feel like you add the most value and/or help solve problems for your team.\nTo begin your thinking, click the profile icon for some options of how you likely excel at adding value and problem solving.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q2.title":"When in your current role do you feel like you add the most value and/or help solve problems for your team.\nTo begin your thinking, click the profile icon for some options of how you likely excel at adding value and problem solving.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q3.description":"Encourage them to share in detail a specific memory. Validate the challenge they share. i.e. “That must have been very hard to feel blocked in that way.”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q3.short_title":"Think of a time at work when your sense of fulfillment was lacking.\nClick the profile icon for the list of moments when you thrive the most, which aspects of this particular situation were in conflict or blocked?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q3.title":"Think of a time at work when your sense of fulfillment was lacking.\nClick the profile icon for the list of moments when you thrive the most, which aspects of this particular situation were in conflict or blocked?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q4.description":"After your partner shares, consider follow-up questions: “What obstacles might get in the way?” and “Who or what will support you?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q4.short_title":"On your current team, what are two new ways you can engage your strengths to make your work more meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q4.title":"On your current team, what are two new ways you can engage your strengths to make your work more meaningful?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c3_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q1.description":"Encourage them to share how it felt to be on that team. Consider follow-up question: “How did having this type of clarity impact the success of the team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q1.short_title":"Think of a successful, effective team you’ve worked on (currently or in the past). Which of the following did the team do well: clearly identified roles for team members, established individual and group goals, and/or a well-communicated process in which to reach those goals?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q1.title":"Think of a successful, effective team you’ve worked on (currently or in the past). Which of the following did the team do well: clearly identified roles for team members, established individual and group goals, and/or a well-communicated process in which to reach those goals?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q2.description":"Ask if they see a link between their strengths and the structure and clarity of their team. i.e. “How do you see these strengths contributing to structure and clarity?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q2.short_title":"What strengths do you bring to a team that positively impact the structure and clarity (clear roles, plans, and goals) of the team?\nTo get started, click the profile icon for some strengths that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q2.title":"What strengths do you bring to a team that positively impact the structure and clarity (clear roles, plans, and goals) of the team?\nTo get started, click the profile icon for some strengths that likely apply to you.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q3.description":"Help them identify the personal values at play. Consider asking, “What other approaches exist that would align with the clarity and structure of your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q3.short_title":"Consider a time when you and a teammate differed on a decision. How did clarity and structure play a role?\nHow did your personal values play a role? Click the profile icon for a list of values to get you started. \n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q3.title":"Consider a time when you and a teammate differed on a decision. How did clarity and structure play a role?\nHow did your personal values play a role? Click the profile icon for a list of values to get you started. \n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q4.description":": Help them connect their new awareness to positive impacts as a teammate. i.e. “What positive outcomes could come from this new awareness?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q4.short_title":"What have you learned about your preferences around structure and clarity?\nHow will you use this awareness of clarity and structure to make a difference in your role and on your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q4.title":"What have you learned about your preferences around structure and clarity?\nHow will you use this awareness of clarity and structure to make a difference in your role and on your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c4_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q1.description":"Help them relate what they appreciate about this person to themselves. i.e. “How do these qualities remind you of yourself?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q1.short_title":"What does being dependable mean to you? It can help to think of someone you trust and can depend on. What qualities of that person stand out to you?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q1.title":"What does being dependable mean to you? It can help to think of someone you trust and can depend on. What qualities of that person stand out to you?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q2.description":"Ask for an example of how this perspective shows up on their team. i.e. “How does that help create a sense of dependability on your team?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q2.short_title":"How do you incorporate the concept of “fairness” into your work? Click the profile icon and see if any of the following resonate most with you?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q2.title":"How do you incorporate the concept of “fairness” into your work? Click the profile icon and see if any of the following resonate most with you?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q3.description":"Encourage them to explore the positive and negative impacts of different perspectives. i.e. “How else could you approach this?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q3.short_title":"What challenges do you notice when your team depends on you and/or you depend on other team members as you work?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q3.title":"What challenges do you notice when your team depends on you and/or you depend on other team members as you work?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q4.description":"Celebrate by sharing how you value their strengths. i.e. “Your strength of ____ could be really important to a team because…”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q4.short_title":"What strengths can you offer to help your team move forward if a team member hasn’t been as dependable as we anticipated?\nClick the profile icon to refer to the list of strengths you likely possess.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q4.title":"What strengths can you offer to help your team move forward if a team member hasn’t been as dependable as we anticipated?\nClick the profile icon to refer to the list of strengths you likely possess.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q5.description":"Encourage your partner to identify their 3 main takeaways from this conversation.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c5_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation today?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q1.description":"Share two or three key points you heard. i.e. “What really made you feel comfortable to take risks was…”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q1.short_title":"When was the last time you felt comfortable taking risks as a member of a team? In other words, when did you most recently believe you were free to fail without embarrassment?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q1.title":"When was the last time you felt comfortable taking risks as a member of a team? In other words, when did you most recently believe you were free to fail without embarrassment?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q2.description":"Help explore how seeing another feel unsafe impacts their own psychological safety. i.e. “How did you feel witnessing that?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you noticed a teammate didn’t feel psychologically safe on a team.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q2.title":"Tell me about a time when you noticed a teammate didn’t feel psychologically safe on a team.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q3.description":"Avoid judgement. Encourage them to consider another approach. i.e. “What other approaches could you use in this situation?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for examples of when your preferences for solving problems may differ with your teammates.\nChoose one example and tell me how this might detract from building safety amongst your teammates.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q3.title":"Click the profile icon for examples of when your preferences for solving problems may differ with your teammates.\nChoose one example and tell me how this might detract from building safety amongst your teammates.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q4.description":"Thank your partner for prioritizing psychological safety on their team. Share the benefits you see from what they share.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q4.short_title":"Imagine being part of a team where everyone felt supported, safe to share ideas, and safe to be vulnerable. What needs to be in place for this to happen?\nWhat role can you play in creating this? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c6_q4.title":"Imagine being part of a team where everyone felt supported, safe to share ideas, and safe to be vulnerable. What needs to be in place for this to happen?\nWhat role can you play in creating this? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q1.description":"Allow them to choose one or more. Consider asking, “How do you personally benefit from that/those?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q1.short_title":"From your perspective, which trait(s) of an effective team (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact) do you feel your team already does well?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q1.title":"From your perspective, which trait(s) of an effective team (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact) do you feel your team already does well?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q2.description":"Help them explore why that feels important to them. Keep asking “why?” until you are both satisfied.","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which trait(s) of an effective team (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact) could use more focus on your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q2.title":"From your perspective, which trait(s) of an effective team (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact) could use more focus on your team?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q3.description":"Encourage them to choose a specific, actionable step they can take. i.e. “What is one thing you can commit to?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q3.short_title":"Based on what you previously shared, how can you personally help your team be more effective?\nLet’s look at an overview of your worldview to see where you are likely most influential. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q3.title":"Based on what you previously shared, how can you personally help your team be more effective?\nLet’s look at an overview of your worldview to see where you are likely most influential. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q4.description":"Encourage them to pick a specific takeaway. Consider asking, “How will you remember this in the future?”","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q4.short_title":"What is the biggest learning or “aha” you will take from our conversation on teamwork?","peerconversation.question.imp_teamwork_c7_q4.title":"What is the biggest learning or “aha” you will take from our conversation on teamwork?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What initially inspired you towards this career path?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on their curiosity.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you? \nShare a bit about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What does a good day look like for you in this role? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we begin peer coaching together, let's reflect on our current roles at {{member.organizationname}}. \nShare a bit about your role. What does a good day look like for you in this role? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What does this example tell you about what you need to feel fulfilled?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach self-reflect on their personal needs.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"As just mentioned, we are fulfilled at work when we make an impact that matters, build meaningful relationships and grow. \nRecall a time in your career when you felt fulfilled in at least one of these areas. Why did it feel energizing? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q2.title":"Based on research, we are fulfilled at work when we make an impact that matters, build meaningful relationships and grow.\nRecall a time in your career when you felt fulfilled in at least one of these areas. Why did it feel energizing? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"How would feeling more inspired and innovative impact you positively at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to reflect.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat does innovation mean to you?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q3.title":"Our conversations together will uncover how we can stay inspired to innovate in our roles.\n\"Innovation\" can mean lots of things - creativity, passion, collaboration, or being open to taking risks for instance. What does innovation mean to you?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you feel about work when you are motivated and inspired? How is it different from the times you feel a lack of inspiration?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ensure your peer gives a specific example.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Share an example of a time you felt particularly motivated during a work project.\nWhat was the project? Why did you feel so invested in a positive outcome? ","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q1.title":"Feeling motivated and inspired by our work is important for innovation. \nShare a time you felt particularly motivated during a work project. What was the project? Why did you feel so invested in a positive outcome?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"How are your relationships adding or subtracting to this number?\" and \"How important is being innovative to you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Be curious to learn more.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about for you? Consider the last few weeks of work. \nOn a scale of 1 (least) - 10 (most), how much have you felt inspired to innovate in your role? Tell me more about why you chose this number.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q2.title":"Consider the last few weeks of work. On a scale of 1 (least) - 10 (most), how much have you felt inspired to innovate in your role?\nTell me more about why you chose this number.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Where is there an opportunity to strengthen the relationships at work that help inspire you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to consider a specific example.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn. \nClick the profile icon to reflect on when you feel your best self. Which relationship(s) at work inspires you to be this version of yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c2_q3.title":"A key source of inspiration are meaningful relationships at work.\nClick the profile icon to reflect on when you feel your best self. Which relationship(s) at work inspires you to be this version of yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What in your career today reminds you that this is still an important impact to make?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them gain clarity on what is important to them.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What initially inspired you about the impact you could make at {{member.organizationname}}? Why is that personally meaningful for you?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's begin by considering the impact we aspire to make.\nWhat initially inspired you about the impact you could make at {{member.organizationname}}? Why is that personally meaningful for you?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What made that day feel particularly inspiring? How was it different from the days you feel stressed?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer uncover the key components of an inspiring day for them.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about for you? \nRecall a day recently you were inspired to think outside-the-box and/or share a different solution. Share what happened. What was the impact?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q2.title":"It can feel hard some days to connect to what inspires us. But when we do have an inspiring day, it fuels our creativity and willingness to think outside-the-box. \nRecall a day recently you were inspired to think outside-the-box and/or share a different solution. Share what happened. What was the impact?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What needs to be in place for you to feel comfortable trying out new ideas or taking risks at work right now? What are some challenges you foresee?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach uncover potential roadblocks.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"If you had more time and no fear, where is there an opportunity to be more creative and innovative in your role?\nClick the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c3_q3.title":"If you had more time and no fear, where is there an opportunity to be more creative and innovative in your role?\nClick the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"What, if anything, holds you back from being more passionate or innovative at work?\"\n\nCoach Tip: Provide the space for your peer to reflect.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you? You mentioned feeling {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}.\nTell me more about how you are feeling. What would help you bring even more passion and a willingness to innovate to your role?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q1.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we have been uncovering what brings out the innovator in each of us. Coming into our conversation. you stated you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}. \nTell me more about how you are feeling. What would help you bring even more passion and a willingness to innovate to your role?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How do you feel when you are stuck? What are your practices to get unstuck?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you heard. This helps further reflection.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Based on your purpose profile, here are some ways you may get stuck. What resonates with you? Click the profile icon and share an example. \n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q2.title":"At times, our strengths can also prevent us from seeing different approaches and being innovative. \nBased on your purpose profile, here are some ways you may get stuck. What resonates with you? Click the profile icon and share an example.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Where is there an opportunity at work to start leaning into where you feel most curious and passionate?\"\n\nCoach Tip: Encourage your peer to explore a few ideas.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Consider the year ahead. \nWhat about work feels most energizing for you? If you had a successful and fulfilling year, what did you accomplish? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c4_q3.title":"Consider the year ahead.\nWhat about work feels most energizing for you? If you had a successful and fulfilling year, what did you accomplish? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How has peer coaching helped inspire innovation for you?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer identify a specific example.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"For you, you left each of our conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nWhat have you learned about what it takes to unlock more of your inner innovator?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our conversations together, we've discussed what we're passionate about, taking appropriate risks, and how we can envision supportive environments for being innovative. After each of our conversations you left feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nWhat have you learned about what it takes to unlock more of your inner innovator?","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How can you stay connected more regularly to what inspires you?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer uncover any support they may need to put in place.","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \nWhat feels inspiring about your career path? In what ways does that make you feel more purposeful? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's take one last opportunity to connect what inspires you to what drives your sense of purpose. \nLooking ahead, what inspires you about your career path? How does that align with what makes you feel more purposeful? Click the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together. ","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q3.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.inspire_innovation_a5_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q1.short_title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q1.title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q2.description":"Help your partner explore times when they’ve challenged what’s possible earlier in their career.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q2.short_title":"What does “reimagine what’s possible” mean to you? Share examples of times when you have overcome obstacles in your work by challenging what’s possible.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q2.title":"What does “reimagine what’s possible” mean to you? Share examples of times when you have overcome obstacles in your work by challenging what’s possible.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q3.description":"Help your partner be specific about how their work could demonstrate their personal connection to our mission.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q3.short_title":"Thinking about your personal connection to our mission (ie, your answer to the first question), how do you think your current role will allow you to make a difference in a way that is meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q3.title":"Thinking about your personal connection to our mission (ie, your answer to the first question), how do you think your current role will allow you to make a difference in a way that is meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner “What specific questions can you ask team members to encourage them to challenge possible?”","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q4.short_title":"Thinking about how you’ve overcome obstacles in the past (ie, your answer to the second question), how do you think you might help your team reimagine what’s possible in healthcare?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q4.title":"Thinking about how you’ve overcome obstacles in the past (ie, your answer to the second question), how do you think you might help your team reimagine what’s possible in healthcare?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q5.description":"Be sure to consider an action that is both achievable, and personally meaningful to you.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q5.short_title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_c1_q5.title":"What did you find most valuable about our conversation?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q1.description":"Practice active listening and repeat back what you heard your partner share.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q1.title":"Consider KP’s mission to transform health and healthcare in America. What part is most personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details of your partner’s memory with requests like “Tell me more about…”","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What does “Challenge Possible” mean to you? Share examples of times when you have overcome obstacles in your work by challenging what’s possible.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q2.title":"What does “Challenge Possible” mean to you? Share examples of times when you have overcome obstacles in your work by challenging what’s possible.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to share examples of when they have made a difference in other aspects of their life and how that experience may apply to their role at KP.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Thinking about your personal connection to our mission (ie, your answer to the first question), how do you think your current role will allow you to make a difference in a way that is meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q3.title":"Thinking about your personal connection to our mission (ie, your answer to the first question), how do you think your current role will allow you to make a difference in a way that is meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q4.description":"If your partner is having trouble answering, encourage them to consider their impact driver (Individual, Organizational, or Society) as they consider their potential impact on the team.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Thinking about how you’ve overcome obstacles in the past (ie, your answer to the second question), how do you think you might help your team reimagine what’s possible in healthcare?\nAs you think about your answer, it may be helpful for you to consider insights from your purpose profile. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c1_q4.title":"Thinking about how you’ve overcome obstacles in the past (ie, your answer to the second question), how do you think you might help your team reimagine what’s possible in healthcare?\nAs you think about your answer, it may be helpful for you to consider insights from your purpose profile. Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q1.description":"Be curious about your partner’s unique way of connecting to this commitment. Encourage them to use their own words.\nYou can use follow-up questions to draw out more information from them. Examples: “How do you relate to this commitment? “And what other details stick out to you?”","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Now that you have been at KP for a month or more, what does our commitment to transform health and health care mean to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q1.title":"Now that you have been at KP for a month or more, what does our commitment to transform health and health care mean to you?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage your partner to share personally. In return, share gratitude and the impact the story had on you. Example: “Wow! That must have been difficult to navigate. I appreciate you sharing that with me.” ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Will you share a personal story where you or someone you know has been impacted by the current challenges of the health care system?\nHow does that story increase your connection to KP’s commitment?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q2.title":"Will you share a personal story where you or someone you know has been impacted by the current challenges of the health care system?\nHow does that story increase your connection to KP’s commitment?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q3.description":"As a reminder, KP Beliefs are: Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness require total health accessible for all; total health is more than freedom from physical affliction – it’s about mind body and spirit; health care must be affordable for all; and that a healthy and engaged life includes good beginnings and dignified endings. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Which of our four Beliefs do you personally connect with the most? Why? To understand this connection more, click the profile icon to consider the insights from your purpose profile. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q3.title":"Which of our four Beliefs do you personally connect with the most? Why? To understand this connection more, click the profile icon to consider the insights from your purpose profile. \n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner which power up they feel they could benefit from developing most. Once your partner has shared, ask them how you can support their development around this power up.","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Where could you bring more of your personal values into your work at KP? To help you explore this, you may wish to consider to the insights from your Purpose Profile. Click the profile icon. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c2_q4.title":"Where could you bring more of your personal values into your work at KP? To help you explore this, you may wish to consider to the insights from your Purpose Profile. Click the profile icon. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner what parts of their purpose type most resonate with the impact they would like to make. Example: “What key phrases stand out to you from your Purpose Type?” Once they have reviewed their type, bring them back to the original question by asking again about the contribution that they want to make based on what resonates from their Purpose Type. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"In the last two conversations, you’ve explored the KP mission and our shared beliefs. In your new role, what kind of contribution would you most like to have to our mission?\nTo start your brainstorming, you may wish to review your individual Purpose Type. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q1.title":"In the last two conversations, you’ve explored the KP mission and our shared beliefs. In your new role, what kind of contribution would you most like to have to our mission?\nTo start your brainstorming, you may wish to review your individual Purpose Type. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q2.description":"Encourage your partner to connect personally with their contribution. Consider asking follow-up question.\nExamples: How would the world be different if you were to succeed at this? Who would benefit the most from your success?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Why is the contribution you listed in the previous question so important to you? Have you ever done something similar? ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q2.title":"Why is the contribution you listed in the previous question so important to you? Have you ever done something similar? ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to find an actionable step that feels realistic for them. Questions that can help assess this with your partner are: “How doable does that feel?” “Realistically, do you think you could go any farther with your step?” \nIf they can do more, encourage them to get specific on what more look like. If it is too stressful, encourage them to shrink the goal just slightly. Support them in the decision they make as it is aligned with their sense of purpose. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What is an actionable step you can take in your first 90 days toward that contribution?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q3.title":"What is an actionable step you can take in your first 90 days toward that contribution?","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q4.description":"We all have blind spots. Celebrate how well they know themselves by identifying their blind spot(s). Example: “You seem very self-aware to know that about yourself.”\nA potential follow up question could be: “How easy is it for you to ask for help?” If they have trouble asking for help, remind them that Kaiser Permanente is asking for their help in Our Shared Agenda too. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"To accomplish the step shared in the previous question, what support might you need to ask for from those with whom you work?\nTo help you answer, you may wish to review potential blind spots based on your Purpose Profile. ","peerconversation.question.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1_c3_q4.title":"To accomplish the step shared in the previous question, what support might you need to ask for from those with whom you work?\nTo help you answer, you may wish to review potential blind spots based on your Purpose Profile. ","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner if the impact they’re describing connects to their Impact Driver. What are some specific examples?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q1.short_title":"What do you see as the most important impact your team makes? What makes that impact so important?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q1.title":"What do you see as the most important impact your team makes? What makes that impact so important?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q2.description":"Challenge your partner to come up with specific ways to track or measure the impact they’re describing.","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q2.short_title":"What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q2.title":"What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q3.description":"Ask your partner how they will know they’ve been successful.","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q3.short_title":"Given your Impact Driver, what can you do to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q3.title":"Given your Impact Driver, what can you do to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to pick one that could be accomplished in the short-term and to make plans to start working on it.","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q4.short_title":"What are three specific things that would need to happen for your team to increase its impact? What role can you play in enabling your team to have that impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c1_q4.title":"What are three specific things that would need to happen for your team to increase its impact? What role can you play in enabling your team to have that impact?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner who or what instilled the values related to their point of view. How could they pass it on to someone else?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q1.short_title":"Given your Values Driver, what are three things that you won’t compromise on at work? Why are they so important to you?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q1.title":"Given your Values Driver, what are three things that you won’t compromise on at work? Why are they so important to you?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q2.description":"Ask your partner whose approval means the most to them and why.","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q2.short_title":"We all want approval and validation, and our fear of disappointing others can sometimes prevent us from acting courageously. How does this issue show up for you?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q2.title":"We all want approval and validation, and our fear of disappointing others can sometimes prevent us from acting courageously. How does this issue show up for you?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q3.description":"The Values Drivers are all about fairness and justice. Have your partner think about how their assumptions are unfair.","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q3.short_title":"What makes you feel defensive or argumentative? What assumptions do you make that trigger those feelings?\nWhat have you learned about your Values Driver that can help you challenge those assumptions?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q3.title":"What makes you feel defensive or argumentative? What assumptions do you make that trigger those feelings?\nWhat have you learned about your Values Driver that can help you challenge those assumptions?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner to describe specific situations and behaviors where they can really uphold their values.","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q4.short_title":"What is one value you want to represent in your organization? How can you model it and reinforce it?","peerconversation.question.lead_c2_q4.title":"What is one value you want to represent in your organization? How can you model it and reinforce it?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_c1.description":"Ask your partner to think of two or three people whose work deserves to be recognized.","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_c1.short_title":"How do you recognize the quality of other people's work?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_c1.title":"How do you recognize the quality of other people's work?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner to think of two or three people whose work deserves to be recognized.","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q1.short_title":"How do you recognize others for the quality of their work?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q1.title":"How do you recognize others for the quality of their work?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner for examples of when their Craft Driver helped them excel at something.","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q2.short_title":"What does excellence look like according to your Craft Driver? Which of your Craft Driver skills do you feel you have developed the most?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q2.title":"What does excellence look like according to your Craft Driver? Which of your Craft Driver skills do you feel you have developed the most?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q3.description":"Challenge your partner to identify one or two people they could help and make plans to reach out.","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q3.short_title":"Who could you help in developing the skills you identified in the last question. How, specifically, could you help them?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q3.title":"Who could you help in developing the skills you identified in the last question. How, specifically, could you help them?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q4.description":"Prompt your partner to answer this question by starting with \"I can leverage my ________ Driver by…\"","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q4.short_title":"How can you use your Craft Driver to come up with new and effective ways for your team to work?","peerconversation.question.lead_c3_q4.title":"How can you use your Craft Driver to come up with new and effective ways for your team to work?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What is the impact you most want to make at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely want to make an impact. What parts of this summary are most meaningful to you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q1.title":"What is the impact you most want to make at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely want to make an impact. What parts of this summary are most meaningful to you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with what you learned in question #1?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q2.title":"Describe a memory of doing something that you felt made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does that align with what you learned in question #1?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q3.description":"Explore what makes your partner’s motivations and perspective valuable in their role. Ask: “What does it feel like when you are making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?”","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How does your current role allow you to make an impact that is personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q3.title":"How does your current role allow you to make an impact that is personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q4.description":"Help your partner identify 2 ways they can be working differently to help them feel more fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Reflecting on the previous three questions. Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with the level of impact that is most meaningful to you? Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c1_q4.title":"Reflecting on the previous three questions. Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with the level of impact that is most meaningful to you? Click the profile icon.\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q1.description":"Explore with your partner how it felt to have this impact. Ask: “What effect did this have your energy level?”","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How do you know if you have made an impact that is meaningful to you? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for some moments you may have experienced when you were making an impact that is personally meaningful. Which one did you experience most recently?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q1.title":"How do you know if you have made an impact that is meaningful to you? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for some moments you may have experienced when you were making an impact that is personally meaningful. Which one did you experience most recently?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask them which is more compelling - helping more people, making a deeper impact, or making the impact really last?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Thinking about your current role, how can you increase your impact at work? Impact more people? Make a deeper impact? Make a more lasting impact?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q2.title":"Thinking about your current role, how can you increase your impact at work? Impact more people? Make a deeper impact? Make a more lasting impact?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask them how they have used this talent most recently. Get specific, ask for as many details as possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Reflecting on your current role, what are the skills you currently use to increase your impact? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for some areas where you are most likely to excel. Which one of these talents is your strongest?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q3.title":"Reflecting on your current role, what are the skills you currently use to increase your impact? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for some areas where you are most likely to excel. Which one of these talents is your strongest?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q4.description":"Don’t get stuck on looking for a perfect opportunity or large level of impact. Start with something small.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Thinking about today, what are some opportunities to increase your impact in your current role? How can you use your strengths to take action?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c2_q4.title":"Thinking about today, what are some opportunities to increase your impact in your current role? How can you use your strengths to take action?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: “What part really connects you to the impact YOU want to make?”","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What do you see as the most important impact your team is making today? What makes that impact so important and personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q1.title":"What do you see as the most important impact your team is making today? What makes that impact so important and personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q2.description":"Challenge your partner to come up with specific ways to track or measure the impact they’re describing.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact today? Be as specific as possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q2.title":"What would it look like for your team to significantly increase their impact today? Be as specific as possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask your partner how they will know they’ve been successful.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Given the impact that is most meaningful to you (see list below), what can you do to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q3.title":"Given the impact that is most meaningful to you (see list below), what can you do to inspire and enable your team to increase its impact? Click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to pick one that can be accomplished in the short-term. Help them draft a plan to start working on it.","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"What are three specific things that need to happen for your team to increase its impact? What role can you play in enabling your team to have this level of impact?","peerconversation.question.leadingpurpose_s1_c3_q4.title":"What are three specific things that need to happen for your team to increase its impact? What role can you play in enabling your team to have this level of impact?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How would you define what is fair and just in the world? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely define what is right. What resonates the most in this summary? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q1.title":"How would you define what is fair and just in the world? Based on your Purpose Profile, click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely define what is right. What resonates the most in this summary? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What’s your strongest memory of a situation that you felt wasn’t fair? Why does that memory specifically stand out to you? How is it connected to what you learned from question #1?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q2.title":"What’s your strongest memory of a situation that you felt wasn’t fair? Why does that memory specifically stand out to you? How is it connected to what you learned from question #1?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q3.description":"Explore how your partner’s sense of fairness affects their idea of success and failure at work. Ask: “What does it feel like when you encounter an unfair situation?” “What emotions come up for you?”","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How does your sense of fairness and justice affect what you expect from coworkers? From your organization? Be as specific as possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q3.title":"How does your sense of fairness and justice affect what you expect from coworkers? From your organization? Be as specific as possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask... “What makes you feel confident in your ability to succeed in your role.”","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"In your current role, how can you empower others by tapping into your sense of fairness and justice? What is the most motivating way for someone to empower you?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c1_q4.title":"In your current role, how can you empower others by tapping into your sense of fairness and justice? What is the most motivating way for someone to empower you?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q1.description":"Explore how it felt to work in alignment with their values. Ask: “How did this impact your energy level?”","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How do you know if you are working in alignment with your values? What does it feel like? Click the profile icon for some moments you may have experienced when you were working in alignment with your values. Which one have you experience most recently?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q1.title":"How do you know if you are working in alignment with your values? What does it feel like? Click the profile icon for some moments you may have experienced when you were working in alignment with your values. Which one have you experience most recently?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask your partner what lesson(s) they learned because of the way(s) they were tested.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"When have you felt you weren’t working in alignment with your values? When have your values been tested? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q2.title":"When have you felt you weren’t working in alignment with your values? When have your values been tested? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q3.description":"Explore your partner's instincts: Do they have a physical response, a thought, or a feeling that lets them know something is wrong?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How do you know when you’re involved in something that doesn’t match up with your values? What do you think or feel when you observe something unfair?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q3.title":"How do you know when you’re involved in something that doesn’t match up with your values? What do you think or feel when you observe something unfair?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q4.description":"Explore how they can use their talents to change the way they work and/or interact with their team to better align with their values. Ask your partner to provide a specific example.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"How do you most consistently work in alignment with your values? What skills do you use? Based on your Purpose Profile, here are some talents you may have that help you align your work with your values. Which of them resonate? Why?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c2_q4.title":"How do you most consistently work in alignment with your values? What skills do you use? Based on your Purpose Profile, here are some talents you may have that help you align your work with your values. Which of them resonate? Why?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask your partner to provide a specific example. Try to explore the long-term impact on their integrity and the trust of their teammates. What would happen if?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What are the consequences of not working in alignment with what you believe is fair and just? When you compromise what you feel is right, how does this impact you? How does it impact your team?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q1.title":"What are the consequences of not working in alignment with what you believe is fair and just? When you compromise what you feel is right, how does this impact you? How does it impact your team?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask them to share how these biases have created conflict for them in the past. Ask them to provide a specific example and to be as detailed a possible.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Not everyone shares your same values. Their definition of what is fair and just is equally valid, but may be different. What biases do your values create that might conflict with your teammates’? Click the profile icon for some areas where you might have values-based biases. Which one resonates the most? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q2.title":"Not everyone shares your same values. Their definition of what is fair and just is equally valid, but may be different. What biases do your values create that might conflict with your teammates’? Click the profile icon for some areas where you might have values-based biases. Which one resonates the most? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q3.description":"Explore what the difference is between the two examples.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What is an example of a situation where it is important to never compromise your sense of what is fair? What is an example of a situation where it would be OKAY to compromise to make room for the perspective(s) of your teammate(s)?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q3.title":"What is an example of a situation where it is important to never compromise your sense of what is fair? What is an example of a situation where it would be OKAY to compromise to make room for the perspective(s) of your teammate(s)?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to pick one strategy that can be accomplished in the short-term. Help your partner make plans to start working on it.","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"Do your teammates know how you define what is right? How can you build trust in your team by being open about your values and finding common ground?","peerconversation.question.leadingvalues_s1_c3_q4.title":"Do your teammates know how you define what is right? How can you build trust in your team by being open about your values and finding common ground?","peerconversation.question.lead_prework.description":"Lead Pre-work","peerconversation.question.lead_prework.prework":"prework","peerconversation.question.lead_prework.short_title":"Lead Pre-work","peerconversation.question.lead_prework.title":"Lead Pre-work","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How often do you have an opportunity to hear about another role or team at {{member.organizationname}}?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to show you are curious about your peer.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhat are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's begin by saying hello and sharing more about one another. While we both work at {{member.organizationname}}, we likely play very different roles and/or have different perspectives on our work.\nTell me about your role. What are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you see your purpose showing up in your work today? Where may there be a gap?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back in your own words your learning about your peer.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhen do you feel aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.title":"On Imperative, we have the opportunity to also introduce ourselves from the lens of our purpose. \nWhen do you feel aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\" and \"What can our conversations help you learn?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow up questions help create more understanding between you two.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together geared toward building a connection across the organization. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"What do you need more of?\" and \"What do you need less of?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Express empathy toward your peer's experience.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'm curious how you are doing. \nHow are you arriving? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Let's start today by getting a baseline on how things are currently going for each of us.\nHow are you arriving today? What does your current workload look like these days? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind. ","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How are those strengths showing up at work?\" and \"How might your strengths support the work I do?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for their willingness to build a supportive relationship.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat strengths do you bring to your work? How are you making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now, let's reflect on who we each are at our best. \nWhat are some of the key strengths you bring to your work? In what ways do you see yourself making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What knowledge or relationships would help you have a bigger impact?\" and \"How will that help you be more effective?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think. These may feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat challenge(s) do you notice? What do you want to learn about which will help you be more effective?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.title":"In any organization, information and relationships can easily become siloed off into teams/departments. And, the vast changes to work over the last few years have often added to this. \nWhat challenge(s) do you notice coming from siloed work styles? What feels important to learn about in order to be more effective? ","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What's working well?\" and \"What challenges do you navigate?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you learned about your peer's team.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your team.\nHow would you describe your team's approach to work? What do you want someone from a different team to know?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's start today by learning more about the different teams we each work within at {{member.organizationname}}.\nHow would you describe your department/team's approach to work? What do you want me, as someone from a different department, to know about your team?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are our priorities similar?\" and \"What opportunities do you see for collaboration?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's normal for priorities to be different. Look for common ground.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about your team?\nWhat are 2-3 priorities on which your team is currently focused? How do they add to the goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.title":"Now, let's get a little more specific by sharing the current focus of each of our teams.\nWhat are 2-3 priorities, as you see them, your team is focused on currently? How do those contribute to the overall goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can our relationship help in a moment like this?\" \n\nCoaching tip: Help your partner identify how they will support resolution.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How do you see this?\nHow can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.title":"During any collaborative effort, we may run into places where our departments have differing priorities -- leading to potential conflict.\nFrom your view, how can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"Who are your easiest collaborators?\" and \"How has your work benefited from these successes?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their successes with them!","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat success(es) can you name? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.title":"We've explored how cross-functional relationships in the organization can benefit the work we each do. Let's continue to refine the process.\nWhat success(es) have you noticed so far? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are there further opportunities to share information/knowledge?\" and \"What relationships support your efforts?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious about their experience and avoid problem solving.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? What gaps are you still noticing?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's also important to explore where the challenges still exist.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? Where are there still gaps between teams?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is a new action you might try?\" and \"In what way can I help?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner brainstorm and organize their thinking.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's brainstorm around the gaps you identified. \nHow can building on your strengths help you get around the barriers you previously shared? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.title":"Our relationship is a great place to explore new solutions to ongoing challenges. \nHow can you build on the strengths you already possess to continue bridging the gaps you identified? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What is something new you appreciate knowing?\" and \"How will you use that going forward?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner identify what they appreciate.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat is something you learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've each had the opportunity to share more about our work as members of different teams at {{member.organizationname}}. \nFrom our conversations, what is something you've learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up more in these ways?\" and \"How has that changed your approach to work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to reflect on how they've changed.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.title":"While we learned from each other's perspective, we likely also learned about ourselves. \nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why are these commitments important to you?\" and \"How can I support your success?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Accountability and support are important aspects of this relationship.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nHow will you continue to build relationships outside of your team over the next 3 months? How will you deepen your learning about other aspects of the business?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.title":"Creating and maintaining relationships across the organization is an ongoing process. Let's commit to each other ways we will stay engaged in this process.\nOver the next 3 months, how will you continue to prioritize relationships outside of your team? How will you continue to learn about other parts of the business?","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q1.description":"Remain curious. Ask, \"How do you know when you're feeling energized about work?\" and \"What else energizes you in addition to what you shared?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. Tell me about an energizing day (recently or in the past) you had at work. Why was it energizing?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about how we each feel energized and supported at work. Ideally, we all want to feel energized by the work we do. The Imperative platform will prompt us with questions as we go. Let's get started!\nDescribe an energizing day (recently or in the past) you had at work. Why was it energizing?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask more about what matters to them. Ask, \"From what you just described about this person, what do you realize is important to you to feel like you're in a supportive, positive workplace?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Now, tell me about a colleague or person who you've appreciated in your career. What do they do that brings positive energy to your work experience?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's keep digging into what brings us positive energy at work. Tell me about a colleague or person who you appreciate. What do they do that brings positive energy to your work experience?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q3.description":"Acknowledge and validate the challenges they shared. Ask: \"Based on what you shared, what do you think you need more (or less) of in a typical work week?\" ","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? Knowing that every job has its challenges, what are one to two aspects of your work that tend to diminish your energy?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c1_q3.title":"Knowing that every job has its challenges, what are one to two aspects of your work that tend to diminish your energy?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q1.description":"Give your partner time to think. Ask: \"How has your idea of growth changed over time, or not?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"The three aspects that make work meaningful and fulfilling are: \n1. Fostering quality Relationships \n2. Making an Impact that matters to you \n3. Growing personally and professionally \nSince we're focusing on Growth for this conversation, share with me what \"growing personally and professionally\" means to you?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Today we'll dig into what makes work most fulfilling, based on our research here at Imperative. We call it \"R.I.G.\"\nThe three aspects that make work meaningful and fulfilling are: \n1. Fostering quality Relationships,\n2. Making an Impact that matters to you, and \n3. Growing personally and professionally\nWe'll focus on Growth for this conversation. What does \"growing personally and professionally\" mean to you?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage them. Ask: \"Share 1-2 of your personal strengths that supported you.\" and/or \"What is a lesson or new perspective that this experience provided for you?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Now it's your turn. Tell me about a time you felt stretched and overcame a challenge at work. \nWhat personal growth did you gain from this experience?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q2.title":"Please tell me about a time you faced a challenge at work that encouraged you to grow in some way. \nHow did it lead to personal growth?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q3.description":"Be curious. Ask: \"How have your growth expectations stayed the same or changed over time in your career?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Now it's your turn. On a scale of 1 [not at all] through 5 [100%], how is your work meeting your growth expectations at this time? How may we better align your work (if needed)? ","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c2_q3.title":"On a scale of 1 [not at all] through 5 [100%], how is your work meeting your growth expectations at this time?\nHow may we better align your work (if needed)?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q4.description":"Help them connect it back to feeling fulfilled. \nAsk: \"How might more conversations like this support our work together?\"","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"What are you taking away from our conversation(s) together? What feels important to prioritize based on what we discussed?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c3_q4.title":"As we wrap our Imperative conversations for now, let's reflect. \nWhat are you taking away from our conversation(s) together? What feels important to prioritize based on what we discussed?","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q1.short_title":"What kind of impact do you want to make at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you most likely want to make an impact in your work. What parts of this summary are most meaningful to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q1.title":"What kind of impact do you want to make at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you most likely want to make an impact in your work. What parts of this summary are most meaningful to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details with requests like, \"Tell me more about...\"","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q2.short_title":"Describe a memory of a time when you did something that made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does this memory align with what you shared in question #1?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q2.title":"Describe a memory of a time when you did something that made a real difference. Did it inspire, energize, or motivate you? How does this memory align with what you shared in question #1?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q3.description":"Explore what makes your partner’s motivations and perspective valuable in their role. Ask: “What does it feel like when you are making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?”","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q3.short_title":"How does your current role support you in making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q3.title":"How does your current role support you in making an impact that is personally meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q4.description":"Help your partner identify 2 ways they can work differently to help them feel more fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q4.short_title":"Reflecting on the previous three questions. Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with the level of impact that is most meaningful to you? Click the profile.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c1_q4.title":"Reflecting on the previous three questions. Imagine yourself in the same role six months from now feeling more fulfilled. What parts of your job can you adapt to better align with the level of impact that is most meaningful to you? Click the profile.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q1.short_title":"How do you typically solve a problem or realize an opportunity at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you most likely approach solving problems and realize potential. What parts of this description resonate the most with you? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q1.title":"How do you typically solve a problem or realize an opportunity at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you most likely approach solving problems and realize potential. What parts of this description resonate the most with you? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q2.description":"Help your partner be specific about how that memory lines up with their preferred problem-solving approach. Ask: “How did you feel when you were in alignment with how you most prefer to solve problems?”","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q2.short_title":"Describe one strong memory of a time when you used the problem-solving approach you discussed in question #1 to overcome some difficulty or interaction with others at work.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q2.title":"Describe one strong memory of a time when you used the problem-solving approach you discussed in question #1 to overcome some difficulty or interaction with others at work.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to own their strengths by asking them to provide specific examples.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q3.short_title":"In your current role, how do you use your preferred problem-solving approach to overcome challenges or obstacles? Try to think of a recent example to share with your partner.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q3.title":"In your current role, how do you use your preferred problem-solving approach to overcome challenges or obstacles? Try to think of a recent example to share with your partner.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q4.description":"Ask your partner what needs to happen before they can make those changes in their role.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q4.short_title":"What part(s) of your job allows you to utilize your preferred problem-solving approach the most? How can you apply this approach in the same way to other areas of your current role?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c2_q4.title":"What part(s) of your job allows you to utilize your preferred problem-solving approach the most? How can you apply this approach in the same way to other areas of your current role?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q1.description":"Help your partner identify the similarities between these 3 relationships.","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q1.short_title":"Who are three people you have had a meaningful relationship with in your career. Who are these people? What role did they play in your life? What is it about each relationship that made them meaningful to you? How did they help you succeed?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q1.title":"Who are three people you have had a meaningful relationship with in your career. Who are these people? What role did they play in your life? What is it about each relationship that made them meaningful to you? How did they help you succeed?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner to be as specific as possible. Ask: “How did they get to know each other?” “Was there a moment that really transformed the relationship?”","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q2.short_title":"Reflecting on question #1, how did you develop these meaningful relationships? When was the first time you met each person? What created a sense of connection between you and each person? How did you support the growth process of each relationship?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q2.title":"Reflecting on question #1, how did you develop these meaningful relationships? When was the first time you met each person? What created a sense of connection between you and each person? How did you support the growth process of each relationship?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q3.description":"Ask for examples. Ask: “When have you most recently used this process at work?”","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q3.short_title":"Reflecting on questions #1 and #2, how do you navigate the process of building meaningful relationships? How do you approach people based on your values? Click the profile icon for some of the ways you might build relationships. Which part(s) resonates with you? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q3.title":"Reflecting on questions #1 and #2, how do you navigate the process of building meaningful relationships? How do you approach people based on your values? Click the profile icon for some of the ways you might build relationships. Which part(s) resonates with you? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q4.description":"Ask your partner, “How might your personality and situation impact your approach?”","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q4.short_title":"Reflecting on your current role, what are two relationships you want to strengthen at work? Why? Given what you know about yourself and these two people, what is one way you can deepen your connection with each person?","peerconversation.question.mindset_c3_q4.title":"Reflecting on your current role, what are two relationships you want to strengthen at work? Why? Given what you know about yourself and these two people, what is one way you can deepen your connection with each person?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What else feels important for me to know about you personally?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up questions to learn more personally and professionally about your peer.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn.\nWhat brought you to your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? Tell me about your role and path to being here.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have the opportunity to spend some dedicated time exploring the concept of thriving at {{member.organizationname}}. Let's first get to know each other better by sharing what's important to each of us. \nWhat brought you to your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? Tell me about your role and path to being here.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What, if any, parts of the description doesn't feel like your style? Why?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back what you've learned about what motivates your peer.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights from your profile.\nWhat resonates? Why? How do you see that showing up in your work? Give examples.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q2.title":"We are each likely motivated to do our best work by different factors. Let's now connect with what motivates us and gives us a sense of purpose in our work. Click the profile icon for insights from your profile. \nWhich part(s) resonates? Why? How do you see that showing up in your work? Give examples.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\" and \"What can our conversations help you learn?\"\n\nTip: Follow up questions help create more understanding between you both.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat would you like to get out of our conversations? What would make this worthwhile?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together geared toward thriving in our roles at {{member.organizationname}}. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"What patterns or themes can you identify that consistently energize you in your work?\" and \"What can you learn from those patterns?\"\n\nTip: Remain curious to help your peer uncover patterns or themes.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn to share about an energizing time.\nWhat was energizing in your example? What actions did you take and why were they energizing? Share in detail.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q1.title":"Feeling energized by our work is a key indicator of thriving at {{member.organizationname}}. Reflect on a past experience when you felt highly energized at work. \nWhat was energizing about that time? What actions did you take and why were they energizing? Share in detail.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"How does what energizes you support the 3C mission (customer, co-innovation, and co-engineering) of ISE?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to think about their current work.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into what likely motivates you. \nWhere do you feel most excited and energized by your work. What problems or challenges do you enjoy tackling?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's now look at your current work. Click the profile icon for insights into what likely motivates you.\nWhen do you find yourself most excited and energized by the work you do? What types of challenges or problems do you genuinely enjoy tackling?\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What could you try differently to move around those obstacles?\" and \"How might this be a learning opportunity?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner brainstorm new strategies by offering a strategy you see.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat gets in the way of feeling energized by your work? What aspects are de-energizing? Why?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c2_q3.title":"A factor that can diminish our energy at work is when we run into obstacles. Let's explore ways around that.\nWhat are some obstacles to feeling energized by your work? What aspects feel de-energizing? Why?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What felt meaningful about that experience?\" and \"How did you feel while making that positive impact?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How do you derive meaning?\nDescribe a time your work impacted a customer and/or your team. What actions did you take and how did they empower, co-innovate, and/or co-engineer a solution (ISE's)?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q1.title":"A key factor in our ability to thrive at {{member.organizationname}} is working in ways that are personally meaningful.\nDescribe a time your work impacted one of our customers and/or impacted your team. What actions did you take and how did they empower, co-innovate, and/or co-engineer a solution (ISE's)?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How can your current work culture bring out more of your best?\" and \"How do others support your thriving?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back what you've learned about the environments that bring out their best.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's hear from you.\nWhat work cultures or environments bring out the best in you? What characteristics or values contribute?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q2.title":"Not only can we source meaning through the tasks of our work, but we can also find it in the culture within which we work. \nWhat kind of work environment or culture brings out the best in you? Describe the characteristics or values that contribute to this.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"What will you need to learn to be successful?\" and \"How will you motivate yourself?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer brainstorm by sharing actions you see.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm.\nWhat new actions could you take that would grow your impact in personally meaningful ways and align with your ISE 3C (customer, co-innovation and co-engineering) mission?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c3_q3.title":"Now that we understand what helps work feel meaningful, let's explore ways we can expand our impact and make it even more meaningful. Click the profile icon for insights to help you brainstorm.\nWhat are some new actions you could take to make a bigger impact that is both meaningful to you and aligned with your ISE 3C (customer, co-innovation and co-engineering) mission? Where do you feel inspired to act?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"Where might you see opportunities for your skills to be utilized towards your team and ISE's 3C (customer, co-innovation and co-engineering) goals?”\n \n Tip: Celebrate your partner's strengths and the solutions they are able to create.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your strengths. \nWhat are your biggest strengths? How do they help our customers innovate and be successful (directly or indirectly)?\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q1.title":"In order to feel empowered in our roles, we must bring our intrinsic strengths to the solutions we create for customers.\nWhat are your biggest skills and strengths? How do they help our customers innovate and be successful (directly or indirectly)? Click the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"What would create more alignment between your role and values?\" and \"What about between your role and your long-term goals?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to think as these can feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow does your current role align with your values and your long-term goals? How does this affect your motivation and satisfaction?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's dig deeper by exploring how your efforts align with your current role and future goals. \nWhat aspects of your current role align with your personal values and long-term aspirations? How does this alignment affect your motivation and satisfaction?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is your plan to further strengthen your skills?\" and \"Who/what will help you succeed?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer make a plan for continuous growth.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on your growth area.\nWhat is an area of growth for you? How could focusing on that better empower your customers?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c4_q3.title":"A growth mindset is necessary for us to consistently feel empowered and to subsequently empower customers.\nWhat is an area of growth for you in your current role? How could growing your skills further empower your customers?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"On a scale of 1-5 (5 being high), how would you rate your thriving at work now?\" and \"What was helpful from our conversations?\"\n\nTip: Remain curious about your partner's experience.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Your turn. \nAfter each of our conversations, you stated you felt {{conversations.onewords.after}}. What trend(s) do you notice from these words? What do they tell you about your sense of thriving?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent time together building a new peer relationship and reflecting on what helps us thrive. After each of our conversations, you shared that you felt {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nWhat trend(s) do you notice from these words? What does that tell you about your sense of thriving?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How would you assess your efforts?\" and \"How will you keep these learnings front of mind?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate your partner's efforts with them.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style.\nWhat have you learned about yourself regarding what feels energizing, meaningful, and empowering to you? What actions have you taken toward your thriving?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q2.title":"A big part of our conversations was exploring what feels personally energizing, meaningful, and empowering to each of us. Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style.\nIn your own words, what have you learned about yourself in each of these areas? What actions have you taken to create more thriving for yourself?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can your work continue to feel energizing, meaningful, and empowered?\" and \"How will that benefit our customers?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer plan for the future.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Imagine 3 months from now.\nHow are you using your learnings about your personal thriving and the thriving of our customers (through ISE)? What might you still need to address before then?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's take a moment to clarify how we will use our learnings going forward. Imagine it's 3 months from now. \nHow are you continuing to use what you've learned about your own thriving and the thriving of our customers (through ISE)? What still feels important to address?","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.description":"Asking follow-up questions can help you learn even more. Try, \"What drew you to your current role?\" and \"What's most important to you outside of work?\"","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Our conversations will involve taking turns sharing our perspectives. So let's switch and hear from you. \n\nWhat feels important, personally and professionally, for me to know about you?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.title":"Welcome! I am excited about this opportunity to explore ways to better lead from our roles at Microsoft. But first, let’s focus on getting to know each other. \n\nAs I get to know you, what feels important for me to know about you? Share both personally and professionally.","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.description":"Explore their style further by asking, \"What connections do you see between your role and the insights you read?\" and \"Where are there opportunities to feel more connected to your work?\"","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn to share. \n\nWhat aspects of your work do you enjoy most? Why? How do you feel while working on them? Click the profile icon for insights into your preferences.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'm curious to know more about what makes work meaningful to you. \n\nWhat tasks/activities in your current work most interest you? How do you feel while working on those? Click the profile icon for insights about the type of work you prefer.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.description":"Explore your role in making this worthwhile. Ask \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\"","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you? \n\nWhat would you like to get out of this? What's your ideal outcome?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have three more conversations together focused on leading from our roles.\n\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.description":"Explore the positive impact of this relationship itself. Ask, \"What do you most appreciate from our time together?\"","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhich of your learnings stick out the most from our conversations? What impact has this made on your mindset?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation together for now. Let's take some time to reflect on what we've learned from this experience. \n\nWhat will you most take away from our conversations on leading in our roles? How has your mindset changed?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.description":"Help them acknowledge their growth. Ask, \"What successes have you had as a result?\" or \"What are you most proud of?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate the successes and growth of your peer.","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"What have you learned? How has this changed the way you work? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style. \n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.title":"While developing more confidence and skills around leading in our roles, we also explored important elements of our own unique working styles.\n\nWhat have you learned about your style? In what ways have you brought more of your style to your work as a result? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style. \n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.description":"This is your last conversation together, so see how you can support your peer in the future. Ask, \"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\"","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow will you stay connected to a leadership mindset in your role and in your relationships?","peerconversation.question.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.title":"Embodying a leadership mindset in all that we do is an ongoing effort. Consider the next 6 months.\n\nHow will you continue to lead in your role and relationships at work? How will stay connected to this mindset overtime?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How often do you have an opportunity to hear about another role or team at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to show you are curious about your peer.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhat are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's begin by saying hello and sharing more about one another. While we both work at {{member.organizationname}}, we likely play very different roles and/or have different perspectives on our work.\nTell me about your role. What are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you see your purpose showing up in your work today? Where may there be a gap?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back in your own words your learning about your peer.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhen do you feel aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q2.title":"On Imperative, we have the opportunity to also introduce ourselves from the lens of our purpose. \nWhen do you feel aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\" and \"What can our conversations help you learn?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow up questions help create more understanding between you two.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together geared toward building a connection across the organization. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"What do you need more of?\" and \"What do you need less of?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Express empathy toward your peer's experience.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'm curious how you are doing. \nHow are you arriving? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Let's start today by getting a baseline on how things are currently going for each of us.\nHow are you arriving today? What does your current workload look like these days? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How are those strengths showing up at work?\" and \"How might your strengths support the work I do?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for their willingness to build a supportive relationship.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat strengths do you bring to your work? How are you making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now, let's reflect on who we each are at our best. \nWhat are some of the key strengths you bring to your work? In what ways do you see yourself making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What knowledge or relationships would help you have a bigger impact?\" and \"How will that help you be more effective?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think. These may feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat challenge(s) do you notice? What do you want to learn about which will help you be more effective?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c2_q3.title":"In any organization, information and relationships can easily become siloed off into teams/departments. And, the vast changes to work over the last few years have often added to this. \nWhat challenge(s) do you notice coming from siloed work styles? What feels important to learn about in order to be more effective?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What's working well?\" and \"What challenges do you navigate?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you learned about your peer's team.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your team.\nHow would you describe your team's approach to work? What do you want someone from a different team to know?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's start today by learning more about the different teams we each work within at {{member.organizationname}}.\nHow would you describe your department/team's approach to work? What do you want me, as someone from a different department, to know about your team?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are our priorities similar?\" and \"What opportunities do you see for collaboration?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's normal for priorities to be different. Look for common ground.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about your team?\nWhat are 2-3 priorities on which your team is currently focused? How do they add to the goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q2.title":"Now, let's get a little more specific by sharing the current focus of each of our teams.\nWhat are 2-3 priorities, as you see them, your team is focused on currently? How do those contribute to the overall goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can our relationship help in a moment like this?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Help your partner identify how they will support resolution.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How do you see this?\nHow can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c3_q3.title":"During any collaborative effort, we may run into places where our departments have differing priorities -- leading to potential conflict.\nFrom your view, how can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"Who are your easiest collaborators?\" and \"How has your work benefited from these successes?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their successes with them!","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat success(es) can you name? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q1.title":"We've explored how cross-functional relationships in the organization can benefit the work we each do. Let's continue to refine the process.\nWhat success(es) have you noticed so far? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are there further opportunities to share information/knowledge?\" and \"What relationships support your efforts?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious about their experience and avoid problem solving.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? What gaps are you still noticing?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's also important to explore where the challenges still exist.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? Where are there still gaps between teams?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is a new action you might try?\" and \"In what way can I help?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner brainstorm and organize their thinking.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's brainstorm around the gaps you identified. \nHow can building on your strengths help you get around the barriers you previously shared? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c4_q3.title":"Our relationship is a great place to explore new solutions to ongoing challenges. \nHow can you build on the strengths you already possess to continue bridging the gaps you identified? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What is something new you appreciate knowing?\" and \"How will you use that going forward?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner identify what they appreciate.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat is something you learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've each had the opportunity to share more about our work as members of different teams at {{member.organizationname}}. \nFrom our conversations, what is something you've learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up more in these ways?\" and \"How has that changed your approach to work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to reflect on how they've changed.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q2.title":"While we learned from each other's perspective, we likely also learned about ourselves. \nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why are these commitments important to you?\" and \"How can I support your success?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Accountability and support are important aspects of this relationship.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nHow will you continue to build relationships outside of your team over the next 3 months? How will you deepen your learning about other aspects of the business?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q3.title":"Creating and maintaining relationships across the organization is an ongoing process. Let's commit to each other ways we will stay engaged in this process.\nOver the next 3 months, how will you continue to prioritize relationships outside of your team? How will you continue to learn about other parts of the business?","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"How have you seen the organization and/or your role change since you started?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you? What first excited you about working at {{member.organizationname}}? ","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we are starting a series of conversations to help us understand how we can successfully navigate a period of change we are experiencing at work. Our conversations are an opportunity to share the positive parts and the challenging parts together. Let's start by getting to know more about each other.\n\nTell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What do you remember being most excited about when joining {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q2.description":"Tip: Try to summarize what they shared.","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about the positive parts you enjoy about your work. Also, what is a challenge you face? \n\nHow do the insights on the profile icon relate to your examples?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q2.title":"What have been a few positive aspects you've experienced while at {{member.organizationname}}? Also, what has been one challenging aspect?\n\nCheck out the profile icon. How do these insights relate to what you've shared about how work can feel positive or challenging at times?\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"Who do you typically lean on when navigating changes?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? How could our conversations together support you as our organization or teams evolve? What would make our time together worthwhile?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c1_q3.title":"Experiencing change at work can affect each of us differently. \n\nHow can conversations with other peers at {{member.organizationname}} support you as your role or work environment evolves? What would make our time together worthwhile?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q1.description":"Tip: Acknowledge how they are feeling.\n\nAsk: \"How would you describe the morale of your team/department right now?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nSince the start of our conversations, you've shared feeling: {{conversations.onewords.before}}\n\nHow have you felt personally/professionally affected by a change or transformation at work?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's check in on how you're feeling overall. Since the start of our conversations, you've shared feeling: {{conversations.onewords.before}}\n\nConsider what you're experiencing overall at work - in your role and organization-wide. What is a change or transformation that is affecting you? How is it impacting you personally and/or professionally?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q2.description":"Thank them for sharing. Ask: \"What is a strategy or a personal strength you leaned on?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a substantial change or uncertainty at work.\n\nHow did it impact you? How did it impact your team or department?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q2.title":"When was a time you experienced a substantial change that affected your job or mindset? \n\nTell me about it. How did it impact you and your colleagues?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What new perspective did that experience provide?\" and \"How might you approach challenges differently now?\" \n\nTip: Help your partner brainstorm if needed.\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Now I'd like to hear your thoughts.\n\nClick the profile icon for insights about the perspective you often rely on. Read the examples, and share with me how any of these might have influenced your approach in the example you just shared.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c2_q3.title":"Click the profile icon for insights about the perspective you tend to take during challenging times. \n\nRead the examples, and share with me how any of these might have influenced your approach in the example you just shared.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What are the alternatives if we don't change as an organization?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What are your thoughts? Describe in your own words how our organization is changing so far. What do you think {{member.organizationname}} is hoping to achieve by going through this tranformation?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q1.title":"Our conversations together will help us understand how we are each affected by the larger changes currently happening at {{member.organizationname}}. Let's share about what we know so far.\nIn your own words, how would you describe how our organization is changing? What do you think we (as an organization) are hoping to achieve by going through these larger changes?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q2.description":"Tip: Thank them for sharing.\n\nAsk: \"From what you shared, which aspects do you have the ability to influence, and which aspects are out of your hands?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What is one significant way your team or department is being affected? \nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q2.title":"Tell me about one significant way your team or department is being affected by our current organizational changes (new processes, hiring, morale, etc.). \n\nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What would help you feel confident enough to take action?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's go back to the example you shared. Imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? (Check out the profile icon about how you use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c3_q3.title":"Based on the example you just shared, let's imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? (Check out the profile icon for ideas on how you often use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q1.description":" Ask: \"On a scale of 1 through 5, how motivated are you feeling to continue growing the organization? Tell me why.\"\n\nand follow up with: \"What might change that number?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Here's how you rated your \"Growth\" during the check ins throughout our conversations: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}. Note that your ratings can only be seen by you. \n\nWhat does \"growing professionally\" mean to you? How has your pursuit of professional growth shifted or changed over time?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q1.title":"For this session we'll be digging into how we imagine our careers moving forward amidst organizational change. Here's how you rated your \"Growth\" during the check ins throughout our conversations: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}. Note that your ratings can only be seen by you.\n\nWhen you think about \"growing professionally,\" what does that mean for you? How has your pursuit of professional growth shifted or changed over time? ","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Read back your notes to your peer to remind them of their strengths.\n\nAsk: \"How often are you able to use your strengths in your current role?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you? Tell me about a time you were able to use your strengths to make an impact at {{member.organizationname}}. What helped you feel that way, and why? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q2.title":"We feel more motivated to grow with an organization when we are able to use our strengths to make an impact. \nTell me about a time this felt true for you at {{member.organizationname}}. What helped you feel that way, and why? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What kinds of meaningful connections do you need to continue growing with our company?\" and \"What are additional ways to deepen your network?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How have your current work relationships contributed to your sense of fulfillment in your role?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c4_q3.title":"Another important part of a fulfilling career is having meaningful relationships at work. \n\nHow have your current work relationships contributed to your sense of fulfillment in your role?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"What is one way you can remind yourself of how you feel most fulfilled?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Now let's read your profile insight. What do you want to keep in mind in the coming months that feels important to you?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q1.title":"Knowing what makes us feel excited, proud and valued can help us understand how to pursue our careers, even when changes are occurring around us.\n\nLet's read your profile insight together. What matters to you that is important to remember in the coming months?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q2.description":"Tip: Acknowledge their feelings and be curious.\n\nAsk: \"What ideas do you have to support others on your team who are also going through these changes?\"","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Consider the next 1-2 years and the changes our company and/or your role will undergo. How does it make you feel to think about that (excited, nervous, confused)? Why?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q2.title":"When you think about the next 1-2 years and consider the changes our company and/or your role will go through, how does it make you feel (excited, nervous, confused)? Why?","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q3.description":"Tip: Help your partner brainstorm if needed.","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you? What resources or opportunities would help you navigate your career from here? (examples: resources, projects, skills, or people)","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q3.title":"We've covered a lot in our conversations together - about our own career growth, our strengths and connections, and how we see ourselves navigating future changes. \n\nWhat additional resources or opportunities would help you navigate your career at this point? (examples: resources, projects, skills, or people)","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q4.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigate_change_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our final conversation together. However, we always have the opportunity to lean on each other as a resource. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Introduce yourself and describe your current role.","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.title":"Introduce yourself and describe your current role.","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Reflect on your purpose insights and share what resonates with you. How might you use the insights as you work through our organizational changes?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.title":"Reflect on your purpose insights and share what resonates with you. How might you use the insights as you work through our organizational changes?\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How have the organizational changes impacted your role and your wellbeing? Which of the wellbeing strategies will be most helpful? How might you get started?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.title":"How have the organizational changes impacted your role and your wellbeing? Which of the wellbeing strategies will be most helpful? How might you get started?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.description":"Give your partner space to reflect. It may take a moment to recall. Ask a follow-up question to help them dig deeper, “What else resonated?”","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about yourself? What resonated for you from the Transitions session?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.title":"In our conversation today, we will reflect on our most recent session experience supporting our ability to navigate change. What resonated for you from the Transitions session?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.description":"Reference your “Purposeful Transitions/Connections Template” if needed.","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What did you learn by filling out the “Purposeful Transitions/Connections Template\"? What transition practices have you put into action or where do you plan to start?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.title":"What did you learn by filling out the “Purposeful Transitions/Connections Template\"? What transition practices have you put into action or where do you plan to start?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to reflect on the type of relationship they need at this time, “Where have you noticed a gap in your relationships during this change? What impact has that had on you?”","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Where might you benefit from a new connection and why?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.title":"Relationships at work play a key role in feeling supported and navigating change effectively. Where might you benefit from a new connection and why?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Given a few more weeks have passed, how are the changes going for you? What feels similar and what is beginning to evolve for you?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.title":"Given a few more weeks have passed, how are the changes going for you? What feels similar and what is beginning to evolve for you?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Where have you had wins recently? Where are you noticing bright spots?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.title":"Where have you had wins recently? Where are you noticing bright spots?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Do you feel you are building the relationships you need to thrive during this time? What new connections have you made? How are the connections helping with your transition?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.title":"Do you feel you are building the relationships you need to thrive during this time? What new connections have you made? How are the connections helping with your transition?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.description":"What ideas from the session were you able to try? How did it go?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What did you take away from the Avoiding Collaboration Overload Session? What, if anything, felt surprising? Expected?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.title":"What did you take away from the Avoiding Collaboration Overload Session? What, if anything, felt surprising? Expected?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.description":"Identify two actions that you will commit to that supports your ongoing success.","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Thinking about all the sessions we’ve attended, what feels like the current priority for you as you continue to navigate change?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.title":"Thinking about all the sessions we’ve attended, what feels like the current priority for you as you continue to navigate change?","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.description":"Insert Coaching Tip","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Where do you think your team members could benefit in their transition from what you’ve learned? Based on your purpose insights, where could you support sharing what you’ve learned?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.title":"Where do you think your team members could benefit in their transition from what you’ve learned? Based on your purpose insights, where could you support sharing what you’ve learned?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c4_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"How often do you have an opportunity to hear about another role or team at work?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about yourself?\nDescribe your current role today. When do you first remember being inspired to follow your career path?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q1.title":"In this conversation, we will get to know each other through the lens of our roles and our leadership styles. \nLet's first start with our roles. Describe your current role today. When do you first remember being inspired to follow your career path?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"Have you always led this way? When do you remember it developing?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style. What part(s) resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q2.title":"When we are connected to what drives us as leaders, we feel motivated and at our best.\nClick the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style. What part(s) resonates? What, if anything, doesn't resonate?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"Do you recognize any of those traits in your leadership style?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Think back to an inspiring leader you've had who helped your team overcome a challenge.\nWhat role did this leader play? How did they inspire the team to stay motivated? What actions did they take?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's recall a past leader you've had for inspiration. Think back to a leader you've had who helped your team overcome a challenge.\nWhat role did this leader play? How did they inspire the team to stay motivated? What actions did they take?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask: \"Why does this feel timely for you?\" and \"What else would make this a valuable experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What are you hoping to get out of our time together?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c1_q4.title":"Our remaining conversations will provide an opportunity for us to connect as peers, learn about how we lead and apply it to our roles today. \nWhat are you hoping to get out of our time together?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How did it feel to make that impact? What energized you?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How are you driven to make an impact?\nClick the profile icon to read and reflect on the insight from your purpose profile. What resonates? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's start by talking about the type of impact you want to make as a leader. \nClick the profile icon to read and reflect on the insight from your purpose profile. What resonates? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What kind of leadership does your team need to reach your goals?\" and \"How might your unique leadership style be leveraged?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \nDescribe the context of your team. What are your main goals over the next 2-3 months?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's think about what's happening at work currently. \nDescribe the context of your team. What are your main goals over the next 2-3 months?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What additional awareness does this example highlight about how you lead?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What is one challenge you foresee getting in the way of making the impact you just discussed? Click on the profile icon for a few examples of possible challenges.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q3.title":"We all experience times of personal challenge as leaders. It's how we continue to grow. Let's stay proactive and consider what may be ahead.\nWhat is one challenge you foresee getting in the way of making the impact you just discussed? Click on the profile icon for a few examples of possible challenges.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q4.description":"Ask: \"Who else could be helpful?\" and \"How will you ask for support?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Who is someone that helps you stay motivated at work? How can you lean on this person for support?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c2_q4.title":"Relationships are a key way we stay motivated to lead—especially when things feel challenging. \nWho is someone that comes to mind that helps you stay motivated at work? How can you lean on this person for support?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q1.description":"Encourage them to be specific. \"On a scale of 1 (Divided) to 5 (United), how united is your team? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What adjectives would you use to describe your team right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q1.title":"Collaboration is a key ingredient for effective teams. As a leader, it is important to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration between team members. \nWhat adjectives would you use to describe your team right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"Which of these feels most realistic or motivating to you?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How might you strengthen or maintain a strong sense of team? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q2.title":"As a leader, you play a key role in inspiring the team to work at their best. \nHow might you strengthen or maintain a strong sense of team? To help you brainstorm, click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c3_q3.title":"This is our last conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.navigating_leadership_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.one_test_program_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"This is the Title","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How do you tie your work to what connects you to the company?\" \n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to understand more about your peer.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nTell me about your current role and what makes you feel most connected to {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q1.title":"Tell me about your current role and what makes you feel most connected to {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What motivates you most in your current role? What could you do to feel more inspired?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Restate what you heard. It helps your peer coach hear it for themselves.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Can you share an example of when you've felt a strong connection between your deeper purpose and your work? \nClick the profile icon to view your purpose profile, then tell me which parts feel most like you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q2.title":"Can you share an example of when you've felt a strong connection between your deeper purpose and your work? \nClick the profile icon to view your purpose profile, then tell me which parts feel most like you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can I best support you during our time together? What have you appreciated about this conversation?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Listen for ways your peer coach feels supported and share it back to them.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What do you hope to get out of our conversations on career? What would make it a valuable experience for you?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q3.title":"What do you hope to get out of our conversations on career?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"Do you have an example of work that felt meaningful to you since we last talked? What is top of mind for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Demonstrate active listening and avoid problem-solving for your peer coach.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nHow has work felt for you since we last met? What is primarily driving this feeling?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's kick off today's conversation. \nHow has work felt for you since we last met? What is primarily driving this feeling?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"What strengths of yours do others (e.g. others on your team, leaders, etc.) appreciate about you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help your peer coach do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What would you consider to be your greatest strength? What strengths do you use the most? \nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q2.title":"What would you consider to be your greatest strength? What strengths do you use the most?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What can you do to develop that skill(s)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remind your peer coach to utilize the Career Development Power App as a resource.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn. What personal skill gaps might be holding you back from opportunities at work? What one or two skills would you prioritize to develop?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c2_q3.title":"What personal skill gaps might be holding you back from opportunities at work? What one or two skills would you prioritize to develop?\nClick the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What other resources have helped you think about your career aspirations? Have you used the Career Development Power App\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to reflect. It may take a moment to recall.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn. \nWhat comes to mind when you think about the term \"career aspiration\"? How often is this something you think about for yourself? ","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q1.title":"What comes to mind when you think about the term \"career aspiration\"? How often is this something you think about for yourself?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What part of that role or responsibility would energize you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious until you understand your peer coach's aspiration.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's hear from you.\nWhat feels like an aspirational goal for you? What role(s) and/or responsibilities would be energizing? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q2.title":"What feels like an aspirational goal for you? What role(s) and/or responsibilities would be energizing? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is a next step you can take toward your career aspiration(s)?\" and \"Who may be able to support you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remind your peer coach to utilize the Career Development Power App as a resource.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Prior to our conversation, we each rated how we feel about our current relationships, our impact, and our sense of growth at work. These ratings are shown below and are only visible to you. Use them as a point of reference to compare against.\nrelationships: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}\nimpact: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}}\ngrowth: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}\nIf you successfully landed the role or owned the responsibilities we just identified, how would it impact your fulfillment? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c3_q3.title":"Prior to our conversation, we each rated how we feel about our current relationships, our impact, and our sense of growth at work. These ratings are shown below and are only visible to you. Use them as a point of reference to compare against.\nrelationships: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}\nimpact: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}}\ngrowth: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}\nIf you successfully landed the role or owned the responsibilities we just identified, how would it impact your fulfillment? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Why does this career aspiration feel purposeful to you?\" and \"How would this career aspiration help you continue to learn and grow?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach connect their growth goals to their aspirations.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How would you share your career aspirations with your leader or trusted advisor? How would you articulate your career aspirations? \nClick the profile icon for growth ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q1.title":"How would you share your career aspirations with your leader or trusted advisor? How would you articulate your career aspirations? \nClick the profile icon for growth ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What new knowledge, skill, or experience do you need to gain?\" and \"\"What opportunities exist in your current role to develop this?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Acknowledge your peer coach's strengths and opportunities for growth.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What top strengths and development needs would you share with your leader or trusted advisor? ","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q2.title":"What top strengths and development needs would you share with your leader or trusted advisor?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Do you need to add to your network? If so, what skills and connections are you looking for? Can you commit to a career conversation with your leader or trusted advisor before our next check-in?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect to their existing resources and brainstorm new ones.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWho else in your network is a resource to help develop your skills and grow your career? How will you actively engage with them to gain their support?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c4_q3.title":"Who else in your network is a resource to help develop your skills and grow your career? How will you actively engage with them to gain their support?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What action will you take to reach a career goal? What makes this action important? How can you keep career growth a priority?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach connect to their \"why\".","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What have you learned about yourself and what you want from your career? \nClick the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q1.title":"Over the course of our conversations together, what have you learned about yourself and what you want from your career? \nClick the profile icon for inspiration.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What has had the biggest impact?\" and \"What insights have you gained?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate your peer coach's actions.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nIn what ways have you already grown since the start of our conversations? What steps have you taken toward your career goals?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q2.title":"In what ways have you already grown since the start of our conversations? What steps have you taken toward your career goals?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How do you feel while sharing your story?\" and \"What feels most important to share?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to continue to use the Power App for continued career resources.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Who else should know about your career aspirations? \nIf you only had 2-3 minutes, how would you articulate the type of career growth you are looking for (roles and responsibilities) and highlight your strengths to gain sponsorship?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q3.title":"Who else should know about your career aspirations? \nIf you only had 2-3 minutes, how would you articulate the type of career growth you are looking for (roles and responsibilities) and highlight your strengths to gain sponsorship?","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.own_your_career_s1_c5_q4.title":"Given that this is our last peer coaching conversation together, how can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"When did you first realize you were interested in your current field of work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious as you get to know each other.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat led you to your current role? Describe what feels most energizing for you right now in your role. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started by sharing a bit more about each of our roles.\nWhat led you to your current role? Describe what feels most energizing for you right now in your role. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"If your definition was true for you, how would you feel right now? If it were true for your entire team, how would it feel?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach some time to consider their response.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe what well-being means to you. If everyone on your team was focused on well-being, what would that represent to you? ","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q2.title":"Over the course of our conversations, we will reflect, action and support each other with our well-being. Having the tools to prioritize our well-being, enables a greater opportunity to feel fulfilled at work.\nDescribe what well-being means to you. If everyone on your team was focused on well-being, what would that represent to you?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Imagine it's 3 months from now. Where do you want to be in your journey? What has positively changed for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them envision their goals. It should feel energizing to them.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nOn a scale of 1-10, where are you personally towards understanding your needs for your own well-being?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q3.title":"We are always on unique journeys. As we begin to support each other through our coaching conversations, it's important to understand where you are in your wellness journey. \nOn a scale of 1-10, where are you personally towards understanding your needs for your own well-being?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"How did this example impact your sense of well-being?\" and \"When did you become aware of your wellbeing (i.e. As it was happening? After?)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer explore how stress factors impact their well-being.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe a recent moment of stress. What main factors led to that stress? Click the profile icon for possible stress enablers.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q1.title":"Reflect on a recent moment of stress that you navigated in your role.\nDescribe the situation in detail. What were the primary factors of the stress? Click the profile icon for possible stress enablers. \n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did it feel to prioritize your well-being in that example?\" and \"What worked and what didn't work for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach appreciate they are trying. It's a journey.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What common factors pull you away from prioritizing well-being? Share a specific example of a time you recently tried to prioritize your well-being.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's dig a little deeper into what, if anything, gets in the way of your well-being.\nWhat are common factors that make it difficult to prioritize your well-being? Share a specific example of a time you recently tried to prioritize your well-being.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What action could someone take that would make the most meaningful contribution to your well-being? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to get specific.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nDescribe a time you felt cared for during a time of stress from a team member. Be specific. What action from your team member felt supportive?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c2_q3.title":"It is normal and encouraged for team members to ask for help in times of stress or change.\nDescribe a time you felt cared for during a time of stress from a team member. Be specific. What action from your team member felt supportive?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Why is caring for one another important to you?\" and \"What other care actions would you like to see?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow up questions can help them connect to their own values.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat does care look like on your team? How do others support your well-being? How do you support others' well-being?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q1.title":"We each work within teams rather than just on our own. Reflect on how the value of care shows up on your team.\nWhat does care look like on your team currently? How do others support your well-being? How do you support the well-being of others?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did it feel to witness/take part in that?\" and \"What other opportunities do you see for prioritizing people?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's hear a situation from your team.\nDescribe a situation where you saw a person/people as truly the priority. What actions were taken to make that true? What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q2.title":"Describe a situation where you saw a person/people as truly the priority. What actions were taken to make people the priority? What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How would that impact your sense of belonging? Your fulfillment?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions that make it personally meaningful.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your ideas.\nWhat are some new ways you can support others in your daily work? Which of your strengths will help you? Click the profile icon for some of your strengths.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c3_q3.title":"Even small actions we take to support someone else can strengthen our relationships at work. \nIn what added ways can you further support the people you work with most often? Which of your strengths could support this? Click the profile icon for some of your strengths.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Share an example of when you previously felt motivated by your sense of growth.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"I'm curious about your definition.\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q1.title":"We each have a different definition for personal growth.\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you feel about stepping outside of your comfort zone?\" and \"How can you ensure your well-being stays a priority?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer explore the relationship between growth and well-being.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere is there an opportunity to stretch yourself in the next few months? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q2.title":"Growth often involves stretching outside of our comfort zones which can impact our sense of well-being.\nIn the next few months, where is there an opportunity to stretch yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Who comes to mind as your most important resources?\" and \"How can you make sure they know about your growth goal?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions that help define the care they might need.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nHow can other's support your next growth phase? What, specifically, would help be successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c4_q3.title":"During growth phases, those with whom we work most frequently can be important resources.\nHow can other's support you as you expand your skills? What, specifically, would help you step into that stretch? Why?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What motivates you to keep yours and others' well-being a priority? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their learnings and continued efforts.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat have you learned about how others help you own your well-being? What have you learned about how you best help others own their well-being?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time digging deeper into important elements of well-being for each of us. Let's take a moment to share what we've learned from our conversations. \nWhat have you learned about how others help you own your well-being? What have you learned about how you best help others own their well-being?","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"What obstacles might arise?\" and \"How might you deal with them?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them stay focused on well-being by removing future obstacles.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about 6 months from now for you?\nWhat are you doing to maintain your well-being? How does that align with your own sense of purpose in your role? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's now imagine what the next 6 months will look like for you.\nWhat well-being-oriented actions will you maintain? How will that help you align with your personal sense of purpose? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner by sharing something specific they helped you with as their peer coach.","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q3.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.own_your_well-being_a7_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What does 'success' look like for you in your role?\"","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat led you to your role at {{member.organizationname}}? Tell me about what feels most energizing for you right now in your role.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started by sharing a bit more about each of our roles here at {{member.organizationname}}. \n\nWhat led you to your current role? Describe what feels most energizing for you right now in your role.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"In terms of your wellbeing, what is going well and what could be better?\" and \"How does work and/or your team affect your wellbeing?\"","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you? Tell me what wellbeing means to you personally. \n\nHow is your definition of wellbeing playing out right now in your work or life? Feel free to share examples.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"Over the course of our conversations, we will reflect, share and choose actions that contribute to our sense of wellbeing and success. I'm curious to hear - how would you define wellbeing for you personally?\n\nHow aligned do you feel to this definition of wellbeing at this time (at work/in your life)? Feel free to share examples.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What connections do you notice from what you shared during our conversation today?\" and \"What else would help you feel successful?\"","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn. When you think about the next few months and how you would like it to feel at work, what words come to mind (making an impact, growing, finding more balance, etc.)?\n\nClick on the profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"When you think about the next few months in your role and how you would like it to feel, what words come to mind (making a change, growing, finding more balance, etc.)?\n\nClick on the profile insight for clues as to how you prefer to approach your work.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"How motivated are you currently to pursue your description of success?\"\n\nTip: Offer your peer any additional insights based on what they've shared with you during this experience.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. How would you describe \"success\" in your own career or life? How is your viewpoint unique to you?","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"Our conversations together have focused on fostering success and wellbeing at work. It's important that we recognize that everyone has a different definition of success or wellbeing, and that definition can change during different points in our lives.\n\nFrom the discussions we've had, how would you describe what \"success\" looks like to you at this point? What is unique to you about how you view the idea of success?","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Tip: Reflect back what you heard is important to them.\n\nAsk: \"Which of these aspects are you inspired to take action on?\" and \"How can you hold yourself accountable?\"","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"Let's hear your take. \n\nFast forward to three months from now. How have you maintained or improved your wellbeing? What steps did you take to get there?","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Now let's touch on our sense of wellbeing. In our first conversation we shared how aligned we felt with our vision of personal wellbeing.\n\nLet's imagine it's three months from now. How did you ensure that your wellbeing has been maintained or continued to improve? What steps did you take to get there?","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"This is our last peer conversation together for now. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"How did your career path guide you into this leadership role?\"","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nTell me more about your role. What do you enjoy about being a leader at {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we'll be getting to know each other in terms of our roles and what we enjoy most in our work.\n\nLet's begin by sharing more about our roles. What are some of your primary responsibilities? What do you enjoy about being a leader at {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What was meaningful to you about this experience?\" and \"How often do you get to have purposeful moments in your current role?\" ","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you? When have you felt most purposeful and proud at work? Share an example. \n\nClick the profile icon for insights into your purpose moments. \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"A key element to our success as leaders is finding what brings us purpose and meaning into our work. \n\nTake a moment to consider: when have you felt most purposeful or proud at work? Tell me about an example. \n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How do you typically find support as a manager/leader?\"","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective.\n\nConsider the upcoming priorities for you and your team. What do you hope to gain from this experience of connecting with a peer? How do you hope it supports you?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"This series of discussions is meant to support us as managers - to lead more confidently and reflect on our roles as leaders within our organization.\n\nConsider the next few months and the priorities for your team. How do you hope this experience of connecting with another peer leader can support you?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What specific actions have you taken, or do you plan to take towards this?\" or \"How do you see yourself growing as a leader from here?\"","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"Let's hear your take. Based on our conversations, what have you learned or enhanced about the way you show up as a leader?\n\nCheck out your leadership style insight if needed.\n\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"In this conversation we'll reflect on what we've discussed together and make plans to stay connected.\n\nIn our first discussion we shared with each other about how we became leaders and what gives us purpose. What about your leadership approach have you enhanced or become more aware of throughout the course of our conversations?\n\nReference your leadership style insight if needed.\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"What role does your peer network play in your career experience or job today?\" or \"Where might you want to tap into support or community?\"","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"What did you find valuable about these conversations and reflecting on our experiences together?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"We've had the opportunity to share our experiences and perspectives with each other as fellow leaders.\n\nWhat was most valuable to you about having these conversations?","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"This is our last conversation on Imperative, for now. \n\nHow can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role here at this organization? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"\n\nTip: This is an opportunity to learn more about each other. Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now I'll ask you a question. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. Let's begin. \n\nTell me about what is bringing you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What about our organization feels in alignment with your purpose?\"","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to our organization and/or my role? \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally)? What examples come to mind?\n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about the experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\n\nTip: Take the time to fully reflect on key takeaways and growth.","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role here at this organization? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"\n\nTip: This is an opportunity to learn more about each other. Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now I'll ask you a question. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. \n\nLet's begin. Tell me about what is bringing you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What about our organization feels in alignment with your purpose?\"","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to our organization and/or my role?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally)? What examples come to mind?\n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about this experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\"\n\nTip: Take the time to fully reflect on key takeaways and growth.","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap up our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"I'm curious to hear from you. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. Let's begin. \n\nTell me about what brought you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What about our organization feels in alignment with your purpose?\"","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to the organization and/or my role? \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally). \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about the experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\"","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"Is this your first role as a people manager? What previous experience will you be drawing on?\"","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you? Please tell me a little about yourself. What is your role? What do you find most interesting or enjoyable about it?","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.title":"These conversations will help us get connected and support each other in our new leader roles with Boston Scientific. Let's start by getting to know each other better. \n\nFirst, tell me a little about yourself. What is your role at Boston Scientific? What do you find most interesting or enjoyable in your role?","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How have you been able to share or integrate these personal interests in your career, if at all?\"","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you? What are some of your personal interests or hobbies?","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's share more about ourselves in terms of our passions beyond work. What are some personal interests and hobbies that you enjoy?","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What are some ways you plan to build trust and connection with your team members?\"","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. \n\nWhat are your hopes for your new team? What types of impact are you hoping to have over the next year?\n\nVIew the profile insight to read about the impact you prefer to make.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now lets focus on our aspirations in our new roles. \n\nWhat are some of your hopes for your new team? What kind of impact you are hoping to make in the year ahead? \n\nClick on the profile insight to read more about how you prefer to make an impact.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"Is this your first role as a people manager? What previous experience will you be drawing on?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you? Please tell me a little about yourself. What is your role? What do you find most interesting or enjoyable about it?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q1.title":"These conversations will help us get connected and support each other in our new leader roles with Boston Scientific. Let's start by getting to know each other better. \n\nFirst, tell me a little about yourself. What is your role at Boston Scientific? What do you find most interesting or enjoyable in your role?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How have you been able to share or integrate these personal interests in your career, if at all?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you? What are some of your personal interests or hobbies?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's share more about ourselves in terms of our passions beyond work. What are some personal interests and hobbies that you enjoy?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What are some ways you plan to build trust and connection with your team members?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. \n\nWhat are your hopes for your new team? What types of impact are you hoping to have over the next year?\n\nVIew the profile insight to read about the impact you prefer to make.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now lets focus on our aspirations in our new roles. \n\nWhat are some of your hopes for your new team? What kind of impact you are hoping to make in the year ahead? \n\nClick on the profile insight to read more about how you prefer to make an impact.\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask: \"Are there any other things you want to focus on to help set your team up for success early on?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What do you expect to be most challening in your role and what will help you overcome these challenges? How could our conversations together support you as a leader?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c1_q4.title":"Let's finish today by exploring some of the challenges we expect to encounter and how we can best support/care for each other as peers. \n\nWhat do you expect to be most challenging in your role and what will help you overcome these challenges? What do you hope to gain from our conversations together that would be helpful?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"What key behaviors energize your team?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about your leadership and management style. What do you see as your strengths as a leader? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about our unique leadership style, as it influences our behaviors and interactions at work.\n\nHow you would describe your leadership/management style? What do you see as some of your strengths as a leader? We can refer to the profile icon for additional ideas.\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What are some of your best practices for dealing with common leadership challenges such as creating common purpose, time management and prioritization?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"When was a time you had to solve a challenge at work? Tell me about it, and share with me how one of your leadership strengths or values showed up. \n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q2.title":"Embracing your leadership style helps you show up authentically and solve challenges while demonstrating core values.\n\nDescribe a time you used one of your leadership strengths or values to successfully solve a challenge at work. Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"How can you leverage your leadership style to support this upcoming goal?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What is most important for you to prioritize over the next few weeks for your team? Tell me about the impact this focus will have and why it's important.","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's think about your team's upcoming work priorities. Within the next few weeks, what feels most important to focus on? Describe the potential impact of this focus for you and your team. Why is it important?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What outcome do you hope to influence or create?\" \n\nTip: Demonstrate empathy for what they are going through.","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a leadership situation you are currently navigating that feels uncertain. What are the specific challenges you face, where are you lacking clarity?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll be brainstorming ways to lead during times of uncertainty.\n\nLet's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge where you feel you are navigating uncertainty. Share with me the details of the challenge you are facing. What parts feel uncertain or unclear?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"How might the strengths of your team members help overcome these challenges?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. Which biases may be impacting your ability to navigate the challenge you were discussing. Why? Click the profile icon for ideas. \n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q2.title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Which biases, if any, may be blocking you from seeing how to navigate this situation? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What additional strategies come to mind for how you can seek support and 'include others' when times feel uncertain?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Who in your network or team would be a helpful resource to you when figuring out new solutions and approaches? Who might offer a different perspective?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c3_q3.title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions alone. \n\nWho can help you brainstorm new approaches during times when you feel uncertain? Who in your peer network or on your team has different strengths and perspectives than you do?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"What additional information will you need?\" or \"Whose buy-in will be needed?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Your turn. What is an upcoming project or priority that would benefit from your leadership? Tell me about the project and what unknowns you'll need to consider before moving forward.","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about thinking ahead as a leader to boost the 'winning spirit' of our teams.\n\nTake a moment to consider an upcoming project or priority that would benefit from your focused leadership. Tell me about it. What unknowns exist that you could explore prior to your team taking action?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: \"What else do you practice or consider on when 'leaning into change'?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \nShare which strengths could help you navigate the unknowns you shared earlier. How could these strengths support your team's success and 'Winning Spirit'?\n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q2.title":"Which of your strengths can you leverage to help you overcome the unknowns you previously shared with me and ensure your team 'dares to try & plays to win'? How? \n\nClick the profile icon to review the insight from your purpose profile.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What is one aspect we discussed that you hope to continue growing into as a leader and demonstrating through behaviors?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What did you find valuable about these conversations? What are you taking away about your effectiveness as a leader?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q3.title":"In our discussions we explored our personal leadership strengths, talked about how we manage uncertainty, and identified ways we can demonstrate BSC behaviors and values such as \"I lean into change\".\n\nWhat was most valuable to you about having these conversations? And, what insights do you want to remember about how you can effectively lead your team?","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People, Learning and Coaching","peerconversation.question.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1_c4_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation, for now. \n\nHow can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People, Learning and Coaching","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q1.description":"Get to know each other by asking follow-up questions like, \"Have you experienced guided conversations on Imperative before? What drew you to the experience?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me about your role. What's energizing you? ","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Thank you for taking time out of your day to build a meaningful relationship at work. In these conversations, we have an opportunity to reflect on our roles and ways to build a more connected workplace.\n\nFirst, tell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What currently feels energizing about your work?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q2.description":"Get curious about their personal goals. Ask: \"What is a personal goal/priority you're working toward these days?\"\n\nTip: Focus on hearing what's important to them and avoid sharing advice.","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you?\n\nTell me about a personal hobby and/or area of interest. Why do you enjoy it?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's also get to know each other on a more personal level. \n\nWhat is one of your hobbies and/or areas of interest outside of work? What about it interests you?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q3.description":"Help your peer reflect on their external resources as well. Ask: \"What people or resources could you rely on/explore to support your success?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? How do you hope the next 6 months will feel (making an impact, growing, finding more balance, etc.)?\n\nClick on your profile icon and share how your strengths, as described, can help support you.\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's take a step back. What are you hoping the next 6 months feel like for you at work? What words come to mind (making an impact, growing, finding more balance, etc.)? \n\nClick on your profile icon. How do you envision these strengths supporting you in what you described?\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q1.description":"Dig in more personally by asking, \"How do you contribute to the success of your team?\" and/or \"What are you most proud of in your work?\"\n\nTip: Feel free to celebrate your peer's contributions.","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What about you? What makes you proud to work on your team? And, how do you see your team contribute to the overall success at {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today, we will aim to develop a shared understanding of how each other's teams contribute to overall work at {{member.organizationname}}.\n\nWhen you consider the work your team does, what makes you proud to be a part of that team? How do you see your team contributing to the overall success at {{member.organizationname}}?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q2.description":"Tap into your peer's ideas for how to start learning. Ask: \"How might you learn more about that area of this business? What resources are available to you?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What's an area of the business you'd like to learn more about? How would knowing more be beneficial to you?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's go further by building our awareness of other parts of the business. \n\nWhat's another part of the business you would like to learn more about? Why would knowing about it be beneficial to you?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q3.description":"Encourage each other to take ownership of creating a more collaborative environment. Ask: \"What's one action we could take to foster more collaboration between our teams?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From your perspective, where do our departments intersect, and how could collaboration benefit us?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c2_q3.title":"Finally, think about the future. Where might our departments cross paths? Where could we benefit from increased collaboration, if at all?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q1.description":"Drill down into what's personally meaningful to them. Ask: \"What, specifically, helped you feel connected to the organization?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time you felt connected to a workplace or organization. How did that feeling of connection influence your work?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today, we'll dig into the feeling of connection to an organization and how that impacts our own work.\n\nTell me about a time, past or present, when you felt connected to an organization in a way that was meaningful to you. How did that strong sense of connection affect how you did your job?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q2.description":"Get curious about how the foster collaboration and connection outside of work. Ask: \"How do you go about building connection in your personal community?\"\n\nTip: Share what themes you notice.","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. How have you contributed to a team or organization's sense of collaboration and connection? If this is new to you, what could you try? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q2.title":"We can play a significant role in fostering a more collaborative and connected work environment. \n\nWhat actions have you taken to build connections and be collaborative. If new to you, reflect on new actions you could try. Check out the profile icon to help you brainstorm meaningful actions. \n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer make what they imagine more real. Ask: \"From what you shared, what's possible?\" and \"How would this enhanced connectedness positively impact the organization?\"","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn. \n\nHow would you benefit from building stronger connections across the organization? How might others benefit from connecting with you?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's let ourselves imagine a more connected work environment. \n\nHow would you personally benefit from forming more connections across the organization? How would others benefit from connecting with you?","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p17_year_round_connection_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask follow up questions that help you understand more about their worldview. For example, \"What drew you to your current role?\" and \"What is most important to you outside of work?\"","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Our conversations will involve switching back and forth so we both have opportunities to share. \n\nLet's hear from you now. What, personally and professionally, would you like me to know about you?","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Thank you for being here and giving us an opportunity to broaden the perspective we have about our work, relationships, and growth. Let's start by just getting to know each other. \n\nWhat feels important for me to know about you? Feel free to share both personally and professionally.","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dig deeper by asking, \"What connection do you see between your role and what you read?\" and \"What aspects of work are less energizing?\"","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn to share.\n\nAround what aspects of your work do you feel most driven? Why? Click the profile icon to help you reflect.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd like to learn more about you through what drives you.\n\nWhen do you feel most energized by your work? How do those aspects of work bring out your best? Click the profile icon to help you reflect.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Explore your role in making this worthwhile. Ask \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\"","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you? \n\nWhat would you like to get out of this? What's your ideal outcome?","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"This is just the beginning of our time together. But before we go any further, let's identify what we most hope to get out of this.\n\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this most worthwhile for you? ","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Explore the positive impact of this relationship itself. Ask, \"What do you most appreciate from our time together?\"","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat new viewpoints have you added to your perspective? What has been most useful?","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation together for now. Let's take some time to reflect on what we've learned from this experience. \n\nHow has your perspective changed through our conversations? What's new viewpoints do you have?","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Help them acknowledge their growth. Ask, \"What successes have you had as a result?\" or \"What are you most proud of?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate the successes and growth of your peer.","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"What have you learned? Which of your strengths are you utilizing more often? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"While we've explored opportunities that broaden our perspectives, we also connected to the unique style and strengths we bring to our roles. \n\nWhat have you learned about your style? How are you utilizing your strengths more today? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your style.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}\n","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"This is the last guided conversation together, consider how you can support your peer in the future. Ask, \"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\"","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How about you?\n\nHow will you bring in other viewpoints? What other perspectives will most help you be successful?","peerconversation.question.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"Staying open to new perspectives is something that requires some intentional effort. Consider work over the next 6 months.\n\nHow will you seek out other viewpoints in ways that add to your success? Who/What will be your best sources of support?","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c1_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q1.description":"vfiller","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p1_design_career_s1_c20_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What ideas do you have about keeping the energy alive for you or your team throughout the year?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me about your role. Having embarked on the new year, where do you feel energized?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q1.title":"It's the beginning of a new year! Our conversations together will be an opportunity to reflect on our roles for the year, and how we can build a more connected workplace.\n\nFirst, tell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What are you feeling energized about as we start a new year?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does your personal role contribute to these department goals?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about your department? What are some of the key objectives for the year?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q2.title":"Through these discussions, we can gain an understanding about other departments and goals. \n\nCan you share some insights about what your team/department is aiming to achieve this year?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What people or resources could you rely on/explore to support your hopes for the year?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? How do you envision this upcoming year feeling for you? What do you hope for?\n\nClick on your profile icon and share how this description connects to your hopes for the year.\n\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's take a step back. When you think about the year ahead and how you would like to it feel, what words come to mind (making an impact, growing, finding more balance, etc.)? \n\nClick on your profile icon. How do you envision these strengths supporting you in what you described?\n\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"Are there any potential challenges that your department might face in reaching its goals? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"And in your case, in what ways do you think your department's targets align with the overall goals of the organization?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we will aim to develop a shared understanding of how each other's departments contribute to the organization.\n\nLet's connect to the broader purpose of {{member.organizationname}}. How do you think your department's goals align with our organization's overall objectives?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does this example affect our shared objectives in the organization? What do you think is needed?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about your perspective? What is an example of a silo or gap you've noticed in your role, department or in the organization overall?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q2.title":"A potential benefit to these conversations is building awareness of silos and gaps in our organization. \n\nWhere have you noticed a gap or lack of knowledge/communication transfer at {{member.organizationname}} so far? (This could be related to your work, department or even organization-wide.)","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's one action we could take to foster more collaboration between our teams?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"From your perspective, where do our departments intersect, and how could collaboration benefit us?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c2_q3.title":"Finally, thinking about the future, where might our departments cross paths? Where could we benefit from increased collaboration, if at all?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"To drill down, what is important to you about feeling connected, or fostering connection, in a workplace?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time you felt connected to a workplace or organization. How did that feeling of connection influence your work?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll dig into what feeling connected to an organization means for each of us, then talk about how we each can make an impact.\n\nTell me about a time you felt connected to an organization in a way that was meaningful to you. How did a strong sense of connection affect how you did your job?","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you go about building connection in your personal community?\"\n\nTip: Share what themes you notice.","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. How do you contribute to a team or organization's sense of collaboration and connection? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q2.title":"What role do you often play when it comes to fostering collaboration and connection?\n\nCheck out the profile icon for examples of how you tend to make the most impact.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"From what you shared, what's possible?\" and \"What kind of impact would this enhanced connectedness have on the organization?\"","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Take a moment to imagine what a more connected and collaborative workplace looks like from your perspective. What ideas come to mind for you? ","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's let ourselves imagine: What would a more connected work environment look and feel like for you and your team? Take a moment to consider, and then share with me what you picture.","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p2_start_year_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What types of distractions keep you from reaching your day-to-day goals?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn to share. \n\nIn a typical day, what do you tend to prioritize, and why?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q1.title":"During the course of our conversations, we'll be discussing how to develop our abilities to prioritize, lead, and make decisions confidently. Today we'll start by focusing on how we prioritize what matters to us in our work and life.\n\nLet's get started. Consider a typical day for you. Talk me through how you determine what needs to be a priority for you during your day. How do you decide what is most important?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What habits or priorities are necessary to put in place so that you can work towards this?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Now I'd like to hear your perspective. \n\nRead the profile insight about how you feel most motivated. What about this description highlights what longer term goals are important to you?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q2.title":"Now let's consider how you place a focus on longer term goals. Read the profile insight about what brings you the most motivation.\n\nWhat stands out to you in this description that you would like to prioritize at work (or in your personal life) over the long-term?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What has potential to get in the way of this priority?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Consider three months from now. What specifically would you like to have accomplished? What about it is meaningful to you?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c1_q3.title":"Now let's imagine it's three months from now. What would you like to have achieved professionally and/or personally based on what we've discussed so far? \n\nBe specific and share why it's important to you. (Feel free to revisit your profile insight for inspiration.)\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"What traits did that person have that you would want to emulate?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I would like to hear about a person who made an impact in your life or work. How did they make an impact and/or influence others? What were their strengths?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we'll be sharing about our unique abilities to influence our colleagues and work environments. Whether you consider yourself a leader or not, you have the ability to make a significant impact.\n\nWe've all encountered people in life who've left a lasting impact on us. Can you share about a person from your past or present who has left an impact on you? Tell me about the impact they made. What do you admire about them?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"What do you think others appreciated about your leadership in that example?\" and \"What was hard about it?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Same question for you. Tell me about a recent situation when you found yourself leading others. What qualities of leadership did you demostrate?\n\nRead your profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q2.title":"Please share about a recent time when you've had to take the lead, either in a work setting or in your personal life. What was the situation, and what did you do to influence the situation?\n\nRead your profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What typically holds you back from stepping up as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me about a current situation at work where you could contribute or influence it positively. How could you make an impact? ","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c2_q3.title":"Consider a current challenge or situation at work where additional leadership or direction is needed. What kind of influence would you like to have in this example? And, how could you lean in?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What was done well in this situation, and what would you recommend for improvement?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Reflecting on your own experiences, please share a time you felt highly confident in a decision you made. Tell me how you approached it - what information or buy-in did you need?\n\nCheck your profile insight for ideas\n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll be sharing how we make and respond to decisions, and what helps us feel more confident in our decision-making.\n\nTell me about a time when you felt very confident making a decision for a project or a group. Describe the situation. What factors did you consider when making the decision? \n\nCheck your profile insight for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What are your thoughts on how to promote a culture of accountability and support for your team in instances like this?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. What types of decisions do you have to make at work? \n\nHow do you typically respond to constructive feedback, and what about it is most challenging for you?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q2.title":"Making decisions often involves taking responsibility for the outcome, whether it's positive or negative. Let's talk about how we handle those situations.\n\nWhat decisions are you responsible for in your work? What is most challenging to you when you receive constructive feedback about the outcome?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What could boost that number by one notch?\"","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your confidence in decision-making within your position? Why?","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q3.title":"If you were to rate your confidence in making decisions in your current role on a scale of 1 to 5, what number would you choose? \n\nTell me more about why you chose that number.","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p3_paving_way_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What is most energizing for you about your leadership style?\" and \"What about your style energizes your team?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn. What are your leadership responsibilities? Tell me about your leadership and management style. Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q1.title":"We'll be starting off our series of discussions by talking about our unique leadership style, as it influences how we show up and navigate our work.\n\nFirst, start by telling me a bit about your leadership role at work. Then, share how you would describe your leadership/management style. Click the profile icon for additional ideas.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"In this example, how did your leadership style influence others, or the outcome?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"When was a time you had to solve a challenge at work? Tell me about it, and share with me how one of your leadership strengths showed up. \n\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q2.title":"Embracing your leadership style helps you show up authentically and solve challenges using your strengths. \n\nDescribe a time you used one of your leadership strengths to successfully solve a challenge at work. Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How can you leverage your leadership style to support this upcoming goal?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What is most important to prioritize over the next few weeks for you? Tell me about the impact this goal will have and why it's important to you.","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's think about your upcoming work priorities. Within the next few weeks, what feels most important to get done at work? Describe the potential impact of this goal for you and your team. Why is it important?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q1.description":"Tip: Demonstrate empathy for what they are going through.","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a leadership situation you are currently navigating that feels uncertain. What are the specific challenges you face, and where is there missing information?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we'll be brainstorming ways to lead during times of uncertainty.\n\nLet's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge where you feel you are navigating uncertainty. Share with me the details of the challenge you are facing. What parts feel uncertain or are lacking information?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q2.description":"Tip: Celebrate their awareness of their biases. Ex: \"I am impressed that you notice where ____ is blocking you from____.\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. Click the profile icon and share with me which biases may be impacting your ability to navigate the challenge you were discussing. Why? \n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q2.title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Click the profile icon to review insights from your purpose profile. Which biases, if any, may be blocking you from knowing how to navigate this situation?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What additional strategies come to mind for how you can seek support when times feel uncertain?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Who in your network or team would be a helpful resource to you when figuring out new solutions and approaches? Who might offer a different perspective?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c2_q3.title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions to every situation alone. \n\nWho can help you brainstorm new approaches during times when you feel uncertain? Who in your peer network or on your team has different strengths than you do?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What additional information will you need?\" or \"Whose buy-in will be needed?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn. What is a future project that you could more deliberately plan for? Tell me about the project and what unknowns you'll need to consider before moving forward.","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about thinking ahead as a leader to increase the success of our teams.\n\nTake a moment to consider an upcoming project that would benefit from your intentionality and leadership. Tell me about the specifics. What unknowns exist that you could begin exploring prior to your team taking action?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What else do you practice or consider on when planning ahead?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Check out the profile icon and share which insights could help you navigate the unknowns you shared earlier. Additionally, how could these strengths support your team's success?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q2.title":"Click the profile icon to review the insight from your purpose profile. Which items do you believe could help you overcome the unknowns you previously shared with me and increase your team's success? Why?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What is one aspect we discussed that you hope to continue growing into as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What did you find valuable about these conversations? What are you taking away about your effectiveness as a leader during times of change or uncertainty?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q3.title":"In our discussions we explored our personal leadership strengths, talked about how we manage uncertainty, and identified ways we can plan ahead.\n\nWhat was most valuable to you about having these conversations? And, what is sticking with you about how you can effectively lead your teams through change?","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q4.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p4_navigating_lead_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is our last peer conversation, for now. \n\nHow can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What ideas do you have about keeping the energy alive for you or your team over the next few months?\"","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Share with me about your role. Where are you currently feeling most energized? ","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Our conversations together will be an opportunity to reflect on our current roles and how we can confidently grow in our careers. \n\nFirst, tell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What are you feeling energized about in your role right now?","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"How does your personal role contribute to these department goals?\"","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about your department? What are some of the key objectives for the quarter?","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"Through these discussions, we can gain an understanding about each other's departments and their goals. \n\nCan you share some insights about what your team/department is aiming to achieve this quarter?","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"What people or resources could you rely on/explore to support these hopes?\"","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? How do you envision this upcoming quarter feeling for you in a professional sense? What do you hope for?\n\nClick on your profile icon and share how this description connects to your hopes for the next few months.\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's take a step back. When you think about the upcoming quarter at work and how you would like to it feel, what words come to mind (making an impact, growing, finding more balance, etc.)? \n\nClick on your profile icon. How do you envision these strengths supporting you in what you described?\n\n\n *{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What do you hope for in the next quarter?\"","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"What do you remember about your hopes for the quarter that you shared? How have you grown or contributed at work since we started these conversations?","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"At the beginning of our conversations together, we each shared what would bring us energy for the upcoming quarter and what our hopes were. \n\nHow would you describe how things have shifted for you professionally over the course of our conversations?","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Why do you think this idea is coming up right now? What feels important about it?\" and \"What is one way you can remind yourself of this over the next quarter?\"","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"I'd like to hear your perspective. Which areas of potential connection, collaboration and/or professional growth remain untapped for you?\n\nCheck out your profile icon about what brings you purpose if you need inspiration.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"The theme of our conversations was about how we can proactively pave the way for our own career growth and development.\n\nAs we wrap up our conversations, what opportunities for connection, collaboration or professional growth are still on your mind? In other words, how else might you \"pave the way\" for your own career development?\n\n(Check out your profile icon about what brings you purpose if you need inspiration.)\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p5_paving_way_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"This is our final conversation together. However, we always have the opportunity to lean on each other as a resource. \n\nHow can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role at PwC? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"\n\nTip: This is an opportunity to learn more about each other. Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now I'll ask you a question. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. \n\nLet's begin. Tell me about what is bringing you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Suggested Ask: \"What about our organization feels in alignment with your purpose?\"\n\nTip: Ask a follow-up question that expands the discussion.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to the firm and/or my role?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor? \n\nI'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally).","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about this experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\"\n\nTip: Take the time to fully reflect on key takeaways and growth.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap up our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role at PwC? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"\n\nTip: This is an opportunity to learn more about each other. Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your mentoring partner.","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now I'll ask you a question. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. Let's begin. \n\nTell me about what is bringing you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What stories or examples come to mind that relate to what I've shared so far?\"","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to the firm and/or my role?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally)? What examples come to mind?\n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor? ","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about the experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\"\n\nTip: Take the time to fully reflect on key takeaways and growth.","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What brought you to your current role? I'd like to learn more about your career journey so far.\"","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"I'm curious to hear from you. \n\nWhy are you energized to participate as a mentor? What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We are just beginning the process of building a mentoring relationship that will help you explore and navigate your career goals. The Imperative platform will guide us with questions as we go. Let's begin. \n\nTell me about what brought you to mentoring today. What are you hoping to gain through this experience?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"What stories or examples come to mind that relate to what I've shared so far?\" ","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, how do you see my purpose profile connecting to the firm and/or my role?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd love to hear what uniquely drives you in your work today. Click the profile icon for insights from your purpose profile. \n\nWhat resonates most for you? How does this align with your current role and career aspirations?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"How would you define success for this relationship?\"\n\nTip: Take time now to set expectations and define success for this relationship.","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"I'm also curious to learn about your experience supporting others in their career development (formally or informally). \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you as my mentor?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity to design our mentorship relationship in ways that maximize the benefit to each of us. Future conversations will allow us to choose a topic that feels relevant for you. \n\nHow can I make this a positive experience for you? As someone helping guide you right now, what would you like for me to keep in mind?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What pleasantly surprised you about the experience (i.e. exceeded your initial expectations)?\"","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"As you look back on our conversations, what do you most hope I will remember and take with me? \nWhat did you gain as a mentor in the experience?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"We've had the opportunity to develop a mentoring relationship and explore your career in depth. Let's reflect on key learnings from our time together. \n\nWhat are your top takeaways? What made this impactful for you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Ask: \"Is there anything we didn't get a chance to cover that would have been helpful?\"","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"From your perspective, which of my strengths will contribute to my success? What is one area for growth I can continue to focus on to maximize my success?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"Reaching for your career goals and aspirations will continue beyond our conversations. \n\nWhere are you energized to continue focusing within your career?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your Mentor/Mentee for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What, if any, final reflections do you have for me regarding my career development? How might I support you moving forward?","peerconversation.question.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"As we wrap our initial conversations together, how can I support you in the future with your career development? \n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"What connections do you see between this story and what you do in your current role?\"","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you? Share a time when you made a meaningful impact that sticks with you. Why was it meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about how each of us feel most motivated and purposeful in our work. \n\nReflect on a time you've been proud of a project and/or time in your career so far. What about it made it feel personally meaningful?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"To drill down, what is important to you about feeling connected to an organization or workplace?\"","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Tell me about the common threads you've noticed from past organizations where you've worked. What factors were important to you when choosing this organization?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q2.title":"A big part of leading a purposeful career is finding organizations that fit what you value and how you do your best work.\n\nWhat has mattered to you about the organizations you have chosen to work with in your career so far? What drew you to this organization?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"Where do you see potential for growth?\"","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Based on my profile insights, what types of opportunities do you see for me to make an impact in my role or on our team? \n\nYou can find my profile insights in the profile icon.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's take a moment to explore your core drivers at work. Let's click and read the profile icon together about what gives you the most purpose at work. \n\nWhat would be helpful for me to know as your manager about what matters to you in your career?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q1.description":"Ask: \"What are 1-2 specific areas that would feel meaningful to focus your growth in the next few months?\"","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"We've touched on a lot of topics together. In what ways have you seen me contribute to and impact our team since we started these conversations?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q1.title":"Today we'll be wrapping up this series of conversations on Imperative. \n\nLet's consider where you were in your career development when we first started having these conversations. \n\nIn what ways do you feel you have grown since we started these conversations?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q2.description":"Tip: Listen and reflect back what they shared.\n\nAsk: \"Are there any other key take-a-ways you want to remember from this experience?\"","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"And now your perspective. What about our conversations helped you as a manager, and what would you like to continue doing?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q2.title":"We've spent valuable time talking about your current role, career path, and how we envision working together. \n\nWhat about our conversations on Imperative was most helpful to you? What, if anything, would you like to continue doing to support our working relationship?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q3.description":"Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together. Share expectations for when you'd like to follow up on today's discussion.","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What else would you add? What do you feel is most important for me to focus on in the next 3-6 months?","peerconversation.question.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1_c20_q3.title":"Before we wrap up, let's talk about what success looks like in the next 3-6 months. What goals or intentions do you have relating to things like your relationships, impact, growth?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How does feeling energized help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nShare a time when you felt energized at work. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today, we will be reflecting on what drives us and applying it to our real-world experience.\nLet's begin by recalling a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what likely drives you at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. \nWhich part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q3.description":"SKIP FOR DEMO\n\nFollow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment in three months?\"\nCoaching Tip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"SKIP FOR DEMO\nBuilding meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work. In the next three months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q3.title":"SKIP FOR DEMO\nBuilding meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work. In the next three months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q4.description":"SKIP FOR DEMO\n\nFollow Up Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to how your peer prefers to feel supported.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"SKIP FOR DEMO\nWhat have you appreciated about this peer coaching process so far? What about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c1_q4.title":"SKIP FOR DEMO\nBefore we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. What have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q1.description":"Help your peer be specific. \nExample: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection – even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection – even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage self-reflection.\nEx. \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you?\"","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work? \nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work? \nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask your peer, \"How would your rate the quality of your relationships on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. \nHow strong are your relationships at work? Do you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. \nHow strong are your relationships at work? Do you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q4.description":"This is question 4 - please enter some text in the text box and click Next. Keep moving forward!","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"This is question 4","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c2_q4.title":"This is question 4","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q1.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q1.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q2.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q2.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q3.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q3.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q4.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c3_q4.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q1.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q1.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q2.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q2.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q3.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q3.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q4.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c4_q4.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q1.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q1.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q2.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q2.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q3.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q3.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q4.description":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1_c5_q4.title":"left blank on purpose","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.imperative_introduction_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.manager_one_on_one_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.title.description":"duplicate key - don't use","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.title.short_title":"duplicate key - don't use","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.title.title":"duplicate key - don't use","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q4.title.description":"Pay attention to how you are choosing to connect. Make note of the benefits that come from the conversations.","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q4.title.short_title":"Where are you energized to build connections moving forward? What might you do similarly or differently while building future connections?","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c3_q4.title.title":"Where are you energized to build connections moving forward? What might you do similarly or differently while building future connections?","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q4.title.description":"Tip: Validate what you heard by sharing back the themes.","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q4.title.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What else feels important for me to know about you at this time?\n(I) Intern, ask: What can I expect from you in this process? What would you like to request of me?","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q4.title.title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What else feels important for me to know about you at this time?\n(I) Intern, ask: What can I expect from you in this process? What would you like to request of me?","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q4.description":"Tip: Share a specific highlight from the conversations is a great way for your partner to hear you've appreciated and benefited from the time together. ","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What have you enjoyed about our conversations? How can I support you moving forward?\n(I) Intern, ask: What have you enjoyed about our conversations? What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?","peerconversation.question.peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last conversation on Imperative together. \n(M) Mentor, ask: What's been a highlight for you from our conversations? How can I support you moving forward?\n(I) Intern, ask: What's been a highlight for you from our conversations? What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"How frequently do you feel positive and energized at work?\" and \"What else helps you feel energized outside of work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Clarifying follow-up questions can help your partner do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat is your role at {{member.organizationname}}? Describe a positive and energizing day in your role. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q1.title":"We have the opportunity to spend some focused time understanding what adds to our well-being. Let's first get to know each other a bit more. \nWhat is your role at {{member.organizationname}}? Describe a positive and energizing day in your role. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What causes stress?\" and \"What positively impacts your well-being?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remaining curious helps demonstrate an interest in getting to know your peer.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now get your baseline. \nPrior to our conversation, you stated you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}. Tell me about why you chose that word. What major factors contribute to that rating?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q2.title":"As we begin to prioritize our well-being, let's get a baseline from each of us. \nBefore we started our conversation, you stated you felt {{conversation.current.oneword.before}}. Tell me about why you chose that word. What major factors contribute to that rating?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"What will you need to do more/less of?\" and \"What will help you stay motivated to prioritize your wellness?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help them explore this by sharing back what you heard.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nImagine it's our last conversation (roughly 3 months from now). How would you like to rate your well-being? What would it feel like to feel you are prioritizing your well-being?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will utilize our future conversations to continue exploring ways you are motivated to focus on your well-being.\nImagine it's our last conversation (roughly 3 months from now). How would you like to rate your well-being? What would it feel like to feel you are prioritizing your well-being?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"Describe yourself when you are at your best. How do you feel? Who are you with? What are you doing?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to reflect on and share more than one moment.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's hear some of your moments of joy.\nWhat positive experiences have you had in the previous two weeks? Why were those meaningful to you? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q1.title":"We are all experiencing a considerable amount of change in our roles -- and in the world. Let's start by sharing moments of joy we've each had recently.\nReflect on the previous two weeks. What positive experience(s) have you had recently? Why were those meaningful to you? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you talk to yourself in times of pressure?\" and \"What would relieve some of that pressure for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner reflect on how they treat themselves when under pressure.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you? Here is how you've rated your impact so far: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (note these are only visible to you).Where do you feel the most pressure right now? What happens to your well-being when you feel that pressure?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q2.title":"When you're navigating change, it's common to experience increased levels of stress or pressure with only brief moments of relief. Here is how you've rated your impact so far: {{conversations.rig.impact.bydates}} (note these are only visible to you).\nWhere do you feel the most pressure right now? What happens to your well-being when you feel that pressure?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can you keep your well-being at the center of your life and work?\" and \"What's at risk of if you DON'T keep your well-being at the center of your life and work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help your partner do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What would need to be true in order to give yourself permission to prioritize your well-being?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c2_q3.title":"Prioritizing well-being and caring for ourselves is vital to our personal fulfillment and has a sustained impact on how we show up for our team and community.\nWhat would need to be true in order to give yourself permission to do that?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What other relationships at work, if any, support you in this way? How so?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions to help your partner narrow in on relationships that add to their well-being.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nShare an example of a relationship you have at work that makes you feel supported. What makes it feel supportive?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's explore how your relationships support your sense of wellness. \nShare an example of a relationship you have at work that makes you feel supported. What makes it feel supportive?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where did you feel support from colleagues at work? What relationship(s) did you lean on for your well-being?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to take time to reflect.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Recall a time you've felt a high-level of stress, verging on burnout, at work. \nHow did you feel during that time? Describe the situation and what made it stressful.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q2.title":"Recall a time you've felt a high-level of stress, verging on burnout, at work. \nHow did you feel during that time? Describe the situation and what made it stressful.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How could you leverage a relationship at work to hold you accountable?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner consider a specific relationship.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat can you say \"no\" to so that you can focus more on your wellness? What gets in the way of you saying \"no\"? Click the profile icon for potential biases.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c3_q3.title":"An important skill to avoiding stress and burnout is saying \"No\" so that you can say \"Yes\" to more that matters.\nWhat can you say \"no\" to so that you can focus more on your wellness? What gets in the way of you saying \"no\"? Click the profile icon for potential biases.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"What actions could you take to focus on wellness in those moments?\" and \"How would that help you sustain your growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them explore how caring for self can help sustain their growth.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"In what ways have you noticed yourself growing this past year? What was your response to surrounding stress during that time (e.g drive yourself, avoid stretching, negatively judge your growth, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q1.title":"We've all been through significant changes in the last year which have required us to grow, often in stressful circumstances.\nIn what ways have you noticed yourself growing this past year? What was your response to surrounding stress during that time (e.g drive yourself, avoid stretching, negatively judge your growth, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How does it feel to acknowledge your growth?\" and \"How can you more regularly acknowledge your growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate your partner's growth and encourage them to acknowledge themselves.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you? \nWhat growth can you acknowledge in yourself from the last 6 months? What do you appreciate about yourself as you reflect on this?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q2.title":"When faced with challenges, we can also remember that getting through obstacles enables us to grow. Let's take a moment to celebrate how you've grown recently.\nWhat growth can you acknowledge in yourself from the last 6 months? What do you appreciate about yourself as you reflect on this?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How would that add to your well-being?\" \"Who can support you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help them brainstorm and connect each option to their wellness.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What about your workplace or role can you lean on in times of stress? For more ideas, click the profile icon. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c4_q3.title":"Aligning with what gives you a sense of fulfillment in your work is a great way to care for yourself in times of stress.\nWhat about your workplace or role can you lean on in times of stress? For more ideas, click the profile icon.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"How does it feel to care for yourself in these new ways?\" and \"What are you motivated to continue doing?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions to help your partner reflect on their actions that promote well-being.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What promotes a sense of well-being for you? What new actions have you taken to keep your well-being at the center of your work?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time defining what creates a sense of well-being for each of us. Let's reflect on what we have learned from our conversations.\nWhat promotes a sense of well-being for you? What new actions have you taken to prioritize your well-being?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What shifts have you noticed in your stress or pressure levels? What made the biggest difference?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate with your partner any positive changes they've experienced.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's hear how your well-being has changed. \nYou left each of the conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}. Tell me about why you chose those words. How has your well-being changed since we started?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q2.title":"During our first conversation, we each shared about our level of well-being. Let's check in on where we are now. As a reminder, you left each of the conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}. \nTell me about why you chose those words. How has your well-being changed since we started?","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"What's one more wellness based action you are motivated to take?\" and \"How might you support/continue to support others in focusing on their wellness?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them maintain their focus on well-being and encourage them to take another step.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you in 6 months?\n What has helped you stay accountable to your well-being? How have these actions increased your fulfillment? Click the profile icon for insights into your fulfillment.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's 6 months from now.\nWhat has helped you stay accountable to your well-being? How have these actions increased your fulfillment? Click the profile icon for insights into your fulfillment.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support your continued wellness and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Check-in Partner, Wellness Reminders, Suggest Stress Management Tools, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support your wellness and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Check-in Partner, Wellness Reminders, Suggest Stress Management Tools, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"What does it look like when you're at your best?\" and \"What challenges, if any, are you currently navigating?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your peer.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. \nWhat are 2-3 important things about yourself you'd like to share with me? How do those show up in your work? ","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get to know each other by sharing about ourselves and the work we do at {{member.organizationname}}.\nWhat are 2-3 things that are important for me to know about you? And, how do you use those qualities in your work?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What is a new action you have practiced since starting peer coaching?\" and \"What has been the result?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious to help them evaluate their actions.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nIn what ways do you naturally take action to promote a sense of belonging? What feedback do you receive?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q2.title":"We each play a role in promoting a culture of belonging in our day-to-day work teams. Click the profile icon for insight into strengths you likely possess in this area.\nWhat actions do you take naturally that promote a sense of belonging on your team? What feedback do you get from others?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"What feels important for me to know about you?\" and \"What would create a sense of belonging between us?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back important elements of what your peer shares.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat do you want to get out of our time together? How can I make this a positive experience for you?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to maximize our efforts around belonging. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? How can I make this a positive experience for you? ","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to be recognized in that way\" and \"How did that experience impact your sense of belonging at work?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Help your partner connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat's an example of a time where you were recognized and/or appreciated for your efforts? Who was involved? How were you recognized?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q1.title":"Recognition and appreciation for our efforts can play a big role about how we feel about working within our teams. \nShare an example of a time where you felt recognize and/or appreciated for your efforts at work. Who was involved? How were you recognized?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q2.description":"\"Question: \"How often do you recognize or appreciate others?\" and \"Howcould incorporate more of these into your interactions with others?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: You may have different answers here. Focus on active listening to understand your partner's worldview.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat role does recognition and appreciation play in the sense of belonging on a team? How important are they? Why?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's now focus on understanding your current views on recognition and appreciation at work. \nWhat role does recognition and appreciation play in fostering a sense of belonging on a team? How important do they seem to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What would recognizing them look like in action?\" and \"How likely are you to follow through with this action?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner brainstorm ways to appreciate someone on their team.","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your values.\nWho from your team comes to mind that deserves recognition and/or appreciation for their efforts? Why?\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c2_q3.title":"Now that we've reflected on the importance of recognition and appreciation, let's each identify someone who deserves recognition. \nWho comes to mind from your team that you believe deserves recognition and/or appreciation for their recent efforts? Why? Click the profile icon for insights about why you value this.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c3_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.purposeful_and_proud_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How does feeling energized help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe your role in AWM. When are you most energized by your work? Why? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started. Imperative will be guiding us through each conversation, as we get to know each other through the lens of our purpose, and build on our insights from the Engage to Lead session. \nTell me about your role in AWM. When do you feel most energized by your work? Why? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “How does this align with some of your insights coming out of the Activating Purpose session at Engage to Lead?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what likely drives your sense of purpose at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives your sense of purpose at work.\nWhich part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment in three months?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nBuilding meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work. Why do you feel it's important to feel fulfilled? What are the benefits for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.title":"Key ingredients of fulfillment at work include building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth.\nWhy do you feel it's important to feel fulfilled at PwC? What are the benefits for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you in the example you shared? How did it feel to make that impact?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about for you? What type of impact is meaningful for you?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Thinking back to the AWM Purpose Activation session in November, what type of impact is most meaningful for you? \nFor additional insights, click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: “Who would benefit the most if you made this impact? How would you know if it were successful?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize their impact.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat goal feels most valuable to you in the next 2-3 months within your team? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.title":"Reflect back on our Engage to Lead sessions, and our conversation just now about meaningful impact. What feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-3 months within your team. \nDescribe the goal and why it feels important to you. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What do you need to feel set up for success?\" and \"What is one possible solution to feeling supported?\" \n\nCoaching Tip: Inspire them to act.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now plan for success for your goal.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? What possible challenges could arise? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's plan for success and anticipate challenges in accomplishing the goal you just shared. \nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? Where could there be possible challenges along the way? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your fulfillment at work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.\n","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at PwC? \nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship at the firm you really want to create or deepen in the next month? How might you do that?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm new ways of nurturing relationships.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your relationships at work.\nHow well do they support your fulfillment and success? Why? Your relationships ratings so far are {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}. (note: rating is only visible to you)","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. How well do your relationships support your feelings of fulfillment and success? Your relationships ratings so far are {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}. \n(note: rating is only visible to you)","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this challenge feel personally meaningful?\" and \"What do you most appreciate about how you grew from this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to experience that growth.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career? How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful. \nDescribe a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career. How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What energizes you when you use this strength? Why?\" and then, \"How often do you lean into this strength at PwC?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now explore your problem solving approach.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's reflect on your approach to problem solving at work. \nClick the profile icon for likely strengths. What resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why would that stretch feel meaningful to you?\" and \"How would that help you unlock more of your potential?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify an opportunity for growth.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere might you stretch yourself at work in the next 3 months? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c4_q3.title":"Growth often requires us to step out of our comfort zones.\nIn the next 3 months, where might you have an opportunity to stretch yourself at work? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"Between our live Purpose Activation session in November and our conversations over the past few weeks, what did you learn about what you need to be fulfilled at work? Why is it important?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of fulfillment.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What clarity have you gained?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential.\nClick on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment. Reflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to prioritize your fulfillment in that example? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example. As a reminder, you left our previous conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the importance of your impact, relationships, and growth at work. And after each of our conversations, you left feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nHow has your fulfillment at work changed by dedicating time to reflect and take action in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you feel if you felt unfulfilled a year from now? What are possible implications?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at a year from now for you. \nHow have you continued to make your fulfillment a priority? What is gained by continuing to make this a priority?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. \nHow have you continued to make fulfillment a priority? \nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's networks at PwC?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's networks at PwC?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"How have you seen the firm and/or your role change since you started?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you? What first excited you about working at PwC?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we are starting a series of conversations to help us understand how we can successfully navigate this period of change at PwC. Our conversations are an opportunity to share the positive parts and the challenging parts together. Let's start by getting to know more about each other.\nTell me about your role. What do you remember being most excited about when joining PwC?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.description":"Tip: Try to summarize what they shared.","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Tell me what you enjoy about your work. Also, what is a challenge you face? \nHow do the insights on the profile icon relate to your examples?\n\n {[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q2.title":"What have been a few positive aspects of your experience at PwC? Also, what has been one challenging aspect?\n\nCheck out the profile icon. How do these insights relate to what you've shared about how work can feel positive or challenging at times?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"Who else can support you in navigating these changes?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you? How could our conversations together support you during this period of change? What would make our time together worthwhile?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c1_q3.title":"This year has been another year of changes, and FY25 will bring even more change at the firm. All against the backdrop of the change we experience at a personal and societal level.\nChange affects each of us differently. How could our conversations together support you as things continue to evolve? What would make our time worthwhile?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.description":"Tip: Acknowledge how they are feeling.\n\nAsk: \"How would you describe the morale of your team/practice right now?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nSince the start of our conversations, you've shared feeling: {{conversations.onewords.before}}\nHow have you felt personally affected by our organization's growth and transformation so far?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q1.title":"Since the start of our conversations, you've shared feeling: {{conversations.onewords.before}}\nLet's check in on how you're feeling overall. How have you felt personally affected by our organization's growth and transformation so far?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.description":"Thank them for sharing. \nAsk: \"What is a strategy or a personal strength you leaned on?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a substantial change or uncertainty at work.\n\nHow did it impact you? How did it impact your team/practice?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q2.title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a substantial change or uncertainty at work.\n\nHow did it impact you? How did it impact your team/practice?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What new perspective did that experience provide?\" and \"How might you approach challenges differently now?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner brainstorm if needed.","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Now I'd like to hear your thoughts.\nClick the profile icon for insights about the perspective you often rely on. Read the examples, and share with me how any of these might have influenced your approach in the example you just shared.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c2_q3.title":"Click the profile icon for insights about the perspective you tend to take during challenging times. \nRead the examples, and share with me how any of these might have influenced your approach in the example you just shared.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: \"What are the alternatives if we don't change as an organization?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What are your thoughts? Describe how PwC is changing so far? What do you think we (as a firm) are hoping to achieve by going through these larger changes?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q1.title":"Our conversations together will help us understand how we are each affected by larger changes happening at the firm, and in our lives.\nIn your own words, how would you describe how PwC is changing? What do you think we (as a firm) are hoping to achieve by going through these larger changes?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.description":"Tip: Thank them for sharing.\n\nAsk: \"From what you shared, which aspects do you have the ability to influence, and which aspects are out of your hands?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Tell me about one significant way either you or your team practice is being affected by changes happening at the firm or in society.\n\nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q2.title":"Tell me about one significant way either you or your team practice is being affected by changes happening at the firm or in society.\n\nWhat is hard about it? What feels unknown?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What would help you feel confident enough to take action?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's go back to the example you shared. Imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \n\nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? (Check out the profile icon for ideas on how you tend to use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c3_q3.title":"Based on the example you just shared, let's imagine you successfully got through that challenge. \n\nTell me what happened. What role did you play in reaching a positive outcome? (Check out the profile icon for ideas on how you tend to use your strengths to make a difference.)\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"On a scale of 1 through 5, how motivated are you feeling to continue growing with PwC? Tell me why.\" and \"What might change that number?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Here's how you rated your \"Growth\" during the check ins throughout our conversations: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}. Note that your ratings can only be seen by you.\n\nWhat does \"growing professionally\" mean to you? How has your pursuit of professional growth shifted or changed over time?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q1.title":"For this session we'll be digging into how we imagine our careers moving forward amidst personal, organizational, and societal change. Here's how you rated your \"Growth\" during the check ins throughout our conversations: {{conversations.rig.growth.bydates}}. \nNote that your ratings can only be seen by you. \n\nWhen you think about \"growing professionally,\" what does that mean for you? How has your pursuit of professional growth shifted or changed over time?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Read back your notes to your peer to remind them of their strengths.\n\nAsk: \"How could you use your strengths more often in your current role?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you? Tell me about a time you were able to use your strengths to make an impact at PwC. What helped you feel that way, and why? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q2.title":"We feel more motivated to grow with an organization when we are able to use our strengths to make an impact. \nTell me about a time this felt true for you at PwC. What helped you feel that way, and why? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: \"What kinds of meaningful connections do you need to continue growing with PwC?\" and \"What are additional ways to deepen your network?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How have your current work relationships at the firm contributed to your sense of fulfillment in your role?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c4_q3.title":"Another important part of a fulfilling career is having meaningful relationships at work. \nHow have your current work relationships at the firm contributed to your sense of fulfillment in your role?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"What is one way you can remind yourself of how you feel most fulfilled?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Now let's read about your Purpose Archetype together. What resonates the most? What is important to remember in the coming months?\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q1.title":"Knowing what makes us feel excited, proud and valued can help us understand how to pursue our careers, even when an organization is changing around us. \nLet's read about your Purpose Archetype together. What resonates the most? What is important to remember in the coming months?\n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.description":"Tip: Acknowledge their feelings and be curious.\n\nAsk: \"What ideas do you have to support others on your team who are also going through these changes?\"","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn. How do you feel when you think about the next 1-2 years and consider the different dimensions of change we are going through? Why?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q2.title":"When you think about the next 1-2 years and consider the changes that you, PwC, and the world are going through, how does it make you feel (excited, nervous, confused)? Why?","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.description":"Tip: Help your partner brainstorm if needed.","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you? What additional resources or opportunities would help you navigate your career at this point? ","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q3.title":"We've covered a lot in our conversations together - about our own career growth, our strengths and connections, and how we see ourselves navigating future changes. \nWhat additional resources or opportunities would help you navigate your career at this point? (Ex. Relationship Leader, firm wellbeing benefits, stretch assignments, inclusion networks, colleagues, etc).","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks at the firm?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_navigating_change_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our final conversation together. However, we always have the opportunity to lean on each other as a resource.\nHow can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks at the firm?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How often do you an opportunity to hear about another role or team at {{member.organizationname}}?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to show you are curious about your peer.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhat are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's begin by saying hello and sharing more about one another. While we both work at {{member.organizationname}}, we likely play very different roles and/or have different perspectives on our work.\nTell me about your role. What are you currently enjoying about your work? What, if anything, is feeling challenging at this time?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you see your purpose showing up in your work today? Where may there be a gap?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back in your own words your learning about your peer.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Tell me about your role.\nWhen do you feel aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\"\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q2.title":"On Imperative, we have the opportunity to also introduce ourselves from the lens of our purpose. \nWhen do you aligned with your purpose? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. What resonates with your work experience?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\" and \"What can our conversations help you learn?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow up questions help create more understanding between you two.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together geared toward building a connection across the organisation. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"What do you need more of?\" and \"What do you need less of?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Express empathy toward your peer's experience.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"I'm curious how you are doing. \nHow are you arriving? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q1.title":"Welcome back! Let's start today by getting a baseline on how things are currently going for each of us.\nHow are you arriving today? What does your current workload look like these days? Describe any focuses, goals, or deadlines that come to mind.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How are those strengths showing up at work?\" and \"How might your strengths support the work I do?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for their willingness to build a supportive relationship.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat strengths do you bring to your work? How are you making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now, let's reflect on who we each are at our best. \nWhat are some of the key strengths you bring to your work? In what ways do you see yourself making an impact? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What knowledge or relationships would help you have a bigger impact?\" and \"How will that help you be more effective?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think. These may feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat challenge(s) do you notice? What do you want to learn about which will help you be more effective?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c2_q3.title":"In any organisation, information and relationships can easily become siloed off into teams/departments. And, the vast changes to work over the last few years have often added to this. \nWhat challenge(s) do you notice coming from siloed work styles? What feels important to learn about in order to be more effective?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What's working well?\" and \"What challenges do you navigate?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you learned about your peer's team.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your team.\nHow would you describe your team's approach to work? What do you want someone from a different team to know?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q1.title":"Let's start today by learning more about the different teams we each work within at {{member.organizationname}}.\nHow would you describe your department or team's approach to work? What do you want me, as someone from a different department, to know about your team?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are our priorities similar?\" and \"What opportunities do you see for collaboration?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's normal for priorities to be different. Look for common ground.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about your team?\nWhat are 2-3 priorities on which your team is currently focused? How do they add to the goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q2.title":"Now, let's get a little more specific by sharing the current focus of each of our teams.\nWhat are 2-3 priorities, as you see them, your team is focused on currently? How do those contribute to the overall goals of the company?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can our relationship help in a moment like this?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Help your partner identify how they will support resolution.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How do you see this?\nHow can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c3_q3.title":"During any collaborative effort, we may run into places where our departments have differing priorities -- leading to potential conflict.\nFrom your view, how can we best navigate competing/opposing priorities? Which of your strengths might support a resolution? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"Who are your easiest collaborators?\" and \"How has your work benefited from these successes?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their successes with them!","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat success(es) can you name? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q1.title":"We've explored how cross-functional relationships in the organisation can benefit the work we each do. Let's continue to refine the process.\nWhat success(es) have you noticed so far? Share specific examples.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"Where are there further opportunities to share information/knowledge?\" and \"What relationships support your efforts?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious about their experience and avoid problem solving.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? What gaps are you still noticing?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q2.title":"It's also important to explore where the challenges still exist.\nWhat barriers have you run into in your attempts to collaborate? Where are there still gaps between teams?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is a new action you might try?\" and \"In what way can I help?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner brainstorm and organise their thinking.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's brainstorm around the gaps you identified. \nHow can building on your strengths help you get around the barriers you previously shared? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c4_q3.title":"Our relationship is a great place to explore new solutions to ongoing challenges. \nHow can you build on the strengths you already possess to continue bridging the gaps you identified? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What is something new you appreciate knowing?\" and \"How will you use that going forward?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner identify what they appreciate.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat is something you learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've each had the opportunity to share more about our work as members of different teams at {{member.organizationname}}. \nFrom our conversations, what is something you've learned about the broader business? What new perspective have you gained?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up more in these ways?\" and \"How has that changed your approach to work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to reflect on how they've changed.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q2.title":"While we learned from each other's perspective, we likely also learned about ourselves. \nWhat is something you learned about yourself through our conversations? How have you grown? Click the profile icon for insights about you.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why are these commitments important to you?\" and \"How can I support your success?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Accountability and support are important aspects of this relationship.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nHow will you continue to build relationships outside of your team over the next 3 months? How will you deepen your learning about other aspects of the business?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q3.title":"Creating and maintaining relationships across the organization is an ongoing process. Let's commit to each other ways we will stay engaged in this process.\nOver the next 3 months, how will you continue to prioritize relationships outside of your team? How will you continue to learn about other parts of the business?","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"When did you first realize you were passionate about the role you are in today?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nShare your current role and what led you to a career at PwC. Why did it feel like the right opportunity for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started. Imperative will be guiding us through each conversation, as we get to know each other through the lens of our purpose.\nBegin by sharing your current role and what led you to a career at PwC. Why did it feel like the right opportunity for you?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"Have you always been motivated in this way?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer coach reflect on whether this kind of impact has been a pattern for them in their work.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What type of impact is meaningful for you?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q2.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Let's explore the impact that matters to you. \nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"How does your sense of impact affect your fulfillment and productivity at work?\"\n\nTip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn. \nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work. \nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"Does this impact feel energizing to you? Why? If not, what would feel energizing?\"\n\nTip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat is one area where you could maximize your impact in the next three months? Click on the profile icon to read some options.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c1_q4.title":"What is one area where you could maximize your impact in the next three months? Click on the profile icon to read some options.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your fulfillment at work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work? \nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? How might you do that?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm new ways of nurturing relationships.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"I'm curious to know about your relationships at work.\nDo you feel you have the relationships you need to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c2_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \nDo you feel you have the relationships you need at work to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not? ","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this challenge feel personally meaningful?\" and \"What do you most appreciate about how you grew from this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to experience that growth. ","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career? How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career. How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What energizes you when you use this strength? Why?\" and then, \"How often do you lean into this strength at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's now explore your problem solving approach.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's reflect on your approach to problem solving at work.\nClick the profile icon for likely strengths. What resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why would that stretch feel meaningful to you?\" and \"How would that help you unlock more of your potential?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify an opportunity for growth. ","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere might you stretch yourself at work in the next 3 months? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c3_q3.title":"Growth often requires us to step out of our comfort zones.\nIn the next 3 months, where might you have an opportunity to stretch yourself at work? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q1.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c4_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What felt energizing about joining {{member.organizationname}}? What potential did you see for your relationships, impact, and/or growth?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Stay curious and ask follow up questions.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about for you? \nTell me about when you first joined {{member.organizationname}}. What brought you here? Why did you believe it was a good fit?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started. Imperative will be guiding us through each conversation, as we get to know each other through the lens of our purpose. \nTell me about when you first started in your current role at {{member.organizationname}}. What brought you to it? Why did you believe it was a good fit?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What connections, if any, do you see to your purpose profile?\" and \"How often have you felt meaningful moments like this?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach see possible connections to their profile.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"When have you been proud of your work here at {{member.organizationname}}? Why did it feel meaningful?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q2.title":"Describe a moment you felt particularly proud of your work at {{member.organizationname}}. Why did it feel meaningful? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What progress have you made so far towards this goal?\" and \"What about it energizes you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate where they've started.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"It's your turn. \nWhat is success for you over the next 3 months? Why is it personally meaningful?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q3.title":"Let's turn to our work now.\nWhat will make the next 3 months a success for you personally? Why?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"As you commit to action at the end of each conversation, how do you want me to support you and hold you accountable?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Create clear expectations about accountability up front.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How have you valued making time for peer coaching?\nWhat has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be peer coaches for each other. \nHow have you valued making time for peer coaching? What has helped make this a supportive space to have meaningful conversations?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What role do you play on the team?\" and then, \"What contributions do you make that energize you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Make sure you really understand their situation.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Tell me about your team (the people that you collaborate most with each week). \nWhen have you felt proud about the impact you and your team have made? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's begin by reflecting on why the work we do within our team matters. \nDescribe your current team (the people that you collaborate most with each week). When have you felt proud about the impact you and your team have made? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"What actions go along with the strengths you've identified?\" and \"How would it feel to see your strengths contributing to the team's success?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize what success would look and feel like.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Where is there an opportunity for you to support success for the team? How can you uniquely leverage your strengths? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's consider what feels most valuable for your team to get done over the next three months. \nWhere is there an opportunity for you to support success for the team? How can you uniquely leverage your strengths? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What gets in the way of prioritizing this?\" and \"What permission do you need in order to take action here?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Inspire your peer to be courageous.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about for you and your team? You rated your impact before we started our conversation: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}} (this rating is only visible to you)\nIf you let go of fear and time constraints, what would you be doing differently to help your team be successful? How would you feel about your impact by doing so?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c2_q3.title":"You rated your impact before we started our conversation: {{conversation.current.rig.impact}} (this rating is only visible to you)\nIf you had more time and no fear, what is one thing you'd be doing to help your team be successful right now? How would that change how you feel about your impact?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"What do you most value in each of those relationships? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to reflect on the quality of the relationships.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your relationship ratings so far are: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (these are visible only to you).\nWho are the people that most impact this rating? What specifically leads you to feel this way?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q1.title":"Prior to our conversations, we each rated how we felt about our relationships. Your ratings so far are: {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}} (these are visible only to you).\nWho are the people that most impact this rating? What about your interactions lead you to feel this way?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How would it feel to invest in people?\" and \"How would that investment enable you to be more successful and fulfilled?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them see the benefit of investing more in people.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"If you had more time, what types of relationships or interactions would you invest in/do more of? Why?\nClick the profile icon for ways you may find personal value.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q2.title":"We often under invest in relationships because we feel we don't have enough time in the day.\nIf you had more time, what types of relationships or interactions would you invest in/do more of? Why? Click the profile icon for ways you may find personal value.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How possible is it to make this change? If impossible, what is an alternative?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach identify and remove barriers to action.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's consider your longer-term success. \nWhat is one thing you could do less of to make more time to invest in people?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c3_q3.title":"Prioritizing your time is critical to success.\nWhat is one thing you could do less of to make time to invest in the relationships that will enable your longer-term success?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"In what way(s) did you grow?\" and \"What made you feel proud about this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Connect your peer to the feeling of the experience.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nDescribe a time when you felt substantial growth after stretching beyond your comfort zone. How did it come about? What happened?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q1.title":"We most often feel our greatest sense of growth when we've overcome fear or succeeded after taking a risk. \nDescribe a time at work when you felt substantial growth after stretching beyond your comfort zone. How did it come about? What happened?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How has this experience helped you in your career?\" and \"What do you know now that you didn't before?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to see this learning as a success.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhen have you taken a risk and it didn't work out as you planned? What did you learn about yourself?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q2.title":"Equally- it's healthy to recognize times we tried something new and learned from the mistake or perceived failure.\nWhen have you taken a risk and it didn't work out as you planned? What did you learn about yourself?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"How would acting on this opportunity help you grow?\" and \"Assuming you are successful, how would that feel?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Inspire them to act.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What opportunity feels just outside your comfort zone currently? What makes it positive, yet, a little uncomfortable? \nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's consider current opportunities for growth and help each other take a small step outside our comfort zone. \nWhat opportunity feels just outside your comfort zone currently? What makes it positive, yet, a little uncomfortable? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What is one specific opportunity that motivates you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help you peer get specific about something that they are looking forward to doing moving forward.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"As you look at where we are going as an organization, what energizes you about the future of the organization and your role? What opportunity do you see to align your purpose to your job? \nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our last conversation, for now, let's reflect on our work together and where we want to go from here.\nWhat energizes you about the future of the organization and your role? What opportunity do you see to align your purpose to your job? Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"Alternatively, what did you learn about the potential ways you hold yourself back from success and fulfillment?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to stay pro-active to being their best self.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Your turn. As a reminder, you left our conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nWhat have you learned about what brings out your best self at work? What changes have you made to align with that?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored what helps you be your best self at {{member.organizationname}} - your relationships, impact, and growth. You left our conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}\nWhat have you learned about what you need to feel your best self at work? What changes have you made to bring out that best self?","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What are the consequences of not showing up as your best self?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer see that doing nothing would not be desirable.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How about for you? \nIf you act courageously and focus on what matters the most in your work, how will your work be different in a year? Describe the impact on you and your team.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's take a few minutes to create a vision for where and how we want to be in a year.\nIf you act courageously and focus on what matters the most in your work, how will your work be different in a year? Describe the impact on you and your team.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask your partner to explain the “why” behind their answers until you fully understand.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How do you typically look to solve a problem or realize an opportunity at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of your approach to realizing potential. What parts of this description resonate the most? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q1.title":"How do you typically look to solve a problem or realize an opportunity at work? Click the profile icon for a summary of your approach to realizing potential. What parts of this description resonate the most? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q2.description":"Help your partner be specific about how that memory lines up with their preferred problem-solving approach.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Describe one strong memory of using the problem-solving approach from the last question to overcome some difficulty or interact with others.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q2.title":"Describe one strong memory of using the problem-solving approach from the last question to overcome some difficulty or interact with others.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to own their strengths by providing specific examples.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"In your current role, how do you use your preferred problem-solving approach to overcome challenges or obstacles?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q3.title":"In your current role, how do you use your preferred problem-solving approach to overcome challenges or obstacles?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner what needs to happen before they can make those changes in their role.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What part of your job allows you to utilize your preferred problem-solving approach the most? How can you apply it in the same way to other areas of your job?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c1_q4.title":"What part of your job allows you to utilize your preferred problem-solving approach the most? How can you apply it in the same way to other areas of your job?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask them which one on the list they feel the most confident about and why.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What skills make you effective at solving problems and creating value? Click the profile icon for some likely skills you have today. Which are your strongest?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q1.title":"What skills make you effective at solving problems and creating value? Click the profile icon for some likely skills you have today. Which are your strongest?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask them to share how it felt to be recognized for these abilities?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What are two examples of when other people have recognized these talents?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q2.title":"What are two examples of when other people have recognized these talents?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q3.description":"Are there any barriers to you doing it? If so, how can they remove them?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What is one way you could be using your strengths more in your work today? Who would benefit from you using this strength more often?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q3.title":"What is one way you could be using your strengths more in your work today? Who would benefit from you using this strength more often?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q4.description":"There are a lot of ways to learn. How do they like to learn and build skills?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"What is one skill that you have but would like to develop in the next three months? Why did you pick that one? What opportunities can you create to work on it over the next three months?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c2_q4.title":"What is one skill that you have but would like to develop in the next three months? Why did you pick that one? What opportunities can you create to work on it over the next three months?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q1.description":"What are a few recent examples? How did it feel to be doing quality work?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What does it look like when you are doing high-quality work? Click the profile icon for some examples of times when you are doing great work.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q1.title":"What does it look like when you are doing high-quality work? Click the profile icon for some examples of times when you are doing great work.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask them to share examples of how working with other people with different strengths improved the quality of their own work.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"When do you need other people to help push you to do quality work? What biases do you have that might get in your way? Click the profile icon for some biases you may have today.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q2.title":"When do you need other people to help push you to do quality work? What biases do you have that might get in your way? Click the profile icon for some biases you may have today.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q3.description":"Challenge them to come up with another example.","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"When have you recognized someone for the quality of their work recently? What is a recent example? How did they respond and how did it feel?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q3.title":"When have you recognized someone for the quality of their work recently? What is a recent example? How did they respond and how did it feel?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q4.description":"Ask…”What do you need from the team to make this possible?”","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"What are two ways you can help your team bring their strengths to work more often?","peerconversation.question.realizingpotential_s1_c3_q4.title":"What are two ways you can help your team bring their strengths to work more often?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask follow up questions that help you understand what shapes their worldview. \n\nFor example, \"Share a meaningful career experience that has helped drive your career success to date.\" and/or \"What's most important to you outside of work?\"","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Our conversations will involve taking turns sharing our perspectives. So let's switch and hear from you. \n\nWhat feels important, personally and professionally, for me to know about you?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! I'm looking forward to the opportunity to strengthen our ability to collaborate across teams, adapt and innovate at {{member.organizationname}}. But first, let's start by getting to know each other.\n\nAs I get to know you, what feels important for me to know about you? Feel free to share personally and professionally.","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask, \"Where are there opportunities to feel more connected to your work?\" and \"What else would you like to be focused on?\"\n\nTip: Curiosity can help your peer better understand what's working and any gaps in their current experience at work.","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Your turn. \n\nWhat projects/activities do you feel most connected to at work? How do they bring out your best? Click the profile icon to help you reflect.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q2.title":"I'd like to learn more about what's important to you and makes you feel purposeful in your work. \n\nWhen do you feel most connected to your work? What projects/activities bring out your best work? Click the profile icon for insights to help you reflect.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.description":"Explore your role in making this worthwhile. Ask \"How can I best show up for you in our conversations?\"","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\n\nWhat would you like to get out of this? What's your ideal outcome? ","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have three more conversations together focused on adapting our work to foster more innovation. \n\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? What would make this worthwhile for you?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.description":"Explore the positive impact of this relationship itself. Ask, \"What do you most appreciate from our time together?\"","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhich of your learnings stick out the most from our conversations? What impact has this made on your mindset?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation together for now. Let's take some time to reflect on what we've learned from this experience. \n\nWhat will you most take away from our conversations about adaptive teams? How has your mindset changed?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.description":"Help them acknowledge their growth. Ask, \"What successes have you had as a result?\" or \"What are you most proud of?\"\n\nTip: Celebrate the successes and growth of your peer.","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"What have you learned? How has this changed the way you work? \nClick the profile icon for a reminder of your style. \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q2.title":"While exploring opportunities to work across function, build trusted bonds across boundaries, and in ways that support innovation, we also explored important elements of our own working style. \n\nWhat have you learned about your style? In what ways have you brought more of your style to your work as a result? \n\nClick the profile icon for a reminder of your style.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.description":"This is your last conversation together, so see how you can support your peer in the future. \n\nAsk, \"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"What about you?\n\nHow will you continue to adapt in ways that benefit our patients? What opportunities to work across functions will you seek out?","peerconversation.question.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1_c20_q3.title":"Staying adaptable and finding opportunities to make an impact across functions are ongoing efforts. Consider work over the next 6 months.\n\nHow will you continue to adapt in ways that benefit our patients? What cross-functional opportunities will you continue to seek out?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q1.description":"Practice active listening and repeat back what you heard your partner share.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the description from your profile that describes the impact you seek to make in the world. What resonates the most in the description? Why do you care about making this kind of impact?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q1.title":"Click the profile icon and read the description from your profile that describes the impact you seek to make in the world. What resonates the most in the description? Why do you care about making this kind of impact?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details of your partner’s memory with requests like \"Tell me more about…\"","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q2.short_title":" What are two examples of work you have done that made an impact that you felt was meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q2.title":" What are two examples of work you have done that made an impact that you felt was meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to share examples of specific customers when possible.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What are two ways our products and services help improve our customers’ level of impact and/or success (i.e., why does closing a deal matter beyond the money)? You’ll refer to these answers in the next question.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q3.title":"What are two ways our products and services help improve our customers’ level of impact and/or success (i.e., why does closing a deal matter beyond the money)? You’ll refer to these answers in the next question.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q4.description":"Play a new potential customer and ask your partner to share their purpose connection to what you are selling them.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Think about your answers to the last question. How does our customers’ success help you increase your sense of impact. How would you explain this to a potential customer?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c1_q4.title":"Think about your answers to the last question. How does our customers’ success help you increase your sense of impact. How would you explain this to a potential customer?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q1.description":"Identify one thing your partner shares and tell them why you find it valuable.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How do you naturally add value and solve problems? Click the profile icon. Which of these purpose powers from your profile do other people regularly recognize in you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q1.title":"How do you naturally add value and solve problems? Click the profile icon. Which of these purpose powers from your profile do other people regularly recognize in you?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask them to share details. \"Tell me more…\"","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q2.short_title":" What are three ways you use these abilities in your job today?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q2.title":" What are three ways you use these abilities in your job today?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q3.description":"Get specific about the differences between your partner and another co-worker with a very different sales style.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What is one way your talents impact your approach to selling? How do you approach your job differently than other sellers?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q3.title":"What is one way your talents impact your approach to selling? How do you approach your job differently than other sellers?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q4.description":" Give them time to think and come up with ideas.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"What is one way you could be more effective as a seller if you further embraced your natural talents? How could you help your co-workers be more successful?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c2_q4.title":"What is one way you could be more effective as a seller if you further embraced your natural talents? How could you help your co-workers be more successful?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q1.description":"Share examples of when you have seen other people with similar blind spots.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Given the impact that matters to you, what are some of the blind spots you might have when communicating with other people? Which of these possible blind spots listed below do you think you have at times based on the impact that matters to you?\n(Impact blind spots)","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q1.title":"Given the impact that matters to you, what are some of the blind spots you might have when communicating with other people? Which of these possible blind spots listed below do you think you have at times based on the impact that matters to you?\n(Impact blind spots)","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q2.description":"If they get stuck, share examples you have seen in your work to spark ideas.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How do your blind spots prevent you at times from hearing other people fully? How might that affect your ability to connect with a customer or co-worker?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q2.title":"How do your blind spots prevent you at times from hearing other people fully? How might that affect your ability to connect with a customer or co-worker?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask them how it feels when this happens.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How might other people’s blind spots prevent them from hearing what you are trying to communicate? What would be a sign that this is happening in a conversation?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q3.title":"How might other people’s blind spots prevent them from hearing what you are trying to communicate? What would be a sign that this is happening in a conversation?","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q4.description":"Ask them to pledge to take action based on what they shared.","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"How can you use your strengths to help you make sure you are communicating effectively? Click the profile icon and review. Which one of these purpose powers can you use to improve your relationships with colleagues and clients?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.selling_withpurpose_s1_c3_q4.title":"How can you use your strengths to help you make sure you are communicating effectively? Click the profile icon and review. Which one of these purpose powers can you use to improve your relationships with colleagues and clients?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.how.{{howdriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"When do you first remember being energized about your field of work?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up questions to show you are curious about your peer.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. \n\nTell me about your role at Microsoft. What is your favorite part of your role?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have the opportunity over the next four conversations to better understand our role in navigating AI engagements at {{member.organizationname}}. But first, let's get to know each other by sharing about ourselves. \n\nTell me about your role at Microsoft. What is your favorite part of your role?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do these strengths help you be more effective at navigating AI engagements?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect their strengths to their approach to AI engagements.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into what drives you.\nWhich part(s) resonate? Why? Share examples of how you see this showing up in your work.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q2.title":"Successfully navigating AI engagements is maximized when we feel connected to the work we're doing. Let's explore what uniquely drives you at work. \nClick on the profile icon below for insights about what drives you. Which part(s) resonate? Why? Share examples of how you see this showing up in your work. \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions:\"What are you hoping to discuss or learn more about (in regards to AI engagements) during our conversations together?\"\n\nReminder: For the latest information and learning resources to facilitate your conversations on AI please copy and paste https://aka.ms/ISEngAI into your browsers and review the resources there.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Tell me about your perspective. What about AI engagements excites you in your work? What about it challenges you?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have three more conversations focused on expanding our ability to navigate AI engagements. \n\nWhat about AI engagements excites you in your work? What about it challenges you?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"How do you balance the many factors of this engagement?\" and \"What does success look like?\"","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn to reflect on an example from your work. \n\nWhat is an AI engagement you anticipate or are currently navigating? What key factors must you consider?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q1.title":"AI engagements require us to consider many factors such as numerous stakeholders, intermittent stakeholder participation, managing differing levels of stakeholders (manager to senior execs), and unclear goals, objectives, roles, responsibilities, and/or process. Not to mention ambiguity and data quality issues. Reflect on a current or anticipated AI engagement.\n\nTell me about this engagement. What key factors can you identify that you must consider? ","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"What's worked and what hasn't worked for you?\" and \"Who are your biggest allies in this engagement?\"\n\nTip: Focus on active listening rather than engaging in problem-solving for now.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nIn the example you previously shared, what practices or strategies have you tried or anticipate trying? Click the profile icon for likely ways you get started.\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's now look at our current approach to navigating this AI engagement.\nIn the example you previously shared, what practices or strategies have you tried or anticipate trying? \nClick the profile icon for likely ways you get started.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is something you've recently learned about this engagement?\" and \"How did you gain that information and is there anyone with whom you should share it?\"\n\nReminder: For the latest information and learning resources to facilitate your conversations on AI please copy and paste https://aka.ms/ISEngAI into your browsers and review the resources there.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What practices help you continuously learn, communicate, and stay updated on relevant information for your engagement?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c2_q3.title":"Due to the ever-evolving nature of AI engagements, we must find ways to stay up-to-date on changes that occur. \n\nWhat practices do you have in place to continuously learn, communicate, and stay updated on relevant information related to this engagement?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"What feels most challenging about this engagement? Why?\"\n\nReminder: For the latest information and learning resources to facilitate your conversations on AI please copy and paste https://aka.ms/ISEngAI into your browsers and review the resources there.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat obstacle or roadblock comes to mind for you? Tell me about the engagement and the obstacle.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q1.title":"Roadblocks or obstacles (e.g., multiple stakeholders, ambiguity, etc.) are a normal part of any AI engagement. How we handle them determines whether we move toward or away from success.\n\nWhat is a roadblock or obstacle you have recently, or are currently navigating? Tell me about the engagement and what you have identified as the obstacle.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What is needed to overcome the obstacle?\" and \"How could this challenge be an opportunity for growth?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner explore how they relate to inevitable challenges.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"I'm interested to hear how you navigate obstacles.\n\nHow do you currently handle the obstacle(s) in your example? What impact or result are you hoping to achieve?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q2.title":"How do you currently handle the obstacle(s) you previously shared? What is the impact or result you hope to create?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"How flexible are you in adjusting to unexpected changes or new information?\" and \"Who can you ask for help or learn from?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner brainstorm by offering a strategy that comes to mind.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon to explore how you best problem-solve.\n\nWhat alternate strategies or plans could you consider to overcome the obstacle from your example? What else could you try?\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c3_q3.title":"Sometimes we find success by utilizing strategies we already know to overcome obstacles. But in other times, we must be agile and get creative with our approach. Click the profile icon to explore how you best problem-solve. \n\nWhat alternative strategies could you consider to overcome the obstacle you previously shared? What else could you try?\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: “How do you measure the progress and success of your efforts?\"\n\nReminder: For the latest information and learning resources to facilitate your conversations on AI please copy and paste https://aka.ms/ISEngAI into your browsers and review the resources there.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on your efforts.\nWhat has changed in your efforts to navigate AI (or high ambiguity, low certainty) engagements? What's worked and why? What hasn't and why?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q1.title":"We've focused over the previous 3 conversations on our current and new strategies for navigating AI engagements. Let's now discuss what we're learning from our efforts.\n\nHow have you seen your efforts change when navigating AI (or high ambiguity, low certainty) engagements in your work? What's working and why? What has been less successful and why?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How do you adjust your efforts based on feedback? Share an example.\"\n\nTip: Help your peer make a plan for receiving feedback.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do you gather feedback and insights from others in the engagement? Who feels most important to receive feedback from? Why?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q2.title":"When assessing our efforts, it may be important to also ask for feedback from others (e.g. managers/leaders, coworkers, clients, etc.).\n\nHow do you gather feedback and insights from others involved in the engagement? Who feels most important to receive feedback from? Why?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How will you overcome that obstacle?\" and \"What still needs your attention?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner by sharing what you've most appreciated from your time together.","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\n\nWhat challenge(s) still exists within actual or anticipated AI engagements in your work? How can I best support you?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c4_q3.title":"Successfully navigating AI engagements is an ongoing process that requires continuous growth and reflection from each of us. \n\nWhat challenge(s) still exists within actual or anticipated AI engagements in your work? How can I support you going forward?","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q1.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q1.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q2.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q2.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q3.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q3.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.skilling_circles_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q1.description":"Have your partner fill in the blanks: \"This story will be a success if the person hearing it thinks _______, feels _______, and does _______.\"","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Take a moment to reflect. Think about a time in your life that had a meaningful impact on you and who you’ve become. Tell your partner a story from this period in your life that meant something personally to you. What happened? Be as specific as possible. Why do you want to tell this story? Why is this story meaningful to you? Who do you want to hear this story?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q1.title":"Take a moment to reflect. Think about a time in your life that had a meaningful impact on you and who you’ve become. Tell your partner a story from this period in your life that meant something personally to you. What happened? Be as specific as possible. Why do you want to tell this story? Why is this story meaningful to you? Who do you want to hear this story?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask them, \"What is the moral of your story?\"","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Reflecting on the story your shared in question #1, what is the core lesson of the story you want to communicate to your audience? How can this specific story inspire people? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely define the change we need to make in the world. What parts of this summary align with the story you shared?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q2.title":"Reflecting on the story your shared in question #1, what is the core lesson of the story you want to communicate to your audience? How can this specific story inspire people? Click the profile icon for a summary of how you likely define the change we need to make in the world. What parts of this summary align with the story you shared?\n \n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to share specifics until you feel you really understand the \"shero\" or \"hero.\" Try starting with, \"tell me more...\"","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Who is the \"hero\" of your story? What background information do we need to know about this person or their situation before the main event in your story? What motivated the \"shero\" or \"hero\" to act?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q3.title":"Who is the \"hero\" of your story? What background information do we need to know about this person or their situation before the main event in your story? What motivated the \"shero\" or \"hero\" to act?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q4.description":"Explore the moment of impact. Ask: \"What exactly happened?\" \"How do you know the outcome of the story made this specific impact?\"","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What was the outcome of your story? Who was impacted? What was the impact? Based on your Purpose Profile, here is a summary of the impact that often moves you. What parts of the summary below describe the impact made in your story?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c1_q4.title":"What was the outcome of your story? Who was impacted? What was the impact? Based on your Purpose Profile, here is a summary of the impact that often moves you. What parts of the summary below describe the impact made in your story?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q1.description":"Share two new things about your partner’s story that really had an impact on you.","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"In conversation #1, we explored the morale of your story, the hero, and their impact. Share with your partner the current \"draft\" of your story based on your reflections from your previous conversation.","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q1.title":"In conversation #1, we explored the morale of your story, the hero, and their impact. Share with your partner the current \"draft\" of your story based on your reflections from your previous conversation.","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q2.description":"Did you feel like you understood the context of the story? Share your experience hearing the story.","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"An effective story sets up the situation and context before it gets to the action, this is called the back-story. In the back-story you are able to understand the day-to-day reality before the change. What is one way you could make this aspect of your story stronger?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q2.title":"An effective story sets up the situation and context before it gets to the action, this is called the back-story. In the back-story you are able to understand the day-to-day reality before the change. What is one way you could make this aspect of your story stronger?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q3.description":"Explore the other reactions the \"shero\" or \"hero\" could have had for a similar situation.","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What was the moment where your \"shero\" or \"hero\" was inspired to act? How are we able to really understand their motivation to act? Why didn’t they decide to just maintain the status quo? What is one detail you can add to help the audience understand why the \"shero\" or \"hero\" of the story chose to act?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q3.title":"What was the moment where your \"shero\" or \"hero\" was inspired to act? How are we able to really understand their motivation to act? Why didn’t they decide to just maintain the status quo? What is one detail you can add to help the audience understand why the \"shero\" or \"hero\" of the story chose to act?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q4.description":"Share your final feedback. What are three things you like about their story and what is one area you would challenge them to continue to practice?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"How do we know the \"shero\" or \"hero\" was successful? If they hadn’t acted, what would have happened instead? What is one less obvious way we could observe the impact of the \"shero’s\" or \"hero’s\" actions?","peerconversation.question.storytelling_s1_c2_q4.title":"How do we know the \"shero\" or \"hero\" was successful? If they hadn’t acted, what would have happened instead? What is one less obvious way we could observe the impact of the \"shero’s\" or \"hero’s\" actions?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q1.description":"Listen for the change in energy in their voice and point it out to them.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon and read the description from your profile that describes who you are at your best. What resonates the most in the description? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q1.title":"Click the profile icon and read the description from your profile that describes who you are at your best. What resonates the most in the description? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q2.description":"Dive into the details of your partner’s memory with requests like \"Tell me more about…\"","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What is an example of a time you felt you were at the top of your game and really fulfilled at work? How did it feel? Did you feel any stress?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q2.title":"What is an example of a time you felt you were at the top of your game and really fulfilled at work? How did it feel? Did you feel any stress?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to share details about what happened and how they felt.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What is an example of a time you felt a lot of stress at work and it prevented you from being your best self? What was happening?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q3.title":"What is an example of a time you felt a lot of stress at work and it prevented you from being your best self? What was happening?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q4.description":"Ask your partner to define characteristics of good and bad stress.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What do you see as the difference between good and bad stress in your work?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c1_q4.title":"What do you see as the difference between good and bad stress in your work?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask your partner to have the example be as recent as possible and not the same example they provided in your previous conversation.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"When was the last time you were aware of being stressed? What was the situation?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q1.title":"When was the last time you were aware of being stressed? What was the situation?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q2.description":"Try to relate to what your partner is sharing. Have you ever felt the same way?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let’s go back to the example you just shared. Pause for a second and try to put yourself back into that moment. How did it feel?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let’s go back to the example you just shared. Pause for a second and try to put yourself back into that moment. How did it feel?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q3.description":"Explore different jobs and parts of their life where this might show up.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What are the types of situations that consistently trigger that feeling for you?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q3.title":"What are the types of situations that consistently trigger that feeling for you?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q4.description":"Challenge them to take ownership and not blame other people.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"What role did you play in making that situation stressful? How could you have approached it differently to decrease the stress, or used the stress more productively?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c2_q4.title":"What role did you play in making that situation stressful? How could you have approached it differently to decrease the stress, or used the stress more productively?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q1.description":"Try to connect what they share with what they told you in previous conversations.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"According to the American Institute of Stress, the top sources of stress at work are workload, people issues, and juggling personal/work lives. Which one is the largest source of stress for you? Why?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q1.title":"According to the American Institute of Stress, the top sources of stress at work are workload, people issues, and juggling personal/work lives. Which one is the largest source of stress for you? Why?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask your partner how it feels when they are using this strength.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a list of talents based on your profile. Which ones stand out to you as being an area where you feel really strong? When do you use it at work and outside of work?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q2.title":"Click the profile icon for a list of talents based on your profile. Which ones stand out to you as being an area where you feel really strong? When do you use it at work and outside of work?\n\n*{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}*","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q3.description":"Don’t rush. Give your partner time to think. If you have suggestions, share them.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How could you have used your strengths to better manage the top source of stress in your work?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q3.title":"How could you have used your strengths to better manage the top source of stress in your work?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q4.description":"Have them think back to their previous conversations with you for ideas.","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"What are you going to do going forward to be more aware of the sources of stress in your life and to use your strengths to manage them?","peerconversation.question.stress_mgmt_s1_c3_q4.title":"What are you going to do going forward to be more aware of the sources of stress in your life and to use your strengths to manage them?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"When did you first realize you were interested in your current field of work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious as you get to know each other.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat led you to your current role at Target? Describe what feels most energizing for you right now in your role. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started by sharing a bit more about each of our career here at Target. \nWhat led you to your current role at Target? Describe what feels most energizing for you right now in your role. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"If your definition was true for you, how would you feel right now? If it were true for your entire team, how would it feel?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach some time to consider their response.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe what well-being means to you. If everyone on your team was focused on well-being, what would that represent to you?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q2.title":"Over the course of our conversations, we will reflect, action and support each other with our well-being. When we feel we have the tools to prioritize our well-being, it enables a greater opportunity to feel fulfilled at work. \nDescribe what well-being means to you. If everyone on your team was focused on well-being, what would that represent to you?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Imagine it's 3 months from now. Where do you want to be in your journey? What has positively changed for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them envision their goals. It should feel energizing to them.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nOn a scale of 1-10, where are you personally towards understanding your needs for your own well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q3.title":"We are always on unique journeys. As we begin to support each other through our coaching conversations, it's important to understand where you are in your wellness journey. \nOn a scale of 1-10, where are you personally towards understanding your needs for your own well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"How did this example impact your sense of well-being?\" and \"Were you aware of your well-being while you felt stressed, or did you notice it more after the fact?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer explore how stress factors impact their well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe a recent moment of stress. What main factors led to that stress? Click the profile icon for possible stress enablers.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q1.title":"Reflect on a recent moment of stress that you navigated in your role.\nDescribe the situation in detail. What were the primary factors of the stress? Click the profile icon for possible stress enablers.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did it feel to prioritize your well-being in that example?\" and \"What worked and what didn't work for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach appreciate they are trying. It's a journey.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What common factors pull you away from prioritizing well-being? Share a specific example of a time you recently tried to prioritize your well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's dig a little deeper into what, if anything, gets in the way of your well-being.\nWhat are common factors that make it difficult to prioritize your well-being? Share a specific example of a time you recently tried to prioritize your well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What action could someone take that would make the most meaningful contribution to your well-being? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to get specific.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nDescribe a time you felt cared for during a time of stress from a team member. Be specific. What action from your team member felt supportive?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c2_q3.title":"It is normal and encouraged for Target team members to ask for help in times of stress or change.\nDescribe a time you felt cared for during a time of stress from a team member. Be specific. What action from your team member felt supportive?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Why is a culture of care important to you?\" and \"What other care actions would you like to see?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Follow up questions can help them connect to their own values.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat does care look like on your team? How do others support your well-being? How do you support others' well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q1.title":"We each work within teams rather than just on our own. Reflect on how the value of care shows up on your team.\nWhat does care look like on your team currently? How do others support your well-being? How do you support the well-being of others?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"How did it feel to witness/take part in that?\" and \"What other opportunities do you see for prioritizing people?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's hear a situation from your team.\nDescribe a situation where you saw a person/people as truly the priority. What actions were taken to make that true? What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q2.title":"An important value for each of us at Target is making people the priority.\nDescribe a situation where you saw a person/people as truly the priority. What actions were taken to make people the priority? What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How would that impact your sense of belonging? Your fulfillment?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions that make it personally meaningful.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your ideas.\nWhat are some new ways you can make care a priority in your daily work? Which of your strengths will help you? Click the profile icon for some of your strengths.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c3_q3.title":"Even small actions we take to support someone else can amplify care within our teams. \nIn what added ways can you make care a priority in your daily work? Which of your strengths could support this? Click the profile icon for some of your strengths.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Share an example of when you previously felt motivated by your sense of growth.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"I'm curious about your definition.\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q1.title":"Here at Target, we believe in personal definitions of growth that are centered around well-being.\nHow do you currently feel about your growth? What are the main reasons for your response?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you feel about stepping outside of your comfort zone?\" and \"How can you ensure your well-being stays a priority?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer explore the relationship between growth and well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere is there an opportunity to stretch yourself in the next few months? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q2.title":"Growth often involves stretching outside of our comfort zones which can impact our sense of well-being.\nIn the next few months, where is there an opportunity to stretch yourself? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Who comes to mind as your most important resources?\" and \"How can you make sure they know about your growth goal?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions that help define the care they might need.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nHow can other's support your next growth phase? What, specifically, would help be successful? Why?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c4_q3.title":"During growth phases, those with whom we work most frequently can be important resources.\nHow can other's support you as you expand your skills? What, specifically, would help you step into that stretch? Why?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What motivates you to keep yours and others' well-being a priority? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their learnings and continued efforts.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat have you learned about receiving care from others? What have you learned about how you best offer care to others?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time reflecting on care as an important element of well-being for each of us. Let's take a moment to share what we've learned from our conversations. \nWhat have you learned about how you best receive care from others? What have you learned about how you best give care to others?","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"What obstacles might arise?\" and \"How might you deal with them?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them stay focused on well-being by removing future obstacles.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about 6 months from now for you?\nWhat are you doing to maintain your well-being? How does that align with your own sense of purpose in your role? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's now imagine what the next 6 months will look like for you.\nWhat well-being-oriented actions will you maintain? How will that help you align with your personal sense of purpose? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner by sharing something specific they helped you with as their peer coach.","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q3.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well-being_2_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"When you feel your best, what is present in your life?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Clarifying follow-up questions can help your partner do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat is your role at Target? Describe a positive and energizing day in your role.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q1.title":"We have the opportunity to spend some focused time understanding what adds to our well-being. Let's first get to know each other a bit more.\nWhat is your role at Target? Describe a positive and energizing day in your role.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What causes stress?\" and \"What positively impacts your well-being?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Remaining curious helps demonstrate an interest in getting to know your peer.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nHow would you rate your current well-being on a scale of 1-10? What major factors contribute to that rating? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q2.title":"As we begin to prioritize our well-being, let's get a baseline from each of us.\nOn a scale of 1-10, 10 being a high sense of well-being, how would you rate your current well-being? What are the major factors that contribute to that rating? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"What will you need to do more/less of?\" and \"What will help you stay motivated to prioritize your wellness?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help them explore this by sharing back what you heard.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nImagine it's our last conversation (roughly 3 months from now). How would you like to rate your well-being? What would it feel like to feel you are prioritizing your well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will utilize our future conversations to continue exploring ways you are motivated to focus on your well-being.\nImagine it's our last conversation (roughly 3 months from now). How would you like to rate your well-being? What would it feel like to feel you are prioritizing your well-being?\"","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What do you value about the opportunity to do peer coaching?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Create clear expectations about accountability up front.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be peer coaches for each other.\nHow can I be a helpful accountability partner to you?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"Describe yourself when you are at your best. How do you feel? Who are you with? What are you doing?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to reflect on and share more than one moment.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Let's hear some of your moments of joy.\nWhat positive experiences have you had in the previous two weeks? Why were those meaningful to you? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q1.title":"We are all experiencing a considerable amount of change in our roles -- and in the world. Let's start by sharing moments of joy we've each had recently.\nReflect on the previous two weeks. What positive experience(s) have you had recently? Why were those meaningful to you? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How do you talk to yourself in times of pressure?\" and \"What would relieve some of that pressure for you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your partner reflect on how they treat themselves when under pressure.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhere do you feel the most pressure right now? What happens to your well-being when you feel that pressure?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q2.title":"When you're navigating change, it's common to experience increased levels of stress or pressure with only brief moments of relief.\nWhere do you feel the most pressure right now? What happens to your well-being when you feel that pressure?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"How can you keep your well-being at the center of your life and work?\" and \"What's at risk if you DON'T keep your well-being at the center of your life and work?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help your partner do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What would need to be true in order to give yourself permission to prioritize your well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c2_q3.title":"Prioritizing well-being and caring for ourselves is vital to our personal fulfillment and has a sustained impact on how we show up for our Target team, community and guest.\nWhat would need to be true in order to give yourself permission to do that?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"How do you demonstrate care for these people? How do they demonstrate care for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions to help your partner narrow in on relationships that add to their well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nShare examples of relationships you have at work that demonstrate the values of showing up for each other, prioritizing people, and treating each other with respect. How?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q1.title":"At Target, we believe it's important that we show up for each other, make people the priority, and treat each other with respect.\nShare examples of relationships you have at work that are most aligned with these values. How do those relationships demonstrate this?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What about in reverse? What actions can you take if you notice someone else in stress or burnout?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to explore the caring actions they can give and receive when stress is present.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Now imagine you are in high stress, verging on burnout.\nWhat would help you refocus on your wellness? How can others help? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q2.title":"Imagine you are in a high-level of stress, verging on burnout, in your role. \nWhat would help you return to a focus on your wellness? How can you lean into your relationships to deepen your focus on well-being? Click the profile icon for potential ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"When have you felt comfortable saying \"no\" in the past? Share an example.\" and \"How did you feel saying it out loud?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help your partner recall a specific example.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat can you say \"no\" to so that you can focus more on your wellness? What gets in the way of you saying \"no\"?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c3_q3.title":"An important skill to avoiding stress and burnout is saying \"No\" so that you can say \"Yes\" to more that matters.\nWhat can you say \"no\" to so that you can focus more on your wellness? What gets in the way of you saying \"no\"?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"How does it feel to acknowledge your growth?\" and \"How can you more regularly acknowledge your growth?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Celebrate your partner's growth and encourage them to acknowledge themselves.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat growth can you acknowledged from the last 6 months? How have/haven't you created space to celebrate and integrate this growth?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q1.title":"A growth mindset, when applied with intention, is a powerful way to navigate your career and life. It is even more powerful when we allow time to celebrate and integrate this growth.\nWhat growth can you acknowledge in yourself from the last 6 months? How have/haven't you created space to celebrate and integrate this growth?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"What actions could you take to focus on wellness in those moments?\" and \"How would that help you sustain your growth?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help them explore how caring for self can help sustain their growth.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at how stress impacts your growth.\nHow do you feel about your growth when in stress or burnout? What do you tend to do when stressed (e.g. drive yourself, avoid stretching, negatively judge your growth, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q2.title":"We've all been through significant changes in the last year which have required us to grow, often in stressful circumstances.\nHow do you feel about your growth when in stress or burnout? What do you tend to do when stressed (e.g drive yourself, avoid stretching, negatively judge your growth, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How would that add to your well-being?\" \"Who can support you?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help them brainstorm and connect each option to their wellness.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for details specific to you.\nWhich items do you already lean into in times of stress? Which could you do more of to increase your well-being?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c4_q3.title":"Aligning with what gives you a sense of fulfillment in your work is a great way to care for yourself in times of stress.\nClick the profile icon for details specific to you. Which of these are you already leaning into in times of stress? Which could you do more of to increase your well-being?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"How does it feel to care for yourself in these new ways?\" and \"What are you motivated to continue doing?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions to help your partner reflect on their actions that promote well-being.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What promotes a sense of well-being for you? What new actions have you taken to keep your well-being at the center of your work?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time defining what creates a sense of well-being for each of us. Let's reflect on what we have learned from our conversations.\nWhat promotes a sense of well-being for you? What new actions have you taken to prioritize your well-being?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"Have you felt any positive shifts in your stress or pressure levels? What has made the biggest difference?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Celebrate with your partner any positive changes they've experienced.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's hear your rating.\nOn a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your well-being now? Why? What has changed?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q2.title":"During our first conversation, we each rated our level of well-being. Let's check in on that rating now.\nOn a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest level, how would you rate your well-being now? Why? What has changed?","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"What's one more wellness based action you are motivated to take?\" and \"How might you support/continue to support others in focusing on their wellness?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Help them maintain their focus on well-being and encourage them to take another step.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about you in 6 months?\nWhat has helped you stay accountable to your well-being? How have these actions increased your fulfillment? Click the profile icon for insights into your fulfillment.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's 6 months from now.\nWhat has helped you stay accountable to your well-being? How have these actions increased your fulfillment? Click the profile icon for insights into your fulfillment.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support your continued wellness and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Check-in Partner, Wellness Reminders, Suggest Stress Management Tools, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.target_well_being_c11_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support your wellness and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Check-in Partner, Wellness Reminders, Suggest Stress Management Tools, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.test_convo_1_s1_c1_q1.description":"this is the tip","peerconversation.question.test_convo_1_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Test Convo 1 Question 1\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.test_convo_1_s1_c1_q1.title":"Test Convo 1 Question 1\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"What does a good day at work look like for you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Try to demonstrate actively listening skills (e.g. nodding your head, reflecting back what you heard, etc.)","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Your turn to share.\nTell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What do you enjoy about your leadership role?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! I am excited to learn more about you and our role in creating a culture of openness. Let's start by sharing a bit about ourselves.\nTell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. What aspects do you enjoy about leading people in your current role?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"How much openness currently exists on your team?\" and \"What might get in the way of openness?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to consider their response.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what it means to you.\nWhat does a culture of openness mean to you? What strengths do you utilize to create it? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q2.title":"A personal connection to the type of work culture we create is important to our success.\nWhat does a culture of openness mean to you? What strengths do you possess that will help you build that type of culture? Click the profile icon for insights about your strengths.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why is feeling seen and heard important to you?\" and \"How will you give me feedback if you aren't feeling heard?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious even if you see this differently.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about for you?\nHow can I best demonstrate that I truly hear you? What does active listening look like to you? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q3.title":"Feeling heard by each other is a key component of a successful coaching relationship. Reflect on what helps you feel seen and heard.\nDuring our conversations, how can I best demonstrate to you that I truly hear you? What does active listening look like to you? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c1_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"Which element(s) are showing up/not showing on your team? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Practice an element of trust by remaining non-judgmental of their responses.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat does trust mean to you? What key elements are necessary for trust in your relationships at {{member.organizationname}}? Why? (e.g. safety, boundaries, reliability, accountability, integrity, non-judgment, generosity, etc.)","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q1.title":"Trust is a key player in creating culture of openness at {{member.organizationname}}.\nWhat does trust mean to you? What are key elements that build and maintain trust in your relationships at work? Why? (e.g. safety, boundaries, reliability, accountability, integrity, non-judgement, generosity, etc.).","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"How might your direct reports answer?\" and \"Who from your team could offer feedback on how it's going?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to explore the perspective of others.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow would you describe the current level of trust between you and your direct reports? What is building/eroding trust?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q2.title":"Trust is always ebbing and flowing -- meaning we are either building it or eroding it. Reflect on the current state of trust on your team.\nHow would you describe the current level of trust you have with your direct reports? What's building/eroding trust in your team?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"How might adding this increase your team's impact?\" and \"How will you evaluate if trust grows on your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach brainstorm new actions.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's look at new ways for you.\nWhat new steps can you take to promote trust and safety within your team? What actions could you take to create an enviorment where direct reports feel they can take risks and make mistakes? Click the profile icon for suggestions.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c2_q3.title":"It is easy as leaders to focus on the productivity of our teams and miss the human element of psychological safety -- the belief that it's safe to take risks and make mistakes.\nWhat are some new ways you can promote trust and safety within your team? How does your focus need to change in order to take action? Click the profile icon for suggestions.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"How did you feel in that example?\" and \"How did you respond to that situation?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Help your peer coach connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Let's hear your example\nTell me about a specific time when you were a part of or experienced broken trust at work? What happened? Who was involved? (Feel free to change identifying details to allow this to feel like a safe share.)","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q1.title":"It's important to recognize and learn to navigate moments of broken trust that appear in our working relationships.\nTell me about a specific time when you experienced broken trust at work? What happened? Who was involved? (Feel free to change identifying details to allow this to feel like a safe share.)","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What else could you have tried?\" and \"What, if anything, got in the way of you working to rebuild trust?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach explore brainstorm new actions to take.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What about in your situation?\nWhat was helpful and/or would have helped to rebuild trust? What did you need? What did other's need?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q2.title":"Rebuilding trust, once broken, is a skillset that adds to a culture of openness.\nIn the situation you shared, what was helpful and/or would have helped to rebuild trust? What did you need? What did other's need?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"Knowing this, how might you handle that situation differently in the future?\" and \"How might these strengths build trust in your current relationships with direct reports?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to connect to their strengths to the element of trust.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your strengths.\nWhich of your strength(s) could have helped you rebuild trust in your situation? How?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c3_q3.title":"Each of us has innate strengths that we can put toward our attempts to build trust on our teams. Click the profile icon for insights about your strengths.\nWhich of your strength(s) might help you rebuild trust in the situation you shared? How?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q1.description":"Questions: \"What type of support do you need to step into that?\" and \"What type of support does your team need?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Demonstrate true listening by acknowledging what is important to your peer.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon for types of growth that are likely meaningful to you.\nWhat type of growth are you personally invested in at {{member.organizationname}}? What growth goals do you have for your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q1.title":"As leaders, we each have goals for our own growth, as well for the growth of our teams. Click the profile icon for types of growth that are likely meaningful to you.\nWhat type of growth would be personally meaningful to you at {{member.organizationname}}? What growth goals do you have for your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How psychologically safe do you feel when receiving feedback?\" and \"How safe do your direct reports feel giving you feedback?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to reflect on their responses.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn.\nHow do you elicit feedback from your direct reports? How often do you do this? Why?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q2.title":"Vital to our growth as leaders is the ability to ask for and receive feedback from those on our teams. \nHow do you elicit feedback from your direct reports? How often do you do this? Why?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"What is a key learning you had from that experience?\" and \"How did you grow from that experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious about your peer's growth.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nShare an example of when you received constructive feedback in your role. How did it feel to receive that feedback? What did you do with it?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c4_q3.title":"How we navigate constructive feedback can either build or erode trust on our teams.\nTell me about a time where you received constructive feedback in your role. How did it feel to receive that feedback? What did you do with the feedback?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"What's worked?\" and \"What motivates you to keep prioritizing your role as a culture of openness creator?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate their successes!","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat have you learned about regarding listening and building trust with your team members? What actions have you taken to foster a culture of openness?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q1.title":"We've spent some time uncovering two major elements of a culture of openness, trust and listening. Let's reflect on what we've each learned.\nWhat have you learned about the ways you listen and build trust with your team members? What actions have you taken to foster a culture of openness?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What have you done more of/less of to grow in this way?\" and \"How has your growth impacted your team?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect their growth to the growth of their team.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon to review what drives a sense of purpose for you.\nWhat resonates with you now? How are you more like this now at our final conversation? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together, we also reflected on what is personally meaningful to us in the work we do. Click the profile icon to review what drives a sense of purpose for you.\nWhat stands out about your style now? How are you more aligned with this style now at our final conversation? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q3.description":"Questions: \"How would it feel to receive that feedback?\" and \"How will you adjust if you receive constructive feedback?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Help your peer connect to their feelings and plan for the future.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"What about 6 months from now for you?\nWhat is the ideal feedback regarding trust and listening you'd like to receive from your direct reports? What will you need to continue prioritizing to get there?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's 6 months from now.\nWhat feedback would you like to receive from your direct reports regarding the trust and listening that exists on your team? What will you need to continue prioritizing to get there?","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.trust_and_listening_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"What does it look like when you're at your best?\" and \"What challenges, if any, are you currently navigating?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up questions to learn more about your peer.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Now it's your turn. \nWhat are 2-3 important things about yourself you'd like to share with me? How do those show up in your work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get to know each other by sharing about ourselves and the work we do at {{member.organizationname}}.\nWhat are 2-3 things that are important for me to know about you? And, how do you use those qualities in your work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What is a new action you have practiced since starting peer coaching?\" and \"What has been the result?\"\n\nTip: Remain curious to help them evaluate their actions.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nIn what ways do you naturally take action to promote a sense of belonging? What feedback do you receive?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q2.title":"We each play a role in promoting a culture of belonging in our day-to-day work teams. Click the profile icon for insight into strengths you likely possess in this area.\nWhat actions do you take naturally that promote a sense of belonging on your team? What feedback do you get from others?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"What feels important for me to know about you?\" and \"What would create a sense of belonging between us?\"\n\nTip: Reflect back important elements of what your peer shares.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat do you want to get out of our time together? How can I make this a positive experience for you?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to maximize our efforts around belonging. \nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? How can I make this a positive experience for you?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q1.description":"Questions: \"Who comes to mind as a potential collaborator?\" and \"Who do you consider your biggest allies or partners?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to think and encourage them to identify important relationships.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Okay, your turn.\nWhich of your projects, task, and initiatives could be made easier/more successful by inviting others to collaborate? How might someone provide value?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q1.title":"Collaboration - or working toward a shared purpose - is a great way to foster a sense of belonging. Take a moment to reflect on your current projects, tasks, and initiatives. \nWhich one(s) could be made easier/more successful through an invitation to collaborate? How might someone else provide value? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q2.description":"Questions: \"What dynamics, if any, create silos or communication breakdowns in your work?\" and \"What benefits could come from breaking those silos?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect with actions they can take to promote more collaboration.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for possible insights into new actions. \nWhat action(s) could you take to include new team members or those who might feel left out into your collaborations?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q2.title":"It can be easy to mainly seek collaboration from those with whom you already have a level of comfort. But, that can sometimes lead to certain individuals or perspectives being overlooked.\nWhat action(s) can you take to promote a sense of belonging for new team members or those who may feel isolated or left out? Click the profile icon for possible insights into new actions.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What benefit(s) could come from more understanding and appreciation?\"\n\nTip: Remind your partner that inviting diverse perspectives will be challenging but rewarding!","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about you? Take a moment to reflect on someone you work with whose perspective and/or strengths differ from yours.\nWhat comes up for you when navigating your differences with the person who came to your mind? How can you better understand and appreciate their background, experience, and perspective?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c2_q3.title":"It is important to appreciate the differences in perspectives and lived experiences that each person brings to a team. Think of someone you work with who brings a very different perspective or set of strengths than yours.\nWithout naming this person, what comes up for you as you navigate your differences? How can you better understand and appreciate their diverse background, experience, and perspective?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"How did you navigate that conflict?\" and \"How resolved is that situation currently?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for sharing a recent challenge they have navigated.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nHow do you define conflict? Share a recent example where you felt conflict with someone else. What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q1.title":"Conflict can be a normal part of working with others. Although not always comfortable to talk about, it's often an opportunity for growth and innovation, leading to better problem-solving as a team.\nWhat does being in conflict with someone mean to you? Share a recent example where you navigated conflict with someone else. What role did you play?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"If understanding and resolution are the goal when conflict arises, what else could you try?\" and \"How will that increase the sense of belonging on your team?\"\n\nTip: Ask follow-up questions to help them evaluate their strategies.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nHow do you typically navigate conflict or issues at work? What are your strategies and how well do they work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's now take a broader view of how you navigate conflict at work.\nIncluding the example you just shared, how do you typically address conflicts or issues that arise at work? What are your go to strategies? How are they working?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"Which of your strengths will be most helpful?\" and \"What action would you feel most proud of the next time conflict arises?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect to their strengths that will help them navigate conflict.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What actions can you take to use conflict as an opportunity for growth and learning? \nClick the profile icon for insights into your problem-solving strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c3_q3.title":"How can you use conflicts as an opportunity for growth and learning, rather than a source of division or disconnection? What actions can you take to encourage this? \nClick the profile icon for insights into your problem-solving strengths. \n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to be recognized in that way\" and \"How did that experience impact your sense of belonging at work?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat's an example of a time where you were recognized and/or appreciated for your efforts? Who was involved? How were you recognized?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q1.title":"Recognition and appreciation for our efforts can play a big role about how we feel about working within our teams. \nShare an example of a time where you felt recognize and/or appreciated for your efforts at work. Who was involved? How were you recognized?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How often do you recognize or appreciate others?\" and \"How could incorporate more of these into your interactions with others?\"\n\nTip: You may have different answers here. Focus on active listening to understand your partner's worldview.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat role does recognition and appreciation play in the sense of belonging on a team? How important are they? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's now focus on understanding your current views on recognition and appreciation at work. \nWhat role does recognition and appreciation play in fostering a sense of belonging on a team? How important do they seem to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What would recognizing them look like in action?\" and \"How likely are you to follow through with this action?\"\n\nTip: Help your partner brainstorm ways to appreciate someone on their team.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your values.\nWho from your team comes to mind that deserves recognition and/or \nappreciation for their efforts? Why? \n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c4_q3.title":"Now that we've reflected on the importance of recognition and appreciation, let's each identify someone who deserves recognition. \nWho comes to mind from your team that you believe deserves recognition and/or appreciation for their recent efforts? Why? Click the profile icon for insights about why you value this.\n\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What success(es) have you had that led to a greater sense of belonging for you and/or others?\"\n\nTip: You have a different vantage point of your partner's experience. Feel free to share moments that have stood out to you in their journey so far.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat sticks out as new learnings from our conversations? What is most important to remember?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our conversations so far, we have explored the benefits of new collaborators, navigating conflict, and the role of appreciation all as ways to expand the sense of belonging on our teams. \nAs you reflect on each of our conversations, what sticks out as new learnings for you? What feels important to remember?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"Looking ahead, how might our conversations continue to support you?\"\n\nTip: Share any reflections that come to mind from what you've learned about your peer.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nIn the next 3 months, what feels most energizing about your work? What project will be fulfilling? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q2.title":"Before we wrap up, let's think to the future. Consider your projects over the next 3 months. \nWhat feels energizing about your work? What projects will be the most fulfilling? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_influence_s1_c5_q3.title":"This is our last conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How does feeling energized help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\n\nTip: Be an active listener by asking follow up questions.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nDescribe your role at {{member.organizationname}}. When are you most energized by your work? Why? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! Let's get started. Imperative will be guiding us through each conversation, as we get to know each other through the lens of our purpose. \nTell me about your role at {{member.organizationname}}. When do you feel most energized by your work? Why? Share a specific example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?”\n\nTip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what likely drives you at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work.\nWhich part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q3.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment in three months?\"\n\nTip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"In the next three months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas (meaningful relationships, impact, and professional growth) at work?\nShare an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q3.title":"Building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nIn the next three months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\n\nTip: This is a chance to listen to how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What have you appreciated about this peer conversation process so far?\nWhat about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c1_q4.title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's conversation partner.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you in the example you shared? How did it feel to make that impact?\"\n\nTip: Ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What type of impact is meaningful for you?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: “Who would benefit the most if you made this impact? How would you know if it were successful?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer visualize their impact.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat goal feels most valuable to you in the next 2-3 months at {{member.organizationname}}? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q2.title":"Reflect on what feels most valuable to get done in the next 2-3 months at {{member.organizationname}}. \nDescribe the goal and why it feels important to you. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What do you need to feel set up for success?\" and \"What is one possible solution to feeling supported?\"\n\nTip: Inspire them to act.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now plan for success for your goal.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? What possible challenges could arise? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's plan for success and anticipate challenges in accomplishing the goal you just shared.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? Where could there be possible challenges along the way? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c2_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer be specific about what makes it feel meaningful.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work.\nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nTip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your fulfillment at work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? How might you do that?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer brainstorm new ways of nurturing relationships.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about your relationships at work.\nHow well do they support your fulfillment and success? Why? \n\nYour relationships ratings so far are {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}. (note: rating is only visible to you)","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. How well do your relationships support your feelings of fulfillment and success? \n\nYour relationships ratings so far are {{conversations.rig.relationships.bydates}}. (note: rating is only visible to you)","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c3_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this challenge feel personally meaningful?\" and \"What do you most appreciate about how you grew from this experience?\"\n\nTip: Ask how it felt to experience that growth.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career?\nHow did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career. How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What energizes you when you use this strength? Why?\" and then, \"How often do you lean into this strength at work?\"\n\nTip: Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now explore your problem solving approach.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's reflect on your approach to problem solving at work.\nClick the profile icon for likely strengths. What resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"Why would that stretch feel meaningful to you?\" and \"How would that help you unlock more of your potential?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer identify an opportunity for growth.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere might you have an opportunity to stretch yourself over the next 3 months? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q3.title":"Imagine it's 3 months from today, where did you have an opportunity to stretch yourself at work?\nClick on the profile icon for possible ideas. What felt outside your comfort zone? How did you grow in a personally meaningful way?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c4_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What did you learn about what you need to be fulfilled at work? Why is it important?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of fulfillment.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential.\nClick on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment. Reflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to prioritize your fulfillment in that example? Why?\"\n\nTip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example. As a reminder, you left our previous conversations feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the importance of your impact, relationships, and growth at work. And after each of our conversations, you left feeling {{conversations.onewords.after}}.\nHow has your fulfillment at work changed by dedicating time to reflect and take action in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you feel if you felt unfulfilled a year from now? What are possible implications?\"\n\nTip: Help your peer visualize the implications.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at a year from now for you.\nHow have you continued to make your fulfillment a priority? What is gained by continuing to make this a priority?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make fulfillment a priority?\nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nTip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last conversation together in this conversation series. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\n\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Why is building a trusted network of peers valuable to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nTell me about yourself. Where did your connection to i4cp begin? What about the opportunity energized you?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we begin to get to know each other as peer coaches, let's explore our shared experience being connected to i4cp. \nWhere did your connection to i4cp begin? Tell me a bit about yourself and what brings you here today.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what likely drives you at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our 5 conversations together, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nClick the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work. Which part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*\n","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q3.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking. ","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Is there one that feels particularly important to you? Share an example. \nIngredients of fulfillment: meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q3.title":"Building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and professional growth are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work. \nWhat would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Is there one that feels particularly important to you? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q4.description":"Follow Up Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"What have you appreciated about this peer coaching process so far? What about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c1_q4.title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. \nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you in the example you shared? How did it feel to make that impact?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What type of impact is meaningful for you?\nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person.\nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Why? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: “Who would benefit the most if you made this impact? How would you know if it were successful?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize their impact.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat goal feels most valuable to you in the next 2-3 months? Why does it feel important? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q2.title":"Reflect on what feels most valuable to get done at work in the next 2-3 months. Describe the goal and the impact of the work. \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas. Why does this goal feel important to you?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Do you feel you have what you need to be successful?\" and then, \"What is one possible solution to overcoming the challenge?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Inspire them to act.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now plan for success for your goal.\nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? What possible challenges could arise? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's plan for success and anticipate challenges in accomplishing the goal you just shared. \nWhat currently feels achievable about your goal? Where could there be possible challenges along the way? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you?\" and then, \"What does meaningful mean to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Who comes to mind when you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present)? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \nWhen you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind? Why is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer to reflect on the role relationships play for them at work.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nHow do meaningful relationships affect your fulfillment at work? What happens if they're missing at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work? \nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific about why.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious to know about your relationships at work.\nDo you feel you have the relationships you need to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c3_q3.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \nDo you feel you have the relationships you need at work to be fulfilled and successful? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Why did this challenge feel personally meaningful?\" and \"What do you most appreciate about how you grew from this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to experience that growth.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Tell me about a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career? How did you grow from the experience?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful. \nDescribe a time when you experienced a significant challenge in your career. How did you grow from the experience? ","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What energizes you when you use this strength? Why?\" and then, \"Do you currently feel you lean into this strength at work?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now explore your problem solving approach.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's reflect on your approach to problem-solving at work. \nClick the profile icon for likely strengths. What resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths.\n\n {[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Do you feel energized to grow in this way? Why?\" If not, \"How would you feel energized to grow in the next 3 months?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify an opportunity for growth.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you? \nWhere might you have an opportunity to stretch yourself over the next 3 months? What would feel outside of your comfort zone? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c4_q3.title":"Imagine it's 3 months from today, where did you have an opportunity to stretch yourself at work? \nClick on the profile icon for possible ideas. What felt outside your comfort zone? How did you grow in a personally meaningful way?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What did you learn about what you need to be fulfilled at work? Why is it important?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of fulfillment.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential.\nClick on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment. Reflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"How did it feel to prioritize building a peer connection through i4cp? What are the benefits of building a peer network?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to think about a specific example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, strengthen your relationships, and own your growth. \nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would you feel if you felt unfulfilled a year from now? What are possible implications?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look at a year from now for you. \nHow have you continued to make your fulfillment a priority? What is gained by continuing to make this a priority?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. \nHow have you continued to make fulfillment a priority? \nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together. ","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Connect to Great People, Share a Resource, Answer Questions in the Expert Network, Connect in i4cp Community & Events","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Connect to Great People, Share a Resource, Answer Questions in the Expert Network, Connect in i4cp Community & Events","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q1.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How does feeling motivated help you be more productive and successful at work?\"\nTip: Being an active listener by asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nLet's begin by recalling a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q1.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will be reflecting on what drives us and apply it to our real-time work experience.\nLet's begin by recalling a time you felt energized at work. Share the experience. Why did it feel energizing?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q2.description":"Follow Up Question: “What else resonates?” and “Has this always felt important to you? Why?”\nTip: It's helpful to remain curious. You are helping your peer do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work.\nWhich part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q2.title":"Click the profile icon to read insights about what likely drives you at work.\nWhich part(s) resonate the most? Why? Describe a time you've seen this show up at work.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q3.description":"Follow Up Question: \"How would you know you strengthened your sense of fulfillment in 3 months?\"\nTip: Share back the themes you hear to help validate their thinking.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and growing are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nIn the next 3 months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q3.title":"Building meaningful relationships, making an impact, and growing are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nIn the next 3 months, what would you gain from strengthening these areas of fulfillment at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q4.description":"Follow Up Question: \"What would make this a valuable experience for you?\"\nTip: This is a chance to listen to how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c1_q4.title":"Before we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to make that impact. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask your peer, \"On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), how satisfied are you currently with your level of impact at work? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work.\nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work.\nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help your peer visualize their impact.\nExample: “Who would benefit the most if you made this impact?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months?Click on the profile icon to read some options.\nReflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q3.title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months?Click on the profile icon to read some options.\nReflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q4.description":"Inspire them to act.\nExample: \"Who could you work with to make that happen?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Imagine, it is three months from now and you made the impact you wanted.\nHow did you do it? How would it feel to make that impact?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c2_q4.title":"Imagine, it is three months from now and you made the impact you wanted.\nHow did you do it? How would it feel to make that impact?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q1.description":"Help your peer be specific. \nExample: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q2.description":"Encourage self-reflection.\nExample: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q2.title":"How does having meaningful relationships affect your sense of fulfillment at work?\nWhat do you notice happens if you lack quality relationships at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask your peer, \"How would your rate the quality of your relationships on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)?\nWhy?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q4.description":"Help your peer be specific about why.\nExample: \"How will you know if you were successful?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \nWhat is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c3_q4.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained. \nWhat is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to experience that growth. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask how it feels to use the strengths they mention. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on what you shared in your purpose profile. Click the profile icon to read insights about your likely strengths.\nWhat resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's reflect on what you shared in your purpose profile. Click the profile icon to read insights about your likely strengths.\nWhat resonates for you? Why? Share an example of when you've used one of these strengths. \n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask your peer, \"How do you feel about your growth on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nWhat opportunities are there to stretch yourself?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nWhat opportunities are there to stretch yourself?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q4.description":"Help your peer identify the first step.\nExample: \"What is one way you can start working on it in the next week?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"View the profile icon to read about some potential areas of growth for you based on your strengths.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c4_q4.title":"View the profile icon to read about some potential areas of growth for you based on your strengths.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q1.description":"Tip: Help your peer connect to what drives their sense of fulfillment at work. \nFor example, \"How has your sense of fulfillment changed since our first conversation?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential. Click on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment.\nReflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of fulfillment and how it can help us unlock our potential. Click on the profile icon to review the main themes of what drives your sense of fulfillment.\nReflect back to me in your own words what this means to you. What clarity have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q2.description":"Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts. \nExample: \"How did it feel to prioritize your fulfillment in that example?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, strengthen your relationships, and own your growth.\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored ways to expand the impact you make, strengthen your relationships, and own your growth.\nHow has dedicating time to reflect and apply what you've learned helped your ability to be more fulfilled at work? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q3.description":"Help your peer visualize the implications.\nFor example, \"How would you feel if you felt unfulfilled a year from now? What are possible implications?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make fulfillment a priority?\nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. How have you continued to make fulfillment a priority?\nWhat would you gain if you continued to prioritize this in your work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time you spent together. \nExample: \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" If you both choose to stay connected, consider a time and date that works for both of you to check-in on your progress. (The two of you can design what that looks like and when).","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to make that impact. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Click the profile icon for a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhat parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q1.title":"What makes an impact meaningful depends on the person. Click the profile icon for a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhat parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.description":"On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), how satisfied are you with your level of impact at work? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work.\nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current impact at work.\nTo what degree do you feel you are making an impact at work that is personally meaningful to you? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.description":"Help your peer visualize their impact.\nExample: “Who would benefit the most if you made this impact?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months? Click the profile icon for some options to consider.\nReflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q3.title":"What is one area where you could increase your impact in the next three months? Click the profile icon for some options to consider.\nReflect on all the changes we are experiencing right now and the opportunities they present.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q4.description":"Inspire them to act.\nExample: \"Who could you work with to make that happen?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"It is three months from now and you made the impact you wanted. How did you do it?\nHow would it feel to make that impact?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c1_q4.title":"It is three months from now and you made the impact you wanted. How did you do it?\nHow would it feel to make that impact?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.description":"Help your peer be specific. \nExample: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. When you think of meaningful relationships at work (past or present), who comes to mind?\nWhy is this relationship meaningful?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.description":"Encourage self-reflection.\nExample: \"What types of relationships energize you versus drain you?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Why do you need meaningful relationships at work to be fulfilled?\nWhat happens when you don't have them?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q2.title":"Why do you need meaningful relationships at work to be fulfilled?\nWhat happens when you don't have them?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask your peer how they would rate the quality of their relationships on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your relationships at work right now. How strong are your relationships at work?\nDo you have the depth and breadth of relationships you need to be successful? Discuss why depth and breadth of relationships make a difference.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q4.description":"Help your peer be specific about why.\nExample: \"How will you know if you were successful?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained.\nWhat is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c2_q4.title":"Research shows relationships need to be nurtured to be meaningful and sustained.\nWhat is one relationship you really want to create or deepen in the next month? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask how it felt to experience that growth. \nExample: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q1.title":"Similar to what we've uncovered so far about impact and relationships, growth is the final ingredient for feeling fulfilled and successful.\nDescribe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.description":"On a scale of 1 (low) - 5 (high), how do you feel about your growth? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nAre you stretching yourself enough?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how you feel about your current growth. In what ways have you grown at work recently?\nAre you stretching yourself enough?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer identify the first step.\nExample: \"What is one way you can start working on it in the next week?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for some potential areas of growth to consider.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q3.title":"Click the profile icon for some potential areas of growth to consider.\nWhich one are you most motivated to work on in the next three months? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q4.description":"Share one thing you appreciated about your peer coach. \nExample: \"I have appreciated ...\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together- for now. \nReflecting on our time together, how have these conversations been valuable for you unlocking your potential at work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s1_c3_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together- for now. \nReflecting on our time together, how have these conversations been valuable for you unlocking your potential at work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q1.description":"Encourage them to be specific. \nExample: \"What would be helpful to you in our conversations moving forward?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q1.short_title":"Peer coaching is a process of reflection between peers. Reflection is how we process our experiences so we can learn, adapt and take action. Let's reflect on your previous peer coaching conversations. What is one thing you've appreciated about making time for these conversations? \nHow have they helped you take action in your work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q1.title":"\"Peer coaching is a process of reflection between peers. Reflection is how we process our experiences so we can learn, adapt and take action. Let's reflect on your previous peer coaching conversations. What is one thing you've appreciated about making time for these conversations? \nHow have they helped you take action in your work?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q2.description":"Share back one thing you heard them say makes them fulfilled.\nExample: \"You shared that _____ is important to you.\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q2.short_title":"The last set of conversations focused on how we feel fulfilled at work. Click the profile icon to see possible ways you enjoy making an impact.\nHow have you seen some of these show up in your work recently? What are you learning about yourself and when you feel fulfilled at work?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q2.title":"The last set of conversations focused on how we feel fulfilled at work. Click the profile icon to see possible ways you enjoy making an impact.\nHow have you seen some of these show up in your work recently? What are you learning about yourself and when you feel fulfilled at work?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q3.description":"Ask for a recent example.\nExample: \"What is one way this aspect has shown up recently? How did you feel?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q3.short_title":"Building relationships, making an impact, and growing are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nWhich one of these aspects (relationships, impact or growth) feels most meaningful for you to focus on right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q3.title":"Building relationships, making an impact, and growing are all key ingredients for feeling fulfilled at work.\nWhich one of these aspects (relationships, impact or growth) feels most meaningful for you to focus on right now? Why?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q4.description":"Help your peer imagine making the impact.\nExample: \"What impact would this have on your fulfillment at work?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q4.short_title":"You can use your awareness of what makes you feel fulfilled to make small, positive changes at work. Click the profile icon to explore some of your strengths.\nHow could you use one of your strengths to make a small change in the area of fulfillment you just discussed?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c1_q4.title":"You can use your awareness of what makes you feel fulfilled to make small, positive changes at work. Click the profile icon to explore some of your strengths.\nHow could you use one of your strengths to make a small change in the area of fulfillment you just discussed?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q1.description":"Be curious.\nExample: \"Why was this a meaningful example for you to share?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q1.short_title":"Recall a time in the past when you handled a significant challenge in your work or life.\nWhat happened? How did you become stronger or grow as a person from this experience? What strength do you now have because you went through this challenge?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q1.title":"Recall a time in the past when you handled a significant challenge in your work or life.\nWhat happened? How did you become stronger or grow as a person from this experience? What strength do you now have because you went through this challenge?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q2.description":"Ask about their motivation or energy related to the project.\nExample: \"What is motivating you (or not) to accomplish this?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q2.short_title":"When you consider the next few weeks, what feels most important for you to get done at work? Describe the goal in front of you.\nWhy does it feel like a top priority? Describe the potential impact it will have for you and your team if done well.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q2.title":"When you consider the next few weeks, what feels most important for you to get done at work? Describe the goal in front of you.\nWhy does it feel like a top priority? Describe the potential impact it will have for you and your team if done well.","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q3.description":"Be curious as your peer explores these insights.\nExample: \"How will being aware of potential biases help you?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's go back to the priority, project or goal that you just shared. It's important to consider potential biases that could get in the way of your progress so you can be successful. Click the profile icon below to explore possible roadblocks.\nWhat resonates with you? Does anything feel challenging about accomplishing your goal or making the impact you want to make?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q3.title":"Let's go back to the priority, project or goal that you just shared. It's important to consider potential biases that could get in the way of your progress so you can be successful. Click the profile icon below to explore possible roadblocks.\nWhat resonates with you? Does anything feel challenging about accomplishing your goal or making the impact you want to make?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q4.description":"Help them imagine a positive outcome. \nExample: \"What would you feel proud of?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q4.short_title":"Now, let's fast forward and imagine you reached your goal successfully. What do you want to be able to say about how you approached this challenge?\nWhat opportunities are there to grow personally or professionally?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c2_q4.title":"Now, let's fast forward and imagine you reached your goal successfully. What do you want to be able to say about how you approached this challenge?\nWhat opportunities are there to grow personally or professionally?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q1.description":"Be curious and ask follow-up questions until you understand.\nExample: \"How would you put your profile insight into your own words?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q1.short_title":"With each conversation, you have been uncovering insights about your personal fulfillment at work. Let's connect the dots between what you've been learning and a positive experience you've had at work recently. Click the profile icon below and reflect on when you feel fulfilled at work.\nWhat resonates about this description? Describe a recent example when you've seen this show up at work. \n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q1.title":"With each conversation, you have been uncovering insights about your personal fulfillment at work. Let's connect the dots between what you've been learning and a positive experience you've had at work recently. Click the profile icon below and reflect on when you feel fulfilled at work.\nWhat resonates about this description? Describe a recent example when you've seen this show up at work. \n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q2.description":"Observe the energy in their response and share back what you heard. \nExample: \"I can tell you are energized about...\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's apply what you've been learning to an upcoming project or work goal. Take a moment to think about what you are trying to achieve at work in the next 2-4 weeks.\nWhat is in your \"top priority\" list? Describe one way you can apply what you've learned to your current priorities to keep yourself energized and motivated at work. Click on the profile icon if you need a reminder.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q2.title":"Let's apply what you've been learning to an upcoming project or work goal. Take a moment to think about what you are trying to achieve at work in the next 2-4 weeks.\nWhat is in your \"top priority\" list? Describe one way you can apply what you've learned to your current priorities to keep yourself energized and motivated at work. Click on the profile icon if you need a reminder.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer see how they can continue to nurture this relationship.\nExample: \"In the next few weeks, how can you sustain and/or strengthen this relationship in a meaningful way?\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q3.short_title":"Over the course of our conversations, we've learned how important meaningful relationships are to our sense of impact and growth at work. Who continues to be a source of support and strength for you at work? How so?\nWhat do you directly or indirectly rely on them for over the course of a work week?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q3.title":"Over the course of our conversations, we've learned how important meaningful relationships are to our sense of impact and growth at work. Who continues to be a source of support and strength for you at work? How so?\nWhat do you directly or indirectly rely on them for over the course of a work week? \"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q4.description":"Share back what you heard.\nExample: \"It sounds like _______ has been helpful for you. Thank you for sharing.\"","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. How have our peer coaching conversations been helpful for you?\nWhat insights have you gained about how you feel the most energized and positive at work?","peerconversation.question.unlock_your_potential_s2_c3_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. How have our peer coaching conversations been helpful for you?\nWhat insights have you gained about how you feel the most energized and positive at work?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"Who were the people who had the greatest influence on your career choices?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them see how their decisions are influenced by other people.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about yourself?\nDescribe the profession/role you are in today. Were you always curious about your current profession?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q1.title":"As we get to know each other, it would be great to learn about your professional background.\nDescribe the profession/role you are in today. Were you always curious about your current profession?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"What are examples of things that other people in your field find meaningful that are less inspiring to you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them appreciate diversity of purpose in their field.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"When has your work in this field been most meaningful? Describe a moment you felt particularly proud of your work in this field.\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q2.title":"Describe a moment you felt particularly proud of your work in this field. Why did it feel meaningful? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"Why is this value important to you? How does it feel when it is compromised?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them connect to the feeling.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Take a moment to think about a value that's important to you. What one comes to mind? Click on your profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q3.title":"We each have a few core values that can influence how we show up in our lives and at work. Take a moment to think about values that are important to you (for instance, honesty, responsibility, growth, compassion, or justice are examples of values). \nTell me about a value that's important to you. You can also click on your profile icon for more ideas.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"When has changing your opinion helped you in the past?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them connect to the importance of being open to different perspectives.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"How about for you? \nHow would having greater clarity about the differences between your values and opinions enable you to be more successful?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c1_q4.title":"Peer coaching gives us an opportunity to understand the connection between our core values and our opinions. \nHow would having greater clarity about your values help you understand the opinions you might bring to teamwork or a project?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What would happen if you didn't have relationships at work where people are honest with you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them value honest relationships, even if they are hard.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Who is someone at work you can trust to be open and honest with you? \nTell me about why you feel you can hold an open, honest dialogue and welcome a different perspective with this person. ","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's explore how we value open and honest relationships. \nWho is someone at work you can trust to be open and honest with you? Tell me about why you feel you can hold an open, honest dialogue and welcome a different perspective with this person.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"How does this team compare to other teams or groups you have worked with in the past?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them connect to their diversity of experiences.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about for you?\nDo you have this kind of honest relationship with most of the people on your core team at work? Are you able to respectfully disagree and share feedback?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q2.title":"Do you have this kind of honest relationship with most of the people on your core team at work? Are you able to respectfully disagree and share feedback?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"How could you begin establishing or strengthening that trust?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them own their role in building a trusted relationship.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Of the people you regularly work with (whether directly or indirectly on your team), which relationship could benefit from a more honest and direct exchange?\nClick on the profile icon for possible examples of biases.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c2_q3.title":"Of the people you regularly work with (whether directly or indirectly on your team), which relationship could benefit from a more honest and direct exchange? \nClick on the profile icon for possible examples of biases.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Has this always felt important to you when making decisions? In what ways?\"\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to reflect and thank them for sharing.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about for you? \nWhy did you choose to join the organization? What about the opportunity at the time aligned with your personal values?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q1.title":"We often consider our values when making career decisions. Let's begin by considering our career choice to be where we are today.\nWhy did you choose to join the organization? What about the opportunity at the time aligned with your personal values?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"Do you feel your team is aware of this element of what drives you? Is it important to you to be recognized and seen for this?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Defining self is deeply personal. Focus on active listening.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's turn to you. \nShare another example of when your values have shaped your perspective at work recently. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q2.title":"Our values deeply impact who we are and our perspective. \nShare another example of when your values have shaped your perspective at work recently. Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What is one way you could incorporate a differing perspective into your work in the coming weeks?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to be specific.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"What is one way your values may prevent you from being open to different perspectives? \nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c3_q3.title":"It's just as important for us to consider where our perspective can prevent us from being as open as we'd like to differing views. \nWhat is one way your values may prevent you from being open to different perspectives? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Do other people recognize these strengths in you? What else would they likely say about your strengths?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them validate their strengths.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"How would you define your strengths at work? How have they enabled you to make an impact?\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q1.title":"Let's explore each of our unique strengths at work. \nWhat do you consider to be your strengths at work? How have they enabled you to make an impact? Click on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"How could those biases hold you back or create a potential roadblock?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them see that our biases shape our perspective, too.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"What biases do you likely have based on your strengths?\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q2.title":"In exploring our strengths, we usually uncover that each strength can also present as a bias at times. What biases might you have based on your strengths?\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Is there a trusted peer you could rely on for encouragement? Do any of your team members have a strength you could rely on for support?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify their support network.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"When do your biases show up most often? How can you manage them by being more conscious of them?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c4_q3.title":"We all have biases. The key is to recognize when they happen so you can manage them and not let them limit you or the people around you.\nWhen do your biases show up most often? How can you manage them by being more conscious of them?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"What would be the consequence of compromising this for you?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them affirm the importance of what they shared.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"What do you stand for that you are unwilling to compromise as it is core to your values?\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q1.title":"In our conversations, we explored how important our strengths, values, and identity are to our success. What do you stand for that you are unwilling to compromise as it is core to your values?\nClick on the profile icon for ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"What is one way you could be more open-minded in this area?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them identify and overcome barriers to embracing different perspectives.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What is one area where you want to work on being more flexible and open to differing perspectives?\nClick on the profile for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q2.title":"Our conversations also explored the areas where we may need to be more flexible, curious about different perspectives, and open to being wrong. What is one area where you want to work on being more flexible?\nClick on the profile for ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How can you show up in meetings and conversations next week creating space for differing perspectives?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them identify a specific behavior to focus on.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How about for you?\nHow can you help the people you work with feel more comfortable exploring different perspectives without feeling judged?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q3.title":"As we have learned in our conversations together, it is also important to create space for other people to explore different perspectives so they feel safe being flexible.\nHow can you help the people you work with feel more comfortable exploring different perspectives without feeling judged?","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q4.description":"Question: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Thank your partner for the time you spent together.","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is our last peer coaching conversation together. How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\nIdeas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q1.description":"Questions: \"What parts, if any, don't resonate? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to better understand your peer's point of view. ","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's now understand more about your style.\nClick the profile icon to read about your leadership style. What resonates? Why is that important to you?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's get to know each other by sharing our unique approaches to leadership. \nClick the profile icon to read the description of your leadership style. What parts resonate? Why does it feel important to you?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q2.description":"Questions: \"What does being an effective manager mean to you?\" and \"How do you feel while leading in this way?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help them connect to their feelings.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nHow are you leading in alignment with your unique style? What actions are you taking? Be specific.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q2.title":"Let's now share how we each bring our styles to our roles at {{member.organizationname}}.\nIn what way(s) do you see yourself leading in alignment with your unique style? Give a specific example and describe in detail.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q3.description":"Questions: \"What did you learn from your recent leadership zRetreat that you want to work on?\" and \"Where could you use some help?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Reflect back what you hear is most valuable to your peer.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat would you like to get out our time together? What's an area of growth for you as a manager of others?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to maximize the effectiveness of our leadership.\nWhat would you like to get out of our time together? Choose an area of growth for you as a manager of others.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"Why is psychological safety important to you?\" and \"What did you learn from the Equity & Belonging content shared with you about creating psychological safety?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer brainstorm key elements of psychological safety.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"What's an example of a time when you felt comfortable sharing ideas and contributing authentically? What helped you feel that way?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q1.title":"An important role we play as leaders is ensuring psychological safety (i.e. feel comfortable offering ideas and solutions) within our teams.\nShare with me an example of a time you felt comfortable sharing ideas and contributing authentically while working on a team. What helped you feel that way?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"How do your values support psychological safety? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Values can be a deeply personal concept. Help them organize their thinking.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your values.\nWhat resonates? Why does that feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q2.title":"Psychological safety is really about how we treat and relate to one another. Let's explore the role your unique values play in your relationships. Click the profile icon below for insights into your values. \nWhat resonates? Why does that feel important to you?\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q3.description":"Questions: \"How have your colleagues responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat new actions have you taken to build psychological safety? How are you communicating differently?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's now explore the ways you can create psychological safety in a primarily virtual work environment.\nWhat new actions have you taken to build psychological safety in this new way of working? How are you communicating differently with those you manage?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q1.description":"Questions: \"How well does your style work?\" and \"What impact does proactively setting clear expectations have on your accountability conversations?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening by reflecting back key elements of their style. ","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"Your turn.\nWhat style of accountability to you use most often? What methods (e.g. positive reinforcement, consequences, etc.) do you see yourself using?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q1.title":"We previously focused on ensuring psychological safety with those we manage. Let's now explore another key element to your success as leaders: Accountability. \nHow would you describe your style of ensuring accountability? What methods (e.g. positive reinforcement, consequences, etc.) do you most often use?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q2.description":"Questions: \"What have you done differently as a result?\" and \"How are you remaining accountable to others?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Celebrate your peer as they identify new strategies that are working.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"What successes/challenges have you noticed? What impact has working mostly virtual had on accountability for you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q2.title":"Our work environments and the ways we work together have changed greatly over the last few years. \nHow has accountability changed due to less time together in an office? What successes/challenges have you noticed?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q3.description":"Questions: \"What's one new action you can take in the next week that aligns with this strength?\" and \"What effect might that have?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer into action.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you? Click the profile icon for insights.\nHow can your strengths help your direct reports overcome any challenges of a virtual work environment?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c3_q3.title":"As a leader, you play a key role in ensuring the effectiveness of your teams.\nHow can your leadership strengths help those who you manage overcome the challenges of a virtual work environment? Click the profile icon for ideas to help you brainstorm.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Who or what do you think needs to change?\" and \"How are you adapting your style to navigate the challenge?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Give your partner time to think. These can feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Let's hear about a challenge you are facing.\nWhat's an example of a current leadership challenge you are navigating? What feels hard and/or uncertain?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q1.title":"Let's start by reflecting on a current leadership challenge you're navigating because of the distributed and mostly virtual culture of our current work landscape.\nShare with me the details of the challenge you are facing. What parts feel hard and/or uncertain?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q2.description":"Questions: \"What might you do differently now that you understand your bias?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Try not to problem solve. Listen and thank your partner for simply acknowledging their bias(es).","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon for insights from your profile.\nWhich potential biases, if any, may be getting in the way in the situation you identified? How?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q2.title":"We all have biases that can sometimes block us from seeing ways through our current challenges. Click the profile icon to review insights from your purpose profile. \nWhich biases, if any, may be blocking you from knowing how to navigate this situation? How?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q3.description":"Questions: \"How likely are you to ask for help?\" and \"What would make asking for help easier?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Try to normalize that we all need help sometimes.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"What about you?\nWho can help brainstorm unique solutions to your situation? Who in your network has strengths that might support you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c4_q3.title":"Sometimes it can feel daunting as a leader to come up with solutions to every situation alone. \nWho can help you brainstorm new approaches to this situation? Who in your peer network or on your team has different strengths than you do?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q1.description":"Questions: \"How do you see yourself showing up this way?\" and \"How have you grown since our first conversation?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow up questions to fully understand their growth.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Your turn. Click the profile icon for insights into your style.\nWhat is your style all about? What did you learn about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you a unique leader at Zillow.\nShare with me in your own words what your style is all about. What did you learn about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What feedback have you received from your direct reports?\" and \"How does work feel differently as a result?\"\n\nCoaching tip: Celebrate your peer's ability to adapt.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"What about you?\nShare an example of an important shift you've made as a leader? What were the results?","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together, we identified ways to adapt our leadership to the changes we're experiencing to the way we work. \nWhat has been the most effective shift you've made as a leader? What were the results? Share an example of that shift.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"Which of your strengths will be most useful?\" and \"How can you continue to approach your leadership with a growth mindset?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer anchor in their learning.","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's look ahead for you as well.\nIn what ways can you adapt to further increase your effectiveness? What challenge(s) still need your attention? Click the profile icon for useful strengths you can use.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_ces_managers_s1_c5_q3.title":"As we wrap up, let's look at what still needs your attention as you maximize your effectiveness as a leader.\nIn the next 3 months, how can you adapt to be even more effective? What challenge(s) still needs your attention? Click the profile icon for strengths that may help you be successful.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q1.description":"Ask: \"Tell me about a highlight of your work so far.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"What about you?\nWhat does Zillow pay you to do, and what do you like to do when you're not working?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q1.title":"Today we'll start our Manager Network Conversations together on Imperative. Our conversations will delve into understanding our unique strengths and explore key Manager Capabilities at ZG. \nFirst, let's get to know about each other and our roles. What does Zillow pay you to do? What do you like to do when you're not working?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask: \"Which part(s) of your purpose insight do you feel your team would recognize in you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's talk about what motivates you. \nClick on the profile icon. Tell me how this description relates to you personally and professionally.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q2.title":"Throughout our conversations together, we will have the opportunity to read insights from our purpose profile. Let's dive in and learn more about what motivates us and drives our fulfillment at work. \nClick on the profile icon. How does this description relate to you personally and professionally?\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q3.description":"Ask: \"In which areas are you feeling most energized to grow or learn?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"As mentioned, we'll be exploring these topics: making decisions effectively, how to foster accountability on our teams, and more confidently provide feedback.\nWhen you think about growing your capabilities as a manager, what do you hope to gain from our conversations together?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c1_q3.title":"We'll spend some time in the coming conversations reflecting on specific ZG Manager Capabilities, such as: making decisions effectively, how to foster accountability on our teams, and more confidently provide feedback.\nWhen you think about growing your capabilities as a manager in these ways, what do you hope to gain from our conversations together?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q1.description":"Ask: \"How has this person and/or previous managers influenced how you make and own decisions?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"When have you been personally inspired by someone’s management style? Share specific behaviors of this leader and why it was effective.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q1.title":"Today we'll talk about how we each make and own decisions for ourselves and our teams. \nWhen have you been personally inspired by someone’s management style? Share specific behaviors of this leader and why it was effective.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q2.description":"Ask: \"How do you notice if your decisions are effective or ineffective among your team? What indicators do you rely on?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about yourself? On a scale of 1 through 5, how comfortable do you feel currently in making and owning decisions?\nShare with me a recent example of when you had to evaluate and make a timely decision.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q2.title":"As leaders, we are all continually growing in making timely, thoughtful decisions. On a scale of 1 through 5, how comfortable do you feel currently in making and owning decisions?\nShare with me a recent example of when you had to evaluate and make a timely decision.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q3.description":"Ask: \"What is an upcoming opportunity to be proactive about potential challenges or risks?\" and \"Where might you have an opportunity to act decisively?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Your turn. \nWhere do you tend to run into challenges as a leader? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c2_q3.title":"Leading others isn't a straight path. Each person is unique, team dynamics fluctuate, and your team navigates new goals and roadblocks all the time. It's natural to run into challenges. \nWhere do you tend to run into challenges as a leader? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q1.description":"Ask: “Why does consistency in your leadership matter? How do inconsistent behaviors impact your team?”","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"What about you? What is unique about you as a leader and how you model consistent day-to-day behaviors?\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q1.title":"Today we'll talk about how you as a leader incorporate accountability and manage the day-to-day across your team\nHow do you uniquely lead among your peers and/or with your team? Share with me some of the day-to-day behaviors that you model consistently as a manager.\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q2.description":"Ask: \"What additional clarity or support would help your team to stay on track?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Your turn. In the next 2-4 weeks, what are your team’s priorities?\nDescribe how you know you’ll get there and where you may run into challenges.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q2.title":"In the next 2-4 weeks, what are your team’s priorities? Describe how you know you’ll get there and where you may run into challenges.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q3.description":"Ask: \"What other ideas come to mind of how to empower your team to feel confident and autonomous?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nHow have you or how do you plan to set clear expectations? How/where will it be documented?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c3_q3.title":"ZG's data shows that teams who have clear priorities that are documented also feel more confident in their roles and performance. \nHow have you or how do you plan to set clear expectations? How/where will it be documented?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q1.description":"Ask: \"How are you currently modeling the team dynamic you strive for?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Your turn. First, describe your current team dynamic. What kind of team are you inspired by and striving to foster?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q1.title":"Today we'll be talking about giving and receiving feedback as managers. First, let's share about the work culture and dynamics of our teams. \nDescribe your current team dynamic. What kind of team are you inspired by and striving to foster?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q2.description":"Ask: “What was the benefit to the team and/or individual for providing honest and direct feedback?”","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's hear about your experience. \nRecall a recent time you praised and a time you redirected someone's actions and behaviors. In both examples, how effective was your feedback?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q2.title":"Whether you are praising an individual's actions and behaviors or redirecting them, providing clear and specific feedback is critical.\nRecall a recent time you praised and a time you redirected someone's actions and behaviors. In both examples, how effective was your feedback?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q3.description":"Ask: “On a scale of 1-5, how comfortable do you think your team feels sharing feedback with you? Where might there be an opportunity in the next few weeks to invite feedback?”","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How often do you create space for your peers and team members to share clear and direct feedback with you? Share a recent time you’ve received feedback.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c4_q3.title":"Reflect back to the team you are inspired to foster at Zillow. \nHow often do you create space for your peers and team members to share clear and direct feedback with you? Share a recent time you’ve received feedback.","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q1.description":"Ask: \"When have you experienced a leader and/or direct manager that expected the best from you and others? Describe how it impacted your work experience.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's hear your perspective. \nShare an example of how \"expecting the best from yourself and others\" shows up in your leadership style. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q1.title":"One of our leadership practices at ZG is to \"expect the best from yourself and others\". \nShare an example of how this shows up in your leadership style. Click the profile icon for ideas.\n\n\n\n*{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.paragraph]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q2.description":"Ask: \"How has your team benefited from your dedication and growth in these areas? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Our conversations together guided us to reflect on three specific ZG Manager Capabilities: 1. Making and Owning Decisions, 2. Accountability and Inspecting the Day-to-Day, 3. Giving and Receiving Feedback\nHow has your confidence grown as a leader in these areas? Where might you benefit from continuing to grow?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q2.title":"Our conversations together guided us to reflect on three specific ZG Manager Capabilities: 1. Making and Owning Decisions, 2. Accountability and Inspecting the Day-to-Day, 3. Giving and Receiving Feedback\nHow has your confidence grown as a leader in these areas? Where might you benefit from continuing to grow?","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q3.description":"Ask: \"What's the best way to reach out to you moving forward (ex. email, phone)?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How can I support you moving forward? \n(Ideas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People)","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q3.title":"We've spent time together building our peer relationship and developing as leaders. Where can I support you moving forward? \n\n(Ideas: Identify Opportunities, Be a Problem-Solving Partner, Share a Different Perspective, Celebrate Success, Collaborate on Projects, Connect to Great People)","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1_c5_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"What else did you learn?\" or \"Why was that especially meaningful to you?\" \nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our recent completion of the Crucial Conversations workshop. Share with me your biggest takeaway(s) about Crucial Conversations.\nWhy is it important to you to engage in Crucial Conversations?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our recent completion of the Crucial Conversations workshop. Share with me your biggest takeaway(s) about Crucial Conversations.\nWhy is it important to you to engage in Crucial Conversations?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How has this shown up for you at work? Share an example.\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner further reflect by encouraging a specific example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Open, direct and honest conversation begins with being authentically you. Let's reflect on how you feel energized and fulfilled at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights from your profile. What part(s) resonate? Why? Which parts, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q2.title":"Open, direct and honest conversation begins with being authentically you. Let's reflect on how you feel energized and fulfilled at work.\nClick the profile icon for insights from your profile. What part(s) resonate? Why? Which parts, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"What feels challenging about applying Crucial Conversations? Why?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your partner to reflect on how they are feeling about applying Crucial Conversations.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to reflect on and apply Crucial Conversations. What would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose a focus within Crucial Conversations as an opportunity for growth. (e.g. identify where stuck, separate facts from stories, etc.) Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to reflect on and apply Crucial Conversations. What would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose a focus within Crucial Conversations as an opportunity for growth. (e.g. identify where stuck, separate facts from stories, etc.) Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"\nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. \nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach. \nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you? How did it feel?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage them to share an example story. Then, ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Each of us has a unique way of making a meaningful impact in our work. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q1.title":"Each of us has a unique way of making a meaningful impact in our work. Click the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you.\nWhich parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What feels most meaningful to get done?\" and then, \"Why does that feel meaningful to you?\"\nCoaching Tip: Remain curious and consider follow-up questions.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Now- let's reflect on what feels most valuable to get done at work. What does success look like for you in the next 2 weeks?\nShare specific details. How will you know you made the desired impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q2.title":"Now- let's reflect on what feels most valuable to get done at work. What does success look like for you in the next 2 weeks?\nShare specific details. How will you know you made the desired impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"Where do you get stuck? At what level (content, pattern, or relationship) is this challenge? Who is involved?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner get specific using the Law of Crucial Conversations.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now explore the role Crucial Conversations play in your ability to make that meaningful impact. What could get in the way of you making a meaningful impact?\nWhat Crucial Conversation(s) do you need to have in order to be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's now explore the role Crucial Conversations play in your ability to make that meaningful impact. What could get in the way of you making a meaningful impact?\nWhat Crucial Conversation(s) do you need to have in order to be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c2_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\" and then, \"Why do you value relationships like these?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on how they value relationships at work.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. Share an example of a positive relationship you have at work.\nWhat about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive? Why are meaningful relationships important to you at work?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. Share an example of a positive relationship you have at work.\nWhat about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive? Why are meaningful relationships important to you at work?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"It sounds like..... \" and then, \"When you lean into your values, how do your relationships improve?\"\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back the themes you hear.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Let's dive deeper by better understanding how your unique values influence your relationships.\nClick the profile icon for insights into your likely values. What resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]} ","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's dive deeper by better understanding how your unique values influence your relationships.\nClick the profile icon for insights into your likely values. What resonates and why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.why.{{whydriver}}.explication]} ","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"How do the stories impact the relationship? If all you had were the facts, how would you show up in this relationship?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner explore their meaning-making.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"We know that separating facts from stories is an important skill of Crucial Conversations. Choose a relationship to reflect on that you'd like to strengthen.\nWhat are the facts of this relationship? What are the stories (judgements, conclusions, and attributions) you tell about this relationship?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q3.title":"We know that separating facts from stories is an important skill of Crucial Conversations. Choose a relationship to reflect on that you'd like to strengthen.\nWhat are the facts of this relationship? What are the stories (judgements, conclusions, and attributions) you tell about this relationship?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c3_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"Tell me more about that example.\" and \"Do you recall having a Crucial Conversation?\"\nCoaching Tip: Encourage storytelling by asking for a specific example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"Crucial Conversations are important to your growth and fulfillment at work. Describe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.\nHow did it feel to grow in that way? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q1.title":"Crucial Conversations are important to your growth and fulfillment at work. Describe a time when you experienced significant growth in your career.\nHow did it feel to grow in that way? Why? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"What could get in the way of your success? Who can help you move around any obstacles?\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions to help them do their best thinking.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now consider opportunities for growth in the next 3-6 months. Where are you most energized to grow and/or learn?\nHow would you know you've grown in a personally meaningful way?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q2.title":"Let's now consider opportunities for growth in the next 3-6 months. Where are you most energized to grow and/or learn?\nHow would you know you've grown in a personally meaningful way?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"What Crucial Conversation(s) will be necessary for you to meet those goals? Why?\"\nCoaching Tip: Give your peer coach time to connect their growth to a Crucial Conversation.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"You have strengths that can help you own your growth. Click the profile icon for likely strengths of yours.\nWhich item(s) can help you successfully reach your goals? How would it feel to lean into those strengths?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q3.title":"You have strengths that can help you own your growth. Click the profile icon for likely strengths of yours.\nWhich item(s) can help you successfully reach your goals? How would it feel to lean into those strengths?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q4.description":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c4_q4.title":"filler","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way in your role? Share a recent example.\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your partner connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of Crucial Conversations. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Zillow.\nShare with me in your own words what this means to you. What new awarenesses have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of Crucial Conversations. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Zillow.\nShare with me in your own words what this means to you. What new awarenesses have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q2.description":"Question: \"What makes you feel proud about your willingness to try Crucial Conversations?\"\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions and celebrate their growth.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect on how things have changed since focusing on Crucial Conversations. How have your feelings about having direct and honest conversations changed since our first conversation?\nHow has practicing Crucial Conversations impacted your ability to be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q2.title":"Let's reflect on how things have changed since focusing on Crucial Conversations. How have your feelings about having direct and honest conversations changed since our first conversation?\nHow has practicing Crucial Conversations impacted your ability to be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would those conversations help you feel more fulfilled and successful?\" or \"What benefits do you see?\"\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications of their continued practice.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Which elements of Crucial Conversations (opposing opinions, strong emotions, and high stakes) still need your focus? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q3.title":"Which elements of Crucial Conversations (opposing opinions, strong emotions, and high stakes) still need your focus? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together.\nFor example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" Consider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q1.description":"Get to know each other by asking follow-up questions. For example, \"What drew you to your role?\" and \"How are you doing in your current role?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"I'd like to hear from you now.\n\nWhat should I know about you personally and professionally? What goals are you working on?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have the opportunity to support each other's success as we learn to set and achieve goals at Zillow. Let's start by getting to know each other. \n\nWhat is most important for me to know about you personally and professionally? What goals are you currently focused on in your work?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q2.description":"Begin reflecting on how their strengths support their success by asking, \"How do those help you reach your goals?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now discuss your unique style.\n\nWhat talents and/or viewpoints do you bring to your role? Share example from your work. Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm. \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q2.title":"Before we dive into goal-setting any further, let's learn about each other's unique style and strengths. \n\nWhat unique talents and/or viewpoints do you bring to your role? Share examples of how you use them in your work. To help with brainstorming, click the profile icon for insights.\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q3.description":"There are no right/wrong answers here, so focus on learning what's important to your partner. Consider asking, \"How can I help make this a good experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat topics related to goal-setting would you look forward to discussing? What would make this a valuable experience for you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c1_q3.title":"In our future conversations, the platform will suggest goal-setting topics for us to discuss. We will be able to choose the topic that is most meaningful to us at the beginning of each conversation. \n\nWhat topics related to goal-setting would you look forward to discussing? What would make this a valuable experience for you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q1.description":"Also, explore the helpfulness of this peer relationship by asking, \"What did you most appreciate about our dedicated time together?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"What will you take away from our conversations on goal-setting? \n\nHas your mindset about goal-setting changed or stayed the same? How so?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation for now, so let's reflect on our time together and what we've learned.\n\nWhat will you take away from our conversations on goal-setting? Has your mindset about goal-setting changed or stayed the same? How so?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q2.description":"Help them acknowledge their growth over time. Try asking, \"In what ways have you grown into or expanded your strengths?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a reminder of your strengths. What have you learned about your strengths? How have your strengths helped you be successful?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q2.title":"While learning about effective goal-setting, we also explored the unique strengths we bring that enable success. \n\nWhat have you learned about your strengths? What successes have you had as a result? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your strengths\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q3.description":"This is the last peer conversation together on Imperative, ask \"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"Reflect on the next 6 months in your work. Where do you need to still need to focus on regarding goal-setting? What actions will you take to improve?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1_c20_q3.title":"There are many elements to effective goal-setting. Some we've discussed include specificity, measurement, types of goals, expectations, getting support, and alignment.\n\nOver the next 6 months, what element(s) still needs some attention? What actions could you take to improve in that area?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q1.description":"Get to know each other by asking follow-up questions. For example, \"What drew you to your role?\" and \"How are you doing in your current role?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"I'd like to hear from you now.\n\nWhat should I know about you personally and professionally? What goals are you working on?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q1.title":"Hi! We have the opportunity to support each other's success as we learn to set and achieve goals at Zillow. Let's start by getting to know each other. \n\nWhat is most important for me to know about you personally and professionally? What goals are you currently focused on in your work?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q2.description":"Begin reflecting on how their strengths support their success by asking, \"How do those help you reach your goals?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now discuss your unique style.\n\nWhat talents and/or viewpoints do you bring to your role? Share example from your work. Click the profile icon to help you brainstorm. \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q2.title":"Before we dive into goal-setting any further, let's learn about each other's unique style and strengths. \n\nWhat unique talents and/or viewpoints do you bring to your role? Share examples of how you use them in your work. To help with brainstorming, click the profile icon for insights. \n\n\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q3.description":"There are no right/wrong answers here, so focus on learning what's important to your partner. Consider asking, \"How can I help make this a good experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What about you?\n\nWhat topics related to goal-setting would you look forward to discussing? What would make this a valuable experience for you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c1_q3.title":"In our future conversations, the platform will suggest goal-setting topics for us to discuss. We will be able to choose the topic that is most meaningful to us at the beginning of each conversation. \n\nWhat topics related to goal-setting would you look forward to discussing? What would make this a valuable experience for you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q1.description":"Also, explore the helpfulness of this peer relationship by asking, \"What did you most appreciate about our dedicated time together?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q1.short_title":"What will you take away from our conversations on goal-setting? \n\nHas your mindset about goal-setting changed or stayed the same? How so?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q1.title":"This is our final conversation for now, so let's reflect on our time together and what we've learned.\n\nWhat will you take away from our conversations on goal-setting? Has your mindset about goal-setting changed or stayed the same? How so?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q2.description":"Help them acknowledge their growth over time. Try asking, \"In what ways have you grown into or expanded your strengths?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for a reminder of your strengths. What have you learned about your strengths? How have your strengths helped you be successful?\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q2.title":"While learning about effective goal-setting, we also explored the unique strengths we bring that enable success. \n\nWhat have you learned about your strengths? What successes have you had as a result? Click the profile icon for a reminder of your strengths\n\n\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q3.description":"This is the last peer conversation together on Imperative, ask \"How can I support you and help us stay connected as part of each other's peer networks?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q3.short_title":"Reflect on the next 6 months in your work. Where do you need to still need to focus on regarding goal-setting? What actions will you take to improve?","peerconversation.question.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1_c20_q3.title":"There are many elements to effective goal-setting. Some we've discussed include specificity, measurement, types of goals, expectations, getting support, and alignment.\n\nOver the next 6 months, what element(s) still needs some attention? What actions could you take to improve in that area?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q1.description":"Tip: This is an opportunity to be curious. Ask a follow up question to get to know your mentor/intern.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's switch turns. \n\nRead only the question associated with your role.\n\n(A) If you are the Mentor, ask: What drew you to interning with {{member.organizationname}}? Describe what made you say yes to this opportunity.\n(B) If you are the Intern, ask: What's your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? What parts of your work do you enjoy the most? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's start our mentor coaching by getting to know each other. The Imperative platform will prompt us with questions as we go. When it's your turn to ask a question, read only the one associated with your role. Let's begin. \n(M) Mentor, ask: What drew you to interning with {{member.organizationname}}? Describe what made you say yes to this opportunity.\n(I) Intern, ask: What's your current role at {{member.organizationname}}? What parts of your work do you enjoy the most? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q2.description":"Tip: Give time and space for reflection. If needed, ask a follow up question to dig deeper.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: Describe a past work or study experience about which you felt passionate. What was exciting about it? Click the profile icon for insights. \n(I) Intern, ask: When do you feel most purposeful in your role? Why? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q2.title":"Our conversations together will focus on our sense of purpose and how we can use it to fuel our career development. \n(M) Mentor, ask: Describe a past work or study experience about which you felt passionate. What was exciting about it? Click the profile icon for possible insights from your purpose profile. \n(I) Intern, ask: When do you feel most purposeful in your role? Why? Click the profile icon for insights.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q3.description":"Tip: Clear expectations are important to a successful mentorship relationship.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What do you hope to gain from our conversations? \n(I) Intern ask: How might our conversations also benefit you? What do you hope to gain?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c1_q3.title":"We have the opportunity in our conversations to highlight each of our Zillow experiences and share career aspirations. \n(M) Mentor, ask: What do you hope to gain from our conversations? How can I help make this a positive experience?\n(I) Intern, ask: How might our conversations also benefit you? What do you hope to gain?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q1.description":"Tip: Remain curious and ask a follow up question. ","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What do you feel are your intrinsic strengths? When do you feel yourself in \"flow\"? Click the profile icon for possible ideas. \n(I) Intern, ask: What do you feel are your intrinsic strengths? When do you feel yourself in \"flow\"? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q1.title":"Let's begin by reflecting on when we feel most purposeful. \n(M) Mentor, ask: What do you feel are your intrinsic strengths? When do you feel yourself in \"flow\"? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n(I) Intern, ask: What do you feel are your intrinsic strengths? When do you feel yourself in \"flow\"? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q2.description":"Tip: Help your partner connect their passions to their work.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What passions and interests do you have when you're not at work? Why are you drawn to those? How may you incorporate those into your career?\n(I) Intern, ask: What passions and interests do you have when you're not at work? Why are you drawn to those? How may you incorporate those into your career?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q2.title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What passions and interests do you have when you're not at work? Why are you drawn to those? How may you incorporate those into your career?\n(I) Intern, ask: What passions and interests do you have when you're not at work? Why are you drawn to those? How may you incorporate those into your career?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q3.description":"Tip: Share back what you heard to help your mentor/intern further reflect.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: Ideally, what do you hope to receive from your career (e.g. day to day, culture, financial, etc.)? Why? Choose as many as feels true.\n(I) Intern, ask: What are the three most important ways you benefit from your career (e.g. day to day, culture, financial, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c2_q3.title":"Often, we focus on what we can provide through our careers. But what about the ways our careers can provide to us? \n(M) Mentor, ask: Ideally, what do you hope to receive from your career (e.g. day to day, culture, financial, etc.)? Why? Choose as many as feels true.\n(I) Intern, ask: What are the three most important ways you benefit from your career (e.g. day to day, culture, financial, etc.)?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q1.description":"Tip: Give your partner time to think. It may take a moment to think of an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: Recall a time you first felt inspired by another person's career. Consider a mentor, a family member, friend or even a television character. Why does it feel inspiring? \n(I) Intern, ask: Whose career inspires you? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q1.title":"Our aspirations are often created through the various ways we feel inspired. \n(M) Mentor, ask: Recall a time you first felt inspired by another person's career. Consider a mentor, a family member, friend or even a television character. Why does it feel inspiring?\n(I) Intern, ask: Whose career inspires you? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q2.description":"Tip: Reflect back any insights you have from hearing their goals.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What goals or ambitions (short term and long term) do you have for your career? How have your ambitions changed overtime? Why?\n(I) Intern, ask: What goals or ambitions (short term and long term) do you have for your career? How have your ambitions changed overtime? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's dig deeper into your career aspirations.\n(M) Mentor, ask: What goals or ambitions (short term and long term) do you have for your career? How have your ambitions changed overtime? Why?\n(I) Intern, ask: What goals or ambitions (short term and long term) do you have for your career? How have your ambitions changed overtime? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q3.description":"Tip: Remain curious and ask a follow up question.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights on how you likely know you are making an impact that matters. \n(M) Mentor, ask: Thinking about your overall career, what impact do you most hope to make? Why is that important to you? \n(I) Intern, ask: What is the impact you most hope to make through your career? Why?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c3_q3.title":"Making an impact that matters to you is part of feeling aligned to your purpose. Click the profile icon for insights on how you likely know you are making an impact that matters. \n(M) Mentor, ask: Thinking about your overall career, what impact do you most hope to make? Why is that important to you? \n(I) Intern, ask: What is the impact you most hope to make through your career? Why?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q1.description":"Tip: Encourage each other to find an opportunity for action.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What steps can you take in this internship (gain experience, build connections, etc.) that will help you achieve your career goals?\n(I) Intern, ask: It's helpful to hear how others action their goals. Share an example of a step you are taking toward your goals.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q1.title":"In our previous conversation, we discussed short- and long-term career goals. Let's explore actions toward those goals.\n(M) Mentor, ask: What steps can you take in this internship (gain experience, build connections, etc.) that will help you achieve your career goals?\n(I) Intern, ask: It's helpful to hear how others action their goals. Share an example of a step you are taking toward your goals.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q2.description":"Tip: Stories help us connect to specific examples of overcoming challenges.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: Tell me about a time in your career or education so far where you found yourself challenged beyond your skill set. How did you overcome the obstacle? What did you learn from that experience?\n(I) Intern, ask: Tell me about a time when you had a project/task where you had no idea where to start or what to do. How did you work through that? What did you learn from that experience?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q2.title":"Anytime we move toward a goal, we are likely to run into obstacles.\n(M) Mentor, ask: Tell me about a time in your career or education so far where you found yourself challenged beyond your skill set. How did you overcome the obstacle? What did you learn from that experience?\n(I) Intern, ask: Tell me about a time when you had a project/task where you had no idea where to start or what to do. How did you work through that? What did you learn from that experience?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q3.description":"Tip: Brainstorm together ways to overcome doubts.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into how you might overcome imposter syndrome.\n(M) Mentor, ask: What doubts do you have when thinking about success in your internship? In your career? What will help you move through them?\n(I) Intern, ask: When have you or do you experience imposter syndrome? How do you challenge your doubts? What helps you feel most confident in your role? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c4_q3.title":"It is common, during growth/learning phases, to feel some level of imposter syndrome - feeling like our success is somehow tied to luck rather than being earned. Click the profile icon for insights for how you might overcome this.\n(M) Mentor, ask: What doubts do you have when thinking about success in your internship? In your career? What will help you move through them?\n(I) Intern, ask: When have you or do you experience imposter syndrome? How do you challenge your doubts? What helps you feel most confident in your role? Why?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q1.description":"Tip: Give time for reflection. ","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What impactful moment(s) come to mind when you think about all of our conversations? Describe the moment(s).\n(I) Intern, ask: What impactful moment(s) come to mind when you think about all of our conversations? Describe the moment(s).","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on the most impactful moment(s) from our time together.\n(M) Mentor, ask: What impactful moment(s) come to mind when you think about all of our conversations? Describe the moment(s).\n(I) Intern, ask: What impactful moment(s) come to mind when you think about all of our conversations? Describe the moment(s).","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q2.description":"Tip: Give each other time to reflect. These can feel like big questions.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: What have you learned about your career journey and purpose from our conversations? How has this informed/changed your career goals? \n(I) Intern, ask: As my mentor, what insights do you have regarding my career throughout our conversations? What recommendations do you have to help me be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q2.title":"In our conversations, we explored what gives us a sense of purpose, our career aspirations, and owning our growth. \n(M) Mentor, ask: What have you learned about your career journey and purpose from our conversations? How has this informed/changed your career goals? \n(I) Intern, ask: As my mentor, what insights do you have regarding my career throughout our conversations? What recommendations do you have to help me be successful?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q3.description":"Tip: Celebrate the actions your intern has taken and create a plan for the future.","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"(M) Mentor, ask: In this internship, what steps have you taken toward your career aspirations? What steps still need your attention? \n(I) Intern, ask: What steps have you seen me take? What action(s) do you think still need my attention?","peerconversation.question.zillow_intern_program_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's reflect on the actions you have taken/will take toward your career aspirations.\n(M) Mentor, ask: In this internship, what steps have you taken toward your career aspirations? What steps still need your attention?\n(I) Intern, ask: What steps have you seen me take? What action(s) do you think still need my attention?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q1.description":"Follow-Up Question: \"What else did you learn?\" or \"Why was that especially meaningful to you?\"\nTip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our recent completion of the Leaders of Others program.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the Leaders of Others program. Why is it important to you to adapt the leadership behaviors that we learned about? ","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate together our recent completion of the Leaders of Others program.\nShare with me your biggest takeaway(s) from the Leaders of Others program. Why is it important to you to adapt the leadership behaviors that we learned about? ","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q2.description":"Ask them to share an example story. \nFor example, \"What's a recent example of you utilizing the strength(s) you mention? Who benefited?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"The leadership behaviors we discussed involved setting objectives, delegating, coaching, managing performance and building teams.\nFrom what we learned during the Leader of Others program, what leadership behaviors do you feel are current strengths of yours? How did they develop into strengths?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q2.title":"The leadership behaviors we discussed involved setting objectives, delegating, coaching, managing performance and building teams.\nFrom what we learned during the Leader of Others program, what leadership behaviors do you feel are current strengths of yours? How did they develop into strengths?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to elaborate on what successful leadership looks like to them. \nFor example, \"What impact to your leadership are you hoping to make by focusing on that behavior?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore our leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose one of the leadership behaviors you will focus on as an opportunity for growth in your leadership. Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to explore our leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nChoose one of the leadership behaviors you will focus on as an opportunity for growth in your leadership. Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q4.description":"This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported. \nFor example, \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q1.description":"Focus on active listening and consider follow up questions to help your partner think. \nFor example: \"What role did you play in that situation?\" and \"How did people benefit from your leadership?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"Along with what you learned during the Leader of Others program, owning your authentic style is what makes you a successful leader. Recall a time when you were proud of how you lead.\nDescribe the situation. Why did you feel proud of your leadership?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q1.title":"Along with what you learned during the Leader of Others program, owning your authentic style is what makes you a successful leader. Recall a time when you were proud of how you lead.\nDescribe the situation. Why did you feel proud of your leadership?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q2.description":"Help your partner reflect on their leadership in action. \nFor example: \"How has this shown up for you at work? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"Let's reflect a bit more about what makes you unique as a leader. Click on the profile icon below to read insights about what likely motivates you as a leader.\nWhich part(s) resonates most? Why? Which, if any, do not resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q2.title":"Let's reflect a bit more about what makes you unique as a leader. Click on the profile icon below to read insights about what likely motivates you as a leader.\nWhich part(s) resonates most? Why? Which, if any, do not resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q3.description":"Help your partner see a link between their leadership style and the Leaders of Others program. \nFor example: \"How are your style and the leadership behaviors similar? How are they different?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program we learned about the 5 leadership behaviors at Zillow. Which of the behaviors do you already feel align well with your authentic leadership style? Why? \nShare an example of you leading in this way.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q3.title":"During the Leader of Others program we learned about the 5 leadership behaviors at Zillow. Which of the behaviors do you already feel align well with your authentic leadership style? Why? \nShare an example of you leading in this way.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q4.description":"Remain curious and help your partner brainstorm. \nFor example: \"What changes would need to be made?\" or \"How would it make you feel as a leader?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q4.short_title":"Let's now look at where your can further apply your leadership style. Share one way you would like to apply more of your style.\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas. How would it improve work within your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c2_q4.title":"Let's now look at where your can further apply your leadership style. Share one way you would like to apply more of your style.\nClick the profile icon for possible ideas. How would it improve work within your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow up questions like, \"Why is that goal important to you?\" \nAlso, encourage storytelling. For example: \"Share a recent memory where it was important to implement this goal.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about how our team's objectives impact the overall success at Zillow. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for setting and prioritizing meaningful objectives. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q1.title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about how our team's objectives impact the overall success at Zillow. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for setting and prioritizing meaningful objectives. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions.\nFor example: \"How has your team responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you imagined?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Our objectives exist on multiple levels: at the individual, the team, and the overall business unit.\nHow are you communicating differently with your direct reports about their objectives and how they fit into the overall business at Zillow? What is working so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q2.title":"Our objectives exist on multiple levels: at the individual, the team, and the overall business unit.\nHow are you communicating differently with your direct reports about their objectives and how they fit into the overall business at Zillow? What is working so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q3.description":"Help your peer envision making the impact they describe. \nFor example: \"How would prioritizing meaningful objectives help you make the leadership impact you want?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths can help you make the impact you want. \nClick the profile icon for likely ways you make an impact. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q3.title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths can help you make the impact you want. \nClick the profile icon for likely ways you make an impact. What resonates? Why?\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their goals. \nFor example: \"What would those updates look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently to meet your new goal?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q4.short_title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around setting and prioritizing meaningful objectives within your team? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c3_q4.title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around setting and prioritizing meaningful objectives within your team? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions like, \"Why is that goal important to you?\" \nAlso, encourage storytelling. For example: \"Share with me a recent memory where you engaged with this goal.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about the importance of delegation and follow ups with our direct reports. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have around delegating and following up with your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q1.title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about the importance of delegation and follow ups with our direct reports. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have around delegating and following up with your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions. \nFor example: \"How has your team responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around delegation and follow up with your direct reports is key to success.\nHow are you communicating differently with your direct reports about their responsibilities since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you following up with them?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q2.title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around delegation and follow up with your direct reports is key to success.\nHow are you communicating differently with your direct reports about their responsibilities since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you following up with them?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q3.description":"Encourage them to utilize a strength for delegating and following up as a leader.\nFor example: \"How can your strengths support you in delegating and following up with direct reports? Share an example.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths as a leader can help you move toward your goal.\nClick the profile icon for a list of likely strengths. What resonates? Why or why not?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q3.title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths as a leader can help you move toward your goal.\nClick the profile icon for a list of likely strengths. What resonates? Why or why not?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their goals. \nFor example: \"What would those updates look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently to meet your new goal?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q4.short_title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to reevaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around delegating and following up with direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c4_q4.title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to reevaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around delegating and following up with direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q1.description":"Help your partner connect their work to their unique leadership style. \nFor example: \"How do you see yourself showing up this way in your role?\" and \"How has your leadership style changed since our first conversation?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of your leadership. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a leader. Share with me in your own words what your style is all about.\nWhat new awarenesses do you have about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of your leadership. Click on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a leader. Share with me in your own words what your style is all about.\nWhat new awarenesses do you have about your style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q2.description":"Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts.\n For example, \"How did it feel to be more intentional around these areas of leadership?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored the following components of effective leadership: Setting Meaningful Objectives and Delegating and Following up with Direct Reports.\nHow have you improved as a leader by dedicating time to reflect and apply yourself in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the following components of effective leadership: Setting Meaningful Objectives and Delegating and Following up with Direct Reports.\nHow have you improved as a leader by dedicating time to reflect and apply yourself in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q3.description":"Help your peer visualize the implications of their leadership. \nFor example, \"How would it feel to be leading that team?\" or \"What benefits do you see?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. What impact have you made as a leader?\nHow has work within your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q3.title":"Let's imagine it's a year from today. What impact have you made as a leader?\nHow has work within your team improved? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. \nFor example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" \nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now. What have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations?\nHow have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q1.description":"Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach. \nFor example, \"Why does this example feel meaningful for you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q1.short_title":"Through the Leader of Others program, we both made commitments to develop our leadership behaviors. Let's check in on our progress.\nShare a recent example of a time you felt proud about how you led. Did you notice one of our Zillow leadership behaviors at play? If so, which one?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q1.title":"Through the Leader of Others program, we both made commitments to develop our leadership behaviors. Let's check in on our progress.\nShare a recent example of a time you felt proud about how you led. Did you notice one of our Zillow leadership behaviors at play? If so, which one?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q2.description":"Ask them to share a recent example, \"Share with me a recent example of seeing this in your work.\"\nAsk follow up questions like, \"Has this always been important to you? Why?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's revisit what you've been learning about your authentic leadership style.\nTo deepen your understanding of your style, click the profile icon for insights into what likely makes you feel purposeful as a leader. Which part(s) resonate? Why?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q2.title":"Let's revisit what you've been learning about your authentic leadership style.\nTo deepen your understanding of your style, click the profile icon for insights into what likely makes you feel purposeful as a leader. Which part(s) resonate? Why?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q3.description":"Encourage your partner to elaborate on what successful leadership looks like to them. \nFor example, \"How do you see your leadership evolving? How will you know you were successful?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q3.short_title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to reflect on our leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nWhat does success look like to you in terms of your leadership? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to reflect on our leadership. Looking ahead, what would you like to accomplish in our time together?\nWhat does success look like to you in terms of your leadership? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q4.description":"This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported. \nFor example: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q4.short_title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about peer coaching conversations so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about peer coaching conversations so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions like, \"Why is that goal important to you?\" \nAlso, encourage storytelling. For example: \"Share with me a recent memory where you engaged with this goal.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q1.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned how to adopt a coaching mindset within our leadership. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for coaching and developing your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q1.title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned how to adopt a coaching mindset within our leadership. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for coaching and developing your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions. \nFor example: \"How has your team responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q2.short_title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around coaching and developing your direct reports is key to success.\nHow has adopting a coaching mindset changed your communication with your direct reports since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you engaging in their professional development?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q2.title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around coaching and developing your direct reports is key to success.\nHow has adopting a coaching mindset changed your communication with your direct reports since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you engaging in their professional development?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q3.description":"Give your partner time to reflect on this question. Ask, \"What connection(s) do you see between your leadership values and the goal you created for coaching your team members?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at how your unique values as a leader can help you move toward your goal(s).\nClick the profile icon to review likely values. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when this has shown up for you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q3.title":"Let's now look at how your unique values as a leader can help you move toward your goal(s).\nClick the profile icon to review likely values. What resonates? Why? Share an example of when this has shown up for you.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their goals. \nFor example: \"What would those updates look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently to meet your new goal?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q4.short_title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around adopting a coaching mindset to develop your direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c2_q4.title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around adopting a coaching mindset to develop your direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions like, \"Why is that goal important to you?\" \nAlso, encourage storytelling, \"Share with me a recent memory where you engaged with this goal.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q1.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about assessing and providing feedback to improve performance of our direct reports. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for coaching and developing your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q1.title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about assessing and providing feedback to improve performance of our direct reports. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for coaching and developing your direct reports. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions.\nFor example: \"How has your team responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q2.short_title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around assessing and providing feedback to your direct reports is key to success.\nHow are you assessing and providing feedback to direct reports differently since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you helping them improve their performance?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q2.title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around assessing and providing feedback to your direct reports is key to success.\nHow are you assessing and providing feedback to direct reports differently since completing the Leaders of Others program? How are you helping them improve their performance?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q3.description":"Encourage them to be specific.\nFor example, \"Can you share an example?\" and then, \"How can being aware of your potential biases support you with assessing and providing feedback?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at how sometimes our own biases may get in the way. It can help us anticipate roadblocks. Click the profile icon to review potential biases. \nWhich biases resonate with you? How can these sometimes get in the way of assessing and providing feedback for your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q3.title":"Let's now look at how sometimes our own biases may get in the way. It can help us anticipate roadblocks. Click the profile icon to review potential biases. \nWhich biases resonate with you? How can these sometimes get in the way of assessing and providing feedback for your team?\n\n{[driver.{[pattern.leadershipStyle.dominantDriver.{{dominant}}.name]}.{{{{dominant}}driver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their goals. \nFor example: \"What would those updates look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently to meet your new goal?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q4.short_title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around assessing and providing feedback to your direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c3_q4.title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify the goal(s) you set for yourself around assessing and providing feedback to your direct reports? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q1.description":"Remain curious and ask follow-up questions like, \"Why is that goal important to you?\" \nAlso, encourage storytelling. For example: \"Share with me a recent memory where you engaged with this goal.\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q1.short_title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about the importance of selecting qualified team members and the overall team environment we create. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for building your team. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q1.title":"During the Leader of Others program, we learned about the importance of selecting qualified team members and the overall team environment we create. Refer back to your Execution and Development Plan.\nShare what goal(s) you have for building your team. How has this goal shown up so far?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q2.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress by asking follow-up questions. \nFor example: \"How has your team responded?\" and \"What, if anything, hasn't worked the way you hoped?\"","peerconversation.question.z illow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q2.short_title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around building the right team members with a strong sense of team is key to success. How has your approach to team building changed since completing the Leaders of Others program? \nHow are you actively creating a positive team environment?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q2.title":"Taking action toward your goal(s) around building the right team members with a strong sense of team is key to success. How has your approach to team building changed since completing the Leaders of Others program? \nHow are you actively creating a positive team environment?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q3.description":"Encourage them to pick a strength they don't always lean into. \nFor example: \"Which strength from the list is an area for growth? How could that support you with building a positive team environment?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths as a leader can help in this area. Click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\nWhat strengths can you lean into to help you build your team? What impact would that have on building a positive team environment?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q3.title":"Let's now look at how your unique strengths as a leader can help in this area. Click the profile icon for a list of strengths that are unique to you.\nWhat strengths can you lean into to help you build your team? What impact would that have on building a positive team environment?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q4.description":"Encourage your partner to explore actions that align with their goals. \nFor example: \"What would those updates look like in action?\" or \"What do you need to do differently to meet your new goal?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q4.short_title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify your goal(s) for building your team? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c4_q4.title":"As you implement new strategies within your team, it's important to re-evaluate your goals based on the feedback you receive.\nKnowing what you know now, how would you update or modify your goal(s) for building your team? Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q1.description":"Help your partner evaluate their progress. \nFor example, \"What's the biggest \"aha\" you've had about your leadership style?\" and \"How does it feel to lead more authentically?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q1.short_title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of your leadership. Click on the profile icon to review insights about your leadership.\nHow have these elements shown up in your work since our first conversation? How have you greater aligned with your authentic leadership style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of your leadership. Click on the profile icon to review insights about your leadership.\nHow have these elements shown up in your work since our first conversation? How have you greater aligned with your authentic leadership style?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q2.description":"Give your peer time to think about a specific example and encourage them to recognize their efforts. \nFor example, \"How did it feel to be more intentional around these areas of leadership?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q2.short_title":"Together we explored the following components of effective leadership: Coach and Develop Direct Reports, Assess and Improve Performance, and Building your Team.\nHow have you improved as a leader by dedicating time to reflect and apply yourself in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q2.title":"Together we explored the following components of effective leadership: Coach and Develop Direct Reports, Assess and Improve Performance, and Building your Team.\nHow have you improved as a leader by dedicating time to reflect and apply yourself in these areas? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q3.description":"Help your peer visualize the implications of focused improvement in these 3 areas. \nFor example, \"How would it feel personally to be leading that team?\" or \"Why is that important to you?\"","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q3.short_title":"We have focused on improving 3 key areas of our leadership.\nLet's imagine it's a year from today. How has work within your team improved? What impact are you making as a leader?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q3.title":"We have focused on improving 3 key areas of our leadership.\nLet's imagine it's a year from today. How has work within your team improved? What impact are you making as a leader?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q4.description":"Thank your partner for the time together. \nFor example: \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" \nConsider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q4.short_title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now.\nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations? How have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_leader_of_others_s2_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now.\nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations? How have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q1.description":"Question: \"How was building trust, being friendly and sharing knowledge part of that example?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Being an active listener and asking follow up questions makes for a helpful peer coach.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nShare an example of when you've experienced great rapport with a Partner. How did that help make for a successful and energizing Partnership?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q1.title":"Let's take a moment to celebrate our commitment to strengthening the rapport we have with Zillow Partners.\nShare an example of when you've experienced great rapport with a Partner. Describe how the rapport positively impacted your relationship with the Partner?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q2.description":"Question: \"How has this shown up for you at work? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your Partner further reflect by encouraging a specific example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at what helps you feel fulfilled.\nClick the profile icon for insights. What resonates? Why? Which parts, if any don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q2.title":"How you feel about your work is an important element of rapport building and retention of Partners. Let's reflect on what helps you feel fulfilled in your work.\nClick the profile icon for insights from your profile. What part(s) resonate? Why? Which parts, if any, don't resonate? Why?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q3.description":"Question: \"In what ways can building rapport be challenging at times? Why?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your Partner to reflect on how they feel about their rapport with Partners.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q3.short_title":"What would you like to accomplish? Which rapport building behavior is your opportunity for growth (e.g. be trustworthy, be friendly, be knowledgeable). Why?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q3.title":"We will have 4 more conversations together to reflect on and apply rapport building. \nWhat area of the rapport building content (establishing trust, being friendly and/or sharing PA/industry knowledge) would you like to further develop? Why does that feel meaningful to you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q4.description":"Question: \"In what ways can I help make this a more impactful experience for you?\" \nCoaching Tip: This is a chance to listen to and make sure you understand how your peer feels supported.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q4.short_title":"I'm curious to know what have you've appreciated about this process so far? What about it feels supportive to you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c1_q4.title":"As we near the end of our first conversation together, let's take a moment to talk about the opportunity we have to be each other's peer coach.\nWhat have you appreciated about this process so far? What has helped make this a supportive space to have a conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q1.description":"Question: \"What energized you in the example you shared? How did it feel to make that impact?\" \n\nCoaching Tip: Ask how it felt to make that impact.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q1.short_title":"In what ways is impact meaningful for you? \nClick the profile icon for insights. Which parts resonate? Why? Share an example.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q1.title":"Each of us has a unique way of making a meaningful impact in our work as a consultant at ZG. \nClick the profile icon to read a description of what impact is likely the most meaningful for you. Which parts resonate? Recall a time this was true for you.\n\n{[pattern.drivers.who.{{whodriver}}.explication]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q2.description":"Question: \"What benefits do you see from focusing on elements of rapport building with your Partners? Share an example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to visualize the potential impact.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q2.short_title":"How about you?\nWhich stage(s) of rapport best aligns with how you make an impact? Where could your impact be bigger? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q2.title":"Next- let's apply what drives our sense of impact towards rapport building.\nWhich stage(s) of rapport (trustworthy, friendly, knowledgeable) most aligns with how you best make an impact? Where do you see an opportunity to make a bigger impact? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.impact.{{whodriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q3.description":"Question: \"What should you stop, start or continue doing to be successful?\" and \"How can you remember the importance of rapport building?\"\n \nCoaching Tip: Give your peer time to respond.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q3.short_title":"Let's now look at your impact goal(s). \nWhat goal(s) do you have for Partner retention? How will rapport building lead to success? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c2_q3.title":"Let's imagine the impact you'd like to make over the next 3 months.\nWhat goal(s) do you have for yourself, in the context of Retention Pilot? How can rapport building help you be successful? Share an example.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q1.description":"Question: \"Describe a time this relationship really mattered to you.\" and then, \"Why do you value relationships like these?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach reflect on how they value relationships at work.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q1.short_title":"How about you?\nWhat's an example of a positive relationship you have at work. What makes it positive and supportive? Why are meaningful relationships at work important you?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q1.title":"As humans, we are wired for connection - even at work. \nShare an example of a positive relationship you have with a Partner agent. What about this relationship makes it feel positive and supportive? Why are meaningful relationships important to you at work?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q2.description":"Question: \"It sounds like..... \" and then, \"When you lean into your values, how do your relationships improve?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Focus on active listening and share back the themes you hear.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q2.short_title":"Click the profile icon for insights into your likely values.\nTell me what resonates and why? Share an example from a work relationship.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q2.title":"Let's now explore how your unique values influence your relationships.\nClick the profile icon for insights into your likely values. What resonates and why? Share an example of how these show up in a work relationship.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.moments-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q3.description":"Question: \"What gets in the way of leaning into your values?\" and \"Share an opportunity to use your values to strengthen a Partner relationship.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer be specific.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q3.short_title":"I'm curious about how your values help strengthen your relationships.\nHow are your values aligned with rapport building (trustworthy, friendly, knowledgeable)? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c3_q3.title":"Rapport building is an inherent part of building strong relationships and, ultimately, retention of Partners.\nHow are your values aligned with rapport building (trustworthy, friendly, knowledgeable)? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.values.{{whydriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q1.description":"Question: \"How did you grow from this experience?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer coach celebrate this growth opportunity.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q1.short_title":"When have you felt proud of overcoming a challenge with an agent Partner? Describe the challenge and how you overcame it.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q1.title":"As we continue to focus on ways to build rapport with Partners, we are also uncovering ways we can personally grow. \nReflect on a time you felt proud about overcoming a challenge with an agent Partner. Describe the challenge and how you overcame it.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q2.description":"Question: \"How can this strength help you?\" and then, \"What benefit would this have on Partner retention?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Encourage your peer coach to choose a strength they don't always lean into.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at your strengths.\nClick the profile icon for your strengths. Which helped you overcome the obstacle you shared? Which strength(s) could support rapport building with your Partners?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q2.title":"You have strengths that helped you overcome the obstacle you shared. \nClick the profile icon for strengths you likely possess. Which item(s) helped you overcome the obstacle? Which strength(s) could support building rapport with Partners?\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.power-ups-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q3.description":"Question: \"Is there an opportunity to apply a rapport building behavior (trustworthy, friendly, knowledgeable)? If so, in what way?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer identify an opportunity to grow.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q3.short_title":"How about you?\nWhere can you stretch and/or step out of your comfort zone? Click the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c4_q3.title":"Your growth plays a big part in, and is just as important, as Partner retention. \nWhere is there an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and/or stretch yourself in service of rapport with your Partners? Click on the profile icon for possible ideas.\n\n{[driver.craft.{{howdriver}}.biases-only.markdown]}","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q1.description":"Question: \"How have you seen yourself showing up this way in your role? Share a recent example.\" \n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer connect their work to what makes them feel fulfilled.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q1.short_title":"Click the profile icon for an overview of your sense of purpose.\nIn your own words, what does this mean to you? What new awareness have you gained?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q1.title":"Let's reflect on where we started our exploration of rapport building and Partner retention.\nClick on the profile icon to review what makes you unique as a valuable member at Zillow. Share with me in your own words what this means to you. What new awareness have you gained for yourself?\n\n*{[pattern.archetypes.{{whodriver}}{{whydriver}}{{howdriver}}.description.second]}*","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q2.description":"Questions: \"What are you most proud of and what were the results of that growth? Share a recent example.\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Ask follow-up questions and celebrate their growth.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q2.short_title":"Let's now look at your rapport with Partners.\nHow would you describe your current rapport with Partners? What growth have you noticed?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q2.title":"We explored 3 phases of rapport building that ultimately drive retention of our agent Partners.\nHow would you describe your current rapport with Partners? What growth have you noticed since our first conversation?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q3.description":"Question: \"How would focusing there help you feel more fulfilled and successful?\" or \"What benefits do you see?\"\n\nCoaching Tip: Help your peer visualize the implications of their continued practice.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q3.short_title":"How about you? \nWhat still needs your focus from rapport building (trustworthy, friendly, knowledgeable)? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q3.title":"Which elements of rapport building (be trustworthy, be friendly, be knowledgeable) still need your focus? Why or why not?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q4.description":"Thank your peer for the time together. \n\nFor example, \"Thank you for the conversations and for sharing your experience.\" Consider checking in on each other's progress at a future time and date.","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q4.short_title":"I'd really like to know what you have appreciated about this process. How have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.question.zillow_retention_pilot_s1_c5_q4.title":"This is the last peer coaching conversation together, for now.\nWhat have you appreciated about our peer coaching conversations? How have you benefited from prioritizing peer coaching?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.answer.1":"Yes, we work together regularly","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.answer.2":"Yes, we work together occasionally","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.answer.3":"Yes, but we haven't worked together recently","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.answer.4":"Yes, we have met but don't know them well","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.answer.5":"No, we have never met","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.header":"Your Relationship with {{member.firstname}}","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.save":"Begin","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.1.title":"Do you know {{member.firstname}}?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.answer.10":"Connections to other people","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.answer.6":"Support and empathy","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.answer.7":"Diverse perspective","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.answer.8":"Problem solving","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.answer.9":"Idea exploration","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.header":"Your Relationship with {{member.firstname}}","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.save":"Begin","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.2.title":"Which of these do you think you could bring to or strengthen in your relationship with {{member.firstname}}?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.answer.11":"Support and empathy","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.answer.12":"Diverse perspective","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.answer.13":"Problem solving","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.answer.14":"Idea exploration","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.answer.15":"Connections to other people","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.header":"Your Relationship with {{member.firstname}}","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.save":"Begin","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.3.title":"Which of the following do you think {{member.firstname}} could bring to your relationship over time?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.answer.16":"not at all meaningful","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.answer.17":"somewhat meaningful","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.answer.18":"moderately meaningful","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.answer.19":"very meaningful","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.answer.20":"extremely meaningful","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.header":"Your Relationship with {{member.firstname}}","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.save":"Begin","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.title.high":"Have you built a meaningful relationship with {{member.firstname}}?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.4.title.low":"Have you built a more meaningful relationship with {{member.firstname}}?","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.answer.21":"never","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.answer.22":"rarely","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.answer.23":"sometimes","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.answer.24":"often","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.answer.25":"always","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.header":"Your Relationship with {{member.firstname}}","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.save":"Begin","peerconversation.relationshipquestion.5.title":"How often do you plan to sustain and build on your relationship with {{member.firstname}}?","peerconversation.set.accolade_culture_s1.description":"Accolade's company culture helps us move forward, navigate change, and take care of each other along the way. In this conversation set, you will explore the 6 Core Values (Member Obsessed, Be Fearless, Stronger Together, Genuine Care, Embrace Reality and Relentless Execution) that represent who Accolade is today and who we aspire to be. As you explore with a partner, you will also build a new meaningful peer relationship. ","peerconversation.set.accolade_culture_s1.title":"Explore our Values","peerconversation.set.accolade_leadership_ss_s1.description":"Our Leadership Commitments define what great leadership looks like at Accolade. When we have great people leaders, we help build careers and a culture that everyone loves. With each conversation you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on a leadership commitment. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.accolade_leadership_ss_s1.title":"Leadership Commitments","peerconversation.set.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best.","peerconversation.set.activate_your_purpose_comp_s1.title":"Activate Your Purpose","peerconversation.set.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways. More deeply understanding our unique attributes allows each of us to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best.","peerconversation.set.activate_your_purpose_p1_s1.title":"Activate Your Purpose","peerconversation.set.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1.description":"\"How can we ensure the people closest to the work have the authority to make decisions?\" The answer: Adaptive Leadership. The following conversations will help you further adopt elements of Adaptive Leadership. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders. ","peerconversation.set.adaptive_leadership_at_equitable_s1.title":"Adaptive Leadership","peerconversation.set.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1.description":"Your conversations together will support building a trusted relationship with a colleague from another site. You will be invited to share about your role and your work experience at Boston Scientific. Through the sharing of experiences, the goal is to support ongoing collaboration and inclusive leadership between sites.","peerconversation.set.bsci_ir_png_managers_s1.title":"Maturing in Leadership Together","peerconversation.set.bsci_prog_ko_s1.description":"These conversations will enable you to form a strong first connection with another program participant. You will have opportunities to share about your career path, explore your personal strengths, and discuss in depth how you hope to grow professionally from this experience.","peerconversation.set.bsci_prog_ko_s1.title":"Program Kick Off","peerconversation.set.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1.description":"In the following two conversations, you will explore the benefits of and core skills used in peer coaching- a system that allows you to process your experiences, increase self-awareness, make more intentional decisions, develop interpersonal skills, explore new ideas, and process change within your organization.","peerconversation.set.bs_intro_peer_coaching_s1.title":"Introduction To Peer Coaching","peerconversation.set.casper_sleeps_s1.description":"In 2020, Casper is evolving every store interaction from a mattress sale to an authentic experience rooted in human connection. Whether you are a Sleep Specialist or a Store Manager, this conversation set is designed to help you understand your role in creating connection moments throughout the SLEEPS process.","peerconversation.set.casper_sleeps_s1.title":"Casper SLEEPS","peerconversation.set.corp_values_demo_excellence.description":"What do you think of when you think of Excellence, Diversity, Innovation, and Accountability? In this conversation set, explore what each of these values means to you, and how your unique perspective contributes to our mission.","peerconversation.set.corp_values_demo_excellence.title":"Activate Values","peerconversation.set.cultivate_collaboration_s1.description":"The most purpose-driven people seek out collaboration, and they make others feel valued for their abilities. This peer coaching conversation set will help you uncover when you feel a greater sense of collaboration and begin to identify ways you can cultivate collaboration on your team.","peerconversation.set.cultivate_collaboration_s1.title":"Cultivate Collaboration","peerconversation.set.custom_demo_s1.description":"Custom Conversations (longer set description)","peerconversation.set.custom_demo_s1.title":"Custom Conversations Title","peerconversation.set.defining_success_a3_s1.description":"In these conversations, you will explore your personal expectations for relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will define what personal success is for you, while you develop a meaningful peer relationship. ","peerconversation.set.defining_success_a3_s1.title":"Defining Success","peerconversation.set.defining_success_c8_s1.description":"In these conversations, you will explore your personal expectations for your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will define what personal success is for you, while you develop a trusted peer relationship at Target.","peerconversation.set.defining_success_c8_s1.title":"Defining Success","peerconversation.set.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. Experience how peer coaching conversations on Imperative foster trusted connections with our peers while empowering us to own our fulfillment and productivity. ","peerconversation.set.discover_peer_coaching_p4_s1.title":"Discover Peer Coaching","peerconversation.set.disney_purposeful_career_s1.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to provide a safe environment for you to explore and plan for your career aspirations with the support of a peer at The Walt Disney Company.","peerconversation.set.disney_purposeful_career_s1.title":"Purposeful Career","peerconversation.set.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to give you time to reflect, prioritize your fulfillment and build a meaningful relationship with another member of the Black Talent Network at The Walt Disney Company.","peerconversation.set.disney_unlock_your_potential_c12_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.set.drive_your_career_s1.description":"Your career aspirations and how meaningful work is defined begins with you. Taking the time to reflect on your values and the legacy you want to leave can help you uncover the skills, experiences and aspirations that align with your purpose.","peerconversation.set.drive_your_career_s1.title":"Lead with Purpose","peerconversation.set.effective_leadership_engagement_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness. Together, you will continue to integrate the key elements of trust and listening into your daily leadership, while also developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.set.effective_leadership_engagement_s1.title":"Effective Leadership Engagement","peerconversation.set.eoy_2_convo_s1.description":"It's nearing the end of the calendar year and you've been working hard to make a difference for you, your team and your organization. In two conversations you will give the year a much-deserved reflection: celebrate your purpose moments, recognize your growth, share your wins and support a peer as they do the same. After all, the new year is just around the corner, and we want you to feel ready to take it on.","peerconversation.set.eoy_2_convo_s1.title":"Celebrate Your Year","peerconversation.set.eqh_s1.description":" ","peerconversation.set.eqh_s1.title":"Trusted Partner","peerconversation.set.equitable_wellbeing_s1.description":"These conversations together will help you apply resilience and energy management techniques to your personal and professional life, while you build a meaningful relationship with a peer. ","peerconversation.set.equitable_wellbeing_s1.title":"Managing our Resilience and Energy","peerconversation.set.foster_belonging_s1.description":"The most purpose-driven people seek out a sense of belonging, and they make others feel valued and included. This peer coaching conversation set will help you uncover when you feel a greater sense of belonging and begin to identify ways you can foster a sense of belonging on your team.","peerconversation.set.foster_belonging_s1.title":"Foster Belonging","peerconversation.set.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1.description":"In this conversation, you and your partner will reflect on your early career inspiration and identify an opportunity to connect to it in your current work. ","peerconversation.set.free_trial_experience_a_career_s1.title":"Welcome to Imperative","peerconversation.set.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1.description":"In this conversation, we will reflect on the quality of your relationships at work. Meaningful relationships are one of the greatest predictors of success and personal fulfillment.","peerconversation.set.free_trial_experience_b_relationships_s1.title":"Welcome to Imperative","peerconversation.set.icf_apply_belonging_s1.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the belonging pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.icf_apply_belonging_s1.title":"Apply Belonging","peerconversation.set.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the voice pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.icf_apply_voice_c10_s1.title":"Apply Voice","peerconversation.set.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1.description":"As a learning champion at ICF, you have the opportunity to reflect with a peer on ways to apply the objectivity pillar in support of an inclusive culture. You will also have the opportunity to build a meaningful and trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.icf_inclusive_culture_c5_s1.title":"Apply Objectivity","peerconversation.set.icf_inclusive_culture_s1.description":"In the following conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect on and apply the objectivity pillar of inclusive cultures. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other throughout your learning journey.","peerconversation.set.icf_inclusive_culture_s1.title":"Apply Objectivity","peerconversation.set.imp_adap_s1.description":"How quickly can you adjust to change? Do you have the skills to anticipate change? If so, do you know how to embrace it rather than defend against it? Do you have the skills to turn challenges into wins? This is ‘adaptability’ and it is one of the most important skills for the new economy, a world that is chaotic and constantly changing. In this conversation you will explore how you are motivated by change, how to embrace both expected and unexpected changes, how to work outside of your comfort zone, how to avoid your panic zone, and how to make small changes that strengthen your personal and professional adaptability muscles.\n\nLearning Objectives:\n\n- I understand why adaptability is critical to my personal and professional success.\n- I know the difference between my comfort, stretch, and panic zones.\n- I know how to regularly make small changes in my day-to-day work to increase my adaptability.","peerconversation.set.imp_adap_s1.title":"Adaptability Set","peerconversation.set.imp_auth_s1.description":"Authenticity Set","peerconversation.set.imp_auth_s1.title":"Authenticity Set","peerconversation.set.imp_bias_s1.description":"In the following conversations, you will learn to embrace the strengths within your identity and worldview. You will also recognize and learn to manage associated biases that may get in the way of building relationships, making rational decisions, and seeing opportunities. ","peerconversation.set.imp_bias_s1.title":"Unconscious Bias","peerconversation.set.imp_career_dev_s1.description":"Wouldn't it be awesome if you could create a dream career path that wasn't defined for you by the next predictable promotion? This conversation set is designed to help you with exactly that! Together with your peer coach, you will identify the skills, experiences, and drivers of fulfillment that make you a unique badass. Knowing the sources of your badassery is critical to designing a career pathway that will maximize your gifts and make you happy all at the same time.","peerconversation.set.imp_career_dev_s1.title":"Owning Your Career","peerconversation.set.imp_corp_values_s1.description":"Set one longer description","peerconversation.set.imp_corp_values_s1.title":"Set One","peerconversation.set.imperative_introduction_s1.description":"Welcome to Imperative. You are going to have the opportunity to experience conversations on Imperative. ","peerconversation.set.imperative_introduction_s1.title":"Welcome to Imperative","peerconversation.set.imp_innovation_s1.description":"In a world that is constantly changing, it is critical to learn how to be innovative. Innovation enables you to adapt, be successful, and continuously add tremendous value to your team. In these conversations, you will explore how being curious and driven to make an impact can bring out the innovator in all of us. You will uncover your barriers to embracing innovation and develop strategies to manage them.\n\n**Learning Objectives:**\n- I understand why being innovative is critical to success.\n- I appreciate the importance of taking risks.\n- I know how to regularly apply a lens of innovation to my work.","peerconversation.set.imp_innovation_s1.title":"Innovation","peerconversation.set.imp_intro_to_pc_s1.description":"Over the course of these conversations you will understand what brings meaning to your work and how to maximize it. After each conversation you will chose incremental actions to bring more meaning to your work so that by the end of these conversations you will begin to optimize your work to thrive. ","peerconversation.set.imp_intro_to_pc_s1.title":"Introduction to Peer Coaching","peerconversation.set.imp_mgr_dev_s1.description":"Your leadership is making a difference. Within these first three conversations, you will discover how the strengths you already have can be used to lead your team through change. Each conversation will ask you to reflect, share and choose a relevant action, while you simultaneously build a meaningful connection with a peer. ","peerconversation.set.imp_mgr_dev_s1.title":"Leading Through Change: Set 1","peerconversation.set.imp_mgr_dev_s2.description":"You are noticing the benefits of your authentic leadership style. In the next three conversations, you will explore how to own your leadership style as you lead through change. Each conversation will ask you to reflect, share and choose a relevant action, while you simultaneously build a meaningful connection with a new peer. ","peerconversation.set.imp_mgr_dev_s2.title":"Leading through Change: Set 2","peerconversation.set.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1.description":" ","peerconversation.set.imp_org_purpose_activation_s1.title":"Organizational Purpose Activation","peerconversation.set.imp_purpose_activation_s1.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best. ","peerconversation.set.imp_purpose_activation_s1.title":"Personal Purpose Activation","peerconversation.set.imp_purpose_activation_s2.description":"What is purpose? The truth is we all derive a sense of purpose in different ways and you are the most important component of what purpose looks like in your life. Honoring this truth allows us each to discover the who, how, and why that drives our sense of purpose. In other words, purpose is what makes you awesome and irreplaceable. It is you at your best. ","peerconversation.set.imp_purpose_activation_s2.title":"Purposeful Problem Solving","peerconversation.set.imp_teamwork_s1.description":"In the following conversations, you will recognize the 5 traits of effective teams: Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure & Clarity, Meaning, and Impact as they relate to your experiences of working on teams. You will also apply the knowledge you gain to improve your team’s effectiveness. ","peerconversation.set.imp_teamwork_s1.title":"Teamwork","peerconversation.set.inspire_innovation_a5_s1.description":"Innovation enables you to adapt, stay creative and continuously add value to your team. In these conversations, you and your peer coach will explore how being curious and driven to make an impact can bring out the innovator in all of us.","peerconversation.set.inspire_innovation_a5_s1.title":"Inspire Innovation","peerconversation.set.kp_activating_purpose.description":"Throughout these conversations, you will explore what the KP mission means to you and how your unique perspective will help us achieve it.","peerconversation.set.kp_activating_purpose.title":"Activating Your Purpose","peerconversation.set.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1.description":" ","peerconversation.set.kp_activating_purpose_v2_s1.title":" ","peerconversation.set.leadingpurpose_s1.description":"What is the impact you want to make in your career, starting with your current job and team? In these conversations you will define what impact is truly meaningful to you. With clarity of purpose, you will explore how to craft your job to maximize your impact using your natural talents. Finally, you will learn to harness your purpose to inspire everyone on your team to stretch and to be constantly working to increase your collective impact.","peerconversation.set.leadingpurpose_s1.title":"Leading with Purpose Set","peerconversation.set.leadingvalues_s1.description":"Your values are what give you courage and make you a great teammate and leader. While you have many values, your sense of what is just and fair is perhaps the most critical to your work as it is the basis for trust and integrity. In these conversations, you will explore your personal definition of what is right, how to align this definition with your work, and how to work on a team where not everyone defines what is fair and just the same way.","peerconversation.set.leadingvalues_s1.title":"Leading with Values Set","peerconversation.set.lets_break_silos_s1.description":"Working with others on a team or within a department can lead to great success toward any goal. That success is only made greater when we introduce diverse perspectives and make time to cross-collaborate. This conversation set will help you better understand other parts of the business as well as build relationships across the organizations.","peerconversation.set.lets_break_silos_s1.title":"Let's Break Silos","peerconversation.set.manager_one_on_one_s1.description":"Activate your Fulfilling Career Manager One on One Conversation","peerconversation.set.manager_one_on_one_s1.title":"Activate your Fulfilling Career","peerconversation.set.mindset_s1.description":"Researchers have uncovered that our mindset for how we think about ourselves, our work, and our ability to be successful is perhaps the greatest factor in our actual success. In these conversations, you will build the foundation for a Purpose Mindset that will help build meaningful relationships, increase your impact, and accelerate your growth.","peerconversation.set.mindset_s1.title":"Purpose Mindset","peerconversation.set.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1.description":"To thrive is to be energized and empowered to do meaningful work. The Thriving measure averages three items—Empowerment, Energy, Meaning. You will be guided through a series of conversations that will help you reflect, share and apply aspects of thriving into your ISE role, as you build a trusted relationship with a peer.","peerconversation.set.msft_ise_3c_thriving_s1.title":"Thriving at Microsoft","peerconversation.set.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1.description":"We believe effective technical leaders ensure their teams contribute directly to organizational success by fostering collaboration, innovation, and delivering high-quality solutions. The following conversations will help meet these goals and help you step further into a leadership approach that matches your own unique style. You will do this while building a new, trusted peer relationship that will help you be successful. ","peerconversation.set.msft_leadership_behaviors_ss.txt_s1.title":"Lead in Your Role","peerconversation.set.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1.description":"Working with others on a team or within a department can lead to great success toward any goal. That success is only made greater when we introduce diverse perspectives and make time to cross-collaborate. This conversation set will help you better understand other parts of the business as well as build relationships across the organizations.","peerconversation.set.mswd_lets_break_silos_s1.title":"Relationships Across the Organization","peerconversation.set.navigate_change_s1.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to successfully navigate the changes you are experiencing at work - organizationally and personally. Let's talk about the challenges, how to support each other, and what we need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.set.navigate_change_s1.title":"Navigating Change","peerconversation.set.navigating_change_s1.description":"Navigating Change Description","peerconversation.set.navigating_change_s1.title":"Navigating Change","peerconversation.set.navigating_leadership_s1.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to lead yourself and your team through changes you are experiencing at work. You'll talk about the challenges, your leadership style, and what you need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.set.navigating_leadership_s1.title":"Navigating Leadership","peerconversation.set.own_your_career_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will help each other reflect on your career experiences and aspirations. You'll explore your personal sense of purpose and uncover ways to take action to own your career, all while developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.set.own_your_career_s1.title":"Disney Own Your Career","peerconversation.set.own_your_well-being_a7_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will continue to reflect and learn about what you need to prioritize your well-being so that you can own it. When we prioritize our own well-being first, we are helping to create a culture of well-being on our teams. You'll develop a new trusted peer relationship and walk away with more clarity on your own well-being.","peerconversation.set.own_your_well-being_a7_s1.title":"Own your Well-Being","peerconversation.set.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1.description":"This set of conversations will provide thoughtful reflections and awareness building that enables your success. You will discuss how to enhance your impact, successfully navigate work challenges and take ownership of your wellbeing.","peerconversation.set.p10_wellbeing_success_ss_s1.title":"Wellbeing & Success","peerconversation.set.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1.description":"This series of conversations will support you as a manager to lead more confidently and authentically, heighten your awareness of team dynamics, and reflect on your role as a culture carrier.","peerconversation.set.p11_lead_empower_others_ss_s1.title":"Lead & Empower Others","peerconversation.set.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative. ","peerconversation.set.p12_ga_mid_mentor_ss_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.set.p13_ga_early_mentor_ss_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative. ","peerconversation.set.p14_ga_mgr_mentor_ss.txt_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1.description":"In these conversations you will work with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific to set a foundation for leading your new team. You'll explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead, navigate times of uncertainty and demonstrate BSC values and behaviors.","peerconversation.set.p15_bsci_ppl_leader_s1.title":"People Leader Experience","peerconversation.set.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1.description":"In these conversations you will work with a fellow new leader at Boston Scientific to set a foundation for leading your new team. You'll explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead, navigate times of uncertainty and demonstrate BSC values and behaviors.","peerconversation.set.p16_bsci_ppl_leader_s1.title":"People Leader Experience","peerconversation.set.p17_year_round_connection_s1.description":"These conversations will be an opportunity to reflect on our roles and upcoming goals, as well as how we can build a more connected and collaborative workplace.","peerconversation.set.p17_year_round_connection_s1.title":"Build a New Connection","peerconversation.set.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1.description":"Our best work is done when we meld our own perspectives with the diverse viewpoints and experiences of others. This not only supports our own growth, but helps us create new solutions, and meet the goals of our broader organization. In this conversation set, we will explore opportunities to broaden your perspective in ways that support your success, strengthen your relationships, and help you solve problems. You will do this all while building a new, trusted peer connection.","peerconversation.set.p18_diverse_perspectives_ss_s1.title":"Broaden Your Perspective","peerconversation.set.p1_design_career_s1.description":"A Mentor/Mentee relationship is a powerful space in which to explore and design a career path for the future. With the support of a mentor, the mentee will reflect upon past experiences and clarify their career aspirations.","peerconversation.set.p1_design_career_s1.title":"Design Your Career","peerconversation.set.p2_start_year_s1.description":"These conversations will be an opportunity to reflect on our roles and upcoming goals for the year, as well as how we can build a more connected and collaborative workplace.","peerconversation.set.p2_start_year_s1.title":"Start the Year with Connection","peerconversation.set.p3_paving_way_s1.description":"In these conversations we will pave the way forward in our professional growth. We'll discuss how we stay in alignment with our priorities, positively influence our workplaces, and make decisions confidently.","peerconversation.set.p3_paving_way_s1.title":"Paving the Way","peerconversation.set.p4_navigating_lead_s1.description":"In these conversations you will further explore your leadership style by understanding how you influence others, plan ahead and navigate times of uncertainty.","peerconversation.set.p4_navigating_lead_s1.title":"Navigating Leadership - Part II","peerconversation.set.p5_paving_way_ss_s1.description":"This set of conversations will enable participants to take their engagement to the next level. A range of discussion topics encourage participants to focus on choosing priorities with purpose, explore collaboration efforts, and move forward in their roles with confidence.","peerconversation.set.p5_paving_way_ss_s1.title":"Paving the Way (for Career Growth)","peerconversation.set.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.set.p6_early_mentor_ss_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative.","peerconversation.set.p7_mid_mentor_ss_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1.description":"A meaningful mentoring relationship can be just the inspiration and direction needed to propel a career forward. These conversations will explore and design a career path for the future, by reflecting upon past experiences and providing a space to dream. Design your career right here on Imperative. ","peerconversation.set.p8_leader_mentor_ss_s1.title":"Mentoring Conversations on Imperative","peerconversation.set.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1.description":"These conversations aim to create an open and supportive dialogue between a manager and direct report, focusing on the direct report's professional development, impact, and sense of fulfillment at work.","peerconversation.set.p9_org_enablement_mgr_ss_s1.title":"Collaborative Career Growth","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-1.email.option":"saw them and what is important to them.","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-1.modal.option":"knew how I see myself and what is important to me","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-2.email.option":"respected who they are and what they want.","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-2.modal.option":"respected who I am and what I want","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-3.email.option":"took active steps to help them take action based on their goals.","peerconversation.set.partnerfeedback.feedback-3.modal.option":"took active steps to help me take action based on my goals","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1.description":"Welcome to peer coaching on Imperative. In this demo conversation you are going to have the opportunity to have a real coaching conversation with a peer and see how the Imperative platform enables every employee to serve as a coach.","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_demo_a1_s1.title":"Peer Coaching Demo","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_activate.description":"Successful, purpose-driven professionals do three things: They develop career plans, they self-advocate, and they cultivate connections to opportunities they seek. This series will guide you in activating your Purpose Drivers to power those activities and habits.","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_activate.title":"Activate","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_discover.description":"Every successful career and leadership development plan starts with a deep sense of self-awareness. Begin accelerating your professional growth with a solid understanding of your Purpose Drivers: What is the impact you want to make? What do you stand for? What is your superpower? What is your purpose?","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_discover.title":"Discover","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_lead.description":"The greatest leaders know how to inspire improvement. Build the human skills needed to lead in your field and in your role.","peerconversation.set.peer_coaching_guide_lead.title":"Lead","peerconversation.set.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will explore personal well-being as it relates to your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will explore the ways in which you care for yourself and others, while developing a new trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.prioritize_well-being_a6_s1.title":"Prioritize Well-being","peerconversation.set.purposeful_and_proud_s1.description":"Purposeful & Proud Description","peerconversation.set.purposeful_and_proud_s1.title":"Purposeful & Proud","peerconversation.set.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1.description":"Work feels fulfilling when we are able to build trusted relationships, make an impact and grow personally. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work at PwC- unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.set.pwc_awm_unlock_your_potential_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.set.pwc_navigating_change_s1.description":"These conversations will empower you and your peer to successfully navigate the changes you are experiencing at work - both at the firm and personally. Let's talk about the challenges, how to support each other, and what we need to feel fulfilled at work.","peerconversation.set.pwc_navigating_change_s1.title":"Navigating Change at PWC","peerconversation.set.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1.description":"Working with others on a team or within a department can lead to great success toward any goal. That success is only made greater when we introduce diverse perspectives and make time to cross-collaborate. This conversation set will help you better understand other parts of the business as well as build relationships across the organisation.","peerconversation.set.pwc_uk_silo_busting_s1.title":"Relationships Across the Organisation","peerconversation.set.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1.description":"Welcome to your peer coaching experience. In this abbreviated 3 conversation pilot experience, you and your partner will reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work- unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.set.pwc_unlock_your_potential_pilot_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential Pilot","peerconversation.set.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1.description":"In these conversations, you will identify what you need to be your best self in your current role. Together- you will hold each other accountable to take action and realize the opportunity to maximize your fulfillment and success.","peerconversation.set.realizing_opportunity_a2_s1.title":"Realizing Opportunity","peerconversation.set.realizingpotential_s1.description":"How do you naturally approach solving problems or realizing an opportunity? We each have a core approach to adding value and when we can identify and invest in mastering it, we are able to realize our potential. In these conversations, you will explore your core strengths and how to grow them to maximize your growth and impact. You will also uncover how these strengths help you lead and set the bar for excellence on your teams.","peerconversation.set.realizingpotential_s1.title":"Realizing My Potential Set","peerconversation.set.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1.description":"How we work has changed greatly over the last few years, and it's crucial that we continue adapting, innovating, and seeking more fulfillment in our work. In the following conversations, you will explore the role you play in supporting your team's ability to adapt and innovate. You will do this all while building a new, trusted peer connection that will help you be successful. ","peerconversation.set.roche_adaptive_teams_ss.txt_s1.title":"Adapting the Way We Work","peerconversation.set.selling_withpurpose_s1.description":"What separates good sellers from great sellers? Purpose. It transforms sales from a transaction to a way to make an impact on the world. In these peer conversations, you will connect your personal purpose drivers to the products and services you are selling so that every sales conversation becomes personal and authentic. You will frame sales as being truly about meeting real needs and helping other people be successful. \n\n**Learning Objectives:**\n- I am able to connect my purpose to the products and services I sell.\n- I can describe how our products and services create real value.\n- I have strategies to make selling more personally fulfilling.\n","peerconversation.set.selling_withpurpose_s1.title":"Selling with Purpose","peerconversation.set.skilling_circles_s1.description":"We each work in a dynamic and fast-paced business and technology landscape that requires the ability to tackle intricate challenges with flexibility and agility. Whether you're leading a team, managing projects, doing engineering or working collaboratively, honing your agility skills can make all the difference.","peerconversation.set.skilling_circles_s1.title":"AI Engagements","peerconversation.set.storytelling_s1.description":"People are moved by stories because they are how we are wired to communicate. Stories help build empathy, teach important lessons, and inspire others. In this set of conversations, you will take an existing personal story and develop it to be a powerful 3-5 minute narrative that moves your audience. You will practice it with your partner to refine details and delivery so that you feel comfortable sharing it with others.","peerconversation.set.storytelling_s1.title":"Storytelling","peerconversation.set.stress_mgmt_s1.description":"Stressed? Most people are today and it is hurting our health, relationships, and careers. The good news is that you can do a lot to manage your stress and even channel some of it to fuel your success. In this conversation set, you will both become more aware of how stress shows up for you, be able to be conscious of the role of stress in your life, and uncover solutions that work for you to manage it. \n\n**Learning Objectives:**\n- I know the difference between good stress and bad stress\n- I understand how stress affects my work and life\n- I have simple strategies for managing my stress in a healthy way\n","peerconversation.set.stress_mgmt_s1.title":"Stress Management","peerconversation.set.target_well-being_2_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will continue to reflect and learn about what you need to prioritize your well-being so that you can own it. When we prioritize our own well-being first, we are helping to create a culture of care on our teams. You'll develop a new trusted peer relationship at Target and walk away with more clarity on your own well-being.","peerconversation.set.target_well-being_2_s1.title":"Own Your Well-Being","peerconversation.set.target_well_being_c11_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will explore personal well-being as it relates to your relationships, impact, and growth at work. Together you will explore the ways in which you care for yourself and others, while developing a new trusted peer relationship at Target.","peerconversation.set.target_well_being_c11_s1.title":"Prioritizing Wellness","peerconversation.set.test_convo_1_s1.description":"This is the set for the test convo","peerconversation.set.test_convo_1_s1.title":"Test Convo 1 Set 1","peerconversation.set.trust_and_listening_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on your role in creating a culture of openness. Together you will explore the ways in which you can contribute to openness through the elements of trust and listening, while also developing a new trusted peer relationship at {{member.organizationname}}.","peerconversation.set.trust_and_listening_s1.title":"Trust and Listening","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_influence_s1.description":"This conversation set will help you identify, embrace, and prepare for your own greatest opportunities to help foster and promote a culture of belonging. Get ready to leverage your influence!","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_influence_s1.title":"Culture of Belonging","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1.description":"Work feels fulfilling when we are able to build trusted relationships, make an impact and grow personally. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how you can strengthen your sense of fulfillment in your work- unlocking your full potential.","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_a1_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1.description":"We feel fulfilled when we can build trusted relationships, make an impact, and grow personally. These conversations are designed to give you time to reflect, prioritize your fulfillment and build a meaningful relationship with another peer at i4cp. ","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_c9_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. We are navigating an unprecedented time in our society. Now more than ever, we need connection with our peers. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how to activate them in your work. ","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_g4_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_s1.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. We are navigating an unprecedented time in our society. Now more than ever, we need connection with our peers. Reflect on your unique superpowers and uncover how to activate them in your work. ","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_s1.title":"Unlock Your Potential: Set 1","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_s2.description":"You've explored how meaningful relationships, making an impact that matters to you and growing personally and professionally at work play a key role in unlocking your potential. Let's deepen your understanding of what makes you feel fulfilled so you can take action steps that matter to you.","peerconversation.set.unlock_your_potential_s2.title":"Unlock Your Potential: Set 2","peerconversation.set.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1.description":"In these conversations, you will explore how your perspective shapes how you solve problems, build relationships, and develop your skills. Together - you will also deepen your appreciation for different perspectives while building a new trusted peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.valuing_perspectives_a4_s1.title":"Valuing Perspectives","peerconversation.set.zillow_ces_managers_s1.description":"In this conversation set, you will reflect on the actions you can take to maximize the effectiveness of your leadership. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders.","peerconversation.set.zillow_ces_managers_s1.title":"Manager Effectiveness","peerconversation.set.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1.description":"Your conversations together will help you build a trusted peer relationship with another ZG leader through storytelling and reflection. You will also be able to discuss and apply specific Manager Capabilities to enhance your confidence and efficacy as a manager.","peerconversation.set.zillow_cloudhq_ppl_mgrs_s1.title":"Activating Manager Capabilities","peerconversation.set.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1.description":"Getting results often requires direct, honest and at times, difficult conversation. In these conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect and apply what you've learned from the Crucial Conversations workshop. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other's growth. ","peerconversation.set.zillow_crucial_conversations_s1.title":"Crucial Conversations","peerconversation.set.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1.description":"Goals are more than just benchmarks to reach. They help us focus our shared work and are important opportunities for growth at all levels - individual, team, and organization. Based on the conversations you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on key elements of goal-setting that help you be more successful in your role. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.zillow_goal_setting_all_s1.title":"Setting Goals for Success","peerconversation.set.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1.description":"Goals are more than just benchmarks to reach. They help us focus our shared work and are important opportunities for growth at all levels - individual, team, and organization. Based on the conversations you choose, you will reflect, apply, and action on key elements of goal-setting that help you be more successful in your role. You will do this all while building a new, meaningful peer relationship.","peerconversation.set.zillow_goal_setting_pm_s1.title":"Setting Goals for Success","peerconversation.set.zillow_intern_program_s1.description":"Explore Your Career Description","peerconversation.set.zillow_intern_program_s1.title":"Explore Your Career","peerconversation.set.zillow_leader_of_others_s1.description":"Your leadership is making a difference. Within these conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect and apply each of the leadership behaviors you explored in the Leader of Others program. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders. ","peerconversation.set.zillow_leader_of_others_s1.title":"Leader of Others: Set 1","peerconversation.set.zillow_leader_of_others_s2.description":"Your leadership is making a difference. Within these conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect and apply each of the leadership behaviors you explored in the Leader of Others program. Simultaneously, you will build a meaningful connection with a peer as you support each other as growing leaders. ","peerconversation.set.zillow_leader_of_others_s2.title":"Leader of Others: Set 2","peerconversation.set.zillow_retention_pilot_s1.description":"Building strong relationships with our Partners is important to Zillow success. You will have the opportunity to practice and apply best practices with one of your ZG peers. These peer coaching conversations will help you to create a stronger muscle around building rapport behaviors, that increase Partner retention.","peerconversation.set.zillow_retention_pilot_s1.title":"Building Rapport","purposeprofile.standalone.action.button.title":"Go to Coaching Dashboard","purposeprofile.standalone.action.description":"Meaningful conversation is how we learn, adapt, connect, and become fulfilled at work. When assigned, your peer conversation can be found in your coaching dashboard.","purposeprofile.standalone.action.title":"Next Up: Peer Coaching","purposeprofile.standalone.dynamic.explication":"Your purpose profile is used to match you with peers and personalize your coaching experience. It’s based on the questions you answered when you stared on Imperative.\n\nYou will see this icon everytime the content on Imperative platform is personalized for you based on your purpose profile.","report.shortreport.archetype.subtitle":"What you stand for","report.shortreport.at":"At","report.shortreport.covertext.1":"Your guide to gaining meaning and unleashing potential at","report.shortreport.covertext.2":"Prepared on","report.shortreport.craft.name":"Craft","report.shortreport.driver.how.description":"We each have a preference for how we seek to solve problems and add value. This preference is based on how we believe change happens, the talents we naturally bring to our work and the role we find most fulfilling.","report.shortreport.driver.how.subtitle":"Your Craft","report.shortreport.driveroverview.dominant":"Dominant driver","report.shortreport.driveroverview.dominantdriver":"You had the strongest preference for this driver. Learn more about how you can lead with purpose on the Imperative platform.","report.shortreport.driveroverview.explication":"Your purpose statement is shorthand to remind you and other people what you stand for in your work and life. Imperative determined your purpose statement based on your preferences in the Purpose Assessment for who you seek to impact, how you seek to make an impact and why you seek to make an impact.","report.shortreport.driveroverview.questions.how":"HOW do you like to solve problems?","report.shortreport.driveroverview.questions.who":"WHO do you want to impact?","report.shortreport.driveroverview.questions.why":"WHY is change needed?","report.shortreport.driveroverview.subtitle":"Your Purpose Statement and Drivers","report.shortreport.drivers.how.community":"Community","report.shortreport.drivers.how.human":"Human","report.shortreport.drivers.how.knowledge":"Knowledge","report.shortreport.drivers.how.structure":"Structure","report.shortreport.driver.subtitle.craft":"Your Craft","report.shortreport.driver.subtitle.impact":"Your Desired Impact","report.shortreport.driver.subtitle.values":"Your Core Values","report.shortreport.drivers.who.individual":"Individual","report.shortreport.drivers.who.organization":"Organization","report.shortreport.drivers.who.society":"Society","report.shortreport.drivers.why.harmony":"Harmony","report.shortreport.drivers.why.karma":"Karma","report.shortreport.driver.who.description":"Everyone wants to make an impact in their work and lives. We each have a preference for what elevation of impact is most meaningful. When we work at our preferred elevation we are the most inspired.","report.shortreport.driver.why.description":"What does a just world look like? The answer stems from your values and sense of what drives progress. It is at the core of your purpose and defines your sense of what is fair.","report.shortreport.footer":"Individual Report for","report.shortreport.impact.name":"Impact","report.shortreport.info.agenda.items.0.title":"No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except inthe case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.","report.shortreport.info.agenda.items.1.title":"Requests for permission may be sent to info@imperative.com","report.shortreport.info.agenda.title":"All rights reserved","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.0.text":"The Imperative Personal Purpose Profile has been used by people around the globe and across every industry to gain insights into how they derive and create meaning, motivation, and fulillment in their careers.","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.1.text":"The assessment that generated this report was developed in collaboration with academics and employers to be a valid instrument to develop your self-awareness about what creates meaning in your work as well as specifc recommendations on how to design your work intentionally to thrive.","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.2.text":"You have one of 24 different purpose types - combinations of the three dimensions. Your results and recommendations are even more specific for your given dominant driver, the one where you had the strongest preference. There are 216 different Personal Purpose Profiles generated by the assessment including yours.","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.3.text":"The results are based on identifying your preferences within three dimensions of purpose with a total of nine drivers between them. Your preference for a given driver falls on a continuum between the different options. The one that is showing up on your report under each dimension is the one for which you expressed the highest preference.","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.4.text":"The reliability of the results is dependent on the strength of your preference within each dimension. Your dominant driver is likely to not change during your career but the other drivers might depending on your degree of preference.","report.shortreport.info.paragraphs.5.text":"This is not a personality assessment and there is no correlation between your personality (e.g. being introverted or extroverted) and your purpose. This assessment is designed to help define purpose for a range of workforce orientations and help guide people regardless of their embrace of purpose overall.","report.shortreport.leadershipstyle.craft":"CRAFT-DRIVEN-LEADER","report.shortreport.leadershipstyle.impact":"IMPACT-DRIVEN-LEADER","report.shortreport.leadershipstyle.values":"VALUES-DRIVEN-LEADER","report.shortreport.overview.subtitle":"Finding Your Personal Purpose","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.0.text":"Use the Purpose Statement Builder to personalize and define your purpose in your own words. Doing this will help you understand and communicate your purpose with greater clarity, and provide brief but powerful insight into what matters most to you.","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.0.title":"Voice Your Purpose","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.1.text":"Explore the insights in your purpose assessment and consider how your drivers connect to your work, growth opportunities, potential biases, and relationships. How can you use these insights to leverage your purpose in a meaningful way?","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.1.title":"Purpose-Power Yourself","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.2.text":"Get to know your team on a whole new level by understanding how purpose shows up at the individual and group levels. Develop your own insights to rally your team around a shared purpose and strategize so you can work together more effectively.","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.2.title":"Purpose-Power Your Team","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.3.text":"Step into your authentic leadership style by embracing your dominant purpose driver. What can you learn by exploring your unique strengths and struggles to be a more effective leader? Challenge yourself to know yourself and others in a more meaningful way.","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.3.title":"Purpose-Power Your Leadership Style","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.4.text":"How can you contribute your purpose to the community? Get direction for aligning your values with any potential volunteering opportunities and unlock deeper levels of fulfillment outside of work.","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.4.title":"Purpose-Power Your Role in the Community","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.5.text":"Track your fulfillment every week and learn what brings meaning to your daily life and work. Based on your assessment results, goals, and current level of fulfillment, you will get weekly recommendations for how to thrive.","report.shortreport.purpose.arrows.5.title":"Make Purpose a Habit","report.shortreport.purpose.intro":"When you orient your work around your purpose, it strengthens your relationships, increases your impact, and accelerates your growth. Here are six steps you can take to truly own and activate your personal purpose using Imperative","report.shortreport.purpose.subtitle":"Own Your Purpose","report.shortreport.subtitle":"How the Purpose Assessment Works","report.shortreport.title.1":"Personal Purpose Profile","report.shortreport.title.2":"Purpose Overview","report.shortreport.values.name":"Values","settings.pause.cancel":"Cancel","settings.pause.confirmation.back":"Back","settings.pause.confirmation.confirm":"Confirm","settings.pause.confirmation.description":"Before we confirm, you will be in active peer coaching conversations at the time your pause is scheduled to begin.\nIf you had planned to finish these conversations with your peer coach, go BACK to modify your pause schedule. If you want to proceed with your submitted pause, please CONFIRM and you will be unmatched for your active conversations. We encourage you to communicate with your peer coach.","settings.pause.confirmation.title":"Head's up","settings.pause.description":"Peer coaching is a commitment to your partner and yourself to show up invested, curious, and ready to prioritize your fulfillment at work. Sometimes life gets in the way, and that is okay.\nPlease confirm your pause by selecting the begin and end dates below. During this pause period, you will be removed from the available pool of peer matches. We'll be eager to welcome you back at the time that works best for you. ","settings.pause.enddate.label":"When would you like to come back and build a new connection on Imperative? ","settings.pause.paused.cancel":"Cancel Pause","settings.pause.paused.description":"You have chosen to pause your peer coaching from {startDate} to {endDate}. If you need to modify or cancel your pause, you can do so below.","settings.pause.paused.title":"Your Scheduled Pause","settings.pause.reason.label":"Pause Reason","settings.pause.reason.placeholder":"Please Select","settings.pause.reasons":"Leave of absence\nCompeting work priorities\nUnresponsive partner\nPersonal priorities\nStarting a new role\nLeaving organization\nDidn't meet expectations\nNo longer interested\nJust need a break\nCurrently matched\nChange in partner’s availability\nOther","settings.pause.save":"Pause","settings.pause.startdate.label":"If you are currently paired with a peer connection, when do you expect to finish your conversations?","settings.pause.title":"Need to Press Pause?","statement-exercises.externalexercise.question":"What are 5 words your friends and colleagues would use to describe you?","statement-exercises.internalexercise.question":"Who is the person you most admire? What is the quality you most admire about them?","surveys.purpose-360.questions.1":"David believes that work is an unavoidable necessity. His main reason for working is to have enough money to support himself and his life outside of work. If David won the lottery, he would stop working and enjoy life. He lives for the weekends and is annoyed when his work intrudes on his personal life. He does not like to talk about work with others and most of his social relationships are not connected to work. David doesn't have very much control over his work life and would probably choose to do something else if given the opportunity.

How well does this paragraph describe you?","surveys.purpose-360.title":"Purpose 360","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.1":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.10":"I would rather...","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107":"As of today, about how long have you been working for {{member.organizationname}}?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.158":"Less than 1 year","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.159":"1 year","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.160":"2 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.161":"3 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.162":"4 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.163":"5 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.164":"6-10 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.107.options.165":"More than 10 years","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108":"Which of the following best captures your gender identity?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108.options.166":"Female","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108.options.167":"Male","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108.options.168":"Non-binary","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108.options.169":"Prefer to self-identify","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.108.options.170":"Prefer not to say","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109":"Which of the following best captures your racial or ethnic identity?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.171":"Asian Indian","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.172":"Black or African descent","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.173":"East or Southeast Asian","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.174":"Indigenous American","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.175":"Latinx or Hispanic","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.176":"Middle Eastern or North African","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.177":"White or Caucasian","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.178":"Mixed or multiple races","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.179":"Not listed, prefer to self-identify","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.109.options.180":"Prefer not to say","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.10.options.22":"See my policies succeed","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.10.options.23":"Put a smile on someone's face","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.11":"Which activity appeals to you the most in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110":"Which of the following best describes your function?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.181":"accounting","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.182":"administrative","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.183":"arts-and-design","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.184":"business-development","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.185":"community-and-social-services","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.186":"consulting","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.187":"education","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.188":"engineering","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.189":"entrepreneurship","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.190":"finance","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.191":"healthcare-services","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.192":"human-resources","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.193":"information-technology","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.194":"legal","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.195":"marketing","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.196":"media-and-communication","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.197":"military-and-protective-services","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.198":"operations","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.199":"product-management","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.200":"program-and-project-management","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.201":"purchasing","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.202":"quality-assurance","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.203":"real-estate","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.204":"research","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.205":"sales","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.206":"support","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.110.options.221":"Other","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111":"Which of the following best describes your industry?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.207":"government-education-non-profit","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.208":"media-and-entertainment","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.209":"professional-services","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.210":"healthcare-and-pharmaceutical","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.211":"staffing","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.212":"technology-software","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.213":"technology-hardware","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.214":"telecommunications","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.215":"aero-auto-transport","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.216":"financial-services-and-insurance","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.217":"architecture-and-engineering","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.218":"manufacturing-industrial","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.219":"retail-and-consumer-products","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.111.options.220":"oil-and-energy","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.112":"Which 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of the following best describes your Boston Scientific location?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.476":"Alpharetta GA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.477":"Arden Hills MN","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.478":"Argentina","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.479":"Australia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.480":"Austria","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.481":"Belgium","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.482":"Brazil","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.483":"Burlington MA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.484":"Cambridge MA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.485":"CAN - Mississauga","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.486":"CAN - Montreal","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.487":"CAN - Ottawa","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.488":"Carlsbad CA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.489":"Chile","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.490":"China","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.491":"CHN - Beijing","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.492":"CHN - Dalian","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.493":"CHN - Guangzhou","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.494":"CHN - HC Tech","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.495":"CHN - MT","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.496":"CHN - Shanghai","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.497":"Colombia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.498":"Costa Rica","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.499":"CR - Heredia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.500":"CR - Coyol","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.501":"CR - Cartago","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.502":"Coventry - RI","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.503":"CRM Belgium Clearing Ctr","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.504":"Czech Republic","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.505":"Denmark","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.506":"Dorado Puerto Rico","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.507":"Dubai","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.508":"European Center of Operations","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.509":"European Headquarters","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.510":"Finland","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.511":"France","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.512":"Fremont CA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.513":"Germany","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.514":"Greece","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.515":"Hong Kong","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.516":"India","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.517":"India - Pune","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.518":"Indonesia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.519":"IRL - Cork","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.520":"IRL - Galway","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.521":"IRL--Clonmel","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.522":"Israel","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.523":"Italy","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.524":"Japan","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.525":"JPN - Hiroshima","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.526":"JPN - Kanazawa","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.527":"JPN - Kitakanto","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.528":"JPN - Miyazaki","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.529":"JPN - Nagoya","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.530":"JPN - Sapporo","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.531":"JPN - Sendai","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.532":"JPN - Tokyo","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.533":"Kazakhstan","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.534":"Korea","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.535":"Lebanon","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.536":"Los Gatos CA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.537":"Malaysia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.538":"Malaysia Penang","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.539":"Maple Grove MN","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.540":"Marlborough MA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.541":"Menlo Park CA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.542":"Mexico","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.543":"Minnetonka MN","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.544":"Nederland BV","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.545":"New Zealand","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.546":"Norway","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.547":"Osaka Branch","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.548":"Pakistan","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.549":"Peru","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.550":"Philippines","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.551":"Poland","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.552":"Portugal","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.553":"Puerto Rico","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.554":"Quincy","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.555":"Remote/Field","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.556":"Romania","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.557":"Russia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.558":"San JoseCA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.559":"Saudia Arabia","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.560":"Singapore","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.561":"S. Africa","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.562":"Spain","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.563":"Spencer IN","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.564":"Sweden","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.565":"Switzerland","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.566":"Taiwan","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.567":"Texas","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.568":"Thailand","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.569":"Turkey","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.570":"United Arab Emirates","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.571":"UK","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.572":"Valencia CA","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.573":"Vietnam","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.114.options.574":"Weston FL","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.115":"Which part of the organization are you affiliated with?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.115.options.575":"WebMD","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.115.options.576":"Limeade","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116":"Which UC Campus or Institution do you work for?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.577":"LBNL – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.578":"UC ANR - Agriculture and Natural Resources","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.579":"UCB - Berkeley","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.580":"UCD - Davis","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.581":"UCD HC - Davis Health Center","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.582":"UCI – Irvine","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.583":"UCI Health – Irvine Health Center","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.584":"UCLA – Los Angeles","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.585":"UCLA HC – Los Angeles Health Center","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.586":"UCM – Merced","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.587":"UCOP - Office of the President","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.588":"UCR – Riverside","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.589":"UCSB – Santa Barbara","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.590":"UCSC – Santa Cruz","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.591":"UCSD – San Diego","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.592":"UCSD HC – San Diego Health Center","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.593":"UCSF – San Francisco","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.594":"UCSF HC - San Francisco Health Center","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.116.options.595":"Other","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.117":"Is your position classified as ‘Represented’ or ‘Non-Represented’?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.117.options.596":"Non-Represented","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.117.options.597":"Represented","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.117.options.598":"Prefer not to answer","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.11.options.24":"Discovering new insights","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.11.options.25":"Defining the problem or objective","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.11.options.26":"Enabling people to be successful","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.11.options.27":"Brainstorming to come up with solutions","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.13":"How do you prefer to influence others?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.13.options.30":"By inspiring and motivating them","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.13.options.31":"By empathizing with them","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.13.options.32":"By being intellectually rigorous","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.13.options.33":"By setting an ideal example","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.15":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.15.options.35":"Working with someone to improve their situation","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.15.options.36":"Driving broader economic growth and progress","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.17":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.17.options.41":"Driving broader economic growth and progress","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.17.options.42":"Supporting an organization's growth","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.18":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.18.options.43":"Putting a smile on someone's face","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.18.options.44":"Helping an organization thrive","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.1.options.1":"Creating a cultural shift in society","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.1.options.2":"Being the go-to person for an individual","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.2":"What motivates you the most in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.20":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.20.options.46":"Creating a cultural shift in society","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.20.options.47":"Reaching crucial goals for an organization","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.21":"If you had to choose, which task would you prefer to perform for a project?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.21.options.48":"Assessing the strategies of an organization","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.21.options.49":"Assessing the behaviors of a particular person","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.22":"Which activity would you prefer to take on in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.22.options.50":"Improving incentives","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.22.options.51":"Directly influencing people's behavior","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.22.options.52":"Creating opportunities","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.22.options.53":"Building expertise and intelligence","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.23":"If you had to choose, which task would you prefer to perform for a project?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.23.options.54":"Assessing the strategies of an organization","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.23.options.55":"Assessing broader social trends","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.25":"Please select the phrase that you most identify with:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.25.options.60":"I get the most energy working to impact broader systems that affect people generally","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.25.options.61":"I get the most energy working to impact people directly","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.27":"Please select the phrase that you most identify with:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.27.options.63":"I get the most energy working to impact a single system that supports people","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.27.options.64":"I get the most energy working to impact broader systems that affect people generally","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.28":"If you had to choose, which task would you prefer to perform for a project?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.28.options.65":"Assessing broader social trends","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.28.options.66":"Assessing the behaviors of a particular person","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.29":"Please select the phrase that you most identify with:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.29.options.67":"I get the most energy working to impact people directly","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.29.options.68":"I get the most energy working to impact a single system that supports people","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.2.options.3":"Advancing standards of excellence","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.2.options.4":"Addressing the needs of individuals","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.2.options.5":"Expanding unbiased knowledge","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.2.options.6":"Empowering groups of people","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.3":"I would rather...","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.38":"Which statement do you identify with the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.38.options.81":"Success means improving people's personal experiences","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.38.options.82":"Success means improving understanding and theory","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.38.options.83":"Success means improving the ways people work with and engage each other","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.38.options.84":"Success means improving the structures and processes that affect people","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.39":"Which experience excites you the most?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.39.options.85":"Helping an organization become world-class","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.39.options.86":"Seeing my policies succeed","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.3.options.7":"Be the go-to person for an individual","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.3.options.8":"Reach crucial goals for an organization","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.40":"Which activity appeals to you the most in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.40.options.87":"Creating people-centered solutions","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.40.options.88":"Producing outputs that can be repeated","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.40.options.89":"Investigating and researching","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.40.options.90":"Connecting with participants at all levels","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.42":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.42.options.93":"We have a responsibility to help those who are struggling.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.43":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.43.options.94":"Competition brings out the best in everyone.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.44":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.44.options.95":"The market ensures compensation is fair.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.45":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.45.options.96":"Success is possible for anyone who works hard enough.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.46":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.46.options.97":"People's financial success depends on their natural abilities.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.47":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.47.options.98":"The most qualified candidate should always get the job.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.48":"Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statement:","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.48.options.99":"Hard work and determination alone are no guarantee of success for most people.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.49":"Please indicate which of the following statements you most agree with?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.49.options.100":"Competition brings out the best in everyone.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.49.options.101":"Competition brings out the worst in everyone.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.6":"Which activity would you prefer to take on in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.6.options.11":"Extracting lessons in order to apply them in other scenarios","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.6.options.12":"Experimenting to gain a better understanding of a situation","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.6.options.13":"Observing the actions of individuals","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.6.options.14":"Advocating on behalf of communities","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.8":"I would rather...","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.8.options.16":"Work with someone to help them solve a problem.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.8.options.17":"Support an organization's expansion","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.9":"Which activity would you prefer to take on in your work?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.9.options.18":"Creating deeper relationships and connections","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.9.options.19":"Creating improved tools and processes","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.9.options.20":"Creating better environments and experiences","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.9.options.21":"Creating new knowledge and truths","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas":"Which of these areas would you like to strengthen or expand within your relationships?","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.collaborate":"People who collaborate with me on day-to-day work.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.diversify":"People who bring different perspectives.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.energize":"People who provide personal support.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.none":"None of the above","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.problem_solve":"People who help me solve problems and explore new ideas.","surveys.purpose-assessment.questions.relationshipareas.options.purpose":"People who add a sense of purpose to my work. ","surveys.purpose-assessment.title":"Purpose Assessment","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.100":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.100.options.151":"If something is worth starting, I'm going to finish it.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.101":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.101.options.152":"It takes a while for me to get to know new people.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.102":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.102.options.153":"I express an opinion even if it is likely to be unpopular.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.103":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.103.options.154":"My sense of accomplishment is directly tied to the results I produce.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.104":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.104.options.155":"I find myself thinking a lot about work even when I'm not there.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.105":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.105.options.156":"I like to wrap up a project before starting something new.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.106":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.106.options.157":"I am not the right person for every job.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.69":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.69.options.120":"I immediately trust new people.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.70":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.70.options.121":"I experience the world as deeply interconnected.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.71":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.71.options.122":"Other people often help me clarify my thoughts.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.72":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.72.options.123":"I would choose my current work life again if given the opportunity.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.73":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.73.options.124":"If I were financially secure, I would continue with my current line of work even if I was no longer paid.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.74":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.74.options.125":"I have had a lot of good fortune in my life.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.75":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.75.options.126":"Other people bring out the best in me.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.76":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.76.options.127":"I need to understand other people's side of an issue before making a decision.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.77":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.77.options.128":"I prefer to find new and creative ways to do things.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.78":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.78.options.129":"It is easy for me to let go of things.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.79":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.79.options.130":"I am never happy coming in second.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.80":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.80.options.131":"I have a clear plan for my career.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.81":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.81.options.132":"I am careful about who I trust.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.82":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.82.options.133":"I am realistic about the future.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.83":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.83.options.134":"I often feel responsible for other's feelings.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.84":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.84.options.135":"I believe I could do almost any job, so long as I put my mind to it.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.85":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.85.options.136":"I think best when I think on my own.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.86":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.86.options.137":"I am hardly ever surprised.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.87":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.87.options.138":"I can tell if I'm doing a good job even if I don't receive external feedback.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.88":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.88.options.139":"Most of the work at my previous jobs has not been rewarding.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.89":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.89.options.140":"I see the connections between different parts of my life.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.90":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.90.options.141":"People are always making me laugh.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.91":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.91.options.142":"If I was financially secure I would continue with my current line of work even if I was no longer paid.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.92":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.92.options.143":"On the whole I've found my work at my previous jobs rewarding.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.93":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.93.options.144":"I can't be responsible for other people's feelings.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.94":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.94.options.145":"I take the time to visualize success before I tackle problems.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.95":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.95.options.146":"I seek out a good challenge any chance I can get.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.96":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.96.options.147":"It is easy for me to let go of things.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.97":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.97.options.148":"I find it easy to be hopeful about the future.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.98":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.98.options.149":"I am a serious person.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.99":"Please rate how well the following describes you.","surveys.purpose-screener.questions.99.options.150":"I need to understand many perspectives before making a decision.","surveys.purpose-screener.title":"Work Orientation","teams.dependability":"Dependability","teams.dependability.descriptions.green":"Your team is built for dependability based on a good mix of team members with drivers that innately prioritize deadlines and insist on quality. Make the most of those strengths and the team will be rewarded with greater levels of fulfillment!","teams.dependability.descriptions.red-how":"The lack of diversity within your \"HOW\" drivers can cause blind spots or biases in finding the best way to get things done. Seek consultation from people who have the missing \"HOW\" driver/s that the team lacks, and define \"excellence\" for the team based on the drivers with the strongest signal.","teams.dependability.descriptions.red-representation":"Due to extremely low representation of drivers that innately push for deadlines and have a sense of urgency on impacting the organization, your team will likely have difficulty getting things done quickly and dependably.","teams.dependability.descriptions.yellow-distribution":"Due to somewhat low representation of certain drivers related to dependability within organizations, your team should put extra effort into making sure you are dependable.","teams.dependability.descriptions.yellow-how":"The lack of the full spectrum of \"HOW\" drivers can cause blind spots in how your team solves problems. Seek consultation from those who have the missing \"HOW\" driver/s.","teams.dependability.descriptions.yellow-representation":"Due to somewhat low representation of certain drivers related to dependability within organizations, your team should put extra effort into making sure you are dependable.","teams.impact-of-work":"Impact of Work","teams.impact-of-work.descriptions.green":"Most of you share the same \"WHO\" driver, which means you naturally share a view on who your work impacts! Making use of this natural state ensures the team feels fulfilled. Optimize by orienting goals or creating a team identity around your \"WHO\" driver!","teams.impact-of-work.descriptions.red":"Unless you create team goals to unify the team around a potential impact, your team will struggle to rally through challenges and keep impact top of mind due to the diversity of \"WHO\" drivers. Developing a shared sense of purpose, and orienting team goals and milestones will help the team identify their impact!","teams.impact-of-work.descriptions.yellow":"Your team may struggle to feel cohesive because of diverse orientation on who the work should impact. There is some alignment, but it will take some effort to pull the group together around common goals.","teams.meaning-of-work":"Meaning of Work","teams.meaning-of-work.descriptions.green-harmony-meaning":"Your team is heavily driven towards inclusive practices, which creates an environment supporting a diverse approach to craft within the team. You recognize the importance of helping each other solve problems, and feel fulfilment when you see your teammates succeed!","teams.meaning-of-work.descriptions.green-how-meaning":"Since most of you share the same \"HOW\" driver, you will likely find it easy to bond over your craft and learn new techniques from each other. Celebrate a job well done in process and execution!","teams.meaning-of-work.descriptions.red-meaning":"Your team heavily values hard work, which when over-emphasized can steamroll inclusivity, creating an atmosphere where getting the job done and moving on is more important than individual team members feeling their work is fulfilling. Challenge each other to see your work as a craft and hack your jobs for purpose.","teams.meaning-of-work.descriptions.yellow-meaning":"Your team likely ebbs and flows between \"doing what’s right\" and \"getting things done.\" This can cause tension, especially if diverse approaches to craft are not valued. can help each team member find purpose in the way that is meaningful to each member by job hacking your craft.","teams.psychological-safety":"Psychological Safety","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.green":"Your team members has a good amount of people who innately prioritize psychological security (those with Individual, Harmony, Human, and Community drivers). With very little extra effort, your team has an environment that makes it safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other.","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.red-drivers-distribution":"Due to significantly low signal in drivers that innately prioritize psychological security, consider putting significant effort into ensuring team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other.","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.red-drivers-representation":"Due to extremely low representation of drivers that innately prioritize psychological security, your team likely needs to put significant effort into ensuring team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other. Keep this topic on the agenda of team meetings and take time to create and review team norms to clarify expectations between team members.","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.saved-from-red":"Your team may lack high representation of drivers that innately prioritize psychological security, but your team’s high degree of shared drivers keeps you from being in the red. Some effort and attention is likely needed to ensure team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable.","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.yellow-drivers-distribution":"Due to significantly low signal in drivers that innately prioritize psychological security, consider putting significant effort into ensuring team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other.","teams.psychological-safety.descriptions.yellow-drivers-representation":"Due to a somewhat low representation of drivers that innately prioritize psychological security, consider putting some effort into ensuring team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other. Check in with team members from time-to-time, especially during high stress times of the year/annual cycle.","teams.structure-and-clarity":"Structure and Clarity","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.green":"Much of your team has an innate ability to create structure and clarity! Hopefully you have made use of this tendency and experience smooth sailing via clear roles, processes, and consequences.","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.red-big-picture":"Because your team has a large amount of \"big picture\" thinkers, it likely takes a significant amount of effort to create structure and clarity within the team regarding roles, processes and consequences. Seek consultation from those who are strong in this to keep your team high performing!","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.red-distribution":"Due to a low representation of drivers related to structure and clarity, it is highly unlikely that your team emphasizes role clarity, agreed processes, or clear consequences. Seek consultation with people who have skills in this area to keep your team effective!","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.red-representation":"It is highly unlikely that your team innately prioritizes clarity of job roles, agreed processes, or clear consequences. Seek consultation with people who have skills in this area to keep your team out of the red-zone!","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.yellow-big-picture":"Your team drivers indicate slight lean towards the \"big picture\", but with a little effort to create structure and clarity regarding team roles, processes and consequences, using those in the team who are strong in this area, your team will stay effective!","teams.structure-and-clarity.descriptions.yellow-representation":"Your team probably doesn't spend enough time on defining job roles, agreed processes, or clear consequences. Encourage team members with skills in this type of work to take the lead, ensuring your team has the structure and clarity needed to be effective!"}